TU Wk 3 The Public Health System Response to The Pandemic Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

TU Wk 3 The Public Health System Response to The Pandemic Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. TU Wk 3 The Public Health System Response to The Pandemic Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Week 3 Current Issue/Event Article and Summary

(Please see the course syllabus for additional details on this; you must complete 2 out of 3 of these weekly current issue/event submissions.)

During weeks 2, 3, and 4, one of the course requirements is that you find and summarize a current issue/event. Your source must be from a reputable source (e.g., peer-reviewed journal, respected business or industry journal, valid company web site, etc.). Find article about some current issue/event. The article/event must be within the last 2 years, and related to one or more of the topics covered that week, or as indicated in this assignment.

Submit to Discussion Board

  • Citation. Include the proper citation in APA format. See the APA Style GuideLinks to an external site. produced by the UNH Writing Center.
  • If the article is in PDF or other downloadable format (rather than directly viewable on a web page), attach the file to your post.
  • Summary (2-3 sentences). Write a brief summary, and explain how it relates to the course content. Also relate it to some of your work, education, or personal experiences.
  • Discussion Question (1 question). Write a discussion question, as if you were going to use this article as the basis for a class discussion. The discussion should be open-ended and require thought and/or research to answer (not a yes/no, or just a factual response question from the article).

TU Wk 3 The Public Health System Response to The Pandemic Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Northwest Community College Gender Socialization of Toys Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Toys have functions, such as keeping kids busy and occupied. But another important function toys serve is to socialize children – in particular, gender socialization (we use toys to teach children their expected future roles and expected behaviors). Think of 5 toys you would find in the boy toy section and 5 toys you would find in the girl toy section. Describe how these toys are socializing them into expectations society has for boys/men and girls/women.


University of the Cumberlands Greatest Source of Information and Data Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science question and need guidance to help me study.

I’m working on a computer science question and need guidance to help me learn.


Go to the website: https://epic.org/privacy/litigation/ which focuses on civil rights issues and privacy. Pick a case.

Using WORD, in your OWN WORDS, write an ORIGINAL brief essay of 300 words or more :

  • Summarize the case
  • Give your opinion of the decision.
  • Describe how the case deals with the material in this chapter


1. Using a Microsoft Word document, please list in order of your preference the five top areas in which you think computer-based laws should be passed or strengthened by legislatures, and a brief description of why you chose this law and its ranking


University of Maryland Global Campus A Bride to be Married Poem Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a humanities writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Pick one of the poems or stories from the Learning Resources and identify a key theme of the work. Using interpretative tools from the Learning Resources or Module introduction that refers to figurative language, carefully analyze and interpret your poem or story as an expression of this theme. Choose three specific quotes or lines from the piece of work and show how each exemplifies this theme through its use of literary language.

Make sure to use an interpretative tool that refers to figurative language for each (for example, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, imagery etc.) in your analysis. Underline or bold all of the interpretative tools in your post. “A BRIDE TO BE MARRIED”

1 Easily you move, easily your head,
2 And easily, as through leaves of an album, I’m led
3 Through the night’s delights and the day’s impressions,
4 Past tenement, river, upland, wood,
5 Though sombre the sixteen skies of Europe
6 And the Danube flood.

7 Looking and loving, our behaviours pass
8 Things of stone, of steel and of polished glass;
9 Lucky to Love the strategic railway,
10 The run-down farms where his looks are fed,
11 And in each policed unlucky city
12 Lucky his bed.

13 He from these lands of terrifying mottoes
14 Makes worlds as innocent as Beatrix Potter’s;
15 Through bankrupt countries where they mend the roads,
16 Along unending plains his will is,
17 Intent as a collector, to pursue
18 His greens and lilies.

19 Easy for him to find in your face
20 A pool of silence or a tower of grace,
21 To conjure a camera into a wishing-rose,
22 Simple to excite in the air from a glance
23 Horses, fountains, a side-drum, a trombone,
24 The cosmic dance.

25 Summoned by such a music from our time,
26 Such images to sight and audience come
27 As Vanity cannot dispel or bless,
28 Hunger and fear in their variations,
29 Grouped invalids watching movements of birds,
30 And single assassins,

31 Ten desperate million marching by,
32 Five feet, six feet, seven feet high,
33 Hitler and Mussolini in their wooing poses,
34 Churchill acknowledging the voters’ greeting,
35 Roosevelt at the microphone, van der Lubbe laughing,
36 And our first meeting.

37 But Love except at our proposal
38 Will do no trick at his disposal,
39 Without opinions of his own performs
40 The programme that we think of merit,
41 And through our private stuff must work
42 His public spirit.

43 Certain it became, while still incomplete,
44 There were prizes for which we would never compete:
45 A choice was killed by each childish illness,
46 The boiling tears amid the hot-house plants,
47 The rigid promise fractured in the garden,
48 And the long aunts.

49 While every day there bolted from the field
50 Desires to which we could not yield,
51 Fewer and clearer grew our plans,
52 Schemes for a life-time, sketches for a hatred,
53 And early among my interesting scrawls
54 Appeared your portrait.

55 You stand now before me, flesh and bone
56 That ghosts would like to make their own:
57 Beware them, look away, be deaf,
58 When rage would proffer her immediate pleasure
59 Or glory swap her fascinating rubbish
60 For your one treasure.

61 Be deaf, too, standing uncertain now,
62 A pine-tree shadow across your brow,
63 To what I hear and wish I did not,
64 The voice of Love saying lightly, brightly,
65 “Be Lubbe, be Hitler, but be my good,
66 Daily, nightly.”

67 Trees are shaken, mountains darken,
68 But the heart repeats, though we would not hearken:
69 “Yours the choice to whom the gods awarded
70 The language of learning, the language of love,
71 Crooked to move as a money-bug, as a cancer,
72 Or straight as a dove”.

November 1934


Barstow Community College Module 1 Jury Impartiality in the Modern Era Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

1.) Under what circumstances would a court disregard precedent?

This assignment supports student learning objectives: List and Define the steps in court procedure (175+ words)


Tierra Weatherspoon

Jerry Lewinsky was called for jury duty. When voir dire began, Jerry realized that the case involved his supervisor at work. Can Jerry remain as a juror on the case? Why or why not?

Jerry Lewinsky will not remain as a juror on the case. He will be excused by the judge because members of the panel who knows any person involved in the case may have strong prejudices about the people or issues involved in the case. Jerry might have information about the case he just might be good friends with the supervisor involved in the case and wants to Protect his friend. Jerry might even dislike the supervisor and do the defendant more harm than good. That’s how knowing the person involved in the case when on jury duty you’ll Typically be excused from jury duty.


Melanie Pina

When one is called to be a jury they are being asked to be part of a group of people in the court case and be a set of eyes to be able to come to an end in the case. There are some “rules” one must follow to try to make it as fair as possible for the case. In the scenario described above, Jerry Lewisky is called to be a juror in case he later realizes it involves his supervisor from work. Due to the fact that they knew each other, Jerry would not be able to be apart of the jury. This would be a conflict in the case because it is a employment within the two. “Lawyers have the opportunity to remove jurors who know the parties in the case…” ( Anderson’s Business Law and the Legal Environment, pg 23). It is best to have a group of peers that are unknown and have no acknowledgment of the case to be able to have a better chance or equality.



Morton College Human History and Where Fat Is a Mark of Beauty Questions Humanities Assignment Help


1.The “fattening room”

a. What does “fat” symbolize in traditional Nigerian culture?

b. How do Nigerian girls achieve their goal while being confined here?

2. Which social and economic pressures and beliefs help to maintain this tradition, despite Western complaints about health issues the practice might cause?

3. How are the girls treated during their confinement in the fattening room? (compare this treatment to the way the Dogon girls of Mali were treated in their seclusion in the article “A Woman’s Curse”)

4. What are the tasks (roles, labor) that the half dozen matrons teach Efik girls while they are isolated in the “fattening” room

5. Describe what happens during the performance of the ekombi during a wedding ceremony?


6.What was responsible for defining people with one-eighth black ancestry or more as “negro” in the United States?

7. Finish the Sentence: (directly quote)
“Obvious natural variation is rarely so important as cultural difference. One simply does not hear of the slaughter of the ______________.”

8. Explain in your own words, your understanding of why does Jonathan Marks say, “hatred and genocidal violence between biologically indistinguishable peoples implies that biological differences such as skin color are not motivations, but, rather, excuses”?

9. The quote by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in 1775 indicates that, in actuality, nearly 250 years ago, what was noticeable to those who honestly studied human variation (what was only later called race)?

10. What are “the only readily identifiable units of humans”, biologically speaking, according to Jonathan Marks?

Where Fat is a Mark of Beauty Article by Ann Simmons
Black, White, Other Article by Jonathan Marks.pdf

Morton College Human History and Where Fat Is a Mark of Beauty Questions Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECN 102 UC Davis Economic Data Analysis Economics Assignment Help

This problem set is about Econometrics. It requires the skill of using R / R studio. (There are also two excel documents that I will send you later).


Please submit one self contained Word or PDF document that includes all of your calculations, written explanations, R scripts, and R output. You may also attach supplementary files, such as the actual R script files, etc.


San Diego State University Business Marketing Rhetorical Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Assignment #1: Rhetorical Analysis of Academic (or Professional) Texts in Your Field. Due by the end of Week 2. Reflecting on “Discourse Communities & Communities of Practice” by Ann Johns and the lecture(s) from Professor Centanni, write a 3 to 5 page paper (not including title and reference pages) that analyzes the rhetorical and linguistic norms of your field based on two (or more) typical texts from your discipline.

It is important to note that a rhetorical analysis should not take a stance on the topic(s) of your text(s), nor should it make value judgments about if the rhetorical norms in your field are “good” or “bad.” In fact, try to eliminate all “praise” or “condemnation” language from academic writing. Instead, just observe and examine the choices that the writers in your field make to appeal to their audience.

Also be sure to do the following:

1) Identify the target audience of each piece. Do not fall into the tempting trap of oversimplifying your readers as the “general public” or “common people interested in the subject.” Rather, look at specific elements within the text that show what assumptions the writer(s) hold(s) about their readers. Focus less on concrete signifiers (i.e., don’t worry about stating exactly how old you think a reader is or what level of education they have) and, instead, try to identify the values this group of readers seems to share – and how you can tell. (This paragraph requires cited evidence.)

2) Identify 3 to 4 strategies the writers use. Each of these strategies should be analyzed according to their appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos); however, APPEALS SHOULD NOT BE MISTAKEN FOR STRATEGIES. In other words, if the writer tells a sad story, you wouldn’t say, “The author uses pathos.” You would say, “The author tells a sad story to appeal to the readers’ pathos.” So, one more time, DO NOT USE APPEALS AS YOUR STRATEGIES.

After you identify the strategy, be sure to find a quote/paraphrase that illustrates the writer doing so, and then analyze how and why it would likely persuade someone in the field. (These paragraphs require cited evidence.)

Your grade will be earned based on the following characteristics:

a) Genre expectations. This is a formal, undergraduate, rhetoric essay intended for an audience of academic readers who are not members of your discipline.

DO: Use the academic voice (Links to an external site.). Write focused, effective introduction and conclusion paragraphs (Links to an external site.) that meet the expectations of this genre. Have a strong thesis statement (Links to an external site.) that organizes your main purpose for your reader. Structure body paragraphs (Links to an external site.) according to academic writing norms, with specific topic sentences, contextualized evidence, and relevant analysis.

DON’T: Use casual language; mistake speech for writing norms (such as the dreaded One Word Opener or Second-Person Question); skimp on analysis (if you end a paragraph with a quote, you are not doing what is expected).

b) Formatting requirements. This paper must be formatted according to APA Style 7th Edition. You can have all of your questions answered by visiting this Introduction to APA (Links to an external site.) resource, and if you have questions about your citations or references page, see the APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) or Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) pages. Know that you are in complete control of these points, so be extremely mindful of your revision.

DO: Have a title page with your paper title, name, institution, course name and number, instructor name, and due date – formatted correctly. Have a references page with the word References bold and centered at the top, all of your resources alphabetized, double-spaced, and hanging indented, and meeting all other expectations. Do have one-inch margins, correct page numbers, and correct in-text citations for quotes and paraphrased material.

DON’T: Use MLA formatting, APA 6th, or anything else that is not APA 7th Edition; forget citations for material you quote/paraphrase that is not original; leave out any of the above elements and expect to get an A!

c) Minimum assignment requirements. Three to five pages does not mean 2.5 pages. It also does not mean 6 pages. Part of good writing is editing to get it where it needs to be. A two page range is HUGE, so please find a way to get your work into that window. Also include the title and references pages (see above point for help).

d) Grammar, usage, and mechanics. Revise your paper as you write, but also look over it before you submit. There have been excellent papers that have lost entire letter grades due to typos and lack of care. There have also been poorly written papers that gained points due to high levels of revision. Again, this is an area completely in your control. Go to the Writing Center; use Grammarly; ask a friend to read it. There are ways to get this part near perfect.


Modern Concept of Race in The United States Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

This is episode 2 of a 3-part series. It describes how the modern concept of “race” (in the United States) developed.

  1. Race is “an idea that is constructed by society . . . ” for what purpose?
  2. When Robin Kelley asks (of Thomas Jefferson), “how can you promote liberty, freedom, and democracy on the one hand, and a system of slavery and exploitation of non-whites on the other hand?”. James Horton and Ira Berlin give what replies?
  3. In 1619, by what measure(s) did American colonists define status?
  4. What does James Horton imply is the initial reason why African slaves were an “ideal” free labor source than Native Americans or white European indentured servants?
  5. According to George Fredrickson, how were “ordinary white people” complicit in the system of race-constructed slavery? How did poor whites gain or benefit? How does this establish race and relate Africans as being a different kind of people?
  6. Native American Indians

    a) How and for which reasons did Thomas Jefferson initially think Native Americans differed from “whites”?

    b) According to Theda Perdue, what was the hidden agenda, and economic benefit, of “civilizing the Indians”

  7. The Cherokee readily assimilated as “civilized” with a constitution, schools, and written language, but how was their compliance ultimately “rewarded” (by Andrew Jackson particularly)?
  8. How were Mexicans “racially” identified during the Mexican-American War of 1838 by white Americans ?
  9. The abolition of slavery occurred after the American concept of race was firmly established, how did that concept affect Abraham Lincoln’s “dilemma” of how to deal with the freed slaves when he consulted Louis Agassiz?
  10. White Man’s Burden

    a. According to Robert Rydell, how does “white supremacy” become a unifying principle? (that goes “international” with the outcome of the Spanish-American War and the U.S. acquiring the Philippines, Guam, Cuba, and Puerto Rico)

    b. what was meant by the phrase “white man’s burden”?

  11. •Consider how prestige influences who YOU admire. Describe the things you think are prestigious, then describe a person or people you admire because of one or many of those prestigious things. Finally, comment on what you or other have done or are willing to do FOR FREE for the prestigious person.

Race_The Story We Tell Video Guide.pdf


California College – San Diego Finance For Business Exam Business Finance Assignment Help

The YTM of a corporate bond equals the Coupon Yield when:

Select one:

The bond value approaches par as it approaches its maturity?

Select one:

Which of the following is a risk when owning bonds?

Select one:

standard deviation is a measure of risk of investing in a stock

Select one:

Diversification of a stock portfolio can normally be achieved by:

Select one:


TU Wk 3 The Public Health System Response to The Pandemic Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

TU Wk 3 The Public Health System Response to The Pandemic Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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