UCB Daniel Susskind on A World Without Work Art Question Writing Assignment Help. UCB Daniel Susskind on A World Without Work Art Question Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a art writing question and need support to help me understand better.
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Participation Writing Assignment 1
Due: Monday May 10th by 11am
Submit a word document to the “Assignment” link on your MyCC.
In approximately 120 words, write a topic sentence (author’s name, title of work, description of its topic and the author’s argument), followed by a statement, evidence and explanation that deals with at least one quote from the below article.
By Daniel Susskind
Fearing that a new technology would put them out of work, neighbors broke into the house of James Hargreaves, the inventor of the spinning jenny, and destroyed the machine and also his furniture in 18th-century England. Queen Elizabeth I denied an English priest a patent for an invention that knitted wool, arguing that it would turn her subjects into unemployed beggars. A city council dictated that Anton Möller, who invented the ribbon loom in the 16th century, should be strangled for his efforts.
Yet centuries of predictions that machines would put humans out of work for good — a scenario that economists call “technological unemployment” — have always turned out to be wrong. Technology eliminated some jobs, but new work arose, and it was often less grueling or dangerous than the old. Machines may have replaced weavers, but yesterday’s would-be weavers are now working jobs that previous generations couldn’t have imagined, as marketing managers and computer programmers and fashion designers. Over the past few centuries, technology has helped human workers become more productive than ever, bringing economic prosperity and raising living standards. The American economy, for instance, grew 15,241-fold between 1700 and 2000.
But if humans’ fears that technology would replace them have been unfounded in the past, this time is different. Machines are now getting so smart that they’ll soon replace humans at a growing list of jobs, potentially including doctors, bricklayers and insurance adjusters, as well as drivers and retail workers.
What’s different this time around is a new type of artificial intelligence that challenges the assumption that humans will always be better than machines at some jobs. In the past, humans programmed robots to mimic human behavior, and so robots could most easily do repeatable tasks that were easily explained. That’s meant automation has mostly impacted middle-skill jobs, while unpredictable ones, like building houses or diagnosing diseases, have been relatively unaffected. However, now people working at the frontiers of artificial intelligence are teaching machines to draw on vast amounts of processing power and data to solve problems in ways humans couldn’t. Thus an IBM system beat Garry Kasparov in chess not by copying his strategy, but by drawing on a database of 330 million moves in a second, and picking which ones had the highest likelihood of beating him. Future machines like this one will, for example, be able to diagnose diseases better than human doctors, or evaluate insurance customers with eye scans to determine whether they are lying (a method that is more efficient and accurate when measured against a human salesperson). In other words, computers are coming for all jobs: from agriculture to medicine, or legal counsel to transport, no one will be able to outperform machines.
UCB Daniel Susskind on A World Without Work Art Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Managerial Accounting Exam Practice Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting practice test / quiz and need guidance to help me understand better.
I will attach all necessary documents and practice problems, I can also give access to my student portal so that you can go in and get whatever information you deem is necessary but I will already provide that. begin time for the assignment is at 11am pacific time tomorrow for about an hour and 30 minutes. about 22-26 questions total and about 99% will be multiple choice. Please read the attachments for more information and practice problems. I will also extend the time by about 4 hours when we get into the tutoring session.
PHY 240 Grossmont College Chapter 30 Week 13 LC RL and RLC Circuits Lab Report Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a physics project and need support to help me learn.
Do the following:
- (15 points) Your First Post submitted here includes:
- CompleteLC RL and RLC circuits sp21.pdf
download this worksheet using http://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html (Links to an external site.) and post answers here.
- You can submit all your answers as a PDF or Word Doc
- Don’t forget to include a link OR upload the required video
- CompleteLC RL and RLC circuits sp21.pdf
University of the Cumberlands Marketing Management Pepper Spray Key Chains Case Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management report and need guidance to help me study.
This activity/assignment will help students understand concept of targeting and its importance
Activity I: Choose
a product that you would like to introduce in the market. Create a
profile of your target market and to discuss the reasons for choosing
this market.
This activity/assignment will help students understand concept of positioning and its importance
Activity II: Find
a company that is struggling. Where is it in the positioning matrix?
Could the company be more successful if it changed any of its Ps (e.g.,
to head to the lo-lo-lo-lo or hi-hi-hi-hi cells)?
assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This
is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible.
Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2
pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch
margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional
source related to marketing management. The textbook should also be
utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation
should be used.
Cumberlands Marketing Management Market Segmentation and Its Importance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management report and need guidance to help me learn.
Assigned Readings:
Chapter 3. Segmentation.
Chapter 4. Targeting.
Chapter 5. Positioning.
Initial Postings:
Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what
you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s),
and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in
each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon
the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source
listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text.
Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in
your discussion.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
- This
question gives you more market sizing practice (it’s a skill you’ll
need). Using the logic from the chapter, try to estimate the possible
market for the number of pairs of football pants a manufacturer could
sell in your city. Hints:
- Go
online and find the number of high schools in your city’s school
districts. If you live in a large city, focus on only the largest school
district. - Assume that 90% of those high schools have both a varsity football team (with 40 players) and a junior varsity team (35).
- Assume
also that each player gets 2 pairs of game pants (one in the dark
school colors, and one in the light), and on average, 1.5 pairs of white
pants for practice
- Go
- Should
a firm change its positioning depending on the market? What are the
potential advantages and disadvantages of doing this? - Why
do you think market segmentation is important and what impact could it
have on a company? Does a successful company need to segment at all?
Identify four different products that represent market segmentation
based on demographic, geographic, psychological, and behavioral features
and discuss how each product’s advertising reflects this segmentation.
[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!]
[Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced).
MGMT 532 Indiana Wesleyan University Analysis of Teams Goals for Outputs Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management case study and need an explanation to help me learn.
Please follow the instruction and read the required chapter document attached. I have included book information for citation purpose and page number beside them.
- Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
- Read Chapter 11 of our textbook, including all Profiles and Highlights for added perspective on the chapter’s content.
- Read the minicase at the end of Chapter 11, “Integrating Teams at Hernandez and Associates.”
- Write a paper in response to the two questions listed below, with a minimum of six citations from the assigned reading (not the case) in Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy (2019). (Note: It is not necessary to do any outside research beyond the information in the minicase and the assigned reading.)
- Make certain that you utilize the Team Leadership Model (TLM) to respond to Question (a)(i) below.
- Provide a detailed explanation for your evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
- Like many leaders, Marco has a team in place and does not have the luxury of building a new team to adapt to the changing business environment his firm now faces. Use the TLM to help Marco diagnose the problems faced by the firm and identify leverage points for change.
- Consider the major functions of the TLM—input, process, and output. Where do most of the firm’s challenges fall?
- What are the team’s goals for outputs?
- Identify potential resources and tools from the content in Chapter 11 of Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience that Marco and his team could use in assessing term performance and developing a strategy to change the way they conduct business at Hernandez & Associates.
- Like many leaders, Marco has a team in place and does not have the luxury of building a new team to adapt to the changing business environment his firm now faces. Use the TLM to help Marco diagnose the problems faced by the firm and identify leverage points for change.
- Your paper should be 500–600 words in length. Use proper spelling, grammar, and APA style in your paper and for any sources cited. For questions on APA style, go to OCLS APA Writing Styles Guides.
- When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor by the end of the workshop.
MGMT 532 Indiana Wesleyan University Analysis of Teams Goals for Outputs Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Hampton University Health Service Management Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Topic: The major challenges that have faced the long-term care system in recent years.
You will write a critical analyses paper demonstrating understanding and application of key concepts learned on chapters 18-20. Your paper must be 3-4 pages in length excluding references pages, 12p font, and double spaced. Separate all major topics into individual headings for better flow and clarity. Adherence to APA 7th Edition formatting guidelines must be demonstrated where appropriate. Your paper will include a critical analyses of the questions below. A critical analyses entails a comprehensive examination of key concepts and/or theories.
Book reference: Pratt, J. R. (2015). Long term care managing across the continuum (4th ed.). Sudbury: Jones and Barlett. Please include at least 3 peer review references within 5 years.
University Of California Davis Racial Tensions Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a political science writing question and need an explanation to help me study.
Draft a 600-700 word essay with your analytical answers to the following questions:
(You can use the attachments below, including the racism wheel sheet to reflect upon your answer). Outside sources are allowed.
- Do you agree or disagree that individual racism and institutional racism exists in the United States? If you do not, explain what the basis is for such a conclusion? What facts, empirical evidence or information suggests such a finding is possible given the strength of the anecdotal, qualitative and quantitative evidence to the contrary?
- How does individual racism manifest itself within your life, if at all?
- How does institutional racism manifest itself at your college, if at all?
- What policies might contribute best to the elimination of racism and institutional racism in the United States?
- Define and explain the Black live matter movement(BLM), what is it? how did it originate? what is unique about its organizational structure?
HIST 100 GC In What Ways Were the Vikings Comparable to The Barbarians Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a history question and need support to help me learn.
This week we start a new section in our book, Part 2: Crossroads and Cultures, 500-1450 CE. This forum is all about the exciting developments in Chapter 8 downloadand Chapter 9
download, which both span from 400-100 CE.
This forum officially worth 30 points, but you can get up to 35 points if you do extra and really get into it. You get up to ten points for introducing a topic (maximum of one topic). You get five points each time you give a thoughtful and particularly informative response to another student. Please limit each post to one paragraph, or two very short paragraphs.
Please do two things in this forum:
1) Please share a paragraph about one of the key items you see in Chapter 8 or Chapter 9, emphasizing how that person, event, trend, or concept is important to the era. You can use an item on one of the handouts, or anything you think is particularly important in either chapter. (For example, it could be “Charlemagne” or “Umayyad” in Chapter 8 or “Pure Land Buddhism” in Chapter 9.) Please make sure you discuss how the item comes up in the chapter. You could also discuss how it relates to major trends discussed in the Intro to Part 2 of our book.
2) Please also include a picture, a map, or a link to help out the class. I encourage students to share material from websites, as long as you make a clear connection to our reading.
3) Please respond to at least four other students. Add some information to what the student shared, or relate their key item to another key item you learned about. For example, if they wrote about the Christians in Byzantium, you could write about how they were similar and different from Christians in Armenia or Egypt. The key thing is to build on what the other person is saying.
When you respond to other students, please try to find students who have fewer than three responses already.
Please join the forum by May 7 by starting a thread on a key item. Please check what is in the forum already, so that you are not repeating a topic someone started. The forum will stay open through the following Wednesday so that students have plenty of opportunity to interact with each other.
I am also enabling the podcast feature, in case anyone would like to do a podcast 🙂 If you do a podcast, please write at least a sentence introducing it, so that people will know what you are going to be talking about before they start the podcast. I do give a few extra points for a good podcast.
CSUB Gender the Space Between Implications for The Diversity Class Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Hi Class of Diversity!
Please watch the video (link included), it is about 30 minutes. Video is Titled “Gender the space between”
You need to create a reflection paper (at least half a page) and uploaded on Blackboard (BB)
The assignment on BB is named
“Non-binary as a third gender”
Link for the video: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/california-now-recognizes-nonbinary-as-a-third-gender/
or in youtube:
Watch the video. Please make the reflection paper on the implications for the diversity class. Take guidance on the following questions:
(it is similar to other reflections that you did)
What call your attention from the video? Why?
What did you agree/disagree according to your social construction?
What did you learn?
Anything missing from the video?
Did the video helped to “embrace” diversity or the opposite? Why?
I recommend reading the questions first and then watch the video. The idea is to reflect on new information that may or may not go against our social construction
or in youtube:
Watch the video. Please make the reflection paper on the implications for the diversity class. Take guidance on the following questions:
(it is similar to other reflections that you did)
What call your attention from the video? Why?
What did you agree/disagree according to your social construction?
What did you learn?
Anything missing from the video?
Did the video helped to “embrace” diversity or the opposite? Why?
I recommend reading the questions first and then watch the video. The idea is to reflect on new information that may or may not go against our social construction