UNC Charlotte Aspects of Nature and Natural as Depicted in Film Avatar Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help. UNC Charlotte Aspects of Nature and Natural as Depicted in Film Avatar Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help.
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For this assignment, please write (1250-1500 words) essay discussing the ways that ‘nature’ and ‘natural’ are represented in the film Avatar (2009). In your response, be sure to describe the film and cite specific scenes and images that are relevant to your discussion. Consider the following questions as you formulate a perspective and a thesis:
- What is at stake for the protagonists and antagonists in the film? How does the film depict good and bad?
- How are the stakes framed by the plot, and represented by the characters, and images of the film? How do relationships help show the stakes for the main characters?
- What are some examples of real-life environmental conflicts? Describe some of the parallels and similarities between the film and your example. What are some differences?
- Using a specific example (#NoDAPL, for example), describe the real-world stakes and explain who the stakeholders are.
- How does Justine Fritz’s concept of the “ecological Indian” contribute to our understanding of the real-world lives and perspective of Indigenous and Native people?
- In what ways is the film’s environmental message persuasive? In what ways could that message be more persuasive? What are some possible oppositional or negotiated responses to the dominant position (see Encoding/Decoding Environmental Media, pgs. 67-70 in Pezzullo and Cox).
- What kinds of images and stories will be effective for environmental communication and advocacy in the future? Will green marketing become more or less influential? Which places, cultures, people, and technologies will come to represent global warming, sea level rise, species extinctions, pandemics, and other environmental crises?
In this assignment you will examine the 2009 science fiction film Avatar as a text and cultural artifact. The film is epic in both the literary sense and in its seamless visual design and effects made possible by the very high production budget. It was a critical and box-office success and is considered a classic of sci-fi alien movies. The franchise includes video games, collectables, comic book series, and has a thriving fan culture.
UNC Charlotte Aspects of Nature and Natural as Depicted in Film Avatar Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of the Cumberlands Week 5 Computer & Internet Security Policy Paper Writing Assignment Help
- You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers the following areas:
- Computer and email acceptable use policy
- Internet acceptable use policy
- Password protection policy
Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area. There are plenty of security policy and guideline templates available online for you to use as a reference or for guidance. Your plan should reflect the business model and corporate culture of a specific organization that you select. Include at least 3 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The UC Library is a good place to find these references. At least two of the references cited need to be peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the library.Your paper should meet the following requirements:• Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.• Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least three scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
- By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
Ashford University Training Needs Analysis for Business Performance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
A manager says, “We need a training course on time management. We have 30 field representatives coming in for a conference next week and only 20% of them are actually meeting their goals. This is disappointing because they had the training four months ago but still have not met their overall goals in sales and customer service. I want you to give them a half-day training on time management.”
Provide a detailed description of how you would respond to and proceed in this situation. In your post, respond to the following questions:
- What is the purpose of a training needs analysis (TNA)?
- How do you determine when needs analysis should be conducted?
- Is it always necessary to conduct a TNA?
- What methods and tools would you use to help this manager?
Your initial post should be 250 to 300 words. Use this week’s lecture as a foundation for your initial post. In addition to the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text, use at least one additional scholarly source to support your discussion.
Discuss the differences between, and the relationship among, the following levels of analysis: organizational analysis, operational analysis, and person analysis. Do more than provide a basic definition. Generate at least two important questions to ask when conducting each level of analysis. Identify at least two techniques, sources of data, or methods to collect data for each level.
PHI 413V GCU Ethical and Spiritual Decision Making in Health Care Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
This assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. Organizing the data in this way will help you apply the four principles and four boxes approach.
Based on the “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” and other required topic study materials, you will complete the “Applying the Four Principles: Case Study” document that includes the following:
Part 1: Chart
This chart will formalize the four principles and four boxes approach and the four-boxes approach by organizing the data from the case study according to the relevant principles of biomedical ethics: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice.
Part 2: Evaluation
This part includes questions, to be answered in a total of 500 words, that describe how principalism would be applied according to the Christian worldview.
Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
Attempt Start Date: 21-Sep-2020 at 12:00:00 AM
Due Date: 27-Sep-2020 at 11:59:59 PM
Maximum Points: 150
San Diego City Week 6 Classic Symptoms of Procrastination & Avoidance Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help
This assignment is to help you organize evidence from the readings. You will log your evidence on a Google Doc that I have created. In order to see the link for your group’s Google Doc, click to see the first post. The first post is from me and has your link on it.
Do NOT respond to this DB. Instead, type your response directly onto the Google Doc. I have only used this DB function for groups. It is not to post your ideas here in the DB; post on Google. Message me if you have questions, and thank you!
University of Missouri Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Food Deserts Essay Writing Assignment Help
the Discussion Board team will address issues, concepts, and evidence from what you read, and you will generate your posts based on what you yourself see as significant.
Your post should help create a conversation on your team post thread.
Your posts are the primary evidence of your thinking and writing skills in this class, so please compose them carefully.
- When you create a thread, please give it a title that explains what it is about; do not call it “Post 1” or label it with your name.
- Do not try to answer every question that I ask in a single thread. Keep your threads focused by choosing one topic to talk about and creating a coherent statement about it.
- Do not merely summarize the text. Posit theories or interpretations of what you read and explain what interests you about it.
- Keep your posts to a manageable length. They should be clear, concise, and to the point.
- Use specific examples or quotations when possible to support your claims and cite them according to MLA style, which requires you to insert a page number in parentheses in your commentary when you refer to or quote from a text.
- The main goal is to have meaningful discussions that address important issues, but to do so in a short format that is engaging to everyone.
University of Missouri Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Food Deserts Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SEU Explain the Diamond Water Paradox Microeconomics Paper Economics Assignment Help
In “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” published in 1776, Adam Smith wrote:
“Nothing is more useful than water: but it will purchase scarcely anything… A diamond, on the contrary, has scarcely any use-value; but a very great quantity of other goods may frequently be had in exchange for it”
Explain the diamond-water paradox and find out in the literature how economists have later solved this paradox.
***Need help writing the above essay for my Microeconomics class, around 2 and half to 3 pages max. The university uses BB Safe Assign tool, therefore, the essay must be unique
MGMT 301 Dominican University Shanghai Disney Case Study Writing Assignment Help
Case notes should be organized as a narrative report with an introduction, body and conclusion and effective case analyses should utilize text material and management concepts being studied to help support the findings. Each case analysis should be approximately three pages in length.
This case is set on the verge of the Walt Disney Company opening its sixth global resort in Shanghai in June, 2016. The uncertainty surrounding the resort’s performance in China presents an up-close look at the strategic and tactical problems of managing their theme park and resort services in a country where they have never operated before.
Please take a moment to look at the link (below) to see the map of China, and locate Shanghai and Hong Kong as well as Beijing (and perhaps even Wuhan). The case will help you understand some of the benefits of operating in China as well as identify some of the serious challenges.
After reading the case, please take a moment to think about Disney’s past international successes and failures generally, and consider what they might expect when “Mickey Mouse Visits Shanghai” for the first time. (Attached)
Also please think about how the ideas and concepts from the powerpoint or text book chapters that we have studied so far, apply to this case, particularly Decision Making, in light of risk they are facing, the brand new External Environment and unique aspects of Culture in Shanghai, and of course, the problems of managing in a Global Environment. (Will attach PowerPoints)
Finally, as you consider the Case Study Questions (below) remember that I have already read the case so there is no need to restate numerous details – just the ones you think are crucial. Please concentrate your effort on applying concepts from our class to support your analysis as suggested in the “Case Study Guidelines and Grading Rubric”. (Attached)
MGMT 301. Case Analysis Questions
Briefly describe Disney’s early efforts at global expansion and assess how well these ventures have succeeded. In particular, what went wrong in Euro Disneyland?
Given what Disney learned about global expansion in France, what did they do to make Hong Kong Disney successful?
How do Disney theme parks compete internationally? Describe their Core Competencies and Competitive Advantages. What are the advantages they have and concerns they must manage as they prepare to open the Shanghai Park? What do you suggest they do to benefit from their advantages and mitigate their concerns?
Are Disney’s customers around the world alike or different and what strategy does Disney use to deal with this? What unique customer management issues are they facing in Shanghai Disney? How should they address these?
Based on the case, do you think Shanghai Disney will be successful? Why or why not? What specifically do you recommend to improve their chances of success?
Be sure to include at least TEN course concepts to throughout your analysis to support your conclusions. Please also feel free to offer any information about Shanghai Disney’s current status but be sure to cite the sources. (Attached Examples)
Additional material to further assist:
University of the Cumberlands Project Management Process Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Task-1( 750+ words and in APA format including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced)
Reflect on the assigned readings for the PPT. Respond to the following prompts: “What do I feel are the most important aspects of my learning in the chapters this week?” and “What about this learning was really worthy of my time and understanding?” Then explain how important it is in society or business.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
- What experiences have you had with group decision making? What difficulties do you see arising when trying to perform a multiple-criteria analysis with many interested parties involved? How might these difficulties be overcome, or at least mitigated?
- In conducting a group study using a multiple-criteria method, you reach a point at which two of the participants cannot agree on a particular response. What course of action would you take to placate the parties and avoid further delay?
Task-2 (The paper should be at least 2.5 – 3.5 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to project management. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.)
Activity is task-2
Using MAUT and the AHP, perform an analysis to select a graduate program. Explain your assumptions and indicate which technique you believe is most appropriate for this application.
Johns Hopkins University WWF Client Proposal Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
This client proposal assignment asks you to identify the organization that will serve as the focus of your work for this semester. In this assignment, you will identify the organization, justify your choice, analyze the organization’s social media use and begin conceptualizing possible outcomes for your social media strategy plan.
You are encouraged to read the guidelines for the final assignment “social media strategy plan” before choosing your client. (I will upload the file)
There is no restriction on the organization that you choose. However, the following suggestions should help lead to a more focused learning experience, and better connection to the expectations of the final strategy assignment:
- Choose an organization that you are passionate about or interested in. You will be diving deep into the organization’s communication work, and the experience will be more satisfying if you choose an industry or organization of interest.
- You are welcome to choose an organization that you currently work for/with. Especially if you are involved in an organization’s social media work, you may find this course is a valuable opportunity to develop new and interest content and strategies. Please seek the appropriate permission before choosing your own organization.
- The experience in this course is generally more fulfilling if you choose an organization that does have some, even if it is limited, social media presence. While the work in this course may inform efforts to start a social media presence, most activities generally assume some level of social media content exists.
- In the past students have chosen large national companies (Burt’s Bees) and small non-profits (Horton’s Kids), local schools, and global health campaigns. This is your class. Make this something you are interested in!
Please note: it would be inappropriate to choose an organization for which you have already created a social media plan in another course during your academic career. Please use this course as an opportunity to broaden your knowledge and to explore new opportunities.
Your work on this proposal will allow you begin using terminology associated with social media, to consider the relationship between an organization’s mission and its social activities, begin developing the elements of your organizations digital story, and begin strategizing the use of social media for the purposes of achieving communications goals.
Your proposal will be submitted in the form of a VoiceThread presentation, no more than 10 minutes in length, with no more than 20 slides. The specific areas to cover in the proposal are discussed in detail in the “Directions” section of this assignment guide.
Create a presentation using Powerpoint (or other presentation software tool). Your presentation should address the following topics, in the following order:
- Organization Details. Please share the name of the organization you want to create a social media strategy for and provide a link to the organization’s website if applicable. Briefly describe the nature of the organization (it’s primary mission and organizational structure) and your interest/reasoning in choosing the organization. If you have a personal relationship to the organization, please describe that relationship, including your access to/role in managing the organization’s social/digital presence.
- Organization’s “Business Goal(s).” Briefly describe one or more key goal you believe the organization may want to try and accomplish through social media. For example, if I chose my University – one key goal right now is getting professionals to enroll in the MBA program. Or, if I chose Burger King, maybe I would want to focus on the launch of a new kids meal. What do you know about what the company/organization is working on that they might want to focus on right now?
- Organization’s social/digital platforms. Please describe the organization’s social and digital communications. What platforms does the organization use to communicate with its audiences? Does the organization have a presence on LinkedIn? Instagram? Facebook? Etc? Generally, how is each platform used? You might choose to do this in the form of a table or list. Be sure to include links to the organization’s social presence.
- Publics/Consumers. Generally, who are the groups that the organization is trying to reach through their social media platforms? Are they audiences of fans? are they consumers? Are they volunteers? Other businesses?
- Storytelling/Messaging. What are the key messages that are shared through the organization’s social platforms? You may choose to organize your description by types of messages, or choose some key examples that highlight the types of stories that the organization shares.
- Influencers. Does the organization have/use influencers to extend their social media reach? If so, who are those influencers?
- Recent campaigns/engagement. Identity the organization’s most recent social media content. What has happened on the organization’s platforms in the past 4 weeks?
- Industry/Competitor observations. How does your organization compare to the social media use of its competitors? You may choose the one primary competitor, or a broader field of organizations.
- References
Learning about your organization:
Every organization is unique. In some instances, you may have to search back over many years in order to understand the social media landscape for your organization. Your organization may have a strong social media history or a very limited presence. Do a search of industry and news publications and digital posts to identify any significant campaigns and review your organization’s past posts to inform your analysis. The organization you choose should guide the content in your assignment.
Presentation Specifics
Your VoiceThread should include at least one slide where you record yourself on video (so that we can see your face).
Your VoiceThread presentation should be no more than 10 minutes in length and include no more than 20 slides of information (including your title slide and references).
Your presentation slides should evidence of effective composition. Do not use your slides as a script. Instead, take time to create slides that visually enhance, organize, and showcase the message in your presentation. Use infographics, color, images and style appropriate for a professional context.
Your presentation style should be professional, practiced, and show evidence of confidence and interest about the material.
- If this is your first VoiceThread presentation, review the guidelines for creating, uploading and sharing a presentation in the VoiceThread Course View area on the navigation menu.
- If you created your presentation as a PowerPoint – save your PowerPoint as a PDF file and then upload it to VoiceThread (do not upload PowerPoint files directly to VoiceThread because they will look weird).
- Practice creating something small and then uploading it to VoiceThread to see how your slides will “look” on screen. Occasionally you may find that presentation software you’ve chosen does not translate visually to the Blackboard site.
- Be sure to share your presentation with the rest of the class.
- Be sure to submit your presentation via the VoiceThread link on the navigation bar on Blackboard.
Scoring for this assignment is composed of three categories:
- Accurate completion of all elements client proposal. For full credit in this area your presentation will not only accurately review all of the required categories, it will do so by using specific examples from the organization that you have chosen. 10 points possible
- Evidence of understanding the course concepts and application of the course readings. Where appropriate, your presentation will use the terminology we’ve reviewed during our lesson weeks, and reference readings or examples that help illuminate your description of the organization’s social presence. Your goal is to show that you are developing a sense of how the elements of an organization’s mission and message interact with its social media content. 5 points possible
- Effective presentation. Your presentation content is thoughtfully prepared with attention to effective slide design including the use of infographics and images to highlight information about your organization. Your slides are audience-centered – this means they help illuminate your message, they are not your script for your presentation. Your presentation is professional and there is evidence of preparation and rehearsal. Your presentation is the appropriate length (slides/time) and references, when needed, are accurately formatted. 5 points possible