UCLA The Social Science Role of Globalization Essential for Life Essay Writing Assignment Help. UCLA The Social Science Role of Globalization Essential for Life Essay Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a social science Argumentative Essay and need support to help me understand better.
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Contrast the role played by globalization in the stories about food told by: 1) Mintz and/or Gupta (“A Different History of the Present”) on the one hand, and 2): Ochs et. al., Reese, and/or Frazier and Gupta (“Tasting Independence”) on the other. Choose at least one reading from the first group and at least one from the second. Do the readings mean different things by the term “globalization”? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. 1200 words
UCLA The Social Science Role of Globalization Essential for Life Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Purdue University Comparison Between of Emily in Paris and Born Crime Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me study.
This short paper assignment should be a 700-word response (minimum; more is acceptable) to the prompt listed below.
Please familiarize yourself with the show “Emily in Paris.” You can compare it to either Parasite or Born a crime, you have previously helped me with both of these.
Prompt: Emily in Paris considers many of the same themes that we’ve discussed in our previous texts. Some of these themes include: identity, intercultural conflicts, intercultural relationships, globalization, immigration, class, and many more. Select one theme or topic that is present in Emily in Paris and compare its presence in another text (book, story or film/show) from this semester (Parasite, Born a Crime). How does this theme contribute to the development of each text? What does the theme contribute to the text’s message or purpose? Do the creators deploy the theme similarly or are there differences? Why might that be?
Requirements: 600 Words+
for this prompt you can either compare it to “Parasite” or “Born a Crime”
MBA 655 RU Evaluating Financial Stability and Prospects Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.
Hello, I need an explanation for the question, so that I can use it as an answer bank to help me check my work. The must question fully, and ALL work must be shown with an EXPLANATION. All work can be recorded in Microsoft Word and Excel if needed.
To complete the post,
read the attached Upstate NY Real Estate .pdf file and indicate
your leasing decision. Cite specific ratios and trends obtained from Mission’s
data, and any other supportable opinion you may have of Mission’s business and
the macroeconomic environment. Keep your decision to 300 words or less.
Thank you.
UMW Walmart Inc Press Release and Business Communication Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a communications writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Read Chapter 12 https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=sAyhDwAAQBAJ&hl=en_US&pg=GBS.PA230
to learn how to write good news releases. You may also want to look at examples from your organization if you can find some online. In your formal report, you should have made a recommendation for your organization to grow or otherwise improve. Assume that the organization you picked accepted your recommendation and will implement it.If you recommended several, pick just one for the news release. Write a news release for the organization you picked in your project.Discuss the launch of whatever new or improved product (good or service) you recommended in your project report.Feel free to include your name if you want to do so as having helped implement it. Give the news release a future date that you believe is reasonable based on your recommendation (e.g., anywhere between a few months to a few years from now).Remember that this can go into the portfolio of supporting materials you may want to include in your letter to your organization. If you have already identified a particular person within the organization that you wish to contact, it could be fun to also include him or her in your press release.
Find the report below in the attachment and write the new release based on it
Ensuring Sustainability of Your Charity Project Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need support to help me study.
Reflection #3:
What is the sustainability of the charity project? In your opinion, how can your charity
project sustainability be ensured? Give examples and/or details of your charity project. Write at least 150
words. You may consider using some ideas from the ‘Suggested reading’
below for writing your reflection.
If you do so, please cite them properly.
Suggested reading
How to ensure sustainability? (2020). Retrieved August 24, 2020,
from https://www2.fundsforngos.org/featured/how-to-ensure-sustainability/
Future proof: Ensuring the sustainability of your charity (n.d.). Retrieved August 24, 2020,
from https://www.zurich.co.uk/-/media/project/zwp/unite…
Building resilience and sustainability – tips for charity leaders (n.d.) Retrieved August 24, 2020,
from https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/building…
Miami University Interracial Relationships in America Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
May 11: Final Draft (300 points max; due via Canvas): Submit a polished final draft that reflects professor and peer feedback and course discussions throughout the semester.
Grant Components: Your grant proposal will consist of five components. I have placed on Canvas a successful example of a student grant proposal from a previous course as a model:
- Abstract: a 150-word summary of your project. (Hint: write this last)
- Research objective: a 400-word description of the focus of your ethnography and major research questions. In this section, you must identify the example you will focus on, the major questions that will guide your fieldwork, and a justification for your example based on the research questions.
- Connection to previous scholarship: a 500-word explanation of how your proposed research builds on existing anthropological scholarship. In this section, you will discuss how your proposed research complements and/or challenges course readings and your annotated bibliography readings.
- Methodology: a 500-word description of how you will collect data in order to appropriately address your research question(s). In this section, you will outline in detail your data collection plans and explain how that data will address the questions you outlined in “Research objective.”
- Significance: a 300-word description of the contribution your project makes to the anthropology of U.S. cultural diversity. The goal of this Funding Foundation is to support original and innovative research. In this section, you will explain how your project advances our understanding of significant issues in the study of U.S. cultural diversity.
Grading Criteria: Your Final Projects will be assessed based on the following criteria…
- …Fully address each of the five Grant Proposal components.
- …Substantively engage course readings and annotated bibliography readings;
- …Demonstrate an anthropological perspective throughout;
- …Submit a polished final version that is free of writing errors, follows the word count for each component and the syllabus formatting guidelines.
- Topic 1: Interracial couples in modern American societyA ruling made In the last 5 decades by the supreme court made restrictions of interracial marriages unconstitutional. Interracial relationships have since then been increasingly accepted by many. The contemporary American society has however a lot to do to make interracial marriages a norm (Hamzaoui, 2018). This topic is of great interest in cultural research because of the cultural shifts that are associated with the multiracial people born out of interracial marriages.
- First file is Annotated Bibliography (100 points max; due via Canvas): To complement our course materials, you will locate three additional articles that directly engage your case study. Your Annotated Bibliography will be assessed according to the following criteria:
the second one is rough Draft
From Final Project Guidelines:
Research objective: a 400-word description of the focus of your ethnography and major research questions. In this section, you must identify the example you will focus on, the major questions that will guide your fieldwork, and a justification for your example based on the research questions.
Miami University Interracial Relationships in America Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Messiah College Role of The Teacher Question Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me understand better.
1. Describe in detail the “Role of the Teacher” when working with young children. Name 10 things. Let’s all assume a teacher is patient and kind. Think beyond that and state what a teacher’s role is with children everyday. For example: The teacher needs to understand the abilities of the children she/he works with before planning a music and movement experience .
2. What are the benefits of music and movement for young children? For example: Builds vocabulary and language skills. Name 5 things.
3. What 3 things did you learn in this class and how will you use them when you teach with children?
ATSU An Assertive Tone Can Be Seen in Sojourners Speech Discussion Responses Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a african studies question and need guidance to help me learn.
Reply to these two posts each 200 words
Sojourner began her speech by letting the audience know she is a woman’s rights, but she can do just as much as a man can. She went on to discuss how she did the same work as a man can do and even questioned if the fear of women stemmed from the fact that women could do as much as men, if not, more. Furthering gendering her experiences, she told the audience to allow women to set the world right, based upon the Bible and Eve causing man to sin, upsetting the world.
I would say the tone was assertive in nature but also gentle, as it appears there may have been a slight fear of having her speak. Her tone was to get the message across in an assertive “I demand the same respect as men” manner but making sure to be gentle in her tone and delivery as well, since there was a fear of women.
On page 246, Sojourner Truth said, “I cannot read a book, but I can read the people” (Gates Jr. and McKay, 2004). This statement alone informed everyone that Sojourner could deliver a message based upon the people present in the room. When someone implies, they can read the people, they can read their body language and can understand who their audience is. I do believe having this ability allowed Sojourner to deliver her speech in the manner which she did. Understanding your audience allows you to dictate the direction you want to take your message in, such as what Sojourner did.
Gates Jr., H.L. and McKay, N.Y. (2004). The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. 2nd Edition. W W Norton & Company, New York, London.
Second post
1. Sojourner Truth genderized her experiences in the Adress to the Ohio Women’s Rights Convection in various aspects. For instance, the phrase “ar’n’t I a woman” was said several times. Also, she discussed the different things that a man could accomplish that she’s done too. For example, she explains all the hard physical work equal to men and being a mother of 13 children and no one has helped her.
2. The tone in this speech was highly assertive and certainly questioned individuals about their behavior towards women’s rights. The genre of this speech is political, including societal issues about women in society. Lastly, the narrative voice is directed towards individuals who don’t understand the significance of women’s rights in society and how it affects women negatively. An example of the narrative voice would fall under The Anti-Slavery Bugle, June 21, 1851. During the passage, I feel as Sojourner’s voice screams anger and frustration, making individuals question their behavior towards women.
OSU A Person Not Recognized by Any State as A National Question Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a law question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
I’m working on a law writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
This was the general requirement of the essay given by the professor: to write a 5 to 7 page (1.5 space, times new roman) analytical essay on a law or legal practice in a jurisdiction of your choice relating to gender that you believe should be changed. Please describe its harmful effects and explain how your proposal would alleviate such effects. Please also consider obstacles you would face (political, legal, cultural, religious or other) in attempting to change the said law.
I chose the topic of gender inequality in nationality and statelessness in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Title: Gender Inequality in Nationality and Statelessness in the UAE.
Page 1:
This essay will highlight and analyze the gender inequality in current nationality and statelessness laws in the UAE.
Description of current law on nationality and statelessness in UAE with focus on children of Emirati women married to foreigner husband as well as statelessness laws. (use this website: https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/passports…)
Page 2:
Continuation ((if needed) of description of current law on nationality and statelessness in UAE
Discuss CEDAW and how this law violates CEDAW. (I attached a PDF on this below)
Briefly mention how UAE ratified Cedaw in 2004 been making significant positive changes to women rights since then however some issues still remain such as the nationality law in the UAE.
Page 3:
Implications (Harmful effects) of this law.
Letters project. https://www.instagram.com/p/CK1RpTcnU6Y/?utm_sourc…
Discuss how the UAE has plans to grant citizenship to “talented and innovative” people but not to children of Emirati women and stateless groups. https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/government/uae…)
Page 4 and 5:
Discuss in detail how this law should be changed.
Emirati women should be able to pass citizenship to their children.
Stateless individuals should be able to obtain citizenship if after a certain number of years demonstrate good conduct. Or enroll them in a national service program as a requirement.
What are some obstacles would we face if we attempted to change this law?
Financial burden for government.
Any other obstacles?
St Johns University Cancellation of The 2020 Olympics Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a sports management question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Select one of the topics below realted to the economics of sport. Provide supporting details, sources and evidence in your paper when writing about the chosen topic. You NEED to write about the economic aspect of your topic. See below for points to keep in mind:
- Minimum of 5-7 pages, size 12, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, standard 1″ marigns.
- Please provide a cover page
- Your works cited page should list all of the outside sources used, including your textbook.
- Please use reliable, scholarly sources. Do not use wikipedia.
- Attach your paper as a word doc or PDF.
Topic Options:
1. What is the economic impact of canceling the 2020 Olympics?
2. What is the economic impact of the cancelation of March Madness in 2020?
3. From an economics standpoint, who benefits the most from a new stadium in your city (or a city of your choice), the team, the fans or the city as a whole?
*Please note that you MUST focus your paper on the economics of sport. Do not get off track or write about other areas. The focus needs to be on economics and our course content from the text.
Discuss how the UAE has plans to grant citizenship to “talented and innovative” people but not to children of Emirati women and stateless groups. https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/government/uae…)
Page 4 and 5:
Discuss in detail how this law should be changed.
Emirati women should be able to pass citizenship to their children.
Stateless individuals should be able to obtain citizenship if after a certain number of years demonstrate good conduct. Or enroll them in a national service program as a requirement.
What are some obstacles would we face if we attempted to change this law?
Financial burden for government.
Any other obstacles?