this is a macro economics homework, have 4 big questions Assignment Help. this is a macro economics homework, have 4 big questions Assignment Help.
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i need this homework for at least 93% correct. NOTE: ●Responses to numerical questions must show all work in context of the question & distinguish final answer — show work only in a contiguous manner. A correct final figure without supporting steps is worth only 25% of total points for the question.
- Be sure to state proper numerical format and/or scale (e.g., $, €, %, millions, significant figures, etc….)
- Always round your numbers only at the end! Use significant figures suitable for addressing issue at hand.
●Any typed responses are expected to have: proper grammar, complete sentences, well-structured paragraphs, citations where appropriate, suitable format/margins/style (MLA), 12 pt. font and employ the services of a spell this home work, i need at least 90% correct to pass this homework.
●Do not include extraneous information.
●Evaluation is based on the quality and completeness of your responses. Keep your answers in numerical order. Do not submit multiple answers for the same question. Do not separate a given question into different places—only contiguous responses will be graded.
this is a macro economics homework, have 4 big questions Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Thinking Versus Critical Thinking Paper Writing Assignment Help
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explain your thought process while completing the You Make the Call: Discretion in Criminal Justice Police Patrol simulation. Include the following in your paper:
- Describe the thinking and critical thinking skills you used to make decisions during the simulation.
- Describe ways in which you think you can improve your personal thought processes.
- Explain how critical thinking skills are used by police officers, as well as how professional and personal barriers may affect the use of critical thinking skills by police officers.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
MOVIE selection : black hawk down, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Now Showing – Is a feature of this course that encourages you to view any or all of the film choices each week. You are required to select two films from the entire film library in the course, and answer the two Reflect questions on TWO films presented in the course @ 30 points each review.
- Review the information about Now Showing and answering the Reflect questions below by going to Course Documents > Now Showing > Now Showing Directions
- Use the One-page response format for your Now Showing essay. Guidance for writing a One-page response can be found in Course Documents. You will integrate both questions in your response. The idea is to demonstrate an understanding of the major political theme/themes in the film and relate these to what we are studying that particular week. This is another outlet to assist students to critically review and evaluate the material in our topic of study.
- Submit your One-page response for the Now Showing assignment by going to Course Documents > Now Showing > and selecting the assignment titled Movie Number 1 or Movie Number 2 if you have already submitted one Now Showing essay.DO NOT PASS ONE PAGE
This assignment is worth 30 points toward your final course grade. I will grade your essay using the Now Showing Grading Criteria found in the Course Documents button in the Blackboard menu.
Black Hawk Down
The start of a civil war in Somalia prompted the United Nations to authorize a peacekeeping force. U.S. Delta Force and U.S. Army Rangers capture high ranking advisors selling arms to the militia. During extraction, Black Hawk helicopters take heavy fire and one is shot down by a rocket-propelled grenade and crashes within the city of Mogadishu.
- Examine how the featured film relates to the course content the week it is introduced.
- Relate how the film conveys or illustrates a theory or perspective.
Watch Black Hawk Down on Swank
political science- discussion form post Humanities Assignment Help
You are the president of the United States. Civil unrest has broken out in Libya. The leader of the country is sytematically slaughtering members of different tribes and moderate Libyans who do not rally behind hm. Thousands of people, especially the ones residing in the eastern part, are targetted. Pictures of the dead and decomposing bodies are being shown on television and U tubes daily.
The international community has heeded to the begging of the rebels led by the Trans National Council. The Security Council has passed Resolution 1973 that authorizes the international community to enforce “A No Flying Zone” so as to prevent Quadaffi’s air force from targetting innocent citizens by destroying the regime’s aircraft capability. The US has been at the forefront and intends to transfer the mantle of leadership to the coalition led by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Your critics wasted no time and are opening fire on your handling of the unrest in Libya. Quickest on the trigger are those Republicans harboring presidential ambitions of their own. Members of the Security Council such as Russia and China that abstained in connection to the imposition of “A No Fly Zone” and major members of the Arab League that lent their support for the UN’s resolution have criticized the U.S’ and the coalition forces role as unwaranted.
You must reassess the costs and benefits of your adminstration’s policy of handing over the leadership role to NATO. If you choose to step back and transfer the leadership, members of NATO don’t have the experience of leading an international coalition. The prospect for an immediate victory of the coalition is most unlikely given the fact that the rebel groups are poorly trained and poorly equipped. This would mean that the hope of victory of the coalition forces and rebel groups will die and Quadaffi will reassert himself. If that happens, you risk that he might support and arm terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and extremist Islamic groups that would endanger American lives and interests.
Thus, contrary to your current decision of transferring the leadership to NATO, a continued US leadership is the only option for cessation of the killing and removal of Quadaffi. It is understandable that you find it difficult to justify spending more money, risking more American lives, and ignoring domestic opposition. And yet you have to show boldness and imagination to manage the crisis and maintain U.S.’s leadership of the coalition forces. What counts most is the result that will secure American lives and interests in the long run.
Subsequently, the question you may have to answer rather soon is whether you can you sit by and watch the deterioration of the situation and give ammunition to foes and fans as a result of the disaster that would follow because of the alignment Quadaffi forges with al-Qaeda and extremist Islamic groups? What are the practical impacts of this phenomenon on American lives and interests as a result of your indecisiveness? What will you say?
Chronic disease presentation – Tuberculosis – Globally. Health Medical Assignment Help
Chronic disease presentation ( TUBERCULOSIS – GLOBAL)
Congratulations, you have been invited to a conference on chronic diseases where you will be giving an oral platform presentation. You have been instructed that the presentation will be using PowerPoint slides and that you have 10minutes for the presentation and 5minutes for questions and answers. Prepare a presentation on the chronic disease of your choice, which you will pick on the first day of class (Tuberculosis – Global). Give a brief summary of the disease including symptoms, causes, risk factors (if any), rates and demographics, tests for diagnosis, a brief discussion on how to improve the disease outcome, and a list of your sources. Be sure to practice and time your presentation to meet the 10minute parameter.
Strategic Change: Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to provide a chance for the student to examine an existing organization and apply research to identify opportunities for strategic change.
Assignment Steps
Develop a 1,050-word essay to identify one global creative organization, as defined in Ch. 10 and 11 of Mastering Leadership.
Analyze the opportunities for strategic change that are evident, citing evidence.
Include considerations of culture and structure in addressing those opportunities.
Include the following:
- Identify one organization that could be considered creative, based on definitions in Mastering Leadership.
- Determine whether or not you believe the organization meets those criteria. Explain why.
- Discuss the impact of organizational culture and structure on that opportunity for strategic change.
- Formulate conclusions including personal learning on your analysis.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
Strategic Change: Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
posc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Humanities Assignment Help
You must turn in a journal entry for the reading that indicates at the top of the page which
reading it is (with the author, chapter number, and chapter title). A journal entry should be a
one-page, single-spaced (it can be double-spaced if you have room), typed, summary and review
of the reading in question. It should have two sections. In the first section, you should provide a
brief synopsis of the reading that identifies the key themes, thesis, and key points. The second
section should contain your evaluation of the readings. How does the reading connect with the
discussion in the class or with other topics we cover? How does it connect with current events or
actions of recent presidents? How does it relate to other things you know, have learned in this
class or others?
Try to keep each entry to single spaced page (to save the trees and to save your time and
mine). Your grade will not be affected if you go over or under a single page as long as you
fulfill the assignment as described above. Please print double sided if at all possible if a summary
is over one page, and always staple multiple pages together.
Citations: You do not need to cite the chapter you are summarizing in text. For the review, you
should cite any outside sources you draw from, with a citation at the end or in a footnote.
Included citations should be in APA format. Guidance on APA citation formatting can be found
on the library website:
Journal entries will be due in class each Monday with assigned readings, as hard copies. Entries
submitted on time and fulfilling all requirements above will receive full credit (1 point). Entries
submitted late during the week they are due (by Friday at 5pm) will receive up to 75% credit (.75
points). Entries submitted after this point may receive up to 50% credit (.5 points). There will be
up to 22 points possible to receive full credit for the assignment by the end of the semester.
Literature Review, health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help
- Objective: To prepare a review of the literature pertinent to a selected problem for healthcare research and to use that review to propose a methodology to address the problem.( I already picked the topic of the problem)
- Conduct a search of literature relevant to the problem/topic. Identify a minimum of 8 references ( I attached the 8 articles) which are randomized clinical trials.
- Prepare a preliminary list of these references in AMA format
- Read the articles with the focus of preparing a document that will compare and contrast the information in the articles you found.
- The reader of your literature review should be able to clearly identify the gaps in the knowledge in the problem area as well as the purpose of the study you are proposing. The number of pages in this assignment vary according to the problem length and complexity of the articles reviewed and critiqued. You should be able to write enough to create an effective argument but not so much that the result looks padded
- For the tutor:
- I uploaded the 8 randomized controlled trails
- My problem for healthcare research is: The effectiveness of physical exercise to prevent gestational diabetes.
- I also attached my friend paper to be an example for you.
changes in information system for 1970-2017, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Write a 30 page research paper about the changes in information system for 1970-2017. The good and bad effects and as you see the future of information system.use a dissertation format, APA, below
Dissertation Formatting Guidelines
This section describes the dissertation format that all NYUSteinhardt doctoral candidates are required to follow. Dissertations must adhere to these requirements in order to be accepted by the Office of Doctoral Studies for the scheduling of the final oral examination. Please read this section carefully and contact the Office of Doctoral Studies if you have any questions.
Choice of Style Manual
Faculty policy leaves the choice of a style manual to the doctoral candidate with the advice and consent of his or her committee. Generally, candidates are urged to learn and use the manual most often required for scholarly writing by journals within their disciplines. Typically, the following style manuals are used by students:
- American Psychological Association, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Links to an external site.)
- Turabian, K., A manual for writers of research papers, theses and dissertations (Links to an external site.)
The most recent editions of the chosen style manuals should be used.
Print and Copy Quality
Your printer must produce consistently black letters and consistent margins. Sufficient darkness is also necessary for any supporting materials, such as tables, figures, drawings, pictures, etc., — either as originals or as copies — that you may need to append or insert in your manuscript. Your dissertation will be published by ProQuest UMI which requires clear, high-contrast characters and images. As a guide to the quality that will be obtained, you can photocopy a sample page at 75% reduction to evaluate the readability and clarity of the print.
The School and ProQuest UMI allow students to use typefaces that are between 10 and 12 points; however, because 10 point can appear too small in most typefaces, 12 point is generally preferred. A smaller or condensed typeface can be used for tables that otherwise might not fit across a page within the correct margins, however, mixing typefaces is otherwise not recommended.
Underlining or italics may be used for statistical symbols, book titles, or definitions (but use either one or the other consistently throughout your manuscript, including tables). Headings should be underlined when appropriate and not italicized. Bold type should not be used in the manuscript.
Do not justify the right margin of your text; keep it left aligned like the text shown here.
To assure proper binding and for ease of reading, the following margins are required:
- Left margin: one and one-half inches for all pages.
- Right margin: one and one-half inches for all pages, with no intrusion of letters or anything else into the right margin.
- Top margin: one-and-one-quarter inches for all pages except the first page of the Acknowledgments, Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, each chapter, Bibliography, and Appendices which should begin two inches from the top edge of the page.
- Bottom margin: one-and-one-quarter inches for all pages.
- Page numbers for all pages preceding page 1 of Chapter I (lower case roman numerals for Acknowledgments, Table of Contents, etc.) should be placed three-quarters of an inch from the bottom of the page, centered between the left and right margins.
- Page numbers from page 1 of Chapter I through the last page of the last appendix should be placed three-quarters of an inch from the top or bottom, centered between the left and right margins.
See the next section for sample dissertation pages.
White Space
Avoid leaving more than two inches of white space without type. This applies to tables and figures as well as to text. A table or figure should be inserted in the text as soon after it is first referred to where it will fit in its entirety on one page. Leave three blank lines between a table and text or text and a table; the same for figures. Continue your text if you can fit at least four lines after it. You may have more than one table on a page and you may have a table, discussion, and a table. The same procedure applies to all illustrative material.
Line Spacing
Double space the entire manuscript with these exceptions (which should be single-spaced):
- chapter titles, appendix titles, headings, and subheadings of more than one line;
- block quotations;
- column headings and lines that run on in tables;
- bibliography or references entries — double space between entries;
- footnotes;
- figure captions;
- explanatory material for figures, tables, and illustrations; and
- appendices — the spacing will vary depending on the source and content.
APA style requires writers to double space all typed material, including the exceptions noted above. If you are using APA, the above rules supersede APA rules in most cases. You have the option, however, of double spacing your references and block quotations; MLA style users also have this option.
The title page is counted as page one and the copyright page as page two, but numbers do not appear on them. Lower case roman numerals (iii, iv, v, vi, etc.) are used for all subsequent pages up to the first page of the text (page 1 of Chapter I) and should be placed three quarters of an inch from the bottom edge of the paper, centered between the margins.
Beginning with page 1 of Chapter I, Arabic numbers are used and are continuous through the last page including all appendices. Page numbers for all pages in the chapter, including the first page of each chapter or major section, should be placed three quarters of an inch from the top or bottom edge of the paper centered between the margins.
Order of Sections
The material of your manuscript should be ordered as follows:
- title page;
- copyright page;
- acknowledgments;
- table of contents;
- list(s) of tables, figures, charts, graphs, musical examples, illustrations, etc., if used;
- preface or forward, if used;
- the text;
- bibliography;
- and appendices (if any).
Title Page of Dissertation
Please see the sample title page below. (Links to an external site.) You are required to follow that format exactly.
Copyright Page
You will have the option to have your dissertation copyrighted when you submit it to Proquest/UMI for publication. You should include a copyright page with your name and copyright date in the middle of the page, centered left to right (between the margins) and top to bottom. Please note that the copyright date is the year of your degree conferral. Follow this format:
The copyright page is page ii of the pages preceding the text (the title page is understood to be page i), but no number should appear on either the title page or the copyright page.
Table of Contents and Lists of Tables and Figures
Because a dissertation does not have an index, your Table of Contents should be as comprehensive as possible. Include all headings and subheadings, exactly as they appear in the text, up to and including Level 2. Including lower level headings is optional. (See sample Table of Contents in the next section.) Note that the indentation of a heading used in the Table of Contents corresponds to the level of the heading. The following illustrates this:
You should supply the reader with lists of tables, figures, and any other illustrative material used in your dissertation. See the sample lists in the next section. Lists of musical examples or reproductions of art, or information about films, follow the same form as that used for lists of tables and figures.
Chapter Titles and Headings
Chapter headings and titles appear as follows, beginning two inches from the top of the page:
Headings within the chapter should indicate the weight you assign to particular ideas by the form of headings suggested in the style manual you have selected or the form suggested below.
Leave three blank lines (i.e., begin typing after two double spaces) before each heading and after each major section and chapter title. If one heading immediately follows another, leave only one blank line (a double space) between the two. Leave one blank line (a double space) after each heading. Capitalize the first letter of each word of headings except for articles, conjunctions, and prepositions.
The following is one way in which to order headings and to type them. Students following APA style may use the format in the APA Style Guide, however, the format below is preferred for NYU Steinhardt dissertations.
See the sample page 1 in the next section (Links to an external site.) for an example of heading placement.
Be sure that no heading appears at the bottom of a page without at least two lines of text beneath it. The Table of Contents will contain all Level 1 and Level 2 headings exactly as they appear in the text. It is not necessary to include Level 3 or lower-level headings in the Table of Contents, but you may if it provides the reader with more useful information.
Numbering Conventions
Chapter numbers are upper case roman numerals (with no period), e.g., CHAPTER IV, to differentiate them from any other numbers in the text. All other items requiring numbers should have Arabic numbers. Appendices, should be designated by capital letters, e.g., APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, etc.
Use numbers or letters for other items only when necessary. Use 1) in the text and 1. in a set-off list; a) in the text and a. in a set-off list — not (1) or 1). or a.), etc. If items in a numbered list run onto two or more lines, you may let the additional lines begin at the margin or indent the entire paragraph to the right of the numbers.
Numbers beginning a sentence, as well as numbers below 10 (or, if you prefer, 12) should be spelled out when they appear within the text.
Reduction of Tables and Other Materials
If a table, appendix, illustration, or graph is too wide or long, or both, to fit within the specified margins, have it reduced, or if textual material, type it using a smaller font. Whenever possible, avoid inserting tables which must be read by turning the book sideways. If such a table is necessary, be sure to insert it with the heading to the spine or binding. You may also use a condensed typeface.
Bibliographic Entries
For style guides other than APA, if you have more than one work by the same author, do not repeat his or her name over and over. Use ten underscore characters, ending with a period if the author is exactly the same as the previous one, or with a comma if the author is the first of a series of new authors, as shown below. Single space the entry; double space between entries. Indent the second and subsequent lines one-half inch.
Note that authors with two initials have a space after the period between each initial, e.g., Smith, A. B., & Jones, M. J. Do not allow initials to break between lines; keep them together on one line or the other.
Regardless of the style guide you use, avoid having one or two lines of an entry on one page and the rest of the citation on the next page. The entry should be cited in its entirety on one page or the other.
Citations in Text
The way you cite an author in your manuscript is based on the context. If you are attributing an idea that you paraphrased to someone, use the name and date (according to APA style) such as (Jones, 2002), or as shown in the first sentence below. If you are
using a direct quotation, use the same format, but you must include the page number where you found it, as shown in the second sentence below. Also, specific information or ideas need a page number even if paraphrased. For example, the following brief passage refers to the same publication by a hypothetical author:
Review the whole manuscript to be sure that every work referred to in the manuscript is cited in the text (or footnotes) and included in the bibliography.
Block (Indented) Quotations
Four or more lines of a quotation should be set off from the main text with a double space, typed single spaced with no quotation marks, and the entire block indented one-half inch. Quotations within these block (or indented) quotations may use double quotations. The first line of the quotation is not indented; however, the first lines of new paragraphs within the quotation should begin with an additional indent of one-half inch. Students using APA or MLA style may double space block quotations.
Each appendix should have the proper designation at the top of the first page. A title page does not need to be inserted before each one. Use the following format, centered between the left and right margins, beginning two inches from the top of the page:
If you have material that, because of its format, needs to have a title page (because the title doesn’t fit on the same page as the material), you need to consistently use title pages for all appendices. Avoid it if you can. Again, all material in an appendix must fit within the overall page margins.
Letters of Permission
It is necessary to obtain letters of permission for the reproduction of any copyrighted material which exceeds the Federal law pertaining to “Fair Use.” Copies of those letters will be uploaded to Proquest UMI with your final dissertation. Copies of the letters do not need to be included in the dissertation.
The Abstract
The abstract is a brief summary of the contents of the dissertation. Begin typing the abstract two inches from the top of a blank page with no heading. The abstract should be typed double-spaced with the same typeface and margins as the dissertation. The length of the abstract should be limited to 350 words.
The abstract title page is identical to the dissertation title page with one exception: the abstract title page has the words An Abstract of directly above the title (see Sample Title Page in the next section). Each abstract is stapled in the upper left corner and kept separate from the dissertation. The chairperson of the dissertation committee should sign one copy of the abstract title page.
Sample Pages
The following section includes sample dissertation pages which should be followed carefully. Refer to the preceding section for more detailed information on format requirements. Students should follow the instructions on these sample pages rather than using a dissertation from the library (or elsewhere) as a guide. Format requirements differ from year to year and from school to school.
Due 3/1/2017
Submit questions.
answer all the question correct Business Finance Assignment Help
Please submit your Unit #7 Quiz Answer Sheet in MS Word format with the following file name: LastNameFirstInitial_Unit 07_QuizAnswerSheet.docx. For example, if you name is John Smith, the file name of your Answertion Sheet should be SmithJ_Unit07_QuizAnswerSheet.docx.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
NAME: _____________________________________
Question Number |
Question |
1 |
Which of the following statements concerning the Markowitz efficient frontier is correct? A portfolio that offers the highest rate of return with the lowest degree of risk is on the efficient frontier. A portfolio that offers the lowest rate of return for a higher degree of risk is on the efficient frontier. A portfolio that offers the lowest degree of risk for a given rate of return is above the efficient frontier. A portfolio that offers the highest rate of return for a given degree of risk is on the efficient frontier. |
2 |
The goal of asset alloction is to reduce risk through diversification by having exposure to a variety of investments that perform differently during different market conditions. According to Schwab, in recent years the following has changed: Assets are more correlated Less external shocks Bond yields are low Expected stock retruns are lower I, II, III I, III, IV I, II, IV II, III, IV |
3 |
Which of the following statements concerning beta coefficients is (are) correct? Investors who tend to be risk averse should have portfolio made up mostly of high-beta coefficient securities Beta coefficients of particular securities change over time. Beta coefficients are constructed based on past data. (I) only (I) and (III) only (I) and (II) only (II) and (III) only |
4 |
List three advantages of asset allocation Smooths out the ups and downs of the market Shows that is pays to have your eggs in one baseket Allows for diversification Helps to mitigate downside risk (I), (II), (III) (I), (III), (IV) (II), (III), (IV) (I), (II), (IV) |
5 |
Which of the following is not likely to be found in the portfolio of a typical money market mutual fund? Collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) U.S. Treasury bills Negotiable certificates of deposit Commercial paper |
6 |
According to Harry Markowitz, the only “free lunch in finance” is: When assets move in harmony, then a diversified portfolio will have less risk. A diversified portfolio cannot deliver more than the sum of its parts. Perfectly correlated individuals assets provide this “free lunch”. Diversification can deliver benefits over time at no additional cost . |
7 |
Which of the following statements concerning the standard deviation of a stock’s rate of return is (are) correct? The standard deviation of a stock’s rate of return reflects both the systematic and unsystematic risks associated with the stock. Approximately 68% of the rates of return on the stock will fall within plus or minus one standard deviation of the average rate of return (1) only (2) only Both (1) and (2) Neither (1) nor (2) |
8 |
Once a strategic asset allocation is in place, an investor can make “tactical” adjustments to take advantage of market opportunities or to avoid risks. Which of the following is not an example of tactical shifts: Time the market in the short-term Overweigh certain asset classes Underweight certain asset classes Buy or sell due to tax considerations |
Questions #9 and #10 are based on the following facts: Assume a four-stock portfolio of stocks with following characterisitcs: Stock Percentage of Total Beta Rate of Return K 20% 0.9 -3.6% L 25% 1.2 7.0% M 30% 1.4 9.0% N 25% 1.5 -2.2% |
9 |
Which of the following is the weighted average beta for the above portfolio? 1.275 1.750 1.800 2.250 |
10 |
What is the standard deviation of the above portfolio? 3.11 6.37 6.92 Answer cannot be determined from the information given |
11 |
According to Schwab, a “goal driven” modernized asset allocation model for individual investors includes the following: Absolute return Inflation hedge Achievement of a specific target Risk reduction I, II, III I, III, IV I, II, IV II, III, IV |
12 |
According to Schwab, in reponse to changing economic conditions, asset allocation has evolved from the typical stocks, bonds and cash blends popular during the 1990s. Modern asset allocation now encompasses non-traditional asset classes, such as commodities. True False |
[supanova_question] for an example of heading placement.
Be sure that no heading appears at the bottom of a page without at least two lines of text beneath it. The Table of Contents will contain all Level 1 and Level 2 headings exactly as they appear in the text. It is not necessary to include Level 3 or lower-level headings in the Table of Contents, but you may if it provides the reader with more useful information.
Numbering Conventions
Chapter numbers are upper case roman numerals (with no period), e.g., CHAPTER IV, to differentiate them from any other numbers in the text. All other items requiring numbers should have Arabic numbers. Appendices, should be designated by capital letters, e.g., APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, etc.
Use numbers or letters for other items only when necessary. Use 1) in the text and 1. in a set-off list; a) in the text and a. in a set-off list — not (1) or 1). or a.), etc. If items in a numbered list run onto two or more lines, you may let the additional lines begin at the margin or indent the entire paragraph to the right of the numbers.
Numbers beginning a sentence, as well as numbers below 10 (or, if you prefer, 12) should be spelled out when they appear within the text.
Reduction of Tables and Other Materials
If a table, appendix, illustration, or graph is too wide or long, or both, to fit within the specified margins, have it reduced, or if textual material, type it using a smaller font. Whenever possible, avoid inserting tables which must be read by turning the book sideways. If such a table is necessary, be sure to insert it with the heading to the spine or binding. You may also use a condensed typeface.
Bibliographic Entries
For style guides other than APA, if you have more than one work by the same author, do not repeat his or her name over and over. Use ten underscore characters, ending with a period if the author is exactly the same as the previous one, or with a comma if the author is the first of a series of new authors, as shown below. Single space the entry; double space between entries. Indent the second and subsequent lines one-half inch.
Note that authors with two initials have a space after the period between each initial, e.g., Smith, A. B., & Jones, M. J. Do not allow initials to break between lines; keep them together on one line or the other.
Regardless of the style guide you use, avoid having one or two lines of an entry on one page and the rest of the citation on the next page. The entry should be cited in its entirety on one page or the other.
Citations in Text
The way you cite an author in your manuscript is based on the context. If you are attributing an idea that you paraphrased to someone, use the name and date (according to APA style) such as (Jones, 2002), or as shown in the first sentence below. If you are
using a direct quotation, use the same format, but you must include the page number where you found it, as shown in the second sentence below. Also, specific information or ideas need a page number even if paraphrased. For example, the following brief passage refers to the same publication by a hypothetical author:
Review the whole manuscript to be sure that every work referred to in the manuscript is cited in the text (or footnotes) and included in the bibliography.
Block (Indented) Quotations
Four or more lines of a quotation should be set off from the main text with a double space, typed single spaced with no quotation marks, and the entire block indented one-half inch. Quotations within these block (or indented) quotations may use double quotations. The first line of the quotation is not indented; however, the first lines of new paragraphs within the quotation should begin with an additional indent of one-half inch. Students using APA or MLA style may double space block quotations.
Each appendix should have the proper designation at the top of the first page. A title page does not need to be inserted before each one. Use the following format, centered between the left and right margins, beginning two inches from the top of the page:
If you have material that, because of its format, needs to have a title page (because the title doesn’t fit on the same page as the material), you need to consistently use title pages for all appendices. Avoid it if you can. Again, all material in an appendix must fit within the overall page margins.
Letters of Permission
It is necessary to obtain letters of permission for the reproduction of any copyrighted material which exceeds the Federal law pertaining to “Fair Use.” Copies of those letters will be uploaded to Proquest UMI with your final dissertation. Copies of the letters do not need to be included in the dissertation.
The Abstract
The abstract is a brief summary of the contents of the dissertation. Begin typing the abstract two inches from the top of a blank page with no heading. The abstract should be typed double-spaced with the same typeface and margins as the dissertation. The length of the abstract should be limited to 350 words.
The abstract title page is identical to the dissertation title page with one exception: the abstract title page has the words An Abstract of directly above the title (see Sample Title Page in the next section). Each abstract is stapled in the upper left corner and kept separate from the dissertation. The chairperson of the dissertation committee should sign one copy of the abstract title page.
Sample Pages
The following section includes sample dissertation pages which should be followed carefully. Refer to the preceding section for more detailed information on format requirements. Students should follow the instructions on these sample pages rather than using a dissertation from the library (or elsewhere) as a guide. Format requirements differ from year to year and from school to school.
Due 3/1/2017
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