UD Race and Gender and Environmental Interactions Essay Humanities Assignment Help. UD Race and Gender and Environmental Interactions Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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As you are a Public Health Specialist, please discuss the importance of World Health Organization (WHO) as the largest body that formulates global health policies in the regards of Health Education and Promotion.
Also, reply to two of your classmates’ responses by displaying agreement or disagreement on her/his response, or by providing additional clarification or additional reference to her/his response.
Instructions for Completing the Discussion Question:
- Please post your original response by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. Your response should be a minimum of 5 sentences but should not exceed 250 words. Appropriately cite any of the references that you use to fully answer the questions.
- Respond to at least 2 of your classmates by Saturday at 11:59 pm. Your response to your classmate should be substantive in nature and may do one of the following, for example:
a) State agreements and provide additional supportive evidence or examples
b) Ask additional questions for clarification or provide additional ideas or perspectives on the answer
c) Advance the participant’s ideas further by providing additional references or support and providing feedback on the participant’s experience or perspectives.
d) State disagreements, if any, but provide evidence or support, using professional tone and netiquette.
UD Race and Gender and Environmental Interactions Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Rasmussen College Population Forecast Countrys Data Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me understand better.
Module 04 Content
- Instructions
Go to http://www.healthdata.org/results/country-profiles and select one country (other than the U.S.) from the dropdown box. Thoroughly analyze the data that is shown for the selected country. Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which you explain what the data shows and what it means for these categories:
- How is the population forecasted to change?
- How many older versus younger people are in the population, and how will these patterns change?
- How long do people live, and how will that change?
- What is the fertility trend now and in the future?
- How much is spent on health – now, and in the future – and from which sources?
- How well is this country or territory providing effective, essential health services?
- What causes the most deaths?
- What is the mortality trend in the under-5 and under-1 age groups?
- Where is child mortality the highest?
- What causes the most death and disability combined?
- How do causes of death and disability compare to those in other locations?
- What risk factors drive the most death and disability combined?
California University Long Beach Apple & Sony Foreign Securities Essay Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a finance report and need a sample draft to help me study.
Compare any foreign ADR firm listed below (or select a firm of your choosing),
to one similar large cap U.S. based firm in the same industry
• For each firm, which market segments, products and are the firm’s
direct competitors
• In your opinion, which possesses the larger moat, the foreign
firm or the U.S, explain why
HCS 385 UOP Rising Healthcare Costs Causes Impacts and Solutions Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
- Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze a financial and economic issue in the health care industry.
- Select a current financial or economic issue in the health care industry.
- Analyze the financial impact of this issue on the health care industry.
- Consider the following:
- What are the economic trends of the health care payment system?
- What are the supply and demand challenges for health care services?
- Why are costs increasing in the health care system?
- What regulatory issues are affecting, or will affect, the health care industry?
- Provide recommendations for mitigating the problem.
- Consider current strategies being used or presented for improving the issue.
- Discuss what you believe would be the outcome of these recommendations if implemented.
University of Cumberlands Facebook Company Analysis Case Study Writing Assignment Help
The research study requires a 7 – 10 page research paper excluding cover page and references
(Please provide your financial analysis on an Excel Spreadsheet and submit as an appendix)
Please include the following information in your research:
1. History & Background of the company
2. Financial analysis including: liquidity, profitability, and solvency ratios, cash flow problems, inventory problems and ratios, debt obligation problems including debt/equity ratios, stock valuation.
3. Is the company a “going concern”?
4. Your summary and interpretation of the analysis for the company.
5. Current developments — include stock market analysis
6. How did Management’s Decisions affect the value of the company?
7 Conclusion and Recommendations
8. References — at least four (4) references are required
Rasmussen University Mod 4 UCCO Ethics & Professional Responsibility Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management project and need support to help me understand better.
A strategic plan is a document used to structure and communicate organizational goals. It is also used to mitigate risks and alleviate the potential for legal cases. Barbara receives information that there is an additional, more pressing issue at a satellite clinic that is not documented in the original UCCO case. This issue relates to the emergency care clinic, which is used to treat patients with trauma-related injuries. The clinic has been over-utilized for the past year, resulting in stressed staffing, overwhelming costs, and decreasing quality of patient care and customer satisfaction. Staff productivity is affected by use of personal cell phones and clinic equipment is often used for social media.
In one particular case, a 13-year old patient was seen for trauma care by the UCCO Emergency Clinic. The patient’s parents make it clear to the staff that they are not willing to give consent to any procedure involving blood products or transfusion. The risks are explained to the parents. The patient arrived unconscious but shortly regains consciousness. After the parents leave the room, the patient tells the nurse that she is afraid of dying and would like any care, including blood procedures and products, to save her life. The nurse later finds out that the rejection by the parents was due to religious reasons. The nurse quickly discusses the case with fellow employees, one of which posts comments on her social media page using a clinic-owned computer. The nursing director give a verbal warning to all involved nurses and staff.
Visit the Rasmussen online Library and search for a minimum of 3 articles covering the topics of ethics, healthcare professionalism, and federal legislations. Conduct academic research using the library’s databases, like:
- Discovery
- Business Source Complete via EBSCO
- Business via ProQuest
- In the databases use basic search languages (controlled vocabulary/keywords) to determine ethics laws specific to this situation. Some keywords to consider are healthcare professional code of ethics. Then, refine your searches based on your search results. Make sure to include a minimum of 3 credible, academic sources in your paper.Using your research, address the following points in a minimum of 3-page report:
- Was the nursing manager legally compliant with to protect patient information? Explain the legal risks and support with federal legislations and professional expectations, such as HIPAA and professional codes of ethics.
- What bearing does the age and religious requests have on the patient’s case? Are there medical and ethical laws that supersede the parent’s requests?
- What is the role and importance of communication among UCCO facilities, particularly in reference to compliance and ethical standards?
- What are the ethical and professional factors of using social media?
- Were the reactions to the patient’s case illegal, or just unethical? How does this align with UCCO’s mission, values, and strategic action plans? How does it compare to your own personal beliefs and values?
- Remember to integrate citations accurately and appropriately for all resource types; use attribution (credit) as a method to avoid plagiarism. Use NoodleBib to document your sources and to complete your APA formatted reference page and in-text citations.
Transferable Skills for this Project Stage:
- Ethics & Professional Responsibility
Rasmussen University Mod 4 UCCO Ethics & Professional Responsibility Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Oakwood University Application of Biblical Principles in Business Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
- BONUS: Reflection Paper on Application of Biblical Principles: Write a minimum 1 page reflection on each of the two questions below connecting the course content with the biblical foundations reflected in each of the bible passages and/or situation and what you learned from this class and these passages in the context of applied biblical leadership and management principles. Each bonus question is worth a maximum 20 points each for a maximum of 40 points.
- Be able to discuss the impact of The Fall of Man (Adam/Eve) in choosing to disobey God and commit sin (Genesis 1-3); and its effect on ethical decision-making in leadership, management and general business applications and/or practices.
- Be able to identify and discuss at least one Biblical individual listed: (1) Joseph: Genesis Chapters 37 – 50; (2) Moses: Exodus Chapters 1-4; and (3) Zacchaeus: Luke 19: 1-9. Each of these individual experienced a significant life changing Spiritual Transformation (2 Corinthians 5:17 and Galatians 5: 16-26) in their lives, leadership, management and general business applications and/or practices.
Oakwood University Wk5 Leadership Thought and Creativity Case Study Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
W5 Assignment: Read the Chapter 5 Real-World Self- Leadership Case: John Johnson and Ebony Magazine (pgs. 116-117) and address the following directives:
- Carefully READ the entire assigned CASE first, and review again the chapter(s) pertaining to the case(s). Take time to critically think about all of the aspects of the case(s).
- Write a brief Overview/Summary of the case in your own words describing the nature and/or background information pertaining to the case.
- Write the question, then Answer and Respond to all of the Questions in the case. Use the chapter content to strengthen and support your answers.
- In your opinion, what were some Critical Aspects and/or Assessments in the cases that were identified? What were some Critical Aspects that you perceived to be very vital?
- Write a minimum 1-Page Reflection on what you learned from the case in relations to leadership and managing innovation and change.
HIST 125 UMGC Scientific Revolution v Religion and Mysticism Essay Humanities Assignment Help
The progress of logic and knowledge of the physical world during the Scientific Revolution was constantly at odds with the oppositional force of religion and mysticism. How were average Europeans, and the scientists themselves, affected by the dilemma created by these forces?
The Post is expected to be a 300 word prose essay, with a thesis statement and 2-5 paragraphs supporting and explaining the thesis. Remember to base your response on information and analysis from the readings. Cite the required readings at least 3 times, and cite broadly from a broad range, not the same reading 3 times. Explain what you learned in your own words, and do your best to synthesize the authors’ analyses into your own original analysis; do not rely exclusively on quotations from the readings to make your points. Please change the title of your post to something unique. Note which question you choose to answer. use the following resources – https://press.rebus.community/historyoftech/chapte… , https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/galileo-sobe… , https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/newton-legac…
Stratford University Week 4 Maxim Categorical Imperative Formulations Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
Required Reading: Kantianism
Required Reading: Introduction to Deontology
Required Reading: The Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals by Immanuel Kant
Watch this video introducing Kantian ethics
Watch this video explaining the Categorical Imperative
Writing assignment:
In 500 words or more (no less), create a maxim and evaluate it via the three formulations of the Categorical Imperative. Your maxim should only involve moral questions [i.e. “Stealing is always wrong”, but not “Doing jumping jacks is always wrong”]. The moral question should be general enough to apply to first principles and should involve no circumstantial qualifiers [i.e. “Stealing is always wrong”, not “If I am not hungry or chasing a bad guy or when no one is looking, stealing is always wrong”]. You may use examples, but you will still need to include a full scholarly definition of each, with commentary.
UD Race and Gender and Environmental Interactions Essay Humanities Assignment Help
UD Race and Gender and Environmental Interactions Essay Humanities Assignment Help