University of California Riverside Fox News Article Summary Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help

University of California Riverside Fox News Article Summary Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help. University of California Riverside Fox News Article Summary Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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Assignment 1-Writing Practice

The purpose of this is to help you begin to analyze the content of the materiel, rather than just skimming over important things you may miss. This assignment is worth 25 points.

To complete this assignment, please find an article from any source(i.e. newspaper, magazine, internet, or scholarly journal) It can be on any subject. When you find your article do the following:

  1. Read the article and summarize.
  2. Read the article and write what the author is saying.
  3. Read the article and write what you get from the article.
  4. Write if you agree or disagree with the author. Why you agree/Why you disagree

University of California Riverside Fox News Article Summary Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Florida Technology Melbourne Background Checks for Aviation Employees Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Topic: Background Checks for Aviation Employees

Question: When did the background check exist and how did it develop?

Before 1996, there were no background checks on aviation staff (Price & Forrest, P. 119). People are free to hold important positions responsible for airport security without being subject to mandatory scrutiny. But on October 9th of that year, President Clinton signed the “Federal Aviation Reauthorization Act of 1996 (P.L.104-264)”. This law provides for various enhancements to aviation safety, which emphasizes counter-terrorism through methods such as new requirements for background checks on certain airport personnel with security guarantees (FAA, p. 302).

Since then, this policy has been “slowly” implemented. The usual review method is to extract the applicant’s fingerprints and submit the fingerprint photos to the FBI together with work experience. This survey is only for people who have gone abroad or have been in jail, and it usually takes three months to complete. After 9/11, with more attention to safety and the application of new equipment, this process can be completed within a few days.

In March 2010, the TSA started to set up the Aviation Challenging Services Provider (ACSP) program to select vendors to vet airport workers and aircraft operators. This was in response to a request of airports to increase market competition among security vendors beyond the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE). But this change has also caused many problems. For example, TSA did not receive the registration data, and the registration office did not see AAAE. This allows people with criminal records to successfully obtain certification and enter the “secure zone.” Qualified aviation staff cannot enter the safe area without proper authorization, thus hindering airport operations. In September 2017, TSA cooperated with the FBI to implement the FBI’s Rap Back service to provide aviation staff with frequent criminal history checks based on fingerprints. All in all, the background check for aviation personnel still has loopholes, but it is constantly improving and is ensuring our safety.

Response to the above post with 100 words and please cite the references.


Biodiversity Rusty Patched Bumblebee in The US Endangered Species Act Discussion Writing Assignment Help

This paper is on an international rare, endangered or at-risk species or population and their conservation biology. The species must be declining. It must be international, and it must be a species or population. For example, African elephants in South Africa is an example. All elephants in the world, Indian and African is NOT OK, nor are all elephants in Africa or all moose in the circumboreal arctic.

Select biodiversity paper topic (250 words) plus annotated bibliography with a minimum of 5 references, at least 3 must be referred journal papers and up to 2 can be approved government documents (IUCN Red List, CITES, USFWS). See instructions/examples for writing an annotated bibliography.

General Requirements:

  • Typed; 1.5 space; pages numbered/ legible font (Times New Roman. 11 point)
  • Must use at least 5 refereed journals or government documents. You can use other sources to supplement your references.
  • Be sure to number pages
  • Must cite in-text references for all information used in your paper
  • Cite references used at the end of the document. Be sure to match the in-text citations and end citations so they match one for one.

The endangered or at-risk species or population should be pollinators and include image of it just like in the example.


CIS 505 SU Onboarding New Team Members on A Progressing Project Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

  • In order to deliver the project ahead of schedule, you have been granted permission to add more resources to your team. Your project sponsor has worked out a deal to add an outside firm (partner) to your project team. They have very little understanding of your project, and you don’t have a lot of time to educate them on the project’s specifics. Describe how you plan to incorporate them as members of your project, as well as how to get them up to speed on your project.
  • Your project sponsor pulls you aside and admits that he has no idea what earned value management (EVM) concepts, such as AC, BCWP, and EV, mean; he is only concerned that you deliver the project ahead of schedule and under budget. Using the information from your readings and other activities, develop a project to educate him, including which EVM performance measures you would educate him on. Provide a rationale for your selection of topics.


Queensborough Community College Race Ethnicity and Humanity Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

You should also consider or build off of the readings from last week.

Explain how and why Race is a social construct. Briefly explain the debate on whether there is a biological or genetic reality to race. What does the supporting evidence suggest? Are there any problems with this? How does an deeper understanding of “race” influence how you view the world and others?

Reading Material:


2) Race is a Social Construct

3) The Proble of Race as a Social Construct



SPCH 142 West Coast University Wk 4 Brainstorming in Oral Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help

It is time to brainstorm! Using the techniques you have learned for brainstorming, choose four different current event topics that you might want to cover in your presentation, the informative speech delivered in week 6. For each topic, list the general purpose statement, a specific purpose statement, the central idea, and a few potential points. Include a paragraph or two describing your thoughts on the usefulness of brainstorming and the ways you can improve its use in the future.

NOTE: You must meet writing guidelines and use current APA format.

Below i attached a file that contains examples. Those examples cannot be reused.

SPCH 142 West Coast University Wk 4 Brainstorming in Oral Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Broward Community College New York Citys Linguistic Landscape Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Linguistic Landscape analysis

Linguistic landscape is “the language of public road signs, advertising billboards, street names, place names, commercial shop signs, and public signs on government buildings” (Landry & Bourhis, 1997, p. 25).

When analyzing this language use, we are interested in PRESENCE (what languages are used?), ABSENCE (what languages are not used?), and REASONING (why those languages and not others?).

Data collection and Analysis:

1) Focus on either:

o a subway station (including entrances, booths, and platforms)

o a commercial city block (i.e., one with many businesses, not just housing)

Try to choose an area where signs are in more than one language. Make sure to identify the name of the subway stop or the cross streets of the block in your presentation. Choosing a neighborhood you are familiar with will give you insider information that will be helpful in your summary. *If you are located outside of NYC, please contact me to discuss your location.

2) Do some research on the neighborhood you’ve chosen to see what linguistic backgrounds are represented in the population. You can also search for the neighborhood name and “demographics” in Google to see what you find.

3) Take photos of language in public places, including on road signs, billboards, advertisements, street names, place names, shop signs, public signs on buildings, graffiti, etc. Anywhere you see language counts. Try to get a variety of different kinds of signs (i.e., not all doctors’ offices or restaurants).

3) Analyze your photographs: how well do they represent what you know about the neighborhood? As you look at the photos, keep notes on:

What languages you see

Where you see different languages (are English or other languages used more on one type of sign than another? why might this be?)

What kind of language mixing you see (does the sign same the same thing in English and other languages? different things? why?)

Why you think those languages are represented

Research Report (5% of your final grade)

1) In a 1-2 page double-spaced paper due on 2/20 at 11:59pm, you should describe the neighborhood you’ve chosen, analyzeat least 3 photos in terms of the languages you found and did not find (including where certain languages appeared, etc.), and discuss how the linguistic landscape represents the community that lives in your chosen neighborhood. *You must refer to specific photos in the analysis section.

**Submit this as a word document.

2) You must also submit an appendix of your photos as a PDF. Make sure to clearly label your photos so you can easily refer to them in your paper. If you want to make sure you are on the right track, submit your photos to me by 2/13.

Make sure to include:

a background of the neighborhood (i.e., who lives there?) based on your research (and CITE YOUR SOURCES)

reference to your photos where you identify the language(s) used and discuss the reasoning for the presence/absence of particular languages.

comment on how the languages present in the linguistic landscape relate to the demographics of the neighborhood.


ECON 254 Brock University Immigration Cost and Benefit to Canada Discussion Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a macro economics project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

first: How does immigration impact the labour marke:

1Loss of jobs for locals

2Migrant workers

3Lowering wages for locals

4What is the impact of cheap labourHow does our economy depend on it

second: Housing shortages and high prices


ENG 101 Excelsior College Genre Analysis Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

Choose three genres from the Module Notes area. Complete the Genre Analysis worksheet on each of the three genres. When you complete the worksheet, write a short introduction (no more than a few paragraphs) to include with your submission.

In your introduction, answer the following questions:

  • Why did you choose the three genres you chose?
  • What did you learn from analyzing these different genres?
  • How can you carry this information forward into different genres and different writing assignments in college and beyond?


Georgia State University Medical Technology and Practical Application Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

For follow up posts, you want to add something new to what was already posted (find a case study on the topic and summarize the findings, find a research study and share the statistical findings with the class, provide a real world example of the topic to the class, etc). INCLUDE CITATION The post should be at least 250 words.

Although medical technology brings numerous benefits, what have been some of the main challenges posed by the growing use of medical technology in the United States?

Medical technology is a practical application of the scientific body of knowledge and to improve the delivery of medical care. It has also benefitted from other applied sciences, including physics, chemistry, engineering, etc (Shi & Singh, 2019). Nanomedicine is a known emerging area of medical technology that requires manipulation of materials at the atomic and molecular levels and it has been benefitting in discovering the cure for cancer. Some examples that medical technology involves around include Diagnostic Equipment, Equipment and devices to render treatment, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Procedures, and Facilities and organizational systems.

Some of the main challenges posed by the growing use of medical technology are Cultural beliefs and values, when and where American medical graduates can provide their care(Medical training and practice), how would the insurance cover the appointment, and the technology used (insurance coverage), and who among the providers can use what technology (competition among providers) (Shi & Singh, 2019). An example of how medical technology could be the main challenge is concerning Covid-19. According to El Haj, Covid-19 has demonstrated the need for new medical technologies to fight off diseases such as portable ventilators and respiratory assistive devices useable throughout the world and underdeveloped countries. A challenge within this example is with those new technological devices, questions such as “who would the new technology go to and who would need it more” and “what state is in need of it most”. There are also different impacts that medical technology creates in Quality of Care, Quality of life, Health Care Costs, Access, Structure and Processes of Health Care Delivery, Global Medical Practice, and Bioethics. These effects overlap and can make it difficult to pinpoint what type of technology you exactly need for that person’s care.


El Haj, A. (2020, May 29). The grand challenges of medical technology. Retrieved February 19, 2021, from

Shi, L., & Singh, D. A., (2019). Essentials of the U.S. health care system (Fifth ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


University of California Riverside Fox News Article Summary Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help

University of California Riverside Fox News Article Summary Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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