Theories of Knowledge Main Ideas in Plato & Socrates Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

Theories of Knowledge Main Ideas in Plato & Socrates Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help. Theories of Knowledge Main Ideas in Plato & Socrates Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help.

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Answer each question in 8 to 12 sentences.

Put things in your own words unless the question asks for a direct quote. For required quotes, draw quotes from the original course readings, not the introductions before readings in the iBook, the course videos and notes, or any other outside sources.

  1. Which stage of Plato’s allegory of the cave do you think best corresponds to most people in modern society? Why? (There isn’t one right answer, but back up your view with specific details from the allegory and from how people pursue and approach belief today.)
  2. Summarize Paine’s argument against belief in revelation as passed on within a religion. Then, describe how Cooper might respond to this argument given her definition and account of religious faith. Give and explain a direct quote from each reading, putting quotes in quotation marks and using the in-text citations (Paine, 1794/2020, p. __) and (Cooper, 1892/2020, p. ___).
  3. According to Deloria, what characterizes traditional Native American views of knowledge, and how are these views challenged today? As part of your answer, include a direct quote from the reading, putting it in quotation marks and using the in-text citation (Deloria, 1999, p. __). Also, sketch your own creative proposal for how people might recover and employ traditional Native American views of knowledge in some way today.

Theories of Knowledge Main Ideas in Plato & Socrates Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

N 490 Aspen University Module 1 Issues and Trends in Professional Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Welcome to Module 1!

Heidi Haldeman posted on Oct 12, 2020 5:01 PM

Welcome to Module 1

Module 1 Discussion Question: Answer the following questions honestly – this is safe space to reflect and learn about topics we cover! Some students like to type their discussion post first in a Word document to check grammar, spelling and word count. Then they copy and paste it into the textbox. If you do this, you will need to use ‘ctrl v’ to paste it.

  • Discuss the current public image of nursing and how events in history have formed that image.

Initial post is due on Thursday, Replies are due on Sunday. To be successful on the board:

  • Meet the word requirement fully for all required posts. The minimum word count for your initial post is 400. Two replies must be 200 minimum for each one. Any initial post less than 400 words and any reply less than 200 will be docked points. Word count does not include the references at the bottom – most students miss points here by counting the references in their word count.
  • All questions posed are answered fully in detail. Spelling and grammar are without errors.
  • Two replies are insightful, educational and relevant to the learning experience.
  • The directions state to use at least one scholarly source other than the textbook (or given materials) and cite in text in APA and reference in APA at the bottom.
  • Correct APA is required in citations and references. All citations must have a reference and all references must be cited in the text.

Module 1 Assignment: Due Monday. This first week’s assignment is an APA paper of 1000 words with a required 3 sources used throughout the paper – cited and referenced correctly in APA. Rubric is for an APA Essay found in the Assignment Upload link in the lower right corner– please review. This week we talk about Building the Profession of Nursing:

  • First, explore the history of nursing and choose two events/topics from history related to nursing (ie education, practices, important people, etc.) and explain each one in detail and why they are important to the nursing profession.
  • Next, research two professional nursing organizations and discuss the following for each organization chosen:
    • The name of the organization and why this organization is important to nursing
    • What resources they provide to members
    • Cost of membership and how many members are part of the organization
    • Current issues the organization is working on
    • Finally, after researching this question answer in detail: Why are Professional Organizations in general important to nursing as a profession?

ANYTIME YOU COMPLETE A PAPER/ESSAY in this course you must follow the APA rules. Use these requirements to attain full credit regardless if they are all listed out in the directions within the course.

  • Set paper with 1-inch margins all around. Spacing ‘before’ and ‘after’ set at 0. Entire document including reference list and running is double spaced, Times New Roman, font 12 with all paragraphs indented on the first line by 1/2 inch.
  • One title page with APA running heads and page numbers and the title, your name, school, professor’s name and credentials, date. Video for running head directions
  • There is NO ABSTRACT in papers for this course. At the top of page 2 you will repeat the title of your assignment (not in bold, but centered) and then write a brief introduction paragraph of the ENTIRE paper (main sections should be mentioned; THIS INCLUDES ANY TOPICS FOR CASE STUDY SECTIONS).
  • Intro is followed by a Level 1 subheading (bold and centered) for the first half of the assignment. This week it’s Nursing Past Related to Current Profession. Any question/point you are addressing under this heading should be marked clearly with Level 2 subheading which are bolded and flush left.
  • Immediately after the first section above without any spaces, you will also use another Level 1 subheading (bold and centered) prior to the second half of the assignment which is the case study. This week it’s Professional Nursing Organizations. Again, differentiate which question/point you are answering by using a Level 2 subheading (bold and at the left margin).
  • After both sections are discussed at length – there will be ONE Conclusion – needed for all papers as the last Level 1 subheading bold and centered that summarizes the entire paper/knowledge gained
  • There will be ONE alphabetized reference page for all sources set “hanging” with references in APA format. All citations need a reference!
  • All references listed are cited correctly in APA format in the text! Points are docked for incorrect citations and not meeting the source requirement!
  • Should use 3rd person the majority of the time but it is OK to use 1st person when describing a personal experience related to a specific question.

Have a great week!

Professor Haldeman (Heidi)




Discuss the current public image of nursing and how events in history have formed that image.

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be at least 200 words in length.

DQ1 UMBO – 3
DQ1 PLG – 1
DQ1 CLO – 1



Discussion and Assignments: Please pay attention to the following requirements to not lose points:

  • Number of words required
  • Number of references required, when applicable
  • Number of replies required to your classmates (for discussions)

A note on your APA assignments:

  • Every paper needs a title page
  • Every paper needs a reference page started on its own page, in hanging paragraph format
  • Every paper needs to be written in APA format, remembering these basics:
    • 1 inch margins
    • Double-spaced
    • References in APA format and proper in-text citations
  • When in doubt, combine assignments into one paper with one title page and one reference page.
  • For my classes I do not require a table of contents or an abstract.

A note on your APA PowerPoints:

  • The title slide needs your name and credentials, the class, the date, the title, and my name: Just like the title page of a paper.
  • The reference list and the citations in the presentation need to be match up, just like in a paper. This is done by putting the citation on the slide where it is used, on the bottom right of the slide, in parenthesis.
  • The reference list needs to be in APA format: Either in hanging paragraph format or with bullet points.
  • Graphics are allowed, but a slide with a graphic will NOT count towards your slide count.
  • MULTIMEDIA are required, and worth 30 points of your PowerPoint.
  • IMPORTANT! The content needs to be substantial. No, you should not overwhelm a slide with words, but spreading out a list of 4 bullet points to 4 different slides in not acceptable either.

Due dates

Initial postings to the discussion boards are due on Thursday at midnight pacific time. Responses to classmates for both discussions are due on Sunday at midnight pacific time. Assignments are due Monday at midnight pacific time. New modules will open every Tuesday.


MGT 521 Saudi Electronic University Module 6 Organizational Change Question Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Two principle impediments to effective and lasting organizational change are structures and systems within the organization. In other words, for change to become a part of an organization, managers often must change the formal and informal structures of an organization to better support the change initiative.

For this Discussion Question, find an organization in Saudi Arabia that completed a change within their organization during the last three years. Discuss how they changed or modified their formal and informal structures and systems to ensure the intended change became a part of the organization’s culture. Then discuss how the organization used structures and systems to deal with the uncertainty and complexity in the environment? Was this an appropriate response?

How could the existing structures and systems have been approached and used differently to advance the desired change? How did existing structures and systems affect the ability of the change leader to bring about the desired change?

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with two scholarly peer-reviewed references in supporting your answer. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references.

You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.





Parsons School of Design Analysis of Research Infrastructures Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The Oxford Dictionaries, in a simplistic way, defines infrastructure as, “The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise”. In the United States, the subject of infrastructure appears at all levels, be it federal, state and local. The subject has become political in nature and discussed daily in the news. The consensus appears to be that the current status of our infrastructure on most fronts is poor, in addition to being outdated and in need of significant improvement. Politicians, as well as the general public seem to confirm its importance, however, to what magnitude and price they are willing to pay for it is debatable. In many places, it will most likely find its whereabouts on the ballots in upcoming and future elections. Globally, infrastructure is also a criterion used to analyze countries and cities, as well as becoming a measure of comparison among them.

Identify and explain which forms of infrastructure you believe will bear the most credence in order for a country or city to compete globally, thereby making them desirable targets for international investment. Please no less than 200 words。


Drone Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology & Supercomputer Technology Case Study Writing Assignment Help

The report should be no more than 3,000 words in the body of the report or roughly 10 pages. This means that if you have done more work than can be included in 3000 words you should include the work in Appendices (which will not count towards 10 pages or 3,000 words).

  • You must experience and learn about successfully managing innovation by closely examining a major innovator
  • You will choose a company to establish this question: What will it take for the innovator (i.e. the company) to best manage the innovation? You will choose an innovator from the following countries: China: DJI Science and Technologies
  • You will not study innovation broadly defined, including topics like ‘green innovation’, ‘lean start-up’ or ‘value chain innovation’. Rather you will study a focal innovation by a focal innovator.
  • You must identify what it will take for the focal innovator to be successful in the future; and this would involve consideration of what has made it successful and what will make it successful. We will provide you with specific guidelines and examples for the outline of the group project under separate cover that will be on Moodle.
  • You must substantiate your arguments with evidence that is relevant to the prospective success of the innovation. You will use the governing idea (see Barbara Minto’s book, the Pyramid Principle) to state your case and you will use the Business Model Canvas (by Strategyzer) to organize your arguments



SPAN 1 Allen County Community College South America Spanish Question Foreign Languages Assignment Help

Select the correct interrogative word (qué, cuál, cuáles, dónde, cómo, cuántos). Then, select the correct answer to each question.

© 2019 Difusión, Centro de Investigación y Publicaciones de Idiomas

¿ DóndeCuálCómoCuálesCuántosQué es el clima de Bolivia?
Es distinto en cada región: húmedo y tropical o frío y semiárido.En América del Sur. Tiene frontera con Perú, Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina y Chile.El chicha. Es una bebida alcohólica de maíz.El español, el aymara y el quechua.Más de 8 millones.Es un tipo de sopa.
¿ CuántosCuálesCómoQuéCuálDónde es el ajiaco?
En América del Sur. Tiene frontera con Perú, Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina y Chile.Más de 8 millones.El español, el aymara y el quechua.Es distinto en cada región: húmedo y tropical o frío y semiárido.El chicha. Es una bebida alcohólica de maíz.Es un tipo de sopa.
¿ CuántosCuálesCómoCuálQuéDónde es la bebida típica de Bolivia?
Es distinto en cada región: húmedo y tropical o frío y semiárido.Más de 8 millones.En América del Sur. Tiene frontera con Perú, Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina y Chile.Es un tipo de sopa.El español, el aymara y el quechua.El chicha. Es una bebida alcohólica de maíz.
¿ CuálCómoDóndeQuéCuántosCuáles son las lenguas oficiales de Bolivia?
En América del Sur. Tiene frontera con Perú, Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina y Chile.Más de 8 millones.Es un tipo de sopa.El español, el aymara y el quechua.Es distinto en cada región: húmedo y tropical o frío y semiárido.El chicha. Es una bebida alcohólica de maíz.
¿ CuálesQuéDóndeCómoCuántosCuál habitantes tiene el país?
El español, el aymara y el quechua.Es distinto en cada región: húmedo y tropical o frío y semiárido.El chicha. Es una bebida alcohólica de maíz.Más de 8 millones.Es un tipo de sopa.En América del Sur. Tiene frontera con Perú, Brasil, Paraguay, Argentina y Chile.
¿ CuálesDóndeCuántosQuéCuálCómo está Bolivia?

Select the correct interrogative word: qué, cuál or cuáles. Then select the correct answer to each question.

© 2019 Difusión, Centro de Investigación y Publicaciones de Idiomas

¿ QuéCuálesCuál es la bachata?
El Salvador.El café y el tabaco.Es un tipo de música originario de la República Dominicana.El Amazonas.Es un estilo de música típico español.
¿ QuéCuálCuáles son los productos típicos de Cuba?
El Amazonas.El Salvador.Es un estilo de música típico español.Es un tipo de música originario de la República Dominicana.El café y el tabaco.
¿ CuálesQuéCuál es el flamenco?
El Salvador.Es un estilo de música típico español.El Amazonas.El café y el tabaco.Es un tipo de música originario de la República Dominicana.
¿ QuéCuálesCuál es el país más pequeño de América Central?
Es un tipo de música originario de la República Dominicana.El Amazonas.El Salvador.Es un estilo de música típico español.El café y el tabaco.
¿ QuéCuálesCuál es el río más largo de América del Sur?
El Amazonas.Es un tipo de música originario de la República Dominicana.Es un estilo de música típico español.El Salvador.El café y el tabaco.

SPAN 1 Allen County Community College South America Spanish Question Foreign Languages Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 311 SEU Describe Operation Process of The Production System Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Management exercise and need support to help me understand better.

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Students
    are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced
    for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover
  • Students
    must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid
    plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or
    other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No
  • All
    answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.
    No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered


HCM 673 Concepts of Healthcare Marketing & Medical Attention Essay Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Description

You have been hired as an outside consultant for a large durable medical equipment and medical supply company. The company specializes in a wide range of medical supplies and equipment. Some of its most profitable offerings include hospital bed rental to private residents, wheelchairs, walkers, scooters, and other mobility equipment. However, the company has come to realize that competition is increasing and its market share is shrinking. The company noted that most of its customers are new customers, and very few are repeat customers. The company is concerned with customer loyalty. The medical supply company owner has asked you to develop a plan to improve customer loyalty.

Complete the following:

  • Create a plan of 3-4 pages, not including title page and reference page that includes the following:
    • Describe and critically analyze at least 5 contemporary best practices to improve customer loyalty in a health care organization.
    • Be sure to discuss the (multiple) benefits that loyal, repeat customers offer to health care organizations.
    • Develop and defend at least 4 recommendations for the medical supply company based on your research on how to improve customer loyalty. Include a brief overview of how each recommendation would be implemented at the company.
  • The use of APA Style and at least 3 scholarly references published within the last 5 years is required.


SMC University Agbabi and Chaucer Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1.Read Chaucer, “The Wife of Bath” – Prologue and Tale (1387-1400).

Available at either of the following sources:

    Prologue and Tale

Of the “Prologue,” read ONLY lines 1-36; lines 72-122; lines 231-419. Skim 242-385; and 510-834. Read the entire “Tale.”

2. Read Patience Agbabi “Prologue (Grime Mix)” and “What do Women Like Bes Mrs. Alice Ebi Bafa (The Wife of Bath,s Tale)” In Agbabi. Telling Tales. Edinburgh/London: Canongate, 2015. 1-2 and 31-37.

Watch Agbabi perform “Prologue”

3. In her “Prologue (Grime Mix)” to her Telling Tales, Patience Agbabi writes that “Chaucer Tales were an unfinished business” and that what she has to offer is those “Tales, track by track…the remix” (3). In a post that is 150 words long max., comment on how Agbabi “finishes” Chaucer’s “Wife of Bath” (“Prologue” or the “Tale” itself or both!), if she does. That is, is what she “does to Chaucer” something that will “finish him off,” shut him down, complete him, or not? In your post, you MUST COMPARE at least one (1) specific line or moment in the two texts to illustrate your point. Don’t just juxtapose the two texts and say they are different (or the same), however. Make an argument about what Agbabi’s “remix” “does to” Chaucer! (You can also refer to the YouTube videos of Agbabi perform “Prologue” if you want!)


Fullerton College Musical Subcultures Straight Edge Essay Writing Assignment Help

please don’t use high-level words, grammar, etc. Because my previous composition is average, I’m afraid the teacher will find out. just keep it simple and in good essay structures. thank you !

Musical Subcultures

This week, we will get into our next unit, which is musical subcultures. You will be reading about various subcultures of the music scene over the last few decades and then thinking about what value these subcultures bring to the people who associate themselves with these (musical) subcultures. For the next writing assignment, you will be investigating a musical subculture and explaining the values that the specific subculture provides for its followers.

So, there will be two sides to this:

  1. Describing the musical subculture – what is it? What is its history?
  2. A value or set of values that the subculture provides, to the (subculture) group and to the mainstream. This values side of the writing assignment is, in some ways, embedded in the subculture and not explicit. In other words, the articles you read may not say what values the subculture brings to its followers; it is up to you to brainstorm the potential values, choose a few and make the case that the musical subculture provides those values to its followers.


For this unit, we will be reading a few articles on musical subcultures and on values or benefits they could provide to the people who belong to the subculture and to the mainstream culture. You will want to pay close attention to the main points of each article and how they can connect to each other.

These are two article what I choose, in the essay you should use quote from these two article.

Article 1:

MCCLELLAND, SUSAN. “Straight, but with an Edge: A philosophy born of punk rock has some young adults choosing to live without sex, booze and drugs.” Maclean’s, 17 May 1999, p. 32. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

Accessed 11 Oct. 2020.

Article 2:

Bartlett, Thomas. “Studying Rock’s Clean, Mean Movement.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 53, no. 6, 29 Sept. 2006. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints,

Accessed 11 Oct. 2020.

Essay Prompt

For this essay, you may use the readings assigned in this unit. However, you will put your research training into practice with this essay and include research from a secondary/outside source (that you find from the academic database, like EBSCO or JSTOR). Choose a musical subculture and write about it in this essay:

What is the musical subculture—how is it defined? What value might this group provide for people who belong to it? What value might this group provide for the larger, mainstream culture it belongs to?

The kind of musical subculture I choose is the picture that about “Minor Threat Straight Edge”

Writing Goals

A clear and specific thesis statement as the last sentence of the introduction paragraph that responds to the prompt question(s).

Multiple body paragraphs that are logically organized and related to the thesis statement.

Body paragraphs that each focus on a subtopic relates to the thesis; the subtopic is clear

in each body paragraph’s topic sentence. The topic sentence should be point-driven in


Body paragraphs that offer thoughtful and detailed support for the thesis or topic sentence

that includes ideas from the readings (in quotes, paraphrases, or summaries), research,

and personal observations or experiences.

Incorporate research from at least one secondary/outside source. You may do more if you

wish, or if it helps you develop a longer essay to meet the word requirement, but you

should not have more than three secondary/outside sources.

You may incorporate information from the readings if you wish and if it helps the essay

(by supporting points that you make). These sources do not count as secondary/outside

sources, however.

A carefully proofread final draft that is generally free from distracting and confusing

sentence-level errors and correctly cites the readings you have used.

1200 words minimum, including a properly formatted Works Cited page and following all conventions of MLA document design and documentation


Theories of Knowledge Main Ideas in Plato & Socrates Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

Theories of Knowledge Main Ideas in Plato & Socrates Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

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