UCF Debate Forced Treatment Paper Writing Assignment Help

UCF Debate Forced Treatment Paper Writing Assignment Help. UCF Debate Forced Treatment Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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Debate Graph: Forced Treatment Debate


During the 1960s, Americans were horrified to learn about conditions within the state mental hospital systems, where patients were often abused and neglected, made to submit to dangerous medical procedures ,or simply left live in squalid conditions for life. The popular backlash, made famous through books and movies such as One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, led to a general consensus against forcing anyone, under any circumstances, to receive psychiatric treatment against their will. Movements such as Madpride and The Icarus Project suggest that mental illness is normal and society’s narrow idea of normal is to blame. However, others feel that patients with mental illnesses are a threat to themselves and society. Thatindividual freedoms do not out weight the safety of society. Other research suggests that involuntary psychiatric treatment programs can keep people from cycling through ERs, jails, prisons, and homeless shelters—and therefore save taxpayers gobs of money.

Prepare research to debate both sides of this issue-This will make it easier for you to form your rebuttals. There is a debate outline paper on Blackboard, that will help you develop your thoughts.

You will be randomly assigned to either the affirmative or negative position.

Prior to researching each side review the following resources:



Elyn Saks

If Only They Had Treated Him

  • After the debate is finished you must write a closing paper. Your closing does not have to reflect the side you were on, but rather what you have come to believe.

UCF Debate Forced Treatment Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Los Angeles Pierce College Historic Volcanic Eruptions Discussion Science Assignment Help

For this week’s discussion, you’re going to start finding resources on ELAC Library’s website. One of my favorite volcanic eruptions in history, which we’ll talk about next week, was the eruption of Krakatoa, Indonesia in 1883. You’re going to be researching this eruption and answering some questions about it.

please respond to this prompt with the following information

Part 1:

Learn about the kinds of resources that are available through OneSearch, a one-stop-shop for research on the library’s website.

  • From elac.edu, select Library from the Menu.
  • On the Library’s front page, you will see a search bar that says “OneSearch”.
  • In this search bar, search “Krakatoa”. Feel free to play around with the search terms; try variations and see the difference in the results.
  • On OneSearch, find and give the MLA citation (https://www.citationmachine.net/mla/cite-a-book (Links to an external site.)) for:
    • 1 book about Krakatoa
    • 1 newspaper article from the past 10 years about Krakatoa’s eruptions
    • 1 journal article from the 1800s about the 1883 eruption
  • Which source would you prefer to read to gain a good understanding of the geology of the Krakatoa volcano?

Part 2:

Locate and open the article entitled Krakatoa by H.M. Paul, published in Science, August 15, 1884, Vol.4(80), pp.135-136. Read this short article and answer the following question: How far away was the 1883 Krakatoa eruption heard? It is a scientifically complicated, dense article, but try to scan the sentences for the information to answer this question. Do you think you need to understand everything in an article to be able to pull facts from a source?

after you finish part 1 and 2 please respond to two classmates, i will send their prompts once you choose this question


WRIT 39C UCD Rhetoric Argumentation & Multi Modal Communication Portfolio Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

promt is in the file

This document introduces you as a college-level writer, thinker, and communicator to a community of your peers. Its fundamental purpose is to illustrate the role you have played in your learning over the course of the quarter in 39C. You take responsibility for the quality of your work in this document (and in your ePortfolio) by assessing your performance. The reflective introduction is an analytically incisive, multi-modal composition that delivers balanced arguments about your learning and supports them with carefully selected pieces of evidence. Ideally, it will also be idiosyncratic; the best reflective introductions aren’t cold and detached, but bear the mark of their author’s personality.


ACCT 201 SEU Week 9 Methods of Accounting for Receivables Methods Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

5 Question in the attachment look at the attachment for more information

Q1 Discuss with your own examples the two methods of accounting for receivables and the two methods for estimating bad debts. (Note: Examples must include Journal entry)

Q2. X Company has the following receivables classified
into individually significant and all other receivables.

Q3. Rex Company’s record of transactions for the month
of September was as follows.

Q4. Explain the concept of LCNRV and its applicability to Agricultural Inventory and

Commodity Broker-Traders

Q5. Give examples for Gross profit and retail Methods of Estimating Inventory.


San Francisco State University Socialize with Friends or Family Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

  • A brief summary of the interview
  1. Basic information of the interview, such as where and when you conducted the interviews, your interviewees’ name, and an extreme user or mainstream user.
  2. Identify the nuggets related to needs/problems, emotions, channels, current solutions, and deficiencies. Use a few words or a short sentence to describe each nugget. In addition, add direct quotes from your interviewee for each nugget.
  3. I need the answer for both interview.

Question 1: What needs or challenges do you have when going out with your friends and family to socialize?

Question 2: What is the most important factor when deciding on where to go to socialize and spend time with friends and family?

Question 2.1: Tell me about a time that you went out to socialize with friends or family and the experience blew you away? How? Why?

Question 3: Have you ever not been able to satisfy a social need when going out? If so, how did you overcome it?

Question 4: What problems do you have when going out to social venues?

Question 5: What is not ideal about the current offerings in the social scene?

Question 6: Have you ever had a problem or challenge when finding a social venue? How did you overcome it?

Question 7: What unique experience or experiences do you think the social scene is lacking?

Question 8: Is there anything that you would like to see offered in the social scene that isn’t already offered?

Question 9: Would you rather attend a social venue with friends or with family? What’s important when attending a social venue with friends? What is important when attending a social venue with family?

Question 11: How much does money factor what social venues you decide to attend?

Question 12: What is too expensive? (total spent for yourself in one night) What is ideal?

Question 13: What do you look for in regards to social experiences when traveling?

Question 14: Do you think that a new concept is needed in the social scene?


Question 15: How do you feel about outdoor dining? Why? How?

Questions 17: Do you enjoy experiencing different cultures? Why? How? What do you particularly look for?

Question 18: What do you consider a quality experience when it comes to socializing?

Question 19: Would you be open to attending an event and or venue that is held within a sustainable/alternative structure?

Question 20: How do you feel about sustainable structures? Do you know anything about them?

Question 21: How much would spend on an experience if it was held within a sustainable structure?

Question 22: Do you feel like brick and mortar structures are superior to a sustainable or alternative structure? Why? How?



BC Freedom of The Will & the Concept of A Person the Argument of Frankfurt Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write a 250-300 word essay about the content and about the philosophically-relevant implications of the arguments that Frankfurt makes in our reading for today (if printed with double-spacing, a 250-300 word essay would fill up roughly one standard sheet of paper).


As you write your essay on Frankfurt’s article, “Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person,” you should be able to answer these questions for yourself; HOWEVER, this does not mean that you need to (or even should) provide answers to these questions in your essay.

— what does Frankfurt mean by “person” and why does he hold that one’s being a person is not simply dependent on one’s belonging to a certain species?

— what does Frankfurt mean by “will,” how for Frankfurt is “will” different from mere “desire,” and why does he hold that the difference between persons and non-persons is to be found, not in one’s rationality, but in the structure of one’s “will”?

— what is the point of Frankfurt’s distinction between first-order and second-order desires?

— what does Frankfurt mean when he says that a “wanton” (someone who does not care about his or her will, someone who does not have second-order volitions, even if they do have second-order desires) is not a “person”?

— what does Frankfurt mean when he ways that “freedom of the will” is not the same thing as “freedom of action,” that having freedom to do what one wants is not a sufficient condition of having freedom of the will?

— what is the point of Frankfurt’s distinction between the unwilling addict, the wanton addict, and the willing addict?

Two further recommendations:

1) IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU WRITE YOUR ESSAY IN TWO STAGES (AT LEAST); BETTER STILL, DO IT IN THREE, FOUR, FIVE STAGES, IF YOU HAVE TIME. For example: it is recommended that you first write an overall draft (from beginning to end of your essay) explaining what you take to be the main “moves” and arguments in Frankfurt’s article, without any concerns about conciseness, redundancy, relevancy, word-count, etc. (that is, first get all of your thoughts “out on paper”). Then, at a second stage (at a second remove), become your own “editor” and look over your own draft with a critical perspective (as if you were a second person who is reviewing your writing); then re-work your draft with any eye to fixing problems having to do with clarity, conciseness, gaps in your logic, missing ideas, questionable presuppositions, word-count, etc.

2) KEEP IN MIND THAT OUR CLASS DISCUSSIONS ARE NOT MEANT TO PROVIDE YOU WITH THE UNIQUE “KEY” OR “SOLUTION” TO WRITING AN ESSAY ON THE SELECTED MATERIAL. Rather, our class discussions are meant to provide you with some background, context, argumentation, etc. which is relevant to the material but which would be rather difficult or time-consuming for you to discover or research on your own. Our class discussions are meant to provide not a “key” or “model” for your own work, but rather a “preparation” or “supplement” for your own work.

You should have no need to rely on any outside sources for this essay; make use of what is said in the text that we read from Frankfurt, and make use of the discussion and comments from our class interactions on Friday. HOWEVER, DO NOT WRITE AN ESSAY THAT IS LIMITED TO RE-STATING OR RE-PHRASING THE CONTENT OF OUR CLASS DISCUSSIONS. The purpose of our class discussion is to PREPARE you for your essay-writing by giving you some context, some background information, and some hints about key issues in the text to be discussed. But you should always keep in mind that the text contains far more content than we could possibly discuss in class. Your essay should clearly demonstrate that you have READ AND ENGAGED THE READING MATERIAL ON YOUR OWN, and that you are not simply following the framework presented in class.

In other words: the claims that you make in your essay should GO BEYOND a mere repetition of what claims that can be found in Frankfurt’s text, and should GO BEYOND a mere re-statement of issues that we discussed in class.

When thinking about the CONTENT of Frankfurt’s arguments, you should ask yourself: what is the “from and to” of Frankfurt’s argumentation? FROM what position, and TO what position is Frankfurt trying to lead the reader? Does this FROM-TO movement which makes up the content of Frankfurt’s argument make use of certain beliefs, assumptions, inferences?

When thinking about the PHILOSOPHICALLY-RELEVANT IMPLICATIONS of Frankfurt’s arguments, you should ask yourself: what is implied by Frankfurt’s position? If someone accepts the argument, must he/she also accept further conclusions? Does the argument really work?

In writing your essay, you should be sure to include claims or content which will clearly show that you yourself have read and engaged the text on your own, and have not merely relied upon content taken from our class discussion(s).

NOTE WELL: this essay does not call for mere REPETITION or RESTATEMENT. You are not being asked to mirror what Frankfurt said in his text or what some instructor said in class. You are being asked to ENGAGE IN THE ACTIVITY OF “playing out” or “performing” the argument, somewhat similar to the way in which an actor “plays out” the script of a play. The actor “internalizes” the script, makes it his or her own, tries it on and walks around in it. Without the particularizing “acting out,” the script is not really a play at all but only a dead letter. No two actors “play out” the same play in exactly the same way, so do not be afraid to make your own contribution to bringing the “script” to life. That is, the argument made by Frankfurt should not remain a “dead letter” in your hands but should take on a “living spirit” in your activity of “playing it out.” Of course, you should not merely destroy or supplant Frankfurt’s argument by externally or arbitrarily imposing your one-sided views on it; but equally, you should not merely copy or imitate what you take Frankfurt to be saying.

IMPORTANT: the idea of GOING BEYOND the text and GOING BEYOND our class discussions is NOT the same thing as merely adding your own opinions or ruminations about what the text happens to remind you of, or how the text might be relevant to your own personal opinions. This essay is STILL an essay on the CONTENT of the claims and arguments found in the text from Frankfurt. Similarly, when an actor “plays out” the text of the play, Hamlet, the play is STILL a play about the Prince of Denmark; the actor does not externally add or impose his or her own opinions or ruminations about what the play personally means to him or her. Rather, the actor “inhabits” the text of the play from an internal point of view, showing (by means of interpretation) what the play really means on its own terms. The “acting out” of the play goes beyond the letter of the text in order to show the meaning of the play, but it does not do this by introducing personal opinions in a merely arbitrary or external way.

Stated differently: this assignment calls upon you to do more than merely SAY or RESTATE what has already been said or stated in the text or in class. It calls upon you to INTERPRET the text and to illuminate the text’s MEANING. To INTERPRET a text and to illuminate its MEANING requires that you go beyond what is simply stated in the text. But in going beyond the text, you should NOT simply offer your individualistic opinions about what the text somehow means TO YOU personally. Rather, you should engage the text on its own terms in order to show what the text means (or ideally should mean) TO ANY RATIONAL HUMAN BEING who has wondered about what it means to be a free and responsible agent. Your activity of offering a particular “interpretation” should NOT be the arbitrary activity of “personalizing” and “subjectivizing” the text, but rather an act of “universalizing” which unpacks what the text means (or should mean) for anyone seeking to know what Frankfurt says about being a person, having a will, etc.

BC Freedom of The Will & the Concept of A Person the Argument of Frankfurt Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Florida State University Psychopathology Menthol Health Recovery Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

For this module, you must cite three non-DSM references that are peer-reviewed research articles. Please note that you were only assigned two articles. Therefore, please utilize Google Scholar to retrieve one additional article relevant to the questions asked below, and cite it appropriately win your answer. This allows you to dig slightly deeper on a subtopic of your choosing and will broaden the group discussion a bit. Note: You may also cite the Murray video or the DSM-5 in your answer, but those will not count towards the three references.

2. The psychotic disorders were addressed in this module, in both readings (one of your own choosing) and the Murray video. Answer the following questions in your discussion board post:

a. From a social work perspective, what are the most important predictors of the development of a psychotic disorder?

b. Outcome studies show an interesting paradox when assessing prognosis in schizophrenia. There are many hypotheses and few rock-solid answers. What can be learned from the literature you reviewed? What hypotheses do you find most compelling?

c. One of your readings discussed the role of services in helping clients diagnosed with severe mental illness (including schizophrenia). from a social work perspective. The elements of helping that clients found most useful are hardly mind-blowing, but are also sometimes missing in routine mental health treatment. At this point in the class, what do you see as the main obstacles to providing the kind of helping that clients desire? Address both the micro (1-to-1) and macro (systemic) levels in your answer.


Week 6 Personal Leadership Journal Business Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Week 6 Assignment: Personal Leadership Journal

Add to your personal leadership journal using the Learning Resources from this week and any additional outside academic materials related to the assignment.

To prepare for your Personal Leadership Journal:

  • Review your results from Practice 5 of the LPI Self: Leadership Practices Inventory assignment completed in Week 1.
  • Review this week’s Learning Resources:
  • Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2017). The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.
      • Chapter 11, “Recognize Contributions” (pp. 247–270)
      • Chapter 12, “Celebrate the Values and Victories” (pp. 271–294)

To complete the Personal Leadership Journal Assignment, compose a cohesive document that addresses the following:

  • Discuss your results from Practice 5 of the LPI Self: Leadership Practices Inventory.
  • Reflect upon how you currently use and plan to use the elements of “ENCOURAGE THE HEART” to build trust as a leader.
  • Looking at the ethical dilemma you discussed in week 6 discussion board, address the following:
  • If you had the opportunity, would you change any actions you took? Explain why or why not.
  • Would any of the elements discussed in this week have helped you during this dilemma? Explain why or why not.

Be sure to support your Personal Leadership Journal using this week’s readings or other credible and relevant resources. You are required to include quotes from the weekly Discussion that you think support your journal entry.

General Guidance: This week’s Personal Leadership Journal submission should be about 5–6 pages in length. Refer to the Week 6 Personal Leadership Journal Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Please use attached rubric to make sure work is completed according to the grading rubric


MSNFP 6030 Capella University Nursing Evaluation Plan Question Health Medical Assignment Help


Once an intervention is planned and implemented it is important to evaluate the degree to which the outcomes of the project were achieved. By evaluating the desired outcomes of an intervention, it is possible to make more informed decisions about opportunities for continuous improvement. It is also possible to identify strategies and approaches that could be useful in improving one’s personal practice in other contexts or care areas.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Lead organizational change to improve the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
    • Reflect on how the project has impacted one’s ability to lead change in personal practice and future leadership positions.
    • Reflect on the ways in which the completed intervention, implementation, and evaluation plans can be transferred into one’s personal practice to drive quality improvement in other contexts.
  • Competency 2: Evaluate the best available evidence for use in clinical and organizational decision making.
    • Analyze the nurse’s role in leading change and driving improvements in the quality and experience of care.
  • Competency 3: Apply quality improvement methods to impact patient, population, and systems outcomes.
    • Create an evaluation plan to determine the impact of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.
  • Competency 4: Design patient- and population-centered care to improve health outcomes.
    • Define the outcomes that are the goal of an intervention plan.
  • Competency 5: Integrate interprofessional care to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost of care.
    • Explain how the intervention plan affects nursing and interprofessional collaboration, and how the health care field gains from the plan.
  • Competency 6: Evaluate the ability of existing and emerging information, communication, and health care technologies to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost.
    • Explain how the current project could be improved upon to create a bigger impact in the target population as well as take advantage of emerging technology and care models to improve outcomes and safety.
  • Competency 7: Defend health policy that improves the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
    • Integrate resources from diverse sources that illustrate support for all aspects of an evaluation plan for an intervention, as well as for professional discussion about the plan.

Note: You will also be assessed on two additional criteria unaligned to a course competency:

  • Communicate evaluation plan and discussion of the project in a professional way that helps the audience to understand how the outcomes will be evaluated, as well as what was learned through the project process.
  • Demonstrate completion of hours toward the practicum experience.
  • Your evaluation plan design will be the forth section of your final project submission. The goal for this is to finalize the outcomes that your plan is seeking to achieve and to create a plan to evaluate the degree to which those outcomes were achieved after your intervention plan has been implemented. This will allow you and your care setting to determine the degree to which the plan was successful in addressing the identified need of your target population and setting.You will also discuss ways in which your role allows you to lead change and drive quality improvement, and to potentially improve the project in the future. In addition, you will reflect on how the project will leave you better prepared for success in other aspects of your current and future career. Provide enough detail so that the faculty member assessing your implementation plan design and discussion will be able to provide substantive feedback that you will be able to incorporate into the final draft of your project.At minimum, be sure to address the bullet points below, as they correspond to the grading criteria. You may also want to read the scoring guide and the Guiding Questions: Evaluation Plan Design document (linked in the Resources) to better understand how each criterion will be assessed. In addition to the bullet points below, provide a brief introduction that refreshes the reader’s memory about your problem statement, your planned intervention, and how you intended to implement your intervention (this should only be a single paragraph).Reminder: these instructions are an outline. Your heading for this this section should be Evaluation of Plan and not Part 1: Evaluation of Plan.
  • Part 1: Evaluation of Plan
    • Define the outcomes that are the goal of an intervention plan.
    • Create an evaluation plan to determine the impact of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.
    Part 2: Discussion


    • Analyze the nurse’s role in leading change and driving improvements in the quality and experience of care.
    • Explain how the intervention plan affects nursing and interprofessional collaboration, and how the health care field gains from the plan.

    Future Steps

    • Explain how the current project could be improved upon to create a bigger impact in the target population as well as to take advantage of emerging technology and care models to improve outcomes and safety.

    Reflection on Leading Change and Improvement

    • Reflect on how the project has impacted your ability to lead change in personal practice and future leadership positions.
    • Reflect on the ways in which the completed intervention, implementation, and evaluation plans can be transferred into your personal practice to drive quality improvement in other contexts.
    Address Generally Throughout
    • Integrate resources from diverse sources that illustrate support for all aspects of an evaluation plan for an intervention, as well as for professional discussion about the plan.
    • Communicate evaluation plan and discussion of the project in a professional way that helps the audience to understand how the outcomes will be evaluated, as well as what was learned through the project process.

      Additional Requirements

      • Length of submission: 4–6 pages, double spaced.
      • Number of resources: Minimum of 3–6 resources. (You may use resources previously cited in your literature review to contribute to this number. Your final project will require 12–18 unique resources.)
      • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
      • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style. Header formatting follows current APA levels.
      • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Encourage the Heart Practice Personal Leadership Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Week 6 Discussion: Ethical Dilemmas

“You can’t convince someone you have value, just as you can’t convince someone to trust you. You have to earn trust by communicating and demonstrating that you share the same values and beliefs” (Sinek, 2009).

Share an ethical dilemma you have faced as a leader within an organization or within your community.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Beddoes-Jones, F. (2014, August), Authentic leadership: The key to building trust. People Management, 44–47.
  • Thomas, R. J. (2009, January). The leadership lessons of crucible experiences. Journal of Business Strategy, 30(1), 21–26.

Post a cohesive response based on your analysis of the Learning Resources and your professional experience. Be sure to discuss the following:

  • Describe the ethical dilemma in detail.
  • Discuss what actions you took as a leader within the organization or community where the dilemma took place.
  • Discuss the outcome of the dilemma and how your decisions shaped others’ perceptions of you.
  • Explain how ethical dilemmas can shape others’ perceptions of your trustworthiness.
  • Reflect on your ability to understand how trust is developed.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, as well as other credible resources you have read, or what you have observed and experienced.

General Guidance: Your original post, due by Day 3, will typically be 1 full single space page in length, as a general expectation/estimate. Refer to the Week 6 Discussion Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use the rubric to assess your work. Please verify rubric is lined up with work completed. Thanks buddy


UCF Debate Forced Treatment Paper Writing Assignment Help

UCF Debate Forced Treatment Paper Writing Assignment Help

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