UK Land law, based on Oscola guide, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

UK Land law, based on Oscola guide, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help. UK Land law, based on Oscola guide, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help.

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UK Land law, based on Oscola guide. All the documents to be attached. I have attached all supporting resources.
The first attachment is the question that is to be answered by the writer in regards to Tariq and Highgate House.
The second is general coursework guidance (however please ignore the hand-in date)
The third is the assessment marking criteria sheet which will be used when evaluating my assignment.
The fourth is a copy of the first question which was given to us in the previous semester.
The fifth is a copy of the indicative content that was expected of us to cover when answering the question in attachment 4 however this is only a brief feedback resource and should not be taken as written how the assignment should have been word for word, also, as it is a reassessment task; not all topics to be covered are the same.
The sixth and final one is the module manual which shows an outline of all the lectures and cases which were covered and a brief outline for the topics throughout the year in helping assist effective research.
Also, the footnotes are not inclusive in the word count for my assignment therefore there should not be word smuggling within the footnotes regardless, as all key information other than case citations and journal/book titles and pages should be included within the main body of text.

UK Land law, based on Oscola guide, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Managerial Economics Find the average growth rate for each country, homework help Economics Assignment Help

Economic growth rates vary greatly from country to country. Look at the experiences of the United States, Japan, Ethiopia, and China over the last twenty years. 

  • Find the average growth rate for each country over that period. 
  • What are some of the differences between those countries that have led to their different growth rates? 
  • Identify at least two important and distinct government policies for each country that has helped lead to their unique experience.

Adhere to the following standards:

  • Your paper should be two or three pages in length, not including the title or references pages.
  • Review the grading rubric, which may be found in the Week 8 folder.
  • Be sure to follow the APA Requirements.
  • Each paper should include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.


Mission, Vision, Values and Management, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Examine the mission, vision, and values statements of your place of employment or one with which you are familiar.

Create a 1,400-word evaluation of the company’s values and goals. Include the following:

  • Compare the organization’s mission, vision, and values against the criteria for robust statements.
  • Identify the organization’s core competencies.
  • Examine the organization’s core competencies based on established definitions. Include a rationale for the selection of these core competencies.
  • Determine the organization’s strategic goals.
  • Discuss whether the organization’s current behavior and business goals are aligned to its mission, vision, values, and core competencies.
  • Determine if the organization lives up to its own mission, vision, and values.
  • Justify your determination.

Format the assignment consist with APA guidelines. (at least 2 sources)


lab 1 using Visual Logic, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help


  1. Due Date

    Monday, July 11, 20169:00 AM

    Points Possible


  2. Click the link above to submit your assignment.

    Complete lab 1 using Visual Logic in which you:

    1. Submit a word document with a screenshot showing successful installation of Visual Logic.
    1. Write a short answer (four to five [4-5] sentences) in the comment text box located with the assignment submission link to the following:
    • A summary of the technical experiences that you used in completing this lab.
    • The commands that were of greatest benefit to you.
    • Your general comments on the overall lab experience.

    Note: This is an academic writing assignment. Correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling are necessary. Points will be deducted for poor writing.

    Lab Assignment Breakdown

    Week Due

    Graded Lab Exercises



    Lab 1: Visual Logic Installation



    Lab 2: Exercise 6 on page 35



    Lab 3: Exercise 5 (Part A) on page 172



    Lab 4: Chapter 9 Exercise 4 on page 421



    Lab 5: Exercise 4 on page 468



Interior Design Issues is to explore the many issues that affect you as an individual and society, Art & Design Question Humanities Assignment Help

These what I wrote I need more academic words and more paragraph.

For example

Your research process for this article, and how it taught you valuable skills/knowledge about: researching information, current events issues (related to interior design), etc.

Any information or skills that stuck with you or that you are still using today, or plan to use in your future career.

The main concept of Interior Design Issues
is to explore the many issues that affect you as an individual and society. Each
student has to read about article and explain that by presentation and do more
research for it. Each class has a discussion about
professional issues and current technology.

My article was about Physical Living Conditions on Perceptions of Internal Control,
Crowding, Privacy, and Related Issues
by Jill Pable Ph.D. the abstract of
this article is parents with children are a growing segment of the U.S.
homeless population. Sources indicate that homeless shelter dormitory bedrooms
are highly crowded with low privacy, which may affect quality of experience
that lead to residents’ perceived loss of control and helplessness and I decide
to complete this topic as my final paper.

Homelessness has become a
complex issue in the world in general and in the United States. Homeless people
are living in areas that are not designed for habitation such as bus stations,
parks, under bridges, abandoned buildings. My
final paper called Homeless Shelterswhich is
the issue of homelessness and homeless people has gained widespread attention
in the United States during the early 1980s and the numbers of people who are
homeless have increased.

By the end of Interior Design
Issues course I have a big ideas about different issues that affect the society
in general and interior design specifically. 



The Evolution of Science and Sports, science homework help Science Assignment Help

The Evolution of Science and Sports

Sports have probably been around as long as there have been people. Every society has its favorite pastimes, and today with ever-advancing technologies there is the ability to design high-tech equipment and utilize a host of specialists to help athletes perform better. It is such an important part of society that there are now fields dedicated to the study of sports medicine and fitness. No matter what sport or type of recreation you enjoy, the principles of science are involved.

Take a look at how science helps in different sports from football, to swimming, to NASCAR™.

Additionally, you might want to conduct some further research to find information about a sport or recreation activity that you enjoy.

During the unit address the following questions:

  1. Share some information about the science behind your sport or recreation of choice.
  2. How can you categorize the scientific information that you learned about your sport/recreation? Does it involve physics, chemistry, and/or biology, for example?
  3. What technological advances have been made in your favorite activity during its history?
  4. Have there been any previously held beliefs or customs in your sport/recreation that have been dismissed by scientific research? If so, please explain.
  5. Now that you have done some research on the science involved in your favorite activity, do you think you can use that information to perform better? Why, or why not?

The Evolution of Science and Sports, science homework help Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The New England Primer, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

It has been said that The New England Primer was the most
influential textbook in history.  This text, written by Benjamin Harris
in 1690, was used to teach reading.  School in the 1700s was heavily
influenced by religion. The common belief was that the inability to
read was Satan’s way to keep people from reading the Bible. 

Scenario: Imagine you walk into your third grade classroom and your reading/literature textbooks have been replaced with The New England Primer. What would you say to your administrator? Predict your students’ reactions. Decide what you would do for reading today.


Analyzing IT Case Study: System Security Plan, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help





Project #3: System Security Plan

Company Background & Operating Environment

The assigned case study and attachments to this
assignment provide information about “the company.”

Use the Baltimore field office as the target for
the System Security Plan

Use Verizon FiOS as the Internet Services
Provider (see

Policy Issue & Plan of Action

A recent risk assessment highlighted the need to
formalize the security measures required to protect information, information
systems, and the information infrastructures for the company’s field offices. This
requirement has been incorporated into the company’s risk management plan and the
company’s CISO has been tasked with developing, documenting, and implementing
the required security measures. The IT Governance board also has a role to play
since it must review and approve all changes which affect IT systems under its purview.

The CISO has proposed a plan of action which includes
developing system security plans using guidance from NIST SP-800-18 Guide for Developing Security Plans for
Federal Information Systems.
The IT Governance board, after reviewing the
CISO’s proposed plan of action, voted and accepted this recommendation. In its
discussions prior to the vote, the CISO explained why the best practices
information for security plans from NIST SP 800-18 was suitable for the
company’s use. The board also accepted the CISO’s recommendation for creating a
single System Security Plan for a General Support System since, in the
CISO’s professional judgement, this type of plan would best meet the “formalization”
requirement from the company’s recently adopted risk management strategy.

Your Task Assignment

As a staff member supporting the CISO, you have been
asked to research and then draft the required system security plan for a General
Support System.
In your research so far, you have learned that:

A general support system is defined as “an
interconnected set of information resources under the same direct management
control that shares common functionality.” (See NIST SP 800-18)

The Field Office manager is the designated system owner for the IT support systems
in his or her field office.

The system
for the field office General
Support System
have already been documented in the company’s enterprise
architecture (see the case study).

The security
required for the field office IT systems have been documented in a
security controls baseline (see the controls baseline attached to this


Review the information provided in the case
study and in this assignment, especially the information about the field
offices and the IT systems and networks used in their day to day business

Review NIST’s guidance for developing a System
Security Plan for a general support IT System. 
This information is presented in NIST SP 800-18.
Pay special attention to the Sample
Information System Security Plan
template provided in Appendix A.

3.  Review
the definitions for IT Security control
as documented in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
200: Minimum Security Requirements for
Federal Information and Information Systems
(see section 3).

Review the definitions for individual controls as
listed in Appendix F Security Control
in NIST SP 800-53 Security
and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations. should focus on those controls
listed in the security controls baseline provided with this assignment.


1.  Use the following guidance to complete the
System Security Plan using the template from Appendix A of NIST SP 800-18.

Sections 1 through 10 will contain information
provided in the assigned case study. You may need to “interpret” that
information when writing the descriptions. 
“Fill in the blanks” for information about the company or its managers
which is not provided in the case study, i.e. names, email addresses, phone
numbers, etc.). Make sure that your fictional
information is consistent with information provided in the case study (name
of company, locations, etc.).

Section 11 should contain information about the
field office’s Internet connection Do not include the table. Use the business Internet Services Provider
listed at the top of this assignment file. Describe the system interconnection
type in this section and service level agreement.

Section 12 should contain information derived
from the case study. You will need to identify the types of information
processed in the field office and then list the laws and regulations which
apply. For example, if the case study company processes or stores Protected Health Information, then this
section must include information about HIPAA. If the company processes or
stores credit card payment information, then this section must include
information about the PCI-DSS requirements.

Section 13 of the SSP will take the most editing
time. Use the information about required
security controls as provided security controls baseline.

Create 3 sub sections (13.1 Management Controls,
13.2 Operational Controls, and 13.3 Technical Controls). You must provide a
description for each category (see the definitions provided in Annex 11.B Minimum Security Controls in NIST SP
800-100 Information Security Handbook: A
Guide for Managers

Using the information provided in the security
controls baseline, place the required control families and controls under the
correct sub section.

Use the exact names and designators for the
security control families and individual security controls. BUT, you MUST paraphrase
any and all descriptions. Do NOT cut and paste from NIST documents.

Section 14: use the due date for this assignment
as the plan complete date.

Section 15: leave the approval date blank. You
will not have any other text in this section (since the plan is not yet

Use a professional format for your System
Security Plan. Your document should be consistently formatted throughout and
easy to read.

Common phrases do not require citations. If
there is doubt as to whether or not information requires attribution, provide a
footnote with publication information or use APA format citations and

You are expected to write grammatically correct
English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any
work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that
your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage
and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs.


System Security

Sections 1 – 8 (System Identification)  10 points

Sections 1 – 8 present a thorough and complete
identification of the system (Field Office General IT Support), the responsible
individuals, and the system status. Key personnel (Section 5) roster contains
three or more appropriate designated officials.

Section 9: System Description / Purpose  10 points

Provided an excellent description of the Field Office
General IT Support System. Integrated case study information to describe the
business operations supported by the hardware, software, and networks which
comprise the “General IT Support” system. Included information about
the types and sensitivity of information processed by this system. Described
the “smart home” and “Internet of Things” capabilities
which are supported by the field office IT systems.

Section 10: System Environment  10 points

Provided an excellent description of the enterprise
architecture for the Field Office General IT Support System. Integrated case study
information to clearly and accurately describe the hardware, software, and
networks which comprise the “General IT Support” system. Included
information about the devices and controllers used for the “smart
home” and “Internet of Things” capabilities which are used by
the field office.

Section 11: System Interconnections / Information Sharing  10 points

Used information from the case study to identify (name) 5 or
more interconnected systems and networks (including the LAN/WAN network
connections between the field office and the operations center). Provided an
excellent description for each that included the types and sensitivity levels
of information transmitted over the connection (e.g. company proprietary
information, customer information, public Internet information). Named the
“owning” organization and responsible ISSO.

Section 12: Related Laws / Regulations / Policies  10 points

Provided an excellent overview of laws, regulations, and
policies which establish specific requirements for the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of the data collected, processed, and/or stored in
the Field Office General IT Support System. Named and described the
applicability of 5 or more federal or state laws and regulations. Identified
and described at least one internal policy which applies to the use of this

Section 13: Introduction for Minimum Security Controls5 points

Provided an excellent introduction for Section 13: Minimum
Security Controls. Discussed the differences between management, operational,
and technical categories of security controls. Used information from the case
study and NIST SP 800-53.

Section 13 (a) Minimum Security Controls: Management
Controls Category  10 points

Used the provided security controls baseline for the case
study company. Named and described each of the required control families (e.g.
CA) listed under the “management controls” category (in the baseline)
using information from NIST SP 800-53. For each “family” listed in
the baseline under this category, identified (listed) the specific controls
(e.g. CA-1) and provided a excellent description of how the controls in each
family work together to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities.

Section 13 (b) Minimum Security Controls: Operational
Controls Category  10 points

Used the provided security controls baseline for the case
study company. Named and described each of the required control families (e.g.
AT) listed under the “operational controls” category (in the
baseline) using information from NIST SP 800-53. For each “family”
listed in the baseline under this category, identified (listed) the specific
controls (e.g. AT-1) and provided a excellent description of how the controls
in each family work together to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities.

Section 13 (c) Minimum Security Controls: Technical Controls
Category  10 points

Used the provided security controls baseline for the case
study company. Named and described each of the required control families (e.g. AC)
listed under the “technical controls” category (in the baseline)
using information from NIST SP 800-53. For each “family” listed in
the baseline under this category, identified (listed) the specific controls
(e.g. AC-1) and provided a excellent description of how the controls in each
family work together to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities.

Sections 14-15: Completion & Approval Dates  5 points

Included both sections from the template file (14 & 15)
and entered the completion date for the plan.


Execution  10

Work is professional in appearance and organization
(appropriate and consistent use of fonts, headings, color).

No word usage, grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. All
quotations (copied text) are properly marked and cited using a professional
format (APA format recommended but not required.)


Callie’s Canine Cottage has 45 kennels for boarding dogs, Marketing Question Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Callie’s Canine Cottage has 45 kennels for boarding dogs. During June, July, August, November and December, each of the kennels is booked. During these months, Callie’s always charges its regular price of $15 per day per kennel. When business is slow, Callie’s sometimes charges a discounted rate of $13 per day per kennel for the first 25 kennels booked and $15 for the rest. On September 15th, Callie’s filled 25 kennels at $13 per day and 10 kennels at $15 per day. Calculate Callie’s yield for September 15th.*
Thanks a lot for helping me!


conduct an analysis of a recent article related to United States, economics homework help Economics Assignment Help

For the Portfolio Project, conduct an analysis of a recent article related to United States and provide your evaluation and outcome expectations in an articulate and informative paper that discusses:

  • A minimum of three general economic principles related to the article
  • Identification of three to five macroeconomic indices
  • Definition and explanation of the indices, e.g., GDP, CPI, and other economic calculations
  • Discussion about what the specific indices mean in relationship to the overall article and how they impact each other
  • Appropriate evaluation, decisions, and forecasts that could be made from the information.

Adhere to the following standards:

  • Your paper should be six to ten pages in length, not including the title or references pages.
  • This question is of utmost importance and must be high quality answer!

Be sure to follow the  APA Requirements.


UK Land law, based on Oscola guide, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

UK Land law, based on Oscola guide, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

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