UCLA Apple VS Samsung Contrast the Features Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

UCLA Apple VS Samsung Contrast the Features Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help. UCLA Apple VS Samsung Contrast the Features Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Assignment 3: Apple versus Samsung

iPads continue to be successful. The Samsung Galaxy Tab is one (1) of
iPad’s competitors. Use the Internet and Strayer Library to research the
advantages and disadvantages of these devices and to determine if they
are comparable. Research the features of both tablets, such as the
operating systems used and their capabilities, cameras (front and rear)
resolution, processors, display resolution, battery life, display size,
internal memory, ports, etc. Also research any available accessories,
potential for future upgrades, warranties, and available support for
both the iPad and Galaxy Tab.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Compare and contrast the features of both the Apple iPad and the Samsung Galaxy Tab.
  2. Compare
    and contrast the available accessories, potential for future upgrades,
    warranties, and available support of both the iPad and the Galaxy Tab.
  3. Recommend the type of user for which the iPad is best suited. Provide a rationale for your response.
  4. Recommend the type of user for which the Galaxy Tab is best suited. Provide a rationale for your response.
  5. Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be
    typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with
    one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA
    or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional
  • Include
    a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s
    name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover
    page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment
    page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Compare and contrast the types and role of distributed software architecture.
  • Discuss common input / output technologies.
  • Summarize the different types of data storage technology.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in enterprise architecture.
  • Write
    clearly and concisely about Advanced Computer Architecture topics using
    proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

UCLA Apple VS Samsung Contrast the Features Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HR 310 Park University Unit 2 Personal Philosophy of Leadership Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Unit 2: Discussion

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speech bubbles.JPGIntroduction

Leadership Styles

Skill development is an integral portion of leadership development. It is important to recognize your personal style of leadership. This style affects how others respond to you, how they respond to their work, and, in the end, how effective you are as a leader. As such, Chapter 3 explores theories of motivation, and leadership styles. Chapter 4 examines task and relationship-oriented behaviors determining leaders’ success and explores personal styles of leadership (Northouse, 2021).

Unit Learning Outcomes

  • Analyze theories of motivation (CLO 2).
  • Differentiate leadership styles (CLO 2).
  • Assess your leadership style in various contexts (CLO 1).


Review the unit resources and assigned chapters. Answer the discussion questions and submit for review. Primary post is due by Wednesday (11:59 pm, CST). Respond to at least two peer postings. Peer postings are due by Friday (11:59 pm, CST). Your peer responses should:

  • State if you share their perspective.
  • Explain your perspective on the issue.
  • Support your perspective with reasoning or justification.

Please be sure to use supporting material from the chapter to strengthen your discussion and justify your answers. There is no length limit; however, you should answer each question thoroughly.

Discussion Etiquette

  • You should consider the discussion threads as being analogous to the kind of discussions typical of a face-to-face class: strive to be yourself, have a voice, and to say things that are interesting, provocative, and respectful.
  • Since this is an educational setting, you are encouraged to proofread, and to avoid the more slang- and emoticon-fueled discourse that appear on social media.
  • One of the goals here is professional preparation; if you would not say or do something in the workplace, then you should not post similar material in a discussion thread.

Due Date

  • First post due 11:59 p.m., Wednesday CT
  • Respond to two or more classmates by 11:59 p.m., Friday, CT.

Discussion Questions

For Unit 2, you will address the following tasks in one discussion post (Primary Post):

  • Chapter 3 – three opening questions and one additional question of your choice.
  • Chapter 4 – two opening questions and one additional question of your choice.
  • Critical Thinking – Complete activity and share your findings.

Chapter 3

  1. What is your personal philosophy of leadership? Why?
  2. What are your beliefs about human behavior?
  3. Can basic assumptions about people change? How?

Choose one of the following additional questions to answer:

  • How are our attitudes about the nature of work formed? How can they be changed?
  • What are the potential downsides of authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire styles of leadership?
  • What sort of leadership (authoritarian, democratic, laissez-faire) do you prefer as a follower and why?
  • What is the line between authoritarian leadership and abusive leadership?
  • How can a follower resist the coercion of an abusive leader?
  • How easy is it to change one’s preferred style of leadership?
  • Is it reasonable to expect that individuals might exhibit “Theory X behavior” in one setting and “Theory Y behavior” in another? If so, how might that affect your style of leadership?

Chapter 4

  1. When working with others, do you focus more on the task or relationships with those you’re working with? Why?
  2. Which is more important to you, task leadership or relationship leadership?

Choose one of the following additional questions to answer:

  • Do you agree that task- and relationship-oriented leadership behaviors lie along a continuum? Why or why not? Where would change behaviors fit along this continuum?
  • Do you believe that one orientation (task or relationship) is more effective than another? Why?
  • How can you tell what leadership style would be most effective with a given group?
  • To what extent do your traits contribute to your preferred leadership style? How easy is it, then, to change your leadership style when needed?
  • Do followers have preferences regarding how they are led? If so, what does that mean for leaders? How might they take that into account in determining leadership behaviors?
  • Is it more important to be comfortable with your leadership style or to adapt to the circumstances? Explain.

Critical Thinking Discussion

The Bully Boss

Find and read an online article on abusive managers, such as this one from Forbes magazine: 6 Effective Tactics for Handling a Toxic Boss (Links to an external site.)

Conduct your own web search for an example of an abusive authoritarian leader, such as a coach, business executive, influential celebrity, teacher, politician, etc. From the research you found, answer the following questions:

  1. How did this person cross the line into using influence for selfish reasons or to coerce followers to engage in unethical activities?
  2. For part of the peer responses determine if there are any similarities in the leaders’ stories?
  3. How can followers effectively resist destructive leadership like this?



HRM 546 University of Phoenix Employment Issues Advisory Memo Business Finance Assignment Help

As a first-year Human Resource Specialist at “State of Estates” estate planning firm, your boss (Will N. Trusts) presents you with the following two scenarios:

Scenario 1

Gary, an estate planner, works on a contract basis for our clients at “State of Estates”. On occasion, we contract Gary to handle a specific client for a specific estate planning job. Per our contract with Gary for these specific clients, he is paid commission on a weekly basis based on the overall fee received by the firm. When working for these specific clients, Gary is able to use our office space, equipment, and any supplies necessary to complete the job. To ensure consistent work product and regulatory compliance, Gary submits his work to a supervisor, who approves it and send it to the client on behalf of our firm. Recently, we had to lay Gary off in the middle of a job and he filed for unemployment compensation.

  • What legal tests could be employed to determine whether Gary is an independent contractor or employee?
  • Based on these tests, what is your conclusion as to Gary’s status: independent contractor or employee?

Scenario 2

Susan, a financial products representative in our Nebraska office, landed a major Mutual Fund client just six weeks before planning to retire. In the interim, and before her commission was paid, she was let go by our firm. We did not have a contract for employment with Susan. She is now suing us for wrongful termination.

  • Would any exceptions to Susan’s at-will employment apply under these circumstances?
  • Does it make a difference if Susan was employed in our Florida office?

Apply the concept of employment at-will and its various exceptions, including differences in approach to at-will among the states.

Write two 175-word memorandums based on the scenarios in one document. The memos should be written in third-person voice, and include citation of references (both in-text and at the end of the memo) in APA format.

Submit your assignment.


SUSS Artificial Intelligence in Candidate Screening Essay Writing Assignment Help

Assignments requirements

Please follow the submission instructions stated below:

There is 2 parts to the assignment

  • 800 words critique essay
  • You have been tasked to design a telephone interview to help filter suitable candidates for the position of a Junior Human Resource Executive.

Question 1

“In the last few years, there is an increasing trend for recruiters to make use of AI powered software for the initial screening of resumes to boost recruiting endeavours. It is often thought that AI software is free of biases while its objectivity in assessment is pure”. Develop a critical argument, with illustrations, in favour of using AI software in the initial screening of resumes to advance short-listed candidates for the recruitment. Make assumptions about using AI software and people with regard to their advantages and disadvantages in this screening process. (Maximum Word Limit: 800 words)

Question 2

Imagine that you are a Talent Acquisition Specialist in a Multi-National Company. You have been tasked to design a telephone interview to help filter suitable candidates for the position of a Junior Human Resource Executive. Your company is interested to hire fresh graduates who are up-to-date with HR trends, possess insightful HR perspectives; and drive to engage people.

  • Task
    • Develop an interview plan and guide based on the job requirements.

Identify the KSAOs to be assessed through the telephone interview. Formulate a plan that details how the interview should be conducted, the design of the interview and use of results in decisions. Develop an interview guide with questions and scoring rubrics. You may use the “Interview Questions Template” to help you design your interview questions.

Task component should include the following

Identify the KSAOs to be assessed through the telephone interview. Formulate a plan that details how the interview should be conducted, the design of the interview and use of results in decisions. Develop an interview guide with questions and scoring rubrics. You may use the “Interview Questions Template” to help you design your interview questions.


Strayer University Cybersecurity Policy Catalog Policy Statement Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Cybersecurity Policy Catalog


This is a two-part deliverable using MS Word and MS Project, or their open source equivalents. This assignment focuses on information as an asset and logical security techniques for a hypothetical law firm. The goal of this deliverable is to secure an information security policy, suggesting the fundamental guidelines should an untoward event occur. It can be seen that information assets security management can be reduced down to three basic principles: integrity, confidentiality, and availability. Structure a policy around and within computers and associated equipment, as well as the people using it. Note: You may create or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Submission Requirements
  • Infrastructure Document (MS Word).
  • Security Project Plan (MS Project).
Section 1

Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:

  • Create a cybersecurity policy describing the principle, the objective, and policy statement for the law firm’s company network.
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities by groups (e.g., position director of network security, the network security manager, network security engineers, IT area), defining roles and responsibilities.
  • Suggest the cybersecurity policy statement, an explanation of the policy statement, and the reasons why the policy statement may be controversial.
  • Determine the security testing methodology you would use to facilitate the assessment of technical controls.
Section 2

Complete the following:

  • Use Microsoft Project, or an open source alternative such as OpenProj, to create a security project plan for the law firm. The project plan should include:
    • Tasks, subtasks, resources, and predecessors.
    • An outline of the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases.
    • The use of cybersecurity in the information systems development life cycle.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Create a cyber-security project plan.

Note: Assignment will be check for plagiarism

  • Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Create a cybersecurity policy describing the principle, the objective, and policy statement for the law firm’s company network.

Levels of Achievement:

0 (0.00%) points

9 (11.25%) points

10.2 (12.75%) points

12 (15.00%) points

Describe the roles and responsibilities by groups (e.g., position director of network security, the network security manager, network security engineers, IT area), defining roles and responsibilities.

Levels of Achievement:

0 (0.00%) points

9 (11.25%) points

10.2 (12.75%) points

12 (15.00%) points

Suggest the cybersecurity policy statement, an explanation of the policy statement, and the reasons why the policy statement may be controversial.

Levels of Achievement:

0 (0.00%) points

9 (11.25%) points

10.2 (12.75%) points

12 (15.00%) points

Determine the security testing methodology you would use to facilitate the assessment of technical controls.

Levels of Achievement:

0 (0.00%) points

9 (11.25%) points

10.2 (12.75%) points

12 (15.00%) points

Use Microsoft Project, or an open source alternative such as OpenProj, to create a security project plan for the law firm. The project plan should include tasks, subtasks, resources, and predecessors.

Levels of Achievement:

0 (0.00%) points

6 (7.50%) points

6.8 (8.50%) points

8 (10.00%) points

Use Microsoft Project, or an open source alternative such as OpenProj, to create a security project plan for the law firm. The project plan should include an outline of the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases.

Levels of Achievement:

0 (0.00%) points

6 (7.50%) points

6.8 (8.50%) points

8 (10.00%) points

Use Microsoft Project, or an open source alternative such as OpenProj, to create a security project plan for the law firm. The project plan should include the use of cybersecurity in the information systems development life cycle.

Levels of Achievement:

0 (0.00%) points

6 (7.50%) points

6.8 (8.50%) points

8 (10.00%) points

Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.

Levels of Achievement:

0 (0.00%) points

0 (0.00%) points

0 (0.00%) points

8 (10.00%) points



UC Technology Acceptance Model in Education Setting Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

In this paper, address the following key concepts:

  1. Define TAM and the components.
  2. Note how TAM is impacting educational settings.
  3. Give an overview of the case study presented and the findings.

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise. Headings should be used to transition thoughts. Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

UC Technology Acceptance Model in Education Setting Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

NVCC Technology in The Classroom Useful or Distracting Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

PART 1) create a presentation that is about 8-10 mins long on the topic. you may audio record yourself for the slides/presentation

The presentation must include

  • A thorough analysis/discussion of the chosen work
  • an accompanying Google Slide presentation or powerpoint
  • Outside scholarly sources
  • A works cited page:
    • An introduction
      • A Hook
      • Some background information about what will be discussed in the presentation
    • A clearly stated thesis (argument) about the reading
    • A thorough analysis
      • Outside scholarly sources (NOT SHMOOP/SparkNotes/Wikipedia, or other general summary cites)
      • Include supporting quotes from the outside sources
    • Visual support for your slides
    • AT LEAST 15 slides / no more than 20

somethings to include: teacher wanted the topic to be elaborated both ways, how technology is helpful and how it is a distraction. also how it currently effects student doing virtual classes

PART 2) argumentative essay, 4-5 pages (1100-1200 words) On the same topic but cannot be copied from the presentation

“do not simply cut portions out from your presentation and paste them into an essay. THIS IS CONSIDERED PLAGIARISM. The presentation is meant to generate ideas & arguments and should not be a substitute for your own work. Use these ideas to formulate your own arguments.***” – my professor


STU Research EBP & Nursing Processes Similarities & Differences Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Similarities & Differences

What do you see as similarities and differences between the research process, the Evidence-Based Practice process, and nursing process? Include rationale to support your response.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.


Eastern Illinois University Ethical Decision Making Process Questions Humanities Assignment Help


1. The ethical decision-making framework includes the concepts of ethical issue intensity, corporate culture, and individual factors. Discuss how these concepts influence the ethical decision-making process.

2. Describe an organization’s culture by using Schein’s primary sources: Artifacts, espoused beliefs and values, and basic underlying assumptions. Would this organization be considered a tightly coupled system or loosely coupled system? How might the type of system impact the organization’s overall culture?

3. One of the oldest debates relating to leadership revolves around the question, “Are leaders born or made?” What is your point of view in this debate?

4. For this discussion, identify the skills (things you do on the job) that you think would require the highest skill level for you occupation. Provide a detailed rationale for why this is the case. Use the DACUM rating scale to indicate the minimum level of skill needed and indicate why this level of skill would be needed. Remember the highest level of skill isn’t necessarily a reflection of where you are at on the job. For example, you may be a supervisor or seasoned veteran on the job and have progressed to a level “4” or “5” in a particular skill. But this level of skill isn’t necessarily required for the job. Therefore if the highest level needed is a “6”, why would you only be comfortable with someone performing that skill if they were skilled to the level of a supervisor or someone that could instructor others on the skill?

What types of skills would require the lowest skill level for your occupation? Provide a detailed rationale for why this is the case. Again using the DACUM rating scale, provide the minimum level of skill needed and indicate why. In this section, what are the skills where someone would only need to be at a level “1” or “2”? Discuss under what circumstances a level “1” or “2” skill level would be acceptable.


Western Governors University Organization and Leadership Evaluation Paper Writing Assignment Help

A. In the 3rd person. Describe an organization from your personal experience and its objectives. (technology equipment and services organization that provides services worldwide with multiple office around the world. The objectives are to provide the latest technology equipment in the market, become a worldwide brand recognized in the technology industry by providing a superb quality of services)

1. Describe 3 leadership practices of a specific leader in the org. 1 paragraph per practice (senior leader in project management with 30+ years of experience in various depts.)(Shared decision making, encourage employees input and feedback and modeling desired behavior)

2. Discuss how the leader has affected the organization culture (financially detailed oriented leader that has the organization with a meticulous mindset when engaging the organizations revenue)

B. Conduct a SWOT analysis evaluating the chosen organization by doing the following:

1. Evaluate 2 organizations current strengths. (Organizational Communication and innovation culture for products)

2. Evaluate 2 organizations current weaknesses. (Too many products makes it difficult to become a subject matter expect, no plan of action to counter the organizations structure when growth occurs)

3. Evaluate 2 of the organizations current unmet opportunities.(modernize the service to match the available technology and standardize the organizations processes)

4. Evaluate 2 of the of the organizations current unresolved threats. (quality of the products out of the factory and cost of products and services are too high)

C. Leadership evaluation, perform a leadership analysis of the same leader in the above section. Apply one theory to the following sections. (Transactional leadership, situational leadership, behavioral leadership or servant leadership. choose only 1)

1. Three Strengths of the current leader. (Strategic, Achiever, Focus)

2. Three Weaknesses of the current leader. (Setting clear goals for departments other than finance, employee communications/relatability and failure to advance along with technology)

3. Three Recommendations for the current leader (divide the attention on the organizations department not only the finance dept, provide smart objectives to the entire organization and take continuous education courses on technologies available to facilitate the day to day e.g. One Note, Zoom, etc.)


UCLA Apple VS Samsung Contrast the Features Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

UCLA Apple VS Samsung Contrast the Features Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

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