UCSD Diminishing Value of A College Degree Presentation and Draft Writing Assignment Help. UCSD Diminishing Value of A College Degree Presentation and Draft Writing Assignment Help.
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You will compose an Ignite–Style speech, which is a 4–5 minute speech (memorized)to 15–20 slides. Your presentation should be well choreographed and practiced. A 5–minute speech is usually around 500–750words. The subject of your speech can be similar to NPR’s program “This I believe” (i.e. something that reflects your everyday–ethics); an episode of Hasan Minhaj’s Patriot Act; or the John Oliver segment, “How is this still a thing?” This project will involve some research, but also should draw from your personal experience.The purpose of this assignment is to practice public speaking, and to practice working with a combination of oral and visual rhetorics. This assignment should also weave in research. You need at least 3 sources and 1 needs to be a scholarly source.If you would like to propose an alternative assignment that would still address this purpose you must get it approved by your TA no later than Monday8/24.This is an opportunity to explore an idea or topic that you are passionate about!You can be creative in your subject choice. Just remember you will need to convincingly argue your point in 5–minutes. This isn’t very much time! Try to pic something specifically focused that is not an obvious fact (for example, you should not choose a topic like “smoking is bad for you”).
UCSD Diminishing Value of A College Degree Presentation and Draft Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ORG 300 CSU Global Global Applying Leadership Principles Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Imagine that you work as a volunteer for the local community animal shelter called ABC Animal Rescue. You have volunteered for approximately four years. The Board of Directors has asked you to meet with a group of 25 volunteers and the local community during a fundraising event. The Board requested that you mingle with the volunteers, many of which you already know, and the local community members.
The purpose of your mingling is to build relationships and trust between the organization (ABC Animal Rescue) and the community/volunteers. You agree because you are passionate about this cause.
Using the results of the “New Drivers of Leadership” self-assessment, and the 10 traits from the Jones (2015) article “What Employees Want in a Leader,” describe how you would approach the community and volunteers to build relationships and trust.
- Start your paper with an appropriately formatted Title Page per the CSU Global Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)
- Provide an appropriate introduction (Links to an external site.), which includes your thesis statement.
- Your paper will be 1-2 pages in APA format.
- Use citations (Links to an external site.) in your writing and corresponding references at the end of the document when referring to the articles or authors (see references below).
Casse, P. (2014). The new drivers of leadership (Links to an external site.). Training Journal, 27-30.
Jones, D. (2015). What employees want in a leader (Links to an external site.). Print + Promo, 53(1), 14.
MJ 620 Ashworth College Dynamic Nature of Crime Baffles Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a law multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.
MJ620 Criminology
Stand-Alone Project: Recent Developments in Criminological Research
You should begin working on the Stand-Alone Project early in the course. Each lesson provides a benchmark for completing the Stand-Alone Project in a timely manner while working through the course. You will find this information in the “Stand-Alone Project Benchmark” section of each lesson.
Instructions: The purpose of this research project is to familiarize you with the latest developments in the field of criminology and the publications in the discipline. You will select and review at least five (5) academic journal articles dealing with crime causation and/or developments in criminological theory. The scholarly articles you select must be dated after January 1, 2013 and come from recognized publications in the field, including but not limited to the following.
Law reviews
Journal of Criminal Justice Research
Justice Quarterly
The Justice Professional
Public Policy
Journal of Criminal Law
Criminology and Police Science
Law and Society Review
American Journal of Sociology
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
You may also use articles from websites such as these, which can be found on the inside cover of your textbook:
Please do not include articles from newspapers or newsstand magazines.
As you read these academic articles, reflect on the major themes of the course and textbook, especially the two perspectives on criminal behavior: social problems versus social responsibility.
Based on your review of articles, write a 8 double-spaced, paper that includes the following components:
Part A Summarize each of the five (5) articles.
Part B For each article, write a critique of the research and/or conclusions; include the strengths and weaknesses of each article, including flaws in the research that the journal authors themselves may recognize as strengths and weaknesses.
Part C For each article, make connections to content discussed in Lessons 1-6, either from the Lecture and Research Updates, the Required Readings, or the textbook.
Part D Apply examples from the research presented in some of the articles to one (1) or more theories of crime causation.
Part E Draw and support personal conclusions about issues of crime causation using evidence from the articles, research studies, and the text.
Part F Make comments about areas needing further research and/or analysis.
Your Stand-Alone Project responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the project itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style. Note your assigned grade will be based on the overall quality of your paper, content, structure, correct use of English, correct use of APA format, and lack of grammar or spelling errors. (A 10-page response is required.) (200 points)
Grading Rubric
Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.
Minnesota State University Mankato Sexual Assault Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing Discussion and need support to help me study.
Please visit https://www.9littlegirls.com/ read one of the article browse and leave comments on the site and then describe what you have learned on the topic. I will be checking the site. (NB: Read one of the articles and what you learned, Then I will leave the comment)
Have you worked with a patient who reported sexual assault. Watch the video
and then click on the state in which you live. Answer these questions. (My State is Minnesota)
1. How many forensic nurse specialists are in your state?
2. Do you have a forensic nurse specialist at your facility?
3. Are there sexual assault kits in your ER?
4. What is SANE and who provides this information.
- Danger Assessment
https://www.dangerassessment.org/DATools.aspx. Does your facility use the Danger Assessment tool?
UWG Mass Incarceration Race Inequality And Health Impacts On Well Being Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
So, here is what I want you to address here: I want you to think of 5 short-term and/or long-term consequences of mass incarceration. For this one question, if you do not yet have your text, you can use your own knowledge, search the web, whatever you like as long as these are realistic examples and your source is correctly cited. There are literally dozens of articles and websites (Googlescholar, .org or .gov) covering this issue. All posts must include copy/pasted questions, in-text citations~ including page numbers~ references, and only 2 sentences of quoted material is permitted. A thorough response is required. It is not possible to “over-answer” a question but is easy to “under-answer” one. I will grade according to content, quality, grammar, spelling, accuracy of answer to the questions based on the reading and not opinion, correct citations, and thoroughness of each post throughout this semester. Correct citation formatting: In-text citations: “Sociological jurisprudence is the view that part of law should be devoted to making or shaping public policy and social rules. It is the view that law should be responsive to the changing conditions of our society (Hartley et al., 2018, p. 14).” Reference: Hartley, R. D., Rabe, G. A., and Champion, D. J. (2018). Criminal courts: Structure, process, and issues. New York, NY: Pearson. You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads |
Reading Notes of Favorite Quotes Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a anthropology question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Please, cite one paragraph from each assigned reading( there are 3 reading in total), covering all readings. After each cited paragraph, please add a brief description or explanation of why you chose that particular paragraph. For each citation, please let readers know that you are paraphrasing, as well as which articles you are citing, by using a proper in-text citation format. Citation format refers to the usage of forms such as (Author, Year: Page). Please, do a bit of research, if you are not familiar with such formats. (No specific bibliography style preferred.) At the end of the document, please add a Bibliography, or Works Cited, listing all cited readings. You are expected to include a Bibliography, or Works Cited at the end, not because your professor or reader would not know which articles you are referring to, but because it is an exercise of following academic conventions.
It is not necessary to allocate equal space for each reading. That is, you can feel free to give more details explanation or description for some readings more than others.
About half page or 3/4 page per reading note ( there are total 6 readings)
Reading Notes of Favorite Quotes Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Flagler College Coffee in Starbucks Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Instructions: Read Case 11: Starbucks in 2019 and answer the following question(s):
- Explain Starbucks’ business model. How — if at all — has it changed over the last two years under Kevin Johnson’s leadership? (20 points)
- How would you rate Kevin Johnson in terms of the three main managerial areas used to build an organization, as shown in Figure 10.1? Which are strengths, and which are areas for improvement? (20 points)
- What is your assessment of Starbucks’ financial performance over the past two years under Johnson’s leadership? (Use the financial ratios in the Appendix of the text as a guide in doing your financial analysis.) (20 points)
- Complete a SWOT analysis for Starbucks. What recommendations would you make to Kevin Johnson to allow Starbucks to strengthen its position in its most important markets? Use any additional tools and analyses from previous chapters to support your answer. (40 points)
BGMT 419 Johnson & Wales University Southwest Airlines Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Southwest Airlines Case Study
Read case 16 in the textbook – Southwest Airlines – page C-208. In four (4) pages or less, double spaced, please consider and answer the following questions:
- Does Southwest Airlines have any core competencies, and if so, what are they?
- What are the primary and secondary components of Southwest Airlines value chain?
- Which one of the five generic competitive strategies most closely approximates the competitive approach that Southwest Airlines is employing?
- What chief differences do you see between Southwest Airlines strategy and the strategy being employed at its competitor(s)?
- Describe one (1) recommendation you would make to strengthen the company’s growth and profitability.
Pace University New York Uber and Lyft Strategic Plan Report Business Finance Assignment Help
a. Recommend two (2) potential strategies for each firm that would increase their
b. Commit to one of the recommended strategies for each firm. Your chosen
strategy should address the key strategic issues you determined above; and it
should reflect your external analysis (threats and opportunities you concluded
in that section) AND internal analysis (major strengths and weaknesses for the
firm you identified in that section).
c. Provide enough rationale regarding why this chosen strategy will bring
sustainable competitive advantage to the firm.
d. Outline a strategic implementation plan for your chosen strategy. Be specific in
writing short term and long term goals, and specific actions that should be taken
by the firm to attain these goals.
PSY 353 SUSC The Importance of Altruism Essay Writing Assignment Help
It’s Not All About Me: Motivating Hand Hygiene Among Health Care Professionals by
Focusing on Patients
Diseases often spread in hospitals because health care professionals fail to wash their hands.
Research suggests that to increase health and safety behaviours, it is important to highlight the
personal consequences for the actor. However, because people (and health care professionals
in particular) tend to be overconfident about personal immunity, the most effective messages
about hand hygiene may be those that highlight its consequences for other people. In two field
experiments in a hospital, we compared the effectiveness of signs about hand hygiene that
emphasized personal safety (“Hand hygiene prevents you from catching diseases”) or patient
safety (“Hand hygiene prevents patients from catching diseases”). We assessed hand hygiene
by measuring the amount of soap and hand-sanitizing gel used from dispensers (Experiment 1)
and conducting covert, independent observations of health care professionals’ hand-hygiene
behaviours (Experiment 2). Results showed that changing a single word in messages motivated
meaningful changes in behaviour: The hand hygiene of health care professionals increased
significantly when they were reminded of the implications for patients but not when they were
reminded of the implications for themselves.
Source: Grant, A. M., & Hofmann, D. A. (2011). It’s Not All About Me: Motivating Hand
Hygiene Among Health Care Professionals by Focusing on Patients. Psychological
Science, 22(12), 1494–1499. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797611419172
Altruistic acts are guided by assumptions about the well-being of others. Evolutionary
psychology suggests that cooperative behaviours helped our ancestors survive under harsh
conditions. Author David Rakoff (2001) famously said, “Altruism is innate, but it’s not
instinctual. Everybody’s wired for it, but a switch has to be flipped.”
Analyse the extent to which you would agree that altruism signifies the desire to ensure the
good of others. Apply relevant positive psychological theories and findings to support your
Your discussion should address the following points:
1. The importance of altruism in our lives.
2. Whether recent research findings support Rakoff’s comment that altruism is something
innate but not instinctual.
3. Two ways in which we can “turn on” our “switch” to be more altruistic.
4. The relevance of altruism during a pandemic such as COVID-19.
Recommended reading:
- Grant, A. M., & Hofmann, D. A. (2011). It’s Not All About Me: Motivating Hand
Hygiene Among Health Care Professionals by Focusing on Patients. Psychological
Science, 22(12), 1494–1499. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797611419172
Requirements: | .doc file
Requirements: | .doc file