TRVL 4160 Johnson & Wales University Tourism Strategic Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. TRVL 4160 Johnson & Wales University Tourism Strategic Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Please review the case study and then answer the questions below based on the case information. Your submission should be written in an essay format with proper MLA citations included for all additional resources. For information on using MLA, see the Syllabus & Course Info page of the course.
The major computer reservation systems that have developed were (in most cases) examples of joint ventures. The major world-wide systems now generally termed Global Distribution Systems enable automated transactions between vendors and booking agents to provide travel-related services to the end consumers. The major GDS operators are:
Sabre, based in Dallas, Texas, owes its origins to American Airlines which developed the system until it was sold by the airline in 2000.
The other three major GDS systems were all developed by consortia of airlines which traded as separate joint-venture companies until they were sold by their respective airlines.
Worldspan and Galileo, although they both continue to trade separately, are part of the TravelPort corporation based in Atlanta, Georgia. Worldspan was developed by Delta Airlines, Northwest Airlines (now merged with Delta) and the now defunct TWA. Galileo was operated as a joint venture between a number of European airlines including British Airways, KLM and Aer Lingus.
Amadeus, based in Madrid, Spain, was developed and operated by another joint venture company owned by a consortium of European airlines including Air France, Lufthansa, SAS and Iberia until it became an independent company in 2005.
There are also a number of smaller, more regionalized GDS providers including Abacus. The company, which is based in Singapore, unlike the global suppliers outlined above, continues to operate as a joint venture company. It is owned by a consortium of leading Asian airlines including All Nippon Airways, Cathay Pacific, China Airlines, Eva Airways, Garuda Indonesia, Philippine Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Royal Brunei Airlines, and Singapore Airlines.
In addition to GDS suppliers there are hundreds of Alternative Distribution System (ADS) channels that are operating. These can be viewed as ‘hybrid distribution’ mechanisms as they provide web-based visibility while gaining their information from the major GDS systems. These suppliers include well-known names such as Travelocity, Expedia and e-Bookers and Opodo (which was itself owned by Amadeus until it was sold in 2011).
- Why might joint ventures be the favored method for developing GDS systems? Is there another partnership strategy that makes more sense?
- What competitive threats might affect further growth of GDS and how might they respond?
TRVL 4160 Johnson & Wales University Tourism Strategic Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Eng 111 SBCC Vesper Flights Discussions Humanities Assignment Help
Read: “A Handful of Corn”; “Berries: Cherry Stones”; “Birds, Tabled”; “Hiding”; “Eulogy”; “Rescue”; “Goats”; “Dispatches from the Valleys”; “The Numinous Ordinary”; “What Animals Taught Me”. 195-224 (29); 233-258 (25) = 54.
Each response should be 4-6 sentences.
- What is Macdonald critiquing in “A Handful of Corn”?
- 1. What is Macdonald’s main points in “Berries?” 2. What stands out to you about the way she organizes her ideas in this essay? Be specific. Don’t just summarize the chapter.
- Who is Macdonald eulogizing in the chapter called “Eulogy?” How is this chapter symbolic of the notion that Wallace (in his essay “The Nature of Nature Writing”) references when he discusses nature writers as eulogists? Do you see Macdonald’s work as symbolic of an eulogy to nature in general? Why or why not? (There is a lot to consider in this question, and your answer will be short, so do your best to write about what resonates with you while staying close to this question and to “Eulogy.”
- In the essay “Birds, Tabled,” what is Macdonald critiquing about the role that socioeconomic status plays in how we engage with, and define, nature? Don’t just summarize the chapter.
- In “Dispatch from the Valleys” Macdonald writes about the ways that encounters with nonhuman nature is meaningful. What stood out to you in this chapter and why?
- In “What Animals Have Taught Me,” Macdonald summarizes her experiences with nonhuman nature. What is one “lesson” she has taken away from her experiences with nonhuman nature? Then select a quote in this essay that stood out to you and state why.
MHA 5020 CU Adults with Acute Bronchitis Treated with Antibiotics Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help
Select a data review project topic. Then, write a 1–2 page topic description that includes the problem statement and list of supporting references.
The topic I am going to go with in reference to like a PICOT statement is : “Do adults with acute bronchitis who are treated with antibiotics note earlier improvement in clinical symptoms, compared to those who are given inhaled albuterol in a six week time frame?”
Note: Each assessment of your capstone project is built on the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.
This assessment provides an opportunity to identify a relevant health care problem that warrants analysis. It also helps to conduct a thorough review of the current literature that relates to the problem.
This article examines the role of IT with regard to patient flow in hospitals and the implications for efficiency and performance.
- Devaraj, S., Ow, T. T., & Kohli, R. (2013). Examining the impact of information technology and patient flow on healthcare performance: A theory of swift and even flow (TSEF) perspective. Journal of Operations Management 31(4), 181–192.
This article defines how competent health care providers can improve health care communication, access, and outcomes, and also encourage patients to participate more fully in their own care.
- Brusin, J. H. (2012). How cultural competency can help reduce health disparities. Radiologic Technology, 84(2), 129–147.
This article aids providers in a better understanding of the patient’s perspective on health care quality within the context of data analytics.
- Russell, R. S., Johnson, D. M., & White, S. W. (2015). Patient perceptions of quality: Analyzing patient satisfaction surveys. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(8), 1158–1181.
This article defines a framework in which information can be generated for use in reporting and informing the public about health care quality.
- van den Heuvel, J., Niemeijer, G. C., & Does, R. J. (2013). Measuring healthcare quality: The challenges. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 26(3), 269–278.
This article examines different types of organizational activities related to performance measurement and how they lead to improvements.
- Elg, M., Klara, P. B., & Kollberg, B. (2013). Performance measurement to drive improvements in healthcare practice. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(11/12), 1623–1651.
This study reveals that organizational support risks influence both the overall change project performance and process performance and provides recommendations on how to mitigate risks in change projects.
- Jurisch, M. C., Rosenberg, Z., & Krcmar, H. (2016). Emergent risks in business process change projects. Business Process Management Journal, 22(4), 791–811.
This study discusses drivers and challenges facing quality initiatives implementation in health care organizations and compares findings with those of a questionnaire.
- Abdallah, A. (2014). Implementing quality initiatives in healthcare organizations: Drivers and challenges. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 27(3), 166–181.
This article discusses how one organization shifted from a top-down approach to a transformational one with different techniques.
- Brickman, J. (2016, November 23). How to get health care employees onboard with change. Retrieved from…
- The APA Module will help to build your understanding of the APA manual.
- APA Style and Format has other useful resources.
- Note: This assessment is the foundation for your capstone project. Therefore, you must complete this assessment before starting any of the other assessments in this course.
To prepare for this assessment, read the following documents:
The information provided in these two documents will help you in choosing a project of reasonable scope that is central to your career development goals and would be of value to your targeted health care organization. In addition, they provide guidance, recommendations, and examples that are crucial to successfully completing this assessment. You are encouraged to download both the documents and keep them on hand as ready references.In addition, download and review the template you will use to complete this assessment:
Select your data review project topic, and provide a topic description that includes the problem statement and list of supporting references.
Document Format and Length
- Submit your project topic, problem description, problem statement, and references in the Assessment 1 Topic Selection Template. Your finished document should be 1–2 pages in length.
- Format your citations and references using APA style.
Topic Selection
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your topic selection process addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the assessment scoring guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.
- Write a clear, one-sentence problem statement for a proposed project.
- State the issue in the form of a problem and add a citation.
- Identify the key performance indicators and outcome measures for a proposed project.
- Locate authoritative sources on performance measurement.
- Articulate the value of a proposed project to an organization and to one’s professional health care leadership competency development goals.
- Review the selected organization’s website to determine its vision, mission, culture, strategic focus, and how they provide value to the patients.
- Ensure that you understand what is meant by the term value proposition.
- Consider a strategic, systems perspective when contemplating value to the organization.
- Be sure you have evidence to support your conclusions.
- Summarize current and relevant authoritative literature.
- Be concise and substantive. Provide sufficient information in the summary to adequately cover the selected topic.
- Visit the Capella University Library to confirm what sources constitute authoritative literature. The Library Research and Information Literacy Skills page contains useful information on this topic. You may also wish to consult the MHA Program Library Guide.
- Combine clear, coherent, and original writing, in APA style, with relevant and credible evidence from the scholarly and professional literature.
- Apply correct APA formatting to your source citations.
Requirements: 1-2 pages
Saint Marys University Marketing Activity Report Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Marketing Activity Report
The marketing activity report is an analysis of the marketing activity in a product/service category. The
purpose is to describe the marketing efforts of a group of competing consumer products or services
(e.g. yogurt, running shoes, etc.). Your job is to describe/analyze a product-market category in terms of
marketing related actions by at least four competitors.
The analysis should begin with a list of product-market competing brands and include the following:
1. Names of all the competitors in that product category
2. Summary of each competitor’s products, line of products
3. Competitors’ marketing strategies, objectives, and marketing programs. This would include sections
this, you need to understand your target customers. For example, you need to understand why
they purchase these products/brands and describe them in terms of age, gender, education,
income, family life cycle, lifestyle, opinion, attitudes, beliefs, etc.
and include a rationale for the map axis variables chosen)
4. Competitors’ strengths and weaknesses
5. Weakest competitor evaluation:
it could be improved.
Use your textbook to find relevant tools to compare competitors. Here are some ideas for finding
competitive information:
with customers. What do their premises look like? How are the products displayed? Priced?
position, product features, benefits, and prices.
o Marketing, advertising, and general business publications
Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary’s University Page 4
o Local newspapers and business journals
o Industry and trade association publications
o Industry research and surveys, annual reports, Yellow Pages, etc.
The product category your group selects must be approved by the instructor. To submit your product
category for approval, prepare a typed one-page memo describing (A) the product (or service)
category you have selected, (B) the benefits provided by the product, (C) a list of a minimum of four(4)
competitors’ brand names, and (D) a summary of each competitor’s products. This memo is due on
January 28th by 1:30 p.m. The proposal will not be graded; however, late and/or incomplete submissions
will result in a 5% penalty on the overall Marketing Activity Report grade.
Written report
Prepare a well-organized and well-written report (including references) that contains the information
outlined in “Marketing Activity Report”.
maximum length of the main text is 12 pages (double-spaced 10 pt. font, Times New Roman or Arial, 1”
margins). Keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to the report. This is
a group project and the report should not look like several different people wrote it. That is, format,
presentation style, and (as much as possible) writing style should be consistent. The report is formal in
nature; therefore, it should be presented in a professional manner (e.g., include title page, executive
summary, table of contents, page numbers, headings, etc.). Note: all assignments submitted in this
course are subject to tests for originality and proper citation by
The report will be evaluated on the following:
HN 330 Brite Request Regarding Assistance Services & Change Goals Assessment Form Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment Details
Completing an Assessment
For this Assignment, you will be completing an assessment based on Bo’s story.
Watch Tammy’s Story (or read the transcript) and review Bo’s Supplemental Information.
You are encouraged to use all of the information that Bo shares in the supplemental information when completing your assessment, providing as much detail as possible. Please use the Unit 6 Assignment Template to complete your assessment form.
Review the completed Unit 6 Sample Assignment before you begin your Assignment. The completed form is not based on Bo’s story. It was created to show you what a completed form should look like, using a different client.
Assignment Directions
The assessment is the stepping-stone to helping clients clarify their goals and change objectives, so be sure to apply all three levels of the Ecological Model from Chapter 3. The assessment should accurately reflect the interrelationship between Bo and his environment and his presenting situation.
The assessment should also reflect the NOHS Code of Ethics (link provided below), strengths-based assessment, and service recommendation. Culture should be respectfully factored into the assessment as well.
Client safety and risk assessment should be accurate, clearly documented, and reflect critical-thinking skills. Safety plans should be included if appropriate. Substance history should be thoroughly and accurately completed.
The diagnostic impression and clinical summary should reflect critical thinking. They should also be clear, least restrictive, strengths-based, and written in understandable (jargon-free) language.
Recommendations and disposition should reflect critical thinking. They should also reflect an ecological framework and address the presenting situation and recommendations from a person-in-environment perspective.
All fields in the assessment form should be properly completed and open-text narrative sections should be clearly documented with relevant details or explanations as needed.
Sign and date the form appropriately by typing your name, Bo’s name (his first name is fine) and Tammy’s name, since Bo is a minor, and the date completed at the end of the assessment.
If you encounter questions or areas in the form that do not apply to Bo, you may enter “none” or “client chooses not to answer.” State licensing standards do not usually allow the use of “n/a” in these forms. Some of the checkbox areas in the form only need to be completed if they apply to your client; you do not have to type in “none” on those unless it asks for this. You do have to type something in all the open narrative places in the form or type “none.”
Web Resource
Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals: NOHS. Retrieved from
Assignment Guidelines
Use the Unit 6 Assessment Form Template (linked in the directions above and found in Course Resources) to respond to each question. Answers should be in complete sentence/paragraph format and written in Standard English with well-organized and original thoughts. Be sure to use correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
COMM 400 Phoenix Communication Climate and Culture in Organizations Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Write a 700- 1,050-word journal entry in narrative style about the communications climate and culture in your organization from a managerial perspective.
Answer the following in the context of your professional setting.
Analyze the need for diversity awareness in communications. Describe the level of diversity awareness in your organization’s climate.
Describe the demographic makeup of your organization. How does the diversity or lack of diversity affect organizational communication? Consider possible issues concerning prejudgment and stereotyping of disabilities, gender, sexual preference, race, age, political or religious views, and ethnicity.
Explore the manager’s role in creating a climate of ethical communication. What managerial strategies would best create an interculturally sensitive work environment? What is the importance of managerial awareness of ethical dimensions in the workplace?
COMM 400 Phoenix Communication Climate and Culture in Organizations Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NSG 480 SU Nursing Goals & Objectives Successful ER Nurse Transitioning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Please use the learning outcomes and objectives attachment as a guide for this assignment. 3 References must be peer review articles APA format 7th edition. Please Answer all parts of the question
You just received your nursing license, and you are offered your first new graduate position in a hospital acute care setting. (You may choose any area/unit of interest). The nurse preceptor who will be working with you asked you to put together goals and objectives that will help her guide you to be successful as you prepare to transition from a novice nurse to a more independent registered nurse on the unit.
Assess your own learning needs (weaknesses and strengths) and contribution to a successful transitioning (20pts)
Develop at least 5 goals and objectives for this new position (20pts)
Each objective must be realistic and measurable (Ex- 10 successful injections in 4 weeks) with supportive references and plan to accomplish each (20pts)
Demonstrate professional growth in the ability to care for multiple complex care patients (20pts)
Combine nursing theory and research to base your learning process to facilitate, to strategize and design your own learning experience through planning, implementation, and evaluation. (20pts)
Higher Colleges of Technology Stakeholder Analysis Report Economics Assignment Help
In addition to identifying and analyzing project costs and benefits, project planning also requires identifying potential stakeholders who may be positively or negatively impacted by or interested in your project. This identification step may take place repeatedly throughout a project as you find that new stakeholder groups become impacted or interested in some way, but the sooner you can identify stakeholders, the sooner you can consider their perspectives and begin planning communications with them. Stakeholders can often be identified through the assessment of project costs, which is why this step is positioned second in this assignment.
Required Content and Structure
1. Problem Statement and Solution
As part of this assignment, you will develop a problem statement and a solution statement. The problem statement and solution must be clearly and directly connected, with the proposed solution clearly and directly alleviating the stated problem in some way.
You will specifically direct your problem statement and solution statement to your stakeholder audience. Although the problem and solution will not change from audience to audience, the way you describe and relate the problem and your solution must be targeted to your stakeholder audience to achieve the best outcomes.
For Example |
At the top of your submission, include a problem statement (~1-2 paragraphs) followed by a description of your engineering solution (~1 paragraph). Students’ problem statements and solutions must be written individually — this is not a collaborative assignment.
**Remember, the problem statement and solution must be clearly and directly connected, with the proposed solution clearly and directly alleviating the stated problem in some way.**
2. Potential Stakeholder
Provide citations throughout.
- Identify 1 specific potential stakeholder associated with your project
- Your stakeholder must be specific.
- “Farmers” is not specific enough
- “Dairy farms” is acceptably narrow
- but “independently owned dairy farms,” or a specific business like “M&B Products” is even better
- Although “Tampa Bay Area citizens” sounds very broad, they are a specific subsection of Florida citizenry who may be similarly impacted by your project
- However, the broader the stakeholder group, the more difficult the analysis.
- Instead, you might focus on a particular subsection of Tampa Bay citizens, such as “Tampa Bay Area children.” A more narrow focus will allow you to focus your analysis in a specific way.
- Your stakeholder must be specific.
- Research your stakeholder and identify the following (use full sentences):
1. Stakeholder background and cultural considerations (~2 paragraphs)
- Provide an overview of your stakeholder’s background. Offer clear, specific information that provides a holistic sketch of your stakeholder. For example:
- Example:
- Founded in 1930 by George Jenkins, Publix is currently owned by X and has a net worth of y, with ___ of their ___ stores located in Florida. Publix is the x-ranked/sized food retailer in Tampa, with x-number of stores in the city serving approximately y-number of people. Publix’s values and philanthropy includes x, y, and z. Publix was recognized by the state of Florida for their outstanding commitment to ___ in 2008, and were nationally recognized in ____, _____, and _____ by the non-profit organization Feeding America for their local and statewide contributions and continued dedication to ending hunger in their communities.
- Concerning culture, Publix’s corporate culture can be summed up by this sentence from the “About” page on their website: “Taking care of our customers, communities and each other is still what Publix is all about.” Publix’s community outreach, focus on sustainability, and belief in people and their potential strongly shapes Publix’s business practices and decision making. Publix believes that their employees make the business, and that the communities shape the people, so Publix not only trains, supports, and promotes from within, they also invest time and money in employees and their communities. As a result, Publix tackles global issues at a local level through civic engagement and sustainable practices.
- Example:
- Remember that “culture” includes multiculturalism and cocultures, and that you cannot simply assume that a person, group, company, region, etc. will think, act, or value the things that you believe are most important to the dominant culture. The perspectives of your stakeholders may be very different from yours.
- Provide an overview of your stakeholder’s background. Offer clear, specific information that provides a holistic sketch of your stakeholder. For example:
2. Stakeholder interest
- Problem: Why does this stakeholder care about the problem as articulated in your problem statement? How are they impacted by the problem as articulated in your problem statement? (~2-4 sentences/~50-100 words)
- Solution: Will the stakeholder find your solution clear, familiar, and easy to understand? Why? If the solution is outside of this stakeholder’s likely realm of understanding, what will you do to make your solution more concrete and easy to understand? (~2-4 sentences/~50-100 words)
- Cultural Considerations: What cultural considerations discussed in A above might shape this stakeholder’s interest, or affect the way they understand the problem or perceive the proposed solution?
3. Probable stakeholder attitude toward the project (positive, negative, neutral, adversarial, competitive, etc.) and why (~2-5 sentences/~50-125 words)
4. Include one cost that you think may be particularly important to the stakeholder, and why (~1-3 sentences/~25-75 words)
- Draw from the bank of costs created by your team in the Costs & Benefits assignment (due last week). To answer “Why,” consider the descriptions provided and how your chosen stakeholder may relate to or interpret the provided facts/explanations/descriptions.
5. Include one benefit that you think may be particularly important to the stakeholder, and why (~1-3 sentences/~25-75 words)
- Draw from the bank of benefits created by your team in the Costs & Benefits assignment (due last week). To answer “Why,” consider the descriptions provided and how your chosen stakeholder may relate to or interpret the provided facts/explanations/descriptions.
6. Based on your own values and goals, what common-ground do you and the stakeholder share? Explain. (~3-6 sentences/~75-150 word)
- consider shared goals, values, desired outcomes, etc.
- you can find common ground with any stakeholder, even if you believe they will have a negative or competitive attitude toward your project
7. How might this common ground help you positively connect with the stakeholder? How can this common ground help you develop shared meaning with the stakeholder? (3-6 sentences/~75-150 words)
Miami Dade Business Administration National Labor Relations Act Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
- Discuss the history of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Based on what you learned last week as well as in chapter three, what factors (e.g., political, industrial, social, economic) contributed to the passage of the law? Why was it passed when it was rather than, say, 20 years earlier?
- Explain how each of the important labor-employment relations laws (Wagner Act, Taft-Hartley, Landrum-Griffin) affect the relationship between employer and employee.
- Are the current labor laws (see above) capable of dealing with labor-management problems today (in the private and public sectors) or should they be abolished? If abolished what should their replacements address or if not abolished, what changes should be made?
Ashford University Social Consequences of British Rule in Nigeria Discussion Writing Assignment Help
1.Watch (4:13-14:57) of Nigeria’s Story, examine the map, and answer the following.
How did people across Nigeria’s societies resist British colonial rule? What methods did the British use to combine all of Nigeria’s pre-colonial societies into a single unit?
2.Based on your readings, what were the political, economic, and social consequences of British Colonial rule in Nigeria?
3. This week, cultural and economic worlds continue to collide. Through your reading, though, you come to understand the contrast between the colonization of South America and North America. Focusing on North American colonization, what were the objectives of English, French, and Dutch colonization?
In what ways did those objectives affect the Indigenous population; and why, instead of using that population, did the English colonists begin to import slaves from Africa? Explain your answer with specific examples from your assigned reading and media.
4. Select a market for a product or service and then identify at least one critical determinant of demand or supply in that selected market and forecast a reasonable future change in the determinant. Explain the changes in equilibrium price and quantity you expect for that market. A graph is not required; however, it is helpful and illustrative to help you fully comprehend this week’s material.
Hint: To economists, the word “determinant” has special significance. Please pay particular attention to the listed determinants in Chapter 3 prior to posting.
[supanova_question], examine the map, and answer the following.
How did people across Nigeria’s societies resist British colonial rule? What methods did the British use to combine all of Nigeria’s pre-colonial societies into a single unit?
2.Based on your readings, what were the political, economic, and social consequences of British Colonial rule in Nigeria?
3. This week, cultural and economic worlds continue to collide. Through your reading, though, you come to understand the contrast between the colonization of South America and North America. Focusing on North American colonization, what were the objectives of English, French, and Dutch colonization?
In what ways did those objectives affect the Indigenous population; and why, instead of using that population, did the English colonists begin to import slaves from Africa? Explain your answer with specific examples from your assigned reading and media.
4. Select a market for a product or service and then identify at least one critical determinant of demand or supply in that selected market and forecast a reasonable future change in the determinant. Explain the changes in equilibrium price and quantity you expect for that market. A graph is not required; however, it is helpful and illustrative to help you fully comprehend this week’s material.
Hint: To economists, the word “determinant” has special significance. Please pay particular attention to the listed determinants in Chapter 3 prior to posting.