UCLA Racialized Gendered and Economic Violence in The Armed Forces Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. UCLA Racialized Gendered and Economic Violence in The Armed Forces Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
I’m working on a african studies discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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directions are below:
In what ways might racialized, gendered, and economic violence continue presently in the armed forces?
How does this violence have resonance with the historical era we studied this week?
**to be clear this response requires outside knowledge, meaning you will need to google. In your search be sure to use credible sources (Wikipedia IS NOT an academic source). You may want to consider the experiences of Black women in the military, racial disparities and inequality in the military, inequalities/disparities among veterans upon their service completion, etc. DON’T FORGET TO SITE YOUR SOURCES**
Please write 6-8 sentences
Use this photo as help
UCLA Racialized Gendered and Economic Violence in The Armed Forces Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Florida State Impact of Parenting Styles on Career Choices of Adolescents Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me study.
Term paper (50 points)
Thank about your own experience when you were a child. Think about your parent(s)’ parenting behavior. And address the following issues:
1. Pick one particular parenting behavior (positive or negative) that you feel strongly about. Explain such behavior. (5 points)
The following questions are all based on this particular parenting behavior:
2. What are the impacts of such parenting behavior on you at the time (when you were a child)? (5 points)
3. What are the long term impacts of such parenting behavior on you now (when you are a young adult)? (5 points)
4. Based on your search (e.g., Google scholar, library search, lecture notes, textbook, required readings, etc.), explain what does research suggest about the impact of such type of parenting behavior on offspring. Include at least ONE research study (use citation, e.g., Amato’s 1996 study suggests that…) and be specific. Also, put the reference at the end of the answer (for format, see examples from the reading list in syllabus page 8). (15 points)
5. As a family scientist, if you are asked to design a parenting workshop and to create a handout on this particular parenting behavior, what key points/tips would you include in this handout? (15 points)
1. Follow APA format of writing (5 points) in terms of: APA citation and references, double space throughout, 1” margins on all four sides, Times New Roman 12 font.
2. Page length requirement: 3-4 pages (you can copy paste the above questions in a Word file and start typing your answers under each question).
3. See grading rubrics in syllabus.
4. Due date: See syllabus. Submit by uploading your word file here.
The Pursuit Of Happiness By Will Smith Presentation Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a literature presentation and need support to help me study.
tell us about a new or experimental kind of “book” or narrative! Your favorite video/computer game; a novel rewritten as a Twitter thread; an interactive game (like D&D or Pokemon Go); a film that does something different (like The Blair Witch Project); a podcast (like Welcome to Night Vale); comic books/graphic novels; etc.
Make a digital slideshow that tells us about the “book”: when it came out or how long it’s been around, who are its creators/publishers, if it’s still popular/active, anything about audience. What is its premise or main narrative thread? Is there an achievable ending or not? What does a reader/player/audience do? How linear or nonlinear is the narrative, or how many detours are there? Why do you enjoy it (&/or what don’t you enjoy)?
Please include some photos or screenshots of the “book”, and a bibliography listing the “book” and any other sources you’ve looked up.
(you can do a video game story line to make it easier)
Kennesaw State University Talented Scientist Victor Frankenstein Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me study.
READ: Hamlet Acts III & IV. DUE: HW: Analyze the “To be or not to be” soliloquy. How would you characterize Hamlet’s attitude? Does he seem suicidal? How do you explain the fact that Hamlet kills Polonius so cavalierly, despite previously finding it very difficult to motivate himself to action? Analyze Hamlet’s conversation with Gertrude. Why is he so cruel to her? Overall, how has Hamlet changed during Act III? How would you characterize him at this point in the play?
ITS 531 VIU Business Intelligence Internet of Things & Regular Internet Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science exercise and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Chapter 13- discussion question #1-4 & exercise 3 & 4 & 6
When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.
All work must be original (not copied from any source).
- Compare the IoT with regular Internet.
- Discuss the potential impact of autonomous vehicles on our lives.
- Why must a truly smart home have a bot?
- Why is the IoT considered a disruptive technology?
- AT&T is active in smart city projects. Investigate their activities (solutions). Write a summary.
- It is said that the IoT will enable new customer service and B2B interactions. Explain how.
- Find information about Sophia, a robot from Hanson Robotics. Summarize her capabilities.
Temple University Renaissance Paints and Society Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a art multi-part question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Painting typifies art to the general public. It is surely true that historically painting has been central to the fine arts from Ancient Egypt to China to Rome. In the Renaissance painting took center stage and did not give it up until the 20th century. Today new media and conceptual art have challenged painting’s hegemony, yet the art schools and galleries are still replete with painters. This week we consider the properties and general history of the medium.
Students might be surprised at the many different approaches to painting that have fallen in and out of favor over the centuries. For example, fresco painting, or wall painting on plaster, was popular in the Roman Empire but fell out of favor in the late empire for mosaic. In the middle ages, tapestries were preferred to fresco which was later revived in the Italian Renaissance. After being largely replaced by oil on canvas for centuries fresco was finally revived again by Mexican artists in the 20th century. It is useful to keep in mind how different media are not merely subject to the whims of taste like fashion or hairstyles, but serve the needs of a specific cultural moment. Isn’t it interesting that oil painting became popular in the Renaissance just at the time when patrons became interested in naturalism? People generally innovate the tools they need to implement their cultural aims. What is paintings’ status today? What might we say if our son/daughter aspires to be a great painter?
Temple University Renaissance Paints and Society Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Practicum at Catholic Eldercare Capstone Project Report Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing project and need guidance to help me learn.
correct and rewrite. Instructor Feedback: “You have some good information in your paper. You need to clearly define what your project is and why you feel this will improve patient care. This needs to be done at the beginning and be quite specific.
The rest of the paper needs to have a “convince me” approach. Essentially, this is a sales pitch for why this project will improve patient care in your facility and look at potential challenges and solutions.
Please review the attached paper for more information.
Be sure you review APA, grammar etc. The writing center would be a good idea.”
CCC The Muscular System and Nervous System of the Hand Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a biology Research Paper and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Hello there,
I need someone to write me a 1,000 words essay research paper( cover page and reference page don’t NOT COUNT towards 1,000 words)
If an expert in the filed of medicine please feel free to bid on this assignment.
there MUST BE NO PLAGARISM AT ALL. Please check for any grammatical errors before you submit your work.
The sources you used must be academic sources only!! All references must be cited using APA Style format.
I will upload the rubric for the assignment.
The brain acts as the command center of the body, continuously analyzing sensory input and modifying motor output to allow the body to respond appropriately to the everchanging external world. The focus of this paper is to discuss how muscles work together and the impact the nervous system has on the muscular system. Additionally, you will examine how a stroke affects these organ systems.
You should spend approximately 3.5 hours on this assignment.
- Pick a region of the body (e.g., pectoral girdle, hand, neck, thigh, etc.) and prepare a written paper of at least 1000 words on the following bullet points:
- Describe the type(s) of muscle, patterns of fascicle organization, actions, and attachment points for the muscles present in your chosen region.
- Trace the pathways by which the presence of a sensory stimulus (e.g., a bug crawling across your skin) in your chosen region is processed and the subsequent motor behavior that carried out. Be sure to identify the initiation and termination points of the tracts, where the cell bodies of the neurons present in the pathway are located, along with locations of any synapses that occur along the tract.
- Focusing on one specific movement performed by muscles in your chosen region, identify the prime mover, synergists, and antagonists.
- Predict how a stroke in the primary somatosensory cortex would affect both the anatomy and function of your chosen region differently than a stroke in the primary motor cortex.
- Your paper should be formatted as a proper research paper with an introduction and conclusion. Do not simply follow the bullet points above
Arizona State University Sexual Violence in Learning Institutions PPT Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing Other and need support to help me study.
and you can use this to make it
Sexual Violence in Learning Institutions
men cannot experience sexual violence, preventing male victims from seeking justice. As such,such cases become unreported and, therefore, undocumented. For instance, a study conducted bySumner et al., which sought to investigate the extent to which males and females report incidencesof sexual violence, found that only 10% of males report violence, unlike 25% of women (2015).Further to this, transgender men and women are 32% more likely to experience sexual violence,often as a way of punishing them for their gender identity (Peitzmeier et al., 2015). Therefore,there is a greater call to action to identify, implement, and report interventions that can help reduceincidences of sexual violence on campuses and colleges.Assessment of existing interventions on sexual violenceMost colleges and campuses have made intentional efforts to develop programs to address and helplower the rates of sexual violence to promote all college students’ wellbeing. Awareness programsand therapy-based approaches are some of the most common intervention programs to addresssexual violence on campus. Most of these programs are known as bystander programs, which aimto change students’ attitudes and beliefs and, most importantly, bystander behavior of communitymembers. Such programs aim to provide students with the skills and boundaries in situations ofsexual assault and abusive relationships (Jouriles et al., 2016).Existing gaps in bystander programsStudies show that bystander programs are useful to a great extent in achieving behavior change insexual violence. For instance, when a bystander program was rolled out in a college, most of theprogram participants made deliberate efforts to protect their friends within two months of theintervention (Jouriles et al., 2016). While the impact achieved in such programs is relevant insolving this vice, there is a need for a more holistic intervention program that targets college anduniversity students and involves family members and other students in lower and middle
educational institutions. Current gaps in bystander programs include it focusing mainly on collegesand universities. At the same time, other students also experience sexual violence at home, andyounger students, for instance, may not be aware of what sexual violence is, thus increasing theirvulnerability to abuse.THRIVE Wellness programTo address these gaps to promote an environment where students in different levels are empoweredwith knowledge and skills on sexual violence, I propose the THRIVE wellness program. Beforeinitiating the program, a series of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews will beconducted with parents, teachers, and students. These interviews will obtain information on therelevance of such a program, existing challenges with sexual violence interventions, and the levelof awareness of the various forms of sexual violence prevalent. All this information will berelevant in highlighting the current realities of students and their parents. Therefore, the programwill be developed to respond to the gaps identified from the focus group discussions andinterviews.This awareness program will provide children and young adults and their families and otherstakeholders in the education industry with knowledge of sexual violence. The program will entaila 360-degree curriculum that sexual rights groups and experts will specially develop. Thecurriculum will entail two key modules for teachers/parents and the other for students. The studentcurriculum will be split into three middle, high, and college levels, in which the level of detail willdepend on the student’s level.The parent/teacher module will include a mini-documentary to empower parents and teachers withknowledge about sexual violence and the reality that most cases of sexual violence among childrenare experienced within the home environment. A study in sexual violence prevalence at home
found that 29% of children report sexual violence experiences at home but do not report due topower dynamics (Jamieson, Mathews & Röhrs, 2018). To respond to these gaps, this module willprovide a space for older persons to identify and discuss topics that are generally considered taboowith their children.The program will entail a written syllabus and mini-documentary highlighting different elementsof sexual violence. The syllabus will also contain follow-up information and guiding questions onsexual violence. The syllabus will be developed using simple and easy to understand languageacross the participating demographic. The kit will be issued to parents and teachers. At the sametime, the students will participate in the program through group activities at school and havemandatory conversations about their understanding and experiences with sexual violence with theirparents and guardians after watching the mini-documentary. In the school environment, thestudents will use the written syllabus to expand their awareness of sexual violence. Due to thesensitive nature of the conversations among students and parents who have previously experiencedsexual violence, the program will partner with local psychologists to provide mental health supportto individuals and families experiencing emotional trauma from the conversations.To make publicIn turn, the mini-documentary will be an online campaign on various social media platforms,among them YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. The documentary will be widely shared online tospark a broader conversation about sexual violence and the various forms in the community.Online campaigns are among the most effective methods of increasing social awareness aboutsocial issues (Hughes, Swaminathan & Brooks, 2019).
ConclusionSexual violence is prevalent in modern society, more so among college and university students.One of the crucial ways this social vice can be addressed is through a holistic approach that willinvolve parents, teachers, and students in various levels of education. A program such as THRIVEwellness improves outcomes of sexual violence by involving all the stakeholders at both micro andmacro levels. The program can be made public through an online campaign that will target thewider communit.
the image should be about education people to stope Sexual Violence in Learning Institutions
WRT 102 Pima Community College Lady with Lapdog by Anton Chekhov Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Please answer the questions and an outline for the “Comparative Analysis essay” for writing 102 online class. Choose two stories, or you can write about one story and compare characters and their journeys in one story if you don’t want to write about two stories. I will also provide the example and the format of the assignment at the end.
Here below are the links for the stories.
“Lady with Lapdog” by Anton Chekhov
“The Fulness of Life” by Edith Wharton
“The Thing’s the Play” by O. Henry
“An Uncomforable Bed” by Guy de Maupassant
“The Case of Lady Sannox” by Arthur Conan Doyle
“The Tell Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe
“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe
Questions: (Write at least 250 words)
1) What are the titles and authors of stories you’re comparing (or the title and author of one story if you’re comparing elements within one story)?
2) Why did you choose these stories?
3) What are the themes of these stories? Write the themes as complete sentences.
4) What do you plan to compare? Write a draft thesis statement.
5) Write an outline for your essay.
1) What are the titles and authors of stories you’re comparing (or the title and author of one story if you’re comparing elements within one story)?
The stories that I chose to compare is “The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Andersen and “Rumpelstiltskin” by Brothers Grimm.
2) Why did you choose these stories?
I chose the story of “Rumpelstiltskin” because I have always loved this story. More the child, less violent story, but I love the Brothers Grimm versions as well. They were the originals and just a little darker. I chose “The Emperor’s New Clothes” because this story was very interesting to me. I read all the other fairy tales and they didn’t feel that they had much to compare to Rumpelstilskin.
3) What are the themes of these stories? Write the themes as complete sentences.
The Theme of Rumpelstilskin is selfishness and ignorance.
The Theme for The Emperor’s New Clothes is pride and Stubborness.
4) What do you plan to compare? Write a draft thesis statement.
I plan to compare the main characters how they are greedy and vain. Also, how characters in both stories do anything to get what they want.
Authors Christian Andersen and The Brothers Grimm show readers that when faced with certain circumstances some people will do and say just about anything to get what they want no matter what the outcome is.
5) Write an outline for your essay.
I. Introduction
A. Introduce my two stories and authors.
B. Summarize each story.
C. Thesis statement
II. Support Paragraph 1
A. Introduce Both main characters.
B. Compare both stories of the greed and selfishness that they share.
C. Compare how they will do and say anything.
III. Support Paragraph
A. Show how other characters in the story relate.
B. Explain even other characters in the story are also ignorant.
IV. Support Paragraph
A. Show the differences in the stories
V. Conclusion
A. Summarize my essay
B. Hit the key Elements Again.
C. Any last words
D. Abbreviate thesis
Questions: (Write at least 250 words)
1) What are the titles and authors of stories you’re comparing (or the title and author of one story if you’re comparing elements within one story)?
2) Why did you choose these stories?
3) What are the themes of these stories? Write the themes as complete sentences.
4) What do you plan to compare? Write a draft thesis statement.
5) Write an outline for your essay.
1) What are the titles and authors of stories you’re comparing (or the title and author of one story if you’re comparing elements within one story)?
The stories that I chose to compare is “The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Andersen and “Rumpelstiltskin” by Brothers Grimm.
2) Why did you choose these stories?
I chose the story of “Rumpelstiltskin” because I have always loved this story. More the child, less violent story, but I love the Brothers Grimm versions as well. They were the originals and just a little darker. I chose “The Emperor’s New Clothes” because this story was very interesting to me. I read all the other fairy tales and they didn’t feel that they had much to compare to Rumpelstilskin.
3) What are the themes of these stories? Write the themes as complete sentences.
The Theme of Rumpelstilskin is selfishness and ignorance.
The Theme for The Emperor’s New Clothes is pride and Stubborness.
4) What do you plan to compare? Write a draft thesis statement.
I plan to compare the main characters how they are greedy and vain. Also, how characters in both stories do anything to get what they want.
Authors Christian Andersen and The Brothers Grimm show readers that when faced with certain circumstances some people will do and say just about anything to get what they want no matter what the outcome is.
5) Write an outline for your essay.
I. Introduction
A. Introduce my two stories and authors.
B. Summarize each story.
C. Thesis statement
II. Support Paragraph 1
A. Introduce Both main characters.
B. Compare both stories of the greed and selfishness that they share.
C. Compare how they will do and say anything.
III. Support Paragraph
A. Show how other characters in the story relate.
B. Explain even other characters in the story are also ignorant.
IV. Support Paragraph
A. Show the differences in the stories
V. Conclusion
A. Summarize my essay
B. Hit the key Elements Again.
C. Any last words
D. Abbreviate thesis