Unit 1 Research Process and Office Programs Responses Business Finance Assignment Help. Unit 1 Research Process and Office Programs Responses Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation to help me study.
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Please write a 100 word response each for response 1 and response 2.
Response 1.) The research process consist of the gathering of information needed to support an assignment or research question. The research process can consist of different steps that have to be taken to ensure that the research is correct and enough information is gathered to complete the assignment. The main purpose of the research process is to support what you consider your research question. So in order to do that it involves collecting, identifying, locating, and analyzing information from different sources that will help support your question or statement. Research is needed in the public administration profession because it is important. There are many issues that go on within the public administration profession and in order to determine why and find a solution to them, research is needed. Research allows you to get to the root of the problem and provides insight and background information.
“Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.” Proverbs 19:2. This biblical scripture clearly tells us that not knowing correct information is bad and just making assumptions can lead to misinformation. So basically the research process is important because it ensures a person knows all the information on a specific topic before speaking on what they know. Throughout my journey at Belhaven, the research process has always been a main factor. The reason being is because, even though I knew of certain topics and subjects, I still had to use my books and other sources, to expand what I knew. The research process gave me more information and even corrected some of the information I thought I knew.
Response 2.) On a scale of 1-10, I would rank my experience with spreadsheets and data analysis a 4. The reason being is because I never have to use Excel or data analysis. Back in elementary, which was a couple years ago, we actually had a Microsoft Office class where we were taught about the applications of Microsoft but since then I have not had to use many of those applications. The only Microsoft applications that I am efficient with is Word and PowerPoint. Many of the jobs that I have, including the one that I have now, I have never had to use spreadsheets and data analysis, so I had no reason to learn. I am willing to learn to do spreadsheets and data analysis because I know it is needed for this class and I may need it in the future.
My strengths related to Excel spreadsheets is that I know how to start a spreadsheet when given very few information to input into it. I am familiar with Excel in a way, I just do not use it enough to be very good at it. My weaknesses related to Excel spreadsheets is that I do not really know how to collaborate with it. I know that with Excel, you have to manual input the information and that if anything is inputted incorrectly, then that is on you. I feel that Excel spreadsheets is very confusing and time consuming but as mentioned before I do want to learn to do them better.
Unit 1 Research Process and Office Programs Responses Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
POLV 170V San Jose State University Restraints on the Governments Question Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a political science project and need a sample draft to help me study.
The Constitution of the United States created a strong but limited national government, in order to protect the citizens from possible abuses of the government. These limits are expressed, in the division of its powers, the adoption of a federal system, the proclamation of civil liberties and rights, and the rotation and selection of authorities through popular election.
How have other countries set restraints to their governments? Are these solutions preferable to the ones implemented in the United States? For your paper, answer these questions by comparing the United States with one or two other countries addressing one dimension of government. Specifically, your paper should 1) describe the dimension of government you are addressing (e.g., relationships between branches or levels of government, processes of selection of authorities, rights of the citizens and how they are protected, etc.), 2) describe the limits implemented in each country, and 3) critically analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these limits and the conditions that may explain their success or failure.
Paper Rubric
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWords countThe post should be 250-300 words long–part of the challenge is to express ideas in a narrow space. |
10 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAddressing the PromptThe paper addresses the main question and the requirements posed in the prompt. |
10 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCentral ArgumentThe paper has a clear central argument (or questions) that structures the whole piece. |
20 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgumentProvide factual examples and/or referred theoretical arguments that support the paper’s main argument |
20 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding of the contents of the classThe paper shows good handling of key concepts and explanations reviewed in this class. |
20 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of bibliographyThe arguments and/or examples are appropriately supported by academic sources |
15 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormal AspectsIncluding the structure of the paper, grammar, orthography, and clearness of the writing style. |
5 pts |
Total Points: 100 |
University of Phoenix Research on Strategic Position of A Company Management Question Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management writing question and need support to help me understand better.
Select and research a company that is having financial difficulties or is on the brink of bankruptcy.
Review “Where Can I Find a Company’s Annual Report and Its SEC Filings?” from Investopedia.- https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/119.asp
Conduct a strategic analysis of the company’s current financial operations. Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis. When writing your analysis, complete the following:
- Evaluate the company’s current financial plan, including charts and/or graphs showing financial data from the struggling company, and make recommendations for improvement.
- Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.
- Create a plan to implement the strategies you selected.
Include APA-formatted, in-text citations, and a reference page with at least 3 sources.
SMC Cost Volume Profit & Salary Assumptions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.
Journal 21
You will have 2 options with this chapter’s online journal. Refer to the back of chapter 21 for these Beyond the Number (BTN) cases.
Option #1: BTN 21-4. Complete the required exercises. –
Several important assumptions underlie CVP analysis. Assumptions often help simplify and focus our analysis of sales and costs. A common application of CVP analysis is as a tool to forecast sales, costs, and income.
Assume that you are actively searching for a job. Prepare a half-page report identifying (1) three assumptions relating to your expected revenue (salary) and (2) three assumptions relating to your expected costs for the first year of your new job. Be prepared to discuss your assumptions in class.
Option #2: BTN 21-6. Complete the required exercise. Each list of questions must contain at least 5 questions.
-A local movie theater owner explains to you that ticket sales on weekends and evenings are strong, but attendance during the weekdays, Monday through Thursday, is poor. The owner proposes to offer a contract to the local grade school to show educational materials at the theater for a set charge per student during school hours. The owner asks your help to prepare a CVP analysis listing the cost and sales projections for the proposal. The owner must propose to the school’s administration a charge per child. At a minimum, the charge per child needs to be sufficient for the theater to break even.
Your team is to prepare two separate lists of questions that enable you to complete a reliable CVP analysis of this situation. One list is to be answered by the school’s administration, the other by the owner of the movie theater.
You ONLY need to complete ONE of the two options to receive full credit.
Journal 22
For this chapter’s online journal, read the Ethics Challenge noted on page 988 of your textbook.
Ethics Challenge
BTN 22-3 Both the budget process and budgets themselves can impact management actions, both positively and negatively. For instance, a common practice among not-for-profit organizations and government agencies is for management to spend any amounts remaining in a budget at the end of the budget period, a practice often called “use it or lose it.’’ The view is that if a department manager does not spend the budgeted amount, top management will reduce next year’s budget by the amount not spent. To avoid losing budget dollars, department managers often spend all budgeted amounts regardless of the value added to products or services. All of us pay for the costs associated with this budget system.
Write a half-page report to a local not-for-profit organization or government agency offering a solution to the “use it or lose it” budgeting problem
1. Write a 1/2 page report to a local not-for-profit organization or government agency offering a solution to the “use it or lose it” budgeting problem.
2. Will your solution be different if this was a personal budget? Explain your response.
3. Do you prepare a personal budget?
To receive full credit, you need to answer ALL 3 questions. You must post first before you can see another student’s response.
MGT 7158 QUB Gender Differences in Impact of Social Media on Entrepreneurs Report Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management report and need guidance to help me understand better.
Critical Literature Review topic of “Gender differences in the impact of social media on entrepreneurs”
Does gender impact how entrepreneurs use social media and its role in growing their business
Research question:
l How do entrepreneurs use social media?
l Do male and female entrepreneurs use social media differently?
l Do male and female entrepreneurs benefit differently from social media?
You should consider if there are other more relevant questions you want to use and read some journal articles to see what questions they suggest.
This is an individual assessment whereby students are required to develop a proposal for their proposed critical literature review / traditional dissertation / consultancy / internship topic.
- The final research proposal is worth 50% of the overall module marks.
- Clear definition of your topic (15%)
- Your initial background reading and research on the topic (35%)
- Design of your research strategy (35%)
- Presentation – Structure, Writing Style, Referencing, Timeline (15%)
- Cover page: Student name, student number, supervisor name, programme, research topic and word count. Please indicate a critical literature review is being undertaken.
- Cover page: Student name, student number, supervisor name, programme, research topic and word count. Please indicate a traditional dissertation is being undertaken.
1. Proposal for the Critical Literature Review
All students from each programme (MSc. Management, MSc. Marketing and MSc. International Business) have the option to undertake a Critical Literature Review) as part of the Academic Research Project. This is the recommended proposal outline for a Critical Literature Review proposal.
- [Failure to attach a cover page with all of the indicated information will result in a mark of zero]
- Introduction: context, topic to be addressed, outline of research question(s), aims and objectives, potential contribution of the research to literature and management practice, potential research problems and/or constraints (500 words approx.).
- Review of relevant literature: justification of topic chosen, bodies of literature being addressed, what is already known, gaps in what is already known. Your literature review must include multiple sources of peer-reviewed academic literature (1200 words approx.).
- Literature review strategy: how you intend going about answering the research question(s) and addressing the research objectives; clear indication on the sources of literature to be used (300 words approx.).
- Timeline (Gantt Chart)
- A bibliography/ reference list must be provided (not include in the word count)
- Please use the Harvard referencing system.
- [Failure to attach a cover page with all of the indicated information will result in a mark of zero]
- Introduction: context, topic to be addressed, outline of research question(s), aims and objectives, potential contribution of the research to literature and management practice, potential research problems and/or constraints (400 words approx.).
- Review of relevant literature: justification of topic chosen, bodies of literature being addressed, what is already known, gaps in what is already known, how the literature reviewed informs the design of the research. Your literature review must include multiple sources of peer-reviewed academic literature (800 words approx.).
- Methodology: how you intend going about answering the research question(s) and addressing the research objectives (800 words approx.). This should include:
- Summary of ontological and epistemological assumptions underpinning proposed research
- Summary of research approach and purpose
- Detailed research design – methodology including proposed data collection method(s) and data analysis, strengths and potential weaknesses of proposed approach
- Potential ethical issues
- Timeline (Gantt Chart)
- Possible resource requirements
- A bibliography/ reference list must be provided (not include in the word count)
- Please use the Harvard referencing system.
2. Proposal for a Traditional Dissertation
All students from each programme (MSc. Management, MSc. Marketing and MSc. International Business) have the option to undertake a traditional dissertation. This is the recommended proposal outline for a traditional dissertation proposal.
3. Proposal for a Consultancy
Only students from MSc. Management and MSc. International Business have the option to undertake a consultancy. This is the recommended proposal outline for a consultancy proposal.
- Cover page: Student name, student number, supervisor name, programme, research topic and word count. Please also indicate a consultancy is being undertaken.
- [Failure to attach a cover page with all of the indicated information will result in a mark of zero]
- Introduction: context, topic to be addressed, outline of research question(s), aims and objectives, potential contribution of the research to literature and management practice, potential research problems and/or constraints (400 words approx.).
- Review of relevant literature: justification of topic chosen, bodies of literature being addressed, what is already known, gaps in what is already known, how the literature reviewed informs the design of the research. This may include some industry reports but must also include relevant peer-reviewed academic literature (800 words approx.).
- Consultancy Project Process: how you intend to respond to the brief provided and address their specific queries (800 words approx.). This should include:
- Light summary of ontological and epistemological assumptions underpinning proposed research
- Summary of research approach and purpose
- Outline the specific conceptual and methodological tools and techniques adopted.
- Discuss why you selected the approach taken including proposed data collection method(s) (if applicable) and data analysis, strengths and potential weaknesses of proposed approach.
- Potential ethical issues
- Timeline (Gantt Chart)
- Possible resource requirements
- A bibliography/ reference list must be provided (not include in the word count)
- Please use the Harvard referencing system.
4. Proposal for a Marketing Internship
Only students from MSc. Marketing have the option to undertake an internship. This is the recommended proposal outline for an internship.
- Cover page: Student name, student number, supervisor name, programme, research topic and word count. Please indicate an internship is being undertaken.
- [Failure to attach a cover page with all of the indicated information will result in a mark of zero]
- Introduction: context, topic to be addressed (as detailed by the company), outline of research question(s), aims and objectives, potential contribution of the research to literature and management practice, potential research problems and/or constraints (400 words approx.).
- Review of relevant literature: justification of topic chosen, bodies of literature being addressed, what is already known, gaps in what is already known, how the literature reviewed informs the design of the research. This may include some industry reports but must also include relevant peer-reviewed academic literature (800 words approx.).
- Methodology: how you intend going about answering the research question(s) and addressing the research objectives (800 words approx.). This should include:
- Light summary of ontological and epistemological assumptions underpinning proposed research
- Summary of research approach and purpose –
- Detailed research design – methodology including proposed data collection method(s) and data analysis, strengths and potential weaknesses of proposed approach (this must be Action Research)
- Potential ethical issues
- Timeline (Gantt Chart)
- Possible resource requirements
- A bibliography/ reference list must be provided (not include in the word count)
- Please use the Harvard referencing system.
All proposals
The proposals will be assessed using the conceptual equivalents scale for postgraduate students (see below). The incorporation of relevant literature and theory will be vital to a high quality assignment.
Word Count
The word count should be indicated on the coversheet of the assignment. The expected word count is 2000 words (+ or – 10% rule applies), excluding the title page, timeline (Gantt Chart), appendices and references list. If the proposal is longer than 2200 words, you will be penalised.
The proposal must be word processed. Please use size 12 font (Calibri/Arial Narrow/Times New Roman), 1.5 line spacing. Please ensure that the text is professionally laid out and you have proof-read in advance of submission.
Submission Details
The research proposal must be submitted online in a word document format only. Failure to submit the online copy through CANVAS by the submission deadline will be viewed as late submission (and with penalties to be applied until addressed). Submission of an incorrect format will not be considered as a submission until the correct format, i.e. a word document, is uploaded.
Academic Integrity/Plagiarism
Plagiarism is regarded as one of the most serious academic related offences. In broad terms, plagiarism in the action of submitting work which is not your own work as if it was your own work. In lay terms, it is regarded as academic theft. Plagiarism generally takes one of three forms (though other forms may occur)
If you are in any doubt of what may amount to plagiarism, contact the module coordinator before submitting work.
We will use Turnitin as an originality checking software. Turnitin an online service that enables institutions and staff to carry out electronic comparison of students’ work against electronic sources and other students’ work. The system produces an “originality report” which shows the text in the student’s assignment which matches electronic sources.
Late Submission Penalties
In accordance with University regulations, work that is submitted after the official deadline will have 5 percentage points per working day, or part thereof, deducted from the final mark. This excludes days that the University is officially closed. Work that is submitted five or more working days after the deadline will be given a mark of zero. Late submission will incur the penalties indicated.
Saint Martin’s University Leadership Biography Writing Assignment Help
provide me with a brief one-page biography about me. Topics that you might wish to tell me about are:
- Education, family, work experience, interests, aspirations
- Are you a leader, follower or bystander
- Cite examples where you demonstrated leadership
- Why do you think so?
- Complete Leader Insight as found in your textbook (DAFT) 1.1 & 1.2 (Specifically tell me your results and why they agree or disagree with your perception of yourself)
I will write a little about my self so you can put the bio together:
- My name is joody I’m a criminology student, I have 2 sisters both of them are business women. My sisters are great leader ( you can say something about that or make up anything) the only work experience I have Is working with children such as a daycare teacher, and an event planner ( you can say something about that as well). For Are you a leader, follower or bystander: I’m both a leader and a follower I can do both depending on the situation.
For the rest just make up something as a university student something simple
Saint Martin’s University Leadership Biography Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HRM 2320 NEU HR Strategy Great White Capital Private Holding Case Study Writing Assignment Help
This assignment requires you to conduct analyses to determine the extent to which an organization¿s HRM systems and processes are aligned with the strategic objectives and approach of the organization, identify key indications of mis-alignment, and to develop recommendations for future organizational improvement via strategic Human Resource Management practices. This will be done on a hypothetical case study, Great White Capital and BeachCo Ltd., presented for the assignment. Your analysis should include a review of the situation(s) within the case, identify the issues and propose HRM-based strategies to resolve current challenges as well as to take advantage of present and/or future opportunities.
You will play the role of advisor to management and will conduct an in depth analysis of its HR policies, leadership, economic, cultural, change management and organizational strategic factors that have influenced/determined the approach, along with analysis of related effectiveness and potential future issues. From a managers perspective, this will give you an opportunity to apply the concepts and theories discussed and studied as well as drawing from your personal experiences and the collected experiences of your classmates gained through discussion board. Your case study should be double spaced and 7-9 pages in length. It is expected that each paper has been edited for spelling, grammar, punctuation and should include the following:
Part One: The Case Story (about 2-3 pages)
The organization brief overview of its mission, values and culture
– Its key business imperatives and strategy, market position and key stakeholders
– Identification of customers and their approach/orientation towards customers
– Overview of human resources practices
Part Two: The Analysis (about 2-3 pages) Analyze the current situation and challenges faced by management at BeachCo based on information provided. In your analysis, include a review of the HRM practices as well as their approach to managing change. Touch upon as many of the Human Resource functional areas as possible such as Recruitment and Selection, Strategic vs. Tactical Operations, Compensation, Benefits and HRIS, Learning and Development, Diversity and EEO, International HRM, Employee Relations and Organizational Development, or Labor Relations. At a minimum, include the following in your analyses:
– Current practices, processes and systems
– Communications approach and levels of influence
– Alignment of HRM practices with business strategy
– Effectiveness of leadership
– The situation or problem being faced by the organization
– The stakes involved as well as the key players involved in resolving the situation
– A description of how the situation was or is being addressed
– The results of actions taken ¿ current outcome(s)
Part Three: Recommendations (3-4 pages)
– Improvements to HRM practices
– Future considerations for innovation and alignment to business strategy
– Strategies for increased effectiveness
– Desired outcomes and impact on results
University Of Arizona Capitalism and Imperialism Historical Materialism Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a political science discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Question: Karl Marx says that the workers will unite and we will have a revolution–it is inevitable. Some say that this has been delayed by imperialism as defined by Lenin. My question to you is: are we (the US) close to that revolution? If not, will it ever happen? What factors might come into play to force or to delay a revolution–such as unemployment, debt (personal and public), etc. What do you see our country looking like in 100 years? Clearly there are no right or wrong answers to this question.
Write me a 2-3 page paper on your thoughts on this topic. You should start by defining the tenets of Marx’s and Lenin’s theories regarding communism and imperialism and go from there.
You MUST have both a bibliography, PLUS citations for each fact telling me from where they came.
BUS 4474 TU Sseko Designs Engages in Social Entrepreneurship Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business case study and need an explanation to help me understand better.
You are to compose a short paper (500-1250 words) that addresses all ethical issues you identify in the case. As we are also evaluating your writing, your answers must be in an essay format, rather than using outlines or bullet points. You are to submit your answers in narrative form. Keep in mind that communication has multiple dimensions to it. Communicating substantive information is only one dimension. How well you communicate it and the grasp of the English language that you display in your communications will all have a bearing on how the individual grading your submission will evaluate it.
Include stakeholder analysis of ALL stakeholders
Consider alternative decisions
Consider Impacts to Social, Economic and Environment based on options
Incorporate key concepts and doctrines
Strayer University Negative Social Media Posts & Product Online Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me learn.
The Social Age brings with it a new approach to communication and collaboration across boundaries using technology. As with any new technology, there are great benefits and plenty of challenges as well.
One of the advantages for businesses is the ease of interacting with a large audience very quickly. But this also provides the temptation to react when negative things are written and posted about the company.
In Chapter 8 you read about Coca-Cola’s social media guidelines. One of the company’s guidelines is to avoid the temptation to react in defense of the company in social media spaces. However, not all companies have such policies, especially smaller ones.
Use Strayer’s library or the Internet to search for an example of when someone that represented a company or was known to be affiliated with a company reacted to something negative posted about the company.
In the discussion, describe the scenario and what happened as a result. If you were able to recreate this situation, what would you do differently? Why? Is there ever an instance where you should defend a company you work for? What if it is a company you own? Explain.
https://anyessayhelp.com/ or the Internet to search for an example of when someone that represented a company or was known to be affiliated with a company reacted to something negative posted about the company.
In the discussion, describe the scenario and what happened as a result. If you were able to recreate this situation, what would you do differently? Why? Is there ever an instance where you should defend a company you work for? What if it is a company you own? Explain.