UCLA The Ruins of Athens Op 113 Music Composition Essay Humanities Assignment Help

UCLA The Ruins of Athens Op 113 Music Composition Essay Humanities Assignment Help. UCLA The Ruins of Athens Op 113 Music Composition Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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For this assignment, pair up with a partner of the same TA section.

  1. With your partner, choose a short piece of music (approx. 5-10 min) together that is not within either of your usual musical tastes (i.e. it should be outside both of your comfort listening zones), but that is interesting to both of you.
  2. Familiarization. Get together and listen to the piece several times, jotting down and then discussing your reactions and impressions of the piece. What moods/emotions/images/sensations/etc. does it evoke and at what places? How are these evoked musically, referring to the elements of music? What stands out as interesting to you?
  3. Microscopic listening. Separately and in your own time, listen to the piece by yourself several times intently and choose a 15 to 20-second moment in the piece that is the most outstanding to you personally. Describe what you hear using the vocabulary and concepts that we have learnt in class so far. Ask yourself what is happening according to each element of music. Your reasoning should have some logical argument that relates to your answer in 2), even though it is subjective. For instance, it could be because it is the moment that evokes the mood/emotion/image the most exquisitely (through, say, a build-up of texture, or a change in harmony/dynamic/melodic shape, etc), the most intense moment, the calmest moment, etc.
  4. Discussion. Get together with your partner again. Take turns explaining your reasoning for why you think your moment is the most outstanding. After each person gives their point of view, respectfully discuss to come to a decision as a pair on one agreed-upon outstanding moment (this could be either one of your moments, or even a new moment should the discussion head this way).

Listening party report due:

Include the title, performer(s), and (if any) composer(s) of the piece for your assignment. Include a link to a recording.

Include your names and TA section.

  1. Separately, each person writes a (minimum) 100-word response explaining why you chose this piece. How does it differ from and is similar to music that you usually listen to? How is it outside of your “comfort zone”?
  2. Together, write a (minimum) 250-word response for 2. What are your reactions and impressions? What moods/emotions/sensations/images/etc. does it evoke and at what places? How are these evoked? Include exact timings of the recording when describing particular moments (e.g. 0’56’’-1’04’’).
  3. Separately, each person writes a (minimum) 250-word response for 3. Include the exact timings for your moment.
  4. Together, write a (minimum) 250-word reflective write-up of 4, detailing how you came to the conclusion for an agreed outstanding moment.

UCLA The Ruins of Athens Op 113 Music Composition Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AIU Reasons for Selecting Graduate Program Personal Reflection Essay Writing Assignment Help


300-750 Words

Personal Reflection Essay

Congratulations again on taking this academic step into your graduate program. This personal reflection essay gives you an opportunity to reflect upon your choice, identify strengths and weaknesses, and articulate your goals and expectations. Using Microsoft Word (which you downloaded in Unit 1), write and upload a personal reflection essay that addresses the following items:

  • A brief introduction and reasons for program selection
  • Personal and professional strengths and weaknesses you believe you bring to the graduate experience
  • Your expectations for program performance
  • Anticipated goals for use of the degree upon completion

Submit your reflection essay upon completion.

Click here if you need to watch a tutorial on submitting Individual Project files.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.


HCM 4012 South North Hill Medical Center During Disaster Internal Disaster Plan Health Medical Assignment Help

Internal Disaster Plans

Click here to read about the standard operating guidelines for hospital disaster plan.

Review the elements required for a disaster plan addressing an internal disaster. Based on your review, create a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document covering the hospital’s (internal) disaster plan for how the staff reacts and carries out their duties in the event of an internal disaster.

Your internal disaster plans should include:

  • Introduction
  • Size and type of your hospital (you decide this)
  • Type of internal disaster (fire, explosion, biological etc.)
  • Key medical and administrative staff to be contacted
  • Central point for communication
  • Particular service areas such as intensive care unit (ICU), labor and delivery unit etc.
  • Other hospitals in your area and how you intend to coordinate with those facilities (you decide this)
  • Implementation on internal transfers (moving patients from one area of the hospital to another)
  • Implementation of external transfers
  • Evacuation plan
  • Conclusion

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details:

  • Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 4-page document.
  • Submit your documents to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.


American University Company Culture and Company Cult Discussion Economics Assignment Help

we need to do a presentation about this article it’s gonna be 12mins

For these oral summaries, students will be prompted to (1) distill the key takeaways of their assigned HBR article, (2) show the links between the article and business ethics, and (3) lead a brief class discussion.

Could you please help me to divide this article into different parts and write it down, so that I can make PPT more easily. And include the above three requirements at the end. All in all, please help me to write a clear speech draft, so that I can use it to make PPT and speech.


BUSI 745 LUO Marketing for Competitive Advantage the First of 4Ps Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

What is attached is the assignment instructions, topic, and a sample paper that is pulled from course hero. Please do not copy this because this paper will be run through a plagiarism report.

Study Pool Directions

1.) You can you use any peer reviewed scholarly references. The sources have to be no less than 5 years old.

2.) No use of first person pronouns like I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours.

3.) Do not use direct quotations.

4.) My school does run these papers through a turn it in report so just keep that in mind. The plagiarism checker has to be under 10% not including the reference page.

5.) The paper is to be written in APA 7th edition format. I have attached a sample of what it is to look like.

6.) Please read through the directions that are attached carefully. My instructor is strict and makes sure everything is included that are in the directions.

7.) Lastly, make sure that the post is at least 750 words not including title page, titles, or references.

8.) Please let me know if you need anymore guidance. I look forward to reading your paper!

9.) My school is a religious school, please include a biblical integration as well.

Requirements: 750-1200 words (please do over 750 words, this does not include the titles in between the paragraphs)



UCSD Competition and Finances Management Question Business Finance Assignment Help

explore the relationship between financial analysis and strategic analysis in a review of the case study Walmart, Inc. in 2018: The World’s Biggest Retailer Faces New Challenges (from your textbook). In addition, read: Chapter 2, “Putting Performance Analysis into Practice.”

A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

1.Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course area which apply to the situation described in the case study.

2.Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the course area issues. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course area. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

3.Describe in detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.

4.Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.

5.Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions, but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

In an original post, present a well-written answer and diagnosis for the following case study questions:

1.How well is Walmart performing relative to its competitors?

2.From (a) the financial data and (b) what we know about Walmart’s businesses, can we identify the sources of Walmart’s inferior performance?

3.How are Walmart’s shareholders and stakeholders affected by the performance?

4.What can Walmart’s management do to close the performance gap?


Follow (APA) style

one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article references are enough

UCSD Competition and Finances Management Question Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FDA Task Force of Managing the Public Sector Book Report Business Finance Assignment Help

Please respond to the following:

Review “The FDA Task Force,” in Chapter 4 of Managing the Public Sector.

  • The author of the case study states: “Even though at least 60 percent of Americans disapprove of cloned food, the FDA in 2006 ruled that milk and meat from cloned animals should be allowed on grocery store shelves.” As an FDA administrator, explain how you would respond to the public’s objections of the “respected colleague” about the use of control groups. In your response, identify and explain which principles you applied. Provide 1–2 examples to support your response. The word count should be a minimum of 400 words and three references.
  • Case Study: FDA Task Force
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is one of the nation’s oldest and most respected consumer protection agencies. Stated simply, the FDA’s mission is to promote and protect the public health by helping safe and effective products reach the market in a timely way and monitoring products for continued safety after they are in use.The FDA is expected to regulate annually $1.5 trillion in food, drugs, vaccines, medical devices, blood and tissues, radiation-emitting machines, animal feeds and drugs, cell phones, dietary supplements, biotechnology and gene therapy—and, post 9/11, to uncover any food-borne terrorist plot. Yet the agency’s annual funding, $2 billion, is only about what Fairfax County, Virginia, pays for its public schools. And despite mounting concerns about the safety of Chinese-made drugs, the agency had only enough field inspectors in 2008 to check a mere 13 of the 714 Chinese factories that produce medicines for U.S. consumers.Industry dollars now pay for more than half of the FDA’s drug-review budget; in five years, that proportion is expected to jump to 70 percent. Called user fees, this $400 million a year is designed to speed decisions on applications for new drugs and save taxpayers money. But some critics maintain that they undermine public confidence in the FDA’s independence and impose time pressures that could end up costing lives.Assume you have been appointed to a task force to review “Guidelines on Good Clinical Practice in FDA-Related Clinical Trials.” To test the efficacy of promising new drugs, current regulations require that pharmaceutical companies conduct trials with two groups of people. The first group, the treatment group, consists of at least 300 people with the condition the drug is designed to alleviate—for example, high blood pressure. The second group, the control group, consists of another 300 people as similar to the first group as possible with respect to age, sex, vital signs, and of course the condition. The first group receives the new drug, while the second group receives a placebo. At the end of a one-year trial, the progress of each group is measured. If there is a significant statistical difference in the progress of the first group over that of the second group—and no serious side effects occur—the drug is approved.During one task force meeting a respected colleague makes the following remarks: “Look, I’m all for the scientific method. But how can we in good conscience literally assign some people to death? I thought we were supposed to be helping people— not killing them.”Somewhat puzzled, you ask your colleague to clarify.“O.K.,” he continues, “Suppose the wizards at some company come up with a potent new drug that lowers cholesterol. Preliminary research on animals suggests that the drug is not only safe but much more effective than other available drugs. Now suppose we have this 70-year-old woman. Let’s call her Lucy. Her cholesterol level puts her at risk of a heart attack. And Lucy is taking care of her husband with cancer. But in this trial she only has a 50–50 chance of getting the drug. It seems that there’s got to be a better way to run clinical trials and promote health.”One of the great challenges in public administration is ensuring that the actions of government agencies like the FDA are consistent with the wishes of citizens. Presumably, legislators and chief executives—elected and reelected by the people—ensure that consistency. Yet, given the complexity of twenty-first-century government, it seems impossible to avoid delegating large amounts of power to unelected civil servants to use at their discretion. In a famous 1940 essay, Carl J. Friedrich argued that the public administrators’ own concern for the public interest was often the only assurance that administrative actions were responsive to the electorate’s wishes. Herman Finer disagreed: To maintain responsiveness, public administrators should be subject to strict and rigid control by the legislature. “The political and administrative history of all ages has,” he wrote, “demonstrated without the shadow of a doubt that sooner or later there is an abuse of power when external punitive controls are lacking.” Who’s position—Friedrich’s or Finer’s—do you find more persuasive?How would you respond to the objections of the “respected colleague” about the use of control groups? In formulating your answer, what principles are you applying? What other ethical issues might the FDA face? Would you apply those same principles in the same way to these issues that you did with the control group issue? If you can’t think of any other ethical dilemmas, try this one. Even though at least 60 percent of Americans disapprove of cloned food, the FDA in 2006 ruled that milk and meat from cloned animals should be allowed on grocery store shelves.Source: Philip J. Hilts, Protecting America’s Health: The FDA, Business, and One Hundred Years of Regulation (New York: Alfred E. Knopf, 2003).


Cuyamaca College Successes of The Civil Rights Movement Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write a 2.5- to 3-page paper on one of the prompts below. Your paper must include at least six examples. You must include examples from books 1, 2, and 3. You may choose to include visual analysis in your examples. Use parenthetical citations indicating the book and page number.

Option 1: What strategies were used by activists in the Civil Rights Movement? Describe how a combination of moral and physical courage was so important to the successes of the Civil Rights Movement.

Option 2; As revealed in the March trilogy, describe the tools of oppression used to deny African Americans their civil and political rights. You may wish to consider the role of political leaders, law enforcement, the courts, businesses, every-day racists, etc.


NRS 440VN Grand Canyon University Nursing Leadership Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

You must post a minimum response of 200 words or more along with a reference within the last 5 years to receive full points for your response.

References used in class should be within the last 5 years.

1 – Discuss a formal role where a nurse is in a position of leadership. Outline the essential responsibilities of that role and the educational preparation required. Explain what leadership traits, styles, or qualities are required to be successful in this role and why.

2 – The influence of leadership can be far-reaching in practice and improving patient outcomes even when not in a formal role. Describe advocacy strategies that you can use as a leader to create positive change in your current workplace. In response to peers, describe a time when you provided leadership and the outcome. Was there anything that you would do differently?


KMJ Urgent Message and Speech Question Writing Assignment Help

Hello I have quick question about watching a video ant it has to be done on 4:40

This in-class writing exercise involves identifying basic but important rhetorical features to consider while engaging in critical/rhetorical reading (in this case, viewing). These steps can be a good starting point for rhetorical/textual analysis of any kind.

This writing exercise is based on Clint Smith’s 2014 TED Talk “The Danger of Silence” — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiKtZgImdlY.

After we watch Clint Smith’s TED Talk 3 times (rule of threes, reinterpreted) as a class, complete the task below using the text

Audience (Who is this talk intended for, and how do you know?)

Exigence (What is the speaker’s urgency? What are the risks of not listening to their perspective?)

Purpose (What would they like to accomplish through their talk? What course of action, belief, or attitude do they want to push their audience toward?)

Constraints (What limitations or expectations might their audience place on them?)

Context (What is the talk responding to? What larger scholarly or popular conversation is it joining? What is happening socially, culturally, politically, etc. at the time of the talk?

Genre (What type of text is this? Are there any subgenres to consider as well?)

Venue (Where is this talk being delivered/through what media outlet? And how does this effect the way the talk is delivered?)

Speaker (Who are they?)

Strategies (What measures does the speaker take to create meaning for their audience/accomplish their purpose?)



After we watch Clint Smith’s TED Talk 3 times (rule of threes, reinterpreted) as a class, complete the task below using the text

Audience (Who is this talk intended for, and how do you know?)

Exigence (What is the speaker’s urgency? What are the risks of not listening to their perspective?)

Purpose (What would they like to accomplish through their talk? What course of action, belief, or attitude do they want to push their audience toward?)

Constraints (What limitations or expectations might their audience place on them?)

Context (What is the talk responding to? What larger scholarly or popular conversation is it joining? What is happening socially, culturally, politically, etc. at the time of the talk?

Genre (What type of text is this? Are there any subgenres to consider as well?)

Venue (Where is this talk being delivered/through what media outlet? And how does this effect the way the talk is delivered?)

Speaker (Who are they?)

Strategies (What measures does the speaker take to create meaning for their audience/accomplish their purpose?)



After we watch Clint Smith’s TED Talk 3 times (rule of threes, reinterpreted) as a class, complete the task below using the text

Audience (Who is this talk intended for, and how do you know?)

Exigence (What is the speaker’s urgency? What are the risks of not listening to their perspective?)

Purpose (What would they like to accomplish through their talk? What course of action, belief, or attitude do they want to push their audience toward?)

Constraints (What limitations or expectations might their audience place on them?)

Context (What is the talk responding to? What larger scholarly or popular conversation is it joining? What is happening socially, culturally, politically, etc. at the time of the talk?

Genre (What type of text is this? Are there any subgenres to consider as well?)

Venue (Where is this talk being delivered/through what media outlet? And how does this effect the way the talk is delivered?)

Speaker (Who are they?)

Strategies (What measures does the speaker take to create meaning for their audience/accomplish their purpose?)



After we watch Clint Smith’s TED Talk 3 times (rule of threes, reinterpreted) as a class, complete the task below using the text

Audience (Who is this talk intended for, and how do you know?)

Exigence (What is the speaker’s urgency? What are the risks of not listening to their perspective?)

Purpose (What would they like to accomplish through their talk? What course of action, belief, or attitude do they want to push their audience toward?)

Constraints (What limitations or expectations might their audience place on them?)

Context (What is the talk responding to? What larger scholarly or popular conversation is it joining? What is happening socially, culturally, politically, etc. at the time of the talk?

Genre (What type of text is this? Are there any subgenres to consider as well?)

Venue (Where is this talk being delivered/through what media outlet? And how does this effect the way the talk is delivered?)

Speaker (Who are they?)

Strategies (What measures does the speaker take to create meaning for their audience/accomplish their purpose?)


UCLA The Ruins of Athens Op 113 Music Composition Essay Humanities Assignment Help

UCLA The Ruins of Athens Op 113 Music Composition Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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