University of Cumberlands Effects of Climate Change on Global Food Production BIBLIO Writing Assignment Help

University of Cumberlands Effects of Climate Change on Global Food Production BIBLIO Writing Assignment Help. University of Cumberlands Effects of Climate Change on Global Food Production BIBLIO Writing Assignment Help.

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Task: Article Review


The article you chose should have performed some statistical analysis of gathered data and made an inference using something other than just the average (mean). That is, they can’t just talk about averages; they must have used one of these tests: t-test, chi-square, F-test, Fischer-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, ANCOVA, Mann-Whitney, correlation, regression.


Select 2 Different articles on Statistical Analysis of food production (Agricultural Field) and create Annotated Bibliography (Food Production, Usage, Wastage).

Your review should include:

oThe question/problem being researched by the author.

oThe experiment that will answer the question

oHow they collected data

oAnalysis of the data (Must identify the statistical-test used)

oTheir conclusion or findings

University of Cumberlands Effects of Climate Change on Global Food Production BIBLIO Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Health Practitioners Role Away From Immediate Treatment of Patients Response Writing Assignment Help

There are several actions that the practitioners can take to cushion the problem the patient is facing, like being homeless and lack of insurance. As a practitioner letting the patient go without being treated because he does not have the insurance cover is not an option because the patient is in acute distress (Stafford, 2017). The practitioner should educate the patient and make sure he understands his condition is a life-threatening situation. The patient needs to be transported to the nearest hospital and be treated for pancreatitis. Practitioners should ensure that the patient stays in the hospital for more effortless follow-up, considering he is homeless.

The practitioner should explain to the patient that his condition cannot be managed outside of the hospital because acute pancreatitis is a potentially lethal disease ( Mederos, 2021). The patient seems to be in a very severe condition, including the state where he has a blood pressure of 210/98,  heart rate of 110, a temperature of 102.2F, respirations of 30/min, among other symptoms. The patient should also be educated if he does not go to the hospital, his symptoms can become more severe, which would cause persistent organ failure (>48 hours) ( Mederos, 2021).

Several tests should be done to evaluate the condition of the patient. The test includes a blood test such as (Serum lipase and amylase, CBC and differential, CMP, CRP, and aspartate aminotransferase/ alanine aminotransferase) (Tenner S, 2018). The imaging tests are also essential, and this involves conducting a chest x-ray, abdominal ultrasound, abdominal computed tomography scan, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). The pancreatic function test is also another test to be performed for the diagnosis and endoscopic ultrasound.

When the patient is hospitalized, the nurse practitioner needs to assess the patient’s condition for further measures because it varies in severity (Mederos, 2021). The severity of pancreatitis is classified as mild, moderate, or severe. Mild acute pancreatitis is the most common, and it does not involve an organ failure or local or systemic complications; it usually resolves in the first week of treatment. Moderately severe acute pancreatitis is the presence of transient organ failure, which resolves within 48 hours of treatment. Severe acute pancreatitis is the persistent organ failure (>48 hours) ( Mederos, 2021).

The main goal of treating pancreatitis is providing supportive treatment to reduce the risk of progression to organ failure. Also, we need to treat the underlying cause and manage local complications. The most crucial aspect of medical management is the adequacy of fluid replacement and pain medication ( Tenner S, 2018). Prophylactic antibiotics and arterial oxygenation measurements are essential in the management of the disease. Also, the patient has a history of alcohol consumption; he may need pharmacological treatment for alcohol withdrawal as well; and necessary vitamins such as Thiamine, folic acid, and multivitamins. There should also be surgery recommendations to remove the gallbladder that may be the cause of pancreatitis—conducting the surgery help in reducing the probability of other complications. However, it should come after treatment of the difficulties, considering the severity of the condition. Endoscopic cholangiopancreatography is another way the nurse can use for the treatment and management of the disease.

The patient should be given some education after the resolution of his condition. One of the best advice the nurse practitioners should give this patient is a brief alcohol counseling intervention during admission and ensure he has a case manager in the case to continue the alcohol counseling process after discharge (Stafford, 2017). Also, eating a balanced, low-fat diet, maintaining adequate triacylglyceride control, and stop smoking tobacco or cigarette are other measures to be included in the patient’s self-care after treatment. Other educational measures include advising the patient to take medicines as prescribed by the nurse without skipping even a day, which may cause the severity of the condition again.


Mederos, M. A., Reber, H. A., & Girgis, M. D. (2021). Acute pancreatitis: a review. JAMA, 325(4), 382-390.

Stafford, A., & Wood, L. (2017). Tackling health disparities for people who are homeless? Start with social determinants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(12), 1535

Tenner S, Baillie J, DeWitt J, et al. American College of Gastroenterology guideline: Management of acute pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2018 Sep;108(9):1400-15


GCU Leaders Must Learn to Trust Employees in Performing Their Tasks Response Health Medical Assignment Help

PLEASE, SEE BELOW CLASSMATE  WEEKLY DISCUSSION QUESTION ANSWER AND WRITE A response (In replies to peers, provide specific ideas or steps that can be taken to help your peers improve their trust-building skills and explain why the ideas and resources you have shared could be helpful to them. Include relevant links when possible)

Since collaborative leadership entails a move away from an authoritarian style of leadership in order to forge networks and connections across organizations, departments, teams, and individuals, there is a need for leaders to rely on others to perform various tasks and functions. Here, trust plays an important role, where leaders trust their team members and these members in turn trust the leader and each other to carry out their respective functions. According to Ouslis (2019), leaders can build trust by ensuring that decision-making is inclusive, by providing organizational support to staff, by treating people fairly and having fair processes in place. As a collaborative leader, my strengths in building trust does include a very conscious effort to be fair and to include as many people as possible in decisions and strategic planning. I realize that it is not enough to be committed to the idea of fairness without ensuring that organizations are set up for fairness to be realized. I have in the past worked for ‘fair’ leaders who were unaware of the ground reality in the organization and unknowingly and unintentionally failed to build an organization where trust was encouraged. This has led to me to avoid some of these mistakes in my own leadership.

Areas for improvement in building trust include public health work at the community level, where I find it challenging to build a culture of trust towards public health officials among community members. I will have to work on actively communicating with communities and influencers who can help build trust among populations. Another area I need to work on is in promoting accountability among staff and teams. As a collaborative leader, it does sometimes happen that in the process of promoting inclusion and shunning too much oversight, we fail to create systems of accountability between parts. When members fail to deliver, this can lead to a breakdown of trust. Trust is the basis for relationships in the public health system, whether between community members/the public and public health professionals, or the relationships at different levels cutting across government, regulatory bodies, healthcare providers, researchers and other stakeholders. Without two-way trust, it becomes challenging to implement policy and health programs that can ultimately have positive health outcomes for communities. For example, during the pandemic in Wales in the UK, there was a decision as a result of public health policy for supermarkets to keep aside items deemed non-essential which contributed to a feeling of mistrust as people felt they were treated like they couldn’t be trusted to decide what was essential and what wasn’t. (Williams 2020; IFRC & UNICEF 2020; Ward 2017).


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) & United Nations

Children’s Fund (UNICEF). (2020). Building trust within and across communities for health emergency preparedness.

Ouslis, N. (2019). Trust in Leadership – One Key Factor During Organizational Change.

Retrieved on June 9, 2021 from

Ward P. R. (2017). Improving Access to, Use of, and Outcomes from Public Health

Programs: The Importance of Building and Maintaining Trust with Patients/Clients. Frontiers in public health, 5, 22.

Williams, S.N. (2020). Why trust is vital to public health strategy. Retrieved on June 9, 2021



HLT 362V GCU Statistical Application & Interpretation of Data in Healthcare Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following:

  1. Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership.
  2. Consider your organization or specialty area and how you utilize statistical knowledge. Discuss how you obtain statistical data, how statistical knowledge is used in day-to-day operations and how you apply it or use it in decision making.


Management of Severe Acute Pancreatitis Discussion Response Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing case study and need support to help me learn.


Due to the patient being in acute distress I believe it would be imperative for the patient to be sent to the nearest hospital for closer medical management. As discussed by Stafford and Wood (2017), homelessness is correlated with enormous health inequalities, including shorter life expectancy, higher morbidity, and significant use of acute hospital services. Patients frequently go undiagnosed and untreated due to the inability to see health providers and not having the financial ability or resources. Per the information in the case study the patient appears to be suffering from acute pancreatitis and requires treatment in the acute care setting. The patient’s increased blood pressure, severe abdominal pain, pallor appearance, guarding and history of pancreatitis are all important factors for the patient requiring hospitalization. The provider should also discuss the negative outcomes that can be associated with untreated pancreatitis such as the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute renal failure (Wu et al., 2021). The patient should be aware that hospitalization is vital so the patient can receive the appropriate pancreatitis treatment including pain management, provision of fluids and nutritional care (Johnstone, 2018).

Once the patient has been admitted to the hospital imaging should be performed to confirm the diagnosis of pancreatitis and assess the severity. Computed tomography, or a CT scan, should be the imaging performed to confirm the severity when pancreatitis is suspected (Hines & Pandol, 2019). Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, may be utilized to define pancreatic and biliary ductal anatomy, and assess for the causes of the pancreatitis episode (Hines & Pandol, 2019). Ultrasounds are not frequently utilized due to overlying bowel making visualization difficult however, ultrasound may be used to assess for gallstones and common bile duct stones (Hines & Pandol, 2019). Laboratory studies should also be taken once the patient is admitted to the hospital, these include amylase, lipase, alanine aminotransferase, CBC, CMP, lipid panel, and triglyceride levels (Basnayake & Ratnam, 2015). Amylase and lipase levels rise within hours of an episode of acute pancreatitis and are key components in diagnosing pancreatitis along with abdominal pain and radiological findings (Basnayake & Ratnam, 2015). Due to the patient’s fever he should also have urine and blood cultures obtained.

Ranson’s criteria are used to predict severity and mortality of acute pancreatitis. Five parameters are assessed on admission, and the other six are assessed at 48 hours post admission. One point is given for each positive parameter for a maximum score of 11 (Basit et al., 2019). Chances of mortality increase as the amount of points increase. Pancreatitis is severe if three of more criteria are met. Early identification is key to decrease mortality.

While the patient is hospitalized there should be no stress on the gastrointestinal tract, so nothing by mouth. During this time patients should have IV fluids to prevent dehydration. Morphine should be accessible for pain control to prevent increased pressure within the sphincter of Oddi. If pancreatitis is severe a nasogastric tube or small bowel tube may be placed. If pancreatitis is severe or there are complications it could lead to surgical intervention. Oral feedings should not be started until all complications have been treated, the patient is free from nausea and vomiting, and amylase and lipase levels have returned to normal. Antibiotics may be used to control any infection.

The etiology of his pancreatitis is most likely his alcohol abuse. The patient needs to be educated on the importance of abstaining and the risks of continuing to drink. The patient should be provided with alcohol abuse programs and support groups that are offered. A low-fat diet will also help in the recovery process and help prevent reoccurrence. Information and resources for homeless shelters or programs for the homeless should also be provided to the patient in order to get the appropriate medical care and attention for follow ups.


Basit, H., Ruan, G. & Mukherjee, S. (2019). Ranson Criteria. StatPearls.

Basnayake, C., & Ratnam, D. (2015). Blood tests for acute pancreatitis. Australian Prescriber, 38(4), 128–130.

Hines O. & Pandol S. (2019). Management of severe acute pancreatitis. British Medical Journal, 367(l6227). doi:10.1136/bmj.l6227

Johnstone, C. (2018) Pathophysiology and nursing management of acute pancreatitis. Nursing Standard. doi: 10.7748/ns.2018.e11179

Stafford, A., & Wood, L. (2017). Tackling health disparities for people who are homeless? Start with social determinants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(12), 1535. (Links to an external site.)

Wu, Q., Wang, J., Qin, M., Yang, H., Liang, Z. & Tang, G. (2021). Accuracy of conventional and novel scoring systems in predicting severity and outcomes of acute pancreatitis: A retrospective study. Lipids in Health and Disease, 20(41). (Links to an external site.)



Colorado State University Global Internal Control for Going Public Company Paper Writing Assignment Help

Your long-time client, Colorado Company, has been growing fast, prompting the board to consider taking the company public. CEO Billy Jean has heard that due to the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, costs have increased significantly when operating a public company. Jean is especially apprehensive with reports that he can anticipate double the audit fees due to the internal control provisions of the Act and PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2201. Jean has asked you to explain how the Sarbanes–Oxley requirements may affect the audit.


Organize and share your thoughts if the company decides to go public. How would complying with the Sarbanes–Oxley and PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 2201 change the company’s responsibilities for internal control?  Then use your thoughts to:

  • Describes the changes in internal controls (due to PCAOB and Sarbanes-Oxley standards) needed once they become a public company.

Colorado State University Global Internal Control for Going Public Company Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PSYC 3480 University of Guelph Coping With Stress Discussion Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Required Digital Textbook Reading: Chapter 4 – Stress, Emotion, and Coping in Sport and Exercise

Required eBook Reading: Chapters 2, 9, 16, 26, 29, 33, and 36.

Online content

Thematic Discussions

Coping with Stress Discussion: How have you coped with anger in competitive and/or non-competitive situations? Describe these situations and your stress reactions. How did your emotion of anger and its functions match up with the theory and evidence on emotions described in the text and eBook?

  1. Burnout Discussion: What is burnout? Discuss examples of burnout that you or your colleagues may have experienced either in sports or outside sports. What were the consequences of burnout?
  2. Coping with Pressure Discussion: What pre-competition, competition and/or post-competition pressures have you experienced either as an athlete or as a student which caused you to have physiological, affective, cognitive, and behavioral breakdowns? What did you do or what should you have done in an attempt to cope. Were any superstitious behaviours associated with your attempts to cope?
  3. Gender and Stress Discussion: Some male athletes, especially at the high school and college levels, feel that they experience more stress but are more capable in handling this stress than female athletes. Are these simply stereotypical views? …Discuss the implications of such beliefs.
  4. Stress and Coping Intervention Discussion: What are your evaluations of SIT, SMT, meditation and biofeedback as stress and coping interventions?


Waldrof University Unit 3 Globes Cultural Dimension’s Effects On Management PPT & Quiz Business Finance Assignment Help

Unit III PowerPoint Presentation

The functions of management are essentially the same everywhere, but the functions are often performed differently in

different countries as a result of culture.

In this assignment you will develop a PowerPoint presentation that explores how the nine Global Leadership and

Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) cultural dimensions can affect many aspects of management functions or

responsibilities—planning, communication, decision-making, risk management, ethics, social responsibility, human

resource management—in an international business environment.

Your PowerPoint presentation must accomplish the following:

Address all nine GLOBE cultural dimensions.

For each dimension, you must correlate at least one management aspect that can be impacted by it. You must correlate

each of the seven aspects listed above, and then use two additional aspects of your choice. You may choose any

management aspect that applies to international business; however, you may only use each aspect once. Each

dimension should be correlated to a distinct aspect.

For each aspect/dimension correlation, offer a real-world example to illustrate the impact. Explain how the cultural

dimension applies in each of your examples. Examples may also only be used once, resulting in each correlation having

a unique example.

Use the Speaker Notes feature in PowerPoint for each content slide to elaborate on the slide content. Each slide must

have at least 50 words of Speaker Notes.

Use at least two sources to support your presentation, one of which may be your textbook.

Be creative in choosing your examples. You are encouraged to present examples from a wide variety of cultures or

regions. For instance, try not to limit your examples to all Latin American countries or cultures. Choose examples that

demonstrate your understanding of how the dimensions are applied globally.

Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least 10 slides, not counting the title or reference slide. You must use at least

three sources to support your presentation, one of which must come from the Waldorf Online Library. All sources used

must have APA Style citations and references. APA formatting is otherwise not required.


University of Central Florida Smartphone Technology Research Problems Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing question and need support to help me learn.

Use our article below to answer the following questions.

Stephens JD, Yager AM, & Allen J. (2017). Smartphone technology and text messaging for weight loss in young adults: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 32(1), 39–46.

  1. Does the problem have significance for nursing?
  2. What was the research problem? Was the problem statement easy to locate and was it clearly stated? Did the problem statement build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study?
  3. Was there a good fit between the research problem and the paradigm (and tradition) within which the research was conducted?
  4. Did the report formally present a statement of purpose, research question, and/or hypotheses? Was this information communicated clearly and concisely, and was it placed in a logical and useful location?
  5. Were purpose statements or research questions worded appropriately (e.g., Were key concepts/variables identified and the population specified?)
  6. If there were no formal hypotheses, was their absence justified? Were statistical tests used in analyzing the data despite the absence of stated hypotheses?
  7. Were hypotheses (if any) properly worded—did they state a predicted relationship between two or more variables? Were they presented as research or as null hypotheses?
  8. Was the study approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board, Research Ethics Board, or other similar ethics review committee?
  9. Were study participants subjected to any physical harm, discomfort, or psychological distress? Did the researchers take appropriate steps to remove or prevent harm?
  10. Did the benefits to participants outweigh any potential risks or actual discomfort they experienced? Did the benefits to society outweigh the costs to participants?
  11. Was any type of coercion or undue influence used to recruit participants? Did they have the right to refuse to participate or to withdraw without penalty?


Colorado State University Global Campus Controls Over Revenue Recognition Paper Writing Assignment Help

Porter Gale Corporation is a publicly traded company. You are completing an audit at their headquarters and will conduct a study of controls over revenue recognition using attributes sampling. You will use the results as part of the evidence on which to base your opinion on internal controls and to determine what substantive auditing procedures you should perform on revenue and accounts receivable. Your study of controls involves the following:

  • Set the risk of overreliance at 5%
  • Tolerable deviation rate at 5%
  • Expected deviation rate at 1%

You plan to use a sample size of 100. (Note that this sample size is just rounded up from the sample size of 93 that would have been obtained from the appropriate table). The results of your testing are as shown:


1. All sales over $10,000 must be approved by the sales manager by initialing the customer’s order.

1. There were only twenty-five sales over $10,000 in the sample. So, the auditor randomly collects an additional seventy-five sales transactions that were over $10,000. All were approved by the sales manager.

2. Credit must be approved by the credit department prior to shipment and noted on the customer’s order.

2. Three sales were recorded without evidence of credit approval. The sales manager said she had approved the sales. No customer order could be found for three of the other sampled items.

3. Sales are recorded only when a shipping document is forwarded to the billing department.

3. No shipping document could be found for four of the sampled items.

4. The date of recording the sale must correspond to the date on the shipping document.

4. Five sales were recorded prior to the date of shipment. Your follow-up indicates that a temporary employee worked for the last two months of the fiscal year and was unaware of this requirement.

5. All prices are obtained from the current price list that is periodically updated by the sales manager.

5. All prices agreed with the appropriate price list.

6. The shipping department is not to ship products without first receiving an approved customer’s order.

6. No customer order could be found for two sample items as indicated in Step 2

7. The billing department compares the quantity billed with the customer’s order.

7. Five billed quantities were for more than the customer order. Four of these took place near year-end. In addition, there was no customer order for the three items indicated in Step 2.

Required:Provide a written analysis of your audit and include a response for each question below:

  1. Determine the upper limit of deviation for each of the controls.
  2. What impact do these results have on the type of opinion that you will give on the client’s internal controls?
  3. Indicate the potential misstatements that could result from the control deviations.
  4. Determine what substantive audit procedures should be performed in response to each of the identified control deviations.
  5. Do you feel confident that the sample you selected provides a good assessment of internal controls? Why or why not?


  1. Does the problem have significance for nursing?
  2. What was the research problem? Was the problem statement easy to locate and was it clearly stated? Did the problem statement build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study?
  3. Was there a good fit between the research problem and the paradigm (and tradition) within which the research was conducted?
  4. Did the report formally present a statement of purpose, research question, and/or hypotheses? Was this information communicated clearly and concisely, and was it placed in a logical and useful location?
  5. Were purpose statements or research questions worded appropriately (e.g., Were key concepts/variables identified and the population specified?)
  6. If there were no formal hypotheses, was their absence justified? Were statistical tests used in analyzing the data despite the absence of stated hypotheses?
  7. Were hypotheses (if any) properly worded—did they state a predicted relationship between two or more variables? Were they presented as research or as null hypotheses?
  8. Was the study approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board, Research Ethics Board, or other similar ethics review committee?
  9. Were study participants subjected to any physical harm, discomfort, or psychological distress? Did the researchers take appropriate steps to remove or prevent harm?
  10. Did the benefits to participants outweigh any potential risks or actual discomfort they experienced? Did the benefits to society outweigh the costs to participants?
  11. Was any type of coercion or undue influence used to recruit participants? Did they have the right to refuse to participate or to withdraw without penalty?


Colorado State University Global Campus Controls Over Revenue Recognition Paper Writing Assignment Help

Porter Gale Corporation is a publicly traded company. You are completing an audit at their headquarters and will conduct a study of controls over revenue recognition using attributes sampling. You will use the results as part of the evidence on which to base your opinion on internal controls and to determine what substantive auditing procedures you should perform on revenue and accounts receivable. Your study of controls involves the following:

  • Set the risk of overreliance at 5%
  • Tolerable deviation rate at 5%
  • Expected deviation rate at 1%

You plan to use a sample size of 100. (Note that this sample size is just rounded up from the sample size of 93 that would have been obtained from the appropriate table). The results of your testing are as shown:


1. All sales over $10,000 must be approved by the sales manager by initialing the customer’s order.

1. There were only twenty-five sales over $10,000 in the sample. So, the auditor randomly collects an additional seventy-five sales transactions that were over $10,000. All were approved by the sales manager.

2. Credit must be approved by the credit department prior to shipment and noted on the customer’s order.

2. Three sales were recorded without evidence of credit approval. The sales manager said she had approved the sales. No customer order could be found for three of the other sampled items.

3. Sales are recorded only when a shipping document is forwarded to the billing department.

3. No shipping document could be found for four of the sampled items.

4. The date of recording the sale must correspond to the date on the shipping document.

4. Five sales were recorded prior to the date of shipment. Your follow-up indicates that a temporary employee worked for the last two months of the fiscal year and was unaware of this requirement.

5. All prices are obtained from the current price list that is periodically updated by the sales manager.

5. All prices agreed with the appropriate price list.

6. The shipping department is not to ship products without first receiving an approved customer’s order.

6. No customer order could be found for two sample items as indicated in Step 2

7. The billing department compares the quantity billed with the customer’s order.

7. Five billed quantities were for more than the customer order. Four of these took place near year-end. In addition, there was no customer order for the three items indicated in Step 2.

Required:Provide a written analysis of your audit and include a response for each question below:

  1. Determine the upper limit of deviation for each of the controls.
  2. What impact do these results have on the type of opinion that you will give on the client’s internal controls?
  3. Indicate the potential misstatements that could result from the control deviations.
  4. Determine what substantive audit procedures should be performed in response to each of the identified control deviations.
  5. Do you feel confident that the sample you selected provides a good assessment of internal controls? Why or why not?


  1. Does the problem have significance for nursing?
  2. What was the research problem? Was the problem statement easy to locate and was it clearly stated? Did the problem statement build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study?
  3. Was there a good fit between the research problem and the paradigm (and tradition) within which the research was conducted?
  4. Did the report formally present a statement of purpose, research question, and/or hypotheses? Was this information communicated clearly and concisely, and was it placed in a logical and useful location?
  5. Were purpose statements or research questions worded appropriately (e.g., Were key concepts/variables identified and the population specified?)
  6. If there were no formal hypotheses, was their absence justified? Were statistical tests used in analyzing the data despite the absence of stated hypotheses?
  7. Were hypotheses (if any) properly worded—did they state a predicted relationship between two or more variables? Were they presented as research or as null hypotheses?
  8. Was the study approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board, Research Ethics Board, or other similar ethics review committee?
  9. Were study participants subjected to any physical harm, discomfort, or psychological distress? Did the researchers take appropriate steps to remove or prevent harm?
  10. Did the benefits to participants outweigh any potential risks or actual discomfort they experienced? Did the benefits to society outweigh the costs to participants?
  11. Was any type of coercion or undue influence used to recruit participants? Did they have the right to refuse to participate or to withdraw without penalty?


Colorado State University Global Campus Controls Over Revenue Recognition Paper Writing Assignment Help

Porter Gale Corporation is a publicly traded company. You are completing an audit at their headquarters and will conduct a study of controls over revenue recognition using attributes sampling. You will use the results as part of the evidence on which to base your opinion on internal controls and to determine what substantive auditing procedures you should perform on revenue and accounts receivable. Your study of controls involves the following:

  • Set the risk of overreliance at 5%
  • Tolerable deviation rate at 5%
  • Expected deviation rate at 1%

You plan to use a sample size of 100. (Note that this sample size is just rounded up from the sample size of 93 that would have been obtained from the appropriate table). The results of your testing are as shown:


1. All sales over $10,000 must be approved by the sales manager by initialing the customer’s order.

1. There were only twenty-five sales over $10,000 in the sample. So, the auditor randomly collects an additional seventy-five sales transactions that were over $10,000. All were approved by the sales manager.

2. Credit must be approved by the credit department prior to shipment and noted on the customer’s order.

2. Three sales were recorded without evidence of credit approval. The sales manager said she had approved the sales. No customer order could be found for three of the other sampled items.

3. Sales are recorded only when a shipping document is forwarded to the billing department.

3. No shipping document could be found for four of the sampled items.

4. The date of recording the sale must correspond to the date on the shipping document.

4. Five sales were recorded prior to the date of shipment. Your follow-up indicates that a temporary employee worked for the last two months of the fiscal year and was unaware of this requirement.

5. All prices are obtained from the current price list that is periodically updated by the sales manager.

5. All prices agreed with the appropriate price list.

6. The shipping department is not to ship products without first receiving an approved customer’s order.

6. No customer order could be found for two sample items as indicated in Step 2

7. The billing department compares the quantity billed with the customer’s order.

7. Five billed quantities were for more than the customer order. Four of these took place near year-end. In addition, there was no customer order for the three items indicated in Step 2.

Required:Provide a written analysis of your audit and include a response for each question below:

  1. Determine the upper limit of deviation for each of the controls.
  2. What impact do these results have on the type of opinion that you will give on the client’s internal controls?
  3. Indicate the potential misstatements that could result from the control deviations.
  4. Determine what substantive audit procedures should be performed in response to each of the identified control deviations.
  5. Do you feel confident that the sample you selected provides a good assessment of internal controls? Why or why not?


  1. Does the problem have significance for nursing?
  2. What was the research problem? Was the problem statement easy to locate and was it clearly stated? Did the problem statement build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study?
  3. Was there a good fit between the research problem and the paradigm (and tradition) within which the research was conducted?
  4. Did the report formally present a statement of purpose, research question, and/or hypotheses? Was this information communicated clearly and concisely, and was it placed in a logical and useful location?
  5. Were purpose statements or research questions worded appropriately (e.g., Were key concepts/variables identified and the population specified?)
  6. If there were no formal hypotheses, was their absence justified? Were statistical tests used in analyzing the data despite the absence of stated hypotheses?
  7. Were hypotheses (if any) properly worded—did they state a predicted relationship between two or more variables? Were they presented as research or as null hypotheses?
  8. Was the study approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board, Research Ethics Board, or other similar ethics review committee?
  9. Were study participants subjected to any physical harm, discomfort, or psychological distress? Did the researchers take appropriate steps to remove or prevent harm?
  10. Did the benefits to participants outweigh any potential risks or actual discomfort they experienced? Did the benefits to society outweigh the costs to participants?
  11. Was any type of coercion or undue influence used to recruit participants? Did they have the right to refuse to participate or to withdraw without penalty?


Colorado State University Global Campus Controls Over Revenue Recognition Paper Writing Assignment Help

Porter Gale Corporation is a publicly traded company. You are completing an audit at their headquarters and will conduct a study of controls over revenue recognition using attributes sampling. You will use the results as part of the evidence on which to base your opinion on internal controls and to determine what substantive auditing procedures you should perform on revenue and accounts receivable. Your study of controls involves the following:

  • Set the risk of overreliance at 5%
  • Tolerable deviation rate at 5%
  • Expected deviation rate at 1%

You plan to use a sample size of 100. (Note that this sample size is just rounded up from the sample size of 93 that would have been obtained from the appropriate table). The results of your testing are as shown:


1. All sales over $10,000 must be approved by the sales manager by initialing the customer’s order.

1. There were only twenty-five sales over $10,000 in the sample. So, the auditor randomly collects an additional seventy-five sales transactions that were over $10,000. All were approved by the sales manager.

2. Credit must be approved by the credit department prior to shipment and noted on the customer’s order.

2. Three sales were recorded without evidence of credit approval. The sales manager said she had approved the sales. No customer order could be found for three of the other sampled items.

3. Sales are recorded only when a shipping document is forwarded to the billing department.

3. No shipping document could be found for four of the sampled items.

4. The date of recording the sale must correspond to the date on the shipping document.

4. Five sales were recorded prior to the date of shipment. Your follow-up indicates that a temporary employee worked for the last two months of the fiscal year and was unaware of this requirement.

5. All prices are obtained from the current price list that is periodically updated by the sales manager.

5. All prices agreed with the appropriate price list.

6. The shipping department is not to ship products without first receiving an approved customer’s order.

6. No customer order could be found for two sample items as indicated in Step 2

7. The billing department compares the quantity billed with the customer’s order.

7. Five billed quantities were for more than the customer order. Four of these took place near year-end. In addition, there was no customer order for the three items indicated in Step 2.

Required:Provide a written analysis of your audit and include a response for each question below:

  1. Determine the upper limit of deviation for each of the controls.
  2. What impact do these results have on the type of opinion that you will give on the client’s internal controls?
  3. Indicate the potential misstatements that could result from the control deviations.
  4. Determine what substantive audit procedures should be performed in response to each of the identified control deviations.
  5. Do you feel confident that the sample you selected provides a good assessment of internal controls? Why or why not?


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University of Cumberlands Effects of Climate Change on Global Food Production BIBLIO Writing Assignment Help

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