University of California Santa Barbara Gender and Purity in Leviticus Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. University of California Santa Barbara Gender and Purity in Leviticus Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
I’m working on a jewish studies writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
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This is about Jewish purity laws strictly in the book of Leviticus. There should be a distinction between the purity laws for males and purity laws for females. This class is based on Gender in Judaism, so keep this in mind. This is a scholarly essay, with all citations from scholarly writers. This will be in APA format. There is no guidelines as this is just an essay explaining and interpreting the purity laws of the two genders presented in Leviticus.
University of California Santa Barbara Gender and Purity in Leviticus Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Central Virginia Community Economic Justice and Modern Models of Democracy Summaries Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
summarize the key points of each article in just two sentences…that means eight sentences total.
These the articles links.
- (Links to an external site.)
- Conservative Economics, “Why capitalism is the best economics system” 11/2/14. (Links to an external site.)
13 11/30-12/5 Marketing Ethics…or not?
- Eight Principles of Advertising Ethics (2011). (Links to an external site.)
- John Kenneth Galbraith, “The dependence effect”
Jacksonville State University Life of Olaudah Equiano Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
1. Follow all directions and answer all questions, including submitting your response to safe assign and posting your text on our Facebook group page by the due date. You must check the box on this safe assign link that allows your document to be evaluated for the use of secondary sources and/or plagiarism. If you will not allow your document to be checked for the use of secondary sources and/or plagiarism, you will not receive credit for this assignment.
2. When asked to cite quotations from a work, you must use quotation marks, exact wording and include page and paragraph numbers from The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 8th or 9th ed.
3. You must write at least 300 words of your own (This DOES NOT include quotations from the text!) You must follow the punctuation and grammar rules of standard American English.
4. Your responses must be completely original. You may not use any secondary sources (books, web sites, other people’s ideas) and you may not use ideas presented by your classmates in this forum. If you do this, you will be in violation of the plagiarism policy as explained in the syllabus; also, you will fail the course and risk expulsion from JSU.
5. At my discretion, I will assign up to five extra points per blog entry for those posts that exhibit depth of thought, originality and adhesion to the directions. Additionally, those students who interact with other classmates by purposefully and thoughtfully replying to their posts may also receive extra points on some assignments.
Blog Topic Option Two: Which of the writers, excluding Benjamin Franklin as this is the obvious choice, covered in this period do you believe to be the most relevant to contemporary readers, such as yourself, and why? Which one expresses ideas, concepts and/or opinions that were both valid at the time of the writing and are still valuable to readers today? Choose at least two quotes from your chosen author to prove your point. (Use quotation marks, exact wording and page and paragraph numbers; DO NOT USE a quote that has been referenced in my notes or in another student’s discussion board post.)
Zayed University Dieting Weight Loss Diet Literature Review Humanities Assignment Help
need to read three academic journal articles and write a literature
I chose this topic because I’m curious about these diets and how do they work and the different types like keto, fasting, and low carb. and does all people have a positive effect from a diet or they have negative body effect, And is it hard to change the eating habits like from eating anything you like to things that are limited and some people say that diet food doesn’t have the same enjoyment of regular food that we eat every day. That also leads to change our lifestyle to a better one. Moreover, does it have a huge role in changing behaviors and mood? and how does our sleeping schedule affects the diet and make it more helpful, finally after the person has done the diet is he satisfied with the results or he didn’t get benefited in the way he imagined and does he will continue with the diet or just when he gets to his goal will discontinue the diet.
And mention that I will do surveys to get my answers and see peoples opinion in diets
There are several weight-loss diets popular among people of all ages, such as paleo, vegan, low-carb, keto, and Mediterranean. When a person changes the type and amount of food they eat, then it could result in several other changes, such as with behavior, mood, health and sleep. Investigate both students’ perceptions of and the actual relationships between popular weight loss methods and subsequent changes in other areas of a person’s life.
NEIBCC Computer Security Incident for Healthcare Organization Plan Computer Science Assignment Help
Create an Incident Response Policy
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
- Create an incident response policy for a health care organization.
- Explore policy creation for incident response for a health care organization.
Assignment Requirements
You are a security professional for a large, private health care organization. Users have access to file and application servers, as well as data storage facilities that contain customer health information and personally identifiable information (PII).
Sean, your manager, has been asked to provide the latest version of the organization’s incident response policy. To his knowledge, no policy exists. He has asked you to research and create an incident response policy.
For this assignment:
- Look for at least two incident response policies for organizations of a similar type to your organization.
- Download NIST “Computer Security Incident Handling Guide” SP 800-61 Rev 2 located at
- Based on your research, create an initial draft of a high-level incident response policy for your organization. Consider Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other health care–related compliance requirements.
- Create a summary report that includes the draft policy and justifies the content you included in the draft policy.
HW 315 Purdue University Health and Wellness Coworkers on Coronavirus Brief Memo Writing Assignment Help
Research and write a brief memo to your coworkers and address the following topic. Your response should be between 300–500 words. Your work should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Furthermore, all sources used should be properly cited using APA formatting.
Create a memo to your coworker to identify a public health issue that has occurred in the past 3 years.
- Identify and explain the issue
- Discuss how it was handled
- Explain if you feel the issue was handled successfully or not
also research the public health department of your community and List 6 services offered.
- List your answers and indicate how you obtained the information. If you used a website, what is the link? If you spoke with someone, what is the person’s name and agency?
Pensacola fl. is my community
HW 315 Purdue University Health and Wellness Coworkers on Coronavirus Brief Memo Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
DeVry University International Financial Reporting Standards Paper Writing Assignment Help
Please complete the below problems, and submit your answers in a Word document.
- Go to the SEC’s website (Links to an external site.) and click on search for company filings under filings and forms.
- On the next page, click Company or fund name, ticker symbol, CIK (Central Index Key), file number, state, country, or SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) to search for a company.
- On the next page, search for Starbucks by using their ticker symbol SBUX.
- Scroll down on the next page until you see their 10-K filing and click on documents.
- Click on the first document’s link: d10k.htm.
- Retrieve item 7—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (MD&A).
- In a two- to three-page paper (12-point, double spaced), summarize their MD&A and critique it based on the SEC’s plain English concepts.
DeVry University International Financial Reporting Standards Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Read “New IASB Leader Embraces Challenges” which can be accessed through the DeVry online library. Choose a country that has already adopted IFRS. In 2-3 pages (12-pt type, double-spaced) answer the following questions:
- Describe the process that your selected country went through to adopt IFRS, such as how long it took for the country to fully adopt IFRS.
- Did the country adopt IFRS or did they make changes to IFRS to adapt to their country’s culture or regulations?
- Has IFRS adoption made it easier for companies in that country to access the capital markets?
- Based on your research regarding your selected country, should the US SEC mandate adoption of IFRS? Why or why not?
- What is your personal opinion regarding whether the US SEC should mandate the adoption of IFRS?
STR 581 Mississippi Valley Week 1 Kristianna Treats Strategic Management HW Business Finance Assignment Help
Choose an organization according to the following:
- Current employer
- Most recent or former employer
- Place of business that you have patronized or have been familiar with over a long period of time.
- Avoid choosing an organization that is so large that historical data would be difficult to apply. Firms in the Russell 2000® index may fit well, whereas firms in the Dow 30 Industrial index probably do not.
- The organization can be a start-up that you or a significant other may create in the future. For a start-up, focus on an entrepreneurial idea that is of substantive interest, so this project leaves you with a product you may leverage in the future.
Write a 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:
- Identify the major components of the strategic management process.
- Discuss how these components work together to create value for the organization.
- Evaluate the company’s mission statement, vision statement, motivation strategy, innovation strategy, and people strategy. If the organization does not have one or more of these, how does that affect the organization and its people?
- Explain the role of ethics and corporate social responsibility in strategic planning. How does this direct their strategy? How does the organization’s vision and mission align with your own values and vision? If you are currently working for the organization, how does your role influence this and vice versa?
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
ECO 204 Ashford Week 1 Resources Scarcity & Quantity Demand Discussions Economics Assignment Help
Part 1
Scarcity is the starting point for studying economics. Resources are limited while human wants are unlimited. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chelsea Follett’s article, Are Humans Prepared to Overcome Resource Scarcity in the Future? (Links to an external site.), as well as Chapter 1 Section 1.2 in your textbook, and respond to the following:
- Explain what resources are.
- Evaluate why current resource scarcity is problematic.
- What future problems would result from scarce resources?
- Do you agree or disagree, and why, with Chelsea Follett about overcoming future resource scarcity?
- Recommend how to overcome present and future resource scarcity.
Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.
Part 2
A change in quantity demanded (or a movement along the demand curve) is caused by a change in its own price while a change in demand (or a shift of the demand curve) is caused by a change in nonprice determinants that include changes in consumers’ income, taste or preference, price of other goods, expected future price, etcetera. Respond to the following:
- If Coke’s price increases, what will happen to the demand or quantity demanded for Pepsi, all other things being equal?
- Explain whether it is a movement along the demand curve or a shift of the demand curve.
- If Coca-Cola develops a new technology that makes Coke tastier, what will happen to the supply curve and demand curve for Coke?
- Is the demand (curve or schedule) for Coke or Pepsi seasonally different?
- What is the relationship between Coke and Pepsi? Do they have the same demand curve or are they different? Explain your reasoning.
Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.
[supanova_question], as well as Chapter 1 Section 1.2 in your textbook, and respond to the following:
- Explain what resources are.
- Evaluate why current resource scarcity is problematic.
- What future problems would result from scarce resources?
- Do you agree or disagree, and why, with Chelsea Follett about overcoming future resource scarcity?
- Recommend how to overcome present and future resource scarcity.
Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.
Part 2
A change in quantity demanded (or a movement along the demand curve) is caused by a change in its own price while a change in demand (or a shift of the demand curve) is caused by a change in nonprice determinants that include changes in consumers’ income, taste or preference, price of other goods, expected future price, etcetera. Respond to the following:
- If Coke’s price increases, what will happen to the demand or quantity demanded for Pepsi, all other things being equal?
- Explain whether it is a movement along the demand curve or a shift of the demand curve.
- If Coca-Cola develops a new technology that makes Coke tastier, what will happen to the supply curve and demand curve for Coke?
- Is the demand (curve or schedule) for Coke or Pepsi seasonally different?
- What is the relationship between Coke and Pepsi? Do they have the same demand curve or are they different? Explain your reasoning.
Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.