University of California Irvine Career Plan Writing Question Writing Assignment Help

University of California Irvine Career Plan Writing Question Writing Assignment Help. University of California Irvine Career Plan Writing Question Writing Assignment Help.

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A personal career plan is a plan is what a business plan does for a business. In

In this assignment, you will create your personal career plan.

1. Who are you and what are your goals?

Create a life mission statement. Writing a personal mission statement

may feel odd – many of us have been told that speaking of our

“greatness” is bragging and conceited. Don’t listen to those voices and

be prepared to feel uncomfortable – it’s normal; don’t judge yourself.

What are your financial, professional, family, and lifestyle goals?

2. What is your plan?

Assess various industries and careers that you are interested in and their

future (at least two).

What is the future of the industry? What is the future of the profession?

What educational requirements and special skills do you need? Which

ones do you already have and which ones do you still need to acquire?

What steps will you take to acquire these and how long will it take you?

Are you planning to become an entrepreneur? If so, what is your long

term plan for it?

3. How are you different?

What makes you different/stand out from the crowd?

Identify your attributes, what sets you apart from others? Are you

bilingual? Have a great fashion sense? Love music and have the

determination to develop the best dance mix? Have a desire to give back

to your community? Know a programming language? Know how to plan

an event?

4. What is your current situation? Complete a personal SWOT analysis.

Internal Appraisal


What is my present position/degree obtained?

What am I good at?

What major resources/expertise do I have?


What is my present position?

What are the major problems I face?

What major resources/expertise deficiencies do I have? External Appraisal


What favorable trends exist?

How is my industry of choice developing?

In what areas could I achieve success?


What unfortunate environmental trends exist?

How are my competitors developing?

Where is my performance likely to suffer?


How will you market yourself to prospective employers or business


Create a logo and business card: now is the time to use your creativity!

Remember to keep it professional.

Resume: Create a resume (note: you may use your current resume if you

have one and try to improve it); make it look professional. Your resume

should be one page long.


Contingency Planning

This plan examines the “what ifs” and determines what you should do if

your plan cannot be implemented.

Delivery Methods:

Written assignment: The career plan should contain all the items listed above

and be written in a professional manner. Remember to check your spelling and

grammar! Length will vary depending on your experiences, but it should a

minimum of 2-3 pages, not including title pages, headings and resume. You

must use SINGLE space for this assignment

University of California Irvine Career Plan Writing Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Massachusetts Amherst Bilingualism & Cognitive Development Annotated Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

1. Read the academic honesty link then answer the two questions on it in the image attached (the third question is about the research “To what extent does raising a child in a bilingual environment impact their cognitive development?” but change the title to specifically focus on the linguistic development and the impact on education and academic performance. Just write that the research is going smooth and write a short intro)

1) is due in a few hours

annotate two academic journals attached below in the APA format with intext citation.

2) is due in 24 hour


University of Central Florida Inorganic Compounds Pre Lab Report Science Assignment Help

Objective: State the aim of the experiment in your own words, usually around 2-4 sentences. A clear statement of the overall purpose for performing the experiment. For example, what is / are the goal(s) to be achieved and what idea(s) are you to learn during the duration of the project?

2 pts

Materials: Write all equipment or glassware with specific sizes you think you would need to perfom the experiment (For example: 100-mL volumetric flask, pH meter, balance, etc. )

2 pts

Chemicals/Hazards : In a table, list all chemicals needed for this experiment along with their specific hazard information and other necessary information for the experiment (For example, include the chemical name, chemical formula, molecular formula weight, physical appearance, specific hazards and additional notes.)The hazard information of each chemical can be found in a Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Please find the SDS information for each chemical used in this experiment through the zipped folder available in this Canvas course (see “Supporting Documents” Module) or online from websites of companies like Fischer Scientific. Search for each chemical and its SDS, read and record the SDS information from these sections of the SDS form:
• Section: 2 (Hazard(s) Identification)
• Section: 7 (Handling)
• Section: 8 (Personal Protection)

3 pts

Methods and Procedures: Based on the description of the experiment, in your own words, design and describe the steps you would take for the experiment. Make sure not to copy the exact procedures, if any, from the laboratory manual.It should be written in your own words in a step-wise manner (diagrams or flowchart are encouraged).

5 pts

Calculations : Provide any calculations necessary for the lab ahead of time. This should include ALL applicable formulas, sample calculations, tables from your lab manual, and / or any information needed to create visual aids (e.g. charts) for the project. This needs to be created and organized to clarify a laboratory procedure and for you to keep track of your data easily in your laboratory notebook.Here is a general example: show the details of how to calculate the mass in grams required to prepare 250 mL of a 0.5 M NaCl solution.

5 pts

Formatting/Overall Organization of Lab NotebookMake sure the pre-lab plan is legible, organized, and a single PDF file.
Keep your lab notebook neat.

2 pts


EET 44 CUNY Brooklyn College Patient Behavior and Lies in Treatment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I need support with this Health & Medical question so I can learn better.

Find an original research article that introduces the use of the behavioral theory known as the transtheoretical model. The study may examine how the theory works, how it relates to a health behavior/issue, how it predicts behavior, etc. You must locate the study in a health promotion journal, or other scientific, related journals.

Write a brief overview including these Five Sections (Include these Five Headings):

  1. Research Questions/Hypotheses
  2. Description of Theories
  3. Methods (How elements of the theory or theories were personalized or what measurable units the author(s) translated the theoretical elements into action, how the authors collected the information and from whom
  4. Results (Main conclusions of study)
  5. Summary (Are there program elements and components that do not relate to the theory or theories? How well do you think the authors applied the theory or theories, and why do you feel this way? Also discuss the study’s strength and weaknesses (especially with regard to the theory used), including what you liked about it and what you think could have been done better)

The paper should be 3-4 pages in length. Please reference the original research article with your review.

Here is a brief description on the behavioral model that needs to be the main basis within the journal article you choose to review upon.

Overview of the Model

The Transtheoretical Model (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1983; Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross, 1992) is an integrative, biopsychosocial model to conceptualize the process of intentional behavior change. Whereas other models of behavior change focus exclusively on certain dimensions of change (e.g. theories focusing mainly on social or biological influences), the TTM seeks to include and integrate key constructs from other theories into a comprehensive theory of change that can be applied to a variety of behaviors, populations, and settings—hence, the name Transtheoretical.


EDU 151A Pitt Community College Traditional Education System Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english report and need support to help me study.


You are a preschool teacher, and it’s time to submit classroom resource requests to the school budget committee for the upcoming year. You decide to request a computer station for your classroom by submitting a technology plan. As you think about the plan, you realize that you need to take your students’ ages, developmental levels, and learning styles into account. For example, Kim, who is a curious and animated four-year-old, is very physical and social, and she seems to learn and communicate best when she can use her whole body. You include a description of your students’ individual needs along with your requests to explain your reasoning.


Part One:

Create a technology plan with a request for at least two types of software or technology platforms that will enhance the learning of your preschool students. Include an overview of how students with different intelligences can benefit from using different technology. Specifically, describe how your software or technology platform will be relevant to students with bodily/kinesthetic and interpersonal intelligences, such as Kim. You may want to refer to Figure 8-2: Technology and Multiple Intelligences as you write your proposal. *This should be at least 2 paragraphs (1 paragraph for each of the two types of software of technology you have chosen) and each paragraph should be 4-5 sentences each.

Acceptable Software

Acceptable Technology Platforms

· Letterland

· JumpStart Preschool

· ABC Mouse

· Reading Eggs

· Math Seeds

· Classroom Computers

· iPads/Tablets

· Smartboard

· Digital Cameras

· Tape Recorders/Headphones

Part Two:

Now that you have created your technology plan, choose one of the software programs or technology platforms you requested for your preschool students and create an activity plan introducing the software to your students.

On Moodle, you will find the Blank Activity Plan for Preschoolers along with the Activity Plan with Directions. Make sure you refer to the Activity Plan with Directions while filling out the Blank Activity Plan. Remember, the purpose of this assignment is to outline the steps you would take in completing an activity introducing the software of technology platform you chose for your students.


Student has submitted a well-written, college level material, technology plan with at least two types of software or technology platforms: ___/10

Student has 1 paragraph (4-5 sentences) for each of the two requested software or technology platforms discussing all aspects listed out in Part One: ___/20

Student has chosen a software program or technology platform from the given list of acceptable programs/platforms, or has gotten prior approval for a different program/platform: ___/5

Student has created an Activity Plan on how to introduceone of their chosen programs or platforms to their class: ___/30

All aspects of the Activity Plan have been met in full: ___/30

Student has utilized the correct Activity Plan: ___/5

Total: ___/100


Student should upload:

  • Their COMPLETED Activity Plan
  • Their COMPLETED Technology Plan



MADM 701 Louisiana State University in Shreveport Diversity Article Review Business Finance Assignment Help

**Pay attention to the Current Event Grading Rubric found in the Resources folder in Getting Started section.**


This application assignment requires you to share a business-related article from the past 6 months that describes your view of our assigned course topic(s) for the week. In other words, your view may explain the topic’s effect, relevance, importance, non-significance, etc. in workplace behavior. This assignment should consist of three distinct paragraphs. In the first paragraph you will summarize the article you chose. In the second paragraph you will clearly identify and discuss the course topic(s) relevant to the article. In the third and final paragraph you should discuss your views about the topic and what the article stated.


It is imperative to choose a concept being covered in this module. It is also important not to copy material from other related assignments or directly from the article itself–use proper citations and rewrite important components into your own words. Concepts and verbatim material will receive a zero.


You must have at least one additional supporting article. This means your References page should contain at least 3 resources for each current event paper, primary article and supporting article(s).


Current Event:


  • News story must be from a credible source within the last 6 months with appropriate citation.
  • Context must be provided on why the story is immediately relevant to the topics being covered.
  • Responses which are purely opinion and anecdotal are not considered to be substantive in nature.
  • Original news story from an external source plus one additional external source required.
  • Assigned textbook chapters from the course do not count as external sources, but you are welcome to use the textbook in addition to the required external resource.

MADM 701 Louisiana State University in Shreveport Diversity Article Review Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Florida Atlantic University The Measurement of Political Instability Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing discussion question and need support to help me learn.



How do we identify political instability when its about to become unstable? Is this part of a normal environmental scanning most companies do in the course of business?


2-Hello class,

To be successful, companies must adapt to ongoing trends and developments in their macro and micro environments. Therefore, it is in the interest of organizations to scan their marketing environment to deal with any possible threats from the market and to capitalize on any available opportunities. Companies should consistently monitor their marketing environment because it is continuously changing, as it consists of a number of unpredictable forces which surround the company. Experienced international businesses engage in political risk assessment, as they need to carry out ongoing systematic analyses of the political risks they face in foreign countries. Political risks are any changes in the political environment that may adversely affect the value of any firm’s business activities. Most political risks may result from governmental actions, such as; the passage of laws that expropriate private property, an increase in operating costs, the devaluation of the currency or constraints in the repatriation of funds, among others. Political risks may also arise from non-governmental actions when there is criminality (for example: kidnappings, extortion and acts of terrorism, et cetera). Political risks may equally affect all firms or may have an impact on particular sectors. Non-governmental political risks should also be considered, like protests, which could turn violent, and may even force firms to shut down their operations, in particular contexts (Camilleri, 2018).

International marketing takes place in more than one country and it can dramatically change from one region to another one. Government instability affects marketing because of the risks that are inherent in foreign marketing. Much can be lost if a company invests money in a plant or operation within a foreign country and is later subjected to restrictions, controls, or expropriation by the present or new government. While growth and stability reinforce each other in terms of economic development, stability seems to be a necessary condition for investments from a business point of view. Large investments are often made by multinational companies in the process of entering the foreign market. Such investments are usually made with different objectives, which are important to differentiate because of the differing ways that political stability plays into the decision making. Any policy or governmental change can negatively as well as positively affect operations. Political risk is thus intrinsic to international marketing (Doole & Lowe, 2012)


Camilleri, M. A. (2018). The Marketing Environment. In Travel Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product (pp. 51-68). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Doole, I., & Lowe, R. (2012). International marketing strategy. Cengage Learning.

3-International marketing has posed as a lot of opportunities and threats. Between the culture, politics, and the technological environment, society has agreed that these are the determinant factors in entrepreneurial success in the global market (Agwu & Onwuegbozie,2018). The political environment has always had an impact whether with the cultural dynamic aspect of it, or in global marketing. For nearly 150 years, environmental concerns have been part of the U.S political agenda. The political environment has impacted the cultural dynamics by using the snowball effect. When a country opens its doors to international trade, goods designed for a global customer and arrives on its market, this raises the welfare of people who are responsive to this type of product and conversely lowering the incentives of parents to transmit the local cultural traits to their offspring (Olivier,2020) Throughout time, the supply of globalized products further increase to meet the demand, and this leads to the conclusion of a self-sustaining cycle. I believe now with the pandemic we are experiencing; many government organizations and countries may be hesitant to open their borders for non-economic reasons even though once a market has opened, its quite difficult to back pedal with new restrictions, especially when it comes to international trade because of the cultural impact and trade restrictions (Olivier,2020). The biggest political environment that has impacted the culture and global markets I believe is the whole Black Lives Matter movement. In the years since its creation, the Black Lives Matter organization has had many notable impacts that have worked to better society. By the public awareness, Black Lives Matter has undoubtedly changed the dynamic of modern society regarding embedded racism. The organization has been the topic on virtually all media outlets throughout time and has also gained the attention from powerful government leaders such as former President Obama who invited representatives of the group to the White House in 2016. Black Lives Matters allows for more people to become aware of what is going on globally and take part in working to solve the issue by not tolerating the unjust aspects of everyday culture (Iorio,2017). How has this changed society? Many if not all such as the NFL, NBA, WNBA recognize the movement as well as celebrities throughout their social media finding ways to make a difference. Many entreprenuers have created clothing to make sure its being worn and shown as a movement to be known globally.

Agwu, M. E., & Onwuegbuzie, H. N. (2018). Effects of International Marketing Environments on Entrepreneurship Development. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 7 (1).

Iorio, D. (2017). The True Impact of Black Lives Matter. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from…

Olivier, J. (n.d.). Culture and the economy: Understanding the dynamics of globalization. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from…

4-Hello Dr. and Classmates,

The political environment has a monumental impact on cultural dynamics as well as global markets, whether it is apparent in the everyday lives of consumers and businesses or not. In domestic and global markets, cultural dynamics play a role in consumer perception and purchasing behavior depending on personal beliefs and social norms. This is especially true as it relates to its impact on the economy, and the social, financial, and cultural class of individual consumers (Morgan et. al, 2018). If individuals took a moment to analyze, it would be apparent how politics in a peaceful environment can be conducive to unity, peace, harmony, and understanding. In times of political unrest and instability, it results in cultural disharmony, segregation, and resentment.

In my personal opinion, this plays to personal peace and contentment resulting in flourishment and growth. This can be directly applied to the impact of the political environment and cultural impact in a global market. As with the latest tensions over the past year, right here within the United States, the same applies in the global marketplace, between regions, countries, cultures, races, etc. In the same way, political peace in the domestic/global environment can bring about a unified and flourishment effect among these same elements.

As it relates to business, the dealings of an organization can impact the view of the consumer, and directly result in whether the customer continues business with a corporation (Morgan et. al, 2018). For example, without mentioning any organizations, in particular, businesses that openly support one political party over another will undoubtedly cause resentment in the consumer of opposing political viewpoints. This highlights the importance of organizations being extremely careful in participating in politically motivated activities.

Czinkota & Ronkainen (2013) identify three areas in which marketing managers should consider when forming an international marketing plan and strategy. This would include political and legal policies of the home country, those of the foreign country, and be laws that govern the relationship between both. However, this becomes significantly more complex whenever government instability exists domestically and/or internationally. The reason is that as laws, policies, procedures, and trade barriers change, organizations must remain agile in remaining compliant (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2013). As a marketing manager, the element of remaining agile is complex in itself, but it also detracts from an organization’s resources that would be best allocated towards growth and opportunities. Government instability can also create unrest amongst consumers, which makes the role of the marketing manager that much more interesting.


Czinkota, M. R., & Ronkainen, I. A. (2013). International marketing. Cengage Learning.

Morgan, N. A., Feng, H., & Whitler, K. A. (2018). Marketing capabilities in international marketing. Journal of International Marketing, 26(1), 61-95.


Florida State U Role and Significance of Data and Data Analysis Exam Practice Mathematics Assignment Help

Midterm Take Home Exam

Worth: 100 points.

Due On or Before March 20, 2021 at 10:00 am

Instruction: Download file. Please answer each of the following questions and show work/calculations. Open up sufficient space in the Word document. Insert you answer using a highlight color (blue, green, red).

Please adhere to principles of academic integrity. Do not give or receive assistance or copy the work of another person. Do not communicate with other members of the class during the testing period. Do your own work. If you have questions contact the instructor.

Good Luck.

Question 1: Role and Significance of Data and Data Analysis

  1. Why is competency and proficiency in quantitative methods needed for public administrator managers and policy analysts? (3 points)
  2. What are the typical reasons or areas of interest that public administrators use data and engage in data analysis? (3 points)
  3. What are the four common sources of data? (4 points)

Question 2: What is the logic model used in performance measurement? (10 points)

Question 3: Key Definitions:

  1. Explain and define the differences between independent and dependent variables. Give examples. (2 points)
  2. Explain and define the differences between the statistical relationships “association” [correlation] and “causation”[causality]. Give examples. (2 points)
  3. Explain an experimental research design and a quasi -experimental research design. Which is the gold standard? ( 2 points)
  4. What is sampling error? (2 points)
  5. Why is random sampling preferred to purposive sampling? (2 points)

Question 4: Central Tendency

  1. Definition: Name three measures of central tendency. Define each and give mathematical formula. (3 points)
  2. Application: For the set of data observations in the below table, calculate the three common statistics of central tendency (4 points)
  3. Interpretation/Judgement: Indicate under circumstances should when two of the statistics be used together and under what circumstances or with what kind of data or measurement scales should the least used central tendency be used. Give specific examples. (3 points)


Data Observations


Name of Central Tendency Statistic 1: ____

Mathematical Formula_____

Calculate using data in column A

Name of Central Statistic 2:


Mathematical Formula____

Calculate using data in column A

Name of Central Statistic 3:

Mathematical Formula or definition

Calculate using data in Column A











Question 5. Application: Data Transformation, Calculation, Interpretation

Using the community indicators dataset (file can be found on Blackboard, under Course Content, Subfolder Lectures and Database,

  1. Using the community Indicators dataset below, calculate the mean homicides rate per capita. To do this, will need to create a new variable homicide rate per capita for each city in the dataset, defined as homicides divided by population in a given city.
  2. Use Excel to calculate the mean homicide rates per capita. Which three cities have the highest homicide rates per capita. Are these the same cities with the largest absolute number of homicides in 2020? (3 points)
  3. As a policy analyst why might it be important and advisable to scale numbers or do relative comparisons as opposed to absolute calculations. If you were Police Czar for the entire country and had resources to allocate, where would you allocate the majority of resources if you wanted to have the most beneficial impact on residents? (2 points)

(5 points).

Show you your transformed data.


Number of Homicides 2020



Homicide Per Capita

Ranking Absolute


Per Capita

Atlanta, GA



Baltimore, MD



Virginia Beach, VA



Virgin Islands (because of small population equal to a small town on mainland)



St. Louis, MO



Washington DC



Chicago, IL



San Jose, CA



Chula Vista, CA


New York, NY



Plano, TX



Boston, MA



Madison, WI



Albuquerque, NM



Cities with highest per capita homicides




Cities with the highest number of homicides




Question 6: Graphing application: Visual Communication (10 points)

Using the public perceptions survey, respondents reported as to how they feel the county has done balancing growth with environmental concerns. A mini dataset has been created from the Wang and Berman’s larger dataset just to answer this question. The variable of interest BALANCE, i.e perception of there is balance with growth and environmental policies. Note 1=Disagree 2-Agree and 3= Agree that there is balance.

Variable BALANCE

Question: Do you feel there is a balance between economic growth policies and environmental concerns in the county”

Cases (respondents)
































































  1. Please make a frequency distribution and insert here. Use Excel (5 points)
  2. Construct two bar charts, one that includes all three categories and one that omits the category “don’t know” (5 points). Insert your bar charts. Use Excel.

Question 7: Application Equity Analysis and Graphing.

  1. For the graduation data presented in the table below please calculate mean, variance, and standard deviation for each of the schools (3 points)
  2. Produce a line chart for graduation rates for each school. Label graph with title, axis, and legend. (3 points)
  3. What is your interpretation of this data and chart? If you were the School Superintendent for the district that includes these two school what sorts of questions would this chart trigger in your mind? What additional investigation would you like to undertake? (4 points)

Graduation Rates (Number of Graduates per Teacher) at Two Different Schools


School A

School B


















Standard Deviation

Question 8: Definition and Application: Forecasting

  1. What is a forecast? (2 points)
  2. Why is it important to validate a forecast? How do you validate a forecast? (2 points)
  3. Using the data below use the forecasting technique of Prior Moving Averages (PMA) to forecast a budget three periods ahead (T+3) . Note the formula is to average three prior periods to get the present period. When you run out of actual values you included predicted values in your forecasting. (4 points)
  4. How did your forecast compare with actual budget values in periods T-2, T-1, and T? (1 point) (2 points)











Budget Constant $ (Actual)







Predicted Constant Budget







Question 9: What is the statistical property makes the standard deviation a desirable statistic? (10 points)

Question 10: Application Interpretation

To determine if you have normal standard distribution you can do tests of kurtosis and skewness or you can visually inspect a histogram and see in a symmetrical bell curve can more or less be superimposed.

Plot the following data in a histogram and say whether or not you think it is a normal distribution. Try bins=auto, 3, and 6. Change bin size by clicking on chart—format—see bin dialogue box., change the bin number.


Observation Value































Clip and reproduce couple of your different histograms. What is you


IT 549 SNHU Information Security Roles and Responsibilities Questions Writing Assignment Help

You will submit your roles and responsibilities portion of the final project. Who are the key leaders of the organization specific to how their responsibilities are connected to the security of the organization’s information? You must also identify key ethical considerations. What are the ramifications of key leaders not properly accounting for ethical and legal considerations? What are the key components of information assurance as they relate to individual roles and responsibilities within the information assurance plan? For example, examine the current policies as they relate to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.


ALY 6040 Northeastern Week 3 Tree Based ML Models and Model Optimization Report Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a r question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

You will be using the same dataset that you had used for Week 2 Assignment (to build the regression models) for Week 3 Assignment as well. In this week’s Assignment, you are required to predict an outcome using the tree based models that we discussed in the class today.

You will be asked to prepare a paper (at least 6 pages, Times New Roman font size 12, include a cover page) and articulate your findings. This should include:

  • Types of models you ran and compare them with each other for accuracy, run time etc.
  • Model Optimization techniques you used for hyper-parameter tuning
  • Discuss pros and cons of each model


University of California Irvine Career Plan Writing Question Writing Assignment Help

University of California Irvine Career Plan Writing Question Writing Assignment Help

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