University of Leeds Business Corporate Strategic Management Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

University of Leeds Business Corporate Strategic Management Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. University of Leeds Business Corporate Strategic Management Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.

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It is widely agreed today that the purpose of organisations is not just to make shareholders and managers wealthier. That means that strategic leaders really need to know how to properly engage with critical stakeholders and how to create shared value. Organisations that can’t create shared value are unlikely to survive for long. The most difficult challenge is to know what ‘shared value’ really means.

Argue for or against this proposition using specific and detailed applications of an appropriate strategic management model, concept or framework from the course and support your arguments by using illustrative examples of organisations that you know from your own experience or observation. You should avoid relying on using case study examples from the textbook to illustrate your answer.


The most successful organisations today are those that focus on their profitable core. Whilst diversification and chasing multinational markets or other adjacencies may have been a reasonable strategy in the past, these days it really is those that concentrate that are thriving.

Argue for or against this proposition using specific and detailed applications of an appropriate strategic management model, concept or framework from the course and support your arguments by using illustrative examples of organisations that you know from your own experience or observation. You should avoid relying on using case study examples from the textbook to illustrate your answer.

University of Leeds Business Corporate Strategic Management Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Pretoria De Extinction Resurrection of Species Paper Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology question and need guidance to help me study.

Question 1 

Watch the video (6 mins) and answer the following questions





Question 2

1.What is GMO?

2. How are GMOs used in Agriculture, Biotechnology, Medicine

3. Describe Gene Editing. What is the present or future use of this type of technology?

4. State your opinion on the benefits or harm of GMOs and Gene Editing.



Chamberlain College of Nursing Non St Elevation Myocardial Infarction PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

Clinical Standard of Practice Presentation

Students are expected to expand their use of resources for evidence-based 6 practice beyond the required text and explore nursing and related literature to improve their understanding and application of advanced interventions. Each student will present a Clinical Practice Presentation. The focus of the presentation must reflect current treatment recommendations from accepted professional organizations. Presentations will be evaluated related to the criteria listed. Presentations must be no more than 12 to 18 slides in a PowerPoint format with a Reference List in APA format which once done must be posted on week of the due time frame. Topics will be listed, and students must sign up for a presentation by the second week of the course. 

My topic is on non ST-elevation myocardial infarction


CSU Managerial Economics Poverty Income Inequality & Free Market Economy Discussion Economics Assignment Help

There is growing concern about poverty and income inequality. These two concepts, however, are not the same. Income inequality deals with the percentage of income earned by the different income groups, while poverty is concerned with how difficult it is for the poor to meet basic needs. In Section 1.4, you read about deontological and consequential approaches to ethics. Using those approaches, evaluate how well free market systems versus government intervention in markets address poverty and income inequality. Include in your discussion an explanation of how people in a free market economy, acting in their own self-interest, can better those around them. Bring examples from your own experiences where your actions, though entirely self-motivated, resulted in a benefit to somebody else.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


Lamar University Threats and Counter Measures Reflection Computer Science Assignment Help

it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

A few things which u can use while writing:

Its related to Threats and counter measures


define and structure metrics to manage cybersecurity engineering

identify and evaluate existing capabilities for cybersecurity engineering

identify competency and capability gaps for cybersecurity engineering

define and prioritize cybersecurity engineering needs

summarize and plan for improvements in cybersecurity engineering performance

explore the options for addressing cybersecurity engineering needs


Build critical thinking skills to develop and apply solutions that achieve strategic and tactical IT-business alignment

Develop professional skills and expertise to advance knowledge in your chosen field or discipline within information technology 



University of Phoenix Wk 2 Information System Project Selection & Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Imagine this scenario:

After your Wk 1 – Signature Assignment: Apply: SDLC Presentation, Pine Valley Furniture’s board of directors wants to continue consideration of a new WebStore for the company. They have asked you to assist them in selecting and initiating which project to do. They are considering a WebStore for 1 of their following 3 target markets:

  • Corporate furniture
  • Home office furniture
  • Student furniture

Choose 1 of the following formats for this assignment:

  • PowerPoint presentation (10 to 16 slides) Include a title slide and a slide that includes the list of references. Each reference should be cited someplace in the slides, normally in the Speaker Notes section.
  • A Word document paper (4 to 5 pages). This will include 1 page for the title page and 1 page for the list of references with 3 to 4 pages of content. Each reference should be cited someplace in the assignment.

Address the following components in your presentation or executive summary :

  • Explain 4 methods for identifying and selecting IS projects. [Pages 176-177 of the text.]
  • Compare the characteristics of each method, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each method.
  • Identify valuation criteria when classifying and ranking the 3-target market projects. [Page 181, Table 4-2 of the text.]
  • Rank the 3-target market projects.
  • Summarize the project initiation and planning process, and identify the next steps for Pine Valley Furniture’s board of directors. [Pages 117, and 121-129 respectfully.]

University of Phoenix Wk 2 Information System Project Selection & Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of the Pacific Data Analytics Hypothesis Testing Discussion Post Business Finance Assignment Help

Hypothesis testing is used in business to test assumptions and theories. These assumptions are tested against evidence provided by actual, observed data. A statistical hypothesis is a statement about the value of a population parameter that we are interested in. Hypothesis testing is a process followed to arrive at a decision between 2 competing, mutually exclusive, collective exhaustive statements about the parameter’s value.

Consider the following scenario: An industrial seller of grass seeds packages its product in 50-pound bags. A customer has recently filed a complaint alleging that the bags are underfilled. A production manager randomly samples a batch and measures the following weights:

Weight, (lbs)

45.6 49.5

47.7 46.7

47.6 48.8

50.5 48.6

50.2 51.5

46.9 50.2

47.8 49.9

49.3 49.8

53.1 49.3

49.5 50.1

To determine whether the bags are indeed being underfilled by the machinery, the manager must conduct a test of mean with a significance level α = 0.05.

In a minimum of 175 words, respond to the following:

  • State appropriate null (Ho) and alternative (H1) hypotheses.
  • What is the critical value if we work with a significant level α = 0.05?
  • What is the decision rule?
  • Calculate the test statistic.
  • Are the bags indeed being underfilled?
  • Should machinery be recalibrated?

Isaias Perez

In a minimum of 125 words, respond to the following:

The appropriate null statement is Ho: p is greater than or equal to 50 pounds and H1: p is less than 50 pounds. For the problem, we have a sample of 20 bags to determine if we will reject the null statement (that the bags are indeed equal to or greater than 50 pounds) or fail to reject the null statement (the bags are indeed not being filled to or less than 50 pounds). Now, we will have to determine the decision rule, or the level of inconsistency with the data that will lead to a rejection of our null hypothesis. The critical value for a 0.05 significance level is 1.7291. Since we are conducting a left tailed test, the critical value is -1.7291. We will use the t-distribution since we have a small number of samples (less than 30) to determine if our calculated t-value falls within the rejection region. The formula is: t=(sample mean – hypothesized mean)/(sample standard deviation/square root of the number of samples). t=-2.23 which does in fact fall within the rejection region. So with a 95% confidence level, we can state that the bags are being under-filled by the machine. The machine should be recalibrated.

Coleen Maciel

In a minimum of 125 words, respond to the following:

Hello Professor and Class-

Issues like this that have been revealed need to be addressed in an appropriate manner as this can be seen in an unethical view. It is vital for any business or organization to address the concerns or issues of the customers that are supporting their business. Addressing issues as such early on can build a good relationship with customers an keep them for future purchases. The null hypothesis Ho would be the weight of a bag of grass seed is > 50 pounds. The alternative hypothesis is H1 which is the weight of a bag of grass seed which is >50 pounds. We can expect that the sample were 20. So we can calculate that the weight is 49.13 pounds. The critical value has been identified as level a= 0.05 In addition, with the standard deviation of 1.743,- 1729. The test statistic would conclude to -2.232.

With the significance levels being 0.05 there is an considerable that the bags were underfilled and the machinery need to be recalibration.




CU Forming Storming Norming & Performing Team Development Model Paper Writing Assignment Help

After reviewing/reading Chapters 11 & 12 of the textbook, access UC’s online Library and conduct research within the “Business Source Premier (EBSCO Host)” search engine and locate a Project Management Journal article among the thousands of journal articles made available within the many years of publications the Library holds.  The Project Management Journal article should tie directly into at least one highlight from the assigned chapters (Chapters 11 &12) reading/review material for the week.  This weekly research paper should include at least 2 pages, but not more than 3 pages, in the narrative and it should be typed in APA formatting (title page, reference page, no abstract page, double-spacing, Times New Roman 12 font, 1 inch margins, in-text citations, etc…). 

Your paper should contain the following headings:

  •     Introduction
  •     Summary of the article
  •     Relevant points made by the author
  •     Critique of the article
  •     Application of the concepts in the article


Excelsior College What Does Transparency Mean for Me as A Leader Paper Law Assignment Help

In this module, we have had a dual focus on SWOT and transparency. Taking into consideration all that you have learned this week, reflect on the following:

In your discussion around the CEO’s email missteps and spotlighted lack of transparency, we posed several guiding questions. We chose these questions because they can help us to make all-important decisions around how much information we will share with our teams and what words we will use.

Choose ONE question that you have reflected on over this module and share your thoughts on it. What have you learned? How has this shifted (or reinforced) your views on who you want to be as a leader? 

Here are the questions to choose from:

  • Should we ever be completely transparent?
  • How do you find where the line is, and how do you then convey to others in your organization what that line is?
  • How do you get buy-in that this is the right balance of transparency?
  • How does the line for transparency relate to an inclusive organizational culture discussed in the previous module?
  • How are the different disciplines handling transparency based upon how diverse and how inclusive they are?
  • Did you notice a difference in the way your task force functioned given the new leadership styles chosen?


University of Chicago Veterans Education and Benefits Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

a. Your consent form refers to an online survey but other materials refer to an interview. Please remove the discrepancies. Interviews are spoken data collection whereas surveys are written/typed. Please note that you do not need to update Form D. Moving forward, we will be disregarding that document since your study is confirmed as minimal risk.

b. In the consent form, please spell out what AGIF stands for.

c. Please fix the typos in the following consent form statements (it should be 3 separate sentences):

Being in this study could involve some risk of the minor discomforts that can be encountered in daily life, such as providing personal information about your experience in higher education system With the protections in place, this study would pose minimal risk to your wellbeing

This study offers no direct benefits to individual volunteers.

d. For this email format of recruitment, it doesn’t make sense to ask them to sign the consent form. Instead, it would make more sense to just ask them for their verbal consent right before the interview (and audiorecord their verbal consent). Please modify the last statement of the consent form to:

If you feel you understand the study and wish to volunteer, please contact the researcher.

e. #5 of Form C indicates that this study is anonymous- but that is only the case if you only learn their names. If you learn, their names, then the study is confidential, not anonymous. Please update #5 of Form C.


University of Leeds Business Corporate Strategic Management Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

University of Leeds Business Corporate Strategic Management Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

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