Trolley Problem Versions & Use of Free Market in Coronavirus Vaccines Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Trolley Problem Versions & Use of Free Market in Coronavirus Vaccines Essay Humanities Assignment Help. Trolley Problem Versions & Use of Free Market in Coronavirus Vaccines Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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1.Explain the “switch” and “bridge” versions of the Trolley Problem as Thompson explains them. Explain and evaluate Thompson’s position and present your own argument for or against utilitarianism. Consider possible objections and respond to them.

2.Should there be a free market in coronavirus vaccines atop the current priority system? Present a utilitarian argument in favor it and a non-utilitarian argument against. Is there a non-utilitarian argument in favor of it? Defend your own position. Make your principled basis explicit. Be sure to consider and answer possible objections.

3. How can a government give its money currency in a population? Why from a moral point of view must a government accept its own money when it is presented in payment of fees, fines, or taxes legally owed to it? How might a utilitarian answer this question? How might a non-utilitarian answer it? Give reasons why you think one answer is better than the others.

Trolley Problem Versions & Use of Free Market in Coronavirus Vaccines Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Walden University Week 4 Barcode Medication Administration Project Health Medical Assignment Help

Hello Class,

Welcome to week 4. This week you have an academic paper due. I will be posting a formatted paper to help with the APA 7th edition updates. I encourage you to download this file, save it on your computer, and then use it for your academic papers. I have also posted an example of this assignment with graded feedback so you can see some common errors. This paper was actually submitted to the university so do not use one aspect of it as the similarity check will flag for plagiarism. Use as a guide of expectations and tips for APA.

To Prepare:

  • Review the concepts of technology application as presented in the Resources.
  • Reflect on how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence may help fortify nursing informatics as a specialty by leading to increased impact on patient outcomes or patient care efficiencies.

The Assignment: (4-5 pages)

In a 4- to 5-page project proposal written to the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your project proposal should include the following (Use each point by adding a heading in your paper):

  • Describe the project you propose.
  • Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project.
  • Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why.
  • Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist in the project team.

Although this is a proposal, do not write in first person. Academic papers should rarely or never use first person writing.

******Include an introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph. Always format every paper using APA guidelines (title page, page numbers, 12 font, etc). This is theoretical and not actual.

Locate the grading rubric attached. ALL work is assessed using the grading rubrics. Let me know if you have any questions. Dr. Howe


Bethesda University Advantages & Disadvantages of Technology Access Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Please cite your sources in all cases. For example, (Ortiz, Class Notes, Sept. 9, 2019) or (Potter, 2019, p. 11).

The answers receiving the best scores will thoughtfully tie together references to the text, our class discussions and include your personal and relevant examples. If you do not cite a source, you will not receive credit.

Aim for at least 270/300 words.

1- Clearly we are living in an information-saturated world. Name and describe ways in which our lives are better because everyone has access to so much information. Name and describe ways in which our lives are not as good as before when there was not so much information available? Given all the advantages and disadvantages of living in an information-saturated world, do you think we are better off or worse off today compared to people living in a time with less information? Explain your response.

2- Explain what it means to say media literacy is a continuum, not a category. Which of the eight stages on the media literacy continuum do you think is your “home” stage? Provide justification for your choice. Where would you like to be on the continuum?

3- As an up and coming communication scholar, you have been asked to speak to a group of parents about children and media use. You have decided to make three major points. What are they? And, provide two sentences of support for each. (At least one of the major points should be connected to the Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma.)

4- We have discussed that becoming more media literate helps us to distinguish between the real world and the world manufactured by the media. How does media literacy do this? What is an example of someone or something that you feel is portrayed inaccurately by the mass media? What might be some of the consequences of this misleading depiction?

5- Begin by explaining the difference between the concepts of mass audience and niche audience. Identify three niche audiences to which you belong (based on lifestyle, location, demographics, etc.) Provide an example of media content that you believe targets each group.


Albany College of Pharmacy Gender Representation in Tomb Raider Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment context:

Over the next few weeks we will be gearing up for a mini-research assignment called a case study. The goal of the assignment will be to identify an issue in the media and to do a little bit of research to see if you can find that issue in a media example. For instance, if you do a case study on the representation of a specific racial group, you will be looking at a media example (eg. an episode of a show, a movie, or a video game) to see if the issue is present in that media text. Therefore, it will help you to have already read about the history of the medium that the media text is a part of.

So, if you decide you are looking at the representation of the Latinx community in “Fallout: New Vegas” then you should do your historical report on video games. If, instead, you want to look at the same group representation in an episode of “Ugly Betty” then you should do your historical report on sit-coms. (If you have questions about the details of your specific assignment, don’t hesitate to email me.)

Historical Report:

Use the library to find 3-5 sources that go into the history of the media you have selected to study.

  • You will need to find more than five (5) sources and then pare down to 3-5 after you’ve skimmed them and picked the best ones. I suggest starting with 7-10 sources.
  • As you read through the sources, take notes on things you find interesting or relevant to your historical report. Feel free to use quotes!
  • Create a reference list using APA style (Links to an external site.) and make sure you cite your sources (Links to an external site.) in your report also using APA style.
  • Write a 3-5 page historical report. Your report should have an introduction, 3-5 paragraphs about the history of the medium, and a conclusion. Dividing the body of your paper into sections is encouraged.
  • You may use Media & Culture in addition to your 3-5 sources but you must have 3-5 new sources that you found on your own.
  • The references page is not included in the 3-5 page minimum requirement.
  • Your paper should be formatted using APA style (Links to an external site.) (12-point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, 1″ margins, Last Name and page # in header, etc).


DAV Public School Womens Work and Chicano Families Blog Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history question and need support to help me learn.

A successful blog post engages with the week’s readings. Additionally:

  • Blog posts should be 100 – 150-word reflections
  • In your blog posts, address the following three points: 1.) Why a particular short passage from the reading is interesting to you; give author and page number. 2.) A brief connection you’ve made between the text and one of the following:
    • another reading from our class
    • another class you’ve taken
    • something from performance, the arts, media, or popular culture
  • 1 – 2 questions that you have about the text that you will bring to the class discussion. Formulating strong questions is an important critical thinking skill that can be honed and will benefit you in your thinking and writing.



University of South Florida The Event in Probability Paper Writing Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will provide a plain language explanation of the

primary concepts of probability. In addition, you will provide

examples of how your field would apply each of these elements of

probability to problems your field might address.

For the assignment, you will need to be able to discuss the following
probability concepts and methods using words without formulas or
numbers. Use the attached template and upload the document after saving it as a file with your name in the file title.

  • Describe what an event is in probability. Then describe both simple and compound events.
  • Describe the types of data set relationships – complement, union, intersection, mutually exclusive or disjoint
  • Describe the general product rule
  • What does Bayes theorem do/show? What is the bigger picture value of this method?
  • There are three types of probability: marginal, joint, and
    conditional, describe each and try to think of a reason why each would
    be important.
  • Describe the following 3 counting techniques: the basic counting
    principle, permutations, and combinations. See how many you can think of
    having a value in your field.

my field is mechanical engineering and 3rd printing

University of South Florida The Event in Probability Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ORG 7102 Ashford University Elements of Organizational Culture Short Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, please read Chapter 8 in your Kinicki and Williams (2008) textbook, and the following articles: Hartnell, Ou, Kinicki, Choi, and Karam (2019), “A Meta-Analytic Test of Organizational Culture’s Association With Elements of an Organization’s System and its Relative Predictive Validity on Organizational Outcomes,” and Painter (2019), “Leadership Culture by Design.”

In an initial post of at least 300 words, and citing at least two required scholarly sources, explain the nature of organizational culture, and how both visible and unseen culture components influence thinking and behavior in an organization. Provide an example of each type of culture component. Then, discuss the influence culture has on individual, team, and organizational performance, and what can happen if leaders and managers are not attentive to maintaining a positive culture. Outline the key responsibilities of leaders and managers in promoting and sustaining a positive culture.


University of Nairobi Native Americans in Casino Gambling Discussion Writing Assignment Help

What role, if any, does casino gambling have on improving the lives of Native Americans? Is it really a solution to the problems relating to poverty and unemployment that is characteristic of Native Americans?

In answering this question, do some outside research about casinos on native land. For instance, look for information regarding how many reservations actually have a casino, how much revenue casinos bring in, how much of the revenue goes to the people of the Native American community, etc.? You need to include at least 2 different outside sources in your post. Make sure you provide links to your resources.

Read the responses of other students and choose one student to whom to respond. Your response should either agree or disagree with that student. Add more support for your opinion in your post. Your response should be at least 4 sentences.

You have to do some research


ORG 7102 Ashford University Lewin Change Model Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, please read Chapter 11 in your Northouse (2019) textbook, Chapter 10 in your Kinicki and Williams (2008) textbook, and the article by Galli (2018), “Change Management Models: A Comparative Analysis and Concerns.” Then, choose one of the five change management models described in Galli’s (2018) article: Kurt Lewin’s change management model, Kotter’s 8-Step change model, the ADKAR model, the McKinsey 7-S model, and General Electric’s change acceleration process model. You will analyze the model you have chosen in your discussion post.

For your discussion, you will prepare an essay that could be used to teach work colleagues about the change management model you studied. In an initial post of at least 300 words, and citing at least two required scholarly sources, identify and describe the change management model you selected, providing sufficient information to help your classmates understand how they might be able to use the model in the workplace. Discuss both strengths and limitations of the model. Then, provide guidance to your fictitious work colleagues about leadership and management roles and responsibilities that would be required for them to implement the change management model you selected.


Aspen University Name the Cardiac Rhythm Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

We are required to make a game using EKG strips provided by instructor that have multiple choice answers. I want to make sure my answers are correct before I proceed with the explanations. There are 50 EKG strips and I want to label them appropriately on the title part of the PowerPoint. Rough draft PowerPoint attached. I had to convert the Powerpoint to a pdf in order to fit because program states file is too big. If there are any wrong answers, you can just make a list and I can complete the rest of the project. Thanks.

[supanova_question]” Then, choose one of the five change management models described in Galli’s (2018) article: Kurt Lewin’s change management model, Kotter’s 8-Step change model, the ADKAR model, the McKinsey 7-S model, and General Electric’s change acceleration process model. You will analyze the model you have chosen in your discussion post.

For your discussion, you will prepare an essay that could be used to teach work colleagues about the change management model you studied. In an initial post of at least 300 words, and citing at least two required scholarly sources, identify and describe the change management model you selected, providing sufficient information to help your classmates understand how they might be able to use the model in the workplace. Discuss both strengths and limitations of the model. Then, provide guidance to your fictitious work colleagues about leadership and management roles and responsibilities that would be required for them to implement the change management model you selected.


Aspen University Name the Cardiac Rhythm Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

We are required to make a game using EKG strips provided by instructor that have multiple choice answers. I want to make sure my answers are correct before I proceed with the explanations. There are 50 EKG strips and I want to label them appropriately on the title part of the PowerPoint. Rough draft PowerPoint attached. I had to convert the Powerpoint to a pdf in order to fit because program states file is too big. If there are any wrong answers, you can just make a list and I can complete the rest of the project. Thanks.

[supanova_question]” Then, choose one of the five change management models described in Galli’s (2018) article: Kurt Lewin’s change management model, Kotter’s 8-Step change model, the ADKAR model, the McKinsey 7-S model, and General Electric’s change acceleration process model. You will analyze the model you have chosen in your discussion post.

For your discussion, you will prepare an essay that could be used to teach work colleagues about the change management model you studied. In an initial post of at least 300 words, and citing at least two required scholarly sources, identify and describe the change management model you selected, providing sufficient information to help your classmates understand how they might be able to use the model in the workplace. Discuss both strengths and limitations of the model. Then, provide guidance to your fictitious work colleagues about leadership and management roles and responsibilities that would be required for them to implement the change management model you selected.


Aspen University Name the Cardiac Rhythm Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

We are required to make a game using EKG strips provided by instructor that have multiple choice answers. I want to make sure my answers are correct before I proceed with the explanations. There are 50 EKG strips and I want to label them appropriately on the title part of the PowerPoint. Rough draft PowerPoint attached. I had to convert the Powerpoint to a pdf in order to fit because program states file is too big. If there are any wrong answers, you can just make a list and I can complete the rest of the project. Thanks.

[supanova_question]” Then, choose one of the five change management models described in Galli’s (2018) article: Kurt Lewin’s change management model, Kotter’s 8-Step change model, the ADKAR model, the McKinsey 7-S model, and General Electric’s change acceleration process model. You will analyze the model you have chosen in your discussion post.

For your discussion, you will prepare an essay that could be used to teach work colleagues about the change management model you studied. In an initial post of at least 300 words, and citing at least two required scholarly sources, identify and describe the change management model you selected, providing sufficient information to help your classmates understand how they might be able to use the model in the workplace. Discuss both strengths and limitations of the model. Then, provide guidance to your fictitious work colleagues about leadership and management roles and responsibilities that would be required for them to implement the change management model you selected.


Aspen University Name the Cardiac Rhythm Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

We are required to make a game using EKG strips provided by instructor that have multiple choice answers. I want to make sure my answers are correct before I proceed with the explanations. There are 50 EKG strips and I want to label them appropriately on the title part of the PowerPoint. Rough draft PowerPoint attached. I had to convert the Powerpoint to a pdf in order to fit because program states file is too big. If there are any wrong answers, you can just make a list and I can complete the rest of the project. Thanks.


Trolley Problem Versions & Use of Free Market in Coronavirus Vaccines Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Trolley Problem Versions & Use of Free Market in Coronavirus Vaccines Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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