UC Open Communication Between All Employees and Their Leaders Discussion Responses Computer Science Assignment Help

UC Open Communication Between All Employees and Their Leaders Discussion Responses Computer Science Assignment Help. UC Open Communication Between All Employees and Their Leaders Discussion Responses Computer Science Assignment Help.

I’m working on a computer science discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.
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Answer 1 :

Question 1) When implementing change in an organization, there are always culture issues that are faced, such as not accepting change, determine how differently this would be handled thinking about the management versus leadership constructs?

Organizational changes should be constituted through open communication between all employees and their leaders. For instance, employees should be given a chance to air their views rather than rely on the in-line managers who can alter the original message from employees to favor themselves. Every organization contains employees who are gifted differently, and their contributions can spearhead the organization’s success. If employees learn that their views are taken into consideration to better their working environment, they will positively react to changes within the organization. Therefore, managers will not have a hard time trying to convince employees of the importance of change as they are part and parcel of it. Leaders should also not implement policies that belittle their employees. Employees are the greatest assets within an organization, and they should always be valued to ensure organizational goals are achieved within the intended time. If managers are on good terms with employees, there won’t be difficulties in implementing changes.

Question 2) When dealing with performing work, how is this implemented differently within the management versus leadership constructs?

Performing work is based on employee morale in their respective work environment. According to Widagdo, Widodo, & Samosir, (2018), compensation motivates employees to exert extra effort in their places of work. With a good compensation strategy, employees can positively react to change because they understand that the sole goal is to propel the organization towards a better position, and their effort will be rewarded through increased payments. The managers should ensure that there is a strategy to reward the best performing employees as this creates a competitive nature within the work environment whereby employees focus on achieving targets rather than conspiring to sabotage changes. The aspect of compensation is different from communication-based changes because in performing work, the output is based on the results compared to management versus constructs that rely on the relationship between employees and the top management. Therefore, leaders should focus on how employees are satisfied through the compensation strategy offered and incentives in performing work.


Widagdo, A., Widodo, D. S., & Samosir, P. S. (2018). Effect of Compensation and Motivation to Employee Performance through Commitment. Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management (SJEBM), 5(4), 319-325.

Answer 2 :

The process of getting to know individuals and groups in a system also provides an early forum in which people can deal with any discomfort and voice their concerns about working with US consultants so that we can address their concerns. Effectively adapting organization development approaches and models both ours and others to our client engagements outside of the US has been essential to facilitating the culture change and inclusion breakthroughs that have impacted our client s ‘productivity and success (Katz, & Miller, 2016). The concepts we use are basically the same globally, but how we implement our work can vary dramatically based on national and organizational contexts. One of the key cultural dynamics we have often heard in Japan is “the nail that sticks out gets hammered.” This cultural saying translates into a strong need for harmony within a group or team, which often makes people reluctant to raise issues that might be problematic. This experience helped us bridge the gap and reframe speaking up as a practice that creates greater harmony by letting others know of an issue before it becomes a big problem for the team. This framing for the good of the group made people more willing to raise issues in the spirit of helping the team be better. Similarly, we used the lean manufacturing concept of eliminating production waste as a framework for considering how inclusive behaviors eliminate waste in human interactions.

Adapting models and frameworks for change so that they are relevant to our client systems is not only a need in working globally, it is the very essence of OD work (McCalman, 2015). Such adaptation requires us to constantly adjust our own attitudes, beliefs, and methodologies to the local national, cultural, and organizational circumstances. Our job as change agents is to understand, adjust to, and challenge the system and ourselves in the process. In doing so, we can help our clients achieve their ultimate goals while hewing to the values that are central to our practice and our field.
When dealing with performing work, how is this implemented differently within the management versus leadership constructs?
While dealing with performing work the leader should at the first train the employee so that they can use the employee as a good resource. If there is any underperformance, then the leader should talk to the employee and make it done before it is too late (Stewart, 2016). As a good leader, you should know what motivates your employee the most.


McCalman, J. (2015). Leading Cultural Change : The Theory and Practice of Successful Organizational Transformation. Kogan Page.

Katz, J. H., & Miller, F. A. (2016). Defining Diversity and Adapting Inclusion Strategies on a Global Scale. OD Practitioner, 48(3), 42–47.

Stewart, S. E. (2016). At Play in the Fields of OD. OD Practitioner, 48(3), 22–30.

UC Open Communication Between All Employees and Their Leaders Discussion Responses Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Oman Tourism College Unemployment and Inflation Macroeconomics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

1. a) “Unemployment and inflation are known as the “twin evils” of
macroeconomics because they can threaten the vast structure of
society, if not controlled”. Justify this statement.
b) What policy/steps/measures will you suggest as an economic
advisor to control unemployment & inflation in Oman?

2. You are requested to gather, critically analyze, compare and draw
conclusions on the macroeconomic perspective of Oman and any
one GCC country using the previous 4 years’ data and to prepare a
comparative report containing 300 words for each point given

a) GDP (Gross Domestic Products)

b) Inflation

c) Employment and unemployment

d) Economic growth

e) Net Export

You must prepare a comparative report containing 300 words for
each of the above given macroeconomic indicators. Total report should
contain 1,500 words.

3.Corona Virus pandemic also known as COVID-19 has adversely
affected the millions of people across the globe. Thousands of people
have lost their lives, millions are infected, millions of people are going
to lose their jobs, daily wage laborers and the poor are fighting for the
essentials, small scale industries are fighting for the survival,
economies are on the verge of collapse. The coronavirus pandemic
has shocked the global economy and the negative oil price has
largely puzzled the public. Sultanate of Oman is heavily dependent on
oil and gas resources through which it can generate between and
68% and 85% of government revenue. But the oil demand has
dropped significantly on the onset of the pandemic COVID 19.
As an economist, do you think that the “Diversification in Oil-Dependent Economies” will pave the way for the growth of Oman
economy? Justify your answer.


UCLA Human Space and Data Letter Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

Please write a letter to an older person in your family in which you explain in plain, non-technical language what you learned and how it is important to you (and to them, to your country (United Arab Emirates), etc).

Here are some ideas of topics you could address in your letter (you do not need to discuss them all): What is the spatial data gap? How might it impact the places in the world you know? What is data literacy and what does it have to do with this course? What is data storytelling? What is a story map? How difficult or easy is is it to create and publish data stories? What kinds of skills have you had to learn this semester? How do you feel about the datafication of human space? of human life?

If you would like to include anything (pictures, hand written notes in any language, drawings), feel free, provided that it gets across the point.


University of California – Los Angeles Building an Itinerary Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science project and need support to help me study.


You will be skimming the book in the attached link, locating the “stops” of the itinerary for the pages 1 to 128, and making them into a structured dataset in Google sheets.

Make sure that you disambiguate and geolocate as many of the places as possible. You do not have to use each of these methods: Geonames, Google and Wikipedia. Use which ever method gives you the best results.

You should begin on the page that you are assigned and end on the page you are assigned. (Pages 1-128)

You will accompany the dataset creation with a short, critical paragraph (500 words max) about the challenges.

A detailed description of the five steps of the assignment is attached.


ESL 122 Grossmont College Reasons for Procrastination Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

Step #1: Finding sources (in groups)

Step #2: Writing an annotated bibliography (individually)

Step #3: Writing an introductory and one body paragraph (individually)

Step #4: Final draft (individually)


Your paper will be done in the MLA format and style of citations (see the next page for the MLA explanation).


You paper should be organized in the following way:


should tell the reader what your paper is about


  • introduce the issue and hook the reader
  • provide the basic definition of the issue
  • state your research question
  • provide the concise thesis that answers the research question


  • There could be many, but he minimum is 3
  • The paragraph that follows the introduction should provide the background or history of the issue
  • The next few paragraphs must summarize your findings on the issue (there should be more than one)
  • Each significant finding should be in a separate paragraph
  • You should have a paragraph where you summarize the research that refutes or contradicts the major findings. This goes something like this: “While most research agrees that X is a problem, Z and Y says that it is not.” In other words, you MUST address other points of view on this issue.


  • should summarize what your findings
  • may provide suggestions for future research
  • should only be one paragraph long

FORMAT: MLA formatted

  • Works Cited page should be part of your paper (the bibliography of your sources is the last page that should have a title “Works Cited)
  • Your paper should be at least 3-4 pages long (not including images or Works Cited page)
  • Double-spaced, 12 size font (for body

How many outside sources should you include? In your paper, you must have at least (minimum) of 5 credible sources. You may use the two introductory texts by Tim Urban (TedTalk) and Adam Grant (article) as two of your five sources. This means that if you include Urban’s and Grant’s texts, you must find at least 3 more sources. Remember 5 is the minimum, and you can have as many as 10 if you wish to do a more extensive research. You do not have to include Grant’s and Urban’s text, but it’s a good idea.

What kind of sources are acceptable? Because it is a research paper, you will be looking for sources in:

How to find credible sources: You can search for credible sources by:

On the next page, you will learn how to use library database and Google Scholar. You must use these website to look for credible scholarly articles for your research paper. This section explains how the research for this particular article was done.

METHODS: This section explains how the research for this particular article was done.

RESULTS: In the results section, you may typically find a summary of what the researchers collected from the data.

DISCUSSION: This is where the authors of the research paper interpret and analyze the results.


Each person in your interest group must post at least ONE source. Refer to the list of credible sources that can be allowed for your research.

1. Post a hyperlink (internet link) to your source or a PDF.

2. Describe how you found this link (Google Scholar, library, etc.)

3. Provide an MLA citation for your source (this is how your source will appear on the Works Cited page).

4. Provide a brief description/ summary of the source and how you plan to use it (What will it support? What kind of evidence in the source can be used for your research) – just a paragraph or two.



Kings College London Intrusion Detection Systems for Computers Networking Essay Computer Science Assignment Help


This essay will be written in the form of an IEEE journal article: during the initial lecturers information regarding the techniques of article writing will be discussed.

The aim of this assessment is to give you the opportunity to understand how research articles are written. As well as developing your critical writing skills and showcasing your understanding of biometric security and identity management. I will accept a draft of this essay. This draft will show your title, as well as some of the areas you will consider in the overall essay.

Kings College London Intrusion Detection Systems for Computers Networking Essay Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Colombia Southern University St Louis Art Museum Criticism Final Paper Humanities Assignment Help

and of course if you are not comfortable visiting a museum in person due to Covid…you can select a work from an establised museum’s digital collection…I suggest the St. Louis Art Museum: www.slam.org**** Go to this website to select your piece of Art

Final Paper

The Final Paper is worth 200 points. You are required to visit a reputable art museum in your area and select a work of art to discuss and critique in a formal, iconographic, and historical context. Your grade will be based on the depth of your analysis of the subject.

About art criticism

The process of art criticism involves description, formal analysis, interpretation and evaluation. The first step is to describe what you see. Include facts, such as the artists name, the media, size of the piece, and where it is located. Next, analyze. Look at how all the parts of the piece work together. What visual elements and principles of design did the creator use? Subjectively interpret what the content is, taking style into account. Finally, interpret and evaluate the work of art being studied; what do you think the artist’s intentions were? What is being communicated? Does it have value? Can you recognize the aesthetic quality in the work? Include biographical and/or historical information. Evaluation can be a very challenging part of art criticism and requires practice and careful seeing.


Select a museum

First, select a major museum in your area. A listing of some approved museums may be found at the following site: Art Museums Worldwide opens in a new window. If you live in a more rural area or are military and stationed overseas where you cannot visit a museum, contact the instructor to discuss options. An online museum visit may be necessary. However, in-person museum experiences will be prioritized. If the museum you’d like to visit is not on the list, you must get instructor approval.

If a virtual museum is necessary, you may find listings at the following site: Arts and Culture opens in a new window

Select a work of art

The following outline is suggested, but not required:

  • Identification: Select a work of art. You may select a piece that you like or dislike. Get all the information provided: artist, title, medium, year, etc. Write down your initial responses. How do you respond to the work? Does it invoke an emotional response? What do you think the artist was trying to communicate? It is helpful to bring a notebook to record your responses.
  • Describe the piece and review it carefully. What do you see? Note all the details about the work. How would you describe it to someone you were talking to on the phone who can’t see it?
  • Analyze the visual elements and design principles, thinking about the relationship between form, content, and subject matter. This will be helpful in your ‘interpretation’ of the work. Consider context: does it fit into a movement or time period? Consider its place in the artist’s overall output.
  • Interpretation Follow your analysis with a subjective interpretation of the meaning of the work. How does the work make you feel? What do you think the content is? Go beyond “I like it” or “I don’t like it.”
  • Research the artist. Historical and biographical information on the artist often provides clues into a work’s intended meaning. Carefully consider the purpose and context of the piece. Did the piece you selected have any particular political or cultural message? Was the artist making a statement?
  • Evaluate What do you think the artist’s intentions were? Was this communicated? Does it have value? Can you recognize the aesthetic quality in the work?

Format Requirements

The paper must be 1500 words, double-spaced, 10- or 12-point type, with 1” margins. The title page, images, and reference/bibliography page do not count toward the required length of paper. The preferred format to complete the Final Paper is Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). If these formats are not available, other acceptable formats are ASCII (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), and Open Office (.odt), and PDF. Make sure you proofread your papers for incorrect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other errors.

A minimum of four sources is required. Research can come from the Internet (reputable, academic sources only) scholarly articles (JSTOR, for example), books on art history, politics, etc.. Sources should be varied and academic and/or professional in nature. Your textbook cannot be one of the four minimum sources but can be included.

Anything that is not considered common knowledge (information that can be found in at least 4 sources) should be cited. This includes opinions, judgments, little-known facts, and direct quotes. In-text citations (APA) or footnotes and endnotes (CMS) are used to give credit to sources of any material or scholarship borrowed, summarized, or paraphrased. They are intended to refer readers to the exact pages of the works listed in the Reference or Bibliography section.

Citation Sources

Make sure you proofread your papers for issues with grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other errors. If you reference a source other than the text (not required), cite this reference according to the APA or Chicago Manual of Style.


Queens College Social Determinants of Health Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You have covered a lot in this course. You explored the different healthcare delivery systems and the role of the HIM professional in each. You examined how politics, technological advances, and research have promoted and advanced the field of health information management. You learned how entities like the Joint Commission, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) evaluate and certify the technology. You looked at how data is stored in the electronic health record and health information systems in general and how it is used for patient care and administrative functions. You also learned about the requirements for keeping data safe and private. HIPAA is not just about privacy and security; it also specifies that patients have the right to see their own medical information, opening the door for patient collaboration with their physicians on their personal healthcare. Data is useless unless it can be accessed in an understandable way, hence the need for standardized terminologies and classification systems. In healthcare, as in other businesses and enterprises, ethical behavior and ethical handling of information is critical. As healthcare enterprises adopt tools such as social media, the HIM professional has to consider the implications of everything released to the public. The HIM professional needs a working knowledge of the hardware and software technology necessary to support the requirements for managing health information. Registries and indices must be created or reported to in an effort to capture trends in disease management. Quality is an important topic in all of the areas described above. Quality healthcare delivery, data management, administrative functions, and health management are all important and cannot be overlooked. In addition, patient safety is a primary concern and the Joint Commission’s Patient Safety Goals need to be supported by the information systems.

Discussion: How are social determinants of health impacting patients and providers? How does Healthy People 2020 and health literacy affect quality of care?

half page minimum, double spaced, times new roman font, 12. No cover page, APA references.


MIS 350 Arizona State University Business Intelligence Implementation Plan Writing Assignment Help

Business Intelligence Implementation Plan

You are a project manager leading a BI solution implementation to solve an issue with analyzing Big Data. The planning and analysis plan have been completed and implementation is about to start. You have been asked by the stakeholder to outline the plan for implementation. Your outline should include:

  • Process to manage the implementation phase.
  • Testing plans and resources.
  • Technical and non-technical documentation for users and developers.
  • Process to mitigate risks, resources, and timelines if issues arise with moving configurations to different environments.

Your paper should be two to three pages in length in addition to a title and reference page


PSY 699 Ashford University Week 6 Ayahuasca Pros & Cons of Addiction Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, be sure to read the required articles for this week.

Addictions come in many forms and almost always involve a complex three-way interaction between the person, the object of the addiction (e.g., drugs, gambling, chocolate), and the societal context of the addiction. This complex interaction raises a controversial social question: Is addiction always a bad thing? Although there is often a significant amount of social stigma attached to addictions, and popular media often focuses on the treatment and prevention of addiction, there may also be associated positive qualities of addictive substances and behaviors.

Last name begins with:

A through L: Initial post will be written on a specific substance that has addictive potential (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, ibogaine, marijuana, ayahuasca, MDMA) of your choice.

Begin your initial post by choosing either a substance or a behavior with addictive potential based on your assigned group. To create a meaningful and interesting discussion, it would behoove you to choose a substance or behavior that has not already been addressed in the discussion board. For this discussion, you must explain both the positive and negative potential of addiction to your chosen substance or behavior. Therefore, you must choose a substance or behavior that presents both positive and negative potential outcomes.

Research your substance or behavior providing at least two peer-reviewed resources to support any claims made. In your post, construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to create a brief scenario or example of a situation in which your chosen addiction provides both positive and negative potential outcomes for a subject. Integrate concepts developed from different content domains to support your arguments. Evaluate and comment on the reliability and generalizability of the specific articles and research findings you have chosen to support your arguments. Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct might be used to guide your decisions as a psychology professional if you were assigned to consult with the subject in the situation you have created.


UC Open Communication Between All Employees and Their Leaders Discussion Responses Computer Science Assignment Help

UC Open Communication Between All Employees and Their Leaders Discussion Responses Computer Science Assignment Help

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