University of Central FL Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy Mechanism Questions Science Assignment Help. University of Central FL Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy Mechanism Questions Science Assignment Help.
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1.What are the mechanisms for strength adaptation? Most textbooks would suggest “neural” followed by “hypertrophic”. To the best of your ability, speculate on ALL possible mechanisms. Finally, indicate how large of a role you believe all of these mechanisms might play (% strength explained per mechanism).
2.What is skeletal muscle hypertrophy? What are the best ways to induce skeletal muscle hypertrophy? Recently, it has been proposed that much of “hypertrophy” may be of the sarcoplasm. What role do you believe sarcoplasmic hypertrophy plays for growth in the majority of the skeletal muscle hypertrophy literature? Why do you believe that skeletal muscle growth occurs (2-3 references)?
3.As you might know, I don’t believe that there is sufficient literature to suggest that periodization is a necessary training strategy/approach. However, we have read some interesting literature on “periodic detraining”. Is there a rationale for introducing periodic detraining in a training program? What are the advantages of periodic detraining? Is there a mechanistic rationale for periodic detraining? Finally, if periodic detraining was employed is this just periodization with a different name? (please use 2-3 references)
University of Central FL Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy Mechanism Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
DEP 2004 Keiser University Stages of Child Development Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
You land a great job in a fabulous hospital that has just built a state-of-the-art maternity ward. You are given the task to develop a power point presentation to educate new parents about childhood development. This presentation will focus on the main themes surrounding physical, cognitive, and social development, as well as skills and risks that occur throughout various stages of childhood.
Here is what your final presentation should include:
- Part 1 – The First Two Years: At least 5 slides made up of the following
- Highlight Physical Development
- Highlight Cognitive Development
- Highlight Social Development
- Highlight Skills the Child will Develop
- Highlight Major Risks
- Part 2 – Early Childhood, Ages 2 to 6: At least 5 slides made up of the following
- Highlight Physical Development
- Highlight Cognitive Development
- Highlight Social Development
- Highlight Skills the Child will Develop
- Highlight Major Risks
- Part 3 – Middle Childhood, Ages 7 to 12: At least 5 slides made up of the following
- Highlight Physical Development
- Highlight Cognitive Development
- Highlight Social Development
- Highlight Skills the Child will Develop
- Highlight Major Risks
- Part 4 – Adolescence, Ages 13 to 18: At least 5 slides made up of the following
- Highlight Physical Development
- Highlight Cognitive Development
- Highlight Social Development
- Highlight Skills the Child will Develop
- Highlight Major Risks
Grading Grid
Item Description |
Points |
— Cover Slide |
Part 1 – The first two years |
15 |
Part 2 – Early childhood, ages 2 to 6 |
15 |
Part 3 – Middle childhood, ages 7 to 12 |
15 |
Part 4 – Adolescence, ages 13 to 18 |
15 |
— Reference Slide(s) |
Following order of presentation – please follow the above order |
10 |
Creativity and graphics |
10 |
Written content (Text) |
10 |
APA Format, including 3 or more cited references (with citations), correct spelling, puncuation, and English grammar |
10 |
LATE SUBMISSION (Requires Instructor permission) -10 each day submitted late |
-10 |
Total |
100% |
Morrisville State College Middle and Late Childhood Development Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
2. Do up Powerpoint or Google Slides on your topic and state information on the topic that you choose
3. Present via video on any of the listed video formats (or more-whichever you prefer) for 10 minutes (which if you have 10 slides that will easily cover ten minutes) and if you go over that is fine as if it is under 10 minutes I will take off points.
4. Show you know the subject matter on the video (as that is why I do not want you to just read the Powerpoints) as you could add information that you have learned as well to elaborate on.
Boston University Module 6 Financial Scam Bernie Madoff Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
- Your write-up should be 1 to 2 pages, single spaced, at standard type face (12 or 14 point).
- It should briefly (in very few sentences) lay out the basic facts of the case. These are usually generally agreed upon by the time it gets to final appeal stage; i.e., the Supreme Court of a Federal District court.
- What is much more important is the issue at law – the dispute about what the law means or how it should be interpreted.
- What was the majority of the court’s decision in the case, and – more importantly – what was the basicreasoning behind this decision?
- If you are asked to read a dissent in the case, what was the decision and reasoning in the minority?
- Do you agree or disagree with the court’s decision? Explain why.
.doc file
SUNY at Stony Brook American Civil War and Reconstruction 1848 1877 Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Please do not respond if you cannot deliver a well written analysis of this. I am looking for an A grade to boost my grade for the quarter.
Historical analyses of the Civil War period, what one scholar labeled “the great crisis of the union” often revolve around two issues:
A) What caused the war and was a sectional split inevitable because of differences between North and South?
B) How and to what degree did the war and Reconstruction bring change to the Nation? This often deals with the end of slavery but also asks if events fundamentally transformed America and, if so, how and why? For example, were traditional social and political practices, such as racial and gender hierarchies, transformed in a lasting way?
Given this, please comment on either one of two topics:
A) Given the deep differences between North and South, was Abraham Lincoln correct when he stated in 1858, “I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.”(Lincoln, June 16, 1858 (Links to an external site.)) Was a conflict, or peaceful separation, inevitable? Discuss.
B) Do the War and Reconstruction deserve to be labeled “The Second American Revolution” (see Norton, Brief 10th ed., 404, 430-431) to the degree that they fundamentally and lastingly transformed fundamental aspects of U.S. society?
Discuss either of these, making sure to cite specific information from our assigned materials.
These are the assigned materials from which the analysis MUST come from:
- Video – Biography of America 10 –“The Coming of the Civil War” (Links to an external site.)
- Video – Biography of America 11- “The Civil War” (Links to an external site.)
- Video – Biography of America 12 – “Reconstruction” (Links to an external site.)
Read: textbook A People and a Nation, Brief 10th edition:
Norton, Mary Beth, Jane Kamensky, Carol Sheriff, David W. Blight, Howard P. Chudacoff, Frederick Logevall, Beth Bailey, and Debra Michals. A People & a Nation: A History of the United States. Brief Tenth ed. Boston, MA: Cengage, 2015.
ISBN-13: 9781285430843
- Textbook pages 327-328, 344-359, 363-385, 387-399, 403-404, 406-426, 428-430
Professor’s comments/notes:
While I am certain that some form of sectional crisis was likely by the time of John Brown’s raid of Harper’s Ferry armory in 1859, I am not certain that it was inevitable. This is because, despite their differences overs slavery, Americans had many things in common.
Political scientists tell us that most civil wars occur when there are deep and obvious fault lines between people who occupy the same country — such as they speak different languages or have different religious beliefs, for example. However, we know that people in both the North and South shared many characteristics, viewpoints and interests. Belief in white racial superiority was common among European-descended Americans in both sections (Norton, Brief 10th ed., 190, 191). Most whites were descended from Northern Europeans and practiced Protestant Christianity, as well as speaking American English (Norton, Brief 10th ed., 234). Their economic well-being was deeply symbiotic in many ways, such as the fact that much of Southern cotton, cultivated in many cases by slaves, was turned into textiles by Northern factories and sold throughout the nation. Americans had a common set of heroes with George Washington at their head. Both Northerners and Southerners were extremely proud of their country, believing that the legacy of the Revolution had created an exceptional nation that served as a moral exemplar of democratic self-government for the entire world. This is what Abraham Lincoln meant in his first 1861 State of the Union Address when he referred to the Union as the “the last best hope of earth.” ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)). Of course, we know that the sectional break DID happen, but my point is that people in both sections had lots of reasons to continue together and breaking apart was not as obvious and easy a process to them as, in retrospect, we may tend to see it.
UTEP This Is America by Childish Gambino Modern Music & Past History Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Question 01: Watch the music video “This is America” by Childish Gambino. Then identify two examples of how they relate to themes or ideas based on racism, human rights, woman rights, and other social issues we are facing.
Question 02: Then, watch the music video “I’m not a racist” by Joyner Lucas. Then identify two examples of how they relate to themes or ideas based on racism, human rights, woman rights, and other social issues we are facing.
This assignment is due on Friday December 11 2020 at 9 pm (MST).
UTEP This Is America by Childish Gambino Modern Music & Past History Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
TSU Wellness Cognitive Behavioral Model Target Behavior & Health Habit Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Assignment 4 Discussion Questions Chapters 3-6 (Page numbers may be differ in editions) Answer each question completely and in complete sentences.
Provide resources from which the information was cited or referenced in your answers. (textbook may be used as a source)
- Chap. 3 Explain the Model of Relapse Process pg. 55- use the book and one additional reference
- Explain in detail Health promotion and the Elderly- use the book and one additional reference
- Explain the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change- use the book and one additional reference
- Explain in detail Cancer related health behaviors- use the book and one additional reference
- Review Box 5.2 on pg. 86. Read the Don’t Diet and provide a written analysis of your views on dieting.
- Provide an overview of the Table 5.2 pg. 91. In your own words explain the Weight Management Tips.
- Read and review “The Drinking College Student” Box 5.6 pg. 99 and 100. Explain how this relates to your college experiences. Outline a specific incident that had an impact on your life. (Do not use real names)
- Analyze Box 6.6 pg. 132 Can Prejudice Harm your Health? In your own opinion, explain your position based on personal experience or perceived experience.
- Explain the sources of Chronic Stress and how stress can cause illness.
ECO 320 Strayer University Wk 3 Core Principles of Money and Banking Questions Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a finance multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Week 3 Assignment – Homework Activity
Banking Concepts 1
These concepts check your understanding of the core principles in money and banking, the role of money, the valuation of financial instruments, and the effect of inflation on interest rates. Briefly answer (in a list or short paragraph) the following questions:
- Identify the core principles that could be used to explain why credit card issuers charge such high rates of interest. Refer to Chapter 1, section “The Five Core Principles of Money and Banking,” pages 4–8.
- Explain why the following statement is true: “Money is an asset, but not all assets are money.” Refer to Chapter 2, section “Money and How We Use It,” pages 23–25.
- Identify the four fundamental characteristics that determine the value of a financial instrument. Refer to Chapter 3, section “Primer for Valuing Financial Instruments,” pages 50–51.
- If a borrower and a lender agree on a long-term loan at a nominal interest rate that is fixed over the duration of the loan, explain how a higher-than-expected rate of inflation will impact the parties, if at all. Refer to Chapter 6, section “Inflation Risk,” pages 151–152.
These concepts check your understanding of why large financial firms or universal banks were created, the motivation behind the 1988 Basel Accord, the criteria for a successful central bank, and the limits of the Federal Reserve in preventing a stock market crash. Briefly answer (in a list or short paragraph) the following questions:
- Owners and managers have cited three reasons for the creation of large financial firms or universal banks. What are these reasons? Refer to Chapter 13, section “The Future of Banks,” pages 336–337.
- What was the primary motivation behind the creation of the 1988 Basel Accord?
- Today, there is a clear consensus about the best way to design a central bank. What are the criteria for a successful central bank?
- Respond to the following statement with a brief explanation: “The Federal Reserve can improve the performance of the stock market, but it cannot prevent a stock market crash.”
FIU Nurse Workload Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Please reply to the following posts:
Post 1
Nurses are from part of front-line healthcare workers that interact one on one with patient. As a result, the quality of health Care services that a hospital offers to its clients is directly dependent upon nurses. There is need to ensure that nurses are provided with the resources and adequate support to ensure their delivery of quality health care in their respective organizations.
According to research, the quality of healthcare service that has been offered by nurses depends on a number of external factors one of which is the workload. With an increased workload, nurses run into difficulties in ensuring they have provided quality healthcare services to their clients. This is because, such increased workloads result into crisis management, encourage missing of deadlines and other factors that leading to delivery of low-quality services in health care (Sultz & Young, 2018).
The main cause of increased workload for nurses understaffing. The models of staffing that are used by different organizations do not meet the needs of the nurses. To ensure that there is an effective nurse to patient ratio, the staffing needs of an organization should be critically assessed and increase or decrease the number of nurses accordingly. Other considerations that need to be made are the responsibility of nurses.
Currently, nurses are tasked with the responsibility of supervising the non-professional personnel in the hospital and this works to increase the workload assigned to them (Sultz & Young, 2018). By properly segmenting the health care system to allow nurses to indulge in their professional vocation of assisting in delivery of health care services to patients, it is possible to increase the morale of nurses and in turn, boost the quality of healthcare service delivery.
Post 2
The growth of hospitals and medical centers has affected nursing employment in many ways. In hospitals, the nursing position has increased the workload, and the consequences are negative, affect both nursing job satisfaction and patient safety, which contributes to a high turnover and shortage of nurses who have a large workload, so nurses may not have enough time to perform tasks that can have a direct effect on patient safety.
According to the textbook, many hospitals employ fewer nurses for inpatient care, but expect that in addition to fulfilling their jobs and maintaining clinically sophisticated nursing skills, they will supervise staff with less level of training to provide direct patient care and manage units with high rates of sick patients.
In many hospitals, nurses are expected to perform non-professional tasks, such as delivering and retrieving food trays, cleaning duties, transporting patients, commissioning, coordinating, or performing ancillary services.
There is definitely a great chance that these professionals will end up with a heavy workload and impaired morale, leading to possible burnout over time.
On the other hand, there has been a recent increase in the number of nursing graduates; some facilities offer attractive sign-on bonuses for recruit new graduates. Also, many nursing schools are adding accelerated programs as a way to get nurses into the workforce more quickly.
According to the book, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has projects to change the frustrating nursing work environment by altering both physical facilities and hospital cultures, aiming to decrease the number of time nurses spend non-nursing tasks to focus on the more satisfying responsibilities of maintaining the quality of patient care.
Post 3
Nurses are the largest health professional group in the health system. They are well-educated, highly skilled, and positively regarded by the patients and families they serve. Nurses play a key role in patient safety. Therefore, among organizational factors, the level of nursing staff, workload, and education are the most important elements associated with patient safety outcomes.
The heavy workload of hospital nurses is a major problem for the American healthcare system. Nurses are experiencing higher workloads than ever before due to many reasons, for example, increased demand for nurses, inadequate supply of nurses, reduced staffing and increased overtime, and reduced duration of the stay of the patients.
A heavy nursing workload adversely affects patient safety. Furthermore, it negatively affects nursing job satisfaction and, as a result, contributes to high turnover and a shortage of nurses. In addition to increasing patient acuity, work system factors and expectations also contribute to nurses’ workload. Nurses are expected to perform non-professional tasks, such as delivering and retrieving food trays; cleaning duties; transport patients; and commissioning, coordinating, or performing ancillary services.
Nursing overload arises from various sources. Overcapacity of patients in relation to available space in the bed is a common cause. Typically, inadequate staff availability is reported, due to inadequate referral staffing or lack of replacement of staff who are sick or on vacation.
Additionally, overcapacity issues are also a major cause of excessive workload. Overcapacity is a problem that exists in all health institutions, but it is perhaps more evident and more frequently identified in the emergency room.
Today’s nurses continue to experience high levels of burnout, absenteeism, turnover and fatigue, and lack of job satisfaction.
MAN 3025 Florida International Univ Representation of Women in Video Games Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Video game companies have the social responsibility of helping to increase the number of female game developers by giving them better opportunities in the development of games. According to a study shown in one of the sources provided, 52% of gamers in the UK in 2014 were women. If women are the majority of frequent video game players, then they should have a larger influence in the making of the games played by them. Video game development companies would ensure a long-term profit by increasing the number of women in the workplace since a vast amount of players are women.
2. Becca Caddy from The Guardian says in her article that women are less likely to see themselves in the development of games due to the small number of women represented in the industry. This leads them to avoid pursuing a degree or career in the game development industry. If video game companies made women feel more welcome and gave them a larger representation, then this external factor would not be an issue any longer. Women would be more willing to pursue a career in the industry.
3. After analyzing all the sources provided, the reader can easily tell that there is a misconception that the large majority of video game players are men. This cultural issue can be proved wrong by the statistics shown in the links above. In the article from USC, it shows that 48% of American video game players are women. If women are about half of the frequent players in the United States, then the cultural factors that limit them in the video game industry should be changed.
4. I believe game development companies should start by giving women larger roles in the development and decision-making process of making video games. By doing this, women would feel more welcome into the industry and more young women would be able to pursue their passion. I also think the misconception that only men play video games should be changed in order to help women in the video game development industry. If people educate themselves on the number of women who play video games on the daily basis, then cultural limitations would be reduced.
University of Central FL Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy Mechanism Questions Science Assignment Help
University of Central FL Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy Mechanism Questions Science Assignment Help