UC Los Angeles McCloud Drug & Philips Companies Accounting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

UC Los Angeles McCloud Drug & Philips Companies Accounting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. UC Los Angeles McCloud Drug & Philips Companies Accounting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.

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1/ Listed below are several terms and phrases associated with the accounting concepts. Pair each item from List A with the item from List B that is most appropriately associated with it

2/ Identify the accounting concept that was violated in each of the following situations.

Astro Turf Company recognizes an expense, cost of goods sold, in the period the product is manufactured.

  1. McCloud Drug Company owns a patent that it purchased three years ago for $2 million. The controller recently revalued the patent to its approximate market value of $8 million.
  2. Philips Company pays the monthly mortgage on the home of its president, Larry Crosswhite, and charges the expenditure to miscellaneous expense
  3. Identify the accounting concept that was violated in each of the following situations

UC Los Angeles McCloud Drug & Philips Companies Accounting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HUMN 100 University of Maryland Wk 3 Introduction to Humanities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Your contributions should be thoughtful and developed. Answer all parts of the question and use concepts from the course materials. Use a professional style of communication, with attention to grammar, spelling, and typos; cite your sources. SCAVENGER HUNT

  1. Choose a theory of visual art described in this week’s Learning Resource titled “A historical overview of ideas guiding the visual arts in the Western world: from Plato to the present day.
  2. Then find a related work of visual art represented within the Learning Resource link to the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, or any of the Learning Resources.
  3. Include a picture of the work in your post, and Discuss your interest in both and the relation you see between them. That connection may relate to visual qualities, history, use, or meaning.
  4. Finally, point out how your response uses at least two of the vocabulary, concepts or techniques from the Learning Resources for the module (See Week 2 Study Guide)
  5. . Underline or bold the vocabulary, concept or technique you use as a interpretative tool in your post.


MGT 672 SEU The Ethics of Global Drug Pricing Critical Thinking Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Critical Thinking Case Study: The Ethics of Global Drug Pricing

Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework from this week’s content, please develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study The Ethics of Global Drug Pricing (p. 113).

Recognize decision requirement: What are the ethical issues being discussed in the case concerning drug pricing?

Diagnosis and analysis of causes: Why are drug prices so high in the United States and what should be done?

Development of alternatives: What are other countries doing to fight high drug prices?

Selection of desired alternative: Decide on alternatives for the United States.

Implementation of alternatives: Which alternatives would be best to drive down drug prices in the United States?

Evaluation and feedback: Have your recommendations been implemented in other countries? Are they working? What has been the outcome?

In this course you will have six Critical Thinking assignments where you will respond to assignment questions to develop an essay. Essays have an introduction (to the topic of the assignment), a body (where you will integrate your responses) and a conclusion (your thoughts on the assignment). Please do not just answer the questions as is. It is best to use APA headings to capture the essence of the questions as a way to make sure you have integrated all of the responses in your essay. Also, make sure you are using an APA7 paper template as a starting point.

Your well-written essay should meet the following requirements:

Be 5-6 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Use academic writing standards and APA 7 style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


Saudi Electronic University Chapter 2 Strategy and Value Creation Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

For this discussion, you will explore the relationship between financial analysis and strategic analysis in a review of the case study Walmart, Inc. in 2018: The World’s Biggest Retailer Faces New Challenges (from your textbook). In addition, read: Chapter 2, “Putting Performance Analysis into Practice.”

A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course area which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the course area issues. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course area. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

Describe in detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.

Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.

Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions, but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

In an original post, present a well-written answer and diagnosis for the following case study questions:

How well is Walmart performing relative to its competitors?

From (a) the financial data and (b) what we know about Walmart’s businesses, can we identify the sources of Walmart’s inferior performance?

How are Walmart’s shareholders and stakeholders affected by the performance?

What can Walmart’s management do to close the performance gap?

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.


Saudi Electronic University Performance Management Skills and Exercises Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In your textbook, in Chapter 2, Figure 2-1, page 42, provides an overview of the performance management process and its associated components. There are many critical factors that contribute to the successful implementation of a performance management system. Failure to understand these factors can result in issues for organizations, leaders, and employees.

Consider the scenario below and explain how each aspect of the performance management process, as noted in figure 2-1, can be altered/addressed to ensure employees success.


When Amal was hired on for her role as an Administrative Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, she was thrilled about the opportunity to work for Organization ABC. Unfortunately, the information provided in her job description was limited. After a month on the job, despite receiving two days of training from the person Amal replaced, Amal’s supervisor noticed that her performance was inadequate. Amal’s current supervisor knows that she is a phenomenal worker, based upon past employer references.

Response Items to Address

To ensure Amal’s success, and the success of future employees, what aspects of the performance management process need revision? Also, how can future performance management aspects be successfully addressed?


When thinking of future performance management components, focus on performance execution, performance assessment, and performance review. When thinking about Amal’s experience in the scenario, think about prerequisites and performance planning.

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing all sources referenced. Post your initial response early and check back often to continue the discussion.

You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question. These peer replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.



Ways Small and Medium Businesses Suffer from Ethical Lapses of Larger Firms Ques Business Finance Assignment Help

Ethical scandals in business reach the front pages of newspapers quite regularly. Wells Fargo, Volkswagen, Toshiba, and Takata are some of the corporations involved in recent ethical scandals. While not all businesses or industries are to blame for the actions of these bad actors, perhaps questionable practices and negative press taint all businesses in the eyes of consumers and stakeholders.

Consider answering all the below questions:

(1)what ways do small and medium businesses suffer from the ethical lapses of larger firms?

(2) What about the social environment allows for ethical lapses?

(3)How could the environment be changed to curb ethical issues?

(4) Are there ways in which Saudi Vision 2030 addresses these issues? Why or why not? Post your comments with a rationale or an example.



1- support your statements with two academic resources, and citing all sources referenced.

2- two pages are required excluding the references page.

Ways Small and Medium Businesses Suffer from Ethical Lapses of Larger Firms Ques Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Saudi Electronic University Memorandum Examining Law in Saudi Arabia Questions Health Medical Assignment Help

Memorandum: Examining Law in Saudi Arabia

Assume you work for a hospital that has a pharmacy in-house. You have been tasked to write a memo to your manager detailing the Executive Regulations of Health Practice Law that prohibits pharmacists from dispensing antibiotics without prescription. For more information review the following case study:

For further information on this law, review Sawsan K., Abrar F, Eman E., Alhalal, N., Royes J., Haytham W., & Dhafer A.. (2020). Assessment of knowledge and attitude toward the new antibiotic dispensing law and its effect on antibiotic use in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 28(1), 58–67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsps.2019.11.005

Write a 1-2 page memorandum evaluating the purpose of this law:

Your report should address the following substantive requirements:

  • Describe how Executive Regulations of Health Practice originated.
  • Examine the purpose of the Executive Regulations of Health Practice as it pertains to antibiotics.
  • Describe how an organization can abide by these regulations in regard to pharmacists dispensing antibiotics without a valid prescription.

Your memorandum should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 2 pages in length, not including reference page.
  • APA writing guidelines.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles.
  • Utilize headings to organize the content in your work
  • 2 pages in length, not including reference page


HLS 2020 Waldorf The Oklahoma City Bombing & Boston Marathon Bombing Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

In Unit VII, submit your research paper on your chosen domestic pre- and post-9/11 terrorist event- Oklahoma City Bombing and the Boston Marathon Bombing. The research paper
must be written using the following outline structure:
1. Title page
2. Introduction: In this section, identify the two terrorist events that have been previously selected, and briefly explain
why these events serve as good comparison points for evaluating how terrorist activities have evolved over time.
This section should be at least one page in length.
3. Pre-9/11 terrorist event: In this section, describe the first terrorist event that is being used for comparison. The
description of this terrorist event must include the nature of the event, methods used by the terrorists, and
eventual outcome of the event. This section should be at least one page in length.
4. Post-9/11 terrorist event: In this section, describe the second terrorist event that is being used for comparison.
The description of this terrorist event must include the nature of the event, methods used by the terrorists, and
eventual outcome of the event. This section should be at least one page in length.
5. Terrorist events comparison: In this section, compare and contrast the two terrorist events that were described in
the previous sections. Suggested areas for comparison include (1) motivations for attacks, (2) methods of attack,
(3) impact on society, and (4) lessons learned from attacks that can be used to develop counterterrorist
strategies. You should also discuss how terrorist strategies have evolved from the first event to the second event.
This section of the research paper should be at least two pages in length.
6. Summary and conclusions: In this section, summarize the evolution of terrorism based upon the two selected
events. This section should be at least one page in length.
7. References: Provide a reference list that is formatted per APA


DeVry University Week 4 Nurnberg Augsburg Maschinenwerke Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help


  • Due Jan 31 by 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Submitting a file upload
  • Available Jan 17 at 12am – Feb 27 at 11:59pm about 1 month

Review Case 14.1, Nurnberg Augsburg Maschinenwerke (pp. 265-267). Submit your analysis with recommendations to answer the following questions:

  • Which of the routing alternatives would you recommend to meet the initial 90-day deadline for the 25-bus shipment? Why? Train or waterway? To which port(s)? What would it cost?

Here is the grading rubric (Links to an external site.) for the assignment.


Foothill College Discrete Mathematics Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

Please answer the following questions based on the conversation thus far.

  1. Please complete exercise 3.9.6: Use the following definition of absolute value to prove the given statements: If xx is a real number, then the absolute value of x,x,|x|,|x|, is defined by:|x|={x if x0x if x<0|x|={x if x≥0−x if x<0
    1. For any real number x,x, |x|0.|x|≥0. Moreover, |x|=0|x|=0 implies x=0.x=0.
    2. For any two real numbers xx and y,y, |x||y|=|xy|.|x|⋅|y|=|xy|.
    3. For any two real numbers xx and y,y, |x+y||x|+|y|.

  2. Use a truth table to prove that ?? → ?? and ¬?? → ¬?? are logically equivalent.
  3. Here we look at multiple quantifiers.

    1. Is the statement ∀??, ?? ∈ R ∃?? ∈ R ??. ??. ?? = ?? true or false? Please prove your response.
    2. Write the negation of the statement in part a. – it obviously must have the opposite
      truth value; do you find this statement easier or more difficult to prove?


UC Los Angeles McCloud Drug & Philips Companies Accounting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

UC Los Angeles McCloud Drug & Philips Companies Accounting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

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