TRVL 4160 Johnson & Wales Disadvantages of Joint Venture Partnerships Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

TRVL 4160 Johnson & Wales Disadvantages of Joint Venture Partnerships Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. TRVL 4160 Johnson & Wales Disadvantages of Joint Venture Partnerships Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Please review the case study and then answer the questions below based on the case information. This case can also be found on page 424 of your text.

Acquisitions: Reed Exhibitions

Reed Exhibitions is a subsidiary of the UK- and Dutch-owned publishing and communications business Reed Elsevier plc which is based in London. The business has grown rapidly in recent years despite the challenging economic environment and with revenues of about £850 million it accounts for about 14 per cent of Reed Elsevier’s group revenues.

Although comparisons are difficult and industry boundaries are not easily determined in what is a highly fragmented industry, Reed Exhibitions is a leading events management business and the market leader in exhibitions with about 5% of world markets. Key products include London’s World Travel Market which has also spread to subsidiary locations.

Today Reed Exhibitions, like most large businesses, has a mix of strategic methods as evidenced by the 2012 Reed Elsevier Annual Report which states that the exhibition business:

  • . . .is focused on driving organic growth by leveraging its global sector expertise, by developing new events and by building out its technology platforms.
  • It is also shaping the portfolio through a combination of strategic partnerships and selective acquisitions in high growth sectors and geographies as well as withdrawal from markets and industries with lower growth prospects.

However, the key transformational episode in the business’s rise to its leading industry position came in 2000 when the company acquired Miller Freeman Europe. With operations in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Scandinavia, major events which were acquired included Batimat, the world’s leading building exhibition (held annually in Paris), and Alimentaria international trade fairs focusing on food and drink.

The acquisition of what was at the time the leading pan-European trade exhibition organizer catapulted the company into the world’s leading exhibition organizer, a position it has retained. In the decade since, there has been a strategic shift in emphasis towards the growth markets of China, Latin America, Russia and the Middle East, fueled by joint venture partnerships. In China, for example, Reed has created eight joint venture companies which bring together the global resources of Reed with local partners which have local market knowledge access and expertise. The first of these companies established in 2003 was Reed Huayin (Shanghai), which is a joint venture with the Huayin Media Group, the leading media and information provider for the Chinese printing and packaging industry.


  1. What are the methods that Reed Exhibitions has used to grow?
  2. Based on your answer above, why might the methods used have changed at different periods in its development?
  3. In your opinion, could Reed have used a more organic strategy for growth and received similar results?

TRVL 4160 Johnson & Wales Disadvantages of Joint Venture Partnerships Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Saudi Electronic University Cyber Security Question Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a cyber security report and need support to help me learn.


You are the network administrator of a regional bank based in
Jeddah. Your team has been faced with hackers intercepting clear-text
transmissions of sensitive data. You need to develop a strategy using
various penetration testing techniques to protect the bank’s


Write a paper that includes the following:

  • How you can secure web browsers so that criminals are not able to access customer personal data,
  • An explanation of the different types of data that can be accessed such as locations, work habits, passwords, etc.
  • Details on the best practices you will incorporate to deter hackers from data mining to collect customer data.

in mind, we are most interested in your ability to describe the
penetration techniques and tools you would use to enforce security
throughout the enterprise. Use diagrams, where appropriate.


  • Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
  • You must
    include a minimum of two credible sources and information from the
    module to support your writing.
  • Your paper must follow academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, as appropriate.


Norfolk State University Vulnerable and Underserved Populations Report Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a public health writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

  • REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: : Shi, L. & Singh,
    D. (2019). Essentials of the U. S.
    health care system, 5thed.
    and Bartlett: Sudbury, MA. ISBN: 978-1-284-15672

  • Use critical thinking skills and metacognition to:
    • Describe the different vulnerable and underserved populations and their health needs and summarize the major challenges they face.
    • Explain the framework used to study vulnerable populations, see Figure 11.1 in the textbook.
    • Cost, access, and quality are three major cornerstones of health care delivery. Define the three different costs of healthcare.
  • Create a thesis statement relevant to current trends in healthcare delivery. Write a 2-3-page paper in APA (2020) format, include a cover page, a reference page, three peer-reviewed references to support your rationale, and use the textbook. The paper should follow the SESC format of state, explain, support, and conclude, see the Sample Paper posted in this course.


Coding Data Base Lab Practical Questions Writing Assignment Help

I have a slide show that explains everything below. I also have the labpractical code and the data base

Lab practical QuestionsWrite an R script to test the following research questions (using a correlation and regression analysis):

1.Are elevation (elev) and vegetation dryness (VARI) correlated?

2.Is distance to riparian area (dist_rip) correlated with chaparral recovery (NDVI)?

3.Does vegetation dryness (VARI) affect chaparral recovery (NDVI)? What is the NDVI of a plot with VARI of 16.5?

4.Does drought (CWD) affect chaparral recovery (NDVI)? What is the NDVI of a plot with CWD of -4.6?

5.Does distance to road (dist_road) affect chaparral recovery (NDVI)? What is the NDVI of a plot that is 30 kilometers from the nearest road?

6.Does NDVI appear normally distributed? (hint: histogram)

7.Is there a visual difference in NDVI between high and low elevations (high_low)? (hint: boxplot)


CMNS 455 Athabasca University Public Information and Manipulation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing report and need support to help me learn.

Length: 12 pages (approximately 3200–3500 words)
Format: Present your research in the form of an academic research paper with a clear thesis statement, research questions or objectives, review of related literature and other evidence, and an analytical conclusion that supports your evidence in answering the research question(s).
Criteria: Cite all sources used within the paper and provide a complete reference list at the end of the paper, using a standard academic style such as MLA, APA, or Chicago. Please consult the Course Information’s guide to writing essays for more information.
Use both primary and secondary sources in your research. Primary sources are works produced by government departments, such as policy statements, acts, discussion documents, annual reports, and departmental website information. Newspapers and magazines as well as websites of news organizations, such as the CBC and BBC, are also good sources. You should also use at least six secondary sources: critical peer-reviewed academic papers and texts. You may include course readings, but use at least four outside sources as well.
Topic: Choose one of the following topics (either A or B) for your research paper.

Topic A: History, Public Information, Manipulation, Propaganda

The late Washington Post publisher Phil Graham referred to journalism as a “first rough draft of history.” Many journalists like to think they are producing public information of vital importance for citizens. But journalists and their media organizations sometimes use the ideal of public information as a rhetorical justification for manipulation and propaganda (whether commercial or political).

Write a research paper describing the interplay of freedom and responsibility in news production (providing examples). Your paper should:

  • Consider the circumstances under which reporters may agree or disagree on facts
  • Consider the circumstances that make it acceptable (or not) for governments or media organizations themselves to place limits on freedom of speech
  • Discuss the distinctions between truth and truthfulness
  • Consider whether it is normal/abnormal that journalists report from a particular “point of view”

As well, based on the readings in this course, differentiate between journalism, public information, manipulative discourse (with your own definitions), and propaganda and suggest solutions for journalists who want to work free of propaganda and censorship.

Topic B: The Theory and Practice of Codes and Standards

Choose three journalistic codes of ethics from Canada, the United States, Europe, and/or the Middle East. Ensure at least one of your choices is from a newspaper code and at least one is from broadcasting, so that you can highlight similarities and differences. Critique several examples of reporting by media organizations that have stated their support for these codes of ethics. Critically examine two different media (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, or the Internet) to distinguish between their specific cultures, technological constraints, and possibilities. Examine the specific ethical challenges posed by each medium. Critically examine how news organizations are regulated by external organizations and how they regulate themselves. If you write about new media such as the Internet (online editions of news media, blogs, etc.), consider whether they are opening the way for a more interactive kind of journalism, and whether such innovative practices could make journalism more accountable, responsible, and ethical, or whether they could have the opposite effect.

Consider these questions when writing your research paper:

  • What are the key ethical issues raised by journalism as public information, as manipulative discourse, and as propaganda?
  • Is there a gap between the theory and the practice of codes and standards? If so, do you consider the gap normal or abnormal?
  • How has the broader social, political, and economic environment shaped professional standards for journalists and their media organizations?
  • What are the outstanding or future issues for ethical journalism that still need to be addressed by individual journalists and their media organizations?



Ashford University Nature and Childhood Development Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help

Two Choices for this Childhood Assignment

In DISCUSSIONS, “Forest Schools: Underrated Heroes” we find that a child’s engagement with the natural world can have lifelong learning effect. Our 21st century life has been losing so much as wilderness areas become suburban landscapes and children recognize more corporate logos than the names and features of the birds and trees in their neighborhoods. For this essay consider:

1. The place of nature in a child’s life – how important should it be?

2. Nature as Teacher – what values and morals can children learn from the experiences in Nature?

3. What experiences from your life in childhood involved the natural world and how did it benefit you?

Alternatively – Moral Development in Middle Childhood is framed within the child’s capacity to learn in academic and social settings. Piaget believed children at this age were guided by the principle of immanent justice, meaning that breaking any social norm, misbehaving, or law breaking never goes unpunished, even when not addressed immediately. Lawrence Kohlberg built his construction of Moral Development Levels based on Piaget’s stage development model. Kohlberg starts with a Preconventional level corresponding to Piaget’s Preoperational stage. The Conventional Level of moral development coincides with the Concrete Operations stage and Erikson’s Industry v. Inferiority stage. The point of view between Kohlberg and Erikson is of prime consideration. If a child is engaging in bullying behavior, for example, it most probably is happening as the child feels inferior and wants to establish superiority over his peers. Bullies can socially adept at getting away with transgressions but are rarely the most academically advanced. Gender issues in terms of feeling inferior can limit one’s sense of self-worth and feelings of helplessness, e.g., girls are stereotypically not “thought” to be good at math studies. Engaging in risk taking activities as well as self imposed withdrawal from social interactions can make children feel vulnerable even in safe situations. Elementary, middle childhood can be the best years of a person’s life or the most depressing. Erikson’s psychosocial crisis model does add hope to this stage by alerting us to the potential for the child becoming the “expert” in something he/she truly holds a fascination for, or enjoys an active participation in, things that are not necessarily academic in nature. And while boys may engaged in more physical bullying than girls, girls tend to practice/experience more patterns of rejection, either inflicting rejection or suffering from it.

1. Bullying is a childhood misbehavior that is fairly an equal opportunity for most children. Though painful to admit, did you ever bully another child in your childhood? How often were you bullied in childhood? Is there a connection in the two episodes?

2. Rejection during childhood can leave one feeling worthless and “good for nothing.” It is not uncommon for a child to experience this. What can help a child feel more resilient or relieve the depression-like feeling for a child?

3. Under the current pandemic mitigation children could be suffering silently, much more than parents might realize. What ideas could be generated to help children feel more at ease and productive without feeling stressed and confined? (Videogames and television really are not doing it.)

Ashford University Nature and Childhood Development Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Massachusetts Worcester Finance Investment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Topic Question/Issue: Based only on material found in our textbook, please answer the following questions:

(1) What are the maindifferences between debt and equity?

(2) What are the different ways to value common stock? Which way do you think is best? Why?


Miami Dade College Silver Linings Playbook Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Pick one of the below films and wrıte a 500 word response. I do not need a narratıve of the fılms. I would lıke to know what emotıons the fılm envoked ın you. What you learned from the fılm, what you enjoyed, what you dıd not enjoy, dıd the fılm relate to anythıng you learned ın class, and anythıng else you would lıke to add. You can fınd the fılms on amazon, netflıx, hulu or the mıamı dade college lıbrary (you wıll need to search for them.


Three Identical Strangers – nature verses nurture


The Stanford Prison Experiment – the most famous research

Option 3:

Silver Lining Playbook – mental ıllness

Optıon 4:

Gırl Interrupted – mental ıllness

Optıon 5

Requiem for a Dream – drug and addıctıon


BUS 485 Grand Canyon University Environmental and Industry Analysis Writing Assignment Help

This is a group assignment and I’m only responsible for the intro and question #1. The company my group selected was Ikea

The purpose of this assignment is to conduct an environmental scan and industry analysis on a company and identify how external and industry environmental factors impact the operational and competitive landscapes of your corporation.

Perform an external environmental scan and industry environmental analysis on this publicly traded company from the perspective of a business unit. Begin your analysis with the seven segments of the general environment (Figure 2.1) and the five forces of competition model (Figure 2.2) as presented in the text, and then complete a detailed outline of the meaningful trends, issues, and factors that impact or are likely to impact the overall competitive landscape for your company in the future. The purpose of this multilevel analytical approach is to break down macro trends and issues until you identify how exactly they affect your company and business unit.

This analysis will require significant research. Although the framework suggested is structured, this assignment is not intended to be a linear exercise. Be creative in your research—the entire idea of strategy lies in having information or insight that your competition may not have, so this assignment may require a little digging. Tables C-2 and C-3 in the textbook indicate where each of the listed companies are mentioned within the text, but these references will only serve as a starting place. You may want to look for standardized SEC corporate filings and industry analyses through the GCU library, or you could also begin your research by consulting online NAICS databases, SEC filing databases (such as EDGAR), or sources like business and industry periodicals.

The format of your analysis is limited only by your own creativity, though the “Environmental and Industry Analysis Framework” resource may be referenced as one method of organizing your research. While you may choose to use an Excel spreadsheet to show your thought process and research, it is not required, and the attached framework is intended to serve as an example rather than a template.

Ikea is the company selected!

I need an intro and question 1 answered below. Each portion should be written in 150 – 200 words and I should have at least one reference. The info can be written on a word document as the leader will compile each person’s parts and put the paper together. Please title it to show what part is the Intro and what part is question 1 as well as providing info on the reference. Info to the textbook is below in case it’s needed.

Intro – 150 – 200 words

Question 1 – Sectors of the external environment and the five forces of competition.

Here is the textbook info, please let me know if you need my info to get access

Read Chapter 3 in Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases

Table C-2 and C-3 starts on page 469 and the company we select it tells you what chapters in the book case studies were discussed regarding this company in case you need that for research as well.

Other articles that may help with question 1

This is what the chart look like on page 469 and if you look on the next page it will show you what chapters in the book give case studies and info on Ikea, the company we selected. Please see the document attached as it has an example of what the table looks like.


ECON 3322 Saint Mary’s University Canada Trade Deal Problems Research Paper Economics Assignment Help

topic: What problems does a country the size of Canada encounter in negotiating a trade deal with much larger partners such as the U.S. and Mexico?

It should be about 2500 to 3000 words long and where appropriate should be illustrated with tables and charts. It should be properly supported by appropriate citations—although the style of citation is less important than evidence that the topic was appropriately researched.

The purpose of the paper is NOT simply to provide a survey of literature (although that is appropriate in order to demonstrate awareness of the range of academic opinion). Rather it is an opportunity for students to demonstrate that they have researched the topic and formed a view that they are prepared to advance and defend—I am not looking for dogmatic extreme opinion, just a balanced and defensible view.

For academic research remember that you have access to JSTOR—the largest repository of academic literature.


TRVL 4160 Johnson & Wales Disadvantages of Joint Venture Partnerships Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

TRVL 4160 Johnson & Wales Disadvantages of Joint Venture Partnerships Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

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