UMUC Original Strategic Management Plans Political Event Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help

UMUC Original Strategic Management Plans Political Event Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help. UMUC Original Strategic Management Plans Political Event Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Support your rationale with a specific company or organization. Your discussion company must not be an example company on the identical topic from the ebook; you cannot use the same company in the discussion participation as the assigned company of the projects in this course. Apply the 4 integral parts “Statements, support, in-text citations and references” in your discussion participation.

LA #1.1 Give a short description of a recent political event that happened last year (that is, in 2019) at the national or international level that critically changed the overall strategy of your current organization/company or one of your previous employers. Discuss that political event and its implications in your own words.

a) What were the original strategic management plans of the focal company before that political event?

b) What are the strategic changes and/or implications that the political event had caused to the focal company?

c) What do you think about how these changes had positively or negatively impacted on the current strategic management at the focal company or organization? Why?

Discussion #2

Support your rationale with a specific company or organization. Your discussion company must not be an example company on the same topic from the eBook. You cannot use the same company in the discussion participation as the assigned company of the projects in this course. Apply the 4 integral parts “Statements, support, in-text citations and references” in your discussion participation.

LA# 2.1 First, give a short company/organization background information.

a) Then, discuss “What are some of the competitive advantages of the focal company or organization?” and explain “How has that company or organization gained these competitive advantages?”

b) Why can the above-mentioned company or organization normally sustain competitive advantage for only a limited period of time?

c) In which ways would the focal company or organization potentially avert or delay the erosion of these competitive advantages? Why?

UMUC Original Strategic Management Plans Political Event Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

IUPUFW Anxiety Disorder Diagnoses & Justifications Mental Health Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

49 y/o male

HX of Present Illness:

A 49 y/o male with a history of hypertension and obesity presents to the ER during the evening.He complains of a bad headache, shortness of breath and mild chest pain and is found to have a B/P of 185/120 with apulse rate of 95 but normal respirations.He received clonidine for hypertension, which resolves without incident.The patient describes feeling worried and upset about his blood pressure, which is high again, even though he takes his medication and visits his primary regularly.The provider in the ER suggests speaking to a psychiatric provider about his anxiety.

The Psych NP on call consults with the patient.Over the past year, the patient reports worsening anxiety since being diagnosed with hypertension.He has started exercising and dieting and has reduced his cigarette habit to only 1 cigarette a day.Continued hypertension visits to his primary cause him to worry even more. He fears he will never again gain control of his health and that he may even die.He experiences significant stress about salt and fat in his diet and feels that these thoughts constantly occupy his mind.He also worries about other issues in his life aside from other health concerns, such as driving his car safely and completing details at work.He states that he ruminates about these issues almost all of the time and sometimes has trouble sleeping at night as a result.He reports never feeling rested during the day and at times describes aches and pains in his body.

Lately he has felt even more tense and irritable at work, leading to some arguments with co-workers.He states, that beginning 1 month ago, he began to experience moments of intense fear and panic wondering if he will die.Generally he reports wishing to live his life to the fullest and strongly denies any suicidality.He has a depressed mood at times, however, related to his medical problems and stress, and wonders if his health will ever improve.

Past Psychiatric Hx:

The patient has never received psychiatric care.He states that he has been a somewhat “high-strung person” his entire life but has never felt this kind of anxiety until last year.He denies heavy alcohol or illicit substance abuse.No psychiatric hospitalizations or suicide attempts.He denies any family history of psychiatric illness or substance abuse.He lives with his wife and two preteen boys.

Physical Exam:

Unremarkable except for obesity.


CBC and electrolytes are within normal limits, TSH is normal, and cardiac enzymes are not elevated.UA and toxicology screen are negative.

Diagnostic Testing:

EKG shows non-specific S-T abnormalities and no acute changes.


  • Any differential diagnoses
  • Your diagnosis and reasoning
  • Any additional questions you would have asked
  • Medication recommendations along with your rationale. Note possible side effects or issues to address if attempting to obtain consent.
  • Any labs and why they may be indicated
  • Screener scales or diagnostic tools that may be beneficial
  • Additional resources to give (Therapy modalities, support groups, activities, etc.)

  • Any differential diagnoses
  • Your diagnosis and reasoning
  • Any additional questions you would have asked
  • Medication recommendations along with your rationale. Note possible side effects or issues to address if attempting to obtain consent.
  • Any labs and why they may be indicated
  • Screener scales or diagnostic tools that may be beneficial
  • Additional resources to give (Therapy modalities, support groups, activities, etc.)
  • According to the DSM what is the difference between agoraphobia and social anxiety? (This will be on boards).
  • Post Case Study


UMGC Week 2 Favorite Food Choice Discussion Science Assignment Help

before preparing your response to this week’s discussion topic please watch this video, a crash course in biological molecules:

Pick a type of food that you enjoy. Before you start researching, state a hypothesis about the nutritional content of this food. Remember a hypothesis is an educated guess (and may be wrong), and a good hypothesis is specific.

Then summarize what you learned from your research. Include an image of at least one molecule found in this food and briefly describe that molecule in terms of the atoms it is made of and potentially the chemical bonds that keep the atoms together. Is this a beneficial molecule to consume? Explain why. Did your research support your hypothesis?

Your main response should be a minimum of 150 words. You also need to post at least one reply to a classmate that contribute to their learning (100 words minimum). Suggest improvements of hypothesis, ask critical questions or provide additional information that relate to their topic in your reply.


University of Maryland Global Campus Week 4 Useful Enzymes Discussion Science Assignment Help

Topic 4 Useful Enzymes

In addition to being essential within living organisms, enzymes are also used in many of the products we use! Check your cleaning supplies at home, do any of them list enzymes on the ingredient list? If so, does it say which type of enzyme? Does any of the other products you use contain enzymes? What type of enzymes are used in industry? Which enzymes are found in the food we eat?

After doing some research, choose and describe one enzyme that is used in cleaning products, other products, industrial procedures or that is found in food. Explain how this enzyme is used. What is the substrate in the chemical reaction? And what is the product(s)?

Remember that a chemical reaction converts one or more substrates to one or more products, and that most enzymes are substrate specific. When looking for enzymes remember that their names end with -ase!

You main response should be at least 150 words and include references to all information sources used.


JWI 550 Strayer University Benefits of Inventory Management Software Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Veronica, thanks for your comments related to cleaning business.

Sanitation supply and janitorial distribution is an inventory intensive

business and you need to be aware of the costs related to your

inventories. In this industry, Inventory management needs software

to easily controls inventory and manages warehousing functions for

businesses with many products or with no product quantity restrictions.

Handling transactions, fast product look-ups, and accessing real-time

inventory availability & history information can be handled by your

employees in one location or many, nearby or around the world. If your

grows exponentially, you need advanced

capabilities include lot traceability, serial number tracking, lot

number tracking, multiple units of measure, component kitting, barcode

and wireless warehouse management, use of multiple ID codes for each

product, VMI, multi-currency, landed cost, and more. Do you think a

software can help for your ordering and inventory controls?



Nature of Leadership & Difference Between Leadership and Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Answer the following questions in your first forum post.

  • What is the nature of leadership?
  • What is the difference between leadership and management?

Forum rules:

  • Post your answer to the forum questions
    • Your answer must be substantive, which usually requires 700 or more words
    • Your answer must be well written and well organized
    • Your answer must include one properly formatted APA in-text citation to a scholarly reference other than the assigned course reading. The full reference must be provided at the end of your answer with a link if one is available.
    • No attachments will be graded
    • No plagarism

Nature of Leadership & Difference Between Leadership and Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Explain the Liar Moore Paradox and The Sorites Paradox Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Paper Prompts: Write on ONE of the following topics:

(1) Explain the liar paradox. Why would banning self-referential statements and indexical expressions not eliminate the liar paradox? Which solution to the liar paradox strikes you as plausible and why? What, if anything, is problematic about your preferred solution to the liar paradox?

(2) Explain the sorites paradox. What is your favorite solution to the sorites paradox and why? What, if anything, is problematic about your favorite solution to the sorites paradox?

(3) Explain the paradox of analysis. Which solution to the paradox of analysis do you find most convincing? Explain the solution.

(4) Explain the distinction between a performative and a logical contradiction. Explain Moore’s paradox in its omissive and commissive form. Which solution to Moore’s paradox do you find most convincing? Explain the solution. Are there any problems with the solution of your choice and, if there are, how can they be dealt with? (Note: you do not have to discuss the knowledge version of Moore’s paradox.)


Rasmussen College NoJax Inc Company Organizational Behavior Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

This competency will allow you to analyze the foundation of organizational behavior and its impact on employee behavior. After a lengthy hiring process, you have been hired as a consultant for NoJax Inc. NoJax is an upstart sports apparel company that has been growing quickly. Their senior management team needs an outside, objective eye to analyze the organizational behavior of the business. Start by viewing the document above and then write a report to ownership that provides an initial analysis of the business and completes the requirements below.

Your report should accomplish the following:

  • After viewing the employee profiles section, explain a minimum of two observations that you’ve made (positive or negative) on the micro level and their potential impact on the organizational behavior of the company. Pay particular attention to surface level diversity instead of the personality scores.
  • After viewing the employee profiles section, explain a minimum of two observations that you’ve made (positive or negative) on the meso level and their potential impact on the organizational behavior of the company. Think about possible groups that may work together and consider potential behaviors.
  • After viewing the company policy section, explain a minimum of two observations that you’ve made (positive or negative) on the macro level and their potential impact on the organizational behavior of the company.
  • Provide an opinion on the level of dissimilarity (high, medium, or low) that you see within NoJax’s surface level diversity. Explain if you believe the current level has a positive or negative impact on organizational behavior and detail how you came to that conclusion.


University of Maryland Week 6 My Favorite Creature Is Koala Discussion Questions Science Assignment Help

Topic 6 My Favorite Creature!

This week we will have some fun exploring the amazing biodiversity on earth!

Pick one species as your favorite creature! It could be an animal, plant, fungus or bacteria. Humans and pets are excluded. Use reliable information sources to research this creature and answer at least 3 of these questions:

  • Which other species is your favorite creature related to and what are some of its ancestors?
  • What makes your favorite creature unique compared to other species?
  • Are there any concerns about the population status of your species? Is its population affected by human activities? Explain.
  • What is your favorite creature’s geographic range? In which ecosystem/biome does it live?
  • How does your favorite creature fit into the food web? What does it eat? And who eats it?

Everyone must also include why you picked this particular species as your favorite creature, and at least one embedded picture or video of your species.

As always, your main response should be a minimum of 150 words


Purdue University Fort Wayne Schizophrenia Mini Case Study Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Case Study #1 (Adult)

Please present an interesting adult client. Always keep in mind when analyzing cases how the persons reproductive age may be effecting their current symptoms. For example….is the person perimenopausal etc.

Northern Kentucky University
Department of Nursing
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Mini-Case Presentations




Patient Scenario

• Patient Demographics

• Presenting Problem

• Reason for Visit



• Complete Psychosocial including genetics,
multigeneraltional family assessment, environment,
trauma, culture, ethnicity, spiritual beliefs and
practices, coping skills, cognition/mental status,
current and past history of violence, suicidal or self-
harm behavior, substance use, socioeconomics,
developmental stage and level of functioning

• Supporting Physical


Multiaxial Differential Diagnosis and Rationale


Plan of Care

• Additional Assessment that is needed, i.e.

o Neurologic exam

o Personality testing

o Lab Tests

• Relevant therapist characteristics viewed as
herapeutic for this particular patient

• Interventions/ Strategies to be used

• Emphasis of Treatment, i.e.

o Level of directiveness

o Level of supportiveness

o Cognitive, behavioral or affective emphasis


• Nature of Treatment

o Individual

o Couple

o Family

o Group



• Medications

o Current

o Needed

o Rationale for Choice in Meds


• Adjunct Services

o Consultation

o Community Resources

o Legal advice

o Education


Summary and Prognosis



UMUC Original Strategic Management Plans Political Event Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help

UMUC Original Strategic Management Plans Political Event Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help

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