UCD Parenting Skills Collectivistic Values & Respect to Authority Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. UCD Parenting Skills Collectivistic Values & Respect to Authority Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.
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You will work in a small group (4-5people) to design and conduct a simple study about a communication topic (some example topics that would be suited to a simple study appearon GauchoSpace). You will decide as a group which topic to study and whether it would be appropriate to conduct a surveyor anexperimentto investigate your topic. You and your group members (with some guidancefrom your TA) will together research the literature, propose hypotheses/research questions, select a design, construct measures, and collect and analyze data. You will then, ON YOUR OWN, write a7-8page paper describing what your study was, what the findings were, and what were the methodological strengths and weaknesses.
Part I –The Project:WITH YOUR GROUP, you must do the following:
Step 1) Find at least two empirical studiesin academic journals that will provide you withsome background on your topic and that will help you develop the hypotheses and research questions for your study. EVERY topic has relevant literature to find (if you find none, you’ll need either to switch topics or be more creative in your use of the studies that are there!)
Step 2) Develop at least two hypotheses(i.e., two different predictions, involving different set of variables) thatyou will attempt to testinyour study. Your hypotheses MUST be based on the literature (i.e., the empirical studiesthat you find!).In other words, you must provide justification from the scientific literaturefor what you are predicting! You may also include a research questionfor some additional variables that you would like to include/investigate as part of yourstudy.
Step 3) Develop a research designthat helps you testyour hypothesis (i.e., a surveyor experiment). –Steps 2 & 3 may be done simultaneously, as your design should be guided by the hypotheses you would like to test. Some designs are better suited to certain questions/hypotheses than are others. For example, if you want to examine the relationship between texting and relationship closeness, a survey might be appropriate, whereas if you want to know the effectsof texting on perceptions of relational messages, you would most likely conduct an experiment.
Step 4) Construct measurement instruments(e.g., questionnaire items) and gather other materialsyou will need (e.g., experimental manipulations, stimulus videos, etc.). When deciding howto construct your measures, remember to consider how you will later analyzethem (i.e., how will you know if yourhypothesis was supported or not?).
Step 5) Collect data. Much of this canbe done mid-quarter during your discussion section, as many of youwillserve as each other’s subjects, filling out each other’s surveys and participating in each other’s experiments. Often it is also necessary to collect data outsideof section, particularly for those studies that need more male subjects or non-student populations. REMEMBER TO FOLLOW THE “RULES FOR 88 PROJECTS” document!!
Step 6) Compile data and interpret results. You are encouraged to analyze your data statistically (i.e., see if your data produce significant differences between group means or significant correlationsbetween variables). However, you are not requiredto use statistics (i.e., you may “eyeball” your data in order to compare means, etc.). Your TA will help you identifywhat type of analysis is appropriate for your study, but most likely you will either compute means (averages) for your scale items and compare the means, or youwill compute simple correlations among your variables.Part II
–The Paper: ON YOUR OWN, you will write a paper that should have FIVEsectionsin this order:
INTRODUCTION (note thatthis section doesn’t actually get its own labeled headinglike the others do)In this first section, you should introduce your topic, review the literature (the two or more empirical studies), and state your hypotheses and any additional research question(s). As you review the literature, be sure that for eachempirical study you briefly summarize what the study didand describe the main findingsthat are relevant to your own study (do not just pull quotes from the article!). Use the studies to provide justification for your hypotheses and/or background for your research questions. It is important to explain whyyou are making your prediction(s) and posing your question(s).METHODIn the Method section, you should describe specifically what you didin your study. Using the appropriate subheadingsfor your particularstudy (e.g., sample, procedure, measures, etc.), you should describe the overall design, participants, procedure, and variables (including how they were operationalized/measured). If you combined several items into a scale for a particular DV, then describe that in this section too. You don’t need to write out every single item in the text of your paper, but give a couple example items and then direct your reader to the appendix for the rest (be sure include as an appendix a copy of any questionnaires or other materials you used). The content of this section will likely be very similar for all the members of your group, but the writingshould be in your ownwords!RESULTSIn this section you should briefly report what kind of data analysis you did (e.g., you computed means on yourDV for the different IV groups, or you computed a correlation between your IV and DV scales), and then report the resultingdata. In other words, report differences in mean scores between people in different groups or experimental conditions (e.g., on question X., men on average scored 5.2 while women scored 6.8), or report r values for correlations between variables, etc. You may find that tables or graphs are useful ways of presenting means and/or percentages.DISCUSSIONThis is the most important section! Here you need to interpret your findings and critiqueyour study.First, what can you concludeon the basis of your findings? In other words, were your hypotheses supported (and if you posed a research question, what was the answer)? Do the findings relate or not relate to the previous research you examined (and why or why not, do you think)? NOTE that your actual results (what you found) DO NOT AFFECT your grade—it’s what you SAY about your results, etc., that matters!Second, what were the STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSESof the methodological decisions you made in your study? What effect(s) do you think your design, your sample, and/or your measures had on your results? Note that different issues are important to discuss in this section depending on what kind of study you did (experimentor survey). For example, proper sampling is more important for surveys, whereas proper random assignment is more crucial for experiments. Refer back to your lecture notes or the appropriate textbook chapter to review the specific issues relevant to your type of study. Some issues you may want to consider here are: operationalization(e.g., How might your definitions/measures have affected your results?); internal and/or external validity(e.g., How well are you able to make causal statements [if you are trying to]? How well are you able to generalize beyond your sample or to other settings/conditions?). The best papers will be ones that discuss the most relevant issues and that provide the most interesting insight and thorough use of course material.Finally, suggest ways in which the study could be improved upon or supported further by future research (e.g., better definitions, other methods for addressing the topic).See next page for important rules and tips about format, writing style, grading, late papers, etc….REQUIREMENTS AND POLICIESFORMAT: The paper should be 7-8pagesof text (but NOTcounting title page, references, graphs/tables, or appendices). It should betyped, double-spaced, page-numbered, with roughly 1″ margins and Times 12 pt font. Note that Word’s default settings (and probably also those ofother programs, such as Pages) are usually wrongfor this assignment(margins too big, font too small, extra line spaces inserted after paragraphs, etc.), so you’ll need to change yoursettings! Follow the “88 paper format template” posted on GauchoSpace for how to format each section of your paper(it includes lots of advice as well!).WRITING STYLE:Your goal is to show that you have learned the principles of this course and that you can use the language of this course in appropriate and meaningful ways! You are reporting on your research as though it were a “real” study, so you should sound like a social scientist. Try to avoid “I/we” language and other ways of sounding too colloquial/casual. But don’t just throw in big words or convoluted sentences to try to sound “academic” either, as this usually ends up just not making sense. The goal is to present your study and your critique of your study with CLARITY and AUTHORITY.APA STYLE CITATIONS and PLAGIARISM: Since this assignment requires you to make good use of the thoughts, writings, and work of others, proper citations are essential. Your paper must follow APA style(7thedition)for citations within the text of your paper, as well as for your reference list. You will find some guidelines forAPA style in your reader, you will likely also have an APA style exercise in section, and you are encouraged to follow the example you see in most communication or psychology journal articles. Plagiarism will result minimally in a zero grade, and will likely also result in a failing grade in the course and further disciplinary action. SeeBe especially carefully not to “borrow” from another student’s paper, as this is also plagiarism (whether or not specific words have been changed). I strongly suggest that you do not even READ a portion of one your group member’s papers (even just for “ideas”), as it is very difficult to word things differently once you’ve seen how someone else has done it. Although the project was designed and conducted as a group, the WRITING of the paper (including the ideas) must be entirely YOUR OWN!TURNING IN PAPERS: You are required to submit on GauchoSpace, by the due date and time, an electronic versionof your paper (saved as a WORD .doc or .docx file). Emailed versions of papers are NOT acceptable (unless by emergency arrangement with yourTA). Late papers are penalized 5 points off per day. GRADING: Remember first that your actual results (whether your hypotheses were supported or not) DO NOT DETERMINE your grade; it’s what you SAY about your results that matters. Your score will be based on how well your papershowsthe following: ability to express an accurate and thorough understanding of your study, of course material,and outside research; depth and effectiveness at articulating and supporting your criticisms; clarity and authority in writing style and organization; and excellent execution of the assignment. We evaluate these qualities by comparing your paper to others, not to some “ideal” objective we have in mind for the paper. This is because each TA may have a different ideal in mind, so it is the actual set of papers submitted that tells us what level of excellence is achievable. After years of experience with Comm 88 papers, I can tell you that we usually see a very high level of achievement indeed, so it is a mistake to think that if you just “do what the assignment asks” you will get a good grade. Doing the assignment is the minimum, and usually results in an “average” grade (i.e., in the “C+” range). To lift your grade above average, you will need to use the language ofthe course convincingly, show sophistication in your thinking,and apply and integrate course concepts withclarity, depth, and insight(especially in the discussion section)–this is what the high achieving papers tend to do
Research Question:
- Do collectivistic cultural values generate more respect in a child-parent relationship and respect for authority if the parenting style is more permissive?
2 Hypothesis:
- The more individualistic values present in a family, the less respect is generated within parent-child relationships.
- The more a child is exposed to authoritarian values, the more negative of a response the child expresses to authority.
Possible Variables
- Variable 1: Cultural Values *IV & Categorical
- Collectivistic or individualistic cultural values
- Variable 2: Child’s Perception of Amount of Respect in Relationship with Parent *DV & Continuous
- Questionnaire with hypotheticals/rate how strongly you agree w/ statements
- Possibly interview people
- Variable 3: Parenting Styles *IV & Categorical
- How child perceives parenting style (Authoritarian vs. Permissive)
- , also questionnaire
- Variable 4: How a Child’s Response to Authority is Impacted by Parenting Style *DV & Continuous
- Questionnaire on how kids respond to obedience (answering hypotheticals)
- Articles to use in the essay
- Sidebotham, P. (2001). Culture, stress and the parent-child relationship: A qualitative study of parents’ perceptions of parenting. Child: Care, Health and Development, 27(6), 469-485. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy.library.ucsb.edu:2048/10.1046/j.1365-2214.2001.00229.x
- Shen, J. J., Cheah, C. S. L., & Yu, J. (2018). Asian american and european american emerging adults’ perceived parenting styles and self-regulation ability. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 9(2), 140-148. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy.library.ucsb.edu:2048/10.1037/aap0000099
- Do the associations of parenting styles with behavior problems and academic achievement vary by culture? Results from a meta-analysis By Pinquart, Martin & Kauser, Rubina (Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology Vol.24, Iss. 1)
- Ancestral landscapes in human evolution: Culture, childrearing and social wellbeing by Narvaez, Darcia & Valentino, Kristin, + more we can just search it up
- The relationship between perceived parenting style, filial piety, and life satisfaction in Hong Kong
The data is attached as a file. It is shown in excel spreadsheet.
The template should be like this:
*********(HAS to be APA style citations throughout the paper)
Start with the introduction, which does not need its own heading. Your opening paragraph should tell the issue that you are investigating and why it needs to be investigated. Remember, scholarly writing (throughout the paper) should be clear, succinct, and avoid using “I” or “We”. One way to do this is to use other ways to refer to your study, such as “The present study investigates…” (as opposed to “We wanted to investigate…”). You can also use the passive voice (as long as you don’t overdo it), such as “An experiment was conducted…” (as opposed to “We conducted an experiment…”).
Next in this section is where you’re going to do your literature review and summarize your (minimum TWO) empirical studies. You probably do not need any subheadings in this section since your literature review is smaller than what would appear in published studies. For each study, you should report what it was about, what they did, and what they found (see .
Your studies DO NOT have to be exactly the same as your groupmates’; it’s possible they’re not the same studies you brought in earlier in the quarter. They MUST be relevant to your hypotheses, and you MUST include copies of the abstracts in an appendix at the end of your paper.
Be sure then to tie the findings to your own study! If you are using conceptual definitions of variables from the prior studies, discuss that here too (some variables need more conceptualization than others). Use the studies to provide a rationale for your hypotheses—a clear argument for why, based on logic and the prior research, you are predicting the specific relationships between variables in your study. Your hypotheses DO NOT have to be exactly the same as your groupmates’. Here’s an example of what your hypotheses might look like (one is associational and one is causal, just to give you an example of each—but yours will be different depending on what kind of study you did). Be sure to put each hypothesis/research question on its own line, indented like this:
H1: There will be a positive relationship between amount of communication and satisfaction in a relationship.
H2: Participants who see an objectifying ad will report lower self-esteem than participants who see an empowering ad.
Note that your hyps do not have to be grouped together like this (especially if you have a different rationale for each one), and they do not have to be placed at the end of this section. The placement of hypotheses and research questions depend on how you organize your literature review and rationale.
This section is where you describe what you did in your study. It will have several subheadings, but the particular headings you use will vary depending on what kind of study you did. Here are some typical subheadings that are useful:
Report your sampling technique (e.g., convenience sample), and how you gathered it (e.g., sent survey links to Facebook friends, etc.). Describe your sample (e.g., how many participants total? What were the demographics–e.g., gender, age, race–if you collected info on that).
Describe the basic procedure for your study. If you did a survey, this just means a simple statement of how you distributed or collected your survey data (in person, online, etc.). If you did an experiment, identify what the separate conditions were for your IV (i.e., what was the manipulation?). Did you use a factorial design? How were participants assigned to conditions? If you showed/created anything to show to your subjects (whether for a survey or an experiment), it would also help to have a separate heading and section for “stimulus materials” where you can describe them (and also add them as an Appendix).
If you did a survey, it is helpful to split this section up into IVs and DVs. How were your IVs operationalized? How were your DVs operationalized? If you did an experiment, you should describe your IV in an earlier section (see above), so this section would be for “Dependent Measures.”
What kind of scales did you use (e.g., Likert, semantic differential, etc.)? How many points were on the scale (e.g., 5, 7, 9…)? If you used an existing measure (e.g., the Big Five Inventory) cite where you found it. Include examples of specific questionnaire items that were used for each variable, and then direct your reader to an Appendix to see the complete wording of items.
Explain what kind of data analysis you did (e.g., correlation) and report your results. It tends to be helpful if you restate a hypothesis first (e.g., “H1 predicted that…”) and then how your analyses supported it or not (e.g., “Analyses of the mean scores do not support this hypothesis. Specifically,…”). Be sure to report the key numbers. You can either 1) insert numbers within the text itself (such as “Perception of credibility was higher for those who saw the humorous speaker (M = 3.45) than for those who saw the boring speaker (M = 2.12)”; or “A positive correlation (r = .37) was found between credibility and likability…”); or 2) put the actual numbers in a table or graph (e.g., “Table 1 shows the mean scores for…”) and just describe the results within the text like the examples above. The tables and graphs themselves should be attached as separate pages at the END of your paper, so that they do not take up valuable space for writing.
Remember that hypotheses aren’t “proven true”, rather, they are “supported” or “evidence was found for”… Also, save for the discussion section any comments you have about why you may have gotten the results that you got.
**THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SECTION OF THE PAPER**!! Remember it doesn’t matter what your results were (such as whether or not your hypotheses were supported, etc); what’s important is that you can use course terms to intelligently discuss your findings and critique the strengths and weaknesses of your study.
Summarize your findings and explain what they mean. Don’t repeat the numbers, but rather explain what the implications are for your findings (Are your results consistent with or contradictory to the studies that you used as the basis for your hypotheses? Why or why not?). If your hypotheses were not supported (or some were and some weren’t), can you explain why not? Your explanation of your findings can be a nice lead-in to the critique of your study, because some of your study’s limitations may provide an explanation or insightful understanding of your findings. That can usually make for a more meaningful discussion section than just having a separate part of your discussion where your list/describe strengths and weaknesses as separate things that have no connection to your findings.
As you identify strengths and weaknesses, try to avoid just inserting course terms when they don’t really relate. Instead think critically about your study. Dig deep to show that you fully understand the ins and outs of the scientific process and can apply the appropriate terms insightfully. Explain what might have gone wrong or what could’ve been done differently (where appropriate, and especially if you can tie those issues to your findings), and then finally give suggestions for future research.
Last Name, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From – To.
Last Name, F. M. (Year). Book Title. City Name: Publisher Name.
UCD Parenting Skills Collectivistic Values & Respect to Authority Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
GCN Essential V AACN & Impact on Nursing Practice & Healthcare Policy Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help
The Essential and Impact to Nursing Practice
- Defining and explaining the purpose of Essential V: Health Care policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments.
- Thoroughly explain how Essential V impacts nursing practice. Include specific examples of how nurses can utilize each concept to improve nursing care and advanced filed
8 – 10 slides power point not including title and reference page. Slides should have no more than 6 bullet points and no more than 6 words. Add pictures, graphs or chart to enhance understanding of content.
Sources : With the exception of The AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice , references used in this paper should be no more than five years old.
Oklahoma City Community College Bullying in The Workplace Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Case Study
Bullying in the Workplace
Hazing is the practice of playing unpleasant tricks on someone or forcing someone to do unpleasant things as initiation into a group. Hazing can take place at fraternities, college campuses, the workplace, and even within the National Football League (NFL). Many justify hazing by calling it a long-held tradition. But this excuse will not hold up in a court of law.
Richie Incognito was suspended by the Miami Dolphins over allegations of harassment of teammate Jonathan Martin. Incognito allegedly sent offensive texts to Martin and created a hostile work environment. Some people believe that the NFL locker room is a macho, all-male environment where crudeness is acceptable. Any player who shows resistance could be hazed. Veteran players on NFL teams have always had initiation rituals for rookies. Some rituals include forcing rookies to carry the veterans’ football pads and other gear and making the rookies take veterans out for expensive meals. Other rookies have been forced to get their heads shaved or to sing in front of the entire team.
Bullying is the process of intimidating somebody weaker or in a more vulnerable situation. It can range from yelling at a person to spreading untrue rumors about him or her. More subtle examples of bullying are excluding coworkers (or teammates) from important meetings or social outings. Individuals participate in bullying to express their superiority. When businesses and sports agencies do not take actions to correct bullying, the unethical behavior continues.
According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, behaviors that represent workplace bullying may include verbal abuse, work interference, and offensive conduct or behavior that is harmful to the health of the person(s) being bullied. Victims of workplace bullying can suffer from physical and mental health issues.
Concerned Employers
Businesses are concerned about bullying in the workplace because it can lead to legal consequences for the “bully” and the business. Verbal and physical threats and assaults by employees can result in legal action against the employer. In addition, workplace bullying that leads to a hostile work environment can affect the work performance of the victim and other employees. Employers must stress that they will not tolerate bullying behaviors and that bullies will be punished, and possibly fired.
Think Critically
- Does any form of hazing or bullying take place in your school? What can be done to stop bullying?
- Do you believe the Incognito/Martin situation is a case of bullying? Why or why not? What can organizations like the NFL do to stop bullying?
- Do you think businesses should be held legally responsible for a bully’s actions? Why or why not?
- Why do you think some individuals participate in bullying activities?300 words, 50 points. Cite references.
300 words, Cite references.
Apollos University Group and A Team Core Differences Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Explain the difference between a group and a team in an organizational setting. What are the core differences and what are the similarities? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Provide some examples.
Then, reflect on a current or previous job where you worked on a team or in a group and respond to the following prompts:
- Define the type of team or group.
- Explain the history of the team. How and why was the team created?
- Explain your role in the team or group.
- Illustrate the team environment.
- Describe how individual behaviors impacted the team’s effectiveness.
- Explain how did the team’s overarching behavior influenced the organization
MGT 340 UNA Application in Business Conflicts Negotiation Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
For this assignment, you will write a well-researched, thoroughly sourced 10-12 page research paper examining a business conflict negotiation topic. You may choose to specifically look at a company or organization that has experienced conflict and examine that case, or you may research a more general conflict or negotiation topic.
Your paper must follow these guidelines:
- APA style formatting, including headers, headings, in-text citations, and references (please see me if you need resources for APA style).
- Times New Roman, 12 pt, double spaced throughout
- 10-12 pages, excluding title pages and references.
- Page numbers used
- A reference list including:
- A total of at least 15 sources
- At least 5 sources must be from scholarly journals or academic books (please see me if you need assistance)
- Suggested sources: Negotiation and Conflict Management Research; Negotiation Journal; Business Communication, Management Communication Quarterly
- Any news sources should be from credible sources (again, please see me for questions)
As always, any plagiarism or quoting without proper citations will result in an automatic 0 on the assignment.
DC The Wall Biographical Analysis Approach Human Response in the Verge of Death Essay Writing Assignment Help
In this essay you should combine your practice responding and analyzing short stories with support derived from research. So far, in the discussion boards, we have practiced primarily formal analysis. Now I want you to practice “joining the conversation.” In this essay you will write a literary analysis that incorporates the ideas of others. The trick is to accurately present ideas and interpretations gathered from your research while adding to the conversation by presenting your own ideas and analysis.
You will be evaluated, in part, on how well you use external sources. I want to see that you can quote, paraphrase and summarize without plagiarizing. Remember, any unique idea must be credited, even if you put it in your own words.
Choose one of the approaches explained in the “Approaches to Literary Analysis” located at the bottom of this document. Each approach will require research, and that research should provide the context in which you present your own ideas and support your thesis. Be sure to properly document your research. Review the links in the “Writing about Literature” tab as these will help guide you.
While I am asking you to conduct outside research, do not lose sight of the primary text to which you are responding—the story! Your research should support your interpretations of the story. Be sure that your thesis is relevant to the story and that you quote generously from the story.
Purpose: critical analysis, writing from sources
Length: 5 pages, approx 1500 words
Documentation: Minimum of 5 sources required. Documented in MLA format. (Note: review the material in “finding and evaluating sources” to help you choose relevant and trustworthy sources.)
Below are some examples. I do not require you to choose one of these topics. They are just here to give you an idea of the type of approaches that will work for this essay.
1. Philosophical analysis: How do the stories by Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus reflect the philosophy of existentialism?
2. Socio/cultural analysis: What opinion about marriage and gender roles does Hemingway advance in “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber”?
3. Historical analysis: What social dilemmas faced by African Americans in the 1960s might have inspired Toni Cade Bambara to write “The Lesson”?
4. Biographical analysis: What events in Salman Rushdie’s life might have influenced the events in “At the Auction of the Ruby Slippers”?
5. Psychological analysis: How is John Cheever’s “The Swimmer” a metaphor for the psychology of addiction?
Approaches to Literary analysis
Formal analysis – This type of analysis focuses on the formal elements of the work (language, symbolism, plot, character, setting) in an effort to explain how the story functions. It is concerned with the parts of the text and how those parts fit together to create meaning. Outside information such as the author’s background and historical events are generally not referenced in formalist criticism. A formal analysis conceives of the literary work as a self-contained experience.
If you choose this approach you will need to research scholarly interpretations of your selected story and include those as part of the conversation.
Historical analysis– This type of analysis uses historical context to understand the work. Many 20 th century stories can be best understood within the framework of major events: Industrialization, The Holocaust, WWII, The Great Depression, The Civil Rights Movement, feminism, etc. A historical analysis will “base interpretations on the interplay between the text and historical contexts.”
“ a piece of literature is shaped by the time period in which it was written and thus must be examined and interpreted in the context of that time period. This theory attempts to tie the characters, events and language in a piece of literature to events from the time period in which it was written. “
If you choose this approach for your literary analysis, you should be well aware of the major events of the time period.
Biographical analysis – This type of analysis uses the author’s life as a starting point for interpreting the story. The belief is that it is necessary to know about the author and the political, economical, and sociological context of his times in order to truly understand his works. How do the themes present in the story reflect the concerns and experiences of the author? In this approach there may be considerable overlap with historical analysis. That’s ok-they are not mutually exclusive.
Sociological analysis (cultural criticism) – This type of analysis interprets the story in term of social structures: class, race, gender, culture, nationality or economics. Feminist criticism, postcolonial criticism, Marxist criticism, etc. all fall into this category. It can also overlap with historical analysis. For example, a Marxist criticism of Catcher in the Rye might claim that Holden’s depression is derived from material wealth and social inequality.
Philosophical analysis: This approach uses a philosophical framework from which to approach the work. The belief is that the larger purpose of literature is to teach morality and to probe philosophical issues. Existentialism is a common philosophy that find roots in literature, particularly in that of Sartre and Camus. Here are some questions to ask if you are interested in this approach.
• What religious or ethical beliefs does the text deal with directly? Are any religions or philosophies mentioned specifically in the text?
• What religious or ethical beliefs or philosophies does the author seem to favor? How can you tell?
• What religious or ethical beliefs or philosophies does the author seem to disfavor?
• What behaviors do the characters display that the author wants us to think are “right”?
Psychological Analysis: This approach uses theories of human behavior as a means of analyzing the story. Psychological critics view works through the lens of psychology. They look either at the psychological motivations of the characters or of the authors themselves, although the former is generally considered a more respectable approach. Most frequently, psychological critics apply Freudian psychology to works, but other approaches (such as a Jungian approach) also exist.
• Are there any specific psychologists or psychological theories mentioned in the text? In what ways?
• What theories of human behavior does the writer seem to believe? How can you tell?
• What theories of human behavior does the writer seem to reject? How can you tell?
• How do people’> s minds work in the text? How do people think? How are their thoughts shown?
• In what ways do the structure and organization of the text indicate the writer’� s beliefs about the workings of the mind?
DC The Wall Biographical Analysis Approach Human Response in the Verge of Death Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
POS 2112 Stanford University State & Local Government Responsibilities Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Topic for writing assignment 2:
Note: Both Part I and Part II are included (required) in this assignment. Please devote half of your paper to each part.
Florida’s Counties, including Brevard County, and Topic of Your Choice
Part I:
(Note: If you are in another county, you may use your county for this paper.)
How many counties are in the state of Florida? How many counties in Florida operate under county charters?
What is a county charter? Is Brevard a charter county? If so, when was its charter adopted? Is it a “home rule charter?” What is a home rule charter? Explain.
Which of our government activities are conducted at the county level in Brevard County?
For example, in Florida, elections are conducted at the county level, by each county’s Supervisor of Elections, and county roads are maintained by each county’s public works department, under the Board of County Commissioners.
Give at least two examples, as I did above, of the duties of at least two county-level offices. Explain their roles and responsibilities.
Also provide the names, and any additional information you may find (such as their prior employment or background, their experience, and when they were elected and for how long they may serve), of the elected or appointed officials currently serving in these offices.
Additional research, relevant current events, and your opinions are encouraged.
Important: Properly cite all of your sources throughout your work and on your Works Cited page.
Helpful links:
County information (for Florida) (Links to an external site.)
Brevard County Charter (Links to an external site.)
Florida Constitution (see: Article VIII) (Links to an external site.)
Brevard County government (Links to an external site.)
Part II:
Topic of your choice
For part two of your paper, choose an item from your textbook about which you have learned this semester. Now relate this to your life, current events, or one specific government decision.
If your topic is historical, do some research on its origins as well as current relevance. If your topic is controversial, do some research on its origins and discuss both sides, including your opinion and reasons for it.
Facts and figures are good to include. Quotes from those with experience in the matter are good to include as well. (You may interview someone for your paper, if you like; simply properly quote and cite the interview.)
Required: Use and cite at least two outside sources on this topic, other than your textbook.
Have fun with it!
Finally, be clear and be sure to follow the length requirements for both parts of this paper. Part one and part two are both required. The entire paper must be a minimum of 1200 words, total.
Again, be sure to cite your work (including the required Works Cited page).
*Use MLA format and MLA citation.
*Be sure your entire paper is at least 1200 words (minimum).
Follow these guidelines:
RC Documentation of Problem Based Assessment of The Cardiac System Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Documentation of problem based assessment of the cardiac system.
Purpose of Assignment:
Learning the required components of documenting a problem based subjective and objective assessment of cardiac system. Identify abnormal findings.
Course Competency:
Select appropriate physical examination skills for the cardiovascular and peripheral vascular systems.
Content: Use of three sections:
oActual or potential risk factors for the client based on the assessment findings with description or reason for selection of them.
Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
Chapter 5: SOAP Notes: The subjective and objective portion only
Sullivan, D. D. (2012). Guide to clinical documentation. [E-Book]. Retrieved fromhttp://ezproxy.rasmussen.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=495456&site=eds-live&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_91 >
Smith, L. S. (2001, September). Documentation do’s and don’ts. Nursing, 31(9), 30. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.rasmussen.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=107055742&site=eds-live >
Documentation Grading Rubric- 10 possible points
Levels of Achievement |
Criteria |
Emerging |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Subjective (4 Pts) |
Missing components such as biographic data, medications, or allergies. Symptoms analysis is incomplete. May contain objective data. |
Basic biographic data provided. Medications and allergies included. Symptoms analysis incomplete. Lacking detail. No objective data. |
Basic biographic data provided. Included list of medications and allergies. Symptoms analysis: PQRSTU completed. Lacking detail. No objective data. Information is solely what “client” provided. |
Basic biographic data provided. Included list of medications and allergies. Symptoms analysis: PQRSTU completed. Detailed. No objective data. Information is solely what “client” provided. |
Points: 1 |
Points: 2 |
Points: 3 |
Points: 4 |
Objective (4 Pts) |
Missing components of assessment for particular system. May contain subjective data. May have signs of bias or explanation of findings. May have included words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, |
Includes all components of assessment for particular system. Lacks detail. Uses words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, or “good”. Contains all objective information. May have signs of bias or explanation of findings. |
Includes all components of assessment for particular system. Avoided use of words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, or “good”. No bias or explanation for findings evident Contains all objective information |
Includes all components of assessment for particular system. Detailed information provided. Avoided use of words such as “normal”, “appropriate”, or “good”. No bias or explanation for findings evident. All objective information |
Points: 1 |
Points: 2 |
Points: 3 |
Points: 4 |
Actual or Potential Risk Factors (2 pts)
Lists one to two actual or potential risk factors for the client based on the assessment findings with no description or reason for selection of them. Failure to provide any potential or actual risk factors will result in zero points for this criterion. |
Brief description of one or two actual or potential risk factors for the client based on the assessment findings with description or reason for selection of them. |
Limited description of two actual or potential risk factors for the client based on the assessment findings with description or reason for selection of them. |
Comprehensive, detailed description of two actual or potential risk factors for the client based on the assessment findings with description or reason for selection of them. |
Points: 0.5 |
Points: 1 |
Points: 1.5 |
Points: 2 |
HLSS 212 AMU National Security Policy Questions Writing Assignment Help
Please answer the following:
Technical Requirements
EC Community & Public Health Nursing Alma Ata & Millennium Development Goals Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
Instructions: 3-4 pages long, 3 references. My college submits all written assignments to Turnitin.
1st discussion
Declaration of Alma-ata. Please discuss your position on the following:
Do you agree with the WHO’s definition of health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity”?
Why or why not?
Do you agree with the declaration’s claim that health is a socio-economic issue?
Why or why not?
Do you believe that it is the responsibility of the state to provide adequate health and social measures?
Why or why not?
Do you think that primary care has a role in improving outcomes?
Why or why not?
2nd discussion
As the target year (2015) for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approached, the global community realized that updated targets were necessary for the international development goals so that progress could be effectively measured. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted on September 25, 2015, succeeding the Millennium Development Goals, pronounced that, “We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want to heal and secure our planet.” The Sustainable Development Goals embody a one-health strategy—healthy people living on a habitable planet.
Your assignment must contain the following elements: Why was it important to transition from MDGs to SDGs?
- A statement that describes the differences between the MDGs and SDGs.
- Identification and explanation of at least two individual (person-level) health behaviors/behavioral factors that improved as a result of MDGs.
- Identification and explanation of at least two areas and populations in which MDG targets were not reached.
- Identification and explanation of at least two attitudes or preconceptions that may increase and/or decrease the probability of targets being reached.
- A discussion of at least two social environmental factors that may influence targets in specific populations.
- A discussion of at least two physical environmental factors that may influence targets in specific populations.
- A discussion of at least two policy level changes that will be necessary for targets to be reached in specific populations.