TUTA Older Adults Community Assessment Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

TUTA Older Adults Community Assessment Essay Health Medical Assignment Help. TUTA Older Adults Community Assessment Essay Health Medical Assignment Help.

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This is part 2 of the assignment. I have attached part 1 and the rubric as well. So, the main purpose is to write the paper based on the information provided in the table attached below, and please do consider adding the information made in the comment section by my professor for the first part.

So here, is the comment made on it:

Thank you for your submission. The services offered should have also included services from the older adult perspective. Things to think about when writing your paper: Examples meaning: does the pharmacy offer immunizations, do the medical providers take Medicare/Medicaid, are payment plans offered. Does the dentist do dentures- is there a payment plan for this- do they take Medicare/Medicaid? What is the cost for services (delivery, lawn care, house cleaning)? Does the Animal Hospital offer a payment plan? Is Lyft and Uber a cost-effective way to travel for the older adult? For meal delivery- what about meals on wheels?

TUTA Older Adults Community Assessment Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

San Francisco State University Process of Constructing a Theory Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a gender studies question and need support to help me study.

Queer Theory Journal (QTJ) Entries & Responses (30%): 6 weeks of our quarter, you will write and share a Journal Entry or Response on our Canvas discussion boards following the guidelines and schedule below:

  • QTJ Entries: Identify a key term encountered in course texts and/or films from the appropriate course unit. In 400-450 words, develop a focused analysis of this term as it appears in two separate sources. How do two different thinkers define and use this term? Write in the third person, avoiding “we” and “they” statements. Provide in-text citations for sources used, directing your readers to key passages. Use either the APA or Chicago Style Guide for citations; no additional “References” or “Works Cited” section is needed. I encourage you to choose key terms and course materials that stimulate, excite, and challenge you. Important instruction: Your entries should end with a question that you would like to ask the group. Please, finally, sign off with a brief bio, to share a little about yourself with our class (see sample entry for a reference).
  • QTJ Responses: In about 200 words, respond to two peers’ entries and questions as indicated in the course schedule. In your responses, you should write in the first person. You may offer critical affirmations, pose follow-up questions, and share resources and references. While you are only responsible for responding to two writers’ entries each round, you are encouraged to read everyone’s entries. I ask that you respond to different writers each time. Since we are a large group, for each round of QTJ Entries and Responses, you will be placed into a smaller group.

QTJ Entries & Responses: What matters most is that your writing facilitates honest and thoughtful reflection. The process of writing should help lean in to texts and films more deeply, and to think more carefully about ideas that might not make sense right away. Examples will be provided. Both entries and responses are graded for completion. To receive credit, you must fulfill all assignment criteria. You are always welcome to discuss your writing in office hours.


San Diego State University African Studies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Share the most significant thing you learned from the two documentaries on the Negro Leagues and relate that to an abstract or theoretical way of thinking about a country’s dominant sport culture

What do you think would be the best way(s) for Major League Baseball to honor the contributions of Black baseball players from the era prior to integration?

250 words minimum.

Short response paragraph(s)

You don’t have to watch the entire documentaries, just skim through some of it and find anything interesting.

Please have it done by Sunday Feb 21 11:50pm PST


Micro Economics Question Economics Assignment Help

Complete problems and applications #2, 3, and 6

2. Consider the market for fire extinguishers.

a. Why might fire extinguishers exhibit positive

b. Draw a graph of the market for fire extinguishers,
labeling the demand curve, the social-value curve,
the supply curve, and the social-cost curve.

c. Indicate the market equilibrium level of output
and the efficient level of output. Give an intuitive
explanation for why these quantities differ.

d. If the external benefit is $10 per extinguisher,
describe a government policy that would yield the
efficient outcome.

3. Greater consumption of alcohol leads to more motor
vehicle accidents and, thus, imposes costs on people
who do not drink and drive.

a. Illustrate the market for alcohol, labeling the
demand curve, the social-value curve, the supply
curve, the social-cost curve, the market equilibrium level of output, and the efficient level of

b. On your graph, shade the area corresponding to
the deadweight loss of the market equilibrium.
(Hint: The deadweight loss occurs because some
units of alcohol are consumed for which the social
cost exceeds the social value.) Explain.

6. Bruno loves playing rock ‘n’ roll music at high
volume. Placido loves opera and hates rock ‘n’ roll.
Unfortunately, they are next-door neighbors in an
apartment building with paper-thin walls.

a. What is the externality here?

b. What command-and-control policy might the
landlord impose? Could such a policy lead to an
inefficient outcome?

c. Suppose the landlord lets the tenants do whatever they want. According to the Coase theorem, how might Bruno and Placido reach an efficient
outcome on their own? What might prevent them
from reaching an efficient outcome?


MBA 640 University of Maryland Global Campus Marketing and Technology Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Just need 2 replies to the below discussion topics: References not need but a plus. Only need 1-2 paragraphs

First Discussion Post from Topic 4: In Google Analytics (GA), a funnel is a navigation path (series of web pages) that you expect CompanyOne’s online customers to follow in order to achieve the business’s goals for their website. A funnel is made up of a goal page (or pages) and one or more funnel pages (also known as the funnel steps). CompanyOne needs to choose either the Goal Flow Report or the Funnel Visualization Report in Google Analytics. They come to you for advice. What questions will you ask in order to arrive at your recommendation for CompanyOne? Explain your reasoning.

Funnel Visualization report in Google Analytics, “Let’s start with Funnel Visualization. When you create a Destination goal, you’ll be asked whether the first step in the goal is required. This step only affects the Funnel Visualization report and basically means that the conversion must have passed through the first step. In addition, the match type that you select for your goal URL (i.e. Regular expressions) also applies to the URLs in the following steps in the funnel.” (Silva, 2018). We need to keep in mind the end goal for CompanyOne and what they are trying to achieve when setting up the funnels in the GA, the visualization report will only show so much data. (UMGC, 2021) For example, the report will show when a consumer enters or exits, but you can not dig into what they are viewing, who they are, or what they are looking for. If this important to CompanyOne’s end goal of establishing either report, that needs to be taken into consideration, one of the key questions to ask before making a recommendation. “Some other important things to note are that the Funnel Visualization report does not allow for advanced segmentation analysis and the report does not show historical data. In addition, the conversion rate is the total number of sessions that entered the funnel divided by converted visitors, and if a user converts more than once per session, Funnel Visualization only increments one conversion.” (Silva, 2018)

Now let’s analyze the Goal Flow Report, “Goal Flow is a much more flexible report and allows for more complex analysis of your conversion funnel. For starters, the required first step doesn’t apply to the Goal Flow report so you can visualize every session that took part in your funnel and which step in the funnel they started on.” (Silva, 2018). The GF Report allows CompanyOne to dive deeper into traffic of each consumers and the “Why” behind entering the website. The main question for CompanyOne to answer for which report to use for web analytics, is what type of traffic and what is the end goal for that consumers. (UMGC, 2021) In this case, the GF Report give Company one more flexibility with options on data to analyze and how to archive when advertisements go up or they make different campaign messages appear. The Flexibility is kept in the decision-making process for CompanyOne. “The best feature of the Goal Flow report is the inclusion of advanced segments. By layering in any segment, you want to home in on, you can deeply analyze who your best converters are and figure out what your best (or worst) marketing channels are. Just like custom channel groupings, another neat feature is that you can do an analysis of historical data, while the Funnel Visualization report only works on future data.” (Silva, 2018)

Finally, I would recommend for CompnayOne to utilize the Goal Flow Report. For the outcomes and the data, they need to run properly, this is the best choice for them and their website. They have many ways to track the traffic and where a user goes within the funnels and the data can me archived and used if anything should change in the future.


Duhigg, C. (2012, February 16). How companies learn your secrets. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/19/magazine/shopping-habits.html?pagewanted=all

Chapter 18: Data Analytics from eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Marketing in a Digital World, 5th Edition by Rob Stokes and the Minds of Quirk is available under a

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. © 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Quirk Education Pty (Ltd). UMGC has modified this work and it is available under the original license.

Kaushik, A. (2007). Web analytics: An hour a day. San Francisco, CA: Sybex.

Silva, Remi (2018). Funnel Visualization vs. Goal Flow in Google Analytics. In Retrieved from: https://www.wpromote.com/blog/analytics/funnel-vis…

Second Discussion Post from Topic 3: Segmentation concerning web analytics can be described as distributing a website’s visitors into various groups and then evaluating each of these groups’ behavior. When assessing a segment’s behavior, it is vital to consider time (Cooladata. 2017). Behaviors should be assessed through a sequence of user activities over a stretch of time. Previous user behavior indicates patterns that provide an understanding of the current user’s actions. The main objective of user segmentation is to enhance a website’s relevance to varying user groups (Grabowski, 2016).

CompanyOne can segment the visitors based on active/inactive users involving those who accomplished a sequence of occurrences in a particular timespan. For instance, when the customers visit a website and look for an item above $10 in the previous 30 days, it is easy for a business to identify the cause behind their response to varying marketing campaigns. Besides, user preferences for luxury products or brand names are also revealed. More specifically, CompanyOne would understand the visitors’ usual involvement with its website (Cooladata. 2017).
Another method of segmentation is dividing traffic based on desktop and tablet screens. If CompanyOne used an identical website’s design for both tablet and desktop screens, it would enable CompanyOne to understand how the visitors interact with a particular design. Both types of visitors have different anticipations, and a user visiting from a desktop screen may be more likely to change than the user visiting from a tablet. In this way, two unique groups of visitors are amalgamated (Mathew Edgar, 2017).
A third way by which CompanyOne can segment its visitors is segmentation based on content-viewed. The visitors who visit a specific page are more inclined towards buying. This type of segmentation would help CompanyOne gain insight into the relevant pages that the users can visit.
A fourth method by which CompanyOne can segment its visitors is segmentation by involvement. For instance, less than three pages, more than five pages, more than 10 seconds, or less than 10 seconds. It will help CompanyOne to strain less or highly developed segments (Chaffey, 2018).
A fifth way by which CompanyOne can segment its visitors is segmentation by organic traffic. They are the visitors who see a company’s website in organic search results. Organic traffic is crucial for the success of a company. So, CompanyOne can segment and target this market accordingly, for example utilizing long-tail keywords in search engines to assure higher ranking.

Cooladata. (2017). Behavioral segments – The secret sauce of analytics. Retrieved from https://www.cooladata.com/blog/behavioral-segmentation
Chaffey, D. (2018). How to use (advanced) segments in Google Analytics. Retrieved from https://www.smartinsights.com/google-analytics/google-analytics-segmentation/segmenting-google-analytics/
Grabowski, P. (2016). How visitor segmentation increases sales (and three segments you should optimize your site for). Retrieved from https://wisepops.com/how-visitor-segmentation-increases-sales/
Krohn, S. (2016). Organic traffic and why it is essential. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/organic-traffic-why-important-krohn-online-traffic-generation
Mathew Edgar. (2017). Understanding your visitors with segments. Retrieved from http://www.matthewedgar.net/understanding-visitors-segments/



NURS 6670 Walden University Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

  • In 3–4 pages, write a treatment plan for your client in which you do the following
  • Select an adult or older adult client with a schizophrenia spectrum
    and other psychotic disorder you have seen in your practicum.
  • Describe the HPI and clinical impression for the client.
  • Recommend psychopharmacologic treatments and describe specific and
    therapeutic endpoints for your psychopharmacologic agent. (This should
    relate to HPI and clinical impression.)
  • Recommend psychotherapy choices (individual, family, and group) and specific therapeutic endpoints for your choices.
  • Identify medical management needs, including primary care needs, specific to this client.
  • Identify community support resources (housing, socioeconomic needs,
    etc.) and community agencies that are available to assist the client.
  • Recommend a plan for follow-up intensity and frequency and collaboration with other providers.

NURS 6670 Walden University Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Stratford University Computer Science Question Computer Science Assignment Help

Complete the following:

Chapter 4

1. The ________________________________________________ produces an interception proxy called ZAP.

2. Match the tool on the left with its definition on the right. Tools Definitions Burp An interception proxy produced by OWASP Nikto A Ruby framework for assessing the security of a web application ZAP Vulnerability scanner that is dedicated to web servers Arachni Can scan an application for vulnerabilities and can also be used to crawl an application (to discover content)

3. List at least one of the advantages of the cloud-based approach to vulnerability scanning.

4. Arrange the following steps of the SDLC in the proper order. Gather requirements Certify/accredit Release/maintain Design Test/validate Perform change management and configuration management/replacement Develop Plan/initiate project

5. ________________________ analysis is done without the code executing.

6. List at least one form of static code review.

7. Match the type of code review on the left with its definition on the right. Review Types Definitions Reverse engineering Injecting invalid or unexpected input Fuzzing Analyzing a subject system to identify the system’s components and their interrelationships Real user monitoring Running scripted transactions against an application Synthetic transaction monitoring Monitoring method that captures and analyzes every transaction

8. List at least one measure that can help prevent fault injection attacks.

9. Match the following tools with their definitions. Tools Definitions Nmap Used to attack Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) hping Tool that can be used for answering NBT and LLMNR name requests Responder Command-line-oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer Reaver When used for scanning, it typically locates the devices, locates the open ports on the devices, and determines the OS on each host

10. List at least one of the cloud platforms supported by ScoutSuite.

Chapter 5

1. List at least two threats presented by the introduction of personal mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) into an organization’s network.

2. What is the single biggest threat to mobile devices?

3. Match the term on the left with its definition on the right. Terms Definitions USB OTG Used to control mobile device settings, applications, and other parameters when those devices are attached to the enterprise network BYOD A specification first used in late 2001 that allows USB devices, such as tablets or smartphones, to act as either a USB host or a USB device MDM Policies designed to allow personal devices in the network ICS Designed to provide a way to enable effective and efficient domestic incident management by integrating a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure

4. ___________________ refers to a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, and objects that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

5. What process enabled the enemy to pinpoint the location of four U.S. Army Apache helicopters on the ground and destroy them?

6. Briefly define the following:

Embedded system




7. __________________ is a text messaging service component of most telephone, World Wide Web, and mobile telephony systems.

8. List at least one example of an IoT deployment.

9. A(n) __________________ is a series of two doors with a small room between them.

10. To use the BACnet protocol in an IP world, __________________ was developed.

Submit your answers in a word document.


Columbus State Community College Enhancing Quality and Safety Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help

Assessment 1 Instructions: Enhancing Quality and Safety

For this assessment, you will develop a 3-5 page paper that examines a safety quality issue pertaining to medication administration in a health care setting. You will analyze the issue and examine potential evidence-based and best-practice solutions from the literature as well as the role of nurses and other stakeholders in addressing the issue.

Health care organizations and professionals strive to create safe environments for patients however, due to the complexity of the health care system, maintaining safety can be a challenge. Since nurses comprise the largest group of health care professionals, a great deal of responsibility falls in the hands of practicing nurses. Quality improvement (QI) measures and safety improvement plans are effective interventions to reduce medical errors and sentinel events such as medication errors, falls, infections, and deaths. A 2000 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report indicated that almost one million people are harmed annually in the United States, (Kohn et al., 2000) and 210,000–440,000 die as a result of medical errors (Allen, 2013).

The role of the baccalaureate nurse includes identifying and explaining specific patient risk factors, incorporating evidence-based solutions to improving patient safety and coordinating care. A solid foundation of knowledge and understanding of safety organizations such as Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and The Joint Commission and its National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) program is vital to practicing nurses with regard to providing and promoting safe and effective patient care.

You are encouraged to complete the Identifying Safety Risks and Solutions activity. This activity offers an opportunity to review a case study and practice identifying safety risks and possible solutions. We have found that learners who complete course activities and review resources are more successful with first submissions. Completing course activities is also a way to demonstrate course engagement.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.
    • Explain evidence-based and best-practice solutions to improve patient safety focusing on medication administration and reducing costs.
  • Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks.
    • Explain factors leading to a specific patient-safety risk focusing on medication administration.
  • Competency 4: Explain the nurse’s role in coordinating care to enhance quality and reduce costs.
    • Explain how nurses can help coordinate care to increase patient safety with medication administration and reduce costs.
    • Identify stakeholders with whom nurses would need to coordinate to drive quality and safety enhancements with medication administration.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.
  • Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.


Allen, M. (2013). How many die from medical mistakes in U.S. hospitals? Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2013/09/20/224507654/how-many-die-from-medical-mistakes-in-u-s-hospitals.

Kohn, L. T., Corrigan, J., & Donaldson, M. S. (Eds.). (2000). To err is human: Building a safer health system. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Professional Context

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will be responsible for implementing quality improvement (QI) and patient safety measures in health care settings. Effective quality improvement measures result in systemic and organizational changes, ultimately leading to the development of a patient safety culture.


Consider the hospital-acquired conditions that are not reimbursed under Medicare/Medicaid, some of which are specific safety issues such as infections, falls, medication errors, and other concerns that could have been prevented or alleviated with the use of evidence-based guidelines.

Choose a specific condition of interest surrounding a medication administration safety risk and incorporate evidence-based strategies to support communication and ensure safe and effective care.

For this assessment:

  • Analyze a current issue or experience in clinical practice surrounding a medication administration safety risk and identify a quality improvement (QI) initiative in the health care setting.


The purpose of this assessment is to better understand the role of the baccalaureate-prepared nurse in enhancing quality improvement (QI) measures that address a medication administration safety risk. This will be within the specific context of patient safety risks at a health care setting of your choice. You will do this by exploring the professional guidelines and best practices for improving and maintaining patient safety in health care settings from organizations such as QSEN and the IOM. Looking through the lens of these professional best practices to examine the current policies and procedures currently in place at your chosen organization and the impact on safety measures for patients surrounding medication administration, you will consider the role of the nurse in driving quality and safety improvements. You will identify stakeholders in QI improvement and safety measures as well as consider evidence-based strategies to enhance quality of care and promote medication administration safety in the context of your chosen health care setting.

Be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so that you know what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • Explain factors leading to a specific patient-safety risk focusing on medication administration.
  • Explain evidence-based and best-practice solutions to improve patient safety focusing on medication administration and reducing costs.
  • Explain how nurses can help coordinate care to increase patient safety with medication administration and reduce costs.
  • Identify stakeholders with whom nurses would coordinate to drive safety enhancements with medication administration.
  • Communicate using writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

Additional Requirements

  • Length of submission: 3-5 pages, plus title and reference pages.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 4 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
  • APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style.

Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.


Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

Resources: Collaboration and Leadership

Collaboration and Leadership

Falls, E., & Hensel, D. (2012). Characteristics that perinatal nurse managers desire in new nurse hires. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 43(4), 182–187.

This article may be helpful with identifying ways to coordinate and lead quality and safety measures related to the assessment.

McInnes, S., Peters, K., Bonney, A., & Halcomb, E. (2015). An integrative review of facilitators and barriers influencing collaboration and teamwork between general practitioners and nurses working in general practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(9), 1973–1985.

This literature review may be a useful source for evidence and best practices to integrate into your assessment.

Strech, S., & Wyatt, D. A. (2013). Partnering to lead change: Nurses’ role in the redesign of health care. AORN Journal: The Official Voice of Perioperative Nursing, 98(3), 260–266.

This article examines competencies that may help nurses collaborate more effectively to improve patient outcomes.

Resources: Quality Improvement Initiatives

Quality Improvement Initiatives

Allison, J. (2016). ;Ideas and approaches for quality-assessment and performance-improvement projects in ambulatory surgery centers. ;AORN Journal, 103(5), 483–488.

This article focuses on approaches and indicators customary to the services and operations of an ambulatory surgery center, going beyond reviewing data from routine outcome measures and explaining the effect these ideas can have on improving quality of care.

Coles, E., Wells, M., Maxwell, M., Harris, F. M., Anderson, J., Gray, N. M., . . . MacGillivray, S. (2017).; The influence of contextual factors on healthcare quality improvement initiatives: What works, for whom and in what setting? Protocol for a realist review. ;Systematic Reviews, ;6, 168–178. Retrieved from https://systematicreviewsjournal.biomedcentral.com…

This article examines ways in which the context of a quality improvement initiative plays a role in its success or failure and should help you consider the context of your proposed quality improvement initiative.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). ;Reliability series part 1: What is reliability? ;[Video]. ;Retrieved from http://www.ihi.org/education/IHIOpenSchool/resourc…

This video discusses the relationship between reliability and quality in health care.

Lawton, R., Carruthers, S., Gardner, P., Wright, J., & McEachan, R. R. C. (2012). ;Identifying the latent failures underpinning medication administration errors: An exploratory study. ;Health Services Research, 47(4), 1437–1459.

This examination of underlying systemic causes of medication errors may be useful as you consider QI best practices and ways to coordinate care to increase safety and quality.

Quality and Safety Education

Dolansky, M. A., & Moore, S. M. (2013). Quality and safety education for nurses (QSEN): The key is systems thinking. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 18(3), 71–80.

The need for implementing systemic quality improvement practices to improve patient safety and quality is discussed in this article.

Lyle-Edrosolo, G., & Waxman, K. (2016). Aligning healthcare safety and quality competencies: Quality and safety education for nurses (QSEN), the Joint Commission, and American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Magnet® standards crosswalk. Nurse Leader, 14(1), 70–75.

This article attempts to align the language used in three quality and safety standards and reduce confusion for health care professionals.

Masters, K. (2016). Integrating quality and safety education into clinical nursing education through a dedicated education unit. Nurse Education in Practice, 17, 153–160. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2015.12.002

Masters discusses how nursing students’ participation in a dedicated safety and quality educational unit resulted in higher project evaluations than those of students who participated in traditional clinical rotations.

Rosenblum, R. K., & Sprague-McRae, J. (2014). Using principles of quality and safety education for nurses in school nurse continuing education. The Journal of School Nursing, 30(2), 97–102.

This article, which examines evidence-based and best-practice strategies for improving the care offered by school nurses, may help you identify useful strategies for your assessment.

Assessment 4 Instructions: Improvement Plan Tool Kit

For this assessment, you will develop a Word document or an online resource repository of at least 12 annotated professional or scholarly resources that you consider critical for the audience of your safety improvement plan, pertaining to medication administration, to understand or implement to ensure the success of the plan.

Communication in the health care environment consists of an information-sharing experience whether through oral or written messages (Chard, Makary, 2015). As health care organizations and nurses strive to create a culture of safety and quality care, the importance of interprofessional collaboration, the development of tool kits, and the use of wikis become more relevant and vital. In addition to the dissemination of information and evidence-based findings and the development of tool kits, continuous support for and availability of such resources are critical. Among the most popular methods to promote ongoing dialogue and information sharing are blogs, wikis, websites, and social media. Nurses know how to support people in time of need or crisis and how to support one another in the workplace; wikis in particular enable nurses to continue that support beyond the work environment. Here they can be free to share their unique perspectives, educate others, and promote health care wellness at local and global levels (Kaminski, 2016).

You are encouraged to complete the Determining the Relevance and Usefulness of Resources activity prior to developing the repository. This activity will help you determine which resources or research will be most relevant to address a particular need. This may be useful as you consider how to explain the purpose and relevance of the resources you are assembling for your tool kit. The activity is for your own practice and self-assessment, and demonstrates course engagement.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.
    • Analyze usefulness of resources for role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements with medication administration.
  • Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks.
    • Analyze the value of resources to reduce patient safety risk or improve quality with medication administration.
  • Competency 3: Identify organizational interventions to promote patient safety.
    • Identify necessary resources to support the implementation and sustainability of a safety improvement initiative focusing on medication administration.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.
  • Present compelling reasons and relevant situations for resource tool kit to be used by its target audience.
  • Communicate in a clear, logically structured, and professional manner, using current APA style and formatting.

Chard, R., Makary, M. A. (2015). Transfer-of-care communication: Nursing best practices. AORN Journal, 102(4), 329-342.

Kaminski, J. (2016). Why all nurses can/should be authors. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 11(4), 1-7.


Nurses are often asked to implement processes, concepts, or practices – sometimes with little preparatory communication or education. One way to encourage sustainability of quality and process improvements is to assemble an accessible, user-friendly tool kit for knowledge and process documentation. Creating a resource repository or tool kit is also an excellent way to follow up an educational or in-service session, as it can help to reinforce attendees’ new knowledge as well as the understanding of its value. By practicing creating a simple online tool kit, you can develop valuable technology skills to improve your competence and efficacy. This technology is easy to use, and resources are available to guide you.


For this assessment, consider taking one of these two approaches:

1.Build on the work done in your first three assessments and create an online tool kit or resource repository that will help the audience of your in-service understand the research behind your safety improvement plan pertaining to medication administration and put the plan into action.

2.Locate a safety improvement plan (your current organization, the Institution for Healthcare Improvement, or a publicly available safety improvement initiative) pertaining to medication administration and create an online tool kit or resource repository that will help an audience understand the research behind the safety improvement plan and how to put the plan into action.


Google Sites is recommended for this assessment – the tools are free to use and should offer you a blend of flexibility and simplicity as you create your online tool kit.


Using Google Sites, assemble an online resource tool kit containing at least 12 annotated resources that you consider critical to the success of your safety improvement initiative. These resources should enable nurses and others to implement and maintain the safety improvement you have developed.

It is recommended that you focus on the 3 or 4 most critical categories or themes with respect to your safety improvement initiative pertaining to medication administration. For example, for an ;initiative that concerns improving workplace safety for practitioners, you might choose broad themes such as general organizational safety and quality best practices; environmental safety and quality risks; individual strategies to improve personal and team safety; and process best practices for reporting and improving environmental safety issues.

Following the recommended scheme, you would collect 3 resources on average for each of the 4 categories focusing on safety with medication administration. Each resource listing should include ;the following:

  • An APA-formatted citation of the resource with a working link.
  • A description of the information, skills, or tools provided by the resource.
  • A brief explanation of how the resource can help nurses better understand or implement the safety improvement initiative pertaining to medication administration.
  • A description of how nurses can use this resource and when its use may be appropriate.

Remember that you must make your site public so that your faculty can access it. Check out the Google Sites resources for more information.

Here is an example entry:

  • This article presents the Geriatric Emergency Management-Falls Intervention Team (GEM-FIT) project. It shows how a collaborative nurse lead project can be implemented and used to improve collaboration and interdisciplinary teamwork, as well as improve the delivery of health care services. This resource is likely more useful to nurses as a resource for strategies and models for assembling and participating in an interdisciplinary team than for specific fall-prevention strategies. It is suggested that this resource be reviewed prior to creating an interdisciplinary team for a collaborative project in a health care setting.

Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • Identify necessary resources to support the implementation and continued sustainability of a safety improvement initiative pertaining to medication administration.
  • Analyze the usefulness of resources to the role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements focusing on medication administration.
  • Analyze the value of resources to reduce patient safety risk related to medication administration.
  • Present compelling reasons and relevant situations for use of resource tool kit by its target audience.
  • Communicate in a clear, logically structured, and professional manner that applies current APA style and formatting.

Example Assessment: You may use the following example to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like but keep in mind that your tool kit will focus on promoting safety with medication administration. Note that you do not have to submit your bibliography in addition to the Google Site; the example bibliography is merely for your reference.

To submit your online tool kit assessment, paste the link to your Google Site in the assessment submission box.

Note:If you experience technical or other challenges in completing this assessment, please contact your faculty member.

Additional Requirements

APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style

Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.

Resources: Collaboration and Teamwork





Refer to the following links to help you build your tool kit:





Chapter 3 History of Economics and Wealth Generation Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a 500-600 write-up that discusses the material from the readings. In the write-ups, reflect on what you have learned, rather than summarize or regurgitate the course material. Furthermore, discuss as much of the readings as possible – and not focus on one particular reading assignment. Although you are encouraged to cite material from the readings, these are best used to support the main arguments in your write-ups. There are many approaches to tackling this assignment, but here are a few possibilities:

● Compare and contrast the main ideas from the course to your observations of our society, government policy, real-life phenomena, etc.

● Discuss, in detail, how the lectures and readings surprised you and challenged your previous line of thinking or assumptions. ● Think critically about ideas or lines of thought discussed in class and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.


National University Movement Black Lives Matters Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a sociology report and need support to help me study.

The goal of the research paper is to apply the general theory of the class to understanding the trajectory of a selected social movement. You are free to research any social movement that you wish (suggestions provided below). However, please keep in mind that the research paper is not a descriptive history of the social movement. Instead, the research paper must critically analyze the collective action involved in the movement. To this end, the paper should be structured with these component parts:

  1. an introductory summary of the movement;
  2. an analysis of the movement’s leader(s);
  3. an analysis of the movement’s mobilizing structures;
  4. an analysis of the movement’s political opportunities;
  5. an analysis of the movement’s ideology and framing strategy;
  6. your prediction, based on these factors, of the future trajectory of the movement in the next 5-10 years.


  • The research paper should be 5-7 pages long, not including the cover sheet with the title, your name, and the course name.
  • The paper should be word-processed and double-spaced, with type size no longer than 12 point and standard 1-inch margins.
  • You must include in-text citation and a References page, also not included in page count.
  • You must use at least five sources (the majority should be current-not less than 5 years old).Two of your sources should be from books and or academic journals (printed or on-line). The rest of your sources may be from other secondary resources and movement documents, web pages, newspaper articles or personal interviews. You may use information from your textbook, but this does not count in the five sources.
  • You are encouraged to include participatory research in your work. You may also included interviews with individuals who are leaders or very active members of a social movement.




Chapter 3 History of Economics and Wealth Generation Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a 500-600 write-up that discusses the material from the readings. In the write-ups, reflect on what you have learned, rather than summarize or regurgitate the course material. Furthermore, discuss as much of the readings as possible – and not focus on one particular reading assignment. Although you are encouraged to cite material from the readings, these are best used to support the main arguments in your write-ups. There are many approaches to tackling this assignment, but here are a few possibilities:

● Compare and contrast the main ideas from the course to your observations of our society, government policy, real-life phenomena, etc.

● Discuss, in detail, how the lectures and readings surprised you and challenged your previous line of thinking or assumptions. ● Think critically about ideas or lines of thought discussed in class and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.


National University Movement Black Lives Matters Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a sociology report and need support to help me study.

The goal of the research paper is to apply the general theory of the class to understanding the trajectory of a selected social movement. You are free to research any social movement that you wish (suggestions provided below). However, please keep in mind that the research paper is not a descriptive history of the social movement. Instead, the research paper must critically analyze the collective action involved in the movement. To this end, the paper should be structured with these component parts:

  1. an introductory summary of the movement;
  2. an analysis of the movement’s leader(s);
  3. an analysis of the movement’s mobilizing structures;
  4. an analysis of the movement’s political opportunities;
  5. an analysis of the movement’s ideology and framing strategy;
  6. your prediction, based on these factors, of the future trajectory of the movement in the next 5-10 years.


  • The research paper should be 5-7 pages long, not including the cover sheet with the title, your name, and the course name.
  • The paper should be word-processed and double-spaced, with type size no longer than 12 point and standard 1-inch margins.
  • You must include in-text citation and a References page, also not included in page count.
  • You must use at least five sources (the majority should be current-not less than 5 years old).Two of your sources should be from books and or academic journals (printed or on-line). The rest of your sources may be from other secondary resources and movement documents, web pages, newspaper articles or personal interviews. You may use information from your textbook, but this does not count in the five sources.
  • You are encouraged to include participatory research in your work. You may also included interviews with individuals who are leaders or very active members of a social movement.




Chapter 3 History of Economics and Wealth Generation Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a 500-600 write-up that discusses the material from the readings. In the write-ups, reflect on what you have learned, rather than summarize or regurgitate the course material. Furthermore, discuss as much of the readings as possible – and not focus on one particular reading assignment. Although you are encouraged to cite material from the readings, these are best used to support the main arguments in your write-ups. There are many approaches to tackling this assignment, but here are a few possibilities:

● Compare and contrast the main ideas from the course to your observations of our society, government policy, real-life phenomena, etc.

● Discuss, in detail, how the lectures and readings surprised you and challenged your previous line of thinking or assumptions. ● Think critically about ideas or lines of thought discussed in class and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.


National University Movement Black Lives Matters Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a sociology report and need support to help me study.

The goal of the research paper is to apply the general theory of the class to understanding the trajectory of a selected social movement. You are free to research any social movement that you wish (suggestions provided below). However, please keep in mind that the research paper is not a descriptive history of the social movement. Instead, the research paper must critically analyze the collective action involved in the movement. To this end, the paper should be structured with these component parts:

  1. an introductory summary of the movement;
  2. an analysis of the movement’s leader(s);
  3. an analysis of the movement’s mobilizing structures;
  4. an analysis of the movement’s political opportunities;
  5. an analysis of the movement’s ideology and framing strategy;
  6. your prediction, based on these factors, of the future trajectory of the movement in the next 5-10 years.


  • The research paper should be 5-7 pages long, not including the cover sheet with the title, your name, and the course name.
  • The paper should be word-processed and double-spaced, with type size no longer than 12 point and standard 1-inch margins.
  • You must include in-text citation and a References page, also not included in page count.
  • You must use at least five sources (the majority should be current-not less than 5 years old).Two of your sources should be from books and or academic journals (printed or on-line). The rest of your sources may be from other secondary resources and movement documents, web pages, newspaper articles or personal interviews. You may use information from your textbook, but this does not count in the five sources.
  • You are encouraged to include participatory research in your work. You may also included interviews with individuals who are leaders or very active members of a social movement.




Chapter 3 History of Economics and Wealth Generation Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a 500-600 write-up that discusses the material from the readings. In the write-ups, reflect on what you have learned, rather than summarize or regurgitate the course material. Furthermore, discuss as much of the readings as possible – and not focus on one particular reading assignment. Although you are encouraged to cite material from the readings, these are best used to support the main arguments in your write-ups. There are many approaches to tackling this assignment, but here are a few possibilities:

● Compare and contrast the main ideas from the course to your observations of our society, government policy, real-life phenomena, etc.

● Discuss, in detail, how the lectures and readings surprised you and challenged your previous line of thinking or assumptions. ● Think critically about ideas or lines of thought discussed in class and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.


National University Movement Black Lives Matters Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a sociology report and need support to help me study.

The goal of the research paper is to apply the general theory of the class to understanding the trajectory of a selected social movement. You are free to research any social movement that you wish (suggestions provided below). However, please keep in mind that the research paper is not a descriptive history of the social movement. Instead, the research paper must critically analyze the collective action involved in the movement. To this end, the paper should be structured with these component parts:

  1. an introductory summary of the movement;
  2. an analysis of the movement’s leader(s);
  3. an analysis of the movement’s mobilizing structures;
  4. an analysis of the movement’s political opportunities;
  5. an analysis of the movement’s ideology and framing strategy;
  6. your prediction, based on these factors, of the future trajectory of the movement in the next 5-10 years.


  • The research paper should be 5-7 pages long, not including the cover sheet with the title, your name, and the course name.
  • The paper should be word-processed and double-spaced, with type size no longer than 12 point and standard 1-inch margins.
  • You must include in-text citation and a References page, also not included in page count.
  • You must use at least five sources (the majority should be current-not less than 5 years old).Two of your sources should be from books and or academic journals (printed or on-line). The rest of your sources may be from other secondary resources and movement documents, web pages, newspaper articles or personal interviews. You may use information from your textbook, but this does not count in the five sources.
  • You are encouraged to include participatory research in your work. You may also included interviews with individuals who are leaders or very active members of a social movement.


TUTA Older Adults Community Assessment Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

TUTA Older Adults Community Assessment Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

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