Understanding Evidence Base & Theory Behind Educational Practice Discussions Writing Assignment Help

Understanding Evidence Base & Theory Behind Educational Practice Discussions Writing Assignment Help. Understanding Evidence Base & Theory Behind Educational Practice Discussions Writing Assignment Help.

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Requirements For both Discussion Questions:

1.) Some of your thoughts in reference to your assigned readings, with

2.) Your personal observations and experiences, and pulling in

3.) Perspective from at least one outside source.

Must be, at minimum, 3 paragraphs of 5-7 well-developed sentences

APA citations are required only in the original response

Discussion Question 1:

Major emphasis at both the state and federal levels has been placed on the use of educational programs and practices based on scientifically based research. This impacts practicing educators in the areas of curriculum, instructional strategies, professional development, parent involvement, and all federally funded programs.

  • Why is it important for school leaders to examine and understand the evidence base and the theory behind educational practice?
  • What are some ways you can expedite the process of obtaining this information?
  • In addressing special populations, how have the data helped to influence your choices

Discussion Question 2:

We live in a global, informational society infused with technology all around. To prepare students for the future, a variety of technologies should be integrated into science instruction. Through this integration, teachers help students gain a deeper understanding of and connection to how science and technology improve our daily lives.

In this module’s application assignment, you designed a lesson plan for life science. In this discussion, respond to the prompts below about your lesson and upload your lesson plan as an attachment to your original response. Then, use the prompts to critique the lesson plans of two colleagues.

  • Discuss types of technology that could be easily integrated into daily lessons in science.
  • Have you observed creative uses of technology in teaching science?
  • Describe the types of technology you have observed and/or discuss the barriers that might prevent the use of technology in science classrooms.

Understanding Evidence Base & Theory Behind Educational Practice Discussions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Valhalla High School Forgiveness Reading Response Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Reading Response Paper 

“There is no perfect time to write. There’s only now.”

                                                             -Barbara Kingsolver

This paper is due by Saturday of Week 2 of class. The paper should be 2 double-spaced pages long, and follow MLA guidelines for paper formatting. This assignment is a formal essay, so you should follow the forms of good writing, which include no slang or text-speak, good grammar, spelling, and punctuation, good organization, a thesis statement with supporting points throughout (plenty of detail and specifics), and a conclusion. In addition, this paper will also introduce you to the writing process and require you to practice the second part of that process, which is called outlining. (See Week Two: Learning Activity for more information.) The brainstorming and outlining work must be turned in with your completed paper.

Paper 2 is a response paper. Response papers offer the reader/writer a chance to convey their perspective and knowledge of a specific text they have read. Response essays are a place in which the reader makes sense of what they have read through critique and synthesis. In reader response essays, you explain (and sometimes defend) your reaction to the reading(s).

For this paper, you will choose two (2) “This I Believe” essays from the following site: http://thisibelieve.org/themes/. Look for two essays that interest you and relate to one another in some way, for example, thematically.

Part I—Preparing to Write the Reading Response Paper:

Read the two essays you have chosen. Read each essay first at your normal pace to get a sense of what the author is saying. Then, do a closer and more attentive reading of those “This I Believe” essays. This is a great opportunity to practice active reading! As you do the close reading, keep track of the following in writing:

  1. Highlight main ideas (thesis statements), key points, any repetition, important words and terms, evidence, and conclusion.
  2. Make notes of words or points you don’t understand.
  3. Look for words or phrases that catch your attention
  4. Ask the following questions about the essays:

  • What words provide the common thread?
  • What do the key words or terms mean to you?
  • How do the authors support their main idea?
  • Can you relate the author’s points to your personal experience or observation?
  • Do the essays remind you of something else you’ve read, seen on T.V., or talked about in another class?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the authors?

Part II—Writing the Reading Response Paper:

Your reading response essay should include the following:

  1. In the first two paragraphs of your reading response essay, state the titles and authors of the chosen “This I Believe” essays. Give a brief summary of each and state the main ideas of the essays. Discuss the common thread(s) you have identified from the essays.
  2. In the body of your reading response paper, explain your thoughts about the readings. Do you agree or disagree with the authors, and why? Has reading and examining the essays affected your thinking about the theme(s)? If so, how? Be specific, bringing in references and quotes from the essays to support your point. In addition, use the questions listed in step 4 above to help you formulate your response.
  3. Your concluding paragraph is the last chance to pull your paper together for the reader. The conclusion should include a brief summary of your opinion of the authors’ main ideas, but don’t there. Also, re-read your paper, pulling out the most important points, and compile those points into a meaningful ending that encapsulates the various parts of your paper to show how they fit together.

Both your brainstorming work and outline must be submitted with the paper.


Make sure I have brainstorming work and outline.

let me know if you have any question.

Thank you.


PCN5450500 DSM Trauma Case Study for Maryam and Treatment Issues Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Review the Trauma Case Study for Maryam. Write a 750-1,000-word essay
answering the following questions. Your number one goal is to make sure
she is safe.

Provide appropriate support for your answers by citing the DSM.

  1. What are the key assessment issues to consider?
  2. Do you think this is a crisis situation? Why or why not? Explain.
  3. What is the client’s immediate need? Be specific.
  4. What specific interventions do you feel are necessary with this client?
  5. What is the possible diagnosis for this client? Provide supportive reasoning for your diagnosis. Why?
  6. Is this client suffering a stress disorder? Define which one and the symptoms associated.
  7. How does the biology of trauma present in this case?
  8. Should Maryam’s family be notified? Explain.
  9. Would you feel competent enough to work with this client? Why or why not?
  10. Should you seek additional resources to help with this case? Explain.
  11. Do you have coordination or treatment issues to consider? Explain.

Include a minimum of three scholarly references in addition to the textbook.

this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style
Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric
prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful completion.


Legalization and Sale of Marijuana Ethics in Business Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Question 1: You made an agreement with your parents (or spouse, partner, relative, or friend) that you would submit a report at this time describing the progress you have made toward your educational goal (employment, certificate, or degree).

In memo format (several templates can be found in Word) write a progress report that fulfills your promise to describe your progress toward your educational goal. Address your progress report to your parents, spouse, partner, relative, or friend. In your memo (a) describe your goal; (b) summarize the work you have completed thus far; (c) discuss thoroughly the work currently in progress, including your successes and anticipated obstacles; and (d) forecast your future activities in relation to your scheduled completion date.

The memo should be in narrative form. You will be assessed on your ability to organize your information, your ability to get your message across, and your grasp of the English language. Keep in mind that business writing is purposeful, concise, audience oriented, and usually informative.

This memo should be formatted as follows:

  • Left and right margins should be 1.25”
  • Font should be Arial 12 pt.
  • Standard spacing (double space guidewords and single space body of memo)
  • Length should be no more than 2 pages
  • Headings/subheadings should be used as appropriate to the memo content

Question 2: Steven F Goldstone, Chairman and CEO of RJR Nabisco (one of the largest US cigarette manufacturers) said in a 1998 magazine interview, “I have no moral view of this business…I few it as a legal business. You shouldn’t be drawing a moral judgment about a business our country says is perfectly legal and is taxed like crazy by it.” Think about his comment in terms of ethical awareness. What might change if you think of your business in terms of ethics and not just legal terms? What about the class action lawsuits that were settled for billions and set aside for future claims even while cigarettes are still sold avidly? What about applying these principles to the legalization and sale of marijuana in several US States?

solve this question in 1 page and no format required.

solve these 2 questions in 48 hours and high quality


ADMN580 University of Nairobi Linear Programming Excel Questions Business Finance Assignment Help


The situation that of Problem B.38 in the textbook (Tri-State Manufacturing). Please see the textbook for the details and the data for the problem. Please see below for the specific tasks of this assignment.


a). Write the Algebraic LP Formulation. That is, define the decision variables, write the objective function, and write the constraints. Type this out into a text box in your Excel file that you submit (see below for guidelines for submission).

b). Implement a Linear Program for this problem in an Excel spreadsheet, and find the optimal solution using Solver. Use the LP Simplex solver engine. Generate the Answer Report and the Sensitivity Report once you have successfully been able to solve the problem. Make sure your spreadsheet model and Solver settings are correct, flexible, and documented. The user should be able to change any data value of the problem on the spreadsheet itself (not inside Solver), and then re-run the Solver model to find the new optimal solution.

c). Write a short paragraph (in an Excel text box) explaining the optimal plan and the optimal objective value, in the context (language) of the real situation. That is, make it relevant to the decision maker in management.

d). If one factory could be expanded by 1 unit, which one do you recommend for expansion? Why? Respond using the same text box created in (c).



MGT521 University of Phoenix Hewlett-Packard Case Study Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Please answer this questions based on the case study that I will post

Answer the following in up to 175- words each:

1-Describe supertrends that are driving HP to change

2-Assess which forces for change are causing HP to undertake major organizational change.

3-Recommend how Meg Whitman could use Lewin’s and Kotter’s models of change to increase the probability of achieving positive organizational change.

4-Determine how HP is following the four steps for fostering innovation.

5-What has happened with HP since this case was written?Determine whether the implementation of these changes has been successful.Explain what could have been done differently.

Three references at least

MGT521 University of Phoenix Hewlett-Packard Case Study Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire Wk 5 Haddonfield Probation Department Discussion Law Assignment Help

Organization Type: Probation department

Role within Organization: Chief probation officer

Organizational Scenario: The mission of the Haddonfield County Probation Department’s juvenile division is to “correct the behavior of youths charged with offenses and guide them toward productive adult lives, and an adult division that supervises convicted offenders in their communities in lieu of jail.”

Recently, there was a state realignment program, which made county probation departments the key players in a sweeping statewide effort to reform criminal justice. Under realignment, many ex-inmates who formerly reported to state parole agents are now supervised by county probation officers, who are expected to provide more rehabilitation and reentry support services than before. Budget pressures had recently forced the laying off of a large number of the county’s juvenile division officers. Supervisors and employees within the division have filed complaints with the union due to the excessive workload caused by the realignment and layoffs.

There have been recent allegations and criminal charges against numerous department employees, including improper sexual relations between probation officers and the juveniles they were supervising, staged fights between juveniles at probation camps, the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages on camp premises, and worker’s compensation fraud. The department’s troubles have attracted the attention of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), which has begun a serious investigation that could lead to a series of costly mandates for the probation department under a memorandum of agreement.

You, as the chief probation officer, have been hired to get the organization back on track and refocus the department’s efforts to get back to helping juvenile offenders get on the path toward productive adult lives. In order to do that, the department needs to clean up its image and perception. In addition, the department has a budget shortfall impacting the workload of current staff. The working conditions have resulted in growing employee dissatisfaction with the increased workload, which may prompt union intervention into your operations. A long-term solution will need to be developed for hiring new officers, addressing misconduct with current officers (who are under union protection), creating strong

long-term policies that will limit the opportunity for instances of the alleged misconduct, fostering a more ethical and stronger leadership culture for youths to look up to, and addressing the issue of state realignment that may be impacting resources for the entire agency. There may even be an opportunity to raise the standard of the organization by presenting a better image to the public and families of the juveniles being supervised.

Crisis Situation: The DOJ has finished its investigation and, as predicted, has a series of requests in order to rectify the violations it has observed. The main focus of its findings are the allegations of misconduct by probation officers in terms of improper sexual relations, staged fights in probation camps, providing contraband to juveniles, and other criminal behavior.

Because of the severity of the allegations, the new chief probation officer must make some short-term tactical plans to immediately address many of the specific issues. First, the officer must assess whether a memorandum of agreement would help or hurt the organization and defend the position. The Board of Supervisors in the Haddonfield County Probation Department is divided, with some members looking to fend off an even more costly consent decree, and others seeing such oversight as the only way that the troubled department could break free of a dysfunctional culture. You, as the chief probation officer, should address and lay out steps that need to be taken and provide plans for immediate action and implementation of those steps, focusing on the specific issues addressed in the DOJ mandates. This is in conjunction with the long-term goals and strategies developed in rebuilding the faltering organization.

I. Introduction

a) Briefly summarize the background information needed for understanding the proposal. Describe the current state of the organization and the problems it faces. What are the major needs of the community it serves? What are the fiscal and operational realities at play?

b) Then, articulate the guiding principles of your strategy. What are the mission and vision of the organization? What are the current goals and objectives? To what extent should these be modified in the longer term to secure the solvency and effectiveness of the organization?

II. Financial Strategy

a) In the near term, how should the organization allocate its financial resources? How should funds be relatively apportioned among the various departments or other line items? Justify your proposed distributions by citing specific evidence that shows how they will support the organization’s current goals and objectives.

b) Make recommendations regarding how the organization will stay financially solvent while continuing to meet the long-term needs of the community. Justify your recommendations by citing specific evidence that shows how they will support your proposed longer-term goals and


III. Personnel Development Strategy: Outline a strategy for training and developing personnel so that the organization will continually improve in meeting the community’s needs. Specifically, discuss how your recommended personnel development strategy will foster ethically sound and socially responsible decision making on the part of both leadership and staff. Justify your proposal by citing specific evidence showing how it will support the current and long-term goals and objectives of the organization.

IV. Community Relations Strategy

a) Explain how the organization will achieve a positive and productive relationship with the public that it serves. For example, how can the organization anticipate and react to social issues that might arise within the community? How can the organization limit its liability while still fully addressing the needs of the public? Justify your response by citing specific evidence that shows how your strategy will support the goals and objectives of the organization.

b) Additionally, make recommendations for how the organization will maintain appropriate and transparent communication with the diverse members of the community. For example, how will the organization operate on social media? Justify your response by citing specific evidence that shows how your strategy will support the goals and objectives of the organization.

V. Implementation: Finally, identify ways for leadership to responsibly implement each of your proposed strategies. Consider potential ethical dilemmas or other challenges that may be faced in executing the strategy and provide specific measures to deal with each.


Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be about 6 to 8 pages in length and should use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


MOS5101 Columbia Southern Fall Protection in Residential Construction Paper Science Assignment Help

Unit V Journal

What type of fall protection do you believe should be required for roofers on residential buildings? Explain why you believe that type of fall protection should be required.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


Choose one mechanical hazard and one fall hazard. The hazards can be from a workplace you are familiar with, from the textbook, or from an article you find in the CSU Online Library. Create a paper containing two parts. The first part will be for the mechanical hazard, and the second part will be for the fall hazard. Complete the following elements for each part of your paper:

  • Describe the processes that create the hazard.
  • Perform a risk assessment using a risk-assessment matrix or a risk-assessment decision tree. Explain the steps required to perform the risk assessment. You can choose a matrix or tree that was covered in the lesson or textbook, or create your own. The risk assessment should be based on the assumption that no controls have been installed to date.
  • Evaluate the acceptability of the risk based on your risk assessment.
  • Recommend any controls that you believe would reduce the risk associated with the hazard.
  • Perform a second risk assessment based on your recommended controls.

Your completed assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least two outside sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.


The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.


PSY250 Wk 4 UOPX Individual: Behavioral and Social-Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits Humanities Assignment Help


View Discussion

Wk 4 Discussion [due Thurs]

Wk 4 Discussion [due Thurs]

Wk 4 Individual: Behavioral and Social-Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits [due Mon]

Discussion Topic

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

In Week 4, you are introduced to the behavioral perspective of personality. The readings this week focus on behavioral and the social-cognitive theories of several theorists, including Skinner, Kelly, Mischel, and Bandura.

  • Based on your readings this week, provide a specific example of how the environment can cause behavior. B.F. Skinner’s work on Operant Conditioning introduces the concept of reinforcement and punishment. Discuss an example of results obtained through reinforcement or through punishment according to Skinner’s theory.


MKT571 University of Phoenix Coca Cola Marketing Plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help




Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students think through the importance of social, legal, and ethical issues that may arise with their product or service and the implications of decisions made within those frameworks. It is designed to help the learners understand ethical and legal issues related to marketing practices. This knowledge helps to prevent such issues when developing the marketing strategies in their marketing plan. The executive overview of the marketing plan is not a summary and conclusion, but an overview of what the plan entails and what it does not address.

Assignment Steps

Note: the Social, Ethical, and Legal Implications assignment is part of the total marketing plan as outlined in the grading guide. It is not a separate paper.

Resources: Marketing Plan and Outline

Producing and marketing a product without regard to ethical, legal, and social considerations is detrimental to the overall success of any company.

Assess in a maximum of 700 words the ethical, legal, and social issues affecting your product or service in two markets: the United States and one international market. Domestic market generally means the market where the company headquarters are located. If you choose a domestic market that is not the U.S., then your other market is required to be the U.S. marketplace. This will be added to the Target Market section of your Marketing Plan.

Include the following:

  • Develop a process to monitor and control marketing performance. This process could be a flowchart but a flowchart is not required (flowcharts do not count towards your word count requirement). This will be added to the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies section of your Marketing Plan.

Formulate a maximum 350-word executive summary (this written last but comes first in the plan) including at a minimum the following elements to include in your marketing plan:

  • Required executive summary elements:
  • Strategic Objectives
  • Products or Services
  • Optional executive summary elements:
  • Resources Needed
  • Projected Outcomes

Integrate the previous weeks’ sections, and incorporate corrections and suggestions from the instructor’s weekly feedback. The marketing plan should contain elements from each week of the course, including:

  • Understanding Target Markets (Week 2)
  • Promotion and the Product Life Cycle (Week 3)
  • Price and Channel Strategy (Week 4)
  • Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy (Week 5)
  • Executive Summary, Legal, Social and Ethical Considerations (Week 6)

The plan should follow the order of the Marketing Plan Outline:

Executive Summary

Situational Analysis


Target Markets (include the Social, Ethical, and Legal Implications in this section)

Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies (Include the process to monitor and control marketing performance in this section)

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references in this week’s portion.

Include all peer-reviewed references from the previous weeks’ individual assignments in your marketing plan.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

Grading Guide:


Understanding Evidence Base & Theory Behind Educational Practice Discussions Writing Assignment Help

Understanding Evidence Base & Theory Behind Educational Practice Discussions Writing Assignment Help

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