Unique Brand Position Starbucks Coffee Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Unique Brand Position Starbucks Coffee Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Discussion – Unique Brand Position
You are a small business person who plans to open a premium coffee shop, much like Starbucks. Your value proposition is premium blend coffee from small farmers around the globe, a fun, informal environment for college students and others who might enjoy televisions, a funky atmosphere (paintings on the walls, workers wearing tee-shirts and shorts, cement floors, and used furniture for seating.
1. Considering your unique brand position, the market, competition, and your goal of achieving brand awareness and premium image, how would you arrive at prices for your coffee? How important are the 4 Cs (costs, competition, customers, company strategy) for this product?
2. Consider the pricing objectives and strategies (attached) – what are your objectives as a new shop and what is your pricing strategy (long-term)? Explain your rationale.
3. What is your price tier (level) relative to your competition? Discuss your reasoning.
4. Assume the following factors – the average variable cost for all coffee sold is 15%; fixed costs = $30 K/ month; How much coffee do you need to sell, at the prices you’ve set, to breakeven (i.e., cover all fixed costs) for a month?
Unique Brand Position Starbucks Coffee Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
AN 102 UNH Vertebrate Skeleton & Forensic Anthropology Lab Humanities Assignment Help
This is an assignment that does not require a large amount of knowledge storage, but it is better if you have it. It has three parts and each one has three questions. Those questions are not hard, actually you could find the answer from material. So it just takes your time to look for correct answer by three videos materials, and all videos materials are about 20 mins.
You just need to watch each video carefully and answer these questions. The advantage of this assignment is that you have plenty of time to complete it. Looking forward to working with you. Thank you for your attention.
SNHU Staffing Challenges in a Labor Shortage Market Discussion Writing Assignment Help
For this discussion, you will focus on talent acquisition and walk through a scenario on sourcing, recruitment, and selection in a labor market with talent shortages.
1. How does knowledge of labor market information assist HR professionals in developing a quality staffing plan?
2. From an external sourcing perspective, which HR initiatives and strategies are effective approaches to filling key positions in a labor market with talent shortages?
3. From an internal sourcing perspective, which HR initiatives and strategies are effective approaches to filling key positions in a labor market with talent shortages?
Website to review
Articles to review – OPTIONAL
CSU Fullerton Dallas Cow Boys Stadium Project Case Study Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
SCENARIO-You are a group of professional staff at Deloite. You are working for a NFL team that is building a new stadium. Your assignment is to study the building of Cowboy stadium and make recommendations on how to proceed with their stadium.
Key points- project management team had two key duties-managing the building of the stadium and managing Jerry Jones. How did they do it?
Slide 2-summarize the article/case. Two sections or pages. One on Jones and the second on the stadium. Each page use 5 bullets points- 2 lines each
What were special challenges noted
What action did PM team before contract started
Slide 3-analyze- why did PM team do what it did-both in managing Jones and then building the stadium-how effective were their actions. Again two pages
What actions did the PM team do-schedule, budget etc.
How did they report status
How did they keep project under control
Slide 4- Recommendations to new stadium management group- what could copy or learn from the cowboy stadium project
What can this team do to keep this project under control? How is the situation the same or different than the Dallas project?
Slide 5- personnel take away-what every member of the team took away from this case-each team member, by name, state what they have learned etc. 1 bullet point.
– its a group presentation, my part is Slide 4- Recommendations, 5 bullets points- 2 lines each.
– personnel take away what have you learned? 1 bullet point 2 lines max.
CSCC USA Nation of Immigrants Cultural Development Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
. The United States is often referred to as a “nation of immigrants.” Do you believe that the United States is a place where immigrants are welcome or not? Write a paragraph explaining three reasons why you think that the United States is a nation that wants more immigrants to come and start a new life or is a nation which does not want more immigrants to come.
Your answer must be one paragraph. Your paragraph must begin with a topic sentence which tells the reader (me) what your main idea is. Your paragraph must end with a concluding sentence which is tied to your topic sentence. Use the space provided to show your prewriting and outline, rough draft, and final draft. Only your final draft will receive a grade. You are allowed to use a dictionary ONLY. You can not use any other materials (notes, American Ways, writing from outside the class, etc.)
Prewriting and Outline
Rough Draft
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Week 4 American History Racial Formation in The United States Essay Humanities Assignment Help
- Content: Omi and Winant’s chapter “Racial formation” is one of the more complicated texts in the ESPM 50 reader, and requires a close reading to understand. So, this RR “question” is really not a question, but, rather, an opportunity to clarify Omi and Winant’s argument. In your own words (without directly quoting the authors or referring to an outside source), summarize Omi and Winant’s argument concerning racial formation, which they define as “the sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed (55).” Be sure to briefly but clearly define any important terms used by the authors that you draw on in summarizing their argument.
Format requirement:
- The reflections should be written in the form of a response to an essay prompt, including:
- A thesis statement (1 sentence) in the first (typically brief) paragraph responding clearly to the question asked (e.g., “In this essay I argue that…”)
- A summary of the key points of your argument supporting your thesis (1-2 sentences directly following your thesis statement, and typically at the end of the first paragraph [e.g., “To support my argument, I consider points A, B and C.”])
- A well-reasoned argument (typically 2 paragraphs after the thesis statement paragraph)
- Topic sentences describing paragraph contents and reflecting key point in your argument
- Sentences containing relevant information and analysis supporting your thesis
- A conclusion sentence at the end of the final paragraph that expands on your thesis
Respond to the question based primarily on readings and lectures. There is no need to draw from outside material, though you may do so if you wish.
- Write succinctly and clearly, editing out all unnecessary verbiage.
- Use proper grammar and pay attention to writing style.
- Summarize and/or use examples to support your thesis.
- Demonstrate a close reading of the material and refer to specifics of authors’ arguments.
- Paraphrase rather than using quotes, unless you want to highlight and/or analyze something specifically related to how an author says what you choose to quote.
Your personal opinions and feelings about the material are important, and you are strongly encouraged, but not required, to express these in the assignment. For instance, you may:
- Relate issues and themes to contemporary social, environmental or political topics
- Explore your feelings about the issues raised in terms of personal experiences
- Comment on the ethical implications of the issues addressed by the question
Form: One to two pages total writing.
- 1″ margins
- 12-point font
- Use parenthetic references for all citations of quotes and ideas drawn from readings, with page numbers in MLA format [e.g., (du Buys 1998, 23)]. Do not include a bibliography. See the Reading, Writing and Reference folder in bCourses for an MLA form guide.
Week 4 American History Racial Formation in The United States Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NEIBCC Deep Learning and Machine Learning Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me study.
- What is deep learning? What can deep learning do that traditional machine-learning methods cannot?
- List and briefly explain different learning paradigms/ methods in AI.
- What is representation learning, and how does it relate to machine learning and deep learning?
- List and briefly describe the most commonly used ANN activation functions.
- What is MLP, and how does it work? Explain the function of summation and activation weights in MLP-type ANN.
- Cognitive computing has become a popular term to define and characterize the extent of the ability of machines/ computers to show “intelligent” behavior. Thanks to IBM Watson and its success on Jeopardy!, cognitive computing and cognitive analytics are now part of many realworld intelligent systems. In this exercise, identify at least three application cases where cognitive computing was used to solve complex real-world problems. Summarize your findings in a professionally organized report
Nova Southeastern University Nurse to Patient Ratio Essay Humanities Assignment Help
1) Nurse to patient ratio
2) Patient satisfaction
3) Hospital readmission
4) Nursing incivility
A literature review is a synthesis of chosen evidence and resources on a topic of interest. Your assignment is to select a topic of interest and complete a literature review. You are expected to select 3 articles. These sources should be current (within the last 3-5 years) and have at least one author that is a nurse. Your review should be 5 pages maximum (including title and reference page). It is imperative that APA (7th edition) formatting is utilized.
Essential Steps of the Literature Review:
- Define the research problem/topic
- Determine key terms
- Select primary sources of evidence
- Read and synthesize evidence
- Write a synthesis of findings that compares and contrasts findings
Components of a Literature Review
The introduction serves the purpose of presenting the problem and briefly explaining the significance of the topic. You should also share your search strategy with the reader.
Body of Literature Review
The body synthesizes the findings from the studies reviewed. You will first complete an annotated bibliography of each reference. For each study, you should briefly explain the purpose, procedures for data collection, and major findings. Be sure to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each study.
The discussion section is your opportunity to compare and contrast the evidence you reviewed. How is one better than the other? How do studies compare or contrast with each other? This is where you draw conclusions based on the available literature.
WU Business Process Modelling Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Research the internet for scholarly and/or professional material about the tools supporting business process modeling in system’s analysis, modeling. Identify, at least, two tools found during your research and provide an overview of the tools key features.
- You must post the links to the resource(s) you used to identify the key features
- Scholarly and/or professional material does not include:
- Wikis, Blogs, Social media content
- Books or Articles written by unrecognized “experts”
- Articles or papers in popular and trade publications
- Material presented to inform and entertain the public
- The textbook and any other material from the textbook author or authors
New England Business & Finance Computer Science Incident Response Plan Research Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
- Describe the key components within the incident response plan you identified. Be sure to cite the plan by including a link.
- Outline the six-step methodology for performing incident response. List each step and its purpose. How closely does the plan that you reviewed follow this methodology?
- Describe how this policy would be associated with an incident response plan.
- Policy Statement
Insert policy verbiage here.
- Purpose/Objectives
Insert the policy’s purpose as well as its objectives; use a bulleted list for the policy definition. Define the incident response team members and the authorization and authority granted to them during a crisis or while securing an incident situation.
- Scope
Define this policy’s scope and whom it covers. What elements, IT assets, or organization-owned assets are within the scope of this policy? What access and authority are granted to the incident response team members that may be outside of standard protocol?
- Standards
Does this policy point to any hardware, software, or configuration standards? If so, list them here and explain the relationship of this policy to these standards
- Procedures
Explain how you intend to implement this policy across the organization. Also, define and incorporate the six-step incident response approach here along with how the chain of custody must be maintained throughout any evidence collection process.
- Guidelines
Explain any roadblocks or implementation issues that you must address in this section and how you will overcome them per defined policy guidelines.
- Identify and define an incident scenario for Bankwise Credit Union. The incident must involve some type of cybersecurity issue.
- Create a brief abstract of the scenario to be approved by C-level executives.
Unique Brand Position Starbucks Coffee Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Unique Brand Position Starbucks Coffee Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help