UCF Settler Colonialism the Displacement of Indigenous Peoples Discussion Writing Assignment Help

UCF Settler Colonialism the Displacement of Indigenous Peoples Discussion Writing Assignment Help. UCF Settler Colonialism the Displacement of Indigenous Peoples Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Reading: N/A, though you should read through your selected scholarly article to make sure it is appropriate before submitting it

Purpose: To collect materials for your Global Topics Presentations to send to Prof. Jimenez for distribution to the class. To give you practice conducting research to find useful scholarly articles on topics pertaining to your interests/studies.

Skills/knowledge practiced: Scholarly research, presentation design

Submission instructions: Please upload the following:

  1. Your self-selected scholarly article pertaining to your chosen topic (as a complete PDF file ***no url links***). Articles should be between 5-25 pages in length (the shorter, the better), and they should provide a critical perspective that will help guide our discussion of your topic. Please note that your selected article will be assigned as reading for the class along with a writing prompt that you design.
  2. One-page Annotated Bibliography with MLA citation of your article followed by a 1-paragraph summary + critical assessment of it. For additional guidelines and a few examples, see Purdue OWL’s guide to Annotated Bibliographies.

UCF Settler Colonialism the Displacement of Indigenous Peoples Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECOM 402 SEU The Organizational Framework of Supply Chain Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Critical Thinking

The supply chain profession entered the year leading the digitalization of ecosystems, delivering the customer experience, managing trade uncertainty and applying circular economy concepts.

Digital technologies have deeply changed the way societies exchange information and interact with each other Technological novelties have altered how people communicate and share information.

The evolution of SCM 4.0 is being driven by new information technologies, including Big Data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), radio frequency identification (RFID), 3-D printing, robotics, global digital networks, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality. Global supply chain flows will become increasingly digital and integrated, and end-to-end data will be driven in real time, exponentially increasing upstream information flows.” This new paradigm calls for a new management culture. We call this management culture “Supply Chain Management 4.0.”

This novel technology will affect the logistics, supply chains, manufacturing and transportation industries. Therefore, the future of every industry will be opened on innovation and technology. Every industry is going through a rapid transformation that appeared with the fourth industrial revolution.

As a Project manager what measures are you going to take for your organization under below mentioned critical questions:

Critical Question(s)

Ques-1-Looking ahead to 2022 and beyond, what does the future hold for the supply chain? (2- Marks)

Ques-2-What technology disruptors deserve immediate attention? (2- Marks)

Ques-3-What are the biggest risks being faced by the supply chain leaders? (2- Marks)

Ques-4-What role does social media play in supply chain strategy going forwards? (2- Marks)

Ques-5-What are the future necessities in the field of SCM4.0 applied to sustainable supply chain management? (2- Marks)

You are required to choose any company (Saudi Company is Preferred) focusing on supply chain

Please follow the instructions in the file.

no matching ratio


Uarizona Leadership Potential Leads to Leadership Ostracism Behavior Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Can you fix this assignment for me? Please use template from the example paper on page 3 that’s attached.I will also provide you my instructors feedback

For this assignment, the student must locate a recent article from a peer-reviewed journal that utilized the quantitative method. The student will identify the major components and discuss the purpose of each section: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Next, each aspect of the report will be dissected by using the appropriate annotation and page number. The sub-components to be identified is the problem of the study, the theoretical framework, the research questions, the population and sample, the tools for measurement, design and procedures, statistical procedures and findings. The student will provide a final discussion on the potential limitations of the study.


Imperial Valley College Social Media Persona Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

If You Don’t Have Anything Intelligent To Say…

One of my favorite things about social media is its ability to band together and help marginalized individuals. On Netflix, a show called Diagnosis uses social media to crowdsource diagnosis for patients who have had no luck with their current care. As all of you don’t have Netflix, I opted for a simpler video. If you are able, though, I highly recommend the show.

I can get lost for hours on TikTok watching young people call out racist, homophobic behavior. I really love it when folks go deep and find these horrible people to warn others of their real persona. It really gives me hope for the future. =) As a Gen Xer, I don’t miss pre-tech days. At all. We got a computer (DOS 2.1) in the 80’s, and I sat in front of it as much as possible.


Please watch the Mean Tweets | Avenger Edition (链接到外部网站。).

After watching the video, please post a comment (minimum of 150 words) about its contents and respond to two other classmates’. I do expect to read insightful discussions, so please don’t reply with, “I really liked your comment. I feel the same way.”

Here are some talking points if you’re stumped:

  • Have you ever participated in bullying someone but didn’t realize it?
    • How did you feel once you realized what you were doing?
    • Did you try and stop the others?
  • Do you think people should get to hide behind an avatar?
    • Is it okay to share public identifiers of people?
  • Have you had a falling out with someone after you found out their social media persona was totally different that the person you knew?
    • We Gen-Xers were raised by Boomers, so I’ve had to unlearn A LOT. Thankfully, I’ve only lost a few friends. Family’s a different story. We are not friends on social media. =)
  • Have you strengthened a relationship because of social media?
    • Reconnected?
    • Kept in touch?


AUS MOSFET & BJT The Electronics Industries & Renewable Resources Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

Research about the elements of professional and ethical responsibility in the field of electronics engineering and Identify current and emerging trends in the design and implementation of advanced analog and digital technologies for the design and implementation of Amplifier circuits for industrial applications.

A. Identify the current and emerging trends in design and implementation of amplifier design using both MOSFETs and BJTs

B. Identify few low power and high power industrial applications

C. Discuss about the amplifier used in analog and digital applications.

D. Limit your discussion to one page, make sure to include pointes discussed. Remember the topics is about the elements of professional and ethical responsibility as an electrical engineer.



I Want My Hat Back Play Analysis Theatrical Performance Evaluation Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a theater question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The Purpose of the multi-stage assignment is to:

  • Evaluate a theatrical performance in a detailed and analytical way.
  • Produce an essay that critically analyzes a theatrical performance by synthesizing what you’ve learned this quarter about how theatre comments on the human condition and how theatrical production techniques communicate this message.

After completing this assignment, students will be able to:

  • Critically analyze a play by understanding how it communicates through specific theatrical and narrative techniques.
  • Relate theatre to topics in the humanities
  • Create a strong example of persuasive scholarly writing


  1. Play Attendance.

    1. You can choose from the following four plays performed at the National Theatre.

      1. I Want my Hat Back,

        All plays are offered on the National Theatre website or app for rental or subscription. You can find them here: https://www.ntathome.com/browse

    2. After viewing the play write down everything you can remember immediately. Think about the things that stood out to you, good or bad.

  2. Write a 1200-word critique that analyzes and evaluates the production. Consider the following questions:

    1. What are the central themes of the play?
    2. Is the play written in climactic form, episodic form, or some other form? What is the major conflict and its inciting incident? How are complications developed and how does the play resolve? Identify the climax.
    3. How do the following production elements support (or fail to support) the thematic elements of the play?

Acting: To what degree did I believe that the actor was the character? What did the actor do to make his/her role believable? Use of Voice? Use of body/gesture? Were you involved in or moved by the play? Be sure to mention the actors/actresses by name and character when evaluating their performances.

Scene Design: Did the scenic design help to set the mood and generally enhance the production? How? To what extent?

Costume Design: Did the costume design help to define each character? How? To what extent? Were the costumes appropriate to the time and place of the play?

Directing: Describe and evaluate the directing in the production. Has the director helped the actors perform convincingly? Do the performers play together as an ensemble? Is it easy to see and hear what is going on? Are entrances and exits smooth? Scene changes? Is the stage space used well? Are some areas ignored? Does the pace and rhythm seem right? Does it drag or move swiftly?

To conclude, you will state if the production created a unified whole or not? Why or Why not?

  1. You will submit a draft of critique here for peer review session. (This task will be assessed according to a rubric)
  2. Turn in final draft of critique. (Instructor will provide individual feedback and assess according to a rubric) There is a another location for submission for the final version of your paper. 

I Want My Hat Back Play Analysis Theatrical Performance Evaluation Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Political science US climate and energy policy evolution discussion paper Writing Assignment Help

Discuss how US climate and energy policy has evolved since 1992.

A) Identify the main turning points before President Biden took office.

B) Identify at least three key US Congressional legislative or US Presidential initiatives related to climate change. What became of them?

C) You are on CNN and asked what could happen to climate and energy policy in the US now that Biden is President, after 4 years of Trump. Try for a realistic assessment, based on what you understand the historical trajectory and political constraints to be in the United States. What do you see as the most promising steps Biden could take? 3


De Anza Is the Setting Description in This Story Maximalist or Minimalist Ques Humanities Assignment Help

read the story and think about these questions:

  • Is the setting description in this story maximalist or minimalist? Use specific examples from the text to make your point.
  • Did you feel that you were transported to this specific time and place? Which sensory details used in the setting description drew you into the story the most?
  • How does setting create the mood of the story? How does nature, weather, or season contribute to the plot or theme?
  • How does the setting affect the situations with which the characters are faced?
  • Research the setting of your own short story (using the creative methods described on page 13 of this module). Share three interesting things that you learn (these can be historical, musical, sociopolitical, landscape, fashion, etc.). How might this information impact your story?

and then make comments on three different posts that i will send to you later, 250-400 words per comment


De Anza College A Girl With an Affair Dream Critique Humanities Assignment Help

Following the workshop protocol detailed in this module, write personal letters to the authors in your peer workshop group. The letter should be 250–500 words (approximately one page).

1. It’s important that you start your letter with what’s working well in the story. In the first paragraph, quote a specific moment that has stayed with you, and explain why, in terms of craft. Giving specific praise is important because authors need to discover their strengths, so that they can nurture those aspects of their writing.

2. Next, give the author your brief synopsis of the story. Remember that a story should have a beginning, middle, and end. If there is something missing (like a clear conflict), then indicate the problem.

3. In the next few paragraphs, talk about how the author could improve the story. Point out places where you struggled with the story or where you saw revision opportunities. Use the following list of questions to help you figure out what you want to say in each of your peer letters:

  • Does the author start the story in medias res? A story depends on tension, which is usually the product of conflict. Is the conflict compelling? Are the stakes high? If there is no conflict, where do you suggest the author create conflict or increase the stakes for the protagonist?
  • Who is the story about? Who is the protagonist and who are the other characters? What does each character want?
  • How is the protagonist different at the end of the story from the beginning? What has changed for them? Remember, a narrative chronicles change.
  • Does the tension lead to a crisis or turning point and resolution? If not, what are some possibilities?
  • Does the story attempt to cover too much ground? How could the author focus the story and narrow the scope?
  • Is the author using sensory details and active verbs? Give an example of your favorite description. Give a suggestion of something you would like “shown, not told.”
  • You don’t need to answer every one of these questions. Instead, choose a few and go into detail.
  • 4. Finally, end your letter with questions for the author. The questions should provoke the author as they begin to revise. Don’t ask a question out of curiosity, such as “Where did you come up with this idea?” because that won’t help the author. Think of useful questions that let the author know what you found confusing or what you’d like to see developed.

    While it’s also helpful to mention specific grammar or spelling errors, the bulk of your letter should focus on the elements of craft that we’ve been discussing so far this semester.

    You should post critique letters for two peers. I will post that later


    Precautionary Principle Environment and Development Essay Science Assignment Help

    The Precautionary Principle was adopted at the Rio Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. It has since been incorporated into European Union law while this has not happened in the United States. Read and O’Riordan discuss how the precautionary principle is being undermined by industry interests.

    A) What does the precautionary principle mean, i.e. how does it inform policymaking?

    B) The innovation principle has been suggested as an alternative approach. Explain who is advocating it and what it means, i.e. how it differs from the precautionary principle?

    C) In practical terms, there are limits to the usefulness of the PP. Explore this question (no politically correct answer)?


    UCF Settler Colonialism the Displacement of Indigenous Peoples Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    UCF Settler Colonialism the Displacement of Indigenous Peoples Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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