Union Military Strategy in 1864, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help. Union Military Strategy in 1864, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help.
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In 4 – 5 sentences, respond to the following:
Grant’s strategy was “to get possession of Lee’s army was the first objective. With the capture of his army, Richmond would necessarily follow. It was better to fight him outside his stronghold than in it.” (Burns, 1990). To do this, his plan was to use the Army of the Potomac under Meade to attack Lee’s army and Grant would tell Meade “Where Lee goes, you go also.” (McPherson & Hogue, 2010). Sherman was to move against Johnston’s Army, break it up and destroy the confederate war resources. Sounds like total war. The auxiliary campaigns consisted of Butler to move up the James River and threaten Richmond and keep Lee from being able to pull reinforcements the capital. Sigel’s mission was to move up the Shenandoah Valley and keep Lee from being able to gather resources from the area. Banks would leave New Orleans to Mobile, capture it and move through Alabama and meet up with Sherman in Georgia. As Lincoln described it, “Those not skinning can hold a leg.” (McPherson & Hogue, 2010).
The Auxiliary campaigns would be a failure with the Red River Campaign and Banks doing little more than planting a few flags along the Texas gulf coast and retreating from an attack on Shreveport. Butler failed to attack at Richmond and ended up getting shut out, and cut off from making any significate difference. As for Sigel, he failed to deny the confederates the resource-rich Shenandoah Valley with the loss at New Market, and then being relieved of duty six days later.
Grant would have a hard go of it. But unlike his predecessor, Grant continued to fight instead of retreat after a heavy battle or loss. He suffered heavy losses in the Battle of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania and at Cold Harbor, Grant would later say after losing nearly 7,000 soldiers in a half hour, “I regret this assault more than any one I have ever ordered,” (McPherson & Hogue, 2010).
At Petersburg, the Union Army would miss a big opportunity when Pennsylvania miners would dig under the confederate lines and pack the tunnel full of explosives. The explosion created a 170 feet long crater and a massive opening in the lines. Due to a failure of leadership, the union managed to wrestle defeat from the jaws of success. Instead of going around the crater and attacking through the opening, the dumbfounded, and leader lacking union army gawked at it and streamed into the crater. The walls were so steep on the other side that they could not get up the embankment. When the confederates came to their senses. They brought up artillery and shoot down at the union solders with devastating effect. Grant would call the whole thing “It was the saddest affair I have witnessed in the war,” (McPherson & Hogue, 2010).
Union Military Strategy in 1864, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
The Environmental Impact of the Civil War , history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
In 4-5 sentences, respond to the following:
Kirby made some arguments on the impact of the Civil War on the environment that some historians seem uninterested, however, and few academic military specialists have read environmental history. On the other side, more than three decades of accumulated literature in environmental history barely touch the Civil War. This is because the bulk of environmental history is western history, set usually beyond the pale of Civil War fighting. The “New Western History” that has provoked so much controversy recently is to a considerable extent environmental, a tragic narrative of human depredations upon semi-arid and arid landscapes. Most historians of environment happen to be westerners, too, and the best graduate programs in the field are in Wisconsin, Kansas, and California. Ergo the parallelism. Easterners (it would seem) must wrench environmental-historical criticism backwards, across the Mississippi (Kirby, 2016).
Kirby said that all wars are environmental catastrophes. Armies destroy farms and livestock; they go through forests like termites; they foul waters; they spread disease; they bombard the countryside with heavy armaments and leave unexploded shells; they deploy chemical poisons that linger far longer than they do; they leave detritus and garbage behind (Widmer, 2014).
This failure to unite Civil War and environmental histories troubled Kirby because he noted that since at least the 1970s “Americans have belonged to a culture steeped in ecological language and politics,” one that presumes a connection between humans and the natural world. Kirby suggested that they needed an environmental analysis of the Civil War because “no one alive at the dawn of the twenty-first century, from the oldest among us to our most immature students, can conceive of war without environmental danger if not disaster.” Kirby argued that failing to understand the war as an ecological event ignores these important cultural and intellectual developments (Brady, 2012).
The environmental change that I think made the most significant and long-standing impact in US history was Kirby presented a preliminary environmental impact statement of the war, highlighting issues such as disease, destruction of rural and urban landscapes, deforestation, and the ecological ramifications of emancipation and of the death of hundreds of thousands of people and millions of animals.
The Environmental Impact of the Civil War , history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
In 4-5 sentences, respond to the following:
According to Jack Kirby (Center, n.d.) the main argument that he makes on the impact of the Civil War is that historians and students need to look as far back as the Civil War to begin an environmental analysis. The impacts that he discusses are disease, death, animals, cities and towns, farmland, and trees and forests. However, he explains later on that this damage was only temporary and not very significant at all. During the reconstruction the South expanded its commodity production and exports during the post war. The clearing of trees and forest opened up more land to be farmed and tripled cotton production from the 1860s production. These losses did not impede the economic growth for the South. This also assisted in the building of railroads across the southern Appalachians.
The environmental change that I believe had the most significant and longstanding impact was disease. I chose this because it affected many things such as men, women, horses, and the environment as a whole. If men did not die in battle, the death rate for disease was high. This caused women to have to run farmlands, created an unbalanced sex ratio that left child bearing able women the companionship to increase family size for at least a generation, and reduced labor, business, and private life. Like in prisons or encampments, the spread of disease was brutal, not only for the humans but horses as well. When a horse died of disease, it could not be moved and buried like a human, therefore the disease ridden horse carcass laid there to decompose into the ground.
The Environmental Impact of the Civil War , history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
In 4-5 sentences, respond to the following:
Kirby makes some good arguments about the environment. He talks about how the landscape had changed because of the war. Disease and death to humans and animals because of the large number of people and animals working, eating, and sleeping in close quarters. Cities and towns were burned down and destroyed, farmlands burned and torn up to make defensive positions or parks commemorating the battlefields. Trees and forest burned or cut down for use in forts and firewood, or just cut down during battles. These all seem to be temporary and not real concerning to the long term environment. There were no poison gases, nuclear waste, or harsh chemicals being dumped into the ground, just changes to the landscape that could be recovered. The most significant environmental change seems to be the national parks and cemeteries that emerged. This isn’t a bad thing per say, but a course of national history.
Reelecting Lincoln , history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
In 4 – 5 sentences, respond to the following:
During the 1864 presidential election the candidate’s used the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation as their platforms for running. Both President Lincoln and George McClellan focused on what they believed was important about both these topics. For Lincoln that was that emancipation must remain as part of the success of the Civil War, and that they would not accept any sort of peace agreement that did not include emancipation in it (McPherson & Hogue, 2010). However, many Northerners who were war weary felt that keeping emancipation would prolong the war, especially considering that Grant was unable to provide any effective blows to the South (The Election of 1864: The War Effort Hangs on the Ballot Box, 2016). For George McClellan, he attempted to claim he was running on a platform of peace. He knew that many Americans were growing tired of the war and used that to try and persuade voters. McClellan attempted to argue that he would end the war, however, that peace would ultimately include the South remaining in secession, and bringing slavery back.
As the war raged on and the election grew closer, President Lincoln’s chances of being reelected grew. Initially even Lincoln did not have faith that he would see a second term to the Presidency, and wrote a memorandum acknowledging that his administration was likely to lose (McPherson & Hogue, 2010). However, after Sherman seized control of Atlanta, and the Democratic Party was beginning to split, Lincoln’s chances increased drastically. In considering how much of a landslide the election was, 212 to 21 electoral votes in the favor of Lincoln (The War Behind the Lines: The Election of 1864, 2016), it is unlikely that he really had anything to fear.
Aggregate Planning , management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
In 4-5 sentences, respond to the following:
According to our textbook, “One aggregate planning strategy is not always preferable to another.” The strategy depends on the demand distribution, competitive position, and cost structure of a business or product line.
I think the best method to use is the linear programming method, which is an optimization technique that allows the user to find a maximum profit or revenue or a minimum cost based on the availability of limited resources and certain limitations. Is a great method to use when demand and costs are linear to each other.
The linear decision rule, it seeks to minimize total production costs (labor, overtime, hiring/lay off, inventory carrying cost) using a set of cost-approximating functions (three of which are quadratic) to obtain a single quadratic equation. Then, by using calculus, two linear equations can be derived from the quadratic equation, one to be used to plan the output for each period and the other for planning the workforce for each period.
The search decision rule and management coefficient model are both better suited in service industries so it doesn’t apply to this question.
Aggregate Planning , management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Literary Research Paper Final, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help
Write and submit a well-developed research paper (2,000-2,500 words) that is based on the topic selected in Module 1 and the draft written in Module 5.
The paper should have a clear guiding thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. Incorporate at least seven scholarly sources, which must be properly cited in the body of your paper and on the Works-Cited page.
The option was:
Define new historicism as a critical approach and apply it to an analysis of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
Please use the draft attached to help with the assignment.
Aggregate Planning , management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
In 4-5 sentences, respond to the following:
In my opinion linear programming and the linear decision rule fit better in the products world. As they would be best utilized with hard data and specific constraints they complement the manufacturing world better than the service industry. The search decision rule and the management coefficient model could be utilized on the product side, but I think it a lot of cases it would prove to be overkill versus just employing the linear decision rule or linear programming.
In the service industry I think the search decision rule and the management coefficient model could prove to be extremely useful. Being that search decision rule is a pattern search algorithm that tries to find the minimum cost combination of various workforce levels and production rates (Russell, Taylor, 2014), I think it would prove useful in the service industry that is full of variables that affect both workforce levels and production rates.
Evaluating Credible and Scholarly Sources, science homework help Science Assignment Help
Evaluating Credible and Scholarly Scientific Sources
The purpose of this assignment is to help you distinguish between different types of information sources and evaluate sources of information for credibility. Scientists and scholars use information from a variety of sources, some of them scholarly journal articles that have been peer-reviewed, and others credible websites, magazines, and news sources. While all scholarly sources are considered credible, most credible sources you will encounter in your daily life are not actually scholarly. It is important to view information with a critical eye, as there is a lot of misinformation from bunk sources out there. If you do not believe this, just navigate to Google in your Internet browser, type in the words, “We never went to the Moon”, and see what you find. Did you know that the Moon may be made of cheese? Exactly what kind, however, remains a mystery (Uncyclopedia.wikia.com, 2016).
In order to complete this assignment, you will need to follow the links provided on the Week Two Assignment Reporting Form to view three numbered sources. For each source, complete a two-page questionnaire. When you have finished, you will have identified which of three sources is not credible, which sources are credible, and which source is also scholarly.
Once you have completed the required sections within the Week Two Assignment Reporting Form submit the document via Waypoint. The document does not need to include a title page or other APA formatting; however, if you utilize any outside sources in your answers
Aggregate Planning , management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
In 4-5 sentences, respond to the following:
Our text states, “[the] most effective strategy depends on the demand distribution, competitive position, and cost structure of a firm or product line” (Russell & Taylor, 2013, p. 619), indicating that not only is there not a single “best” corporate strategy, but also that strategy could be situational. For example, linear programming will help determine the optimal production plan for maximizing profit or minimizing costs, while the linear decision rule determines the optimal workforce level and production rate by solving “a set of four quadratic equations that describe the major capacity-related costs in the factory: payroll costs, hiring and firing, overtime and undertime, and inventory costs” (Russell & Taylor, 2013, p. 627). Search decision rule is still another technique, and while being more flexible than linear decision rule in being able to search through a group of production plans and determining the lowest cost, it will not necessarily pick the most optimal one. Finally, the management coefficient model uses regression analysis to determine values, which are then used in a formula to result in a “decision rule based on past managerial behavior without any explicit cost functions, the assumption being that managers know what is important, even if they cannot readily state explicit costs” (Inman, n.d.). Different organizations will have different needs at different times; while the organization’s strategy may rely on production at all costs for some time, the business may determine a need to scale back and cut costs – the experienced manager should be aware of all available tools, and know which ones best fit given situations.
https://anyessayhelp.com/ submit the document via Waypoint. The document does not need to include a title page or other APA formatting; however, if you utilize any outside sources in your answers