University of California Irvine Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Discussion Writing Assignment Help

University of California Irvine Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Discussion Writing Assignment Help. University of California Irvine Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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First Essay (urgent, due tonight, LA time)

In your opinion/based on what you learned in the video, why do you think it is important to have a diverse workplace?

What can you do now and in the future to promote workplaces and communities that are diverse and inclusive?

To get full credit I expect two well-written paragraphs that are 6-8 sentences each. One paragraph for each for the two questions above.


Second eassy

In 6 bullet points (each bullet should be 3 sentences long), explain the six most important and interesting thing you learned from the chapters in the class this week. For each item also provide a description in your own words as if you were explaining it to a friend who is not in the class.

Your six bullet points should come from multiple chapters covered in Weeks 6 and 7 (chapters 14-18).

What does this mean to you?
In one short paragraph (4-6 sentences), explain how what you learned this week (focus on one item or more) impacts your future career, life, education, and/or understanding of the world.

To get full credit for this assignment:
• You will have 6 bullet points of the most important and interesting things you learned in the class this from the chapters this week. Each bullet point should be 3 sentences long and provide a clear explanation of those 3 items/concepts as if you were explaining them to a friend who is not in the class.

• Write a short paragraph (4-6 sentences) explaining how what you learned this week (can focus on one thing or more) impacts your future career, life, education, and/or understanding of the world.

Do not copy and paste from the textbook or other websites, the summary bullet points should be written by you as if you were explaining them to someone else.

File Upload Submission: Submit a Word or PDF file. If you use Pages or Google Docs make sure to export to a Word or PDF file before you submit.

In this week we learned Chapter 16, 17, 18

Using Effective Promotions

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the new and traditional tools that make up the promotion mix.
  • Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of various advertising media, including the Internet.
  • Illustrate the steps of the B2B and B2C selling processes.
  • Describe the role of the public relations department, and show how publicity fits in that role.
  • Assess the effectiveness of various forms of sales promotion, including sampling.
  • Show how word of mouth, e-mail marketing, viral marketing, blogging, podcasting, and mobile marketing work


Understanding Accounting and Financial Information

Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate the role financial information and accounting plays for a business and for its stakeholders.
  • Identify the different disciplines within the accounting profession.
  • List the steps in the accounting cycle, distinguish between accounting and bookkeeping, and explain how computers are used in accounting.
  • Explain how the major financial statements differ.
  • Demonstrate the application of ratio analysis in reporting financial information.

Financial Management
Learning Objectives

  • Explain the role and responsibilities of financial managers.
  • Outline the financial planning process and the three key budgets in the financial plan.
  • Explain why firms need operating funds.
  • Identify and describe different sources of short-term financing.
  • Identify and describe different sources of long-term financing.

University of California Irvine Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Social Media Financial & Managerial Accounting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 4 – Having learned different kinds of costs and the systems used to accumulate them, what kinds of costs would a social media company like Twitter or Tik-Tok incur? Are there labor, material, and overhead costs? Are there fixed and variable costs and direct and indirect costs? What are the types of services produced by social media companies? And how do the costs incurred relate to the services they generate? (300 words)

TextBook: Managerial Accounting – Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment – 12th Edition

Authors: Ronald W. Hilton, David E. Platt


BUS 3710 Baker College Apple Inc History Business & Industry Analysis Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Please see attached directions and below rubric:

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompany overview and situation analysisProvides a historical background of the primary company and a competitor and an overview of the issues to be addressed in the project

10.0 to >9.0 pts

Exceeds Expections

Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the industry, both companies’ history, positions in the market, and a detailed overview of the issues to be addressed in the project

9.0 to >8.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the industry, both companies’ history, positions in the market, and a fairly detailed overview of the issues to be addressed in the project

8.0 to >6.0 pts

Partially Meets Expectations

Demonstrates a basic understanding of the industry, the history of each company, the companies’ positions in the market, and an overview of most of the issues to be addressed in the project

6.0 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Does not demonstrate a basic understanding of the industry, the history of each company, or their positions in the market, or does not provide an overview of the issues to be addressed in the project

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRatio and Trend analysis – primary companyPerform ratio and trend analysis of financial performance for the primary company

(BBA POs #1, #5)

30.0 to >27.0 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Consistently uses all of the relevant ratios to support findings; all ratios are evaluated from the perspective of the trends; had ratios from each of the 4 main categories; the meaning of the numbers are explained in detail, not just listing them.

27.0 to >24.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Most of the ratios are used to support findings; most ratios are evaluated from the perspective of the trends; had ratios from each of the 4 main categories

24.0 to >18.0 pts

Partially Meets Expectations

Most of the relevant ratios are used to support findings; few of the ratios are evaluated from the perspective of the trends; ratios from all 4 required categories are presented

18.0 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Little or no use of ratios or trend analysis to support findings, use is inconsistent at best

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRatio and Trend analysis – competitorPerform ratio and trend analysis of financial performance for the primary company

(BBA POs #1, #5)

30.0 to >27.0 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Consistently uses all of the relevant ratios to support findings; all ratios are evaluated from the perspective of the trends; had ratios from each of the 4 main categories; the meaning of the numbers are explained in detail, not just listing them.

27.0 to >24.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Most of the ratios are used to support findings; most ratios are evaluated from the perspective of the trends; had ratios from each of the 4 main categories

24.0 to >18.0 pts

Partially Meets Expectations

Most of the relevant ratios are used to support findings; few of the ratios are evaluated from the perspective of the trends; ratios from all 4 required categories are presented

18.0 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Little or no use of ratios or trend analysis to support findings, use is inconsistent at best

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of current market conditions for the industryPerform benchmarking; provide an analysis of current market conditions for the industry; discuss the implications of trends and conditions on the primary company’s future decisions

10.0 to >9.0 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Provided the data for the industry of the two chosen companies in the paper. It revealed where each company ranked within the industry and some detailed information on the future prospects of this industry.

9.0 to >8.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Provided the data for the industry of the two chosen companies in the paper. It revealed some basic information about each company ranked within the industry and some basic information on the future prospects of this industry.

8.0 to >6.0 pts

Partially Meets Expectations

Provided some data for the industry of the two chosen companies in the paper. There was little information on the ranking of either company in the industry.

6.0 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Provided little detail about the industry and ranking of the two companies within the industry; OR could have been missing altogether.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUsing researchDetermining the type of information needed; selecting appropriate sources; using the information obtained to effectively develop all elements of the paper

(BBA POs #1, #8)

10.0 to >9.0 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Chose a variety of appropriate sources using multiple criteria (relevance, currency, authority, audience, and point of view) based on the type of information needed to effectively develop all elements of the paper

9.0 to >8.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Chose a variety of appropriate sources using several criteria (relevance, currency, and authority) based on the type of information needed to develop all elements of the paper

8.0 to >6.0 pts

Partially Meets Expectations

Chose appropriate sources using basic criteria (relevance, currency) based on the type of information needed to develop most elements of the paper

6.0 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Chose a few sources of information using limited criteria (relevance) that did not provide all of the information needed to develop the elements of the paper

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeManagement of current assets and working capital(ITEM #4)
Provides an analysis of the management of current assets and working capital – with emphasis on the impact of seasonality

(BBA POs #1, #4)

25.0 to >22.5 pts

Exceeds Expections

Provided a detailed exploration of the management of current assets and working capital with the following areas of focus: explained the impact of seasonality to cash and inventory, explained effectiveness of current assets

22.5 to >20.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Provided a basic exploration about the management of current assets and working capital with the following areas of focus: explained the impact of seasonality to cash and inventory, explained effectiveness of current assets; some minor items were missing

20.0 to >15.0 pts

Partially Meets Expectations

Provided some information about the management of current assets and working capital with the following areas of focus: explained the impact of seasonality to cash and inventory, explained effectiveness of current assets; minor issues are missing

15.0 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Inconsistent or little required information used to support findings of current asset and working capital management OR item could be missing completely.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation – lending or investing(ITEM #6)
Evaluation – lending or investing
(20/90 points)

Provides a strong justification for investing in the company or lending it money on the basis of overall financial analysis

(BBA POs #1, #5)

20.0 to >18.0 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Used all the relevant ratios to support findings; all ratios are evaluated from the perspective of the trends used in decision making of the type chosen (investing or lending)

18.0 to >16.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Used the majority of the relevant ratios to support findings; all ratios used are evaluated from the perspective of the trends used in decision making of the type chosen (investing or lending)

16.0 to >12.0 pts

Partially Meets Expectations

Used some of the most relevant ratios to support findings; some of the ratios are evaluated from the perspective of the trends used in decision making of the type chosen (investing or lending)

12.0 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Inconsistent or no use of ratios are to support findings; inconsistent evaluation of ratios evaluated from the perspective of the trends used in decision making of the type chosen investing or lending) OR item could be missing completely.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUsed the chosen company to analyze its fund raising potential in the stock and bond markets(ITEM #5)
Provided a solid analysis of -existing capital structure
-current market capitalization
-degree of leverage

(BBA POs #1, #5)

25.0 to >22.5 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Used appropriate data and financial market information to analyze and evaluate the benefits of stock financing and debt financing, including the required elements (capital structure, market capitalization, WACC, and degree of leverage)

22.5 to >20.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Used appropriate data or financial market information to evaluate the benefits of stock financing and debt financing, including the required elements (capital structure, market capitalization, WACC, and degree of leverage)

20.0 to >15.0 pts

Partially Meets Expectations

Used appropriate data or financial market information to evaluate the benefits of stock or debt financing, including the required elements (capital structure, market capitalization, WACC, and degree of leverage)

15.0 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Inconsistent or no use of appropriate data and financial market information to evaluate the benefits of stock and debt financing OR item could be missing completely.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUsing researchDetermining the type of information needed; selecting appropriate sources; using the information obtained to effectively develop all elements of the paper

(BBA POs #1, #8)

10.0 to >9.0 pts

Exceeds Expectations

Chose a variety of appropriate sources using multiple criteria (relevance, currency, authority, audience, and point of view) based on the type of information needed to effectively develop all elements of the paper.

9.0 to >8.0 pts

Meets Expectations

Chose a variety of appropriate sources using several criteria (relevance, currency, and authority) based on the type of information needed to develop all elements of the paper.

8.0 to >6.0 pts

Partially Meets Expectations

Chose appropriate sources using basic criteria (relevance, currency) based on the type of information needed to develop most elements of the paper.

6.0 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

Chose a few sources of information using limited criteria (relevance) that did not provide all of the information needed to develop the elements of the paper.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProficiency in written communicationWriting is presented in an organized fashion, with proper grammar and mechanics. APA requirements are met

(BBA PO #3)

10.0 to >9.0 pts

Exceeds Expectations

The structure of the paper is logical. Paper contains limited grammatical and mechanical errors. APA format, citations and references are included.

9.0 to >8.0 pts

Meets Expectations

The structure of the paper is somewhat clear. Paper contains less than 5 grammatical and mechanical errors. Most APA requirements are met.

8.0 to >6.0 pts

Partially Meets Expectations

The structure of the paper is not entirely clear. Paper contains a fair amount of mechanical and grammatical errors. Some APA requirements are met.

6.0 to >0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

The structure of the paper is not clear. Paper contains a significant amount of mechanical and grammatical errors. APA requirements were not met.


Price Skimming on Face Masks During Pandemic of Covid 19 Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Powerpoint presentation and need support to help me understand better.

You need to identify a brand and analyze a brand’s pricing strategy for a particular event, target market, competitive situation, etc. The student will prepare, submit and present a PowerPoint presentation covering the seven areas listed below.

1.Business Identification/Brief Description

2.Description of the Pricing Strategy

3.Objective(s) of the Pricing Strategy

4.Target Audience/Profile – bring it to life as a persona (photo, name, narrative)


6.Evaluation – Pros/Cons – What you think they do well/not well; your view?

7.Recommendations – What could improve the effort?


ACC St Thomas Aquinas in Summa Theologica Natural Law Theory Of Morality Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Discussion needs to be 600 words

We saw, in our reading from St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica, an account of a “Natural Law” theory of morality. It is supposed by Aquinas, that insofar as the teleological order we observe in nature was created by God or a prime mover, then we can see that morality should be conceived of as living in accordance with nature—particularly, for us, as human beings, human nature. This was contrasted in our lecture with another view that posits the ultimate grounding or justification of morality derives from theological considerations, “Divine Command Theory.” Rather than emphasizing a teleological justification for morality based on God, Divine Command Theory posits a deontological justification for morality based on God. In Divine Command Theory, morality derives from the duty to obey demands from God. Considerations of ultimate purposes or ends in nature are irrelevant. Which of these positions do you find more attractive, or compelling, and why?

reading will be attached

Peer response needs to be 300 words

I will submit once the person once someone responds

Journal needs to be one full page single spaced.

Citations are mandatory

you will identify a key topic or concept from the previous week and develop some arguments, questions, or reflections that occurred to you in thinking about that topic or concept. Citations of readings assigned in this course will be mandatory for all journal assignments. These are supposed to be reading journals, so it should not be an undue burden to provide quotations from the readings you are reflecting on and discussing.

readings to refer are from this weeks and last weeks



ENGLISH 124 Grossmont College Lao-Tzu & Machiavell Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Lao-Tzu & Machiavelli

Both of these historic authors advise their readers on appropriate means of leadership, while also encouraging certain behaviors.

In Thoughts from the Tao-Te Ching Lao-Tzu advises that “The Master does his job and then stops. He understands that the universe is forever out of control, and that trying to dominate events goes against the current of the Tao” (63).

And in dealings with others Tzu says that “If a country is governed with tolerance, the people are comfortable and honest” (66).

And in leadership he says “If you want to govern the people, you must place yourself below them” (69).

While in Machiavelli’s The Qualities of the Prince he advises that “it is necessary for a prince who wishes to maintain his position to learn how not to be good, and to use this knowledge or not to use it according to necessity” (78).

And in dealings with others he explains that “since men are a sorry lot and will not keep their promises to you, you likewise need not keep yours to them” (83).

Also saying “but when the populace is hostile and regards him with hatred, he must fear everything and everyone” (86).

Both of these political thinkers have vastly different ideologies, but I wonder if there are any principles that they might agree upon.

Look through both texts and see if you can find any points of intersection. Find quotes from both texts that help to prove that these great advisers do have common ground.

Do they have ideas that do not directly oppose one another?

Are there any ways that their methods of political influence complement each other?

In your conclusion clearly define the sort of commonality you are able to find in these guides to strong leadership.

work cite: 3 quotes from each author, example ( if Lao-Tzu is taking about war you need to find similar quote from Machiavelli) so total work cites need to be 6 quotes.

3 pages

Typed double-spaced

MLA format

ENGLISH 124 Grossmont College Lao-Tzu & Machiavell Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Foreign Tech Businesses from Ebay to Amazon Failed Success in China Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Why Did Foreign Tech Businesses From Ebay to Amazon Fail to succeed in China?

What would you do differently (if you were the CEOS of these companies) to succeed in China? (Links to an external site.)


Your initial post should not be less than 500 words.

Each question should be answered in a separate paragraph.

You should then respond to 5 other postings of your peers. Please include the name of the person you are responding to!

Each response should consist of at least 30 words or more.


Hidden Players of Global Corruption Practices Video Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Global Corruption’s Hidden Players (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video

Who are these hidden players of corruption?

Do you think that corruption is a global phenomena?

How did these corrupt leaders get to this position? What enables them to be so bold with their corrupt practices?

How do you think we can correct this situation?


Your initial post should not be less than 500 words.

Each question should be answered in a separate paragraph.

You should then respond to 5 other postings of your peers. Please include the name of the person you are responding to!

Each response should consist of at least 30 words or more.


HADM 4326 HCC System Strategic Planning and Mergers In Healthcare Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

1) Why does every hospital need a strategic plan?

2) What factors caused mergers of hospitals and the evolution of large health systems?

3) Discuss the differences among an agreement, joint venture and a merger or acquisition.

4) Describe the concept of “completed staff work”.

Case Study

CVS Health and Aetna

(Consumer Value Stores) was founded in 1963 in Lowell, Massachusetts with the establishment of their first
retail store. In 1969, it expanded its retail operations to include pharmacy departments in the northeast and was
subsequently sold to the Melville Corporation in 1969. Throughout the 1970s, operations expanded with the
acquisition of other drug stores. In 1983, they launched a national hemophilia home service, reaching one billion
dollars in annual sales in 1985. CVS started a prescription benefit management services, a mail service pharmacy,
and other healthcare services. In the 1990s, CVS launched a pharmacy benefit management company for
employers and insurance companies. Caremark also entered the multiple sclerosis market. They established the
pharmaceutical service as a core operation. In 1999, they launched, the first online integrated pharmacy
in the United States. In 2000, Minute Clinics, retail health clinics, were established; CVS partnered with them to
open three clinics in their chain stores. Minute Clinics became the first to be accredited by the Joint Commission.
In 2006, CVS acquired Minute Clinics. In 2001 CVS/Caremark introduced the Extra Care Card, the first loyalty card
for retail pharmacy chains. In 2007, CVS/Caremark and Rx officially merged, creating CVS Caremark. In 2009, the
Minute Clinics became affiliated with several healthcare systems nationwide. In 2014, CVS Caremark changed its
name to CVS Health. They also removed all tobacco products from their stores. In 2015, CVS acquired all of
Target’s pharmacies and clinics. In 2017, the pharmacy chain, CVS/Caremark, announced their acquisition of Aetna
Insurance for $69 billion. According to both companies, consumers will benefit from an integrated, community
healthcare experience. Consumers will have access to Aetna’s extensive network of providers with greater
consumer access through CVS Health which included nearly 10,000 CVS Pharmacy locations and more than 1,000
Minute Clinic walk-in clinics (CVS Health).
Answer the following questions:

1) What was the primary strategy of CVS to expand its operations?

2) Go to Scroll through the history section of the website.
Identify three strategies that you feel are important to the growth of CVS Health.

3) On the same webpage referenced in question 2, review and provide a summary of at least one aspect of
CVS’s Social Responsibilities.

4) According to the news release of December 3, 2017, CVS Health announced the execution of a definitive
merger agreement under which CVS Health will acquire all outstanding shares of Aetna for a combination
of cash and stock. According to the statement and the discussions from the PowerPoints, what type of
merger will this transaction be? (

5) How could this transaction affect the hospital industry? Defend your answer.


Art Storytelling of Annulus Sculpture by Yinka Shonibare Project Writing Assignment Help

  • Title of future learning/teaching extension: ……
  • Chosen Artist/s or Art/s organization and reason for choosing (one sentence): Name of Artist/s or Art/s organization…Reasons for choosing…How does the connection to this artist/s or art/s organization build from your chosen module …?
  • Description of the art activity using Visual Arts strand from the Victorian Curriculum: and how the strands (below) link to the artist/s or art/s organization.

  1. How do students Explore and Express Ideas …?
  2. What Visual Arts Practices will students experience…?
  3. How will students Present and perform their arts work…?
  4. How will students Respond and Interpret during the activity…?


University of California Irvine Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Discussion Writing Assignment Help

University of California Irvine Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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