University of California San Diego Social Media Marketing Discussion Writing Assignment Help. University of California San Diego Social Media Marketing Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Do you use any social media? Which one do you use the most?
This case talks about how Brian could utilize social media to help his restaurant grow in business.
Discussion Questions
1. Fast forward to the current business environment, what parts of social media marketing should Brian use to promote his business during the COVID-19 pandemic? How?
2. Have you ever used any social media to order food since shelter at home was ordered? Which one is the most effective and why?
3. Which one is the least effective and why?
5. What problems could one encounter in any social media endeavor?
University of California San Diego Social Media Marketing Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Enterprise Risk Management ISO 27001 Standards Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
- Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization.
- Are there other frameworks mentioned has been discussed in the article that might be more effective?
- Has any other research you uncover suggest there are better frameworks to use for addressing risks?
-Total 5 ages (Excludes cover and reference page)
-MUST HAVE PROPER APA FORMATTING (WITH In-text texting and reference pages; 3 references)
University of California San Diego Food and Wine Paring Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
F&W pairing assignment recap:
Create a fictitious restaurant (name, logo) with any type of cuisine or concept of your choice. Through which, you will prepare a five course tasting menu highlighting your restaurant. Menu should be presented with creativity as if you were to offer it to a customer. Menu should have good flow, meaning lighter dishes first, progressing to your heavier entree dish and eventually dessert. Provide the name of the dish (or course), dish preparation, and most importantly, an appropriate wine pairing. These three are best presented in different fonts in order to show differentiation of the information.
Wine format is recommended as follows i.e.:
2017, Williams Selyem, Pinot Noir, Russian RIver Valley, Sonoma, U.S.A
Vintage, Producer, Grape Varietal, sub region (if provided), region, country
Wines should not be the same ones we tasted in class. Having said that, you can research different producers from the same areas we tasted.
On a separate paper, you can provide a some background or thought process behind the concept and cuisine, then proceed to explain the “why” the wine selected pairs well with that particular dish. You can refer to examples we collaborated in class for ideas.
Grading will be based on creativity and effectiveness of pairings. I’m not looking for you to nail the pairings. I’m much more interested in the effective use of the basic concepts of F&W pairing i.e. mirroring flavors, matching intensities, effectiveness with spicy dishes, effectiveness with dessert, and using terms like acidity and tannin to work with fat content.
MEC Communicating with Clients or Families While Providing End of Life Care Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
A. Reflection is a process that enables you to look back on the most significant events that have happened while communicating with people of different age groups you come across in your work and daily life : describe what happened (Description) think about how it made you feel (Feelings) assess what was good and what was bad about the experience (Evaluation) weigh up the situation to get an overall sense of its importance (Analysis) think about how things could have been done differently (Analysis) think about how you would act if a similar situation arises in the future (Action plan). (Royal College of Nursing, 2016).
Reflection is also a conscious effort to think about an activity or incident that allows us to consider what was positive or challenging and if appropriate plan how it might be enhanced, improved or done differently in the future. (Royal College of Nursing, 2016).
B. Definition of Reflection
i) Reflection refers to meditation, deep thinking and or giving careful considerations to possibilities and opinions of a given situation. (Mc Ferran & Martin, 2008).
ii) Reflection is a process of deliberative thinking, looking back, examining oneself and one’s practice in order to improve future practice. (O’Donovan, 2007).
C. Objectives:
1. To assist students to internalize their learning in both cognitive and affective domains.
2. Integrate theoretical learning & clinical practice.
3. Develop communication skills needed for professional practice while dealing with clients having multifaceted problems.
4. Cultivate therapeutic relationship in order to make good decisions while identifying solutions to problems.
5. Utilize reflective communication effectively with clients, their families, and professional colleagues.
D. Guidelines for Reflective writing assignment
1. While communicating with your family members, friends, relatives, health care professionals, patients and while learning topics covered in the communication course (as mentioned above), many questions may arise in your mind. Some of these questions may be: “Why are we communicating in this way…”? “Is this the best way to communicate….”? “How useful is this way of communication to convey information and answer questions ….”? “What strategies can be adopted for better communication”? “How to overcome the barriers that you would encounter during communication”? and so on….
2. Select any one population (family members, friends, relatives, health care workers, patients from different age groups) for your assignment and reflect on the questions mentioned in point 1 and answer these questions based on your reflection.
3. Review scientific nursing literature within the past 5 years i.e. (2015- 2020) and provide one example of the communication problem or issue related to the selected topic and identify the PICOT elements
PICOT helps us to identify the key aspects of a study. It refers to:
Population of interest: Who were the researchers studying? For example, they might be defined by their chief complaint or with communication disabilities or the condition being studied, age, sex, etc.
Intervention or area of interest: What did the researchers do? This might be a specific communication strategy or intervention of some kind.
Comparison or Control group: What were the researchers comparing the intervention to? This might be the routine communication strategy or another new intervention. Not all studies have a comparison group.
Outcome: The results of the study.
Time: Time of conduction of the study.
*** Number of pages = 5 Pages.
*** In-Text Citations and References using APA style.
USF Couple Bonding in First Families Discussions and Article Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
I have 3 separated assignments. They are all small and easy. I will provide the readings for each assignment.
Assignment 1: Drawing on the readings from this week please identify two ways that stepfamilies are different from first-time married families. Explain how these differences impact members of stepfamilies. Additionally, support your answer with one example. This example can be a current event, a piece of media, or a personal example.
Assignment2: In this board we will be synthesizing content from several modules to analyze the impact of resilience in childhood outcomes. In this week’s readings we discussed one possible way that resilience (positive adaptation within a context of significant adversity) can be fostered in children, specifically those with incarcerated parents. Your job for this week is to create a list of FIVE factors that you think contribute to building resilience in children at any stage and in any context you want to focus on. In your response you will need to meet the following requirements: 1) A paragraph explaining your factors and how they impact resilience, 2) Justification or support for your factors from ONE of this week’s readings and TWO readings from any of our previous modules, and 3) one example (not from the readings) to support or illustrate your point. Your total post should be 3-4 paragraphs in length.
Assignment 3: For each topic you will be required to engage in an evaluative or application-based activity. These allow you to apply concepts in creative and personal ways so that the materials we learn can be relevant to your life and help you grow intellectually. Each week your activity will differ. You are welcome to use a variety of platforms to submit creative and visual assignments if you so choose. In fact, I welcome it.
Cuyamaca College Use of Electronic Whiteboards During Meetings Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment #2 – Visit the Steelcase website at: (Links to an external site.)
And read about electronic whiteboards. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in using a whiteboard during a meeting? Would you recommend purchasing this product? Explain why or why not. Draft a memo to your boss outlining your recommendations and a plan for action (tips are listed below).
When preparing a memo, you
May use a lower-grade paper than you use for letters
May be asked to use a special memo form
Include the title “Memo” (or similar) at the top of the page either centered or flush left
At the top of a memo (arranged in almost any order), place introductory information such as
If a memo has wide distribution, type “See distribution list” after “To:” and place recipient names at the bottom of the page (usually in alphabetical order).
The subject line (or lines) should be short but informative.
For the body of the memo:
Start on the fourth line below heading.
Use single-spacing, with double spacing between paragraphs (unless the memo is very short).
Either indent paragraphs or make them flush left.
Head the second page just as you would head the second page of letter.
Although no complimentary close or signature block is required in a memo, the sender may initial the memo beside his or her name or at the bottom of the memo.
Handle reference initials, enclosure notations, and copy notations just as you would in a letter.
Cuyamaca College Use of Electronic Whiteboards During Meetings Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
FIN 571 University of Phoenix Wk 2 Stock Performance in AT&T Company Discussion Economics Assignment Help
Signature Assignment: Investor Presentation
Select a Fortune 500 company or another company you are familiar with. Consider pharmaceuticals, computer hardware, retail, or automotive industries for your selection. If you choose a company that is not in the Fortune 500, ensure that enough financial information and key performance indicator results are available to complete the assignment.
Imagine your manager has asked you to help with a presentation on the company’s financial performance at the company’s annual meeting.
Research financial information and key performance indicators for the company.
Write a 500 or less word presentation for investors to assess the company’s financial growth and sustainability. Use graphs or tables as needed.
identify key performance indicators for the company you selected, including the following:
- The company and its ticker symbol
- Cash flow from operations
- Price-to-earnings ratio
- Stock dividends and the yield, if any
- Earnings per share ratio
- Revenue estimates for the next 12 months
- Revenue from the previous 3 years
- Statement of cash flows and identify net cash from operating, investing, and financing activities over the past 3 years
- Average trade volume.
- Current stock price, 52-week high, and 1-year estimated stock price
- Analysts’ recommendations for the stock (buy,sell, hold)
- Market cap for the company
Relate the stock price to price-to-earnings ratio.
Explain the market capitalization and what it means to the investor.
Evaluate trends in stock price, dividend payout, and total stockholders’ equity. Relate recent events or market conditions to the trends you identified.
Determine, based on your analysis, whether you think the organization is going to meet its financial goals, the outlook for growth and sustainability, and explain why you recommend this stock for purchase.
Cite references to support your assignment.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
Florida National University Does Laughter Have Therapeutic Value Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
hi. attached is the document that you did before but i need some corrections. the research paper has to be in MLA format, need to include a thesis statement. they doesnt accept this source Rosenfeld, Jordan. 11 Scientific benefits of Having a Laugh. Web, 2019, March 27).
Retrieved from…. The instructions for the research are the following, could you fix everything for me? thank you. Attached will be the paper that you did before, the checklist and the book for chapter 50 and 51. let me know if you have questions
Read the Lecture folder for Week Four: MLA Research Paper Checklist. BE SURE TO GO OVER THE CHECKLIST BEFORE YOU SUBMIT YOUR PAPER.
Research Paper 1
This paper must be between 3 to 4 pages long (not including the Works Cited page). This paper must be in MLA format.
Be sure to go to chapters 50 and 51 from your course textbook to help you write a paper in MLA format.
The paper must be from one of the topics listed from the list of topics you were given.
Please note that your Works Cited page MUST have at least 6 (SIX) credible sources such as :books, newspapers, medical journals, and magazines.
Do not use websites such as: Wikipedia, Infoplease,, WebMd, Psychology Today, etc. You must use the FNU library database–LIRN.
Do NOT include tables, lists, bullet points, and graphs in your paper.
Be sure to edit your work before submitting it.
Be sure to AVOID CONTRACTIONS in formal writing.
UMKC Stereotypes in the Workplace discussion questions Business Finance Assignment Help
answers the two discussion questions then make one comment to classmates post in each discussion
Frist Discussion
Years ago a successful business owner said to me, “I only hire people who grew up on a farm, because they have a stronger work ethic than other people.” I said, “oh, so you grew up on a farm?” He burst out laughing and said, “no, actually, I grew up in the city!” I said, “so you wouldn’t hire yourself!”
As the textbook describes, there are a lot of reasons why people might use stereotypes in the workplace. They can apply to anyone, based on all types of characteristics from the more common ones like gender, race and age to ones we may not think much about, like job type or alma mater.
Discuss (politely) the merits of and problems with using stereotypes in the workplace. How might it impact the organization? Do you believe that people are generally aware of the stereotypes that they might have about others? If a manager wanted to reduce the use of stereotypes in their organization, particularly in areas like hiring, performance evaluations, and promotions, how could they go about it effectively?
Jessica -
In my opinion the only benefit of stereotyping people comes from being able to fit everyone in a category quickly. For example accounting department, marketing department, etc. From there you can sort of divide and conquer tasks given to each department. It also helps that stereotypes stem from messages from media, like the book states, creating these beliefs that are almost universal or shared between large groups. Stereotypes help categorize people and assign them to a sort of bullet point list of expectations but there are many problems with this process. The main problem of stereotyping is that most people DO NOT FIT in the group they were lumped into. So if you stereotype people who are good at math as engineers, you will have some people who are good at math that have no idea how to be an engineer. The same stereotype runs the risk of demonstrating stereotype threat, that in order to be a good engineer you have to also be good at math. So if someone showed high math test scores and they were hired as an engineer solely on this, it could be a huge waste of time and resources if this person was a terrible engineer. By having this belief that only people that excel in math can be good engineers managers could also discriminate against engineers that struggle with math. This is just a basic example of how stereotypes can lead to unequal treatment of employees, be a waste of time and energy, and are an overall unreliable grouping in the workplace. I think unintentional bias happens a lot because people do not make it a point to be more aware of these preconceived ideals they have. It makes it hard to address and fix because management isn’t even aware that it’s a problem. Stereotyping could be addressed by simply trying to determine what stereotypes you already have, and trying to get to know people on a more individual basis. Like in the example above, that country people have a strong work ethic, but I have seen several people who grew up on farms that demonstrate no work ethic at all. In order to determine if someone has a strong work ethic you should instead ask them about their history. Learn more about their achievements and the timeframe in which they were able to get them accomplished. I’m sure that if someone was to look at my resume they would see that I have not had a “job” in a little over 4 years. This is something I worked really hard to be able to do, a lot of planning and effort was made to save enough for me to be able to stay home with my children until they start school. At first glance some might see it as lazy, no work ethic, etc when in reality I know the amount of struggle it took in order to achieve that goal. If management took the time to get to know me and my past achievements, they would see the opposite of the stereotype is true. By taking interest in the people that have interest in the company, I believe a lot of stereotypes could be avoided. -
Jin -
It’s so interesting to me the limits we put on people and ourselves. How those limits can seep into other parts of our lives. The problems with using stereotypes in the workplace are varied and vast. Limiting your employees to certain criteria due to age, race, gender, alumni, etc. can greatly limit the talent in the company. When you rely on only hiring people who are below a certain age you run the risk of leaving out someone who may have more experience and could be a vital asset despite the age. Discriminating by race, gender, etc. could negatively affect the workplace culture. Some of which could ultimately affect the productivity and profits of the country itself. I think that people are much more aware of their biases than they are comfortable with. It is just easier to ignore them or to pretend not to have them than to face them head on. I think the bigger problem are the unknown biases. The ones learned from childhood or picked up through life. Such as the subtle thinking that there are things that men can do that women cannot. Feeling like men should not cry or that their is a certain way that people should dress. A subtle difference in interaction between minority groups. For me the bigger issue are the subtle biases. The ones where you feel offended but are not sure if it was meant on purpose or not. I think that an effective way to reduce the use of stereotypes is to limit the information given. Give a resume that removes age, race, gender, even names. When doing evaluations or promotions then do the same. I think the only way to effectively eliminate biases and stereotypes is to go into things blindly. -
Kristin -
When I think of stereotypes I think of stigmas, judgement, and sometimes even prejudice. Because of these thoughts, I believe the use of stereotypes in the workplace has the ability to impact an organization in a more negative way rather than positive. Using stereotypes in the workplace can lead to such things as conflict, low morale, lower productivity and retention, and in more severe cases even litigation against the company or a specific employee.I believe that most people are probably not aware of the stereotypes they already have in place, whether it is a home, work, or social situations. Stereotypes can can easily form in our minds as part of socialization in our cultures from personal experiences. They can also come from the media, peers and our family. As we grow up, we learn rules and expectations regarding who is capable and who isn’t – I think this stereotype plagues workplaces the most, especially when dealing with group projects or shared responsibilities.As a manager, a way to reduce stereotyping in a organization for hiring would be to interview a more diverse group of candidates. For performance evaluations, look for ways to remove biases on leniency or by not allowing one good or bad trait to overshadow others. With promotions, be sure to really look at the performance of the individual, but also take into account other positive traits like mentoring ability, good communication skills, rapport with coworkers and clients. Look for the positive signs that show the promoted employee has earned it and even after succeeding will continue to represent the company the best they can.
Second Discussion
The textbook discusses emotional labor and the emotional dissonance that results when employees have to pretend to feel differently than they do at work. Consider the following types of jobs: bartender, cashier, dental hygienist, insurance adjuster, lawyer, postal clerk, flight attendant, registered nurse, social worker, and television announcer. How would you rank these jobs in order of most to least emotional labor? Describe your reasoning. If you were a manager of employees who did a lot of emotional labor, what practical steps would you recommend to help them to reduce their emotional dissonance?
MOST to LEAST Emotional Labor? - Registered nurse
- Social Worker
- Lawyer
- Cashier
- Postal Clerk
- Bartender
- Flight attendant
- Insurance adjuster
- Dental hygienist
- Television Announcer
The reason that I ranked these choices the way that I have is in part due to the pandemic and some due to stress that a job inherently has. Right now, Registered Nurses have a very emotionally intensive job. With the strain on the hospital systems being overwhelmed, short-staffing, and concerns about contracting COVID-19 themselves many are at their wits end. I chose Social Worker because as someone who worked in mental health, social workers take on a lot of emotional baggage that comes from patients. Sometimes they see the rewards of their emotional labor, many their efforts fall on deaf ears. I chose lawyer as the third most emotionally labor-intensive job because they deal with the stress of defending people that they normally would not or seeking to ensure that an alleged criminal does not harm anyone else. Numbers 4-7 were difficult to rank because each of them entails working with the public, which can be very emotionally tasking. Add to the job the pandemic and the restrictions placed on them as well as their customers, it grows exponentially. Numbers 8-10 I feel have the lowest emotional labor. Insurance adjusting, dental hygienist, and TV announcer are positions that seem to have a lower level of stress and a lower emotional labor.Given the information from the text I would suggest that my employees first acknowledge that their emotional dissonance can be a way to demonstrate their skills and professionalism. There have been many times that I have been in a situation where I am being yelled at by a patient. Your initial reaction is to yell back, but that is patient abuse and not tolerated. We were taught to maintain a neutral reaction and use crisis communication.The text also indicates that it helps to take an approach whereby you put yourself in the position of the customer, patient, etc. In our safety training we were taught Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. If you cannot satisfy the basic physiological needs (food, shelter, water) the higher-level needs cannot be met. There were many times when I worked at the state hospital that I encountered a patient who had an outburst because they were not able to get a banana or an extra blanket. These individuals often came from situations where they lived on the street or in places where food and shelter were often in short supply.
Jessica Cox -
1. Registered Nurse 2. Social Worker
3. Lawyer
4. Flight Attendant5. Dental Hygienist
6. Television announcer
7. Insurance Adjuster
8. Cashier
9. Bartender
10. Postal ClerkI listed these professions by greatest to least, but I also grouped them according to their emotional labor as well. I feel like group one (numbers 1-4) have the most investment because their decisions can potentially effect someones entire life. They see people at their worst and still need to maintain certain display rules in order to get the job done in an unbiased professional way. They have to keep in mind they are making life-changing decisions for others as well as maintaining frequent and long term interactions with their clients/patients/customers. My sister is an RN and has worked at several hospitals in different states and they all always have a break room/locker rooms. I think this helps provide a “safe space” so to speak that all the nurses can go to and decompress. Sometimes just sharing a meal with a coworker and talking about your challenges together can be enough of a break (and learning experience) for nurses to get ready to get up and do it again. I think having this safe space to unload all of your burdens to a nonjudgmental group helps with emotional dissonance, it allows people to purge all of the emotions they are unable to display in front of their patients (in this case). I’m sure nurses everywhere have used the break room, like my sister does, as a place to cry, stomp, and laugh in order to be a great caregiver. So as an employer I would try to encourage group discussions, to try to lay the groundwork to build bonds between employees, in order to make them a team that feels comfortable to discuss things together even without it being an exercise. Knowing and validating your emotions are great ways to ensure you don’t feel alone in your feelings. By combining the whole teams experiences, I feel like finding the right solutions become easier for each individual.The second group of professions (numbers 5-10) I don’t believe engage in as high emotional labor as group one. If you have a bad experience with group two it most likely isn’t going to have long term effects like group one. Maybe you would have a bad experience that would cause a bad day, but nothing that you would remember a few years down the road (in most cases). I feel like they still need support to avoid emotional dissonance, but not at the large scale that group one needs.
MGT 526 VSU Amazon Inc Global Business Environment Stockholder Reports Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
The global business environment is constantly evolving based on the forces in the general and task environment. In order to sustain the company and maintain a competitive foothold, organization leaders must consistently analyze the global environment and adjust their strategy as needed. Managers play an important role in implementing strategies to achieve a company’s mission and goals.
Research a company with stockholder reports available. These reports can usually be found on a company’s website. Use the report to answer the following questions:
- What is (are) the main industry(ies) in which the company competes?
- What business-level strategy does the company seem to be pursuing in this industry? Why?
- What corporate-level strategies is the company pursuing? Why?
- Have there been any major changes in its strategy recently? Why?
Consider how your understanding of the above questions can apply to a SWOT analysis. (For example, if you recognize that a major change in strategy revolves around expanding into foreign markets, that relates to the opportunities component of a SWOT analysis.)
Share your response in a minimum of 175 words.
2. Social Worker
3. Lawyer
4. Flight Attendant5. Dental Hygienist
6. Television announcer
7. Insurance Adjuster
8. Cashier
9. Bartender
10. Postal ClerkI listed these professions by greatest to least, but I also grouped them according to their emotional labor as well. I feel like group one (numbers 1-4) have the most investment because their decisions can potentially effect someones entire life. They see people at their worst and still need to maintain certain display rules in order to get the job done in an unbiased professional way. They have to keep in mind they are making life-changing decisions for others as well as maintaining frequent and long term interactions with their clients/patients/customers. My sister is an RN and has worked at several hospitals in different states and they all always have a break room/locker rooms. I think this helps provide a “safe space” so to speak that all the nurses can go to and decompress. Sometimes just sharing a meal with a coworker and talking about your challenges together can be enough of a break (and learning experience) for nurses to get ready to get up and do it again. I think having this safe space to unload all of your burdens to a nonjudgmental group helps with emotional dissonance, it allows people to purge all of the emotions they are unable to display in front of their patients (in this case). I’m sure nurses everywhere have used the break room, like my sister does, as a place to cry, stomp, and laugh in order to be a great caregiver. So as an employer I would try to encourage group discussions, to try to lay the groundwork to build bonds between employees, in order to make them a team that feels comfortable to discuss things together even without it being an exercise. Knowing and validating your emotions are great ways to ensure you don’t feel alone in your feelings. By combining the whole teams experiences, I feel like finding the right solutions become easier for each individual.The second group of professions (numbers 5-10) I don’t believe engage in as high emotional labor as group one. If you have a bad experience with group two it most likely isn’t going to have long term effects like group one. Maybe you would have a bad experience that would cause a bad day, but nothing that you would remember a few years down the road (in most cases). I feel like they still need support to avoid emotional dissonance, but not at the large scale that group one needs.