Trends and Models Appropriate for Advanced Enterprise Systems Technologies Paper Writing Assignment Help. Trends and Models Appropriate for Advanced Enterprise Systems Technologies Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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This assessment expects the student to submit a critique report on a research article related to Enterprise applications and its current trend technologies. This assessment is designed to improve student presentation skills and to give students experience in researching a topic and writing a report/Critique report relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter. The research articles would be tasked to explore further research trends relevant to the unit content. As further research findings the unit lecturer may supplement or substitute these to keep the research delivery current and updated.
For this component you will prepare a report/critique on an academic paper related to Enterprise Systems or Enterprises systems technologies, etc. The paper you select must be directly relevant to one of these major topics. The paper can be from any academic conference or other relevant Journal or online sources such as Google Scholar, Academic department repositories etc. The topic and the related paper need not be later than 2013-14. The selected paper title with their URL may be uploaded on discussions in Moodle for other students as a reference and to avoid duplicity. Few papers as an example are listed below:
Weichhart, Georg, et al. “Challenges and current developments for sensing, smart and
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MITS5502 Research Report
sustainable enterprise systems.” Computers in Industry 79 (2016): 34-46.
Panetto, Hervé, et al. “New perspectives for the future interoperable enterprise systems.” Computers in Industry 79 (2016): 47-63.
Dorantes, Carlos‐Alberto, et al. “The effect of enterprise systems implementation on the firm information environment.” Contemporary Accounting Research 30.4 (2013): 1427- 1461.
Note: popular magazine articles, web sites and blogs are not academic sources.
Trends and Models Appropriate for Advanced Enterprise Systems Technologies Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Rutgers Improving Nutrition & Health Outcomes Among NJ Residents with IDD Cover Letter Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical project and need guidance to help me understand better.
As with every assignment, it is critical that you have read the assigned readings prior to working on your assignment.
Here are the sections you are addressing in this week’s assignment:
- Cover Letter
- Table of Contents
- Abstract
- Appendices (or sometimes referred to as Attachments)
We will look at samples of cover letters and abstracts in class. Cover letters and abstracts are short and to the point. You need to include all relevant information, but do so succinctly.
What to turn in for this assignment:
1. The cover letter, which introduces your proposal (maximum of 1 page, 1.5 spacing, 12 point font). You should keep it to one page and include the title/number of the funding opportunity, goal of the project, a brief summary of what you will do and how it matches the funders priorities, your project partners and the total amount you are requesting. This is all brief and to the point. Use proper layout for a business letter: date, name and title of funder, and your signature box. The details are in the proposal.
3. Table of Contents. Please list each header and the associated page number.
3. The Abstract should be half of a page (200 words, 12 point font, single line spacing) and follow the format shown in class which includes: Mission of your organization, Statement of the Problem, Goal of the Proposed Project, How Proposed Project Meets Funders Priorities, Methods and Timeline of Conducting the Project, Evaluation Plan, Total cost of the project.
4. Appendices or attachments. You may not have any (in addition to the budget), but if they are needed, you should include them. Sometimes funders request things like the CVs (resumes) of the lead researchers or examples of potential program materials.
Clayton State University Impacts Spread Corona Virus Pandemic Handout Writing Assignment Help
Class Handout Guidelines
You will develop a handout using a word document. For the purposes of this class, you
will create a word document to submit to the drop box as well as develop it into a Power
Point slide when you complete your final project. You will use the same information to
develop your Power point slide when you are working on your Final Exam Power Point
Slide Presentation, so make sure you save this document on your desktop.
Your handout will be an actual handout you would provide if you were teaching your
class. Think about what you want your clients to take home after they leave your class
to remember key important points.
You will write your own handout; not from a commercial source. Tailoring your
written material will reinforce specific information.
Your handout must be organized in a logical order and professional in
Make sure information contains the what, how, and when about your topic. Don’t
overload with a lot of information.
Avoid too many distracting medical terms- use layperson terms (with correct
spelling) instead.
Keep words and sentences short and to the point.
Write in the active voice. “Clean the wound with soap and warm water.”
Arizona State University Population Growth Report Science Assignment Help
Introduction: (write the headings at the beginning of each section)
- One paragraph about human population growth depending on access to resources, protection from predators, etc…
- Explanation of the hypothesis about whether resource availability (per capita) impacts survival rates
- Explanation of hypothesis about how certain advantages or privileges may impact access to resources and thus survival
- Short description of scavenger hunt—search with half-size population; search with full-size population
- Short description of scavenger hunt with 2/3 of players having less time to access resources
- Short description of how you managed the data and generated graphs.
- Bar Graph of % Survival for each round of the scavenger hunt.
- Three or four sentences that state what the graph shows.
- A brief summary of the general trends in the Results.
- A short paragraph showing how this informs our understanding of the two factors of environmental concern: # of people and amount of resources those people are using. Reflections on opportunities to share resources, negotiate, build alliances, etc. to ensure just and fair distribution of resources.
Grantham University Security in The Courthouse & Missed Opportunities Paper Law Assignment Help
You are working at the security screening area of the Montgomery County Courthouse. During roll call today, your lieutenant advised that they had received an anonymous tip that a convicted murderer “was going to receive a sentence that the judge did not see coming.” Because of this, you and your colleagues are on high alert for anything suspicious.
While at your post, you notice a man standing outside the door to the courthouse, smoking a cigarette and looking in at the screening area. He is wearing a cast on his lower right leg and a neck brace. He appears to be nervous and unkempt. He walks into the screening area and introduces himself as Mr. Midas. He begins to joke with the others at your post about how he fell off his scooter and broke his leg. He also was diagnosed with a neck sprain. As he is walking through the metal detector, the alarm goes off. When the alarm goes off, Mr. Midas explains that he has a rod in his leg and points to his cast. He is allowed to enter the building without any additional screening although the alarm is sensing that the metal is coming from his left leg. Additionally, the metal detector has not been serviced in more than three years because of budget cuts.
Mr. Midas walks into the courtroom and asks the stenographer which side of the courtroom is for the “killer.” She points to her left. Mr. Midas goes and sits in the first row directly behind where the defendant will eventually sit. Shortly thereafter, the defendant arrives at court in his orange jumpsuit. He is not cuffed because the deputies are familiar with the defendant and feel like he does not pose a risk.
The defendant sits at the table directly in front of Mr. Midas. The bailiff enters the court from the same hallway as everyone else with the judge in tow. As the bailiff walks to the front of the courtroom, he yells out “all rise, the court is now in session.” As everyone stands, Mr. Midas reaches into his cast and pulls out a Glock 22 and a knife. Mr. Midas shoots the bailiff and tosses the knife to the defendant. Mr. Midas continues to shoot and the defendant stabs his lawyers and gives chase to the judge who can only leave via the main entrance. No doors leading out of the courtroom have crash bars, the bailiff who is seriously wounded does not have a radio, and the judge does not have a panic alarm. Again, the only way for anyone, including the judge, to exit the courtroom is via the main entrance, which cannot be used because of the injured piling up near the door. Because there has never been any training, the court staff do not know what to do in this situation so they do not move. Some of the issues to consider include the following items.
- What are some of the opportunities missed in the case?
- What are some examples of complacency?
- What were some of the possible breaches to security?
- How would training have saved lives here?
- What architectural opportunities are there?
Write a two-page case study answering the questions above. Use APA Style, which includes, reference and title pages, running head, indented paragraphs, page numbers, and proper citations. Use a minimum of one external source, which can be your textbook.
ENG 102 HCCC What Are Negative Results of Producing Plastic Bags Bibliography Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english project and need a sample draft to help me study.
I am working on my research paper and i chose my topic already. which is taking about ” In the last decade, what are the negative results of producing the plastic bags by companies on people and marine life in US?”. and i need help to do annotation bibliography. and the assignment is annotated bibliography must include at least 7 sources.
Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double spaced, All entries should be in alphabetical order,
Full citation in APA format, and Annotation in present tense that consists of a paraphrased summary of the research and a rationale for including the study in the collection.
ENG 102 HCCC What Are Negative Results of Producing Plastic Bags Bibliography Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
The University of Texas at Arlington Overview of Tools Used in Digital Forensics Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science writing question and need guidance to help me learn.
Please select one of the following topics, and then start to research their current background, survey the related information, and analyze the structure of the requirements. Finally, you design the paper involving an appropriate project organization-structure and surveyed topics based on APA format.
choose one of the following topics from below.
1.Overview of Tools used in Digital Forensics
2. Digital Forensics Investigative Process
3. Network Analysis Forensics
4. Mobile Devices Forensics
5. Cloud and offsite application Forensics
6. Mobile Cloud Forensics
7. Critical analysis of investigation methods and phases in digital forensics
8. Application of computer forensics in preserving the quality of electronic evidence.
Please see the attached file for more details.
MGT 321 Saudi Electronic University International Trade Starbuck Interview Business Finance Assignment Help
Interview Questions
- What is your job title here at Starbucks? Senior operations Manager Starbucks
- As a (Sr. Operations Manager), what are your key roles and responsibilities? Develop the brand in Saudi (stores & how we get to customers), develop and expand the team (Nationalisation is a key), meet the sales and profit targets of the brand. Lead the expansion in Saudi Arabia.
- In your area of responsibilities, how many employees report directly to you? and how many indirectly? 4 direct reports, 25 indirect as area managers and plus 3,000 store staff.
- How do you delegate work to them? Set clear ways of working & expectations at the start (re-define if need to at regular intervals), review progress and assign work as needed. Good example is anything food related goes to Mourad as he has a project on this
- How can you describe your management style around here? Servant leadership (this is a Sbx way of working and you can google the book). Very effective for our kind of work
- How about your relationship with your subordinate team? My view is that its open and honest, sometimes challenging as we need to ask them to do things they may not like such as improve profit margin or send on AL
- What do you do when you are facing budget constraints? Always focus on sales and control what you can. Find a way t get things done, talk to others and listen to ideas before deciding what to do
- How do you ensure your team meets its business goals? Regular reviews, set clear expectations and follow up. If they need help and are slipping behind provide more support to get this done
- If I wanted to be a Sr Operations Manager, what qualifications would I need? There are 2 routes – relevant experience or degree and experience. Having a degree can get you started quicker in your career and then you really need to work with various brands or companies and build up your experience and reputation. Every promotional step brings more challenges and learning and it almost always is tougher than a candidate thinks.
- Any advice to me, related to the Industry and Business world in general? Determination, resilience and ability to work with people are keys especially in this part of he world. If you can master these skills then you have a much better opportunity to do well. I would also encourage you to get to know your customer and what they want well – that will ensure you focus on the right things. Do not try to do everything but know whats important and do that well
- Are there any internship programs offered by Starbucks? Internationally different countries may have, we have some internships for office job
- As a Business Administration & Management student, what position does Starbucks have for me? You can either work in support roles or directly in operations. Both accept candidates with varied experience and educational level and are good learning grounds
- What further qualification would I need to secure the job? All jobs criteria vary but as a general rule of thumb the CV gets you the interview then its how you connect with the interviewers that will get you the job. Being clear, honest and passionate about what you want to do is always going to help you do better in any interview
Similarities Differences Between Mediation Fact-Finding WW II Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
- What are some similarities and differences between mediation, fact-finding, and interest arbitration?
- Should employees engaged in lawful strike activity be protected from permanent replacement? Explain your reasoning .
- How did World War II and the National War Labor Board greatly expand the use of arbitration.
- Discuss 2 decision-making guideline used by arbitrators, furnishing specific examples of how these guidelines apply.
- Do you believe that labor unions should use the benefits of labor arbitration as part of the union’s strategy to recruit new members? Give reasons.
Winston Salem State University Hand Hygiene Measurement and Reporting System Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.
Balanced scorecard, Six Sigma, Lean, and simulation employ many of the tools, techniques, and quantitative tests found in our readings. Choose one tool and quantitative method and discuss how/where/why the chosen tool and quantitative method would be used for a specific quality improvement project in a healthcare organization.
500 words, must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations in APA format, All sources cited must should be published within the last five years with the exception of the Bible. Acceptable sources include scholarly, peer-reviewed references and the Bible.
BOOK:Daniel B. McLaughlin, John R. Olson, Healthcare Operations Management, Third Edition, 2017, AUPHA Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1567938517