University of Chicago Social Conscience in Health Care Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. University of Chicago Social Conscience in Health Care Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.
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According to the theme of this task, summarize the knowledge points related to the theme from the materials provided, and introduce the four points contained in the theme. You can find some examples according to the topic. The theme of this task is social conscience, which includes four parts: Moral socialization, Moral distress, Social determinants and Wisdom traditions. The first three can be found in the materials I provided, and the last Wisdom Traditions requires your research with other resources.
1. The final document you need to provide to me should include a Word document with rich content and a PowerPoint document (at least 10-15 slides) with logical and reasonable typesetting.
2. In a Word document, you need to detail the four points under the topic, along with other examples related to them.
3. In PowerPoint, the contents in Word should be presented logically and rationally.
4. In addition, in PowerPoint, you need to insert appropriate pictures and videos related to the topic or argument. Pictures should be as many as possible, not fewer.
5. You also have to design one or two questions based on the four points so that I can interact with the audience during the presentation.
6. The introduction of the four arguments is not only about copying and pasting materials, but also needs some personal views. Please be sure to summarize and refine the knowledge points from the materials I have provided.
University of Chicago Social Conscience in Health Care Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Strayer University Types of Cloud Computing Models Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Many organizations are moving to the cloud to protect their infrastructure, reduce infrastructure costs, and improve their backup capabilities. As a cybersecurity practitioner, you may very well be asked to assist in the selection and implementation of a cloud computing service model.
Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate and integrate at least two quality, academic resources (in addition to your textbook) on the cloud computing service models defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). You may also use government websites, such as Cybersecurity from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Please respond to the following in a post of at least 200 words:
- Compare and contrast the cloud computing service models defined by NIST.
- Integrate practical examples of organizations you have researched that that are using the various platforms, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each.
- Provide full citations and references, formatted according to Strayer Writing Standards.
- For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
In 60 to 75 words, please respond to at least one other post. Choose to respond to those who have few or no responses.
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Philosophical Architecture Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me learn.
- How have architectural styles reflected the philosophies, religions, and politics of various cultures throughout history? Give two examples.
- How does where we are affect how we feel? Consider how different structural systems and styles affect the emotional and physical well-being of those inside and outside a structure. Describe an example of how architecture has influenced your experience of a specific space.
- What do you
think we learn about other cultures from their crafts? - Draw
a design for a quilt, which tells a story or conveys an idea. For
inspiration, review works from the chapter that convey messages. Include
your drawing on the back of this page, or attached.
SEU Challenges Faced by Local Governments During the Covid 19 Era Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.
CLO: Describe the simple and complex issues pertaining to public management.
We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignmen You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind. The assignment with be evaluated in terms of your planning, organization and the way you present your assignment. All the three section will carry equal weightage
Kindly read the instruction carefully and prepare your assignment accordingly.
1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order. (3.5 Marks)
2) Organization: Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to question’s introduction and conclusion. (3.5 Marks)
Make sure that:
a) The answer is logical and coherent
b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs
c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.
3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission. If you so desire, you may underline the points you wish to emphasize. Make sure that the answer is within the stipulated word limit. (3 Marks)
Write an essay on the following topic in about 1000-1200 words.
“The COVID-19 pandemic reveals that the public sector is not only facing simple and complex problem, but also turbulent problems characterized by the surprising emergence of inconsistent, unpredictable, and uncertain events. Turbulent problems call for robust governance solutions that are sufficiently adaptable, agile and pragmatic to upheld a particular goal or function in the face of continuous disruption”.
In the light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments during COVID-19 era. With the help of examples, explain how local governments can raise their awareness about such emerging pandemic, meet future challenges and be able to convert their challenges into opportunities.
Makelele Contraceptives in Khunti Jharkhand India Policy Brief and Draft Health Medical Assignment Help
first we need to select the policy and provide name to professor then provide policy draft afterwards then policy brief in the final paper
Use this checklist to critique your own policy brief or review another author’s brief. Argument Flows Clearly Yes Needs Work Comments and suggestions: Aim is clear Conclusion is clear at the outset Problem
is clearly stated and backed with evidence Recommended actions are clear and specific Recommendations flow logically from the evidence presented All information is necessary for the development of the argument Content is Appropriate for the Audience Yes Needs
Work Comments and suggestions: Importance to the audience is clear Recommendations are appropriate for the audience Understandable without specialized knowledge Language is Clear, Concise, and Engaging Yes Needs Work Comments and suggestions: Words are not
unnecessarily complex Jargon is not used Sentences are not cluttered with unnecessary words or phrases Text is engaging (e.g., active voice, varied sentence structure) Writing Policy Briefs: Distance Education Module
2 Visual Cues Help the Reader Navigate and Digest Information Yes Needs Work Comments and suggestions: White space and margins are sufficient Text is broken into sections with identifiable focus Headings cue the key points that follow Key points are easy to
find Data Are Presented Effectively Yes Needs Work Comments and suggestions: All data are necessary for the argument Data are easy to understand Data are presented in the most appropriate format G
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Data Navigator: The purpose of the Data Navigator is to introduce healthcare data users to the Medicare and Medicaid program data maintained by CMS. Intended
for use by researchers and analysts. Commonwealth Fund: Supports independent research on healthcare issues and
makes grants to improve healthcare practice and policy. NOTE: not to be confused with the Commonwealth Foundation
Consumer Expenditure Survey (Bureau of Labor Statistics): Details of consumer healthcare expenditures. Consumer Price Indexes (Bureau
of Labor Statistics): The CPI program produces monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services.
Current Population Survey (U.S. Census Bureau): Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care: The Atlas project brings together researchers in diverse
disciplines—including epidemiology, economics, and statistics—and focuses on the accurate description of how medical resources are distributed and used in the United States. Federal government website maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The web location for health insurance exchange information.
Kaiser Family Foundation: Nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization in Washington, D.C., providing excellent data, facts, and analysis of healthcare issues and health policy.
National Health Expenditure Data (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services):
Sources: 1 source required
Citation Style: APA 7th edition
6 pages / 1650 words (Double spacing)
Cumberland University Project Planning in the IT Industry Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Course : Planning the Project
Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
- Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
- Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
- Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
- Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
- You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
Cumberland University Project Planning in the IT Industry Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Capella University Race in The United States Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
For your Research Paper, select one aspect of cultural diversity from the following list that you would like to study:
* (For improved memory and increased awareness, remember the mnemonic, GARREACS.)
- Gender
- Age
- Race
- Religion
- Ethnicity
- Ability
- Class
- Sexual Orientation
Once you have chosen one aspect of cultural diversity to study in depth, prepare a Research Paper with the following components:
- Summarize the pertinent historical, political, social, economic and cultural factors related to your chosen aspect of diversity.
- Consider and summarize any relevant developmental theory models related to your chosen aspect of diversity.
- In regard to your chosen aspect of diversity, identify and evaluate the relevant laws or programs that have either helped or restricted access to care and support.
- Evaluate how your chosen aspect of diversity, in combination with two other aspects of diversity, can lead to increased needs or issues. For example, if someone is female, African American, and lesbian, will there be additional challenges? Select any combination of 3 aspects of diversity to discuss.
- Describe at least two resources currently available in your area for someone needing special services related to your chosen aspect of diversity.
- Explain how your personal characteristics will either complement or conflict with this diversity issue. Consider your own biases and prejudices or those of your family of origin.
- Discuss relevant concerns, cautions or insights necessary for you to be a culturally competent human service professional.
FIN 350 SU W10 Commercial Bank and A Consumer Finance Company Essay Economics Assignment Help
Answer the following questions on a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Submit your assignment using the assignment link.
- Briefly differentiate between a commercial bank and a consumer finance company. What is the most significant difference between these two?
- Identify one of the significant risks finance companies face. Why is this risk important to monitor?
- Select one factor that affects cash flows for a finance company valuation. Why is this factor significant for its operations?
- Select one factor that affects the required rate of return for investors in finance companies. Why is this factor significant for investors?
- Speculate on why you think a finance company is in a better position to offer credit cards than a commercial bank.
- What is Net Asset Value (NAV) per share and what is the basic means used to determine its value?
- Identify one expense of a mutual fund and briefly explain why management charges this fee. Why might investors be concerned with this fee?
- In what way does a change in the risk-free rate affect a bond mutual fund?
- Based on your understanding of mutual funds, would you favor a mutual fund of mutual funds or not? Why?
- Briefly differentiate an exchange-traded fund from a mutual fund. Which would you select and why?
- Select one factor that affects cash flows for a bank valuation. Why is this factor significant for banking operations?
- Select one factor that affects the required rate of return for investors in commercial banks. Why is this factor significant for investors?
- Differentiate interest income from non-interest income. Which, if any, is more significant for long-term health of banks (in your opinion)? Why?
- Refer to Exhibit 20.5 in Chapter 20. Briefly explain one-way bank managers may minimize the risk of loan losses given economic conditions.
- Problem 1 – assessing bank performance (chapter 20, page 576).
- Briefly explain why a bank’s capital – or net worth – is important when it comes to possible losses, such as during the 2008-09 financial crisis.
- Briefly explain one of the risks banks face. Why is this risk significant for banks?
- Select and briefly explain one way banks may manage interest rate risk. Why might it be impossible to eliminate the risk completely?
- Select one notable bank failure during the 2008-2009 credit crisis. What was the primary reason for this failure?
- Briefly explain how a credit union differs from a traditional commercial bank.
Tempo and Mode of Genome Evolution 50 000 Generation Experiment Discussion Science Assignment Help
This forum is for students that will be summarizing the Tenaillon et al. 2016 paper.
To get full participation credit, you must post at least once and respond to at least 2 posts from your classmates.
Here’s response 1 Wendy Yang
Confusion with tree diagram
I’m confused about the numbers of the phylogenetic tree. What does the numbers represent? On the red panda branch there shows +779/-4693, what does the numbers mean.
I found that it was interesting was that both red pandas and great pandas developed pseudothumbs. Changes to the DYNC2H1 and PCNT resulted in alternation in limb development. Since both species almost exclusively consume bambooa thumb would greatly help them grasp on to the food; but why can’t this be a case of a hitchhiking gene? I know the development for a taste for bamboo was not because an ancestor of great panda did partially consume plants (e.g Ailuropoda Microta) which had a broader diet then the modern panda. They had cuspy teeth (which helps break down plant material). Is it not possible for the pseudothumb gene to be connected to eating bamboo? In addition which evolved first the umami taste receptor or the the pseudotumb?
I found it interesting that, unlike the other means of convergent evolution (amino acid sequence changes that resulted in more efficient genes), the genes for umami taste receptors, and 9 other shared genes, experienced deletions and insertions that resulted in them becoming pseudogenes. In my research of pseudogenes, I found that they are usually detrimental to the organism and selectively disadvantageous, but in the case of the pandas, their reliance on bamboo as their only source of nutrition makes these pseudogenes actually highly advantageous and necessary to their survival. I wonder if the different means by which the TAS1R1 gene became a pseudogene matters in analysis of convergent evolution. In the red panda, the gene experienced a deletion in the 6th exon, and in the giant panda, the gene experienced 3 insertion/deletion mutations in the 3rd and 6th exons. Does convergent evolution require that the process by which two species converge be similar?
SUNY ESC Work and Occupation Inequality in the United States Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.
Identify a social issue or problem that is based on the US economy. Clearly identify your topic in the subject of your discussion post and do not select a topic that someone else has already posted. Briefly describe the problem,making sure that you use the concepts and terms that are included in the Module 2 readings and videos. Is this a social issue or problem? How can you explain this issue/problem from one of the three broad sociological perspectives. How might this issue/problem be resolved? What resources would be required to change this issue/problem?
University of Chicago Social Conscience in Health Care Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
University of Chicago Social Conscience in Health Care Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help