UNF Humanities Archaeology Nontraditional Compensation Strategies Essay Humanities Assignment Help

UNF Humanities Archaeology Nontraditional Compensation Strategies Essay Humanities Assignment Help. UNF Humanities Archaeology Nontraditional Compensation Strategies Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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I wanna one page essay please read the instructions and follow it

here is what he want:

You have been contacted by the Italian Government to join their team of archaeologists to investigate the sites of Mt. Vesuvius and Herculaneum. One of the most devastating events of 79 AD was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Knowing that modern day science involves an “interdisciplinary approach” based upon your viewing of all videos, and other sources, If you were an archaeologist who would you contact or call to seek additional advice and why would additional expertise be necessary and why?

Make a very methodical explanation including the following:

– What disciplines might come into play to recreate the life of people of a site and why (use your knowledge of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well)

– How should an archaeological site be documented/recorded and what accounts should be examined

– Cite your sources well and think out your argument carefully

please good citations don’t use a book As. Source.

use your knowledge of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well

UNF Humanities Archaeology Nontraditional Compensation Strategies Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Leeds Police Brutality Against Black Community Essay Writing Assignment Help

Proposal Argument on Police Brutality.

I have 2 hours timed to write a timed essay about police brutality.

  1. Write a Thesis Statement that states offers a solution (Proposal).
  2. Offer clear, fully-developed body paragraphs, making sure that compelling and convincing evidence is used.
  3. Acknowledge the opposition and address it via refutation or concession.
  4. Make use of transitions.
  5. Ensure
    that all borrowed material, quotes and summaries, from the source
    essays or outside sources is parenthetically cited to avoid plagiarism.
  6. Offer bibliographic citations for any material you choose to use (it is not required that you use any) in the Works Cited at the end of the paper.
  7. Write 800+ words.


Northeastern University Screen Exit Situation Crime Prevention Discussion Law Assignment Help

In the book chapter by Smith and Clarke (2014), the authors discuss the evolution of the classification system for situational crime prevention. Using the latest iteration of the classification system (the one with 5 approaches and 25 techniques; see Table 15.3 on pp. 305- 308), and focusing on the approach “increase the effort,” describe the technique of “screen exits.” How is this technique supposed to prevent crime? Also, identify 2 or 3 examples of how this technique can be applied to different crimes. It may be helpful to think about when you go to some types of stores or when you use some types of public transportation.


Arizona State University American Diabetes Association Program Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

We will assume that legal issues and large budgets are not factors in this case. As a result, you are assigned a very precise, clear, well-organized 2 page program evaluation with headings and subheadings as needed. You are asked to respond to the questions and prompts in this document using the portions of the Contents of an Evaluation Planas I specify below.

You will be making suggestions for evaluating an actual program or reporting on an evaluation of a program with which you are familiar (not a fictional program, as we have used in the past) so it is important to select a program that you know about. The program does not have to be related to social work. Select a program in which you or someone you know has participated, a program you have led, or a program that you have already evaluated in detail.

You may choose any program with which you are familiar whether it involves social work or not. Such programs can include training programs at your workplace, programs at your field placement, programs at church, a school, an organization, your community, or other programs in with which you are familiar. For example, community programs, such as a popcorn sale by the Boy Scouts, a plan for the school winter holiday concert, or a fund-raiser to send youth to another part of the country to help on a project are examples of programs that are acceptable for this assignment. The important feature is that the program be real so you can evaluate it, but the type of program does not matter since the same principles will apply to all programs.

Your report must contain the following nine items in this order to obtain maximum points:

**Your name in the running head. No title page, please. There will be points deducted if a title page is used due to the amount of paper wasted by title pages when they are printed out.

1. Name of a programused in this report. This must be a real program with which you are familiar. It does not have to be a social work program. You can use a fictional name if you do not want the program to be identified for confidentiality or proprietary reasons.

2. State the purposeof the report as follows:

The purpose of this report is to assess outcomes related to [name the program] to determine how well the program achieved its goals and objectives. In particular, this paper is intended to evaluate [select ONEpurpose from the List of common purposes of an evaluation (adapted from the University of Wisconsin-Extension (2008) below.)

List of common purposes of an evaluation

  • how well the program met its goals (usually scaled 1-5 or more for each goal)

what the participants learn(ed) or what skills they acquire(d) in the program

changes in knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, values, or skills that can be attributed to participation in the program (positive, negative or neutral)

short-term and long-term changes in participants or conditions as a result of the program, stated in behavioral terms or shifts in attitudes or opinions.

recipients’ opinions regarding the program activities (caution: “feelings are often poor indicators that your service made lasting impact”, McNamara, 2004)

external factors that aid or hinder program success (location, time, overlap with other programs, access to transportation, etc.)

any unintended negative or secondary effects of the program

what works (and what doesn’t) to fill the need for which the program was created

activities that are most successful and less-than-successful in achieving the program goals, and decide whether to improve or replace less-effective activities

whether to continue, modify, or terminate the program (Adapted from UW-Extension, 2008)

3. Describe the need that the program was designed to remedy.In one paragraph, provide a brief (2-3 sentence) summary of the events or conditions that led you or others to conclude that there was a need or a benefit for offering the program. (Refer to your statement of need in the logic model that you developed for an example.)

4. Describe the goals of the program.In a 1-2 sentence statement, identify the intended overall goals of the program (Select no more than three goals if there are multiple goals).

For example: “The goals of the Happy Valley Recreation Association are to organize age-appropriate outdoor activities throughout the year at Happy Valley Regional Park for ages 3- 99. Activities may include nature walks, canoeing, tennis, and snow-shoeing. “

5. Describe the program including the features listed below. Use a table or bullet points:

§the type of individuals for whom the program was created (1-2 sentences)

§planned functions or services for the program, with a brief explanation about whether those functions or services were implemented as planned (3-5 sentences)

§resources contributed by the sponsoring organization (if there is one) and resources that the organizers needed another organization to provide (if known) (1-2 sentences)

§the type of staff and the qualifications of staff who maintain the program, ensure that it functions according to plan (most of the time!), or provide the interventions (2-3 sentences)

§obstacles, problems, or insights that have emerged in implementing the program.

An example is below:

Program: Walden Leadership Program for Youth

Recipients:All 70 8thgrade boys and girls from Walden Middle School were invited; 14 girls and 8 boys attended.

Interventions and program functions:

a)a 90 minute after-school program offered two times per week for 8 weeks in fall semester at Walden Middle School to enhance math and science learning and to use video feedback to help students look and act professional.

b)snacks are provided

c)A student teacher from Walden University and two high school Eagle scouts assist with math and science demonstrations

d)The Eagle scouts tutor attendees with homework for 20 minutes after each session

e)A social worker provides motivational talks and encouragement to participants during the sessions.

Resources: Walden Leadership Program for Youth was held in the Walden Middle School cafeteria with snacks provided free of charge by Tasty Wonders Bakery. Student teachers were given a stipend of $50 per session. Eagle scouts were provided with bus tokens to get home after the program. Social workers were given time to attend sessions and provide the motivational speeches.

Staff:Walden College of Education provided the student teachers; Walden High recruited three Eagle Scouts to assist demonstrations and tutors; the social worker is an employee of Walden Middle School.

Challenges: The demonstration equipment was accidentally locked away by the janitor for one week. We found that it was difficult to get the attendees to focus on the activity if snacks were provided first or they had a test the next day. We arranged transportation home for the students on the bus with the sports team that practiced after school, but when they had an away game, the transportation was not available, so we were forced to cancel several sessions.

6. Complete the table (below) for your data collection plan.

6-1.In column 1, list four key questionsthat may have been included in an evaluation of the program (if an evaluation occurred) or four key questions that you think would be useful for evaluating the effectiveness of the program. Enter them into the table below. The following questions are found in Building Capacity in Evaluating Outcomes (University of Wisconsin-Extension, Program Development and Evaluation, 2008. Enter the question into the template below (column 1).

  • What do people do differently as a result of the program?
  • What do people learn, gain, accomplish?
  • What changes occur [and for whom] as a result of the program?
  • [Do different changes occur for people with differences in] gender, socio-economic status, lifestyle, religion, education, ethnicity, previous experience, situation, etc.?
  • Who benefits [from the program] and how?
  • What are the [emotional, physical], social, economic, [and] environmental impacts [of the program] (positive and negative) on people, communities, the environment?
  • What is the extent of the impact?
  • To what extent have we reached our goals [or] performance targets?
  • What program factor[s] or activities relate to better outcomes? (That is, which program activities seem to help participants the most? The least?)
  • Are participants satisfied with what they gained from the program?
  • How do the outcomes of this program compare to other, similar programs?
  • Is the program efficient? (That is, does it produce beneficial results without excessive outlay of time, effort, and resources?)
  • Are the results worth the money and time invested into it?
  • How well does/did the program respond to the [statement of] need and program purpose?

6.2 In column 2, identify informantswho would be able to provide accurate, reliable, and useful information about the program by their role (school principal, hospice social worker, etc.).

6.3In column 3, list the data collection methodfor each informant that was used in an actual evaluation or which you would use if the program has not had a formal evaluation.

You may list data collection methods that have been used to evaluate the outcomes, effects, or impacts of your program if it has been evaluated. Otherwise, suggest data collection methods from the table in Basic Guide to Program Evaluation (Including Outcomes Evaluation) linked here: https://managementhelp.org/evaluation/program-evaluation-guide.htm#anchor1585345. Provide ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of each data collection method in the table below.

Questions for outcome evaluation

Whom to ask (informants)

Data Collection method with one advantage and disadvantage





7. Provide findings from the evaluation questionsif an evaluation has already occurred (if you are aware of the results) or provide some anticipated results from the evaluation questions if the program has not yet been evaluated or if you do not know the findings of an evaluation that has occurred. (1-2 accurate, brief, and clear paragraphs)

8.Based on your answer to Question 7, provide a recommendationfor implementing, expanding, modifying, or discontinuing the program in the future. If you think that the program should be expanded, include the services or population which you think should be added. If you think that the program should be changed or disbanded, provide a reason. (1 paragraph; 2-3 sentences)

9. Include your reference list in APA format. Please consult the APA guidelines in Week 3 of the discussion or the Writing Center tutorials on their webpage to follow the formats for the 7thedition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.Errors cost points!

Other formatting guidelines

Do not exceed two pages for this report. You may use 1.5 line spacing. If your references spill over to a third page, there will be no deductions, but the content of your report cannot exceed two pages. Answers should be highly informative, clear, and concise with no “fluff”.

Use a bold frontat the beginning of each questionto identify the question being addressed (Program Goal, Need for Programs, Program Description, etc.) so it is clear which question you are answering.

I am recommending this format because it aids stakeholders who want to help your agency make a difference. You will respect their time by filing a brief report that adheres to instructions. Consider what they want and need to know to help them decide about the future of your program. Do not pad the report with speculations; provide just the truth, the whole truth (no cutting corners), and nothing but the truth (no exaggeration or “spin”) in a brief, transparent, and professional report.


Ashford University Brand Presentation of Purina Dig Chow PowerPoint Business Finance Assignment Help

Develop a brand presentation of 8 12 slides for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer), using the speaker’s notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points.


Branding is a means of differentiating a product from its competitors. Branding is an important aspect of marketing because it provides a distinctive identity to a product or family of products that sets it apart from competitors. This assessment introduces the concept of brands and discusses the various ways marketers position their products within the brand structure. By the end of the assessment, you may look at branding and products a bit differently than you do right now!


Completion of this portfolio work project will help you understand the key components of a brand presentation.


The Vice President of Marketing at MSH Brands (or at your employer or future employer company) was impressed with your marketing plan submitted in Assessment 1. They have now asked you to develop a brand presentation based on this work.

Your Role

You are a Brand Manager at MSH Brands (or at your employer or future employer company). You are being asked to develop a brand presentation for a new pet food product (or new product or line extension at your employer or future employer.)


You are to develop a brand presentation including the following elements based on your research, building on your work submitted in Assessment 1. Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 8 12 slides that synthesize the work, using the speaker’s notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points. Be sure your presentation includes:

What is the brand name for the product? What role does the new product play in the brand portfolio?

  • Who is the target market?
  • What will be the new product’s objectives (create greater customer loyalty, increase trials, expand usage among current users, support trade relations)?
  • What will be the new product position? How will it complement the objectives?
  • What will be the new product competitive pricing strategy? How will it complement the objectives?
  • How will this be reflected in the packaging? How will it complement the objectives?
  • How will this be reflected in the promotion? How will it complement the objectives?
  • How will this be reflected in the placement? How will it complement the objectives?

Deliverable Format

  • PowerPoint presentation. Use Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX]as a resource.
  • 8 12 slides (in addition to the title and references slides).
  • Include additional details on each slide in the speaker’s notes section.
  • Additional requirements:
    • Title slide.
    • References slide.
    • APA-formatted references from at least five sources.
    • Be sure you consider the audience.



Race and Blood in The Iberian World Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

ESSAY PROMPT: Taking these complex arguments about race in Spanish America into consideration, develop an argument about whether Spaniards, and Iberians more generally, had a concept of race similar to the one we have today. How did Spaniards and colonial authorities think about race? Did they even have a concept of race? In what ways was their concept of race similar to ours? In what ways was it different? Did Spaniards discriminate and exclude on the basis of race? Or did they discriminate and exclude on the basis of religion, foreignness, and other criteria?

*NOTE: Remember to make an argument or main point in the first paragraph and weave it throughout the paper. Make only one argument, and support it with evidence from the secondary sources assigned. Additional research is not necessary. Where helpful, provide quotations to prove your point. Because this is a very short paper, make sure to be concise. Re-read and revise your paper until you are absolutely sure that every word is helping you bolster your argument. Use topic sentences in the beginning of each paragraph, and relate the content of each paragraph to your main argument.

Almost as soon as Spaniards established themselves in the New World, they became concerned with what we today would call “race,” that is skin color and physical features. In fact, as we have seen in Rebecca Earle’s article, conquistadors were incredibly worried that if they continued to eat Indigenous food, they would become Indians themselves. In their mind, a person’s race was powerfully influenced by the food he/she ate and the environment in which he/she lived.

Spaniards were also obsessed with genealogy, or what they called “pureza de sangre” (purity of blood). As María Elena Martínez suggests in her article, these ideas were initially concerned with policing pure Christian blood and preventing former Jews and Muslims (New Christians and Moriscos) from obtaining access to the same privileges that “old” Christians enjoyed. As Martínez suggests, this idea of purity of blood was also transmitted to the New World, although the complex intermixing that occurred between Spaniards, Indigenous people, and people of African descent altered old notions purity of blood, in ways that made Indigenous people “redeemable” future Christians but that also permanently stained people of African descent.

Finally, Tamar Herzog invites her readers to move beyond race, arguing that the pejorative connotations that Iberians attached to people of African descent, Indigenous people, and gypsies was a function of their status as foreigners rather than as a racial group. In her view, Iberians had a spectrum of categories that measured people’s right to inclusion on the basis of their perceived foreignness. Consequently, she argues that it was on the basis of this spectrum of foreignness that Iberians excluded certain people from participating in the political community. While she accepts the pejorative connotations that contemporaries attached to afro-descendants, she also insists that what mattered was not their dark skin but rather their status as foreigners.

Race and Blood in The Iberian World Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL 002 AIU Online Negative Effects of Social Media on Teenagers Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment Details

Argumentative Essay (Phase 3)

Download the unit 6 essay template to help you with the correct layout of your paper.

NOTE: You may submit either the fully completed template or use it as a guide, and submit only what you have included in the template.

Draft the first part of your essay (3–4 pages) according to the following:

  1. Begin with your revised opening paragraph, and include your thesis statement and the quote from the Unit 2 Submission. Make sure you are addressing the audience that you have identified for your paper.
  2. Write 3 body paragraphs (including at least 1 quotation, 1 summarization, and 1 paraphrase with corresponding in-text citations and references in APA format).
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of your audience and cultural competence with your writing (e.g., word choice and bias).
  4. Incorporate multimedia (use the multimedia piece you decided on in the Unit 4 Submission assignment, use examples provided in the intellipath lessons, or get approval from your instructor). Multimedia—such as visuals, videos, audio—are often used in an essay to highlight, clarify, or further explain an item in that essay.
  5. Make sure you incorporate credible information sources (a minimum of 3; 1 of them a multimedia piece), and that they are cited in correct APA format (in-text citations and a corresponding References page).

Be sure your paper is in APA format (i.e., double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, with a running head and page numbering). The Reference page, as well as any in-text citations, must follow APA formatting requirements. Be sure to check your writing for the following writing elements: Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and proofreading.

NOTE: For assistance with this assignment, please refer to the assigned readings listed under Unit 6 Learning Activities, as well as your intellipath lessons.

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria Proficient Descriptor Points
Revised opening paragraph Formulates a captivating opening paragraph based on the intended audience’s interests and ideals.
Presents a revised opening paragraph with observed improvements to the previously submitted opening paragraph.
/15 pts
Body paragraphs Presents 3 body paragraphs required for the first half of the essay.
Uses the MEAL method to organize and develop each paragraph.
/45 pts.
Use of varied information sources Uses varied information sources within the body paragraphs that include:
• 1 quote
• 1 summarization
• 1 paraphrase
Includes in-text citations for the print, digital, and multimedia sources used.
/15 points
Incorporating multimedia Selects multimedia relevant to the essay’s purpose, either from examples provided in intellipath lessons, or an item approved by the instructor.
Integrates the multimedia, clarifying points that serve as supporting evidence.
Explains the importance of the multimedia piece by either:
• Using a sentence to introduce the relevance of the multimedia
• Using a paragraph closing sentence to emphasize the relevance of the multimedia
/10 pts.
Knowledge of audience Demonstrates knowledge of the intended audience by mentioning values or perspectives significant to that audience.
Organizes the supporting evidence to increase audience acceptance:
• Provides examples that likely would be familiar to the intended audience
• Avoids jargon and slang that likely would not be familiar to the intended audience
/20 pts.
Cultural competence Demonstrates cultural competence by both acknowledging perspectives of the intended audience, and also promoting acceptance of cultural differences.
Selects vocabulary (throughout the essay) that is open and inclusive, free of bias.
Engages diverse examples beyond one’s own worldview, where applicable.
/15 pts.
Format Provides 3-4 pages of content for the essay that is double-spaced with a running head and page numbers. Additionally provides a title page and a references page. /10 pts.
Credibility Credible information sources (a minimum of three) utilized are clearly identified, properly cited, and referenced using APA Style. The information sources include: one source given with the assignment, one additional reference selected by the student, and one multimedia reference. /10 pts.
Grammar & Mechanics Sentences are clear, well-articulated, and free from grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors /10 pts.
Total /150 pts

If you are planning to repurpose an assignment or submit one you have used before, please let your instructor know. If an instructor is not made aware of work being repurposed or reused, he or she will treat the assignment as a plagiarized task and reserves the right to post an F grade and submit a task for review to administration until proof of originality is provided. View the full AIU Policies on submitting papers.


VPT Participants Subjected to A Brain MRI & Relevance to Education Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Choose 3 research papers from the list and combine it with education. Be sure that you have a good understanding of the three different
categories of scholarly articles: empirical research, meta analysis/literature review, and explanation of educational practice or
policy. Select one article related to your topic from each category.

Write no more than a two-page review for each article. Each review should include the following:

1. An explanation of why the article falls into one of three categories of a scholarly article (empirical research, meta-analysis/literature review, and explanation of educational practice or policy)

2. A brief summary of the article

3. implications for educational practice

1. Begin each review with the article citation using APA style. This citation should be
single spaced.

2. The body of your review should be between 300 and 400 words, double spaced.

3. In the first paragraph identify type of article (empirical, literature
review/meta-analysis, or explanation of practice or policy) and explain why
you decided to put the article in this category.

4. In the second paragraph write a summary of the article. Identify the
author(s) main ideas (explanation of practice or policy), what were the
most important findings or conclusions (literature review/meta-analysis),
or what was the researcher’s main question and results (empirical

5. In the last paragraph succinctly suggest how these ideas might be applied to
education or a related field.

6. Combine your three reviews into one document.

5-6 pages.


SOCW 6051 Walden University Diversity Awareness & Self Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help

In the profession of social work, there is an expectation that all service providers and professionals provide culturally responsive interventions and considerations to diverse individuals, groups, and communities. At the same time, the topic of diversity has the potential to create discomfort. How do social workers continue to not only engage in difficult conversations, but to also acknowledge and confront the layers of discomfort?

Learning about local diversity and attending cultural events is one way to challenge one’s perspective and engage with diverse others. For this Assignment, participate in an immersive experience in your community. As a guest at this experience, remember to take a stance of cultural humility and respectfully participate. You then create a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation about this experience in which you analyze related concepts in the course. You are expected to demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, dress, and setting for the presentation.

To Prepare: Attend an open event in your community related to a diverse social identity (gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity, class, religion, ability, sexual orientation, national origin, or age).

Submit, a 7-10 minute recorded PowerPoint presentation and transcript of presentation. In the PPT presentation, address the following prompts:

  • Describe the cultural event in which you participated.
  • Explain how this experience influenced your perceptions of diversity and difference.
  • Analyze at least 3 key concepts from this course in relation to this experience.
  • Define what it means to you to engage with diversity and difference in practice.
  • Describe two challenges associated with discussing and reflecting on diversity related content.
  • Describe one strategy to address these challenges.
  • Identify one positive emotion and one negative emotion that surfaced during the past 10 weeks of the course. (positive= Week 5 when we dealt with race and diversity: negative= Week 8 Religion and Privilege)
  • Describe one strategy to address the negative emotion in order to continue developing cultural awareness.
  • Explain specific steps that you will take to advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice based on what you have learned in this course. (treating all individuals equal and with respect for all gender, age, race, and except all groups.)


Advertising Recruitment Resources Questions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

For each of the following advertising resources for recruitment answer the following questions.

Advertising Resources:

  • Internal Recruitment
  • Print Advertising (Local media, National publications)
  • Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Job Fairs
  • Professional Conferences
  • Internet Sources (monster, indeed, careerbuilder, etc.)
  • Universities & Colleges
  • Search Firm

Answer the following questions for each resource:

  1. What are the pros and cons for each of each advertising resources.
  2. As the recruitment officer, what do you need to do to prepare for each resource? (ie. For a job fair you would need a table presentation, information pieces – what are those?, swag)
  3. Do you feel you would yield the needed results from this resource? Would this resource provide an ROI?
  4. In the current industry that you work which of these resources are most often used or seems to be the most beneficial?




VPT Participants Subjected to A Brain MRI & Relevance to Education Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Choose 3 research papers from the list and combine it with education. Be sure that you have a good understanding of the three different
categories of scholarly articles: empirical research, meta analysis/literature review, and explanation of educational practice or
policy. Select one article related to your topic from each category.

Write no more than a two-page review for each article. Each review should include the following:

1. An explanation of why the article falls into one of three categories of a scholarly article (empirical research, meta-analysis/literature review, and explanation of educational practice or policy)

2. A brief summary of the article

3. implications for educational practice

1. Begin each review with the article citation using APA style. This citation should be
single spaced.

2. The body of your review should be between 300 and 400 words, double spaced.

3. In the first paragraph identify type of article (empirical, literature
review/meta-analysis, or explanation of practice or policy) and explain why
you decided to put the article in this category.

4. In the second paragraph write a summary of the article. Identify the
author(s) main ideas (explanation of practice or policy), what were the
most important findings or conclusions (literature review/meta-analysis),
or what was the researcher’s main question and results (empirical

5. In the last paragraph succinctly suggest how these ideas might be applied to
education or a related field.

6. Combine your three reviews into one document.

5-6 pages.


SOCW 6051 Walden University Diversity Awareness & Self Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help

In the profession of social work, there is an expectation that all service providers and professionals provide culturally responsive interventions and considerations to diverse individuals, groups, and communities. At the same time, the topic of diversity has the potential to create discomfort. How do social workers continue to not only engage in difficult conversations, but to also acknowledge and confront the layers of discomfort?

Learning about local diversity and attending cultural events is one way to challenge one’s perspective and engage with diverse others. For this Assignment, participate in an immersive experience in your community. As a guest at this experience, remember to take a stance of cultural humility and respectfully participate. You then create a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation about this experience in which you analyze related concepts in the course. You are expected to demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, dress, and setting for the presentation.

To Prepare: Attend an open event in your community related to a diverse social identity (gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity, class, religion, ability, sexual orientation, national origin, or age).

Submit, a 7-10 minute recorded PowerPoint presentation and transcript of presentation. In the PPT presentation, address the following prompts:

  • Describe the cultural event in which you participated.
  • Explain how this experience influenced your perceptions of diversity and difference.
  • Analyze at least 3 key concepts from this course in relation to this experience.
  • Define what it means to you to engage with diversity and difference in practice.
  • Describe two challenges associated with discussing and reflecting on diversity related content.
  • Describe one strategy to address these challenges.
  • Identify one positive emotion and one negative emotion that surfaced during the past 10 weeks of the course. (positive= Week 5 when we dealt with race and diversity: negative= Week 8 Religion and Privilege)
  • Describe one strategy to address the negative emotion in order to continue developing cultural awareness.
  • Explain specific steps that you will take to advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice based on what you have learned in this course. (treating all individuals equal and with respect for all gender, age, race, and except all groups.)


Advertising Recruitment Resources Questions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

For each of the following advertising resources for recruitment answer the following questions.

Advertising Resources:

  • Internal Recruitment
  • Print Advertising (Local media, National publications)
  • Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Job Fairs
  • Professional Conferences
  • Internet Sources (monster, indeed, careerbuilder, etc.)
  • Universities & Colleges
  • Search Firm

Answer the following questions for each resource:

  1. What are the pros and cons for each of each advertising resources.
  2. As the recruitment officer, what do you need to do to prepare for each resource? (ie. For a job fair you would need a table presentation, information pieces – what are those?, swag)
  3. Do you feel you would yield the needed results from this resource? Would this resource provide an ROI?
  4. In the current industry that you work which of these resources are most often used or seems to be the most beneficial?




VPT Participants Subjected to A Brain MRI & Relevance to Education Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Choose 3 research papers from the list and combine it with education. Be sure that you have a good understanding of the three different
categories of scholarly articles: empirical research, meta analysis/literature review, and explanation of educational practice or
policy. Select one article related to your topic from each category.

Write no more than a two-page review for each article. Each review should include the following:

1. An explanation of why the article falls into one of three categories of a scholarly article (empirical research, meta-analysis/literature review, and explanation of educational practice or policy)

2. A brief summary of the article

3. implications for educational practice

1. Begin each review with the article citation using APA style. This citation should be
single spaced.

2. The body of your review should be between 300 and 400 words, double spaced.

3. In the first paragraph identify type of article (empirical, literature
review/meta-analysis, or explanation of practice or policy) and explain why
you decided to put the article in this category.

4. In the second paragraph write a summary of the article. Identify the
author(s) main ideas (explanation of practice or policy), what were the
most important findings or conclusions (literature review/meta-analysis),
or what was the researcher’s main question and results (empirical

5. In the last paragraph succinctly suggest how these ideas might be applied to
education or a related field.

6. Combine your three reviews into one document.

5-6 pages.


SOCW 6051 Walden University Diversity Awareness & Self Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help

In the profession of social work, there is an expectation that all service providers and professionals provide culturally responsive interventions and considerations to diverse individuals, groups, and communities. At the same time, the topic of diversity has the potential to create discomfort. How do social workers continue to not only engage in difficult conversations, but to also acknowledge and confront the layers of discomfort?

Learning about local diversity and attending cultural events is one way to challenge one’s perspective and engage with diverse others. For this Assignment, participate in an immersive experience in your community. As a guest at this experience, remember to take a stance of cultural humility and respectfully participate. You then create a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation about this experience in which you analyze related concepts in the course. You are expected to demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, dress, and setting for the presentation.

To Prepare: Attend an open event in your community related to a diverse social identity (gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity, class, religion, ability, sexual orientation, national origin, or age).

Submit, a 7-10 minute recorded PowerPoint presentation and transcript of presentation. In the PPT presentation, address the following prompts:

  • Describe the cultural event in which you participated.
  • Explain how this experience influenced your perceptions of diversity and difference.
  • Analyze at least 3 key concepts from this course in relation to this experience.
  • Define what it means to you to engage with diversity and difference in practice.
  • Describe two challenges associated with discussing and reflecting on diversity related content.
  • Describe one strategy to address these challenges.
  • Identify one positive emotion and one negative emotion that surfaced during the past 10 weeks of the course. (positive= Week 5 when we dealt with race and diversity: negative= Week 8 Religion and Privilege)
  • Describe one strategy to address the negative emotion in order to continue developing cultural awareness.
  • Explain specific steps that you will take to advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice based on what you have learned in this course. (treating all individuals equal and with respect for all gender, age, race, and except all groups.)


Advertising Recruitment Resources Questions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

For each of the following advertising resources for recruitment answer the following questions.

Advertising Resources:

  • Internal Recruitment
  • Print Advertising (Local media, National publications)
  • Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Job Fairs
  • Professional Conferences
  • Internet Sources (monster, indeed, careerbuilder, etc.)
  • Universities & Colleges
  • Search Firm

Answer the following questions for each resource:

  1. What are the pros and cons for each of each advertising resources.
  2. As the recruitment officer, what do you need to do to prepare for each resource? (ie. For a job fair you would need a table presentation, information pieces – what are those?, swag)
  3. Do you feel you would yield the needed results from this resource? Would this resource provide an ROI?
  4. In the current industry that you work which of these resources are most often used or seems to be the most beneficial?




VPT Participants Subjected to A Brain MRI & Relevance to Education Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Choose 3 research papers from the list and combine it with education. Be sure that you have a good understanding of the three different
categories of scholarly articles: empirical research, meta analysis/literature review, and explanation of educational practice or
policy. Select one article related to your topic from each category.

Write no more than a two-page review for each article. Each review should include the following:

1. An explanation of why the article falls into one of three categories of a scholarly article (empirical research, meta-analysis/literature review, and explanation of educational practice or policy)

2. A brief summary of the article

3. implications for educational practice

1. Begin each review with the article citation using APA style. This citation should be
single spaced.

2. The body of your review should be between 300 and 400 words, double spaced.

3. In the first paragraph identify type of article (empirical, literature
review/meta-analysis, or explanation of practice or policy) and explain why
you decided to put the article in this category.

4. In the second paragraph write a summary of the article. Identify the
author(s) main ideas (explanation of practice or policy), what were the
most important findings or conclusions (literature review/meta-analysis),
or what was the researcher’s main question and results (empirical

5. In the last paragraph succinctly suggest how these ideas might be applied to
education or a related field.

6. Combine your three reviews into one document.

5-6 pages.


SOCW 6051 Walden University Diversity Awareness & Self Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help

In the profession of social work, there is an expectation that all service providers and professionals provide culturally responsive interventions and considerations to diverse individuals, groups, and communities. At the same time, the topic of diversity has the potential to create discomfort. How do social workers continue to not only engage in difficult conversations, but to also acknowledge and confront the layers of discomfort?

Learning about local diversity and attending cultural events is one way to challenge one’s perspective and engage with diverse others. For this Assignment, participate in an immersive experience in your community. As a guest at this experience, remember to take a stance of cultural humility and respectfully participate. You then create a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation about this experience in which you analyze related concepts in the course. You are expected to demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, dress, and setting for the presentation.

To Prepare: Attend an open event in your community related to a diverse social identity (gender identity/expression, race/ethnicity, class, religion, ability, sexual orientation, national origin, or age).

Submit, a 7-10 minute recorded PowerPoint presentation and transcript of presentation. In the PPT presentation, address the following prompts:

  • Describe the cultural event in which you participated.
  • Explain how this experience influenced your perceptions of diversity and difference.
  • Analyze at least 3 key concepts from this course in relation to this experience.
  • Define what it means to you to engage with diversity and difference in practice.
  • Describe two challenges associated with discussing and reflecting on diversity related content.
  • Describe one strategy to address these challenges.
  • Identify one positive emotion and one negative emotion that surfaced during the past 10 weeks of the course. (positive= Week 5 when we dealt with race and diversity: negative= Week 8 Religion and Privilege)
  • Describe one strategy to address the negative emotion in order to continue developing cultural awareness.
  • Explain specific steps that you will take to advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice based on what you have learned in this course. (treating all individuals equal and with respect for all gender, age, race, and except all groups.)


Advertising Recruitment Resources Questions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

For each of the following advertising resources for recruitment answer the following questions.

Advertising Resources:

  • Internal Recruitment
  • Print Advertising (Local media, National publications)
  • Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
  • Job Fairs
  • Professional Conferences
  • Internet Sources (monster, indeed, careerbuilder, etc.)
  • Universities & Colleges
  • Search Firm

Answer the following questions for each resource:

  1. What are the pros and cons for each of each advertising resources.
  2. As the recruitment officer, what do you need to do to prepare for each resource? (ie. For a job fair you would need a table presentation, information pieces – what are those?, swag)
  3. Do you feel you would yield the needed results from this resource? Would this resource provide an ROI?
  4. In the current industry that you work which of these resources are most often used or seems to be the most beneficial?


UNF Humanities Archaeology Nontraditional Compensation Strategies Essay Humanities Assignment Help

UNF Humanities Archaeology Nontraditional Compensation Strategies Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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