UCM Technological Developments & Intellectual Property Rights Article Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

UCM Technological Developments & Intellectual Property Rights Article Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help. UCM Technological Developments & Intellectual Property Rights Article Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help.

I’m working on a Computer Science case study and need support to help me understand better.
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Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing electronic innovation and the government. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings in the article you are reviewing.

Google Scholar to find these types of articles (https://scholar.google.com/ )

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately three to four pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

UCM Technological Developments & Intellectual Property Rights Article Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Impacts of Social Media on Entrepreneurial Creativity Report Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Business report and need support to help me study.

The subject is: Do social media have a mostly positive or negative impact on entrepreneurial creativity?

– Number of words 600 words

– Link theoretical perspective with real business examples.

– Show the clear postion.

– evaluate the evidences

– you can use the sources in the and list of refrencess attached below

Rubric for the assessment:

1- Demonstrates
critical evaluation of
between theory and
practice (
outstanding critical

2- Demonstrates
research to
reached (
outstanding evidence
of research from a
wide range of sources
in order to justify
conclusions reached)

3- Proposes and
for practice in the
subject area (
development of
with comprehensive
justification to
support these).

4- Examines and
analyses the main
problem, question
or issue clearly (
examination and
analysis which
understanding of the
main problem,
question or issue).

5- Demonstrates
ability to critically
evaluate relevant
sources of evidence
and to interpret and
debate these to
develop arguments (
Outstanding critical
evaluation from a
wide range of
relevant sources.
Interprets evidence
convincingly and
systematically in
order to debate and
to produce

6- Explains and
justifies theoretical
acknowledging and
interpretations (
explanation of
perspective with
convincing and

7- Conclusions
consistent with the
findings of the
analysis (
conclusions have
been drawn, which
are consistent with
the findings of the

8- Reflects on and
assesses potential
contributions and
limitations of the
perspective (
Outstanding evidence
of reflection and
assessment of
contributions and
limitations of the

9- Identifies
perspectives (
and contrasting of

10- Comprehends the
influence of
perspectives to the
understanding of
issues (
comprehension of the
influence of different
perspectives to the
understanding of
management issues).

11- Demonstrates how
perspectives may
impact managerial
effectiveness (
understanding of the
impact differing
stakeholder interests
have on managerial


CUA There Are Two Types of Images Digital Images and Analog Images Essay Writing Assignment Help

Chapter 25: Health Records and Health Information Management

What is considered health information?

What are your responsibilities with health information?

What can happen to the technologist if he or she misuses health information?

With today’s digital technologies in medical imaging, patient privacy is more important than ever. Provide examples of strategies a department can employ, to ensure the confidentiality of patient information in a “digital world.”

Explain what happens when an ordered radiographic study is coded incorrectly by just one digit.

Explain what is meant by a prospective payment system and why medicine is shifting to a value-based formula.

Identify examples of patient quality measures used in your department to ensure an optimum patient experience.


Chapter 2: digital imaging characteristics.

write a JOURNAL by you onw words. Please do not use another reference only your words.


Week 4 The Return of Martin Guerre by David Bell and Protestantism Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I suggest reading Finlay,” Refashioning Martin Guerre” and Davis, “On the Lame,” first. Then read the very brief Jean de Coras, The Memorable Story. Coras’ pamphlet is the primary source upon which Davis’ book is based. Then finally read Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre. Reading the various projects in this order should make Davis’ exaggerations and flights of fantasy more obvious. 

Answer all of the following questions: 

1. Finlay in his critique of The Return of Martin Guerre, Finlay claims that Davis imagined the following element in her interpretation: 1) The cooperation between Bertrande de Rols and the fake Martin Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh 2) Bertrande as a headstrong, independent woman 3) Arnaud du Tilh’s Protestantism 4) Coras’ “identification” with Arnaud du Tilh. Do you agree or disagree? Please provide precise page references to The Return of Martin Guerre and contrast Davis’ assertions with her primary text, Coras’, The Miraculous Story. 

2. How did the imposter get away with it? Who believed he was the real Martin Guerre? Who did not? 

3. Is the Return of Martin Guerre, a microhistory? Davis never uses the expression in the book but everybody including Bell think that the book is an example of the microhistorical approach Consider Davis’ methods and the subject of her research. You might consider the ways in which The Return of Martin Guerre draws upon or even imitates features in The Cheese & the Worms? 

4. In the article by David Bell that we read last week, Bell criticizes microhistorians for being too “cinematic” and too eager to reach a large audience often at the expense of professional standards. He also complains that micro historians are “frustratingly incapable of integrating micro analysis with larger historical generalization that formour understanding of the paest.” Do you think that The Return of Martin Guerre suffers from the weaknesses Bell complains of?

Please do not use outside sources and only the ones attached here. There should be a thoughtful paragraph per answer. 


Florida State University Social Welfare Policies and Programs Case Study Humanities Assignment Help

Program Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate student learning in analyzing policy. A scenario/case study of a problematic or problem-solving situation will be provided to students (see Appendix). Develop a 2 page paper (typed and double-spaced) which describes the appropriate social welfare programs which are relevant for one of the following case examples. Include discussion of eligibility, benefits, and the adequacy of the available services.



Single-parent family headed by Jane Smith, 24 years old. There are two children, William is 4 years old,

and Sally is 2 years old. Jane is currently unemployed, did not work long enough to be covered by

Unemployment Insurance, has exhausted all of her savings, and receives no alimony or child support.

The family is temporarily staying at a Salvation Army family shelter, but must leave at the end of the

month. For what services might the Smith family be eligible? What do you recommend?

Most important:

  • Use APA for this paper.
  • Only 2 pages without the cover and references.



New England College CEO Technology Best Practices & Practical Connection Essays Computer Science Assignment Help

Practical Connection Assignment


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course( have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Submission: Upload/attach your completed paper to this assignment by the due date. Please see the Course Syllabus for the actual due date.

sub: Initiating the Project

Task 2

Final Assignment

Review the section on the definitions of maturity stages and dimension variables in the CEO Technology Best Practices Arc. Define each of the maturity stages and performance dimensions. What are the key concepts from each section?

(Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

The above submission should be one -page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length

New England College CEO Technology Best Practices & Practical Connection Essays Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HCM 673 Ashford University Health Care and Social Media Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Both social media and the Internet have changed the way that health care organizations market to their target populations. Complete the following:

  • You have been asked by the chief executive officer (CEO) of a local health care organization in your city or town to create a viable social media strategy for the target market. Your strategy should be in the form of a 3-4 page paper, not including title page and reference page.
  • Additionally, he asks that you develop a marketing research tool that will help the organization understand its target market.
  • Use the city data from your Unit 2 Discussion Board assignment to assist you in the creation of the social media strategy.
  • The use of APA Style and at least 3 scholarly references published within the last 5 years is required.


New England College The Study of Organizational Behavior Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Task 1Assignment:

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course (organisational behaviour) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Submission: Upload/attach your completed paper to this assignment by the due date. Please see the Course Syllabus for the actual due date.

sub: organisational behaviour

working as a software engineer

Task 2

Your company is experiencing decline in business because of competition. Your manager thinks they may be able to turn the company around if they can get help from an IT professional on E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies. Assume your company is a traditional retail entity similar to Sears, Macy’s or K-Mart, suggest ways your company can use E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies to increase its visibility and sales. In your discussion, explain what is E-Commerce and Mobile Technology.

  • Your main discussion should be at least 300 words or more. Please use your own words. Do not copy-and-paste.
  • Read and respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ post with at least 150 words each.


WCC Contemporary Caribbean The Six Main Economic Problems Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

answer with essays of approximately 250 words each


Understanding the Contemporary Caribbean (2nd ed.) by Richard S. Hillman, and Thomas J. D’Agostino (editors) (ISBN #: 978-1-58826-663-7)

  1. Chapter 4: According to Thomas J. D’Agostino, “…certain aspects of the British colonial legacy inhibited Jamaica’s pursuit of independence and stability” by depriving Jamaicans of a true revolutionary experience leading to a condition wherein independence amounted to “separation, but not transformation.” Do you agree? Defend your position either way.
  1. Chapter 5: Dennis A. Pantin and Marlene Attzs maintain (pages 152-157) that there are “six main economic problems that Caribbean economies will face, in common, in the near term: 1) the collapse of preferred arrangements for traditional exports; 2) liberalization in the context of globalization, such as made under World Trade Organization rules and new trading agreements with the European Union Economic Partnership Agreement; 3) stubborn unemployment, particularly among youth, and concomitant growing social deviance, including violence, crime, and drugs; 4) foreign debt burdens; market risks faced by the more dynamic sectors of recent years — tourism, offshore finance, and information processing; and, 6) vulnerability to natural disasters, exacerbated by climate change…” Choose ONE of the above listed potential problems and propose an intelligent and creative solution. Use your imagination, but demonstrate your understanding of the problems the Caribbean faces.
  1. Chapter 6: Jacqueline Anne Braveboy-Wagner remarks that accepting foreign aid from organizations like the World Bank or the International Monetary fund brings with it a vulnerability to their demands (pgs.177 & 181) Explain the various forms in which these demands are made on Caribbean countries and how this affects their relations with other nations.
  1. Chapter 12: Dennis Conway maintains that remittances have become an essential financial input for Caribbean families of all classes. Explain the two uses to which he says remittances are put and give examples. In addition, loss of talented individuals has resulted in a “brain drain.” How has this affected Caribbean countries. Explain. BOTH parts of this question must be answered.


ERAU Compliance IS The Role of IT Department in Strategic Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Here are the requirements for this discussion:

Consider the role of the Information Technology department in the strategic management and initiation of new information management systems and compliance issues within your own organization or an organization in which you are familiar with. You may also use the organization in which you are creating your IT Management Plans for.

Answer the following question:

In your opinion, who/what should be the driving force in the strategy of information systems? Please justify your answer using supporting evidence either from the text or another source.

A few questions to keep in mind when discussing the role of Information Technology departments in strategic management of information systems and compliance issues:

  • Who owns the data within the systems?
  • Who should enforce compliance?
  • What are some of the ethical considerations?


https://anyessayhelp.com/ )

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately three to four pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

UCM Technological Developments & Intellectual Property Rights Article Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Impacts of Social Media on Entrepreneurial Creativity Report Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Business report and need support to help me study.

The subject is: Do social media have a mostly positive or negative impact on entrepreneurial creativity?

– Number of words 600 words

– Link theoretical perspective with real business examples.

– Show the clear postion.

– evaluate the evidences

– you can use the sources in the and list of refrencess attached below

Rubric for the assessment:

1- Demonstrates
critical evaluation of
between theory and
practice (
outstanding critical

2- Demonstrates
research to
reached (
outstanding evidence
of research from a
wide range of sources
in order to justify
conclusions reached)

3- Proposes and
for practice in the
subject area (
development of
with comprehensive
justification to
support these).

4- Examines and
analyses the main
problem, question
or issue clearly (
examination and
analysis which
understanding of the
main problem,
question or issue).

5- Demonstrates
ability to critically
evaluate relevant
sources of evidence
and to interpret and
debate these to
develop arguments (
Outstanding critical
evaluation from a
wide range of
relevant sources.
Interprets evidence
convincingly and
systematically in
order to debate and
to produce

6- Explains and
justifies theoretical
acknowledging and
interpretations (
explanation of
perspective with
convincing and

7- Conclusions
consistent with the
findings of the
analysis (
conclusions have
been drawn, which
are consistent with
the findings of the

8- Reflects on and
assesses potential
contributions and
limitations of the
perspective (
Outstanding evidence
of reflection and
assessment of
contributions and
limitations of the

9- Identifies
perspectives (
and contrasting of

10- Comprehends the
influence of
perspectives to the
understanding of
issues (
comprehension of the
influence of different
perspectives to the
understanding of
management issues).

11- Demonstrates how
perspectives may
impact managerial
effectiveness (
understanding of the
impact differing
stakeholder interests
have on managerial


CUA There Are Two Types of Images Digital Images and Analog Images Essay Writing Assignment Help

Chapter 25: Health Records and Health Information Management

What is considered health information?

What are your responsibilities with health information?

What can happen to the technologist if he or she misuses health information?

With today’s digital technologies in medical imaging, patient privacy is more important than ever. Provide examples of strategies a department can employ, to ensure the confidentiality of patient information in a “digital world.”

Explain what happens when an ordered radiographic study is coded incorrectly by just one digit.

Explain what is meant by a prospective payment system and why medicine is shifting to a value-based formula.

Identify examples of patient quality measures used in your department to ensure an optimum patient experience.


Chapter 2: digital imaging characteristics.

write a JOURNAL by you onw words. Please do not use another reference only your words.


Week 4 The Return of Martin Guerre by David Bell and Protestantism Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I suggest reading Finlay,” Refashioning Martin Guerre” and Davis, “On the Lame,” first. Then read the very brief Jean de Coras, The Memorable Story. Coras’ pamphlet is the primary source upon which Davis’ book is based. Then finally read Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre. Reading the various projects in this order should make Davis’ exaggerations and flights of fantasy more obvious. 

Answer all of the following questions: 

1. Finlay in his critique of The Return of Martin Guerre, Finlay claims that Davis imagined the following element in her interpretation: 1) The cooperation between Bertrande de Rols and the fake Martin Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh 2) Bertrande as a headstrong, independent woman 3) Arnaud du Tilh’s Protestantism 4) Coras’ “identification” with Arnaud du Tilh. Do you agree or disagree? Please provide precise page references to The Return of Martin Guerre and contrast Davis’ assertions with her primary text, Coras’, The Miraculous Story. 

2. How did the imposter get away with it? Who believed he was the real Martin Guerre? Who did not? 

3. Is the Return of Martin Guerre, a microhistory? Davis never uses the expression in the book but everybody including Bell think that the book is an example of the microhistorical approach Consider Davis’ methods and the subject of her research. You might consider the ways in which The Return of Martin Guerre draws upon or even imitates features in The Cheese & the Worms? 

4. In the article by David Bell that we read last week, Bell criticizes microhistorians for being too “cinematic” and too eager to reach a large audience often at the expense of professional standards. He also complains that micro historians are “frustratingly incapable of integrating micro analysis with larger historical generalization that formour understanding of the paest.” Do you think that The Return of Martin Guerre suffers from the weaknesses Bell complains of?

Please do not use outside sources and only the ones attached here. There should be a thoughtful paragraph per answer. 


Florida State University Social Welfare Policies and Programs Case Study Humanities Assignment Help

Program Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate student learning in analyzing policy. A scenario/case study of a problematic or problem-solving situation will be provided to students (see Appendix). Develop a 2 page paper (typed and double-spaced) which describes the appropriate social welfare programs which are relevant for one of the following case examples. Include discussion of eligibility, benefits, and the adequacy of the available services.



Single-parent family headed by Jane Smith, 24 years old. There are two children, William is 4 years old,

and Sally is 2 years old. Jane is currently unemployed, did not work long enough to be covered by

Unemployment Insurance, has exhausted all of her savings, and receives no alimony or child support.

The family is temporarily staying at a Salvation Army family shelter, but must leave at the end of the

month. For what services might the Smith family be eligible? What do you recommend?

Most important:

  • Use APA for this paper.
  • Only 2 pages without the cover and references.



New England College CEO Technology Best Practices & Practical Connection Essays Computer Science Assignment Help

Practical Connection Assignment


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course( have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Submission: Upload/attach your completed paper to this assignment by the due date. Please see the Course Syllabus for the actual due date.

sub: Initiating the Project

Task 2

Final Assignment

Review the section on the definitions of maturity stages and dimension variables in the CEO Technology Best Practices Arc. Define each of the maturity stages and performance dimensions. What are the key concepts from each section?

(Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

The above submission should be one -page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length

New England College CEO Technology Best Practices & Practical Connection Essays Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HCM 673 Ashford University Health Care and Social Media Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Both social media and the Internet have changed the way that health care organizations market to their target populations. Complete the following:

  • You have been asked by the chief executive officer (CEO) of a local health care organization in your city or town to create a viable social media strategy for the target market. Your strategy should be in the form of a 3-4 page paper, not including title page and reference page.
  • Additionally, he asks that you develop a marketing research tool that will help the organization understand its target market.
  • Use the city data from your Unit 2 Discussion Board assignment to assist you in the creation of the social media strategy.
  • The use of APA Style and at least 3 scholarly references published within the last 5 years is required.


New England College The Study of Organizational Behavior Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Task 1Assignment:

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course (organisational behaviour) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Submission: Upload/attach your completed paper to this assignment by the due date. Please see the Course Syllabus for the actual due date.

sub: organisational behaviour

working as a software engineer

Task 2

Your company is experiencing decline in business because of competition. Your manager thinks they may be able to turn the company around if they can get help from an IT professional on E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies. Assume your company is a traditional retail entity similar to Sears, Macy’s or K-Mart, suggest ways your company can use E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies to increase its visibility and sales. In your discussion, explain what is E-Commerce and Mobile Technology.

  • Your main discussion should be at least 300 words or more. Please use your own words. Do not copy-and-paste.
  • Read and respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ post with at least 150 words each.


WCC Contemporary Caribbean The Six Main Economic Problems Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

answer with essays of approximately 250 words each


Understanding the Contemporary Caribbean (2nd ed.) by Richard S. Hillman, and Thomas J. D’Agostino (editors) (ISBN #: 978-1-58826-663-7)

  1. Chapter 4: According to Thomas J. D’Agostino, “…certain aspects of the British colonial legacy inhibited Jamaica’s pursuit of independence and stability” by depriving Jamaicans of a true revolutionary experience leading to a condition wherein independence amounted to “separation, but not transformation.” Do you agree? Defend your position either way.
  1. Chapter 5: Dennis A. Pantin and Marlene Attzs maintain (pages 152-157) that there are “six main economic problems that Caribbean economies will face, in common, in the near term: 1) the collapse of preferred arrangements for traditional exports; 2) liberalization in the context of globalization, such as made under World Trade Organization rules and new trading agreements with the European Union Economic Partnership Agreement; 3) stubborn unemployment, particularly among youth, and concomitant growing social deviance, including violence, crime, and drugs; 4) foreign debt burdens; market risks faced by the more dynamic sectors of recent years — tourism, offshore finance, and information processing; and, 6) vulnerability to natural disasters, exacerbated by climate change…” Choose ONE of the above listed potential problems and propose an intelligent and creative solution. Use your imagination, but demonstrate your understanding of the problems the Caribbean faces.
  1. Chapter 6: Jacqueline Anne Braveboy-Wagner remarks that accepting foreign aid from organizations like the World Bank or the International Monetary fund brings with it a vulnerability to their demands (pgs.177 & 181) Explain the various forms in which these demands are made on Caribbean countries and how this affects their relations with other nations.
  1. Chapter 12: Dennis Conway maintains that remittances have become an essential financial input for Caribbean families of all classes. Explain the two uses to which he says remittances are put and give examples. In addition, loss of talented individuals has resulted in a “brain drain.” How has this affected Caribbean countries. Explain. BOTH parts of this question must be answered.


ERAU Compliance IS The Role of IT Department in Strategic Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Here are the requirements for this discussion:

Consider the role of the Information Technology department in the strategic management and initiation of new information management systems and compliance issues within your own organization or an organization in which you are familiar with. You may also use the organization in which you are creating your IT Management Plans for.

Answer the following question:

In your opinion, who/what should be the driving force in the strategy of information systems? Please justify your answer using supporting evidence either from the text or another source.

A few questions to keep in mind when discussing the role of Information Technology departments in strategic management of information systems and compliance issues:

  • Who owns the data within the systems?
  • Who should enforce compliance?
  • What are some of the ethical considerations?


https://anyessayhelp.com/ )

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately three to four pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

UCM Technological Developments & Intellectual Property Rights Article Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Impacts of Social Media on Entrepreneurial Creativity Report Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Business report and need support to help me study.

The subject is: Do social media have a mostly positive or negative impact on entrepreneurial creativity?

– Number of words 600 words

– Link theoretical perspective with real business examples.

– Show the clear postion.

– evaluate the evidences

– you can use the sources in the and list of refrencess attached below

Rubric for the assessment:

1- Demonstrates
critical evaluation of
between theory and
practice (
outstanding critical

2- Demonstrates
research to
reached (
outstanding evidence
of research from a
wide range of sources
in order to justify
conclusions reached)

3- Proposes and
for practice in the
subject area (
development of
with comprehensive
justification to
support these).

4- Examines and
analyses the main
problem, question
or issue clearly (
examination and
analysis which
understanding of the
main problem,
question or issue).

5- Demonstrates
ability to critically
evaluate relevant
sources of evidence
and to interpret and
debate these to
develop arguments (
Outstanding critical
evaluation from a
wide range of
relevant sources.
Interprets evidence
convincingly and
systematically in
order to debate and
to produce

6- Explains and
justifies theoretical
acknowledging and
interpretations (
explanation of
perspective with
convincing and

7- Conclusions
consistent with the
findings of the
analysis (
conclusions have
been drawn, which
are consistent with
the findings of the

8- Reflects on and
assesses potential
contributions and
limitations of the
perspective (
Outstanding evidence
of reflection and
assessment of
contributions and
limitations of the

9- Identifies
perspectives (
and contrasting of

10- Comprehends the
influence of
perspectives to the
understanding of
issues (
comprehension of the
influence of different
perspectives to the
understanding of
management issues).

11- Demonstrates how
perspectives may
impact managerial
effectiveness (
understanding of the
impact differing
stakeholder interests
have on managerial


CUA There Are Two Types of Images Digital Images and Analog Images Essay Writing Assignment Help

Chapter 25: Health Records and Health Information Management

What is considered health information?

What are your responsibilities with health information?

What can happen to the technologist if he or she misuses health information?

With today’s digital technologies in medical imaging, patient privacy is more important than ever. Provide examples of strategies a department can employ, to ensure the confidentiality of patient information in a “digital world.”

Explain what happens when an ordered radiographic study is coded incorrectly by just one digit.

Explain what is meant by a prospective payment system and why medicine is shifting to a value-based formula.

Identify examples of patient quality measures used in your department to ensure an optimum patient experience.


Chapter 2: digital imaging characteristics.

write a JOURNAL by you onw words. Please do not use another reference only your words.


Week 4 The Return of Martin Guerre by David Bell and Protestantism Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I suggest reading Finlay,” Refashioning Martin Guerre” and Davis, “On the Lame,” first. Then read the very brief Jean de Coras, The Memorable Story. Coras’ pamphlet is the primary source upon which Davis’ book is based. Then finally read Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre. Reading the various projects in this order should make Davis’ exaggerations and flights of fantasy more obvious. 

Answer all of the following questions: 

1. Finlay in his critique of The Return of Martin Guerre, Finlay claims that Davis imagined the following element in her interpretation: 1) The cooperation between Bertrande de Rols and the fake Martin Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh 2) Bertrande as a headstrong, independent woman 3) Arnaud du Tilh’s Protestantism 4) Coras’ “identification” with Arnaud du Tilh. Do you agree or disagree? Please provide precise page references to The Return of Martin Guerre and contrast Davis’ assertions with her primary text, Coras’, The Miraculous Story. 

2. How did the imposter get away with it? Who believed he was the real Martin Guerre? Who did not? 

3. Is the Return of Martin Guerre, a microhistory? Davis never uses the expression in the book but everybody including Bell think that the book is an example of the microhistorical approach Consider Davis’ methods and the subject of her research. You might consider the ways in which The Return of Martin Guerre draws upon or even imitates features in The Cheese & the Worms? 

4. In the article by David Bell that we read last week, Bell criticizes microhistorians for being too “cinematic” and too eager to reach a large audience often at the expense of professional standards. He also complains that micro historians are “frustratingly incapable of integrating micro analysis with larger historical generalization that formour understanding of the paest.” Do you think that The Return of Martin Guerre suffers from the weaknesses Bell complains of?

Please do not use outside sources and only the ones attached here. There should be a thoughtful paragraph per answer. 


Florida State University Social Welfare Policies and Programs Case Study Humanities Assignment Help

Program Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate student learning in analyzing policy. A scenario/case study of a problematic or problem-solving situation will be provided to students (see Appendix). Develop a 2 page paper (typed and double-spaced) which describes the appropriate social welfare programs which are relevant for one of the following case examples. Include discussion of eligibility, benefits, and the adequacy of the available services.



Single-parent family headed by Jane Smith, 24 years old. There are two children, William is 4 years old,

and Sally is 2 years old. Jane is currently unemployed, did not work long enough to be covered by

Unemployment Insurance, has exhausted all of her savings, and receives no alimony or child support.

The family is temporarily staying at a Salvation Army family shelter, but must leave at the end of the

month. For what services might the Smith family be eligible? What do you recommend?

Most important:

  • Use APA for this paper.
  • Only 2 pages without the cover and references.



New England College CEO Technology Best Practices & Practical Connection Essays Computer Science Assignment Help

Practical Connection Assignment


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course( have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Submission: Upload/attach your completed paper to this assignment by the due date. Please see the Course Syllabus for the actual due date.

sub: Initiating the Project

Task 2

Final Assignment

Review the section on the definitions of maturity stages and dimension variables in the CEO Technology Best Practices Arc. Define each of the maturity stages and performance dimensions. What are the key concepts from each section?

(Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

The above submission should be one -page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length

New England College CEO Technology Best Practices & Practical Connection Essays Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HCM 673 Ashford University Health Care and Social Media Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Both social media and the Internet have changed the way that health care organizations market to their target populations. Complete the following:

  • You have been asked by the chief executive officer (CEO) of a local health care organization in your city or town to create a viable social media strategy for the target market. Your strategy should be in the form of a 3-4 page paper, not including title page and reference page.
  • Additionally, he asks that you develop a marketing research tool that will help the organization understand its target market.
  • Use the city data from your Unit 2 Discussion Board assignment to assist you in the creation of the social media strategy.
  • The use of APA Style and at least 3 scholarly references published within the last 5 years is required.


New England College The Study of Organizational Behavior Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Task 1Assignment:

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course (organisational behaviour) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Submission: Upload/attach your completed paper to this assignment by the due date. Please see the Course Syllabus for the actual due date.

sub: organisational behaviour

working as a software engineer

Task 2

Your company is experiencing decline in business because of competition. Your manager thinks they may be able to turn the company around if they can get help from an IT professional on E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies. Assume your company is a traditional retail entity similar to Sears, Macy’s or K-Mart, suggest ways your company can use E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies to increase its visibility and sales. In your discussion, explain what is E-Commerce and Mobile Technology.

  • Your main discussion should be at least 300 words or more. Please use your own words. Do not copy-and-paste.
  • Read and respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ post with at least 150 words each.


WCC Contemporary Caribbean The Six Main Economic Problems Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

answer with essays of approximately 250 words each


Understanding the Contemporary Caribbean (2nd ed.) by Richard S. Hillman, and Thomas J. D’Agostino (editors) (ISBN #: 978-1-58826-663-7)

  1. Chapter 4: According to Thomas J. D’Agostino, “…certain aspects of the British colonial legacy inhibited Jamaica’s pursuit of independence and stability” by depriving Jamaicans of a true revolutionary experience leading to a condition wherein independence amounted to “separation, but not transformation.” Do you agree? Defend your position either way.
  1. Chapter 5: Dennis A. Pantin and Marlene Attzs maintain (pages 152-157) that there are “six main economic problems that Caribbean economies will face, in common, in the near term: 1) the collapse of preferred arrangements for traditional exports; 2) liberalization in the context of globalization, such as made under World Trade Organization rules and new trading agreements with the European Union Economic Partnership Agreement; 3) stubborn unemployment, particularly among youth, and concomitant growing social deviance, including violence, crime, and drugs; 4) foreign debt burdens; market risks faced by the more dynamic sectors of recent years — tourism, offshore finance, and information processing; and, 6) vulnerability to natural disasters, exacerbated by climate change…” Choose ONE of the above listed potential problems and propose an intelligent and creative solution. Use your imagination, but demonstrate your understanding of the problems the Caribbean faces.
  1. Chapter 6: Jacqueline Anne Braveboy-Wagner remarks that accepting foreign aid from organizations like the World Bank or the International Monetary fund brings with it a vulnerability to their demands (pgs.177 & 181) Explain the various forms in which these demands are made on Caribbean countries and how this affects their relations with other nations.
  1. Chapter 12: Dennis Conway maintains that remittances have become an essential financial input for Caribbean families of all classes. Explain the two uses to which he says remittances are put and give examples. In addition, loss of talented individuals has resulted in a “brain drain.” How has this affected Caribbean countries. Explain. BOTH parts of this question must be answered.


ERAU Compliance IS The Role of IT Department in Strategic Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Here are the requirements for this discussion:

Consider the role of the Information Technology department in the strategic management and initiation of new information management systems and compliance issues within your own organization or an organization in which you are familiar with. You may also use the organization in which you are creating your IT Management Plans for.

Answer the following question:

In your opinion, who/what should be the driving force in the strategy of information systems? Please justify your answer using supporting evidence either from the text or another source.

A few questions to keep in mind when discussing the role of Information Technology departments in strategic management of information systems and compliance issues:

  • Who owns the data within the systems?
  • Who should enforce compliance?
  • What are some of the ethical considerations?


https://anyessayhelp.com/ )

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately three to four pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

UCM Technological Developments & Intellectual Property Rights Article Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Impacts of Social Media on Entrepreneurial Creativity Report Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Business report and need support to help me study.

The subject is: Do social media have a mostly positive or negative impact on entrepreneurial creativity?

– Number of words 600 words

– Link theoretical perspective with real business examples.

– Show the clear postion.

– evaluate the evidences

– you can use the sources in the and list of refrencess attached below

Rubric for the assessment:

1- Demonstrates
critical evaluation of
between theory and
practice (
outstanding critical

2- Demonstrates
research to
reached (
outstanding evidence
of research from a
wide range of sources
in order to justify
conclusions reached)

3- Proposes and
for practice in the
subject area (
development of
with comprehensive
justification to
support these).

4- Examines and
analyses the main
problem, question
or issue clearly (
examination and
analysis which
understanding of the
main problem,
question or issue).

5- Demonstrates
ability to critically
evaluate relevant
sources of evidence
and to interpret and
debate these to
develop arguments (
Outstanding critical
evaluation from a
wide range of
relevant sources.
Interprets evidence
convincingly and
systematically in
order to debate and
to produce

6- Explains and
justifies theoretical
acknowledging and
interpretations (
explanation of
perspective with
convincing and

7- Conclusions
consistent with the
findings of the
analysis (
conclusions have
been drawn, which
are consistent with
the findings of the

8- Reflects on and
assesses potential
contributions and
limitations of the
perspective (
Outstanding evidence
of reflection and
assessment of
contributions and
limitations of the

9- Identifies
perspectives (
and contrasting of

10- Comprehends the
influence of
perspectives to the
understanding of
issues (
comprehension of the
influence of different
perspectives to the
understanding of
management issues).

11- Demonstrates how
perspectives may
impact managerial
effectiveness (
understanding of the
impact differing
stakeholder interests
have on managerial


CUA There Are Two Types of Images Digital Images and Analog Images Essay Writing Assignment Help

Chapter 25: Health Records and Health Information Management

What is considered health information?

What are your responsibilities with health information?

What can happen to the technologist if he or she misuses health information?

With today’s digital technologies in medical imaging, patient privacy is more important than ever. Provide examples of strategies a department can employ, to ensure the confidentiality of patient information in a “digital world.”

Explain what happens when an ordered radiographic study is coded incorrectly by just one digit.

Explain what is meant by a prospective payment system and why medicine is shifting to a value-based formula.

Identify examples of patient quality measures used in your department to ensure an optimum patient experience.


Chapter 2: digital imaging characteristics.

write a JOURNAL by you onw words. Please do not use another reference only your words.


Week 4 The Return of Martin Guerre by David Bell and Protestantism Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I suggest reading Finlay,” Refashioning Martin Guerre” and Davis, “On the Lame,” first. Then read the very brief Jean de Coras, The Memorable Story. Coras’ pamphlet is the primary source upon which Davis’ book is based. Then finally read Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre. Reading the various projects in this order should make Davis’ exaggerations and flights of fantasy more obvious. 

Answer all of the following questions: 

1. Finlay in his critique of The Return of Martin Guerre, Finlay claims that Davis imagined the following element in her interpretation: 1) The cooperation between Bertrande de Rols and the fake Martin Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh 2) Bertrande as a headstrong, independent woman 3) Arnaud du Tilh’s Protestantism 4) Coras’ “identification” with Arnaud du Tilh. Do you agree or disagree? Please provide precise page references to The Return of Martin Guerre and contrast Davis’ assertions with her primary text, Coras’, The Miraculous Story. 

2. How did the imposter get away with it? Who believed he was the real Martin Guerre? Who did not? 

3. Is the Return of Martin Guerre, a microhistory? Davis never uses the expression in the book but everybody including Bell think that the book is an example of the microhistorical approach Consider Davis’ methods and the subject of her research. You might consider the ways in which The Return of Martin Guerre draws upon or even imitates features in The Cheese & the Worms? 

4. In the article by David Bell that we read last week, Bell criticizes microhistorians for being too “cinematic” and too eager to reach a large audience often at the expense of professional standards. He also complains that micro historians are “frustratingly incapable of integrating micro analysis with larger historical generalization that formour understanding of the paest.” Do you think that The Return of Martin Guerre suffers from the weaknesses Bell complains of?

Please do not use outside sources and only the ones attached here. There should be a thoughtful paragraph per answer. 


Florida State University Social Welfare Policies and Programs Case Study Humanities Assignment Help

Program Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate student learning in analyzing policy. A scenario/case study of a problematic or problem-solving situation will be provided to students (see Appendix). Develop a 2 page paper (typed and double-spaced) which describes the appropriate social welfare programs which are relevant for one of the following case examples. Include discussion of eligibility, benefits, and the adequacy of the available services.



Single-parent family headed by Jane Smith, 24 years old. There are two children, William is 4 years old,

and Sally is 2 years old. Jane is currently unemployed, did not work long enough to be covered by

Unemployment Insurance, has exhausted all of her savings, and receives no alimony or child support.

The family is temporarily staying at a Salvation Army family shelter, but must leave at the end of the

month. For what services might the Smith family be eligible? What do you recommend?

Most important:

  • Use APA for this paper.
  • Only 2 pages without the cover and references.



New England College CEO Technology Best Practices & Practical Connection Essays Computer Science Assignment Help

Practical Connection Assignment


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course( have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Submission: Upload/attach your completed paper to this assignment by the due date. Please see the Course Syllabus for the actual due date.

sub: Initiating the Project

Task 2

Final Assignment

Review the section on the definitions of maturity stages and dimension variables in the CEO Technology Best Practices Arc. Define each of the maturity stages and performance dimensions. What are the key concepts from each section?

(Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

The above submission should be one -page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

Remember the APA cover page and the references (if required) do not count towards the page length

New England College CEO Technology Best Practices & Practical Connection Essays Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HCM 673 Ashford University Health Care and Social Media Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Both social media and the Internet have changed the way that health care organizations market to their target populations. Complete the following:

  • You have been asked by the chief executive officer (CEO) of a local health care organization in your city or town to create a viable social media strategy for the target market. Your strategy should be in the form of a 3-4 page paper, not including title page and reference page.
  • Additionally, he asks that you develop a marketing research tool that will help the organization understand its target market.
  • Use the city data from your Unit 2 Discussion Board assignment to assist you in the creation of the social media strategy.
  • The use of APA Style and at least 3 scholarly references published within the last 5 years is required.


New England College The Study of Organizational Behavior Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Task 1Assignment:

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course (organisational behaviour) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Submission: Upload/attach your completed paper to this assignment by the due date. Please see the Course Syllabus for the actual due date.

sub: organisational behaviour

working as a software engineer

Task 2

Your company is experiencing decline in business because of competition. Your manager thinks they may be able to turn the company around if they can get help from an IT professional on E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies. Assume your company is a traditional retail entity similar to Sears, Macy’s or K-Mart, suggest ways your company can use E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies to increase its visibility and sales. In your discussion, explain what is E-Commerce and Mobile Technology.

  • Your main discussion should be at least 300 words or more. Please use your own words. Do not copy-and-paste.
  • Read and respond to at least two (2) of your classmates’ post with at least 150 words each.


WCC Contemporary Caribbean The Six Main Economic Problems Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

answer with essays of approximately 250 words each


Understanding the Contemporary Caribbean (2nd ed.) by Richard S. Hillman, and Thomas J. D’Agostino (editors) (ISBN #: 978-1-58826-663-7)

  1. Chapter 4: According to Thomas J. D’Agostino, “…certain aspects of the British colonial legacy inhibited Jamaica’s pursuit of independence and stability” by depriving Jamaicans of a true revolutionary experience leading to a condition wherein independence amounted to “separation, but not transformation.” Do you agree? Defend your position either way.
  1. Chapter 5: Dennis A. Pantin and Marlene Attzs maintain (pages 152-157) that there are “six main economic problems that Caribbean economies will face, in common, in the near term: 1) the collapse of preferred arrangements for traditional exports; 2) liberalization in the context of globalization, such as made under World Trade Organization rules and new trading agreements with the European Union Economic Partnership Agreement; 3) stubborn unemployment, particularly among youth, and concomitant growing social deviance, including violence, crime, and drugs; 4) foreign debt burdens; market risks faced by the more dynamic sectors of recent years — tourism, offshore finance, and information processing; and, 6) vulnerability to natural disasters, exacerbated by climate change…” Choose ONE of the above listed potential problems and propose an intelligent and creative solution. Use your imagination, but demonstrate your understanding of the problems the Caribbean faces.
  1. Chapter 6: Jacqueline Anne Braveboy-Wagner remarks that accepting foreign aid from organizations like the World Bank or the International Monetary fund brings with it a vulnerability to their demands (pgs.177 & 181) Explain the various forms in which these demands are made on Caribbean countries and how this affects their relations with other nations.
  1. Chapter 12: Dennis Conway maintains that remittances have become an essential financial input for Caribbean families of all classes. Explain the two uses to which he says remittances are put and give examples. In addition, loss of talented individuals has resulted in a “brain drain.” How has this affected Caribbean countries. Explain. BOTH parts of this question must be answered.


ERAU Compliance IS The Role of IT Department in Strategic Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Here are the requirements for this discussion:

Consider the role of the Information Technology department in the strategic management and initiation of new information management systems and compliance issues within your own organization or an organization in which you are familiar with. You may also use the organization in which you are creating your IT Management Plans for.

Answer the following question:

In your opinion, who/what should be the driving force in the strategy of information systems? Please justify your answer using supporting evidence either from the text or another source.

A few questions to keep in mind when discussing the role of Information Technology departments in strategic management of information systems and compliance issues:

  • Who owns the data within the systems?
  • Who should enforce compliance?
  • What are some of the ethical considerations?


UCM Technological Developments & Intellectual Property Rights Article Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

UCM Technological Developments & Intellectual Property Rights Article Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

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