UC Application of Knowledge Theories & Skills of Enterprise Risk Management Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

UC Application of Knowledge Theories & Skills of Enterprise Risk Management Essay Computer Science Assignment Help. UC Application of Knowledge Theories & Skills of Enterprise Risk Management Essay Computer Science Assignment Help.

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  1. At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career. Assignment:
    Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements:
    • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
    • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
    • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
    • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
    • You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
    • Any use of outside sources, including your own prior work, will result in a zero on the activity and a report being filed with Academic Affairs regarding plagiarism (even if self-plagiarism).
    • Reading reference:
    • Montasari, R., & Hill, R. (2019). Next-Generation Digital Forensics: Challenges and Future Paradigms. 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3), Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3), 205. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICGS3.2019.8688020Sahinoglu, M., Stockton, S., Barclay, R. M., & Morton, S. (2016). Metrics Based Risk Assessment and Management of Digital Forensics. Defense Acquisition Research Journal: A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University, 23(2), 152–177. https://doi.org/10.22594/dau.16-748.23.02Nnoli, H. Lindskog, D, Zavarsky, P., Aghili, S., & Ruhl, R. (2012). The Governance of Corporate Forensics Using COBIT, NIST and Increased Automated Forensic Approaches, 2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2012 International Conference on Social Computing, Amsterdam, 734-741.

UC Application of Knowledge Theories & Skills of Enterprise Risk Management Essay Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Rice Chapter 3 Dramaturgy of Othello by William Shakespeare Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Dramaturgy Assignment

Notes –

A lot of you are probably wondering when you were reading in chapter 3 what a Dramaturg is.The book gives a brief over view of what this person does for a theatrical production but I do not like the books definition and I would like for you guys to understand this position a little better.To do that I have developed a little assignment that will help you get into the shoes of an actual dramaturg.

The definition of a Dramaturg I would like you to use is this:

“A Dramaturg is a person that serves as the voice between playwright and the production.”

This means that when a production is being done, it is the responsibility of the dramaturg to make sure that the director, actors, designers and everyone involved in the production is sticking to the playwright’s original vision.

How does a dramaturg do this?A dramaturg can do this in many different ways but one of the most popular methods is called the PERSIA method.

PERSIA METHOD – this system has the dramaturg study the time period in which the playwright himself lived through six different viewpoints.

P – Political, what was going on in the world politically when the playwright wrote this play.Who was King, or President, was there a war going on etc. 

E – Economic, what was going on economically at the time the play was written.Was the playwright poor was the economy good/bad etc.

R – Religious, what was going on religiously in the world at the time the play was written.What was the primary religion at that time.

S – Socially, what was going on socially at the time the play was written.Were there class systems and what were they.

I – Intellectual, what was going on intellectually in the world with education and what were the popular philosophies of the time period. 

A – Artistically, what famous art movements were happening during the time of the playwright.


  • Students are required to experience what it is like to be a Dramaturg for a production, and complete a 350 word essay choosing 1 of the 6 viewpoints and showing how that particular viewpoint influenced the Playwright.
  • Read the play Othello by William Shakespeare.The play can be found online for free in numerous places.Just Google Othello by William Shakespeare and you will be directed to the text.
  • Next you must choose a viewpoint on which to research about the time and the place where this play was written.That time period is between the years 1575 c.e. and 1630 c.e. in London, England.Choose one of the PERSIA viewpoints and do your research.
  • Now write your 350 word essay about the research you have gathered and how it affected Shakespeare in writing it.
  • To turn in this assignment I would like you guys to complete the essay in the Course Content Section under the Assignment Titled Dramaturgy.You can write your answer in the answer box or Attach a word Document if you are more comfortable with that.

A Shortened Example: Play Macbeth. Viewpoint – Political. 

Politically in England during Shakespeare’s life, James V of Scotland has just become James I King of England.Since Macbeth is about a Scottish king it is safe to assume that Shakespeare was writing a play that would appeal to the current King of England.James I was also interested in the occult, and in the play Macbeth the characters of the witches serve as a major influence in moving the story forward.

Things to Consider:

  • Make sure your research is from 1575 to 1630, and in London, England.I know the play takes place in Venice and then in Cypress, but you are not doing research on Cypress or Venice.You are doing research on Shakespeare and he lived in London, England and wrote plays for people in London.It isn’t even known if Shakespeare ever even left London to visit Italy so talking about Italy is not what this paper is about.
  • Do not talk about the Cinthio short story Othello is based on.Once again, this Italian writer writing in Italy is not what this paper is about.In the time of Shakespeare, there were many different versions of Othello.What makes Shakespeare’s notable was that his version was the best.Cinthio’s short story is irrelevant.
  • Do not talk about the Venetian-Ottoman Wars.This war happened in another country and although is in the play, it has no influence on Shakespeare and the audiences in London.
  • Do not write a Synopsis of the play.Most of your paper should be your research and the only mention of the play is when your research is connected to a certain character or event in the play.


Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Rocky Fitness Gym Co Project Management Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

a) Project the potential costs, risks, and benefits of operationalizing your business idea. Your projections should be supported with rationale.

b) Develop a work breakdown structure for your business idea. Your work breakdown structure should include at least three tasks with at least
three subtasks each.

c) Provide a narrative justifying each task and subtask that is part of your work breakdown structure.

d) Identify key milestones, deliverables, and resource requirements associated with operationalizing your business idea based on your breakdown
structure. The key milestones, deliverables, and resource requirements should be supported with an explanation of how they will help the
project meet scope-time-cost objectives.

e) Assess potential obstacles and impediments to meeting scope-time-cost objectives of the project, supporting your assessment with rationale.

f) Determine appropriate risk mitigation strategies to address the obstacles, impediments, and risks you have identified.


UC Harassment and Bullying Policy in the SANN&N Trading Company Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

We are doing a project of 6 pages has a group. This is our fictitious company “SANN&N Trading Co”


As a group, you will develop a fictitious company, make yourself officers, and create a privacy policy document for said company.

Your fictitious company must create a privacy policy document.

The document will include policy statements. The policies need to focus on governing your company and its employees. This is where the work comes in. Your team needs to give evidence in the policy section of your knowledge gained in this course. That document provided in this folder is not meant to be an exact template. Rather, it is designed merely to reflect what a successful policy document might look like in any given workplace. Do not restrict yourself to this exact format, but do utilize a cohesive format and create a document that is easy to follow. You will see in that document that I simply tried to explain more about what the Project should include by using a format that may help you understand how to organize your paper, and understand what features this governance document should include.


HUM 2052 UCF History Course Engagement Goals and Plans Essay Humanities Assignment Help


– Please use the following questions as a guide to write a bullet-point essay that critically assesses the progress you’ve made toward accomplishing your engagement goals and plans for this course. Please answer all the questions/prompts. See your “Action Plan” (Self-Evaluation #1) if you’ve forgotten your goals and plans. Save a copy of this file to reference for the final self-evaluation.
– Be as honest and realistic about yourself as you are able to be. Please don’t write what you think I want to read. I’m evaluating your (written and demonstrated) ability to self-assess, self-evaluate, and self-correct your engagement with the course to achieve your goals. If what you write is inconsistent with your performance in class, that will be pretty obvious to me and suggest a lack of seriousness about the self-evaluation process.
– If in doubt, just follow the directions and answer as honestly and as completely as you can.
– Submit your essay in the Canvas Drop Box before the deadline on the syllabus.

1) Review and evaluate your Action Plan and original objectives for this course (see Self-Evaluation #1). Describe what progress you’ve made toward your objectives. Describe any revisions you have made to your objectives.

2) Thinking about your progress this semester: How important is it for you to engage in this course in order to succeed? Discuss at least three ways in which you have been successful at engaging in this course. How have you used your strengths to manage your course engagement and/or overcome any self-destructive habits that threatened to sabotage your Action Plan? Have you overcome any weaknesses? What new strengths have you discovered this semester? Did you accurately understand your commitments this semester? How have your commitments changed since the first Self-Evaluation? Have these caused any revisions in your objectives and Action Plan steps for this course?

3) Building on our class discussions: Briefly discuss your most relevant beliefs, values, and attitudes. How can you harness your beliefs, values, and attitudes to help you engage and succeed in this course? In your other courses? In school in general? Describe how your current level of course engagement is or is not consistent with your personal values and goals. If it is not consistent, what can you do to decrease any inconsistency?

4) Thinking about course content: What have you learned so far in this course about the subject matter, skills, ways of thinking and working? What subjects have you liked best so far? What methods / practices have you liked best so far? Describe how the methods / practices we’ve studied can help you succeed in your other courses.

5) Evaluate and assess your own level of engagement with this course: Describe at least three positive things about this course. What positive changes are happening to your attitude, your confidence, and your ways of looking at this subject matter? Have you completed all assignments? If you have had any trouble with the assignments or with engaging, describe what strengths and resources you can use to improve.

6) Evaluate and assess your own class attendance. Did you miss or arrive late for any classes? Why? How specifically are you engaging with the course materials outside of the classroom. How many days have you come to class prepared? How can you improve your class preparation skills?

7) Evaluate and assess A) the overall class group dynamic (explaining in what specific ways that dynamic might be improved, and what you can do toward that improvement), and B) your own role within that class group dynamic. Explain how the “community of learning” is related to engagement. Describe at least three specific ways are you supporting the “community of learning” in the classroom.

8) Evaluate and assess your own role in our class discussions. What do you do—and what can you do—to facilitate beneficial class discussions? What specifically can you do to make these discussions more beneficial? What you done to help you stay focused in class?

9) Describe how have your personal values and strengths helped you to overcome any problems or difficulties this term (in general and/or with this course). Did you seek out help when/if you needed it? From whom?

10) What is your current grade percentage on Canvas in each of the assignment groups? (Note: Canvas does not display these percentages, so you’ll have to calculate them for each category. Use this formula: Total of your current points divided by (total points possible less excused points). Describe any steps you are taking to improve your assignment grades.

11) Explain how the choices you are making about engaging in this course can positively influence your performance and success in your other courses.

12) Re-evaluate your original Action Plan: Which strategies / practices have worked best? What revisions are necessary to help you reach your original or revised objectives? Re-state your revised Action Plan.

I am a moderate engaged in the class, rarely talking during the class. I have done all the assignment in time so far.



DSRT 734 UCumberlands Sexual Harassment in Working Environment Essay Computer Science Assignment Help


You will review both quantitative and qualitative research. The topic is up to you as long as you choose a peer-reviewed, academic research piece. I suggest choosing a topic that is at least in the same family as your expected dissertation topic so that you can start viewing what is out there. There are no hard word counts or page requirements as long as you cover the basic guidelines. You must submit original work, however, and a paper that returns as a large percentage of copy/paste to other sources will not be accepted. (Safe Assign will be used to track/monitor your submission for plagiarism. Submissions with a Safe Assign match of more than 25% will not be accepted.)

Please use APA formatting and include the following information:

  • Introduction/Background: Provide context for the research article. What led the author(s) to write the piece? What key concepts were explored? Were there weaknesses in prior research that led the author to the current hypothesis or research question?
  • Methodology: Describe how the data was gathered and analyzed. What research questions or hypotheses were the researcher trying to explore? What statistical analysis was used?
  • Study Findings and Results: What were the major findings from the study? Were there any limitations?
  • Conclusions: Evaluate the article in terms of significance, research methods, readability and the implications of the results. Does the piece lead into further study? Are there different methods you would have chosen based on what you read? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article in terms of statistical analysis and application? (This is where a large part of the rubric is covered.)

DSRT 734 UCumberlands Sexual Harassment in Working Environment Essay Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The Cash Budget and Cash Conversion Cycle Discussion 7 Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management question and need support to help me study.

Cash Budget

Close to 50% of the typical industrial and retail firm’s assets are held as working capital. Many newly minted college graduates work in positions that focus on working capital management, particularly in small businesses in which most new jobs are created in today’s economy.

To prepare for this Discussion: Shared Practice, select two of the following components of working capital management: the cash conversion cycle, the cash budget, inventory management, and credit policies. Think about scenarios in which your selected topics were important for informing decision-making. Be sure to review the video links above and conduct additional research using academically reviewed materials, and your professional experience on working capital concepts to help develop your scenarios. Support your discussion with appropriate examples including numerical examples as necessary.


Colorado Technical University Organizational Leadership Discussion Reply Business Finance Assignment Help

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least one other learner. Share something about his or her explanation that triggered thoughts about your own experiences in changing trends in your organization or your work with constituents as a leader or future leader.

Your response must be substantive and contribute to the discussion. Compare your analysis to that of your peer and comment on the similarities and differences that you see. If there are aspects that you do not agree with, present an argument to support your position. If you need more information from your peer, be sure to ask questions for clarity.

Student post down below:

Bryson (2018) suggests that key to helping constituents gain an accurate view of an organization or program in a changing environment is to share a long view over the history of the organization and its place in the historical context of social, polictical, economic, technological, and ecological internal and external changes. The author asserts that by close examination of the past, it becomes easier to imagine distinct new futures. Also, by understanding the internal and external context in which an organization or program exists, it becomes easier for planners to develop strategies and tactics that are more likely to be adopted by the organization or program.

I think by illuminating the history of change, leaders can associate the slowly rising tide of change with progress and momentum, and even the inevitability of an organization or program’s need to evolve with the times and to meet the changing needs of the communities or individuals they serve. I suppose it is human nature to be swept away by a vision of change inspired by historical precedent. Sometimes those ideas of the inevitability of change are (I suspect) what really creates the change. For an example, I would look back to the idea of manifest destiny, which was quite literally, a “destiny” that was manifested by the strong cultural belief that American settlers were destined to expand across North America from the Atlantic to Pacific oceans. The better you do at convincing your constituents that they are part of a historical movement towards greater and greater progress and achievement, the easier it will be to implement change.


FI 6315 Stratford University CH1 Financial Crisis of 2007 to 2009 Business Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Part 1:  Essay

 Describe the financial crisis of 2007- 2009.  What were the primary causes of this financial crisis?    

Part 2:  

  • Ira Schwab opens up a Schwab IRA and places $2,000 in his retirement account at the beginning of each year for 10 years.  He believes the account will earn 5 percent interest per year, compounded quarterly.  How much will he have in his retirement account in 10 years?
  • The city of Glendale borrows $48 million by issuing municipal bonds to help build the Arizona Cardinals football stadium. It plans to set up a sinking fund that will repay the loan at the end of 10 years. Assume a 4 percent interest rate per year. What should the city place into the fund at the end of each year to have $48 million in the account to pay back their bondholders? 
  • Part 3: Matthew is considering several possible compensation alternatives for services he has provided as a consultant: Option A:  Matthew could receive $8,000 today.  Option B:  Matthew could receive $2,500 at the end of each of the next four years.  Option C:  Matthew could receive $12,000 five years from now.   Required:

    1. Calculate the present value for each      option assuming that Matthew can earn 7 percent on any investment funds.
    2. Which option results in the greatest      financial benefit to Matthew?
    3.  If Matthew earns 10 percent, will that change your answer to # 2 above?  Please explain



Beta and Capital Budgeting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Beta and Capital Budgeting

Part 1: Beta

Visit the following web site or other websites:

Yahoo Finance

1. Search for the beta of your company (Group Project)

2. In addition, find the beta of 3 different companies within the same industry as your company (Group Project).

3. Explain to your classmates what beta means and how it can be used for managerial and/or investment decision

4. Why do you think the beta of your company (individual project) and those of the 3 companies you found are different from each other? Provide as much information as you can and be specific.

Part 2: Capital Budgeting

Before you respond to Part 2 of discussion 6 review the following information on Capital Budgeting Techniques

Capital Budgeting Decision Methods


To avoid damaging its market value, each company must use the correct discount rate to evaluate its projects. Review and discuss the following:

• Compare and contrast the internal rate of return approach to the net present value approach. Which is better? Support your answer with well-reasoned arguments and examples.

• Is the ultimate goal of most companies–maximizing the wealth of the owners for whom the firm is being operated–ethical? Why or why not?

• Why might ethical companies benefit from a lower cost of capital than less ethical companies?


UC Application of Knowledge Theories & Skills of Enterprise Risk Management Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

UC Application of Knowledge Theories & Skills of Enterprise Risk Management Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

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