Two research critique for hospitality and tourism Writing Assignment Help

Two research critique for hospitality and tourism Writing Assignment Help. Two research critique for hospitality and tourism Writing Assignment Help.

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I have two research article and each need to be read and provide personal thinking as one page research critique, single space, 12 fount, Times New Roman,(Total Two page single space work!!!). The work have been done for half, and need another half be done in 3 hours. So you only need to add more on my currently work.

For the research critique must have personal thinking of the research strengths, weakness and ask some question for this article. I provide one sample document below can check. For the whole research critique, please be personal thinking about the article, not only summarize the article’s strength or weakness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(cause the previous writer write too much summarize of the article and my professor said that is wrong). So please do it right way thank you!!!!

For each Strength, weakness and question, do not need a long paragraph describe. Those can be just point out

Two research critique for hospitality and tourism Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Vulnerability Assessment of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Writing Assignment Help

Assignment # 1: Vulnerability Assessment (20%) – Course Objectives # 2 – 4

Develop and complete a vulnerability assessment tool to be used to conduct a survey of a home, business, faith institution or other physical facility of your choice.

The paper is expected to include:

1) Cover page with student’s name, course title and number, and date submitted.

2) Body of paper:

A. Introduction that provides the purpose of the paper;

B. Discussion of the site selection and the rationale for the site selected;

C. Components of the vulnerability assessment; and

D. Suggestions and recommendations of security counter-measures to mitigate and reduce the risk of identified vulnerabilities to an acceptable level.

3) Reference list.

4) Appendix that provides a copy of the vulnerability assessment tool that you assembled and used for the project.

All papers should be submitted to the assignment folder and adhere to APA guidelines. It should be a minimum of five (5) to ten (10) computer-generated, double-spaced pages and use a 12-point font. Margins are to be 1 inch (top, bottom, right, and left). This does NOT include the vulnerability assessment tool that will be added as an appendix.



1) Facility described

2) Mission of facility or organization described

3) Perimeter of facility described

4) Surrounding geographical and neighborhood described

5) Assets identified

6) Critical assets prioritized with rationale provided as to how they relate to facility’s mission

7) Process to identify vulnerabilities to critical assets described

8) Vulnerabilities identified and their relation to critical assets

9) Relevant information from review of past security incidents described and how past security incidents were used to identify vulnerabilities

10) Potential loss and consequences of loss described

11) Security countermeasures to address vulnerabilities identified and described

12) Cost of security countermeasures and impact on organization’s budgetary restraints addressed

13) Vulnerability Assessment Tool included as an Appendix

Organization and Writing

Checklist for Graduate Student Papers

Overall Organization

___Content addresses the Assignment’s Requirements

___Paragraphs and sentences written using Standard American English and graduate level grammar and punctuation

___Headings and subheadings used throughout paper to identify sections and components of paper

___At least 2 paragraphs per heading


___Builds case for importance of/need for paper

___Foreshadows paper organization (e.g., explicitly mentions all major sections)

___Closes with explicit statement of purpose


___Appropriate headings and subheadings used for organization

___Every section introduced and summarized

___Every point fully developed, clearly explained

___Every paragraph has introductory and summary sentences

___All paragraphs at least two or more sentences, but less than one page in length

___ Most paragraphs roughly equal length

___ Most sentences roughly equal length

___ References for every statement of fact

___Secondary sources used sparingly, if at all

___Few direct quotes; all have quotation marks and page numbers

___Few authors or sources outside parentheses

___Most in-text citations at end, not middle, of sentences

___Few cites of a source more than once in the same paragraph

___ Body is appropriate length


___Summarizes major points

___Includes limitations

___Gives recommendations and/or implications


___Uses 1″ margins, 12-point Times New Roman font

___Numbers pages

___Abstract includes at least one sentence from introduction, method, results, and discussion

Final Steps

___Paper has been carefully proofread for organization, content, and errors in spelling and grammar

___All Microsoft Word red and green underlines checked

___References cited using APA format and checked for accuracy


Info Tech importance in strategic planning – Replies Writing Assignment Help

Topic: Info Tech importance in strategic planning – Replies


Discuss an organization’s need for physical security. What methods, approaches, and models can be used by organizations when designing physical security needs? Lastly, explain how these security measures will safeguard the organization.


  • Need only 2 Responses including APA references excluding textbook for other student posts
  • Minimum 150 words for each response (use uploaded document to see other student posts)
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Provide an outside source (References) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Textbook attached
  • No plagiarism please


Guest speaker discussion Humanities Assignment Help

After the talk, please respond to these prompts(if she doesn’t mention it, ask!):

1. What is Ms. Early’s position, and, more importantly, what does that mean she does day-to-day. Who does she report to?

2. Relate Ms. Early’s background – what is her training and experience?

3. What is the toughest issue facing parks and recreation – if she doesn’t say, ask.

4. Two other items that caught your interest from the talk

5. You’ve looked at your strengths and weaknesses, do you think you would like this position in local government? Why or why not, use two examples.

Within five days, compare and contrast what you observed with another student’s observations. Be specific in the comparison.

While length is not critical, thoughtfulness about your responses is important. You must post before seeing other responses. Those who enter the discussion without posting their thoughts will receive a zero on the assignment.

Here are my notes, generate a disscussion off these notes thank you.

Lisa Early – Director of Orlando family parks & recreation as well as of children & education. She oversees parks, recreation centers, trees and manages 1,156 staff to which work with over 6,000 kids. They staff summer camps, pools, baseball fields, etc. Bachelors in Human Development & family studies
Diverse experience – 10yrs in the Dominican Republic working for a founation titled “Save the children” to where people can adopt a child and she would write the stories about the child. 3yrs at Unicef in expanding access to pre-school settings between the borders of D.R. and Haiti. After, she came back to the states where she did 5yrs state dept in U.S. foreign aid program to aid in eradicating mosquitos, building water wells, and ensuring immunizations were current. she moved to Arnold Palmer hospital in Orlando where she continued to work with children. She assisted in programs that dealt with transmission of the HIV to babies from mothers that were HIV positive, child abouse cases, and observed child development to ensure children were developing as normal. After all this she got into parks & recreation.
Toughest issue is ensuring the communit needs are met from investing funds to provide them what they need, also, trying to obtain the resources (i.e. money) from the state to be able to invest into parks and/or recreation centers, etc.


This will be a focused independent research project on one particular aspect of the history of sport. Humanities Assignment Help

This will be a focused independent research project on one particular aspect of the history of sport. It contains two parts: an historiographical essay (4-5 pages) that analyzes how three different scholars (or, in some cases, popular historians) have dealt with your topic, and a primary source analysis (3-4 pages) that examines three different primary sources about your topic. Both the historiography and the primary source analysis have to be framed by an interpretive argument! Within each sport, there are certainly key transformations and movements with broader social/cultural meaning. There are also, of course, questions about class, race, gender, commerce, nationalism, etc. that cut across sports and time periods. Whatever topic you choose, however, you need to make sure that it is something more complex than a simple narrative (e.g. the history of one team’s season, etc.)


    • The bare-knuckle era (pre-Civil War), fights like Morrissey-Heenan (1858) Boxing



MesoAmerica Mayan Project Humanities Assignment Help

Hello! This is a writing project. You have to have knowledge in the Mayan culture. This is a complicated and complex assignment. I’m attaching all the assignment resources that were provided by my professor. Please look over all the materials before starting. Upon picking a tutor I will also send a sample writing that received an A. Again please if you’re not familiar with Mayan Culture or MesoAmerica at large, do not bid. Plagiarism or low quality work won’t be acceptable.

Here are some website you can use for research.

Big Mesoamerica (Links to an external site.)

FAMSI (Links to an external site.)

American Southwest (Links to an external site.)

Blue Creek Mayan Field Experience (Links to an external site.)

MesoAmerica Mayan Project Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Bootstrapping in R Mathematics Assignment Help

Please make sure to include any relevant R code along with the outputs and comments.

1. Generate 100 samples of size 7 from a normal population with mean 129 and standard deviation of 66.8. For each sample, perform a bootstrap hypothesis test of ?? = 129.0 using the test statistics ?̅-129 and using as the estimated null distribution

a. The empirical distribution

b. The empirical distribution translated to have mean 129.0

Compute the average ASL for each test, averaged over 100 simulations.

2. According to the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board, the number of airline accidents by year from 1983 to 2006 were 23, 16, 21, 24, 34, 30, 28, 24, 26, 18, 23, 23, 36, 37, 49, 50, 51, 56, 46, 41, 54, 30, 40, and 31.

a. Find a 95% confidence interval on the mean using the standard Student ’ s t – distribution.

b. Find a 95% confidence interval on the mean using Efron ’ s percentile method.

c. Find a 95% confidence interval on the mean using the BCa method.

d. Find a 95% confidence interval on the mean using the percentile – t method

e. How do the intervals compare? Which intervals do you trust? What does this tell you about the benefits of parametric methods on small ( n < 30) samples and the problems of using bootstrap on such samples? What does it tell you about the percentile – t method compared with the other bootstrap methods, at least when a formula for the standard error is known?

3. Dataset catsM contains a set of data on the heart weights and body weights of 97 male cats. We investigate the dependence of heart weight (g) on body weight (kg). The data set is available in the boot package.


Need help with Schema Structure Assignment Programming Assignment Help

Read and study the ERD of the STUDENT schema (diagrams available in the ERD directory of the StudentSchema zip file attached). Refer to schema description if needed (in the data_dictionary directory). Submit a text document to identify all entities and their relationships. For each entity, specify entity name, primary key, and foreign key along with the name of parent entity. For each relationship, specify type of relationship (cardinality) and business rules. For example:

Relationship: 1:M between Instructor and Section.

Business rules: an instructor can teach zero or many sections; a section will be taught by one and only one instructor.

Learning Resources


spss knowledge needed for this only dont accept if not familar with it Humanities Assignment Help

Throughout this assignment you will review mock studies. You will need to follow the directions outlined in each section of the attached document using SPSS and decide whether there is significance between the variables. You will need to list the five steps of hypothesis testing (as covered in the lesson for Week 4) to see how every question should be formatted. You will complete all of the problems. Be sure to cut and paste the appropriate SPSS outputs under each problem and interpret the outputs within the context of each mock study. All calculations should be coming from your SPSS. Hand calculation IS not accepted. You are also required to submit the SPSS output file (.spv) to get credit for this assignment. This spv. file should include ALL your outputs. In other words, you are not allowed to submit more than one output file for this assignment.

* Be sure that your answers are clearly distinguishable. Perhaps you bold your font or use a different color.


Research Project Structure Writing Assignment Help

Getting StartedWriting Emperial Research Reports

The empirical research report is a document that informs the reader about the study conducted. This standardized document includes the following:

  • Title of the Study
  • Abstract (generally 150–250 words) Synopsis of the Paper
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Results of the Study
  • Summary/Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Studies

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Discuss in writing the structure of the research report.


  • Textbook: Writing Empirical Research Reports

Background Information

The structure of the research report is generally a standardized document. First, each report has a brief title that includes the population and the variables studied. Following the title is an abstract, which is a brief summary, no more than 250 words, of what is discussed in the paper. The next section includes the body of the paper, introduction, literature review, methodology, and results of the study, followed by the summary/conclusions and recommendations.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Chapter 1 of your textbook Writing Empirical Research Reports.
  3. Write a one-page summary of the empirical research report. In paragraph form, discuss the following:
    1. The sections of the research report
    2. The elements included in the research title
    3. The minimum and maximum number of words in an abstract (according to APA)
    4. The three factors of citing the literature review in order
    5. The minimum levels of headings for the methodology section
    6. The location of the study results
    7. The location of the suggestions for future research
  4. Your paper should align with APA style, including a cover page, in-text citations, and a reference page



spss knowledge needed for this only dont accept if not familar with it Humanities Assignment Help

Throughout this assignment you will review mock studies. You will need to follow the directions outlined in each section of the attached document using SPSS and decide whether there is significance between the variables. You will need to list the five steps of hypothesis testing (as covered in the lesson for Week 4) to see how every question should be formatted. You will complete all of the problems. Be sure to cut and paste the appropriate SPSS outputs under each problem and interpret the outputs within the context of each mock study. All calculations should be coming from your SPSS. Hand calculation IS not accepted. You are also required to submit the SPSS output file (.spv) to get credit for this assignment. This spv. file should include ALL your outputs. In other words, you are not allowed to submit more than one output file for this assignment.

* Be sure that your answers are clearly distinguishable. Perhaps you bold your font or use a different color.


Research Project Structure Writing Assignment Help

Getting StartedWriting Emperial Research Reports

The empirical research report is a document that informs the reader about the study conducted. This standardized document includes the following:

  • Title of the Study
  • Abstract (generally 150–250 words) Synopsis of the Paper
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Results of the Study
  • Summary/Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Studies

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Discuss in writing the structure of the research report.


  • Textbook: Writing Empirical Research Reports

Background Information

The structure of the research report is generally a standardized document. First, each report has a brief title that includes the population and the variables studied. Following the title is an abstract, which is a brief summary, no more than 250 words, of what is discussed in the paper. The next section includes the body of the paper, introduction, literature review, methodology, and results of the study, followed by the summary/conclusions and recommendations.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Chapter 1 of your textbook Writing Empirical Research Reports.
  3. Write a one-page summary of the empirical research report. In paragraph form, discuss the following:
    1. The sections of the research report
    2. The elements included in the research title
    3. The minimum and maximum number of words in an abstract (according to APA)
    4. The three factors of citing the literature review in order
    5. The minimum levels of headings for the methodology section
    6. The location of the study results
    7. The location of the suggestions for future research
  4. Your paper should align with APA style, including a cover page, in-text citations, and a reference page



spss knowledge needed for this only dont accept if not familar with it Humanities Assignment Help

Throughout this assignment you will review mock studies. You will need to follow the directions outlined in each section of the attached document using SPSS and decide whether there is significance between the variables. You will need to list the five steps of hypothesis testing (as covered in the lesson for Week 4) to see how every question should be formatted. You will complete all of the problems. Be sure to cut and paste the appropriate SPSS outputs under each problem and interpret the outputs within the context of each mock study. All calculations should be coming from your SPSS. Hand calculation IS not accepted. You are also required to submit the SPSS output file (.spv) to get credit for this assignment. This spv. file should include ALL your outputs. In other words, you are not allowed to submit more than one output file for this assignment.

* Be sure that your answers are clearly distinguishable. Perhaps you bold your font or use a different color.


Research Project Structure Writing Assignment Help

Getting StartedWriting Emperial Research Reports

The empirical research report is a document that informs the reader about the study conducted. This standardized document includes the following:

  • Title of the Study
  • Abstract (generally 150–250 words) Synopsis of the Paper
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Results of the Study
  • Summary/Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Studies

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Discuss in writing the structure of the research report.


  • Textbook: Writing Empirical Research Reports

Background Information

The structure of the research report is generally a standardized document. First, each report has a brief title that includes the population and the variables studied. Following the title is an abstract, which is a brief summary, no more than 250 words, of what is discussed in the paper. The next section includes the body of the paper, introduction, literature review, methodology, and results of the study, followed by the summary/conclusions and recommendations.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Chapter 1 of your textbook Writing Empirical Research Reports.
  3. Write a one-page summary of the empirical research report. In paragraph form, discuss the following:
    1. The sections of the research report
    2. The elements included in the research title
    3. The minimum and maximum number of words in an abstract (according to APA)
    4. The three factors of citing the literature review in order
    5. The minimum levels of headings for the methodology section
    6. The location of the study results
    7. The location of the suggestions for future research
  4. Your paper should align with APA style, including a cover page, in-text citations, and a reference page



spss knowledge needed for this only dont accept if not familar with it Humanities Assignment Help

Throughout this assignment you will review mock studies. You will need to follow the directions outlined in each section of the attached document using SPSS and decide whether there is significance between the variables. You will need to list the five steps of hypothesis testing (as covered in the lesson for Week 4) to see how every question should be formatted. You will complete all of the problems. Be sure to cut and paste the appropriate SPSS outputs under each problem and interpret the outputs within the context of each mock study. All calculations should be coming from your SPSS. Hand calculation IS not accepted. You are also required to submit the SPSS output file (.spv) to get credit for this assignment. This spv. file should include ALL your outputs. In other words, you are not allowed to submit more than one output file for this assignment.

* Be sure that your answers are clearly distinguishable. Perhaps you bold your font or use a different color.


Research Project Structure Writing Assignment Help

Getting StartedWriting Emperial Research Reports

The empirical research report is a document that informs the reader about the study conducted. This standardized document includes the following:

  • Title of the Study
  • Abstract (generally 150–250 words) Synopsis of the Paper
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Results of the Study
  • Summary/Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Studies

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Discuss in writing the structure of the research report.


  • Textbook: Writing Empirical Research Reports

Background Information

The structure of the research report is generally a standardized document. First, each report has a brief title that includes the population and the variables studied. Following the title is an abstract, which is a brief summary, no more than 250 words, of what is discussed in the paper. The next section includes the body of the paper, introduction, literature review, methodology, and results of the study, followed by the summary/conclusions and recommendations.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Chapter 1 of your textbook Writing Empirical Research Reports.
  3. Write a one-page summary of the empirical research report. In paragraph form, discuss the following:
    1. The sections of the research report
    2. The elements included in the research title
    3. The minimum and maximum number of words in an abstract (according to APA)
    4. The three factors of citing the literature review in order
    5. The minimum levels of headings for the methodology section
    6. The location of the study results
    7. The location of the suggestions for future research
  4. Your paper should align with APA style, including a cover page, in-text citations, and a reference page


Two research critique for hospitality and tourism Writing Assignment Help

Two research critique for hospitality and tourism Writing Assignment Help

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