University of California Irvine Psychological Study Questions Humanities Assignment Help

University of California Irvine Psychological Study Questions Humanities Assignment Help. University of California Irvine Psychological Study Questions Humanities Assignment Help.

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1. _____ occurs before participating in a study, while _____ follows study participation.
Confidentiality; informed consent
Informed consent; confidentiality
Debriefing; informed consent
Informed consent; debriefing
2. Researchers use placebos to:
equalize participant characteristics across conditions.
guard against experimenter bias.
ensure that a sample is representative.
minimize the effects of participants’ expectations.
3. To find the mean, add up all the scores and divide by the:
middle score.
sum total.
total number of scores.
most frequent score.
4. A theory is a(n) _____, while a hypothesis is a(n) _____.
explanation; prediction
prediction; description
prediction; explanation
explanation; description
5. What is the fourth step of the scientific method?
Develop a hypothesis.
Share the findings.
Design study and collect data.
Analyze the data.
6. Noted developmental psychologist Jean Piaget based his theory in large part on in-depth examinations of his own three children. Piaget’s work exemplifies the _____ research method.
naturalistic observation
case study
7. Deception is revealed in a psychological study:
after the study ends, during debriefing.
before the study begins, when informed consent is obtained.
before the study begins, during debriefing.
only if there are negative consequences from participating.
8. Dr. Ali deliberately varied facial symmetry in a series of photographs and later measured participants’ liking for the faces. Dr. Ali conducted a(n) _____ study.
9. Which is a measure of variation?
10. The _____ is a committee that reviews research proposals to protect the rights and welfare of all participants.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
American Psychological Association (APA)
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Association for Psychological Science (APS)
11. _____ statistics allow researchers to determine the probability of events occurring in the future.
12. A graph of the relationship between two negatively correlated variables would show a(n):
horizontal line.
diagonal line from the upper left to the lower right.
diagonal line from the lower left to the upper right.
irregular, jagged line.
13. Critical thinking is _____ the scientific method.
the first step in
a component of
an alternative to
the same thing as
14. Marlon obtains a +0.15 correlation coefficient for his study. He should describe the relationship between the two variables he studied as:
weak and negative.
strong and negative.
weak and positive.
strong and positive.
15. A _____ variable is a factor that could unintentionally influence the outcome of an experiment.
16. The individual nerve cells of the nervous system are called:
glial cells.
17. The cerebrum contains the _____ and _____.
hindbrain; midbrain
cortex; limbic system
brain stem; cerebellum
medulla; pons
18. Microglia:
defend the brain against infection and inflammation.
support neurotransmission in synapses.
create myelin that speeds neural messages.
restore the blood–brain barrier after an injury.
19. Dr. Talbot prescribes a(n) _____ agonist to help relieve a client’s depression.
20. The somatic nervous system:
contains sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.
includes the brain and the spinal cord.
includes sensory and motor nerves.
controls internal, physiological responses.
21. Dr. Charles is using _____ to measure activity throughout the brain by utilizing strong magnets to track changes in the brain’s blood-oxygen levels.
22. _____, a neurosurgeon, is credited with mapping the motor and somatosensory cortex.
Gustav Fritsch
Wilder Penfield
Phineas Gage
Edvard Hitzig
23. A brain tumor has slowly robbed Mr. Schneider of his ability to recognize objects by touch. The tumor is probably centered in his _____ lobe.
24. The _____ helps regulate emotion, memory, and motivation.
corpus callosum
limbic system
25. Kristen begins to feel drowsy during an afternoon staff meeting. Activity in her limbic system’s _____ probably contributes to this experience.
26. The left hemisphere surpasses the right hemisphere for:
interpreting hand gestures.
recognizing spatial relationships.
mentally rotating images.
identifying mirror images.
27. Which statement is TRUE?
Biological psychology is a broader field than is neuroscience.
Neuroscience is a subfield of psychology.
Biological psychology is a subfield of psychology.
Biological psychology and neuroscience are both subfields of psychology.
28. The medulla is the part of the brain that regulates:
muscular coordination.
sleep–wake cycles.
overall arousal.
heart rate and respiration.
29. The fact that language skills are less severely compromised in younger patients who receive a hemispherectomy on the left side of their brain is evidence of:
stem cells.
30. The peripheral nervous system is composed of the:
somatic and autonomic nervous systems.
spinal cord.
brain and spinal cord.
central and autonomic nervous systems.
31. The left eye receives visual information that is processed in the:
frontal lobe.
right hemisphere.
temporal lobe.
left hemisphere.
32. The _____ allows for communication between the brain and the peripheral nervous system.
autonomic nervous system
spinal cord
reflex arc
sympathetic nervous system
33. Glutamate and GABA have _____ effects on neural activity.

University of California Irvine Psychological Study Questions Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The Constitution Rights and The Expressions of Popular Will Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history Essay and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


In our study of democracy, we’re paid a lot of attention to the different forms or expressions of democracy. We’ve seen examples of democracy as a formal structure or idea (“Democracy as a Noun”) and we’ve seen examples of popular will and expression (“Democracy as a Verb”). Both of these forms of democracy exist with in our case studies on Revolutionary France, Weimar Germany, and Taisho Japan: all three had written constitutions and formalized governmental structures, and all three had keen and powerful examples of the role played by popular – often extraconstitutional (outside the bounds of the constitution) – will. Democracy as a Noun and as a Verb can exist harmoniously or can present as oppositional forces.

Please answer the following question in an organized, structured essay, with a proper introduction, body, and conclusion:

Based on your reading of the materials and the lectures in class, and only focusing on these three cases studies, which do you view as being “more democratic” (aka which truly was in the best interest of the people); the constitutions that governed these political states, or the expressions of popular will, be they constitutional or extraconstitutional.

You may want to focus on:

-What were limitations of the constitution?

-Who was left out?

-What weaknesses were there?

-Is popular will inherently democratic?

-Can a democratic constitution be democratic if its limits the ability of the people to fundamentally change the constitution or the state?


FIDM Human Resource Management and Business Competitive Advantage Q&As Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.


Competitive pressures are driving the need to shift how HR contributes to the business and the bottom line. What recommendations do you have for companies that want/need to change the role of HR? Why are these important? Justify your response with sound thought-out reasoning and data.


In the spirit of learning and growing as a class, all entries are expected to be thoughtful and robust. I am looking for something substantive – target 6+ sentences minimum per entry. The feedback should consist of respectful and constructive comments regarding the responses and should also contain two key learning points from that module reflecting on the chapters discussed that week.


DeCenzo, David A (2019). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 13th Edition.


Purdue University Louis Armstrong Bilbiography & Music Discovery Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better.

PART 1 (300 words) :

Choose a song from Spotify, and write minimum 300 words about the piece itself, the background information, and most importantly, why you chose the piece and why it appealed (or did not) appeal to you.

Briefly discuss some of the key elements of the piece (instrumentation, melody, harmony, texture, etc.) too if you can.

PART 2 (100 words):

Directions: Listen to and comment on two of your classmates’ “discoveries”.In a short paragraph, explain why you liked or did not like the piece discovered, commenting on either the piece itself (using the elements of music previously discussed in class), or about the composer/background information. Share in the discovery!

Classmate 1:

Classmate 2:

? Please complete Jazz paper (Instructions are attached)?

writing assignment 1 (400 words) – see attached


CA 486 University of Phoenix Infectious Diseases Presentation Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing writing question and need support to help me study.

I’m working on a nursing writing question and need support to help me learn.

I would like this to be focused on COVID19 to see how it has affected community wide, nationally and locally

APA format

Understanding diseases present within the community allows public health nurses to prioritize health promotion and disease prevention strategies.

Analyze infectious diseases by:

  • Defining epidemiology, outbreak, incidence, and prevalence
  • Evaluating the role of nursing in epidemiology
  • Evaluating current infectious diseases locally, statewide, and nationally
  • Associating three of the most current infectious diseases with Healthy People 2020 objectives
  • Analyzing evidence-based practices aimed at reducing infectious diseases

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 18- to 20-slide presentation




Columbia Southern University Motion Pictures Industry Economies of Scale and Trade Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a article writing Case Study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


In this assignment, you will delve deeper into these topics as applied to an industry that you are likely familiar with. To complete this assignment, first read the following article:

Marvasti, A. (2000, February). Motion pictures industry: Economies of scale and trade. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 7(1), 99–114. (see attachment)

Then, compose an article critique that addresses the following components listed below.

  • Summarize the question the article is addressing and evaluate its findings.
  • Include an analysis in your summary of how the industry benefits from economies of scale, particularly external economies of scale.
  • Briefly explain the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. Appraise the assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory as applied to the motion picture industry. You may consider the two countries to be the United States and the rest of the world.

Your article critique must be at least three pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references. Please note that no abstract is needed.


Marvasti, A. (2000). Motion Pictures Industry: Economies of Scale and Trade. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 7(1), 99–114. https://doi-org.libraryresources.columbiasouthern….

Columbia Southern University Motion Pictures Industry Economies of Scale and Trade Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising HRM Ford Video Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Watch the video in the link above. This video illustrates how scientific management reformed manufacturing, changed the way Ford produced cars, and how it affected workers. Much vintage footage that creates a perspective for students who may be unfamiliar with manufacturing or how revolutionary scientific management was in its time.

Why was manufacturing turnover so high? What were the effects of Ford raising pay significantly? How did Ford benefit from scientific management principles? What recommendations would you make?

Review / conduct a thorough analysis and provide a substantive, thoughtful, and original response.

Chapter 2, Textbook: DeCenzo, David A (2019). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 13th Edition.


KNES 246A CSU Fullerton Anger Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me understand better.


First, read the article below (Just Beat It…) regarding de-escalation found in The by Steven John.

Next, think about your personality and discuss how you typically react when you get angry. What emotions do you display, and what helps you to calm down? Discuss any section in the article that stood out to you, or you found particularly helpful. If provoked by an aggressive person, will it be easy, difficult, or impossible to remain calm, listen, and leave the area, as the article states, in order to diffuse the situation? Last click on the link: Anger management: 10 tips (Links to an external site.) and read the article on Anger management. Include one tip in your discussion that will help you deal with anger in a healthy way.

Just Beat It: How to De-escalate and Avoid a Fight, According to Experts

September 10, 2020

Michael Jackson (Links to an external site.) leaves behind a lot of great songs, some of the best dancing ever captured on film, and one hell of a complicated legacy overall, but there’s no question he was right on target when he urged us all to back down rather than stepping up in a potentially violent situation, saying (in part):

“You better run, you better do what you can

Don’t want to see no blood, don’t be a macho man
You want to be tough, better do what you can
So beat it!”

After all, what’s the absolute best-case scenario when you get into a fight? You hurt someone else and you don’t get hurt yourself — that’s still a net negative, because why hurt someone else, really? And the worst case scenario? Broken bones, severe blood loss, maybe even death. And for what? Bragging rights?

If you’re being attacked by someone hellbent on robbing, hurting, or even killing you, then by all means fight back with everything you’ve got and keep fighting until the threat is neutralized. But if someone starts flexing on you at a bar or party, bro, just beat it.

The thing is, de-escalating a tense situation that seems destined for fisticuffs isn’t always as easy as just walking away. An aggravated would-be aggressor may already be committed to combat, meaning you will need to ease things down with finesse lest you risk riling the fellow up even more and ensuring a fight rather than defusing one. Let’s talk about the best ways to make sure the latter happens.

Assess the Situation ASAP

“Once you have an idea of what’s happening, you can focus on how to de-escalate,” says martial arts expert Jason Maine (Links to an external site.). Think about who is squaring off against you, noting their body language, actual language, their size, and other details. Then look for ways to exit or at least that can offer you some sort of redoubt. “Remember your own posture. Any aggressive stance from you will only intensify their reaction. Although stress has your nerves on edge, try to maintain an alert yet non-threatening appearance. Keep your palms open, too; a closed fist can indicate to them you’re thinking about attacking first,” adds Maine.

As you visually assess your potential adversary and the area, Maine also says: “Another ideal tactic is simply listening. Sometimes, a person may just need to vent, boast, etc., and you are unfortunately on the receiving end. Let them talk and hear them out. Eventually, they may leave on their own as they’re out of energy from the rant. [And] if they’re taunting you, don’t fall into the trap. Leave your ego behind in this case as they want you to react. They want you to give them an excuse. Keep quiet, and when you do speak, stick to a composed tone.”

If you determine the person is more bark than bite, let them talk enough so they don’t feel disrespected, then calmly say you are leaving and do just that, keeping an eye on them as you do so.

Control Your Body and Voice

Juan Arango (Links to an external site.) of Security Camera King says you should never raise your voice, even if you are in fact growing angrier or stressed. “Although you might be tempted to raise your voice when you are arguing with someone … it is best to keep your voice at a low, even, and almost soothing tone. Raising your voice will make it seem as if you are angry, which could egg another person on.”

And never try to talk tough making “threats that you don’t mean,” says Arango. That’s a surefire way to take things in the wrong direction.

Know the Signs of Someone Who Is Fronting, and Who Plans on Fighting

If there’s anyone who knows a thing or ten about things of a combat nature, it’s Tony Schiena (Links to an external site.), globally known expert on matters ranging from counter terrorism to paramilitary operations to private security to martial arts and the founder of Mosaic (Links to an external site.), a “strategic risk and crisis management, intelligence, and security advisory firm.” So when Schiena told us how to assess the signs someone is posing vs. presenting a real threat, we listened.

“I don’t care about what a potential combatant says,” explained Schiena (Links to an external site.) “a dog barks when it can’t fight; actions are more important. The inexperienced assailant will move closer to you aggressively, [have a] visible loss of temper, obvious preparation of body for an attack, [maybe] clenching a fist, a shoulder movement telegraphing an attack, etc. The experienced will try to mask intentions, not making eye contact, concealing intention to launch an attack, move closer to you in a more cunning fashion.”

In other words, the more someone makes a scene like they are going to attack, the better chance they’re not. Keep it cool, and things may well cool down.

Don’t Be Aggressive, But Don’t Come Across as Meek, Either

Even someone who is a coward at heart may still attack if he (or she) is fully confident they’ll win the melee. Tony Schiena says: “Unfortunately an assailant will attack when he smells blood. Depending what caused the conflict, [and even] if it’s no fault of the defendant, then backing down will encourage the assailant’s confidence and increase his bravado, it’s all ego.”

So if you present too mild a front, you may increase the chance of getting punched (or needing to throw a punch yourself), rather than reducing it. Remember: calm and confident is good, angry and aggressive is bad.

If You Can’t Avoid the Fight, Make Sure You’ll Win It

“Last option,” says Schiena, “be prepared and know how and where to strike. If there’s no way out, visibly back down from an aggressor and then launch a surprise attack … he will think you’re vulnerable and easy prey and be caught off-guard. If you’re a grappler you can perhaps get him in a hold, restraining him, but that’s tough if you’re not experienced as any complicated technique goes out the window in an unexpected conflict. If you’re a striker, depending on the threat level, the throat is a perfect target when there’s risk to your life; the nose, a great way to end most fights. Like Tyson said: ‘Everyone has a plan until they are hit in the mouth.’ But I’d recommend the nose.”

One more devilish tip Mr. Schiena had for us is to get some credentials that will scare off even the most riled up bar brawler: “If you’re truly afraid of fighting,” he said “then join a police auxiliary or other reserve or volunteer type unit and earn a badge or other credentials to flash.”


Savannah State University Life without Fear and Anxiety Discussion Post Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

1.) Discussion Topic – Life Without Fear and Anxiety

SM has no fear, she lives entirely without this one emotion due to a rare medical condition. One might reason that her life should be perfect, but it is not. According to psychologist Paul Ekman, all humans are born with six basic emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise.

You can read more about other and more global ideas of what the range of emotions are here:

After you have contemplated being hardwired with a set of six emotions, read the transcript to this podcast about SM–scroll down to the second mention of “This is INVISIBILIA” if you are short on time and go from there. Then, speculate and discuss why we need fear and anxiety, how it can cause us mental distress, but also how it shapes a healthy life. What do you think her existence is like without one of the basic emotions? How might it affect your parenting, driving, crossing the street and do forth? Finally, If you could chose to eliminate one of your emotions, which one would it be and why?

Remember, do not use any sources you found outside of this GoView class for your answers,

initial response (of 150-250 words),


2.) Discussion

Now that you have watched the Yalom therapy session consider the

following to deepen your thoughts about Humanistic Therapy:

How does this treatment differ from a behavior therapy approach? How would a behaviorist have treated this woman? Be as specific as possible, using examples from the video to “re-treat” her using behavior therapy, and explain how behavior therapy differs from Yalom’s humanistic approach.

Then, reflect on one of the humanistic credos “It is the relationship that heals.” Yalom felt that he should have a therapeutic relationship with his clients that was highly authentic, consisting of deep caring and empathy for the client on his part, even if the client was a criminal – he called that unconditional positive regard. What kinds of barriers might you have to get past to give others unconditional positive regard if you were treating clients in a prison setting?

Remember, do not use any sources you found outside of this GoView class for your answers,

initial response (of 150-250 words),


UCI The Bluest Eye and Fence Books Analysis Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english report and need support to help me study.


Instruction is below:

No outside sources, 600 words essay.

1. Choose 2 of the works which we have studied in this section of the course (they may be in different media) which have a similar symbol (such as Pecola’s blue eyes or Troy’s fence), or theme (such as epic heroism, the fight against racism and the bland homogeneity of suburban America, or the “open road” theme of traveling across America as a pilgrimage or nightmare) and compare them.

2. Analyze how the symbols, themes, or characters are similar or contrast in these 2 works and how they are used to characterize different forms of the American fantasy or nightmare. Use specific examples, technical devices, and quotes from the text to prove your points.

The chosen works are:



Thank you.



Thank you.



Thank you.



Thank you.



University of California Irvine Psychological Study Questions Humanities Assignment Help

University of California Irvine Psychological Study Questions Humanities Assignment Help

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