University of Iowa Auto Netnographic Research Questions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

University of Iowa Auto Netnographic Research Questions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. University of Iowa Auto Netnographic Research Questions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Follow the instructions step by step:

Obviously, there are no easy answers to what ad should look like in our new
digital world. And no matter what people might think about privacy expectations related
to ad, hyper-targeted ad is here to say – especially in the online world. Ultimately,
someone has to pay for content or service on the Web. While many companies continue
to experiment with different kinds of market models, it usually comes down to paying a
subscription for access, being willing to be exposed to ad, or some combination of the
two. This assignment will familiarize you with an observational technique (i.e.
Netnography). Particularly, you will examine a distinct consumer behavior phenomenon
online and produce a written report that summarizes your observation and marketing

and instructions for submission are detailed below


Keep track of the ads show up on your own Facebook page (or Instagram,Twitter, Youtube) every day for 14 days, make a diary, and answer the questions below.

§ Q1: What did you notice? What did those ads say about you? Were they accurate representation of the kinds of brands, products, and services that you liked before?

§ Q2: Find your selected social media’s ad preferences settings for this assignment (e.g., Facebook, Were you surprised about what it thinks you are interested in based on your activity? Why, or why not? How much does it know about you as a consumer?

§ Q3: Based on your self-observation and reflection, what consumer insights can be gained online? Specifically, how can companies use consumers’ information or activities on Facebook or Instagram in developing advertising or promotional campaign?

Instructions for Submission

§ There is no page limit. Students should turn in their individual report online

§ It should be double-spaced with standard margins, Times-New Roman, and 12- point font.

Note: obviously you are not going to keep track of 14 days because I need it before but think of the pass days or something.

University of Iowa Auto Netnographic Research Questions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BIO 100 CCC Biology Human Microbiome Health and Diseases Discussion Science Assignment Help

In this week’s Module you will learn about the evolution of microbes. Microbes have altered our environment in ways that have facilitated our survival by generating oxygen in photosynthesis and cooperating within eukaryotic cells as important organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. As you learned at the beginning of the semester, our bodies are made up of cells that cooperate as tissues, and tissues that cooperate as organs, organs that cooperate as organ systems such as the circulatory, nervous, and immune systems. Microbes facilitate other important processes in the immune and digestive systems of our bodies as symbionts: some that are beneficial and some that can be harmful. Read the Human Microbiome and address the following questions in your initial post:

– What is the human microbiome?

– what’s a microbe?

– Where does our microbiome come from?

– How big is
the microbiome?

– Where is the microbiome located,
and what is it doing?

– Is everyone’s microbiome the same?

– Does the microbiome change over time?

– What is the relationship between
the microbiome, health, and disease?

– How can I take care
of my microbial partners?

At least 250 words, no cover page and put all references in APA format


Chamberlain University Effective Business Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Case Analysis Report – Read and write your article on, Boldly Go: Character Drives Leadership at Providence Healthcare. Enclosed is the original submission to another class with the feedback below from the same professor.

It is essential that you are able to read a report and perceive it through a different lens. For this week’s submission, focus your comments on the communication aspects of this case. Do not repeat the facts from the case study! You have three pages to devote to the communication issues facing Providence, possible solutions, recommended solution (be specific), and expected outcomes. A short submission requires clarity, conciseness, and focus. This paper should have little to no resemblance to your submission the enclosed paper attached.

There should be the following headings: 1. the communication issues facing Providence, 2. possible solutions, 3. recommended solution (be specific), and 4, expected outcomes. In text citation using the documents attached and others as needed.

Feedback for first paper that is the same grader see below. Make sure you touch what the professor states below.

Formatting elements (e.g., running head, page numbers, title page) create a positive first impression for the ensuing content. Well written. You need to consider your answers through the lens of a communication challenge. Yes, there are management and administration problems ibut that is not the focus of this class. There are opportunities here to create specific communication strategies, enhance support of various stakeholder groups, and demonstrate leadership in addressing the outbreak. Go beyond general observations by breaking down the opportunities to improve the standing of every problem is in search of a message.


Howard Community College An Anatomy of Substance Dependence Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The video presents some facts from the book that show how these two individuals made great contributions to the fields of psychology and surgery, respectively, although they were both, at one time, dependent on cocaine (Bowser, 2011).

Please notice how people can still make very important contributions to society while being substance dependent. Also, notice how in the case of these two individuals, they were not incarcerated, character “assassinated” or demonized by the society. This video is also evidence that history is still repeating itself today with the marketing of new drugs that are supposed to be the next so-called “miracle drug.” Unfortunately, many of these “miracle drugs” are still subsequently discredited because of the harmful effects that they produce.

Link (Links to an external site.)

After viewing the video, please discuss some point or issue that stands out for you. Explain in detail what it is, and why you feel this way. Please write using APA Style in your citations and references list. You will gain more points if you support your position with information from at least two new references not already listed by your instructor. Please make these references quality and scholarly peer-reviewed ones–(preferably primary sources).


Bowser, B. (2011, October 17). Cocaine: How ‘miracle drug’ nearly destroyed Sigmund Freud, William Halsted. [Video]. Youtube.

Please make sure you address the discussion and use credible US references.


TUT Interpersonal Communication Self Concept Reflection Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Interpersonal Communication-Self-Concept Reflection

The readings have helped me to self-reflect better. I have learned some of the things that are suitable for me to do when evaluating myself and the ones that I should avoid. For example, I now know that I should only compare myself to an appropriate reference group. Doing otherwise might make me feel ordinary or inferior as a person. In the past, I have been guilty of this on several occasions. I plan to change this form of self-evaluation. The readings have also prompted me to reflect on why I have been a victim of my morning thoughts so many times. I now know that my expectations of how the day or an event will influence my behavior. From now henceforth, I will endeavor to be more positive every morning so that my behavior can influence positive outcomes for the rest of the day.

I think that my friends’ assessment of me is largely accurate. First, all of my friends think that I am an honest person. I fully agree with this. They add that I am never worried about being the most popular and that I always choose honesty over being popular with people. I say things as I see them and what people think of me is the least of my worries. They also admire me for always giving my honest opinion even when I am on the minority side. I am also thick-skinned and I prefer people being honest with me rather than lying thinking that they are protecting me by doing so. They conclude that for being an honest friend, they hold a lot of trust in me. This is because they know that they can count on me to tell them the truth and not mislead them.

Besides being an honest person, they all observed that I am a confident person. I agree with this. Because of my confidence, they admire that I am never afraid of being corrected. I always value the truth more than I value being right. When I am wrong I always accept that I am wrong and I do not argue about it. I also like to listen more than I talk. I believe that part of being a confident person involves being quiet as others speaking because this is the only way that I can learn from other people. My confidence also allows me to appreciate others and not put them down. I believe that I am my competition and that I do not have to put others down for me to be successful.

I have learned how flexible my self-conception is. How I behave and talk is highly dependent on who I am around. Around older people, for example, my parents, I am overly shy unlike when I am with my peers where I am usually more outgoing and outspoken. Adler et al. (2015) add that it is normal for people to change from context to context. Before the end of the day, an individual may be required to play several roles (Adler et al., 2015). I also got to understand why in some cases when faced by a situation I am not always confident but still end up handling it and finding a breakthrough. The perceived self is not always accurate. Whereas I have always thought of myself as very secretive, that might not be the case because when I speak out I like to be honest. Adler et al. (2015) say that being honest when one speaks out, can equate to be an act of self-disclosure.

Over the years, my self-identity has changed. I changed my self-identity after realizing that the identity I was using was not who I am. Painful experiences early in my life had changed the way I perceived and presented myself throughout my life. This way I lost the true sense of who I am. After some self-evaluation, I realized that this was not who I wanted to be and from then on I decided to make changes in the way I perceived myself. Since I changed my self-identity, I feel more positive about myself and also love to surround myself with positive people.

I can now do a better self-reflection courtesy of the course readings. The readings have taught me who I should and should not compare myself to and the immense power of my thoughts in influencing my behavior. I concur with my friend’s assessment of me. I agree that I am assertive and honest. I know that I value the truth and always tell the truth. I am also confident enough to stand with what I believe in and accept corrections whenever I am wrong. I have learned that I have a flexible self-conception and the reason I am sometimes fearful of situations but handle them quite easily in the end. Adverse experiences in my early life have also made me change my self-identity over the years.



Ethical Decision Making in Group Counseling Essay Humanities Assignment Help


  • Choose one ethical dilemma from the two described below to read and analyze, applying the American Counseling Association’s (ACA) Decision Making Model as outlined in the document, “A Practitioner’s Guide to Ethical Decision Making.”
  • The body of your paper should be 6-9 pages. Additionally, the paper should include an abstract, title page, and reference page.
  • The paper should be written in current APA format.
  • Divide the body of your paper into the steps outlined in the ACA document, using APA level headings throughout and making sure to address all questions for each section.
  • Using the ACA Decision-Making Model as your guide, first outline the facts of the dilemma and the underlying problem, then identify all applicable ACA ethics codes and moral principles of the profession.
  • Next, identify relevant professional literature that applies to dilemma and persons that would potentially be consulted.
  • Then list all potential courses of action, describing potential consequences and implications for each course of action.
  • Next, identify the best course of action and explain why you chose this action.
  • Finally, review the selected course of action to see if it presents any new ethical problems, applying the tests of justice, publicity and universality, and end by describing what steps will be taken to implement the course of action
  • At least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles must be cited as well as the course textbook. The web address for state rules/regulations must also be included.

Ethical Decision Making in Group Counseling Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MBA 6601 CSU International Business US Government & Foreign Policies Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

For this assignment, write an essay that addresses each of the following points:

  1. Choose five U.S. government policies that affect trade with foreign nations. Identify three factors of production, and describe how their mobility is good or bad for U.S. trade
  2. Distinguish between absolute advantage and comparative advantage trade theories and give examples
  3. Choose either the TPP or the T-TIP free trade agreement and describe which other countries have signed on and why the U.S. Senate should ratify or not ratify the agreement. Also, explain how regional trading groups influence organizations.

Your essay submission should be a minimum of three pages in length in APA style; however, a title page, a running head, and an abstract are not required. You are required to use at least two scholarly sources for this essay. Your responses to the three prompts must be in paragraph form. Be sure to cite and reference all quoted or paraphrased material appropriately in APA style.


Strategic Management Founder Movie The Founder Strategic Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I attached everything written below in a word doc. Please use that one because the order and formatting is what’s needed. Thank you (:

I’ll send you the movie once accepted. There are very specific instructions especially in numbering questions. There is not any room for extension as this is an emergency so it is due by 9/23 at 9:30am central standard time.

Need to watch the movie “The Founder” (I can’t attach the movie link because the file is too large, but I can email it possibly if needed?)

then answer these questions. Only need to answer the listed questions. Does not need to be in essay format.

Requirement is about 1 paragraph for each question.

* There are 4 questions for Part I

* There are 6 questions for Part II

* There are 2 questions for Part III

* There are 2 questions for Part IV

* There are 4 questions for Part V

* 2 questions for Part VI

* 6 questions for Part VII

* 7 questions for Part VIII

Total 33 questions. Please title each section and answer in numerical order.

The purpose of assignment

The purpose of this document is to help structure the discussion of the movie “The Founder” with respect to strategic management and related topics. The movie is about Ray Croc, the founder of the McDonalds franchise empire.The goal of the assignment is locate and apply the theory, model, or framework that best explains or predicts an issue from the movie.

For this assignment, you can answer the questions from the strategic perspective of two brothers who owned the original McDonald’s in San Bernardino, or from the strategic perspective of Ray Croc.

Part I. Prior Courses (Upper-division core)

This part of this document is related to the central topics learned in the four upper- division core courses: FIN 303, SOM 306, MKT 304, and MGT 360.


“Finance is the science or study of the management of funds, or the obtaining of funds or capital.”

1. Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to finance.


“Operations are long-range decisions (such as product, service and process design, facility location and capacity planning), as well as operational decisions (such as project management, operations planning and scheduling, quality assurance, purchasing and inventory).”

2. Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to operations.


“Marketing is the act or process of selling or purchasing in a market, or the process or technique of promoting, selling, or distributing a product or service.”

3. Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to marketing.


“Management is the collective body of those who manage an enterprise, especially with respect to planning, leading, organizing, and controlling.”

4. Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to management.

Part II. Prior Courses (Lower-division core)

This part of this document is related to the central topics learned in the six lower-division core courses: Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Financial Accounting, Principles of Managerial Accounting, Business Statistics, and Business Law.

  • Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Principles of Microeconomics.
  • Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Principles of Macroeconomics.
  • Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Principles of Financial Accounting.
  • Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Principles of Managerial Accounting.
  • Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Principles of Business Statistics.
  • Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Principles of Business Law.

Part III. Prior Courses (General Education)

This part of this document is related to the central topics learned in various General Education (GE) classes. GE classes can be either lower-division or upper-division. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll use the GE classifications at CSUN. For Lower-division, those are: Math, English/Writing, and Computing. For Upper-division, those are: Natural Science, History, Government, Oral Communication, Comparative Cultures, Arts and Humanities, and Critical Reasoning.

11. Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to GE—Upper-division.

12. Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to GE—Lower-division.

Part IV. Porter’s Value Chain

This part of the document is related to the topics discussed in the “Porter’s Value Chain” document discussed earlier in the semester.

13. Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Porter’s Value Chain—Primary Activities.

14. Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Porter’s Value Chain—Support Activities.

Part V. Economic Drivers

This part of the document is related to the topics discussed in the “Economic Drivers” document discussed earlier in the semester.

  • Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Economic Drivers—Benefit Driver.
  • Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Economic Drivers—Cost Driver.
  • Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Economic Drivers—Competition Driver.
  • Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to Economic Drivers—Technology Driver.

Part VI. “RBV” and “VRIO” Analyses

This part of the document is related to the topics discussed in the “Resource-Based View” (RBV) and “Value/Rarity/(Un)Imitability/Organizational Capacity” (VRIO) document discussed earlier in the semester.

19. Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to RBV Analysis.

20. Identify at least one key strategy or strategy-related activity from the movie that is related to VRIO Analysis.

Part VII. Chapter 1—Strategy, Business Models, Competitive Advantage

This part of the document is related to the topics: Strategy, Business Models, and Competitive Advantage.

  • What is McDonald’s strategy? How is it distinctive?
  • What is McDonald’s business model? What is the relationship between McDonald’s strategy and McDonald’s business model?
  • How does McDonald’s build capabilities? How does McDonald’s sustain competitive advantage?
  • How does McDonald’s strategy evolve over time?
  • What is the evidence that McDonald’s does (or does not) pass the three tests of a winning strategy?
  • How, specifically, does McDonald’s craft and execute strategy?

Part VIII. Chapter 2—Strategy Formulation, Execution, and Governance

This part of the document is related to the topics: Strategy Formulation, Execution, and Governance.

  • Does McDonald’s have a strategic vision, If so, how does McDonald’s communicate the strategic vision?
  • Does McDonald’s have a mission statement? If so, what is it?
  • How does McDonald’s link, if at all, the strategic vision both to the strategic mission and to the company values?
  • Does McDonald’s use any “stretch objectives” or “stretch goals”?
  • How, specifically, does McDonald’s implement and execute its chosen strategy?
  • How, specifically, does McDonald’s make corrective adjustments?
  • What, if any, is the corporate governance structure of McDonald’s?


Diablo Valley College Constitution Arguments History of the US before 1865 Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Discussion: Constitution Arguments

2222 unread replies.2222 replies.

For this discussion, we will use:

Patrick Henry’s Anti-Federalist Argument (1788)

–an excerpt from The Federalist No. 51 by James Madison (1787)

–Chapter 7 of Give Me LIberty! 

To address the following question: 

What major issues or ideological tensions did the debate over the Constitution reveal?

In order to answer that larger question, our discussion will need to consider:

What were the major arguments against the Constitution put forth by the Anti-Federalists?

What were the major arguments in support of the Constitution put forth by the Federalists?

What were the events and historical circumstances that influenced each argument?

Remember to use the sources to support your statements. You now know that this is done by quoting the source. Also, quoting the primary sources gives your statements more weight because you’re interpreting the data or the evidence yourself, rather than relying on another historian (Foner) for that interpretation. 

How much should I say?

Each student will have to post their own post before they respond to someone else. Your first post can address just one of the many issues relevant to the discussion. It should not be an effort to address ALL of the issues at hand. 

You must reply to other students’ posts. Your reply can be as short as a paragraph, but should be enough to refute or elaborate on another student’s point. If a post already has two replies, consider moving on to another thread. 

In total, you should strive for somewhere around 250-400 words total for your discussion contributions. In general, each student should post at least 3 times with the understanding that your discussion contributions are worth 50 points total just like your Response Papers. 

Finally, remember from the Response Papers and Discussions guidelines:

What to say if you don’t agree with the discussion post?

–“I think I see it differently…”

–“I have a different take on this.”

–“I am not sure I follow the logic of your thinking. The way I see it is…”

Use third-point referencing. That is, refer to the post, not the person who created the post.

–For example: “The argument might be stronger if…”

–“The thesis is clear and well-supported…”, “The sources don’t seem to support the point I think you’re trying to make…”

What to say if you don’t understand parts of the post?

–I am not sure I follow, exactly

–I know what I mean by the word “____” but I’m not sure I know what you mean…

–Could you help me understand your thinking when you said___

Avoid phrases like:

–“You do a terrible job of…”

–“You should have…”

–“Your thesis sucks…”

Suggested Structure

–1st paragraph–restate in your own words the argument that you understand the student is making

–2nd paragraph–extend or refute the point made by the student by including more evidence from the texts

–give a concluding idea


Ashford University Healthcare Quality Improvement Focus PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

In Week 4, you identified some immediate areas of concern that you were able to effectively address. You must present the final phase of your improvement plan to your staff and upper-level management. You will create a presentation of 15-20 slides. Each slide will have 4-6 bullets and 100-150 words of speakers notes. The presentation will address the following areas:

In preparation for the accreditation visit for AKT, choose 1 health care accrediting and credentialing organization.

  • Select a quality improvement focus (QIF) area to improve patient outcomes in beyond the 3 issues that you identified and addressed in Week 4.
  • Discuss the selected accreditation agency related to the QIF and why the organization is seeking this particular agency for credentialing.
  • As part of the quality improvement initiative, select 3-4 related accrediting standards that the organization will use as the basis for the quality improvement plan.
  • Provide a clear mission statement and set of 3-4 specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals for the QIF initiative.
  • Using the online database provided the by the organization you selected conduct an analysis.
  • Provide general statistical data related to the QIF.
  • Discuss specific health care examples of local, state, and national policies that have been developed to improve this QIF based on evidence-based practice research.
  • What internal policies do you plan to implement based on evidence-based practice approaches to ensure your organization meets these standards?
  • Develop a plan that includes strategies for your facility to improve patient outcomes regarding the QIF.
  • Describe how the QIF initiative can be incorporated to the organization’s overall strategic plan.
  • Describe how you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative.
  • Each slide will have 4-6 bullets and 100-150 words of speaker’s notes and pictures.


–Chapter 7 of Give Me LIberty! 

To address the following question: 

What major issues or ideological tensions did the debate over the Constitution reveal?

In order to answer that larger question, our discussion will need to consider:

What were the major arguments against the Constitution put forth by the Anti-Federalists?

What were the major arguments in support of the Constitution put forth by the Federalists?

What were the events and historical circumstances that influenced each argument?

Remember to use the sources to support your statements. You now know that this is done by quoting the source. Also, quoting the primary sources gives your statements more weight because you’re interpreting the data or the evidence yourself, rather than relying on another historian (Foner) for that interpretation. 

How much should I say?

Each student will have to post their own post before they respond to someone else. Your first post can address just one of the many issues relevant to the discussion. It should not be an effort to address ALL of the issues at hand. 

You must reply to other students’ posts. Your reply can be as short as a paragraph, but should be enough to refute or elaborate on another student’s point. If a post already has two replies, consider moving on to another thread. 

In total, you should strive for somewhere around 250-400 words total for your discussion contributions. In general, each student should post at least 3 times with the understanding that your discussion contributions are worth 50 points total just like your Response Papers. 

Finally, remember from the Response Papers and Discussions guidelines:

What to say if you don’t agree with the discussion post?

–“I think I see it differently…”

–“I have a different take on this.”

–“I am not sure I follow the logic of your thinking. The way I see it is…”

Use third-point referencing. That is, refer to the post, not the person who created the post.

–For example: “The argument might be stronger if…”

–“The thesis is clear and well-supported…”, “The sources don’t seem to support the point I think you’re trying to make…”

What to say if you don’t understand parts of the post?

–I am not sure I follow, exactly

–I know what I mean by the word “____” but I’m not sure I know what you mean…

–Could you help me understand your thinking when you said___

Avoid phrases like:

–“You do a terrible job of…”

–“You should have…”

–“Your thesis sucks…”

Suggested Structure

–1st paragraph–restate in your own words the argument that you understand the student is making

–2nd paragraph–extend or refute the point made by the student by including more evidence from the texts

–give a concluding idea


Ashford University Healthcare Quality Improvement Focus PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

In Week 4, you identified some immediate areas of concern that you were able to effectively address. You must present the final phase of your improvement plan to your staff and upper-level management. You will create a presentation of 15-20 slides. Each slide will have 4-6 bullets and 100-150 words of speakers notes. The presentation will address the following areas:

In preparation for the accreditation visit for AKT, choose 1 health care accrediting and credentialing organization.

  • Select a quality improvement focus (QIF) area to improve patient outcomes in beyond the 3 issues that you identified and addressed in Week 4.
  • Discuss the selected accreditation agency related to the QIF and why the organization is seeking this particular agency for credentialing.
  • As part of the quality improvement initiative, select 3-4 related accrediting standards that the organization will use as the basis for the quality improvement plan.
  • Provide a clear mission statement and set of 3-4 specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals for the QIF initiative.
  • Using the online database provided the by the organization you selected conduct an analysis.
  • Provide general statistical data related to the QIF.
  • Discuss specific health care examples of local, state, and national policies that have been developed to improve this QIF based on evidence-based practice research.
  • What internal policies do you plan to implement based on evidence-based practice approaches to ensure your organization meets these standards?
  • Develop a plan that includes strategies for your facility to improve patient outcomes regarding the QIF.
  • Describe how the QIF initiative can be incorporated to the organization’s overall strategic plan.
  • Describe how you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative.
  • Each slide will have 4-6 bullets and 100-150 words of speaker’s notes and pictures.


–Chapter 7 of Give Me LIberty! 

To address the following question: 

What major issues or ideological tensions did the debate over the Constitution reveal?

In order to answer that larger question, our discussion will need to consider:

What were the major arguments against the Constitution put forth by the Anti-Federalists?

What were the major arguments in support of the Constitution put forth by the Federalists?

What were the events and historical circumstances that influenced each argument?

Remember to use the sources to support your statements. You now know that this is done by quoting the source. Also, quoting the primary sources gives your statements more weight because you’re interpreting the data or the evidence yourself, rather than relying on another historian (Foner) for that interpretation. 

How much should I say?

Each student will have to post their own post before they respond to someone else. Your first post can address just one of the many issues relevant to the discussion. It should not be an effort to address ALL of the issues at hand. 

You must reply to other students’ posts. Your reply can be as short as a paragraph, but should be enough to refute or elaborate on another student’s point. If a post already has two replies, consider moving on to another thread. 

In total, you should strive for somewhere around 250-400 words total for your discussion contributions. In general, each student should post at least 3 times with the understanding that your discussion contributions are worth 50 points total just like your Response Papers. 

Finally, remember from the Response Papers and Discussions guidelines:

What to say if you don’t agree with the discussion post?

–“I think I see it differently…”

–“I have a different take on this.”

–“I am not sure I follow the logic of your thinking. The way I see it is…”

Use third-point referencing. That is, refer to the post, not the person who created the post.

–For example: “The argument might be stronger if…”

–“The thesis is clear and well-supported…”, “The sources don’t seem to support the point I think you’re trying to make…”

What to say if you don’t understand parts of the post?

–I am not sure I follow, exactly

–I know what I mean by the word “____” but I’m not sure I know what you mean…

–Could you help me understand your thinking when you said___

Avoid phrases like:

–“You do a terrible job of…”

–“You should have…”

–“Your thesis sucks…”

Suggested Structure

–1st paragraph–restate in your own words the argument that you understand the student is making

–2nd paragraph–extend or refute the point made by the student by including more evidence from the texts

–give a concluding idea


Ashford University Healthcare Quality Improvement Focus PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

In Week 4, you identified some immediate areas of concern that you were able to effectively address. You must present the final phase of your improvement plan to your staff and upper-level management. You will create a presentation of 15-20 slides. Each slide will have 4-6 bullets and 100-150 words of speakers notes. The presentation will address the following areas:

In preparation for the accreditation visit for AKT, choose 1 health care accrediting and credentialing organization.

  • Select a quality improvement focus (QIF) area to improve patient outcomes in beyond the 3 issues that you identified and addressed in Week 4.
  • Discuss the selected accreditation agency related to the QIF and why the organization is seeking this particular agency for credentialing.
  • As part of the quality improvement initiative, select 3-4 related accrediting standards that the organization will use as the basis for the quality improvement plan.
  • Provide a clear mission statement and set of 3-4 specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals for the QIF initiative.
  • Using the online database provided the by the organization you selected conduct an analysis.
  • Provide general statistical data related to the QIF.
  • Discuss specific health care examples of local, state, and national policies that have been developed to improve this QIF based on evidence-based practice research.
  • What internal policies do you plan to implement based on evidence-based practice approaches to ensure your organization meets these standards?
  • Develop a plan that includes strategies for your facility to improve patient outcomes regarding the QIF.
  • Describe how the QIF initiative can be incorporated to the organization’s overall strategic plan.
  • Describe how you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative.
  • Each slide will have 4-6 bullets and 100-150 words of speaker’s notes and pictures.


–Chapter 7 of Give Me LIberty! 

To address the following question: 

What major issues or ideological tensions did the debate over the Constitution reveal?

In order to answer that larger question, our discussion will need to consider:

What were the major arguments against the Constitution put forth by the Anti-Federalists?

What were the major arguments in support of the Constitution put forth by the Federalists?

What were the events and historical circumstances that influenced each argument?

Remember to use the sources to support your statements. You now know that this is done by quoting the source. Also, quoting the primary sources gives your statements more weight because you’re interpreting the data or the evidence yourself, rather than relying on another historian (Foner) for that interpretation. 

How much should I say?

Each student will have to post their own post before they respond to someone else. Your first post can address just one of the many issues relevant to the discussion. It should not be an effort to address ALL of the issues at hand. 

You must reply to other students’ posts. Your reply can be as short as a paragraph, but should be enough to refute or elaborate on another student’s point. If a post already has two replies, consider moving on to another thread. 

In total, you should strive for somewhere around 250-400 words total for your discussion contributions. In general, each student should post at least 3 times with the understanding that your discussion contributions are worth 50 points total just like your Response Papers. 

Finally, remember from the Response Papers and Discussions guidelines:

What to say if you don’t agree with the discussion post?

–“I think I see it differently…”

–“I have a different take on this.”

–“I am not sure I follow the logic of your thinking. The way I see it is…”

Use third-point referencing. That is, refer to the post, not the person who created the post.

–For example: “The argument might be stronger if…”

–“The thesis is clear and well-supported…”, “The sources don’t seem to support the point I think you’re trying to make…”

What to say if you don’t understand parts of the post?

–I am not sure I follow, exactly

–I know what I mean by the word “____” but I’m not sure I know what you mean…

–Could you help me understand your thinking when you said___

Avoid phrases like:

–“You do a terrible job of…”

–“You should have…”

–“Your thesis sucks…”

Suggested Structure

–1st paragraph–restate in your own words the argument that you understand the student is making

–2nd paragraph–extend or refute the point made by the student by including more evidence from the texts

–give a concluding idea


Ashford University Healthcare Quality Improvement Focus PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

In Week 4, you identified some immediate areas of concern that you were able to effectively address. You must present the final phase of your improvement plan to your staff and upper-level management. You will create a presentation of 15-20 slides. Each slide will have 4-6 bullets and 100-150 words of speakers notes. The presentation will address the following areas:

In preparation for the accreditation visit for AKT, choose 1 health care accrediting and credentialing organization.

  • Select a quality improvement focus (QIF) area to improve patient outcomes in beyond the 3 issues that you identified and addressed in Week 4.
  • Discuss the selected accreditation agency related to the QIF and why the organization is seeking this particular agency for credentialing.
  • As part of the quality improvement initiative, select 3-4 related accrediting standards that the organization will use as the basis for the quality improvement plan.
  • Provide a clear mission statement and set of 3-4 specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals for the QIF initiative.
  • Using the online database provided the by the organization you selected conduct an analysis.
  • Provide general statistical data related to the QIF.
  • Discuss specific health care examples of local, state, and national policies that have been developed to improve this QIF based on evidence-based practice research.
  • What internal policies do you plan to implement based on evidence-based practice approaches to ensure your organization meets these standards?
  • Develop a plan that includes strategies for your facility to improve patient outcomes regarding the QIF.
  • Describe how the QIF initiative can be incorporated to the organization’s overall strategic plan.
  • Describe how you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative.
  • Each slide will have 4-6 bullets and 100-150 words of speaker’s notes and pictures.


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University of Iowa Auto Netnographic Research Questions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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