University Of Arizona Food, Society and Agro Food System Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

University Of Arizona Food, Society and Agro Food System Worksheet Writing Assignment Help. University Of Arizona Food, Society and Agro Food System Worksheet Writing Assignment Help.

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You will have three sources to read and 2 PDFs and one book please take 1-2 points to write about

I’ll attach a guide file and please write like it (As what the guideline explain in the right hand column Reactions , Reflections,Questions and connections to other content/your life . Left hand column Quotes , Statics , Chart/Visuals and Vocabulary term) I’ll attach the guideline file

please list all the sources in the references

make sure you write in a simple language and easy vocabulary

if you have any questions please let me know .

I’ll send you a sample to be more clear and to know how the paper looks like

University Of Arizona Food, Society and Agro Food System Worksheet Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

GEOG 112 SJSU Israeli Palestinian important aspects of international relations Essay Science Assignment Help

  1. Have you been following the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict prior to taking this class? Briefly explain. (1 point)
  2. Prior to watching the videos and reading the article, did you have more sympathy for the Israelis, Palestinians, other group(s), or did not care. Briefly explain. (2 points).
  3. After watching the videos and reading the article, did you have more sympathy for the Israelis, Palestinians, other group(s), or did not care. Briefly explain. (2 points).

I have already finished the first three questions, Please finished the following three questions. I also attach the file I wrote.

1. Which side of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict did you support ? I chose support two state solution.(1 point)

2. After attending the Zoom session and discussing the current issue, was there anything that was said that changed your mind to oppose your initial views? Briefly explain. (1 point)

3. What three-point plan did your group decide in order to have “Peace in the Middle East.” (3 points)


BUS 128 Grossmont Week 9 Using Data and Graphs to Communicate Discussion Question Business Finance Assignment Help

This week, let’s apply what we are learning about communication using visual data. The advantage of using visual data is that pictures are powerful. But, it’s important that the interpretation you want your user/customer/reader to reach needs to be laid out in effective messaging. For business, it is not sufficient to leave the interpretation open to the user/reader. In business you should lead your reader to your conclusion, not let them formulate their own.

For this discussion, you should go to one of the following sources for a screenshot of visual data:

  • A political campaign that is using statistical data in graphic format (a graph or chart or scatterplot)
  • A COVID-19 website by a state, county or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
  • A financial website that is displaying financial data such as stock price in graphic format
  • Any other business related web site that uses graphical data display

Take a screen shot and start your post with the following:

  1. The link and website name where you took your shot from.
  2. The purpose of the graphical representation of the data
  3. What does the graphical format mean?
  4. Could the data be misinterpreted by a user?
  5. Is there a logical explanation of the data to accompany the graphic?
  6. Can this be improved?
  7. Your thoughts on this piece of graphical information.


  • Your first response should be a minimum of 100 words, due Wednesday.
  • You should reply to a minimum of 2 other classmates’ responses with 50 words minimum,
  • To earn full credit you need to answer more than “I agree” or “good job.” Your discussion replies may ask a clarifying question, may relate and apply to another situation, or you can probe the question deeper. But it needs to have substance in order for you to earn points.


Lone Star College Germany Legal Environment Analysis Review Business Finance Assignment Help

1. Describe the legal environment of Germany, making specific references to: – the rule of law (to what extent is the country governed by law as opposed to arbitrary decisions of individual government officials) – laws that govern foreign direct investment (for example, are there provisions to attract foreign direct investment, such as tax incentives, most-favored-nation treatment, dispute resolution fora; or provisions that restrict foreign direct investors such as high local content requirements or currency exchange restrictions).

2. Discuss challenges and opportunities for American investors posed by the legal environment. 3. Based on the challenges and opportunities you have identified through your research, formulate two recommendations, with your supporting arguments, to an American investor to successfully navigate the country’s legal environment.

It needs to be 3 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12, 1.25 margins.

discussing the rule of law, i.e. accurately identifying the extent to which the country is governed by law as opposed to arbitrary decisions of individual government officials, backed up by evidence from primary sources and/or cited findings from secondary sources – identifying laws that govern foreign direct investment and discussing whether they are favorable or unfavorable for foreign investors (as specified in the prompts for the assignment, examples of relevant laws would be laws designed to attract foreign direct investment, such as tax incentives, most-favored-nation treatment, dispute resolution fora; or laws designed to restrict foreign direct investors such as high local content requirements or currency exchange restrictions); identifying 1 relevant law ; identifying 2 relevant laws , the paper should identify at least 2 relevant laws (typically more) and identify overall trends in the country’s legal environment – for example, are most laws favorable or unfavorable to foreign direct investment/ do the laws favor foreign investors from a particular country of origin or from a particular sector of the economy/ is there an ongoing tendency to modify existing laws to make them more or less favorable to foreign investors.identifying challenges for American investors posed by the legal environment -r identifying opportunities for American investors posed by the legal environment – for formulating 2 recommendations (1 point for each recommendation) to an American investor to successfully navigate the country’s legal environment (the recommendations have to be actionable items; to get the full points, each recommendation has to be supported with arguments).


It will turn to TURNITI so please be careful.


Duke University Globalization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Module 1 discussion : what is globalization?

You’ve probably heard of it…but can you define it? Or explain how it works? Are we interconnected? Are we getting closer to each other, or are we separated by geography, borders, and culture? Is globalization good or bad? Why? No one really knows the answer to these questions! They are the subject of intense debate among academics, policymakers, and practitioners around the world who are trying to makes sense of the world and how it is changing. Or not changing. We don’t know! The purpose of this module is to teach you how to think more clearly about globalization- what it is, and how it impacts people, all around the world. By the end of this module, you will be able to:

1.1. Differentiate between the four types of globalization.

1.2. Describe the controversies surrounding globalization.

1.3. Identify the consequences and effects of globalization.

1.4. Describe the reactions and responses to globalization.

This module has:

1 video for you to watch, 1 PowerPoint lecture for you to enjoy, and 4 articles for you to read.

Start with this (2.5 minute) video to get a sense of what we are talking about:

the PowerPoint lecture is in audio mode 13 mins, I will attach mp3 version.

Then read these first three articles to flesh out what the videos were talking about. Two of the articles are written by my mentor James Midgley, Dean and Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley.

For this article, mainly focus mainly on the 4 perspectives of what globalization is.

Midgley, J. (2007). Perspectives on Globalization Social Justice and Welfare. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 34(2), 17-36.

For this article, mainly focus on the 4 perspectives on globalization’s impact.

Midgley, J. (2008). Perspectives on globalization and culture: Implications for international social work practice. Journal of Global Social Work Practice, 1(1), 1-11.

midgley 2008 JGSWP glob and culture.pdf

This third article is written by my friend and colleague David Okech who is the University of Georgia. For this article, focus mainly on the data that was shared by the students. It is meant to help you reflect on your motivation for studying this topic.

Barner, J. & Okech, D. (2013). Teaching globalization to social work students: In and out of the classroom (Links to an external site.). Social Work Education, 32(8), 1061-1074.

barner okech 2013 SWE sw stds globalization.pdfPreview the document

Finally, the fourth article was written by my friend Philip Hong at Loyola University and presents a detailed look at how social work is affected by globalization but also how it is responding to globalization. This reading puts all the above information into the social work context.

Hong, P. Y. & Song, I. H. (2010). Glocalization of social work practice: Global and local responses to globalization (Links to an external site.). International Social Work, 53(5), 656-670.

hong song 2010 ISW globalization.pdf

Respond to the following discussion prompts in a post of at least 650 words. In your answer, take a position and explain it! The point is to demonstrate your integration of the course material.

What is globalization? Which of the 4 perspectives on globalization (from the first article Midgley, 2007) do you think most accurately represents globalization? Pick one and explain why you think so.

Is globalization good or bad? Which of the 4 perspectives on the effects of globalization (from the second article Midgley, 2008) do you think is most accurate? Pick one and explain why you think so.

How do you think globalization affects the social welfare of people around the world?

This discussion requires two posts, an initial post and two response post. Later in the day will need to respond to two other posting. 100 words each so a total of 200 in responses to two other students. Total of 650- 750 words in discussion post, reference not included in the word counting. I will upload the required pdfs

As a general guideline, initial posts should be well-developed, use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Response posts should be substantive and move the discussion forward. This is your opportunity to discuss the information further with your classmates or to discuss whether you agree or disagree and state why or why not. Keep your comments professional.

Part 2: Module 1 journal, self-reflection. Little back ground was born in Ethiopia than moved to America for school. Served as peace corps volunteer in Namibia as health volunteer.

How has globalization affected you? What is your interest in global social welfare? Write a self-reflective journal entry here:

Write a self-reflection that addresses the following prompts, with specific examples:

1.Identify how globalization has affected your personal life. What is your personal experience of globalization? Give at least one specific example.

2.Now think about how globalization has affected your professional life. Give at least one specific example of a professional experience that is shaped by globalization.

3.What is your interest in global social welfare (the subject in general and/or this particular course?) Do you relate to any of the motivations of students in the third article (Barner & Okech, 2013)? If so, which ones? Why do you relate (or not relate) to those motivations?

450-500 words total for the journal

Grading rubric for self-review

Amount of information

-All assignment prompts are addressed with additional relevant information added.

Quality of Information

-All of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author’s position


-Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.



EDU 7130 AU WK 3 Creating a Theoretical Framework Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Creating a Theoretical Framework

[WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3, 4]

One major component of every research design is the theoretical framework. The theoretical framework identifies the underlying theory that explains why a problem exists within the environment. Prior to completing this assignment read Pennington (2009) and Jia (2010).

Instructions: To complete this assignment, you will need to do the following:

  • Identify a problem that you experienced within an educational setting, either as a student or as an educational organization leader.
  • Provide a comprehensive summary of the problem.
  • Provide three to four specific examples that help to illustrate the problem existed.
  • Construct a theoretical framework utilizing a current or emerging theory that explains why the problem existed.
  • Utilizing your theoretical framework, recommend four to five steps that would effectively mitigate the problem and any secondary issues.

In addition, your assignment must:

EDU 7130 AU WK 3 Creating a Theoretical Framework Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of California Davis American History Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history multi-part question and need a reference to help me study.

The goal of this assessment is to evaluate your learning for a unit or period of time. As before, we will be covering the last four weeks. You will be identifying four key terms (one from each of the last four weeks). In identifying each key term, you will answer who, what, when, where, and why or how for a total of five responses for each key term

Write a short response answering each question. Important: Try to be as specific as possible.

there are 20 questions total


KSU Creativity and Determination Drove Me to Pursue My Education Personal Statement Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.

I would like to study MSc Public Policy, Finance, and Management at SOAS University.

Please answer the following questions to write a sample draft of my statement.

Why did you choose this University?

What do you want to study? – give a reason to why this particular subject is right for you. What can you bring to the course as well as what do you want to gain from studying it?
Note: answer in details.

What are you good at? – start with your academic side (go into detail about your subject area if you can, especially if there has been a particular part of your A level/BTEC course that has appealed to you) but don’t forget universities need to know about YOU too!
Note: Attached is my CV, you can write about my Courses generally.
Note: I will attach my transcript ( I got an A in Math and A+ in Statistics). I got a 2nd. Honor Certificate. Also, you can write whatever you want.

What are you doing that makes you different from everyone else? – Are you representing your district/county/country at something? Have you volunteered for something for a while? Do you do something for your community? Are you a role model?

Note: Attached is my CV, you can write deeply about my volunteering and mention my award. You can also mention some of the tasks in my current job at the hospital which gives me some unique qualities. Also, you can write whatever you want.

It should be 750 words.




ACCT 405 Saudi Electronic Accounting of Financial Institutions Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Question no 1- What do you mean by Changes in Interest Rates?


How the interest rates are determined? and


In your opinion what are Forces That Causes Changes in Interest Rates? (1.5 marks)





Question no 2- With reference to the accounting standard, in Saudi Arabia which accounting standard are being used to boost the bank loan-loss-reserve without making capital impact. (1.5 marks)




Question no 3- With reference Saudi Arabian banking system, in your opinion, who is authorized to control and reduce the financial risks in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Write a detailed notes in your own words. (1 mark)





Question 4-What mechanisms has been used in Saudi Arabia to protect the Saudi Central Bank resources to maintain and manage the possible risk and compliance? (1 marks)


University of California San Diego Letter of Resignation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

“Letter of resignation should always be written in a gracious and professional style that avoids criticism of your employer or your colleagues” (Bovee,Thill)

In pairs write a letter of resignation to your current employee. Make sure to use appropriate opening serving as a buffer, and then state your reasons before the bad news. “Using tactful phrasing, help keep your relationship friendly should you need recommendation letters later.” Make sure to provide necessary details in your letter.

Word count: 200 words

Format: Letter

(Do not use the wording of the sample Letter on page 576 of the book. Plagiarism)

If you have any questions, please email me during business hours.

[supanova_question] tutorial.

EDU 7130 AU WK 3 Creating a Theoretical Framework Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of California Davis American History Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history multi-part question and need a reference to help me study.

The goal of this assessment is to evaluate your learning for a unit or period of time. As before, we will be covering the last four weeks. You will be identifying four key terms (one from each of the last four weeks). In identifying each key term, you will answer who, what, when, where, and why or how for a total of five responses for each key term

Write a short response answering each question. Important: Try to be as specific as possible.

there are 20 questions total


KSU Creativity and Determination Drove Me to Pursue My Education Personal Statement Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.

I would like to study MSc Public Policy, Finance, and Management at SOAS University.

Please answer the following questions to write a sample draft of my statement.

Why did you choose this University?

What do you want to study? – give a reason to why this particular subject is right for you. What can you bring to the course as well as what do you want to gain from studying it?
Note: answer in details.

What are you good at? – start with your academic side (go into detail about your subject area if you can, especially if there has been a particular part of your A level/BTEC course that has appealed to you) but don’t forget universities need to know about YOU too!
Note: Attached is my CV, you can write about my Courses generally.
Note: I will attach my transcript ( I got an A in Math and A+ in Statistics). I got a 2nd. Honor Certificate. Also, you can write whatever you want.

What are you doing that makes you different from everyone else? – Are you representing your district/county/country at something? Have you volunteered for something for a while? Do you do something for your community? Are you a role model?

Note: Attached is my CV, you can write deeply about my volunteering and mention my award. You can also mention some of the tasks in my current job at the hospital which gives me some unique qualities. Also, you can write whatever you want.

It should be 750 words.




ACCT 405 Saudi Electronic Accounting of Financial Institutions Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Question no 1- What do you mean by Changes in Interest Rates?


How the interest rates are determined? and


In your opinion what are Forces That Causes Changes in Interest Rates? (1.5 marks)





Question no 2- With reference to the accounting standard, in Saudi Arabia which accounting standard are being used to boost the bank loan-loss-reserve without making capital impact. (1.5 marks)




Question no 3- With reference Saudi Arabian banking system, in your opinion, who is authorized to control and reduce the financial risks in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Write a detailed notes in your own words. (1 mark)





Question 4-What mechanisms has been used in Saudi Arabia to protect the Saudi Central Bank resources to maintain and manage the possible risk and compliance? (1 marks)


University of California San Diego Letter of Resignation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

“Letter of resignation should always be written in a gracious and professional style that avoids criticism of your employer or your colleagues” (Bovee,Thill)

In pairs write a letter of resignation to your current employee. Make sure to use appropriate opening serving as a buffer, and then state your reasons before the bad news. “Using tactful phrasing, help keep your relationship friendly should you need recommendation letters later.” Make sure to provide necessary details in your letter.

Word count: 200 words

Format: Letter

(Do not use the wording of the sample Letter on page 576 of the book. Plagiarism)

If you have any questions, please email me during business hours.

[supanova_question] tutorial.

EDU 7130 AU WK 3 Creating a Theoretical Framework Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of California Davis American History Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history multi-part question and need a reference to help me study.

The goal of this assessment is to evaluate your learning for a unit or period of time. As before, we will be covering the last four weeks. You will be identifying four key terms (one from each of the last four weeks). In identifying each key term, you will answer who, what, when, where, and why or how for a total of five responses for each key term

Write a short response answering each question. Important: Try to be as specific as possible.

there are 20 questions total


KSU Creativity and Determination Drove Me to Pursue My Education Personal Statement Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.

I would like to study MSc Public Policy, Finance, and Management at SOAS University.

Please answer the following questions to write a sample draft of my statement.

Why did you choose this University?

What do you want to study? – give a reason to why this particular subject is right for you. What can you bring to the course as well as what do you want to gain from studying it?
Note: answer in details.

What are you good at? – start with your academic side (go into detail about your subject area if you can, especially if there has been a particular part of your A level/BTEC course that has appealed to you) but don’t forget universities need to know about YOU too!
Note: Attached is my CV, you can write about my Courses generally.
Note: I will attach my transcript ( I got an A in Math and A+ in Statistics). I got a 2nd. Honor Certificate. Also, you can write whatever you want.

What are you doing that makes you different from everyone else? – Are you representing your district/county/country at something? Have you volunteered for something for a while? Do you do something for your community? Are you a role model?

Note: Attached is my CV, you can write deeply about my volunteering and mention my award. You can also mention some of the tasks in my current job at the hospital which gives me some unique qualities. Also, you can write whatever you want.

It should be 750 words.




ACCT 405 Saudi Electronic Accounting of Financial Institutions Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Question no 1- What do you mean by Changes in Interest Rates?


How the interest rates are determined? and


In your opinion what are Forces That Causes Changes in Interest Rates? (1.5 marks)





Question no 2- With reference to the accounting standard, in Saudi Arabia which accounting standard are being used to boost the bank loan-loss-reserve without making capital impact. (1.5 marks)




Question no 3- With reference Saudi Arabian banking system, in your opinion, who is authorized to control and reduce the financial risks in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Write a detailed notes in your own words. (1 mark)





Question 4-What mechanisms has been used in Saudi Arabia to protect the Saudi Central Bank resources to maintain and manage the possible risk and compliance? (1 marks)


University of California San Diego Letter of Resignation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

“Letter of resignation should always be written in a gracious and professional style that avoids criticism of your employer or your colleagues” (Bovee,Thill)

In pairs write a letter of resignation to your current employee. Make sure to use appropriate opening serving as a buffer, and then state your reasons before the bad news. “Using tactful phrasing, help keep your relationship friendly should you need recommendation letters later.” Make sure to provide necessary details in your letter.

Word count: 200 words

Format: Letter

(Do not use the wording of the sample Letter on page 576 of the book. Plagiarism)

If you have any questions, please email me during business hours.

[supanova_question] tutorial.

EDU 7130 AU WK 3 Creating a Theoretical Framework Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of California Davis American History Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history multi-part question and need a reference to help me study.

The goal of this assessment is to evaluate your learning for a unit or period of time. As before, we will be covering the last four weeks. You will be identifying four key terms (one from each of the last four weeks). In identifying each key term, you will answer who, what, when, where, and why or how for a total of five responses for each key term

Write a short response answering each question. Important: Try to be as specific as possible.

there are 20 questions total


KSU Creativity and Determination Drove Me to Pursue My Education Personal Statement Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.

I would like to study MSc Public Policy, Finance, and Management at SOAS University.

Please answer the following questions to write a sample draft of my statement.

Why did you choose this University?

What do you want to study? – give a reason to why this particular subject is right for you. What can you bring to the course as well as what do you want to gain from studying it?
Note: answer in details.

What are you good at? – start with your academic side (go into detail about your subject area if you can, especially if there has been a particular part of your A level/BTEC course that has appealed to you) but don’t forget universities need to know about YOU too!
Note: Attached is my CV, you can write about my Courses generally.
Note: I will attach my transcript ( I got an A in Math and A+ in Statistics). I got a 2nd. Honor Certificate. Also, you can write whatever you want.

What are you doing that makes you different from everyone else? – Are you representing your district/county/country at something? Have you volunteered for something for a while? Do you do something for your community? Are you a role model?

Note: Attached is my CV, you can write deeply about my volunteering and mention my award. You can also mention some of the tasks in my current job at the hospital which gives me some unique qualities. Also, you can write whatever you want.

It should be 750 words.




ACCT 405 Saudi Electronic Accounting of Financial Institutions Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Question no 1- What do you mean by Changes in Interest Rates?


How the interest rates are determined? and


In your opinion what are Forces That Causes Changes in Interest Rates? (1.5 marks)





Question no 2- With reference to the accounting standard, in Saudi Arabia which accounting standard are being used to boost the bank loan-loss-reserve without making capital impact. (1.5 marks)




Question no 3- With reference Saudi Arabian banking system, in your opinion, who is authorized to control and reduce the financial risks in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Write a detailed notes in your own words. (1 mark)





Question 4-What mechanisms has been used in Saudi Arabia to protect the Saudi Central Bank resources to maintain and manage the possible risk and compliance? (1 marks)


University of California San Diego Letter of Resignation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

“Letter of resignation should always be written in a gracious and professional style that avoids criticism of your employer or your colleagues” (Bovee,Thill)

In pairs write a letter of resignation to your current employee. Make sure to use appropriate opening serving as a buffer, and then state your reasons before the bad news. “Using tactful phrasing, help keep your relationship friendly should you need recommendation letters later.” Make sure to provide necessary details in your letter.

Word count: 200 words

Format: Letter

(Do not use the wording of the sample Letter on page 576 of the book. Plagiarism)

If you have any questions, please email me during business hours.


University Of Arizona Food, Society and Agro Food System Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

University Of Arizona Food, Society and Agro Food System Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

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