training in Action Training Needs in the Student Registration Office, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

training in Action Training Needs in the Student Registration Office, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help. training in Action Training Needs in the Student Registration Office, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSAs)** Article is posted
below*** Original and plagiarism free work***Answer in full complete
sentences please with references attached.

Review the Training in Action 1-3 scenario titled, “Training
Needs in the Student Registration Office” in Chapter 1 of the
Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text. Assume that you were hired to
develop a training program for the Customer Service
Representatives (CSRs) as described in the scenario. Identify four
of the most important KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes) a
training program for the CSRs must address and include your
reasoning for selecting these. Discuss the specific activities to be
performed in the five phases of the training process model: Analysis
Phase, Design Phase, Development Phase, Implementation Phase, and
Evaluation Phase.

Use this week’s lecture as a foundation for your initial post.
Incorporate into your discussion the transfer of training concepts from
the Jaidev and Chirayath (2012) article with an emphasis on
pre-training, during-training, and post-training activities. Utilize
concepts from the Develop a Training Plan video and the Blanchard and
Thacker (2013) text in your discussion. Should be 250
to 300 words.

1-3Training in Action Training Needs in the Student Registration Office

offices of the president and provost at a large university were
receiving many complaints about the registration office being
unresponsive to student problems during registration for classes. The
director of registration felt that, because of the high turnover in
customer service representatives (CSRs) who handled student problems,
most CSRs did not know the proper procedure. The director wanted to
initiate training in registration procedures immediately and called in a
consultant to help develop and conduct the training.

listening to the director’s description of what was wanted, the
consultant said, “You’re probably right. Of course, we could conduct a
training needs analysis to clarify the exact nature of the performance
problem.” The director was concerned about the time required for a needs
analysis and wanted to get training started right away. However, in
agreeing that the needs analysis would determine specific problem areas,
the director said, “Okay, do the analysis, but let’s get started on
training right away. I want them to know exactly what they are supposed
to do.”

The needs analysis revealed the steps and procedures that
an effective CSR was required to complete in dealing with an unhappy
customer. For example, one of the first steps for the CSR was to
identify and clarify the customer’s problem and to acknowledge the
feelings the customer was displaying (e.g., anger or frustration) in a
friendly and empathetic manner. Once these feelings had been
acknowledged, the CSR was to determine the exact nature of the
customer’s problem through nonevaluative questioning (i.e., determining
the facts without placing blame for outcomes).

Interviews with the
CSRs established that they all knew the correct procedure and most
could quote it word for word. However, observation of the CSRs at work
showed marked differences in how the procedure was carried out. Further
analysis of each CSR’s skills in performing these tasks revealed that
the primary causes of unsatisfactory performance were low skill levels
and inappropriate attitudes. Even though nearly everyone “knew” what to
do, some were not good at doing it. Others did not believe that it was
important to follow every step. One CSR said, “Hey, if they get their
problem solved, what do they care if I acknowledged their feelings?”

training was required in this case, but not the “knowledge” training
the registration director thought was necessary. For those CSRs who
lacked the behavioral skill to carry out the procedures, demonstrations
and practice sessions with immediate feedback were provided. For those
CSRs who had the skill but did not understand the importance of all the
procedures, training sessions were conducted in which the CSRs
reevaluated their attitudes through various educational and experiential

training in Action Training Needs in the Student Registration Office, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

When Is An Act of Violence An Act of Terrorism, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help


Choose one of the articles below
as your topic. Apply two ethical theories from the
 on the Week 10 Lesson page to the article.
Use three pieces of support from the assigned course
material to show understanding of the material as it relates to the topic and
the two theories chosen (attached pages). Make sure to demonstrate clearly a thorough
understanding of your chosen theories and how the theories are related to the

Choice 1: When Is An Act of
Violence An Act of Terrorism? (link:

Choice 2: Guatemalans
deliberately infected with STDs sue Johns Hopkins University for $1bn

Choice 3:  Column: The
biggest scam bankrupting business and the middle class (link:

Choice 4: Reforming
Solitary-Confinement Policy — Heeding a Presidential Call to Action (link:

Your final paper should be three
full pages, in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, include a
cover page and reference page, and be formatted according to APA

Each  paper is limited to no
more than a 30% for the originality report. Papers that exceed this limit will
have significant

List of Ethical Theories

Care Theory

Cultural Relativism





Kant’s Categorical Imperative




Social Contract Theory


Virtue Theory

point deductions.


Rachels, J. & Rachels, S. (2015). The elements of moral philosophy (8th
ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.


U.S. history pre 1877, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Using the book “give me liberty!: an American history (fourth edition)” written by Eric foner: complete the following. 

You will make two separate journal submissions during this course. Each submission will be worth 100 points.

  • Each submission will consist of 10 separate journal entries.
  • Save the file containing your first set of 10 entries in .rtf (rich text format), and name the file Journal #1.
  • For clarity and ease, please title your entries as Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc.
  • Each separate journal entry should be a minimum of 150 words in length.
  • Each entry should pertain to United States History prior to 1877.
  • Each entry should be written in your own words.
  • Submission of only half the required length/number of journals will earn half of the available points.


U.S. history pre 1877, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Using the book “give me liberty!: an American history (fourth edition)” written by Eric foner: complete the following. 

You will make two separate journal submissions during this course. Each submission will be worth 100 points.

  • Each submission will consist of 10 separate journal entries.
  • Save the file containing your first set of 10 entries in .rtf (rich text format), and name the file Journal #1.
  • For clarity and ease, please title your entries as Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc.
  • Each separate journal entry should be a minimum of 150 words in length.
  • Each entry should pertain to United States History prior to 1877.
  • Each entry should be written in your own words.
  • Submission of only half the required length/number of journals will earn half of the available points.

To gain a better understanding of journal entry expectations, please review the sample entry below:

Entry 1

What was the Declaration of Independence all about? It was written by Thomas Jefferson but was probably not signed on July 4th, 1776. It was written after hostilities had broken out. Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill had taken place a year earlier. Why so late? The reason might be that the colonies were not yet united in their response to Britain. Many did not want to leave the empire only a few years earlier they had boasted about. Also, taking on the powerful British empire with trained troops seemed almost impossible. Several of the condemnations in the declaration were not true, and they were addressed to King George III rather than Parliament, which had the real power. It is quite possible that the colonial leadership did not want to attack a representative institution even though it was hardly representative of the people of Britain. Still, the declaration won widespread approval and helped to unite the colonists.

Note: You will notice that this entry is greater than 150 words in length.

  • Keep in mind that 150 words is the minimum length.
  • There are no “right or wrong” answers, and it is not required that your instructor “agree” with your entry.
  • You will be graded on how your entry demonstrates that you have read and thought about the material.
  • You are encouraged to use the journal entries as study aids for the exams.

For this assignment I am needing 20 separate journal entries to be written. The first 10 will be on topics from chapters 1-8 and the next 10 will be based on chapters 8-15


principles of Microeconomics, economics homework help Economics Assignment Help

Please separate them with a line. Just i got them

Need 350 words

Let’s assume that you own a fast food restaurant and you are faced with many customers each day eating in the restaurant without any tables. Describe the difference between the short run and long run in the example to bringing about more tables for the customers. How is the restaurant able to differentiate between the short run and long run?


  • Need 350 words
  • First, describe several different fixed costs and variable costs associated with operating an automobile.
  • Next, assume that you would like to travel from Los Angeles to New York City by either car or plane. Which costs would you take into account in making your decision, fixed costs, variable costs or both? Make sure to explain your analysis in the decision that you have to make.
  • —————————————————————————————————————————————————–

need 400 words

Read the article, The Ethics of Big Data. Based on the content presented in the article, describe the microeconomic principles being used, in other words what is the impact for demand? List the different types of market structures that big data benefits the least and benefits the most. While data collection may benefit the business community, discuss the potential concerns for consumers that arise with the proliferation of big data. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.



Comprehensive Business Plan, writing assignment help Writing Assignment Help

Option #1: Develop a Comprehensive Business Plan for a New Small Business

Develop a comprehensive business plan for a new small business. This business must be a new business venture and not an existing venture. Analyze all of the required components of a business plan using the outline, which appears in Table 8.2 of Entrepreneurial small business.

  • Cover letter
  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary
  • The company—company description; product/service/industry
  • The market
  • The organization
  • The financials
  • The appendices [optional]

Your business plan must:

  • Be a minimum of 12 pages in length, not including cover and reference pages.
  • Be formatted according to the and APA Requirements.
  • Cite a minimum of five to seven sources–five of which should be academic peer-reviewed scholarly sources–in addition to your textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find your resources.
  • Be received by the end of Module 8 (Week 8).
    • It must have a cover page denoting the paper title, your name; the course number and name, your instructor’s name, and the date you are making the submission;
    • It must have an outline or table of contents;
    • It must have a brief abstract statement summarizing your hypothesis or findings;
    • It must feature APA citations where appropriate, AND a references at the end;
    • It must be double-spaced, in 12-point font. Per CSU-Global APA and writing guidelines, you should use ‘Times New Roman’ font style;
    • Margins should be no more than 1 inch, right and left, and top and bottom;
    • All pages must be numbered, top-right corner.

Refer to the Portfolio Project grading rubric available in the Module 8 Folder for information on grading (attached) 

“portfolio milestone” (attached) is a brief description of the information that needs to be used and paper based off. other information does need to be added as well, this was an assignment i had to do a few weeks ago for my portfolio project. 

image 399 and 400 are pictures of Table 8.2 of Entrepreneurial small business.

Comprehensive Business Plan, writing assignment help Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

They Say/ I Say type essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Summarize and respond to the following essay in They Say/ I Say:

Richard Mueller, “Nuclear Waste”

after an engaging introduction, you’ll summarize the writer’s argument consider some of the following questions: What other argument(s) is the writer responding to? Is the writer disagreeing or agreeing with something, and if so, what? What is motivating the writer’s argument? Be sure to use quotations where helpful BUT not as a substitute for ideas you could summarize. take few paras for this..

Then locate yourself in the conversation among the texts: How do you respond to the author’s ideas, maybe just a small point he or she makes? Do you agree with a difference? Disagree? Agree and Disagree? What other ideas have you encountered might be pertinent? Use quotations where useful, you can use pronouns if you wish.. take a few paras for this also..

In your conclusion, tell why does it matter? why is this conversation worth having? who does it affect? what implications will it have in the future? 

> work should be at least 4 pages long..

this is the link where you can read about They Say/ I Say and in the Reading section you can find “Nuclear Waste” 


Individual project for Xfinity/Comcast, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

I am going to try this again. No plagarism…if you use outside sources the plagiarism needs to be under 20%


Select a U.S. multinational company, and respond to the following questions:

  • In terms of currency denomination, describe how the firm prices its revenues and costs.
  • For multinational enterprises (MNEs) with multiple foreign operations, consider any 2 of those operations and the contribution they are making to the parent firm’s profits.
  • What means do they use to hedge against exchange rate risk?
  • Using this information, what do you think would be the effect of increases or decreases in the dollar’s exchange value on the firm’s profitability?
  • Be sure to show all applicable work.

Present your findings as a Word document of 7–10 pages formatted in APA style. Include 5–7 academic, peer-reviewed references that are relevant to and support the deliverable.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

  1. Title page: Remember the running head AND THE TITLE IN ALL CAPITALS.
  2. Abstract: This is a summary of your paper—not an introduction. Begin writing in third-person voice.
  3. Body: The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The type face should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 3–4 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.
  4. Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hang indention, italics, and upper- and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

This assignment will be assessed using the rubric provided here.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.


250 Words Simple Question what Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, computer science help Computer Science Assignment Help

  1. Assuming you were able to access the Gartner site and the Hype Cycle for the Internet of Things, 2016 article ( what Internet of Things (IoT) technologies listed (there are dozens listed) 1) surprise you? as in, you didn’t realize that was an IoT thing 2) disturb you? as in, “wow, that’s like that Dutch insurance commercial!” 3) excite you? as in, “wow! my life would be so much better!” 4) do nothing for you? as in, if it even comes to fruition it’s not at all useful, in business, or otherwise. Make sure you knit all these topics together into a graceful article-like object that is pleasurable to read. You can use other Gartner articles or worthy Internet-based resources to develop your response.
  2. The Model T Ford case study discusses how Ford used product, process, position and paradigm innovation to become the household name in automobiles. The Corning Glass case study does likewise for Corning, although more in the product and process categories, and more for industry. Based on what the studies say about Ford and Corning, together with the material in Chapter 1 (such as Table 1.3 and Research Note 1.4) and Chapter 2 (such as Table 2.1), find an information technology innovation that followed a similar pattern. Discuss the 4Ps in relation to that information technology innovation.
  3. Assuming you were able to access the Gartner site and the Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2016 article ( what emerging technologies listed (there are dozens listed) 1) surprise you? as in, you didn’t realize that was an emerging technology 2) disturb you? as in, “wow, that’s gonna lead to Skynet” 3) excite you? as in, “wow! my life would be so much better!” 4) do nothing for you? as in, if it even comes to fruition it’s not at all useful, in business, or otherwise. Make sure you knit all these topics together into a graceful article-like object that is pleasurable to read. You can use other Gartner articles or worthy Internet-based resources to develop your response.
  4. Two case studies from Chapter 1, Radical Innovation at Philips Lighting and The dimming of the light bulb, deal with lighting innovations over time – technologies that have evolved from their original state to something different, but still within the same category. The incandescent light bulb gives way to the LED light, for instance. What parallels can you see in an information technology category? Is there an example of an information technology company that has survived as successfully as Philips? Using the examples in the Philips study what ways do you think your place of business could foster more innovation (if you don’t work, interview a friend or family member)? What might be keeping your company from embracing innovation (in any of the 4Ps ways)? How would you define success in terms of encouraging more innovative thinking?

You Have to select One from Four and Write about it in 250 Words..

Make sure it’s 100 Plagiarism free… i will check these assignment with SafeAssign and some other tools !!


Community-Based Corrections (i.e., Parole/Probation), law assignment help Business Finance Assignment Help

Submission Folder 

Group Project – Phase 1


Group Project

Group Project: presented with a problem involving multiple agencies, each student assumes an agency role and a project role to identify a collaborative, optimal solution. Individually, each student will present an agency description, the agency’s perspective and role, and research the available resources. Students will then form groups, and each group will present a collaborative, optimal solution. In the last week of class, each group will present the consequences for not finding or not fully implementing the solution. Throughout this project each student is to assume the character (role play) of the leader of their assigned component agency when dealing with their counterparts from other agencies within their jurisdiction.

Phase1 – Agency Description The student will be assigned one of the following criminal justice components to represent and for which to serve as advocate:

•Law Enforcement


•Institution-Based Corrections

•Community-Based Corrections (i.e., Parole/Probation)

•Private Security

The student will submit a 3 page paper describing the function and purpose of the designated criminal justice component and how it interrelates to other components.

Phase 2 – Agency Perspective and Role The student will describe the perspective and role their agency has in dealing with the Group Project problem as assigned buy the instructor.

•What are the traditional and practical approaches for the agency’s dealing with the problem?

•Why is/has there been a reluctance to change approaches/strategies?

•What motivations would be required to affect a different approach or strategy (other that direction from a higher jurisdictional authority)?

The student will submit a 3 pages paper describing the perspective and role of the designated criminal justice component to include the considerations referenced above. This description will be supported by 2 outside resources.

Phase 3 – Research/Resource Availability The student will identify and describe the resources available to their designated agency for addressing the Group Project problem.

•What resources are available within the agency to address the Group Project problem?

•What resource shortfall precludes a more effective response?

•What data (identify and summarize) supports their current role or level of involvement

•What data (identify and summarize) may dictate a change in that role.

The student will submit a 3 page paper describing the resourced and data available to their designated criminal justice component to include the considerations referenced above. This description will be supported by 2 outside resources.

Phase 4 – Group Collaboration and Presentation Each Group will submit a collective paper which will address:

•A summary of the problem assigned to the group

•A brief description of each criminal justice agency’s traditional role in dealing with this issue

•A description of how the group came together to identify a solution to the issue while maintaining their role as representative and advocate for their respective agencies

•A description of the solution to the assigned problem and each agency’s role in it.

The spokesperson will submit an 8 (minimum) to 10 (maximum) page paper reflecting the Group’s work and addressing each of the Phase 4 required elements. This description will be supported by 4 outside resources. Additionally, each member of the Group will submit a Peer Evaluation form, ranking the participation and cooperation of each member of the Group.

Phase 5 – Consequence of Inaction Each student will submit a 2 page paper addressing the impact on the criminal justice agency they represent if the solution presented by their Group is not adopted. This opinion will be supported by 2 outside resources.

Formatting for Group Project papers

Individual papers will include a heading identifying the student, the number and title of the class and Project Phase the paper is addressing and the date of submission.

Group papers will include a cover page (not included in the page count), identifying the number and title of the class, the Group designation, students in the Group and their criminal justice agency, and the date of submission.

All papers will be double spaced, with 1 inch margins, and 12 point font type.

Resource page (not included in the page count) Resources other than course instructional material must be referenced using APA formatting.

GROUP PROJECT – The Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance ….Background

For the past 11 months, the Virtual Police Department has applied a variety of investigative resources and strategies and is prepared to bring a number of criminal charges against the members of the Very Bad Bike Club. These started out as investigations of individual calls-for-service, complaints and criminal investigations. They merged into a collective effort as the pattern of activities and participants began to form. Based on the investigations, the department believes it has probable cause to arrest and charge nearly every one of the 63 VBBC members for conspiracy to manufacture illegal drugs, conspiracy to sell illegal drugs, and participation in a criminal enterprise. Additionally, numerous individual VBBC members can be charged with combinations of individual criminal violations, including possession of illegal drugs, illegal possession of firearms, robbery, attempted robbery, aggravated assault, and attempted murder. Despite the confidence the Chief of the VPD has in these cases, no information has been conveyed to the Office of the District Attorney nor has there been any involvement with the Grand Jury. As far as the Chief of the Police is concerned, this is the chance to destroy the VBBC once and for all.

The VBBC has plagued Virtual for over a decade. Efforts to stop criminal activity by members of the VBBC have been made almost exclusively by the police department, with little or no support from the rest of the Virtual criminal justice system. In the past most criminal charges brought to the Virtual prosecutor’s office by police detectives have resulted in outright dismissal for lack of probable cause or plea bargained agreements that reduce potential felony charges to misdemeanors with payable fines. There have been however, two prior instances of massive arrests of VBBC members. Approximately 7 years ago raids resulted in the confiscation of drugs and weapons and the ultimate conviction of 12 VBBC members. Six of these members are on parole and still reside in Virtual; two others are currently in the county detention center awaiting trial for new criminal charges and four others are confined to the State prison near Virtual.A similar sweep three years ago produced nearly identical results. These sweeps appear to have been ineffective. In short, the VBBC has a network of members in jail, in prison, on parole in the community and free on the street. The current police investigation has affirmed that all of these VBBC members are in near constant communications with each other.

Robert “Buddy” Pole is the “president” of the VBBC. While currently on parole for manufacturing methamphetamine, Buddy Pole continues to orchestrate the criminal enterprise that is VBBC. Provisions of his parole agreement that prohibit association with known criminals have gone unenforced. Robert Pole, Jr, (a.k.a. “Little Buddy” or “Bud Lite”) is currently in the Virtual Detention Center awaiting trial for carrying a concealed weapon. He seems to be in no hurry to make the affordable bail. Jail officials believe he is trying to organize a drug network within the jail. Two Detention Center correctional officers were recently disciplined for attempting to smuggle cell phones into the lock-up. It is believed they were destined for Little Buddy’s use. The youngest member of the Pole family is Patricia (a.k.a. “Tripper”). A chronic truant and trouble maker in school, Tripper was suspected of providing marijuana to her junior high school classmates and has continued the practice in high school. At age 19 and legally an adult, she is just about to complete her senior year of high school. Tripper’s collections of miscreant friends, most of whom are VBBC members or “wannabes”, congregate regularly around the Virtual Mall and commercial centers. Her boyfriend, John Henry Maxwell applied for a job as a Dunbar Security Force officer but was rejected because of his record.

In order to rid the city of Virtual of this criminal gang, Virtual Police Department Chief Clayton Moore called upon his criminal justice partners:

•The head of the Virtual Police Department VBBC task force, Captain Jay Silverheels

•The chief criminal prosecutor from the Office of the District Attorney, Raymond Burr

•The Security Chief of the state correctional facility, Major Allen Irongates

•The District Supervisor for the state department of parole, Martha Street

•The Operations Director of the Virtual Security Force, James Dunbar

The Virtual Security Force, a private security company hired by the Virtual Commercial Merchants Association to provide security personnel, equipment, etc. to supplement the resources of the Virtual Police Department in designated business and commercial areas of the city. VSF personnel hold special police commissions, have arrest authority on the property of their clients and may or may not be armed depending on their assignment and qualifications.

At their initial meeting Chief Moore made it clear to these partners that they had a single goal, to end the reign of terror emanating from the VBBC and victimizing Virtual’s citizens. Clearly if there was any hope of success, each criminal justice partner has to do their part for the collective good of all. The Chief’s remarks were met with wholesale agreement. It was decided the Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance would attack the VBBC on two levels (1) the pursuit of the current police investigations and prosecutions, and (2) a strategic plan to work collaboratively to reduce crime in Virtual. When the initial meeting adjourned Chief Moore had designated Captain Siverheels as his delegate. He was not sure, however, that every agency representative in the room felt his level of commitment or truly understood the consequences of failure. He was also curious as to what resources each “partner” was willing to bring to this operation and what would be held back.

Major Irongate has her own issues with VBBC. Their presence in the state prison has settled down what had previously been a powder keg of gang-related unrest. VBBC has become the dominate force in the prison. John “Jacky” Pole has been able to get the warring national/international gang members in the prison to suspend their violence and focus on drug-related profits. With tensions simmering just below the surface, Irongate knows the self-serving truce may be short lived. Major Irongate was also asked to represent the Virtual Detention Center. This facility holds arrestees awaiting a bail hearing, denied bail prior to trial or in transitional housing from the state prison to attend court. The jail also holds offenders serving short sentences for convictions on misdemeanor charges. Nearly all of the prison’s inmate population came through the Detention Center and may return there to be available for court appearances. Major Iron gate is convinced that these “traveling” inmates are being used as “mules” for drugs and contraband cell phones.

Of the persons assembled by Chief Moore, only Dunbar represents a commercial, profit-driven agency. Simply put, these profits are the difference between the costs for the security provided and the fees Dunbar charges. Dunbar is eager to demonstrate a successful partnership with VPD and the Virtual Commercial Merchants’ Association as a stepping stone to contracts with larger jurisdictions. In any case, Dunbar’s primary motivation is to make money.

Raymond Burr would applaud Chief Moore’s plan if he could, but as a pragmatist he feels that this is a waste of time. He understands, if no one else at the table does, that plea bargaining is to only way the criminal justice system can do business. He has also warned the chief before that his detectives need additional training on establishing probable cause, proper interrogation procedures, appropriate charging, etc. If the VPD could get its act together he would love to prosecute a good solid case against the VBBC, but prosecuting a “looser” case will not solve the problem or help his own political ambitions.

NOTE: Each student will be assigned a role as one of the five members of the Chief’s team. The student should fully take on the persona of that member. Not all of the details can be provided. Students are encouraged to (reasonably) embellish on the character of the person they are assigned and play that role to the fullest.

Evaluation for Group Project

This is a “Forced Choice” evaluation. Each student-member of the Group must give themselves and each other member of the Group 5 (Highest) to 1 (Lowest) in each of the categories (Contribution, Availability, etc.) presented. No duplicate scores. The student must place a 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 score for each roll player in the group. This evaluation will contribute to, but will not determine the role player’s grade for this assignment.


training in Action Training Needs in the Student Registration Office, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

training in Action Training Needs in the Student Registration Office, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

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