Thomas Edison State College Business IT Security Breach Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Thomas Edison State College Business IT Security Breach Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Hello I need assistance with writing at least a one page essay or more on the topic below. I have attached a power point from the text book for this chapter.
Security Breach
By this time, you should be convinced that IT can be an important part of making your business a competitive success. But what happens when there’s a lapse in security and the wrong people get access to the data in your system? There have been quite a few cases of security breaches where customer data was exposed. Let’s document some of those and discuss what could have been done to prevent the breach. Also, talk about how the company deals with it (see Q8 in Chapter 12) both technically and publicly.
Thomas Edison State College Business IT Security Breach Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Los Angeles Mission College Media Review Post Discussion Writing Assignment Help
This is a example
Watch a Television show or movie that has a main character with an impairment. Read chapter 7 and article make sure response includes support for both look at highlights on attachments
Discussion Post Media Review: See Sample
- Type of Media: Movie
- Title of piece: Me Before You
- Name of character(s) with a disability: Will Traynor
- Topic, storyline, or disability issue presented: Will was recently engaged to his fiancé Alicia and was very active and adventurous. On his way to his white-collar job he was in a rush and was involved in an accident with a motorcycle which caused him to become paralyzed from the neck down.
- How is the disability topic represented in the media you have chosen? Disability has been portrayed negatively. His impairment turned his life around. Will not only lost mobility, but he also lost his fiancé, his job, and most of all he was no longer able to travel and experience the world the way he wanted to. Does the portrayal of disability issues and or the message it communicates, validate, or break stereotypes about disabilities? Be sure to relate your analysis to course readings and other relevant outside sources. I think that the movie validated the stereotypes about disability in the sense that before Will’s accident he was a very self-centered adventurous man who loved all things outdoors. After his accident, he became very depressed and angry, and instead of coping and finding ways to work with his disability he seeks out assisted suicide. During our class, we’ve discussed that an ableist belief is that people with disabilities are angry and depressed. This movie validated that perspective
- How is the disabled person represented in the film, article, play, or TV program and what character traits does he/she possess? (e.g. strong, angry, sad, happy, etc.) Will was portrayed as angry, depressed, and suicidal. The character became an object of pity until his parents hired a new caregiver, Louisa Clarke. Louisa was very outgoing, full of life, and eager to help. In the beginning, Will maintained his condescending attitude but eventually softened up and the two of them began to develop a personal relationship outside of the job. What role is the character with a disability portrayed as? (e.g. hero, villain, super-crip, the object of pity, etc.) Be sure to relate your analysis to course readings and other relevant outside sources. Based on the terms we learned in class Will is portrayed as an object of pity who sees his impairment as the end of his life. Will had preconceived notions about people with disabilities and now that he has his own disability he rather not live at all. This stereotype reinforces the ableist notion, “better off dead than disabled” (Evans, 2016). Will becomes a cross between the charity cripple that is to be pitied and the obsessive avenger who wants to die. ( Berger, 2013).
- How do others respond to and/or treat the character with a disability or the disability issue presented in the film? (e.g. take care of them, fight back, help them, resent them, admire them, etc.)
- His parents just take care of him
- His nurse helps him and provides companionship
- His fiancé leaves and calls off the wedding to later marry his best friend
- His friends pity and desert him
- Louisa Clark admires, supports, and loves him
- What assumptions can you identify in the way the other characters respond to the character with a disability or the disability issues presented? Does “prejudice” or” preconceived” ideas about disability impact the interactions? How or how not? Be sure to relate your analysis to course readings and other relevant outside sources. Will’s parents’ love for their child never changed. If anything their adamant attempts to try and get him to choose life show how much they care. Will’s fiancé abandoned him as soon as she found out about his acquired disability but the movie didn’t go into it the specifics. Berger suggests. “many relationships do not survive when one partner acquires a significant impairment. Research indicates that the disabling condition exacerbates issues that were already present in the relationship” (2013). I think the writers wanted her to leave to highlight Will’s “pitiful” situation. In contrast, Louisa Clark’s interactions with Will were no different than her interactions with anyone else. She made it her duty to operate from a social model perspective. She did all she could to remove “attitudinal and physical barriers” (PowerPoint, 2020) and create new ways for Will to experience a variety of activities. Berger discussed, “
- What is your overall feeling about the piece? Is it an accurate portrayal of the character with a disability or disability issue presented? The film was engaging and made me cry. I think it could be an accurate representation of how someone might feel after initially acquiring an impairment. However, not everyone with a disability is depressed or chooses to end their life. As for the pain and everyday difficulties/generalizations that come along with his disability seemed like it could be accurate but it could also be exaggerated for dramatic purposes. According to Berger, many people with disabilities are not defined by their impairment. He states, “The social category of “people with disabilities” is
constituted by a diverse set of conditions and people who “may have the social category of “people with disabilities” is constituted by a diverse set of conditions and people who “may have little in common except the stigma society imposes on them” (Engel and Munger 2003:14)” (2013). The film portrays Will as the epitome of stereotypes. - Has your feeling about the piece or the portrayal changed? Why or why not. Be sure to relate your analysis to course readings and other relevant outside sources. At first, when I read that many disability communities believed that the film’s main message was that living a life with a disability wasn’t worth living, I thought it could be seen that way. I also tried connecting it to my life. Will was very adventurous and what he loved most was traveling and exploring. He believed those activities were no longer possible and he believed even though he could do some of those activities, it would not be in the way that he wanted to. If what I loved most was taken away from me I might begin to question my purpose and wonder why am I here. I might have very little will to live as well. But Will never even tried to live fully. He could still travel, skydive, scuba dive, etc. He had the money to get the appropriate equipment and support. The film kept him locked in the ableist view and he never evolved. In fact, his decision indicated he felt everyone would be better off without him. This choice really ignores the reality of living with a disability and perpetuates stereotypes. In the text, Berger writes “Nick Watson (2002) found that most of the disabled people he interviewed did not consider “disability” a salient part of their identity. They did not dismiss their impairment as irrelevant—it was an undeniable fact of their lives—but neither did they internalize its significance.” I think if Will or the writers of his character really look at life with a disability or based it on people living with a disability, the character would evolve to acknowledge his impairment and find a way to live fully.
PSY 200 Northern Virginia Community College Beauty in The Broken Movie Review Humanities Assignment Help
Movies are simply an extension of real life (in someone’s mind). No matter what the genre, there is a representative depiction of a social, environmental, psychological, or emotional situation. As you choose a movie to discuss, don’t simply provide a ‘movie review’. Rather, answer questions like:
1. What is the issue and in what way was it expressed?
2. How did the issue evolve (i.e., where did it start and what caused it)
3. In what way did the issue manifest itself (who was involved, what was the interaction, etc.)
These are only suggestions. You do not have to use any of the questions mentioned.
Choose any movie that you like other than A Beautiful Mind to offer a psychological perspective. Your paper should be at least 2 pages in length, double spaced, with MLA or APA formatting, and with the use of Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font. The structure is to write a paragraph about the psychological issue, a paragraph with an analysis of the issue (using any of the theories from the last 8 chapters of the text), and a final paragraph providing a personal example of something that you have experienced similarly to the issue you discuss in this assignment.
ED 5123 ACE Challenges of Using & Promoting to Alternative Assessments Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Promoting Alternative Assessments
Alternative assessments open doors for diverse students to demonstrate what they know and can do. While alternative assessments are considered a positive force in education, they present challenges for educators. Use the questions to guide an original post and responses to at least two classmates. APA citations are required only in the original response.
- In your own words, what are alternative assessments?
- What challenges do alternative assessments present to teachers at your school?
- In what ways can school leaders promote the use of alternative assessments to meet the needs of diverse learners?
IDS 400 SNHU Workplace Harassment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
For this third milestone, you will reflect on content that will inform your multimedia presentation, which you will include in Final Project Part Two. You will reflect on the intersectional nature of diversity and its impact on one’s individual framework of perception, one’s discipline of study, and society in general. The milestone will be submitted as a presentation draft that includes speaker’s notes. Please note that for this milestone assignment, audio narration is not required.
Make sure you support your response with the readings from this module and additional resources.
To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric document (attached).
Overview: In Final Project Part Two, you will develop a multimedia presentation in which you will have a chance to reflect on what you have learned about your
issue or event (workplace harassment), yourself (human resources professional), and diversity through analyzing its impact on society. You will also be able to apply your communication skills and integrate multimedia
elements to communicate your message to an audience. In developing this presentation, you will be able to use your analyses from the first part of this project as a starting point. The reflective nature of this activity
prompts you to dig deeper and consider the implications posed by the critical analysis of your issue or event in diversity. How does studying diversity affect how
you understand yourself, as well as the world around you? You’ll also be challenged to incorporate a dash of creativity to enhance your message.
Multimedia Presentation: For the second part of the project, you will create a multimedia presentation that incorporates audio narration and visuals to
articulate how critically analyzing your issue/event in diversity impacts your own framework of perception and ability to constructively engage in society.
PowerPoint: You are required to include a combination of text and visuals in order to support your PowerPoint presentation. Also, follow the
instructions on the Microsoft Support page to compress your presentation as a zipped file. You may upload a zipped file when submitting this assignment.
Reducing the size of the PowerPoint presentation file by compressing it makes it easier for your instructor to download and grade.
Prompt: First, review the module resources you have encountered so far and create a presentation draft (PowerPoint with speaker notes) that analyzes the
issue/event under study (the one you selected in Module Two).
Specifically, the following critical elements (which align to the critical elements required of the presentation in Final Project Part Two) must be addressed:
I. Issue/Event: For this section of your presentation, you will introduce the issue/event and how it relates to issues of diversity and any of the topics that
have been discussed in the course.
A. Using appropriate research strategies, describe a social or global issue/event that is related to issues of diversity.
i. What is the origin of the issue?
ii. What is the issue about?
B. Using appropriate research strategies, describe the impact of the issue/event on society.
i. Who is impacted by the issue?
ii. What is important to know about them?
C. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess how society impacts the chosen issue.
II. Yourself: This section of your presentation explores how studying diversity influences your individual framework of perception with respect to your
discipline of study or profession.
A. How has critically analyzing your issue/event in diversity informed your individual framework of perception? Consider how it has altered the way
you perceive the world.
B. How can critically analyzing diversity influence your field of study or profession? How can studying diversity inform your understanding of the
next big topic of study in your field or profession in the next five to ten years?
III. Society: This section of your presentation explores how studying diversity enhances your ability to engage constructively in society.
A. How does critically analyzing diversity add value to how you interact with people and understand social or global issues/events? Supplement
your reasoning with examples.
B. Recommend strategies for using this kind of critical analysis for meeting your personal and professional goals. What might this look like in your
everyday life? Consider how diversity can be used to address the day-to-day responsibilities or questions faced by practitioners in your field or
IV. Conclusion:
A. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess the benefits and challenges of addressing issues in diversity.
B. Explain how critically analyzing diversity adds value to interactions with people in personal and professional contexts.
V. Presentation: Throughout your presentation, you will be assessed on your ability to use effective communication skills to deliver your message to your
A. Construct your presentation in a way that ensures the audio and visual elements are logically organized in order to convey your message to your
B. Provide supporting evidence in your presentation that supports the importance of the chosen issue/event and its impact within diversity.
C. Develop the audio narration to logically flow with the presentation to articulate the importance of critically analyzing the chosen issue/event
and its impact within diversity.
Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Three should be approximately 10 to 12 slides. You are required to include a combination of text and visuals in order to
support your work. Support your presentation with relevant resources cited in APA format and noted on a separate slide. If you require alternative
accommodations for completing this assignment, reach out to your instructor directly for more information.
Note: Turnitin, the originality report feature used in the course, is not able to check PowerPoint submissions for plagiarism. Thus, you should submit your speaker
notes in a separate Word document. Both files (PowerPoint and Word) can be submitted through the Milestone Three submission item.
Additional Resources:…
Howard University Ted Talks Rich People Dont Create Jobs Questions Writing Assignment Help
Nick Hanauer: Rich People Don’t Create Jobs:
Please respond to these questions in complete sentences.
- What is the controversy? (Not his side, but the general topic)
- What is his proposition?
- Is his proposition a Proposition of Fact, Value, or Policy? Why?
- According to Mr. Hanauer, what is the definitive job creator? Do you agree?
- What statistic grabbed your attention the most in this presentation?
Anonymous Student: Excellent Persuasive Speech.
Please Respond to these questions in complete sentences.
- What is the controversy? (Not her side, but the general topic)
- What are some of the negative effects of the death penalty?
- Listen to her organizational structure and reverse-engineer her outline. What are two of her main points?
- Think back to our Persuasive lecture. Remember, each controversy is a thermometer and everyone has a place on that thermometer, a degree to which they agree with the speaker. If our speaker’s position is 100˚, how far are you from her position. Did her speech move you closer to her opinion, or farther away? Why?
Howard University Ted Talks Rich People Dont Create Jobs Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Los Angeles Valley College Banning of Cigarette Smoking Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
- What is your topic?
- What are your sources? – list at least two
- What are the three sub-topics you will be discussing?
- What is your thesis? With the words SHOULD or SHOULD NOT or MUST or MUST NOT or NEEDS TO
- What is one of your counterarguments? – Remember, the counterargument or opposition is OPPOSITE from your thesis sentence.
Just a reminder: In text citation (author page number) or (author) or (“Title of article”) <— no punctuation in any of those
and the Works Cited page has the title of Works Cited, it is double spaced, no numbered sources, hanging indent (indent the 2nd and 3rd lines – not the first line), and it is alphabetized by author and/or title.
Thank you!!
EDP University Personalities of The Evolution of Computers Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing exercise and need guidance to help me understand better.
Objetivo de la actividad
No basta con escribir en un procesador de palabras. Conocer las funciones del procesador de palabras y el uso adecuado de ellas, resultan en un documento con apariencia profesional, que invita y facilita su lectura. En esta actividad cada estudiante desarrollará un documento en un procesador de palabras utilizando las funciones que se le solicitan.
La meta académica de esta tarea consiste en conocer tres de las personalidades contemporáneas de mayor importancia en la evolución de las computadoras. Los nombres que verás a continuación pueden ser conocidos:
- Steve Jobs
- Michael Dell
- Bill Gates
Adicional, incluirá una cuarta persona, la cual su trayectoria lo haga merecedor de estar a la par de los personajes que se mencionan anteriormente.
Para realizar esta actividad deberá hacer una investigación mediante el uso de recursos como las bases de datos o el Internet. Las fuentes de información consultadas deben ser fuentes confiables (no monografí,, buenas tareas, rincón del vago… entre otras).
Entregará un documento electrónico correctamente escrito en sus propias palabras en el que resumirá los aspectos más importantes de estas personalidades: origen, algo de su niñez; educación, su incursión en el mundo de las computadoras y su aportación o aportaciones más importantes. El documento no debe ser tan corto como la mitad de una página, pero tampoco se pretende algo extenso. Se espera una página por cada individuo investigado.
Descargar el documento para la actividad: Esquema para el Examen MS Word_Personalidades.pdf
¿Qué vamos a hacer?
Luego de haber recopilado, analizado y parafraseado la información, entregará un (1) documento creado con un procesador de palabra, siguiendo el esquema para el trabajo escrito. El trabajo deberá tener:
- Portada
- Tabla de Contenido (utilizando la función Table of Contents de la pestaña Reference)
- Introducción
- Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras (presente en orden alfabético por el apellido)
- Michael Dell
- Bill Gates
- Steve Jobs
- _________________ (Nombre del personaje identificado por el estudiante)
- Conclusión
- Referencias
- Index
- Apéndice (Cada apéndice en una página, ordenado alfabético por el apellido). En esta sección puede incluir una foto del personaje
- Apéndice A – Michael Dell
- Apéndice B – Bill Gates
- Apéndice C – Steve Jobs
- Apéndice D – Nombre de personaje identificado por el estudiante.
A través de su trabajo, el estudiante podrá en práctica las siguientes destrezas:
- Crear y guardar documentos en word
- dar atributos tales como:
- Ennegrecer e itálico
- Alinear verticalmente
- Alinear horizontalmente
- Aplicar los estilos (Style)
- hacer
- “Page break (cortes de páginas)
- Enumeración de páginas
- “Header (encabezados) & footer” (pie de páginas)
- Spacing (interlineado)
- sencillo y doble
- “before & after”
- Tabla de Contenido (utilizando la función Table of Contents)
- Index (utilizando la función Index)
¿Cómo vamos a hacer el trabajo?
- Estudie los recursos de la unidad.
- Realice la búsqueda de información en fuentes confiables.
- En un documento del procesador de palabras, redacte el trabajo. Es importante que resuma y utilice técnicas de parafraseo al redactar su trabajo.
- De estructura a su trabajo para que cumpla con las partes a desarrollar. Consulte el documento Esquema para el trabajo escrito.
- Realice las funciones requeridas y aplique los atributos requeridos.
- Guarde el documento con el nombre Personalidades en la evolución de las computadoras_su nombre . Por ejemplo, Personalidades en la evolución de las computadoras_Maria Olivero
- Suba su trabajo a la plataforma. La actividad permite subir un solo archivos.
- Si tiene alguna duda de cómo hacer el trabajo, repase los tutoriales y las simulaciones. Si no encuentra cómo hacer el proceso, publique su duda en el foro Dudas y Preguntas.
La actividad es de carácter individual. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund).
Cada estudiante debe entregar un documento escrito en un procesador de palabras. La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund). De tener dudas o preguntas debe publicarlas en el Foro Dudas y Preguntas con tiempo para poderles ayudar de forma oportuna.
El documento debe tener las siguientes características:
- La letra debe ser Times New Roman, tamaño 12, color negro.
- El margen debe ser 1” en todos los lados.
- Los párrafos deben tener sangría.
- Los títulos deben estar centralizados horizontalmente en “bold”.
- El contenido debe estar alineado horizontalmente en “justify”.
- La Portada y la página divisoria del apéndice deben estar alineadas horizontal y verticalmente en “center”.
El trabajo deberá tener las siguientes partes:
- Portada
- Tabla de Contenido
- Introducción (al menos tres párrafos de cinco oraciones cada uno)
- Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras (presente en orden alfabético por el apellido)
- Michael Dell
- Bill Gates
- Steve Jobs
- _________________ (Nombre del personaje identificado por el estudiante)
- Conclusión (al menos tres párrafos de cinco oraciones cada uno)
- Referencias
- Index
- Apéndice (Página divisoria del apéndice)
- Cada apéndice en una página, ordenado alfabético por el apellido). En esta sección puede incluir una foto del personaje
- Apéndice A – Steve Jobs
- Apéndice B – Michael Dell
- Apéndice C – Bill Gates
- Apéndice D – Nombre de personaje identificado por el estudiante.
GERM 1025 DU Tecumseh Sherman War Is Hell Quote Analysis Essay Writing Assignment Help
1, this essay should be approximately 1500 words
2,This article needs to be based on the outline that you wrote
3,for this essay, use at least three critical,peer-reviewed sources( Internet sources such as Wikipedia, Douban, SparkNotes, Shmoop, and CliffsNotes are not critical sources. Please ask me if you have any questions about the validity of a source. )
4,I will provide the PDF information below
5,The ”GERM 1025 ”is the requirements about the essay 3. The ”All Quiet articals” is the book that you should read. The” Researching Your Essay ” is the requirements about the research
6,please sent the outline(thesis statement) 12 hours later
NURS FPX 4020 Capella University Quality Care and Patient Safety Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
hey, im back. so here is the brief instructions.
you will use a template to conduct a root-cause analysis of a quality or safety issue in a health care setting of your choice and outline a plan to address the issue. ***I will send a complete example of what they are looking for, also in an attachment**
For this next one, we can choose from the following options as the subject of a root-cause analysis and safety improvement plan
1) The specific safety concern identified in your previous assessment (from our last ) pertaining to medication administration safety concerns.
2)The readings, case studies, or a personal experience in which a sentinel event occurred surrounding an issue or concern with medication administration.
you are the best !! will TIP well for solid work !!
¿Qué vamos a hacer?
Luego de haber recopilado, analizado y parafraseado la información, entregará un (1) documento creado con un procesador de palabra, siguiendo el esquema para el trabajo escrito. El trabajo deberá tener:
- Portada
- Tabla de Contenido (utilizando la función Table of Contents de la pestaña Reference)
- Introducción
- Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras (presente en orden alfabético por el apellido)
- Michael Dell
- Bill Gates
- Steve Jobs
- _________________ (Nombre del personaje identificado por el estudiante)
- Conclusión
- Referencias
- Index
- Apéndice (Cada apéndice en una página, ordenado alfabético por el apellido). En esta sección puede incluir una foto del personaje
- Apéndice A – Michael Dell
- Apéndice B – Bill Gates
- Apéndice C – Steve Jobs
- Apéndice D – Nombre de personaje identificado por el estudiante.
A través de su trabajo, el estudiante podrá en práctica las siguientes destrezas:
- Crear y guardar documentos en word
- dar atributos tales como:
- Ennegrecer e itálico
- Alinear verticalmente
- Alinear horizontalmente
- Aplicar los estilos (Style)
- hacer
- “Page break (cortes de páginas)
- Enumeración de páginas
- “Header (encabezados) & footer” (pie de páginas)
- Spacing (interlineado)
- sencillo y doble
- “before & after”
- Tabla de Contenido (utilizando la función Table of Contents)
- Index (utilizando la función Index)
¿Cómo vamos a hacer el trabajo?
- Estudie los recursos de la unidad.
- Realice la búsqueda de información en fuentes confiables.
- En un documento del procesador de palabras, redacte el trabajo. Es importante que resuma y utilice técnicas de parafraseo al redactar su trabajo.
- De estructura a su trabajo para que cumpla con las partes a desarrollar. Consulte el documento Esquema para el trabajo escrito.
- Realice las funciones requeridas y aplique los atributos requeridos.
- Guarde el documento con el nombre Personalidades en la evolución de las computadoras_su nombre . Por ejemplo, Personalidades en la evolución de las computadoras_Maria Olivero
- Suba su trabajo a la plataforma. La actividad permite subir un solo archivos.
- Si tiene alguna duda de cómo hacer el trabajo, repase los tutoriales y las simulaciones. Si no encuentra cómo hacer el proceso, publique su duda en el foro Dudas y Preguntas.
La actividad es de carácter individual. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund).
Cada estudiante debe entregar un documento escrito en un procesador de palabras. La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund). De tener dudas o preguntas debe publicarlas en el Foro Dudas y Preguntas con tiempo para poderles ayudar de forma oportuna.
El documento debe tener las siguientes características:
- La letra debe ser Times New Roman, tamaño 12, color negro.
- El margen debe ser 1” en todos los lados.
- Los párrafos deben tener sangría.
- Los títulos deben estar centralizados horizontalmente en “bold”.
- El contenido debe estar alineado horizontalmente en “justify”.
- La Portada y la página divisoria del apéndice deben estar alineadas horizontal y verticalmente en “center”.
El trabajo deberá tener las siguientes partes:
- Portada
- Tabla de Contenido
- Introducción (al menos tres párrafos de cinco oraciones cada uno)
- Personalidades en la Evolución de las Computadoras (presente en orden alfabético por el apellido)
- Michael Dell
- Bill Gates
- Steve Jobs
- _________________ (Nombre del personaje identificado por el estudiante)
- Conclusión (al menos tres párrafos de cinco oraciones cada uno)
- Referencias
- Index
- Apéndice (Página divisoria del apéndice)
- Cada apéndice en una página, ordenado alfabético por el apellido). En esta sección puede incluir una foto del personaje
- Apéndice A – Steve Jobs
- Apéndice B – Michael Dell
- Apéndice C – Bill Gates
- Apéndice D – Nombre de personaje identificado por el estudiante.