UCLA Declining Population Stable Population and Growing Population Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. UCLA Declining Population Stable Population and Growing Population Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Problem 1
The manager of a construction company must decide whether to build single family homes, apartments, or condominiums. Profits (in thousands of dollars) are given in the following table and depend on various possible population trends. The probability of a declining population is 0.3, the probability for a stable population is 0.5 and the probability of a growing population is 0.2
Payoff table (in thousands of dollars):
Declining Population |
Stable Population |
Growing Population |
Single Family Homes |
220 |
80 |
75 |
Apartments |
85 |
175 |
100 |
Condominiums |
-30 |
90 |
240 |
- a)If the manager is an extreme optimist, which alternative would she choose?
- b)If the manager is an extreme pessimist, which alternative would she choose?
- c)If the manager wants to minimize maximum regret, which alternative should she choose?
- d)If the manager wants to maximize expected values, which alternative should she choose?
- e)What is the most amount of money that she should be willing to spend to get more information about the possible population trends?
Problem 2
Estimates of the financial information for a new product show the following information:
Fixed cost: $8,000
Variable cost: $6/unit
- Revenue: $22/unit
The company assumes that the number of units sold will follow a normal distribution with a mean of 800 units and a standard deviation of 50 units.
Use the random numbers .51, .97, .58, .22, and .16 to conduct five trials of a Monte-Carlo simulation. What is the net profit for each trial? What is the average net profit over these 5 trials?
Use the following table to report your results:
Trial |
Random Number |
Units Sold |
Net Profit |
1 |
0.51 |
2 |
0.97 |
3 |
0.58 |
4 |
0.22 |
5 |
0.16 |
Average |
UCLA Declining Population Stable Population and Growing Population Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SS 350 HU Wk 7 Advent of Technology and Its Impact on The Society Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help
Unit 7 Assessment – Social Issue Presentation
Submit Assignment
- Due Sunday by 11:59pm
- Points 140
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
In Unit 1, you identified recent technological advancements that have impacted human beings. In Unit 2, you analyzed the life cycle of a social problem related to that technological advancement. In Unit 3, you explained the impact of this technological advancement on both individuals and society. In Unit 4, you identified key stakeholders that you plan to engage as a change agent to solve a technologically related social problem. In Unit 5, you developed a moral argument to persuade stakeholders into accepting/implementing your reform. In Unit 6, you created a proposal to coordinate action between stakeholders participating in your reform coalition.
Now, you are going to create a PowerPoint slideshow to present your proposal. This presentation should conform to the following expectations:
- Create a 5-10 minute video narrating your PowerPoint slides. View this video for guidance on this task.
- Divide your PowerPoint slideshow into major subheadings related to the proposal you submitted in Unit 6.
- Use brief bullet points on your slides that are then explained as you present the material. Extensive information on a slide is overwhelming to audience members.
- Include visual images in your PowerPoint slides to accompany the points being made.
- Be certain to take the feedback on your proposal you received into consideration.
Make sure to support each point with facts derived from valid outside sources selected with the methods covered in this week’s discussion post. Be sure to cite all sources using APA formatting style (Links to an external site.).
Estimated time to complete: 6 hours
SS350 Unit 7 Assessment – Social Issues and Technology Presentation
SS350 Unit 7 Assessment – Social Issues and Technology Presentation
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
42.0 pts
Level 5
Expresses content knowledge with the assignment purpose in a complete, organized, clear, professional, and culturally respectful manner.
38.0 pts
Level 4
Expresses content knowledge with the assignment purpose in a complete, organized, clear, professional, and culturally respectful manner with minor weaknesses in one or more of the areas.
34.0 pts
Level 3
Partially expresses content knowledge with the assignment purpose. Expresses ideas in a complete, organized, clear, professional, and culturally respectful manner with weaknesses in these area.
29.0 pts
Level 2
Partially expresses content knowledge with the assignment purpose. Ideas are partially expressed in an organized, professional, and culturally respectful manner with major weaknesses in these areas.
25.0 pts
Level 1
Expresses limited content knowledge with the assignment purpose. Ideas are not expressed in a complete, organized, clear, professional, and/or culturally respectful manner.
0.0 pts
Level 0
The assignment was not completed or there are no constructed concepts that demonstrate analytically skills and no evidences to support the content does not align to the assignment instructions
42.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysisPRICE-P
42.0 pts
Level 5
Constructs concepts related to course content, demonstrating strong analytical skills with strong evidence to support professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.
38.0 pts
Level 4
Constructs concepts related to course content, demonstrating strong analytical skills with evidence to support professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.
34.0 pts
Level 3
Constructs concepts related to course content, demonstrating analytical skills with some evidence to support professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.
29.0 pts
Level 2
Constructs concepts related to course content, demonstrating weak analytical skills with minimal evidence to support professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.
25.0 pts
Level 1
Constructs concepts related to course content, demonstrating inadequate evidence of analytical skills. There is minimal or no evidence to support professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.
0.0 pts
Level 0
The assignment was not completed or there was no evidence of constructed concepts that are supported by professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.
42.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTechnology
28.0 pts
Level 5
Manipulates multiple technological resources to effectively implement all assignment requirements.
25.0 pts
Level 4
Manipulates multiple technological resources to effectively implement most assignment requirements.
22.0 pts
Level 3
Manipulates multiple technological resources to effectively implement some assignment requirements.
20.0 pts
Level 2
Manipulates multiple technological resources for some assignment requirements.
17.0 pts
Level 1
Manipulates technological resources to minimally meet some assignment requirements.
0.0 pts
Level 0
The assignment was not completed or difficulties with technological manipulation were evident. The assignment submitted does not meet requriements.
28.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
21.0 pts
Level 5
The assignment exhibits a excellent command of written English language conventions. The assignment has no errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling.
19.0 pts
Level 4
The assignment exhibits a good command of written English language conventions. The assignment has no errors in mechanics, or spelling with minor grammatical errors that impair the flow of communication.
17.0 pts
Level 3
The assignment exhibits a basic command of written English language conventions. The assignment has minor errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impact the flow of communication
15.0 pts
Level 2
The assignment exhibits a limited command of written English language conventions. The assignment has frequent errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impede the flow of communication.
13.0 pts
Level 1
The assignment exhibits little command of written English language conventions. The assignment has errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader to stop and reread parts of the writing to discern meaning.
0.0 pts
Level 0
The assignment does not demonstrate command of written English language conventions. The assignment has multiple errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader difficulty discerning the meaning.
21.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPAPRICE-I
7.0 pts
Level 5
In-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style are included with no errors.
6.0 pts
Level 4
In-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style are included but have 1-2 minor APA errors.
5.0 pts
Level 3
In-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style are included but have 3 – 4 minor APA errors.
4.0 pts
Level 2
In-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style are included but have more than 4 errors.
3.0 pts
Level 1
The errors demonstrate limited understanding of in-text citation and reference requirements
0.0 pts
Level 0
There are no in-text citations AND/OR references.
7.0 pts
Total Points: 140.0
Country Music and Jobertahs and Band Concert Review Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
POWER POINT: 7-10min long. it will need to be done on microsoft powerpoint because I will be doing a voice over. the powerpoint will be on the genre country. the artists that will be mentions are Don williams, Ashley monroe, Dolly parton, Jake owen and patsy cline. you will need to read ch. 19 https://digital.wwnorton.com/americasmusic3 ( I will give you my login) and I will also send an example with how the power point slide should be. I will also send you ch 13 of my professors lecture that you will have to reference from other than the book. I will need about a paragraph written for each slide or 2 seperate from the actual slide so I can read it while I am presenting. I would like it to be organized, for example “slide one: 123… slide 2: 456” so I know when to move on to each slide while I am presenting. I would also need a work cited page seperatly to turn in to my professor.
2 paged double spaced concert paper: I will record the concert for you and send you the rubric, basically writing about the music style and how the concert was.
CIS 110 College of San Mateo Information System Contemporary Web Services Essay Computer Science Assignment Help
For this project, you will be doing some research about companies that offer software and services to their customers via the web. Since these services are hosted on computers other than those belonging to the end user, they are usually referred to as “cloud services.” This is not a new concept –in the early days of computing, many organizations couldn’t afford their own computer, so they employed “time sharing” services that provided software and storage capabilities on remote computers. In a way, cloud services provide the same basic structure, but now offer more services and faster communication speeds.
For full credit on this project, you must include references to your sources of information, and also include a list of the research tools and web sites you used to find this information(e.g., Google, Bing, Yahoo).
Expected project length: 2 to 3pages, single spaced, Times Roman 12–point font. Remember to include your name, the date, and the project number at the top of your project.Save your project as a PDF file and submit upload it to Canvas.
Saint Cloud Technical College Projected Monthly Income Worksheet Writing Assignment Help
These are the instructions for the assignment, please read them and then complete the assignment.
For this thought exercise, you will be both (a) developing and answering important questions to consider when making a budget, and then (b) actually constructing a workable budget, either for your own finances or for a hypothetical situation (given at the end of this description).
PLEASE NOTE: this exercise WILL take longer to do than most thought exercises, AND it is therefore worth more points (50 points, rather than 25). You should expect to submit at least 2-4 pages (or possibly 3-5 pages) for this assignment, or if you are submitting an audio/video file, you should expect to submit at least 5-10 minutes of finished recording.
Part 1: Devise and answer significant and relevant budget questions.
First, read some of the attached websites that suggest important questions to ask yourself when constructing a budget. You ARE welcome to take questions from these sources, as long as you explain why you did so, AND cite the original source.
Then, choose and/or construct 5 questions that are most relevant/significant to you and your budget (or the hypothetical situation described below), and answer them, fully explaining the reasoning for your answers. This should take 1-2 pages (or 2-4 minutes recorded).
Part 2: Construct a Workable Budget
Taking into account the questions and answers you devised in Part 1, design a workable budget, either for yourself, or for the hypothetical situation described below.
The budget you construct MUST include AT LEAST:
-The total monthly income you are planning for (AFTER taxes– you can use an online income calculator to figure out what your after-tax income will be)
-The amounts you plan to spend on essentials (food, shelter, etc. These should be divided into discrete budget lines)
-The amounts you plan to spend on non-essentials (entertainment, donations, etc. These should also be divided into discrete budget lines)
-The amounts you plan to save, if any (for example, retirement savings, general savings, healthcare savings, etc.)
Additionally, you must include in these answers brief explanations of why you constructed the budget in this way, and decided on the particular amounts and divisions that you did. Please be as specific as possible. The more specific you are with the budget/plan, the more it is clear that you have thought this through well (and therefore the higher your grade will be).
Hypothetical Situation (ONLY use this if you do NOT want to budget with your own finances)
If you are using your own finances for this exercise, please ignore this section.
If you would prefer to use a hypothetical situation for this exercise rather than your own finances, please use this example:
You have just earned a nursing degree (you can decide which one), and you plan to move to Saint Paul, MN to live and work. You do not currently have children or a spouse. Please note that for this exercise, you will need to find out (probably using Google) what kind of salary you can reasonably expect for a newly-graduated nurse, and work on your budget from there.
ICC Application for Professional Business Analyst Position Cover Letter Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Complete Module 11 Resume
- Activity 15.4 page 605. Evaluating Your Qualifications (do not submit, this is for preparation only). All information must be factual.
- Activity 15.7 page 606. Searching the Job Market (do not submit, this is for preparation only). Must apply for a job in which you are qualified.
- Activity 15.9 page 606. Writing Your Resume. You may wish to have the rough draft reviewed by a friend, classmate, parent, the ICC Writing Lab, or NetTutor for editing.
- Create a professional looking resume using Word.
2. Complete Module 11 Cover Letter. Activity 15.10 Preparing Your Cover Letter page 606. Use the job listing in Activity 15.7 to write a cover letter introducing your resume.
- Use correct letter formatting–block style, open punctuation. Letter formatting.
- Address the letter to a specific person. If it is a blind ad use “Ladies and Gentlemen.”
ICC Application for Professional Business Analyst Position Cover Letter Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ITCO 425 AIU Wk 4 Overall System Integration Architecture Project Computer Science Assignment Help
Assignment OverviewUnit 4 – Individual Project
1,000–1,250 words
You are now ready to start representing your system integration project by utilizing a system integration framework, which you researched as part of your Discussion Board assignment. You will also decide which components you might want to acquire and which components you want to develop internally.
Assignment Guidelines
For this week’s assignment, you will provide detail on the overall system integration architecture and the implementation framework.
- New Content (Week 4)
- Proposed System Integration Components Architecture
- Thoroughly describe the architecture of the proposed integrated system, including all interfaces and components for the system integration and deployment.
- Represent this architecture diagrammatically.
- Discuss which components and interfaces could be acquired and those that need to be developed from scratch.
- Implementation Framework
- Select and describe in detail the framework that you used to define and implement the system integration project.
- Define the project in terms of the selected framework.
- Discuss advantages for using the selected framework.
- Discuss integration challenges that were highlighted by defining the framework.
- Proposed System Integration Components Architecture
- Make sure that the document is in APA format.
- Submit the document for grading.
HC 450 Herzing Week 7 Differences Between EHRs in Acute Care and Ambulatory System Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Unit 7 Assignment 1 – Differences Between EHRs
- Due Sunday by 11:59pm
- Points 40
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
- Research the differences between EHRs in ambulatory and acute care settings.
- Develop a comparison for the ambulatory EHR and acute care EHR. Ensure that the following are addressed in the comparison:
- Infrastructure
- Data presentation
- Data use
- Documentation
- Order Entry
- Medication Administration
- Results (including imaging)
- Reporting
- Patient Education
- Interfaces
- Your documentation should be in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel format.
- Cite all sources in APA format.
- Submit your comparison for grading.
- Reminder: You must upload your completed documents using Browse My Computer. Then, hit the Submit button to successfully complete the assignment submission process. Do not copy and paste text into the text box.
Unit 7 Assignment 1 – Differences Between EHRs
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent |
15.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysisPRICE-P |
15.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPAPRICE-I |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 40.0 |
UCLA Proper Healthcare Facility Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
When designing facilities, there are many stakeholders who will be affected by its design. It is important to understand that each of the stakeholders will have a unique perspective of the facility based on their role.
Imagine you and your team are stakeholders (i.e., nurse, physician, patient, family member of patient, or janitorial staff) who will use the facility that was presented by the design team.
- Physician
- Patient
As a team, review the facility and consider how the perspective of the stakeholder you selected may be different from another stakeholder, such as a physician versus a patient. It is important to consider the stakeholder’s role and use of the facility (i.e., who they interact with, functions they perform, and departments they interact with).
Complete the Facility Diagram presented by the design team.
- You will notice the doors are missing on the facility presented. As a team, label where you will add doors into rooms.
- Label the rooms in the facility presented.
- Consider adding basic equipment to the space to help you with orientation and use for your stakeholders.
Complete a flow diagram using the facility diagram you added doors to and label rooms above. Make sure to use your research of FGIs.
- The flow diagram needs to show your stakeholder’s use (flow) of the facility.
- The flow should show the use from dirty to clean and clean to dirty.
- The flow diagram needs to clearly indicate each stakeholder selected. Consider using different markers (i.e., color, shapes).
As a team, write a 350- to 700-word summary of your review of the facility. Your summary should:
- Identify each stakeholder’s role selected for the flow diagram.
- Discuss whether this space worked or did not work for each stakeholder.
- Identify your cross points. Do they create hubs that could reduce foot traffic?
- Identify whether the flow supports current build of the facility and FGI guidelines.
- Identify 1 possible improvement or alternative that would support sustainable health care facility design and the stakeholder flow in this facility. MY SECTION
- Describe the steps you would take to implement the improvements or alternative designs. MY SECTION
- Identify at least 2 evaluation techniques that are used to measure project success.
- Consider the type of data needed to evaluate success.
Arizona State University Sientific Research Elements Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
The reason for doing the research (or the general purpose of the paper).
The hypothesis (or process/procedure being tested).
The methodology.
The results or findings.
The interpretations of the findings.
The relevance of the conclusions or findings.
o How well did the design/research address the research?
o What are the contributions of this paper in answering the major questions?
o Are the results convincing (why or why not)?
o How could the research be improved or what additional research is needed?
o How does this research relate to your future work in the field of GIS?