UCLA Parental Separation and Divorce ICE Quoting Strategy Discussion Writing Assignment Help. UCLA Parental Separation and Divorce ICE Quoting Strategy Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Your Task
Apply the ICE Quoting Strategy to three (3) quotes that you plan to include in your research paper. Your questions can be from any of the sources you’ve identified so far.
i need this assignment by 2 days
Your Task
- Conduct extensive research.
- Submit an annotated bibliography that includes four (4) good sources that help answer your research question. Please follow the guidelines outlined on the Annotated Bibliography Prompt.
continue to write annotated bibliography from the previous and the same topic.
UCLA Parental Separation and Divorce ICE Quoting Strategy Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Capella University Mamie Phipps Clark and Child Psychology Report Humanities Assignment Help
For this discussion read the following:
- Lal, S. (2002). Giving children security: Mamie Phipps Clark and the racialization of child psychology. American Psychologist, 57(1), 20–28.
- After reading, practice what you have learned about how to approach the historical events in psychology.
Answer the following questions in your main post:
- From the article, describe the effect culture and historical events had on Mamie Phipps Clark’s choice of research.
- What effect did the Clarks’ research have on politics, society, and history?
- Explain implications of Mamie Phipps Clark’s experience for the practice of psychology in the modern world.
- Describe factors that are the same and different between Mamie Phipps Clark’s time and your own.
MKT 304 CSU Uber Marketing Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Please read the sample checklist document provided below, it contains all of the requirements and guidelines. I am asking for INTRO, SWOT and COMPETITOR ANALYSES. The rest can be discussed after finishing this first 3 parts and if we share the similar interest in working further.
The topic company is UBER
Pretty straight forward, describe the company. the intro should be about 3 pages long!
this portion should be about 3 pages long!
A SWOT table is needed, similar to the one in the sample paper documents. write about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Describe the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. it should look like the sample paper documents provided below.
Competitor Analyses
this portion should be about 4 pages long!
SWOT table for at least 2 competitors is needed. Use the sample paper documents as examples, it should look like in the samples.
State your “educated” opinion regarding “gaps” in the market and trends at industry level.
one of the competitors should be Lyft , the 2nd on up to you, pick any that makes the mosts sense.
Reference page needed! USE ONLY CREDIBLE SOURCES! This 3 topics + the reference page should sum up to 10 pages in total! additionally, please include any interesting and important charts and graphs you come across (I need 1 per topic). Please Read the Sample checklist document very carefully and make sure it matches the requirements.
I will Genuinely tip for a good work! I need someone who can actually can do this and I want a quality work. Keep in mind that we can work further on this case.
HU 340 Herzing University W2 Theories of Popular Culture Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Unit 2 Assessment – Theories of Popular Culture
- Due Sunday by 11:59pm
- Points 85
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Analyze: Theories of Popular Culture
Evaluation Title: Theories of Popular Culture
For this assignment you will provide a detailed discussion of a theory of pop culture and provide critical discussion of this theory. The purpose of this assignment is to help you hone your critical thinking skills. You will provide exposition and criticism of a theory of pop culture. You may choose either Mass Cultural Theory or Critical Theory.
Your essay should include some discussion of the following questions:
1. What or who determines popular culture? Where does popular culture come from? Does it emerge from the people themselves as an autonomous expression of their interests and modes of experience, or is it imposed from above by those in positions of power as a type of social control?
2. Describe how commercialization and industrialization influences popular culture. Does reducing culture to commodity mean that the criteria of profitability and marketability take precedence over quality, artistry, integrity and intellectual challenge? Or does it result in a universal market where what is popular actually corresponds to what people want and think is valuable? Does marketability and profitability actually produce quality art or does it only benefit business interests?
3. Is popular culture used to control and indoctrinate the people? Is it used to get people to accept and adhere to ideas and values which will ensure the continued dominance of a particular elite and allow them to exercise power over them? Or is popular culture about rebellion and opposition to the prevailing social order? Is pop cultural a spontaneous genuine burst of creativity or is it just a means through which a dominate group exercises control of society?
4. After you provide an accurate account of one of these theories of pop culture, you should then review the strengths and weaknesses of the theory. Can you identify some objections to the theory? You can research objections, but you need to consult reputable sources.
Submit a 1000-1200 word essay addressing the questions above.
In your essay:
- Be sure to structure your essay with an introduction paragraph that includes a thesis statement, well-organized supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion that reiterates the main points of your argument.
- Your argument should be supported by reputable research cited in APA format both in the body of the paper and in your references section.
Helpful Resources:
- Herzing University’s Tutoring and Writing Center
- Grammar checker and writing help: https://www.grammarly.com/ (Links to an external site.)
- Use the Herzing Library to search for scholarly research sources.
Estimated time to complete: 3 hours
Unit 2 Assessment – Theories of Popular Culture
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExisting Knowledge, Research, and/or Views |
15.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentHU340-CO1 |
15.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis |
15.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLimitations and Implications |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPAPRICE-I |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 85.0 |
University Of California Los Angeles Reflective Cover Letter Writing Assignment Help
A research paper is the culmination and final product of an involved process of research, critical thinking, source evaluation, organization, and composition. It is, perhaps, helpful to think of the research paper as a living thing, which grows and changes as you explore, interpret, and evaluate sources related to a specific topic.
Primary and secondary sources are the heart of a research paper, and provide its nourishment; without the support of and interaction with these sources, the research paper would morph into a different genre of writing (e.g., a Wikipedia page). The research paper serves not only to further the field in which it is written, but also to provide you with an exceptional opportunity to increase your knowledge in that field.
Your Task
This paper is your chance to enter a contemporary debate with an informed opinion. Your research paper should be a 6-8 page exploration of a topic of your choosing that reflects some aspect of your identity. An important goal of the argumentative research paper is persuasion, which means the topic chosen should be debatable or controversial.
The argumentative research paper consists of an introduction in which you clearly introduce the topic and inform the audience exactly which stance you intend to take; this stance is often identified in the thesis statement. You should support your thesis throughout your paper by means of academically acceptable sources, with the intent to persuade the audience that your particular interpretation of the situation is viable.
Criteria for Success
A successful paper includes the following:
- A clear and arguable thesis that functions as a controlling idea for the paper
- A four-part introduction that captures reader interest and strongly orients the reader
- TEA body paragraphs in support of the thesis that are clearly focused and well developed
- Well incorporated evidence (quotes/paraphrases) using ICE
- Logical transitions that move your reader from one point/idea to the next
- If your paper is one-sided, a concession that strengthens your argument by acknowledging an opposing point of view
- A Works Cited page (MLA) with at least five academically acceptable sources
- A creative title that captures the essence of the paper
- Clear and correct sentences as well as careful proofreading
- MLA formatting/style
How to do it
Writing is recursive, and there is no lock-step formula for achieving a “final” product. But, here for the sake of guiding you through the process of research and writing your research paper, I’ve articulated the general steps you will take to approach this assignment.
- Choose a topic and develop a research question that will guide your research efforts.
- Develop your research schedule to help you stay on track!
- Use the rhetorical elements as a guide to think through your writing. For example, determine your audience (something between your instructor and a larger academic crowd)—this will influence the decisions you make in terms of style, tone, diction, etc.
- Conduct extensive research to inform your understanding of the topic and shape your perspective.
- Write an annotated bibliography to assess and evaluate your sources.
- Synthesize multiple sources to articulate an argument that responds directly to your research question.
- Create an outline to envision the development of your research paper and the paragraphs within.
- Write a draft of your research paper, incorporating the writing skills and strategies we’ve been practicing all semester (four-part introduction, PIE, ICE, transitions, MLA, etc.).
- Cite all of your sources (in-text and on your Works Cited page) using MLA format.
- Check your draft for organization and clarity. Perhaps use the reverse outline strategy.
- Solicit peer (and tutor or instructor) feedback to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your draft and develop a revision plan.
- Revise your research paper and write the final draft.
- Proofread your final draft for sentence-level issues and silly mistakes!
Please upload two (2) attachments:
Attachment 1 – Essay 4 Reflective Cover Letter
Attachment 2 – Essay 1 Final Draft
University of California Los Angeles Impact of Parental Separation Essay Writing Assignment Help
these two books i read for this course
Reflective Essay Prompt
Throughout the semester, you have been asked to critically read a range of complex texts and subject matter, and to write both formally and informally in a variety of genres. You have been introduced to several reading and writing strategies, which are useful not only in this class, but in other classes and disciplines as well. Furthermore, you have come to understand reading, writing, and learning as dialogic as you formulated and articulated your own ideas and opinions and developed your identity as an academic.
Your Task
In a short essay (2-3 pages), reflect on your experiences and development as a reader and writer in English 100. Your reflection should consider the following: What is your overall impression of the course? To what extent did you meet the student learning outcomes outlined in the syllabus? To what extent did you meet your personal writing goals? What activities and assignments helped you to achieve these goals?
While this essay is reflective, you should adhere to the expository conventions we have covered in the course.
Criteria for Success
A successful essay includes the following:
- A clear and arguable thesis that functions as a controlling idea for the paper
- A four-part introduction that captures reader interest and strongly orients the reader
- TEA body paragraphs in support of the thesis that are clearly focused and well developed
- Concrete evidence from the course (such as strategies, tools, assignments, and activities) to illustrate your points
- Logical transitions that move your reader from one point/idea to the next
- A creative title that captures the essence of the paper
- Clear and correct sentences as well as careful proofreading
- MLA formatting/style
Student Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester, you will be able to:
- Essays: Write focused, organized, well-developed, and text-based essays appropriate to the college transfer level using effective paragraphs, which support a clear thesis statement, and demonstrate competence in standard English grammar and usage.
- Critical Analysis: Demonstrate critical reading, writing, and thinking skills through analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of important ideas.
- Sources: Effectively evaluate and fluidly integrate relevant sources, using appropriate research strategies and tools, and documenting them according to MLA guidelines.
University of California Los Angeles Impact of Parental Separation Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UC Irvine Womanhouse Semiotics of The Kitchen Arts & Culture as A Weapon Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Each task need 200 words
For this week’s Art Interpretation, we have a slight variation. Rather than my selecting specific images for everyone to look at, I have directed you to a website that provides background on artists associated with “Feminist Art.” The term invokes not merely a particular political outlook during the 1970s, alhthough presumptively, individuals associated with this movement likely shared those views, but rather a specific style of incorporating political sentiment into the art itself. As always, you can find the link for This Week’s Art at the bottom of the reading list on the Week 4 Roadmap.
When you click through to the web page at The Art Story: Modern Art Insight (Links to an external site.) you will find a page that contains background information, with links to some topical issues and profiles of individual artists. Be sure to read the summary and background information for their curated introduction to Feminist Art. This includes the three links in the box (“Feminist Art Beginnings and Development, (Links to an external site.)” “Feminist Art Concepts (Links to an external site.),” and “Feminist Art Later Developments and Legacy (Links to an external site.)“). Information discussed there may appear on the quiz. It is not necessary for you to view every image at this website or to learn about every single artist profiled here. Do take the time to sift through several profiles or galleries of images (sift = not a deep reading). Ultimately, select two images you wish to comment on. To make it easier for us to follow your post, please download/paste or copy/paste the images you are writing about into your post.
After you identify two pieces you wish to comment on, you may either respond to one of the prompts below or simply do your own thing.
Remember this post needs to be only between 150-300 words. Posts are due on Thursdays at Noon.
PROMPT 1: Focus your comments on a single work of art. What aesthetic qualities does the work possess that enable it to capture and hold the viewer’s attention? How does the piece appear to stake out a position in some cultural dispute? What did it make you feel when you looked at it? What did it make you think about when you looked at it?
PROMPT 2: Consider the “Key Ideas” on the website’s mainpage as well as the list of “Key Ideas” attributed to each individual artist. Explain how the images you chose exemplify the ideals identified as key.
PROMPT 3: If you selected pieces by two different artists, compare and contrast how each artist sought to incorporate “key ideas” into their work. If you deem one more successful at that than the other, why do you think that piece worked better?
PROMPT 4: On the “Later Developments” (Links to an external site.) page, the author quotes artist Kiki Smith’s assessment of the significance of Feminist Art: “The feminist movement exponentially expanded what art is, and how we look at art, and who is considered to be included in the discourse of art making. I think that it caused a tremendous, radical change (Links to an external site.).” Explain how the images you selected live up to Smith’s proclamation.
Directions: For this Forum, you must post an original statement between 150-300 words before Noon on Thursday. You may 1) respond to a prompt made by the professor below, or 2) respond to a post made previously by a classmate, or 3) come up with your own original topic (so long as it deals with one of the readings assigned for this week). Please make clear by title/author/page number, which part of which text you discuss. Responses to these questions don’t have “right” and “wrong,” provided you make a good faith effort to deal with the readings. (These generic instructions will apply every week!) Remember, we looking for reactions here, which means there seldom will be a “right” or a “wrong” answer. Just be thoughtful!
PROMPT ONE: Chang contends that Asian-American artists tended to get overlooked, their careers falling into oblivion. Recovering those almost-lost works, letting them “emerge from the shadows,” demonstrates “that Asian American experiences were an integral part of the social and political fabric of the country.” (xi) For what reasons were Asian Americans artists overlooked previously? Discuss the life and career of two of the artists mentioned by Chang, with particular attention to how their art expressed a sense of the artist’s racial identity.
PROMPT TWO: Chang writes, “art may lead us to better understand the forms of political expression.” He observers further that many Asian-American artists “were profoundly affected by contemporary social movements and participated as artist activists.” (xiii) In “The Power of Imagery in Advancing Civil Rights,” Childs articulates a similar thesis. Her article profiles an exhibit by Maurice Berger. Compare and contrast how each author, one scholar and one journalist, discuss how images make a powerful vehicle to discuss sensitive racial issues.
PROMPT THREE: Ana Mendieta’s work exemplifies both the key principles associated with “Feminist Art,” and the fact that she was in immigrant, caught up in the diaspora that followed the Cuban Revolution. Carefully consider the information in both the Huffington Post essay by Priscilla Frank (Links to an external site.) and in the profile of Mendieta linked from the Art Story website (Links to an external site.). How did Mendieta’s work exemplify the reality of her life as a refugee from revolution, immigrant to a strange land, and a young woman at a moment in time (the 1970s), when feminism was new and exciting? You may embed images of Mendieta’s work into your essay if necessary.
PROMPT FOUR: Explain the concept of “emotional contagion as information” from Chapter 9 of Culture as a Weapon. Thompson wrote these words years ago, but do his ideas apply to the bizzarro world of 2020?
PROMPT FIVE: Thompson describes artist Rirkit Tiravanjia’s piece pad thai as an example of “participatory artistic production.” (206-207) What qualities does this genre of art possess?
a. If you’ve ever attended or witnessed an example of this genre, please describe the experience. Did you “have trouble understanding what the art is?” (206)
b. Conceptualize and describe a project [of your own] from this genre that features the ability to “bring people together to share a moment” (207), but that still qualifies in some way as art. (E.g., a birthday party brings people together, but in itself would probably not be deemed “art.”)
ENG 1102 Ashford To Build A Fire Explication and Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
use Jack London “To Build a Fire”
Your paper is an explication and analysis of the story, not a simple summary of the events in the text.
First, develop a thesis that clearly states your interpretation of the story you have chosen. Then provide a thorough explication that illuminates how the evidence in the text supports that thesis.
As part of your explication, select one aspect of a story from our text, and write an analysis of how that element of the story works to convey meaning, support the understanding of a character, or emphasize theme. You might consider a literary element or technique such as setting, characterization, or symbolism in the stories we’ve read so far.
You may choose any story that we have read in the first part of the course. However, you should not merely parrot a discussion we have already had during a class session. The intent of this assignment is to get you to think carefully and independently about a very specific aspect of how stories work – and then convey that thinking and understanding to your reader.
Remember to create a clear thesis. Remember to focus narrowly on one aspect or element of the story in your analysis. Remember to explain yourself fully and to illustrate with quotes and references from the story. This is an explication and analysis only, so focus on the text itself rather than outside research.
Remember also that your purpose is not to summarize the story.
Length: At least 3 full pages.
Format: MLA. You should include proper citation to our text at the end of the paper.
Capella University Chapter 7 Who was Fritz Sauckel Holocaust History Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Please respond to the following
question in large paragraphs. Please do not use outside sources. Please
only use the book: Wages of Destruction (chap 16) and Only the Dead
(chap 7) by (Braumoeller, Bear F) .
1. Who was Fritz Sauckel? How
did his duties in the National Socialist economy overlap between what we
might consider the “normal” and the “despotic”? How does Tooze think
Sauckel’s negotiations with the SS helped produce the Endlösung?
What was the Hungerplan? How did it emerge out of practical (albeit
genocidal) German economic and geopolitical goals, yet (in Tooze’s
telling) come to create the ideal conditions for the purely ideological
goals of the SS elite to metastasize?
3. Can you think
of a motivating force for the Endlösung other than the “purely
ideological” or the economic one that Tooze suggests interacted with the
ideological goals of the NSDAP and SS elites? What might a sociological
argument for the motivating force of that genocide that examines the
careers of elite SS officers look like? What about one that looks at the
actions and motivations of non-German proxy forces for the Third Reich?
each question should be answered in a 260 words paragraph (about 800 words total)
please use your own words
Microscopic Morphology Identification of Micrococcus Luteus Lab Report Science Assignment Help
General: Unknown reports in microbiology are written in scientific format. Scientific writing is different from other types of writing in that the results of the exercise or experiment are being showcased, not the writing. The purpose of scientific writing is NOT to entertain, but to inform. The writing should be simple and easy to understand, and it should be written in your OWN WORDS.
There is a specific style that must be followed when writing scientific reports.
Scientific writing is typically written in the passive voice. The pronouns “I”, “we”, and “they” are not used. For example, instead of writing “I used a TSA plate to isolate my unknown….” It is customary to write, “A tryptic soy agar (TSA) plate was used to isolate the unknown.” It is also customary to write in the past tense for most of the report. This includes the summary, introduction, description of materials and methods, and the results. The present tense is reserved for the conclusions and results. Some other general rules that should be followed are:
Microbial nomenclature:
The name of the bacterium should be written out and spelled correctly.
The name should be italicized for typed text. For example, Staphylococcus aureus.
The genus is capitalized but the species is not. After the full genus name is first used in the paper, it can be written as S. aureus, but still italicized. This is as long as there is no other genus in the paper that starts with the same letter. For example, if you have a Staphylococcus species and a Salmonella species as your unknowns, you cannot abbreviate the name.
The report should be typed using a 12-point with a font such as Arial, and should be 1.5-spaced. The lab report will be graded on content, as well as spelling, grammar, punctuation, and organization.
Sections of the Unknown Lab Report
Identification of __________________ —- ( This one is specifically Micrococcus luteus!!)
This section introduces the reader to the study and why the study was done. This should only be a few sentences long.
For example: “…There are many reasons for identifying an unknown bacterium. The reasons range from…[explain 2-3 reasons why you may want to identify an unknown bacterium]. This study was done by applying all of the methods that have been learned in the microbiology laboratory class for the identification of an unknown bacterium…”
This is where the details of the study are listed. Where did the specimen come from and what methods were used to identify it? Be specific but do not rewrite the lab manual. One way is to mention the names of the media and reagents used, and reference the lab manual or notes for the procedure or method, and elaborate when necessary. It is NOT necessary to write out the methods in detail, since this lab report is for the identification of an unknown bacterium and the methods are explained in detail in the lab workbook.
This is where the results are summarized. The method results should be in a table format.
Record the color changes or the reactions that were observed. Record results appropriately, according to the test. Include a legend for abbreviations or any use of letter.
There should be 2 parts:
- This section interprets the meaning of the results. How did the test results lead to identification? When discussing the results, specify which organisms were ruled-out and which were ruled-in by each test result. This provides the logic and analysis for the identification of the unknown.
- Background information about the identified organism (environment preferred, pathogenicity, interesting cellular structures, an interesting fact, etc.).
*Example of a discussion:
After several differential tests, it was concluded that unknown G was Escherichia coli. After performing the Gram stain to determine that the unknown was a Gram negative rod, the organism was grown on a tryptic soy agar slant for use in inoculating the rest of the biochemical tests. All of the biochemical tests worked well except for the indole test. It gave a false negative result at first. This was determined since it was inconsistent with the rest of the result. It was suggested that the test be repeated and it was repeated. The repeated test gave a positive result, consistent with the other data. Therefore, it was concluded that the unknown was Escherichia coli. THIS CAN BE ELABORATED MORE FOR EACH TEST.
E. coli is in the Enterobacteriaceae family. It is typically found in the intestines of humans, as well as other mammals. It can cause disease in the right host. THE REST OF THIS INFORMATION SHOULD BE RESEARCHED FROM THE TEXTBOOK, INTERNET RELIABLE SOURCE OR OTHER MICROBIOLOGY RESOURCES.
The minimum number of references is 3, which MUST include the lab manual OR textbook, the CDC website. The other reference may NOT be Wikipedia or sites that end in .com or .net (typically not reliable).
References should be listed in APA format (http://www.wooster.edu/psychology/apa-crib.html (Links to an external site.) and http://citationmachine.net (Links to an external site.) ) and in-text citations should be used where appropriate. Laboratory notes should be referenced as such:
- Bottoms, C., & Cain, D. (2006). Microbiology laboratory notes. 1 ed. Plano, TX: Collin County Community College
- Also if you can attach proof that there is no plagerism that would be great
https://anyessayhelp.com/ (Links to an external site.) ) and in-text citations should be used where appropriate. Laboratory notes should be referenced as such:
- Bottoms, C., & Cain, D. (2006). Microbiology laboratory notes. 1 ed. Plano, TX: Collin County Community College
- Also if you can attach proof that there is no plagerism that would be great