University of London Role of Nurses in Improving Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help

University of London Role of Nurses in Improving Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help. University of London Role of Nurses in Improving Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a management Essay and need a sample draft to help me study.
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A critical analysis focusing on one of the aspects covered within the module. can select ONE of the possible titles below.

Word limit: 2000 words

Possible essay titles

1.Discuss and evaluate ONE aspect of intercultural communication using ONE of the following professional settings:


2.Critically describe and evaluate no more than two models of intercultural competence. Examples from recent empirical research should be included.

3.Can instrument(s) to measure the ‘multicultural personality’ be considered reliable? Examples from empirical research should be referenced to illustrate your main points.

4.Choose ONE event from the media (television, radio, newspaper, etc.) that relates to intercultural communication in a professional context discussed in this module. Critically describe, explain and analyse this event in relation to ONE aspect of/approach to intercultural communication. (Audio-visual data should not exceed one minute and a full transcript and/or video-link must be included).

5.Discuss and evaluate the extent to which culture can be translated/interpreted in a professional context. Does this rely on an ‘essentialist’ approach to culture?

Whichever essay topic you choose: Note that most credit will be given for work drawing on a wide range of sources, most importantly including recent, empirical studies. All essays should engage the critically with the chosen topic.


1. All of the materials attached needs to be used as well as the lecture which I also have attached. Harvard referencing style and atleast 5 more references/ empirical studies/ theories needs to be discussed




5. 2000 WORDS

University of London Role of Nurses in Improving Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Texas Examining Role & Functions of Kidneys on A Persons Health Discussion Post Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

Book: Rizzo, Donald C. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. 4th Ed

Reading assignment: Chapter 18


In this discussion, you will examine the role and function of kidneys in the body.


    • List the functions of the nephrons.
    • Define the functions of the urinary system.


Step 1: Respond to the following:

Kidneys filter the blood and remove waste and extra fluid from the body and are essential for maintaining good health.

  • What is one possible reason for kidney failure? Why would someone die if kidney failure occurs?
  • Humans have two kidneys, but they can survive with one. Given the crucial function of the kidney, would you ever consider donating one of your kidneys to someone else? What factors would go into your decision?
  • Hypothetically, what impact would having only one kidney have on a person’s health?

*Be sure to cite any outside sources in APA format.


Regent University Wk 5 The Santa Fe Grill Marketing Project Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing case study and need guidance to help me study.

Case Study

Marketing Research Case Study and Analysis: The Santa Fe Grill

The owners started the Santa Fe Grill in Dallas, Texas because it was a good market for reaching baby-boomers and young families. The restaurant concept focused on fresh ingredients, a festive atmosphere, friendly service, and cutting-edge marketing and advertising. The business was successful but not as successful as the owners expected. They realized that marketing research could help to answer the questions, which would help them to improve their marketing strategy.

Review the History of the Santa Fe Grill in Chapters 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9. Prepare a report, summarizing the information from the history, and answer all the questions at the end of the case in a 1400 word paper. Use at least three journal articles (Regent Library databases) to support your positions. Use the APA style as appropriate.

Chapter 1

  1. Based on your understanding of Chapter 1, what kind of information about products, services, and customers should the owners of the Santa Fe Grill consider collecting?
  2. Is a research project actually needed? Is the best approach a survey of customers? Should employees also be surveyed? Why or why not?

Chapter 3

  1. Based on your understanding of the material presented in Chapter 3 and the above key research questions, should the owners of the Santa Fe Grill Mexican restaurant go back and restate their questions? If “no,” why not? If “yes,” why? Suggest how the research questions could be restated.
  2. Regarding the owners’ desire to understand the interrelationships between customer satisfaction, restaurant store image, and customer loyalty, develop a set of hypotheses that might be used to investigate these interrelationships.

Chapter 4

1. Do the two areas of the research project proposed by the consultant include all the areas that need to research? If not, which other needs to be studied.

2. Can these topics be fully understood with qualitative research alone. Is quantitative research needed as well?

Chapter 8

The Marketing Research in Action in this chapter extends the discussion on questionnaire design. It includes actual Screening Questions (Exhibit 8.7) and a Questionnaire (Exhibit 8.8) for Santa Fe Grill. The research objectives guiding the survey are provided.

  1. Based on the research objectives, does the self-administered questionnaire, in its current form, correctly illustrate sound questionnaire design principles? Please explain why or why not.
  2. Overall, is the current survey design able to capture the required data needed to address all the stated research objectives? Why or why not? If changes are needed, how would you change the survey’s design?

(i) To identify the factors people consider important in making casual dining restaurant choice decisions.

(ii) To determine the characteristics customers use to describe the Santa Fe Grill and its competitor, Jose’s Southwestern Café.

(iii) To develop a psychographic/demographic profile of the restaurant customers.

(iv) To determine the patronage and positive word-of-mouth advertising patterns of the restaurant customers.

(v) To assess the customer’s willingness to return to the restaurant in the future.

(vi) To assess the degree to which customers are satisfied with their Mexican restaurant experiences.

  1. Evaluate the “screener” used to qualify the respondents. Are there any changes needed? Why or why not?
  2. Redesign questions # 26-29 on the survey using a rating scale that will enable you to obtain the “degree of importance” a customer might attach to each of the four listed attributes in selecting a restaurant to dine at.

Chapter 9

  1. Could observation be used to collect qualitative information?
  2. If yes, when and how could observation be used?
  3. Are there topics that could be explored better using focus groups?
  4. If yes, suggest topics to be used in the focus group studies.

Remember to include a separate title page, double-spacing, APA current edition citations for paraphrased materials/(all direct quotes must have the page or paragraph numbers), and a references page.

Case Study Grading Rubric


MGT 321 Saudi Electronic University Economic Integration Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management question and need support to help me learn.

1) European Union and North American Free Trade Agreement are the most obvious example to show regional economic integration. Charles (2011) stated that there are five levels of economic integration. Describe them all in detail

2) Discuss the economic and political arguments for regional economic integration.


  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12) font.


MGT 321 Saudi Electronic University Management Saudi Aramco Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management question and need support to help me study.


  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
  • [supanova_question]


    Purdue Global University Community Program to Solve Family Problems Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    Developing Goals and Interventions to Meet Client Needs

    Throughout this course, you have learned about the different types of community programs. Many of the programs you have discussed started with an initial needs assessment. A needs assessment helps programs identify the problems faced by a community and then guides in the development of programming and interventions. As a human services professional, it is important to understand the importance of accurately assessing a client’s needs and then determining which interventions are critical to long-term success.

    For this Assignment, please respond to the following:

    • Identify two unmet needs or problems faced by families.

      • Provide a brief summary of each need or problem (e.g., demographic information, frequency of occurrence, and so on).

    • Using the two unmet needs or problems identified above, create one long-term and two short-term goals that you could implement with a family to assist with meeting their needs or solving their problems.

      • Briefly discuss the specific changes you expect by implementing these goals.

    • Based on your responses to the questions above, identify two interventions that could be implemented to assist a family with meeting their goals.

      • Briefly discuss why you selected each intervention and explain how it can lead to long-term success of a family.

    Assignment Guidelines

    Your Assignment should be a 3- to 4-page expository essay (not including the title and reference pages) and should include the following elements:

    • Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and section number, and date
    • Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.

      • Your responses should reflect professional writing standards using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and reflect knowledge of developing and delivering family services.

    • Reference page: Sources in APA format

      • Include a minimum of two scholarly or academic sources in addition to your text to support your responses and conclusions.
      • Make sure that all sources listed on the reference page correspond to in-text citations in the body of your paper.

    Purdue Global University Community Program to Solve Family Problems Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    CNL 505 GCU Ethical Decision Making in Health Sector Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me study.

    You are the executive director of a small publicly funded behavioral health agency that serves indigent clients. After 10 years of being able to serve all clients seeking help, your agency has just received a 20% budget cut and must prioritize which services to discontinue and which clients to turn away. The community has many suggestions: stop serving undocumented immigrants and their children; stop serving substance abuse clients, limit all clients to six sessions, discontinue providing expensive services like psychiatry, lay off professional counselors and hire non-licensed paraprofessionals, stop providing counseling and instead simply offer peer self-help groups and parenting classes, serve only the most seriously ill (or the least seriously ill), and serve only children. How would you approach the difficult task of cutting services by 20% in a manner that reflects your ethical obligations as a community counselor? Would your plan differ if you were in a private sector? If yes, how? What criteria would you consider? What theoretical or standard of care practice will you follow to make a final decision about what to cut from your program? Reference the ACA or ASCA Code of Ethics to support your answer.


    NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Global Health Factors Covid 19 Presentation Writing Assignment Help

    I’m working on a nursing presentation and need support to help me study.

    In this assignment, you will explore the cultural context of a global health problem and consider how the structure of a health care system affects the way the problem is addressed.

    Step 1: Identify a global health problem.
    Choose ONE health problem that affects people around the world, and that is impacted by cultural practices. Find reliable statistics that support the global nature of this problem.

    Step 2: Gather data.
    Find scholarly sources, research and gather global data about the health problem you have identified. For example, the World Health Organization posts disease and health risk prevalence data on a country-by-country basis. Searching websites of humanitarian organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, Operation Smile, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation can provide additional context about the health problem.

    Step 3: Create the slide presentation.
    Address the following points in your 10-12 slide presentation:

    Nursing perspectives of the problem

    • Describe the global impact of the health problem. Example topics could be comparing the impact across populations, communicable disease spread, environmental impacts
    • Describe the ways culture influences the risk factors, treatment and/or prognosis of the problem. Examples can be language barriers, food preparation, folk medicine usage etc. You may connect to one culture or multiple cultures in answering this prompt
    • Identify one or two cultural care strategies that nurses could use to improve the health problem

    Health care system impact on the problem

    • Consider how the structure of a health care system affects the way the problem is addressed
      • Consider how the structure of a health care system affects the way the problem is addressed. Compare at least two countries with different health care systems- for example, you may discuss access to care, diagnostic and treatment options, public policies and economic considerations such as costs to the patient
      • Discuss any differences in health outcome statistics for the health problem between the two countries. Is there any evidence for why these differences or lack of differences occur?

    Be sure to use statistics to substantiate the health problem. Make sure that you use APA 7th edition format to properly cite any sources.

    Step 4: Add presenter’s notes.
    Include talking points and details in the notes area for each slide. These notes should document what you would say to an audience about each slide if you were to present in person.

    Step 5: Cite any sources in APA format.


    Regent University Wk 3 Social Media Marketing Ford Target Market Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    SMM Plan Part II

    Week Five: SMM Plan Part II

    To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers’ buying influences and behaviors, integrating a biblical worldview. In Week Five, write at least 1400 words, creating the Target Market section, which includes performing the demographics and psychographics analysis. Include the Goals, Strategies, and implementation sections. 

    Your research must also include at least 5 additional academic (e.g., journal articles) resources in addition to your textbook to support your conclusions). Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    I.                    Goals

    Chapter 2 introduced a set of general social media goals, which provide a good starting point for crafting organization-specific goals. They include brand building, increasing customer satisfaction, driving word-of-mouth recommendations, producing new product ideas, generating leads, crisis reputation management, integrating social media with PR and advertising, and search engine optimization (SEO). You can determine your objectives with the S-M-A-R-T approach: Make your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 

    II.                  Strategies

    Once the social media goals have been set, the next step is to identify the strategies best suited for helping the organization reach them. Chapter 2 also introduced the Eight C’s of Strategy Development, which are guidelines for constructing social media marketing strategies for a particular organization.

    III.                Target Market

    A variety of characteristics can be used to segment the population and to identify target audience, through creating personas. We discussed 4 segmentation strategies:

    • demographic (such as age range, gender, income range, occupations, and education);
    • psychographic (such as personal values, beliefs, interests, hobbies, etc.);
    • geographic (physical location of the customer, rural/urban areas, state, country, etc.);
    • behavioral (consumer behavior such as spending habits, brand loyalty, usage rate, shopping preferences).

    IV.                 Platforms

    Once the 4 segmentation strategies have been used to define a company’s target market, the social media platforms with the highest concentration of the target audience should be chosen. You will need to research user statistics for social media platforms and, based on your findings, suggest which platform(s) will be most effective for reaching the target market you have identified in Section III.  

    V.                   Implementation

    a.    Platform-Specific Tactics and Tools

    Implementation is the process whereby the goals, strategies, target market, and tools are taken into consideration in creating actionable social media platform-specific tactics.

    Each social media platform requires unique and customized tactics to successfully execute the company’s overall strategies for reaching it marketing goals. (The text contains detailed tactics for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Swarm, a part of Foursquare).

    b.    Content Development

    Developing or Acquiring Content – A thorough analysis of the content needs for each social media platform should be conducted, identifying the specific needs of each community, finding the gaps in content, and either creating or acquiring the content.

    Managing Content – Regardless of whether platform content is prepared in-house or outsourced, it will still require editing.

    Cross-utilizing Content – A great way to leverage content across platforms is to restructure it for cross-platform utilization.

    Breaking Apart Content – Making content into smaller chunks and reformatting it will stretch the utilization of the material, allowing it to appear in various forms on multiple platforms, such as article directories, blogs, microblogs, podcasts, webinars, and discussion boards.

    c.    Assignments

    In order to execute platform-specific tactics and generate content, specific roles and responsibilities must be assigned based on expertise and availability of staff. The most successful social media marketing efforts result from having nontraditional roles lead the conversation. 

    Most of you are creating a plan for a small business, so budget considerations are crucial. If you suggest outsourcing SM content development or management tasks, please provide a cost estimate and make sure it is feasible, given the company’s resources.

    Think outside the box here, companies with smaller budget can leverage free resources available to them, usually local Chambers of Commerce offer some free training, see if your local chamber offers SM training the business can take advantage of, recruiting student interns from local colleges and universities is another option, etc.  


    MGT 425 Saudi Electronic University Spreadsheet Decision Modeling Report Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management question and need support to help me learn.


    • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
    • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
    • the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
    • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


    Week Five: SMM Plan Part II

    To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers’ buying influences and behaviors, integrating a biblical worldview. In Week Five, write at least 1400 words, creating the Target Market section, which includes performing the demographics and psychographics analysis. Include the Goals, Strategies, and implementation sections. 

    Your research must also include at least 5 additional academic (e.g., journal articles) resources in addition to your textbook to support your conclusions). Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    I.                    Goals

    Chapter 2 introduced a set of general social media goals, which provide a good starting point for crafting organization-specific goals. They include brand building, increasing customer satisfaction, driving word-of-mouth recommendations, producing new product ideas, generating leads, crisis reputation management, integrating social media with PR and advertising, and search engine optimization (SEO). You can determine your objectives with the S-M-A-R-T approach: Make your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 

    II.                  Strategies

    Once the social media goals have been set, the next step is to identify the strategies best suited for helping the organization reach them. Chapter 2 also introduced the Eight C’s of Strategy Development, which are guidelines for constructing social media marketing strategies for a particular organization.

    III.                Target Market

    A variety of characteristics can be used to segment the population and to identify target audience, through creating personas. We discussed 4 segmentation strategies:

    • demographic (such as age range, gender, income range, occupations, and education);
    • psychographic (such as personal values, beliefs, interests, hobbies, etc.);
    • geographic (physical location of the customer, rural/urban areas, state, country, etc.);
    • behavioral (consumer behavior such as spending habits, brand loyalty, usage rate, shopping preferences).

    IV.                 Platforms

    Once the 4 segmentation strategies have been used to define a company’s target market, the social media platforms with the highest concentration of the target audience should be chosen. You will need to research user statistics for social media platforms and, based on your findings, suggest which platform(s) will be most effective for reaching the target market you have identified in Section III.  

    V.                   Implementation

    a.    Platform-Specific Tactics and Tools

    Implementation is the process whereby the goals, strategies, target market, and tools are taken into consideration in creating actionable social media platform-specific tactics.

    Each social media platform requires unique and customized tactics to successfully execute the company’s overall strategies for reaching it marketing goals. (The text contains detailed tactics for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Swarm, a part of Foursquare).

    b.    Content Development

    Developing or Acquiring Content – A thorough analysis of the content needs for each social media platform should be conducted, identifying the specific needs of each community, finding the gaps in content, and either creating or acquiring the content.

    Managing Content – Regardless of whether platform content is prepared in-house or outsourced, it will still require editing.

    Cross-utilizing Content – A great way to leverage content across platforms is to restructure it for cross-platform utilization.

    Breaking Apart Content – Making content into smaller chunks and reformatting it will stretch the utilization of the material, allowing it to appear in various forms on multiple platforms, such as article directories, blogs, microblogs, podcasts, webinars, and discussion boards.

    c.    Assignments

    In order to execute platform-specific tactics and generate content, specific roles and responsibilities must be assigned based on expertise and availability of staff. The most successful social media marketing efforts result from having nontraditional roles lead the conversation. 

    Most of you are creating a plan for a small business, so budget considerations are crucial. If you suggest outsourcing SM content development or management tasks, please provide a cost estimate and make sure it is feasible, given the company’s resources.

    Think outside the box here, companies with smaller budget can leverage free resources available to them, usually local Chambers of Commerce offer some free training, see if your local chamber offers SM training the business can take advantage of, recruiting student interns from local colleges and universities is another option, etc.  


    MGT 425 Saudi Electronic University Spreadsheet Decision Modeling Report Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management question and need support to help me learn.


    • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
    • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
    • the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
    • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


    Week Five: SMM Plan Part II

    To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers’ buying influences and behaviors, integrating a biblical worldview. In Week Five, write at least 1400 words, creating the Target Market section, which includes performing the demographics and psychographics analysis. Include the Goals, Strategies, and implementation sections. 

    Your research must also include at least 5 additional academic (e.g., journal articles) resources in addition to your textbook to support your conclusions). Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    I.                    Goals

    Chapter 2 introduced a set of general social media goals, which provide a good starting point for crafting organization-specific goals. They include brand building, increasing customer satisfaction, driving word-of-mouth recommendations, producing new product ideas, generating leads, crisis reputation management, integrating social media with PR and advertising, and search engine optimization (SEO). You can determine your objectives with the S-M-A-R-T approach: Make your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 

    II.                  Strategies

    Once the social media goals have been set, the next step is to identify the strategies best suited for helping the organization reach them. Chapter 2 also introduced the Eight C’s of Strategy Development, which are guidelines for constructing social media marketing strategies for a particular organization.

    III.                Target Market

    A variety of characteristics can be used to segment the population and to identify target audience, through creating personas. We discussed 4 segmentation strategies:

    • demographic (such as age range, gender, income range, occupations, and education);
    • psychographic (such as personal values, beliefs, interests, hobbies, etc.);
    • geographic (physical location of the customer, rural/urban areas, state, country, etc.);
    • behavioral (consumer behavior such as spending habits, brand loyalty, usage rate, shopping preferences).

    IV.                 Platforms

    Once the 4 segmentation strategies have been used to define a company’s target market, the social media platforms with the highest concentration of the target audience should be chosen. You will need to research user statistics for social media platforms and, based on your findings, suggest which platform(s) will be most effective for reaching the target market you have identified in Section III.  

    V.                   Implementation

    a.    Platform-Specific Tactics and Tools

    Implementation is the process whereby the goals, strategies, target market, and tools are taken into consideration in creating actionable social media platform-specific tactics.

    Each social media platform requires unique and customized tactics to successfully execute the company’s overall strategies for reaching it marketing goals. (The text contains detailed tactics for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Swarm, a part of Foursquare).

    b.    Content Development

    Developing or Acquiring Content – A thorough analysis of the content needs for each social media platform should be conducted, identifying the specific needs of each community, finding the gaps in content, and either creating or acquiring the content.

    Managing Content – Regardless of whether platform content is prepared in-house or outsourced, it will still require editing.

    Cross-utilizing Content – A great way to leverage content across platforms is to restructure it for cross-platform utilization.

    Breaking Apart Content – Making content into smaller chunks and reformatting it will stretch the utilization of the material, allowing it to appear in various forms on multiple platforms, such as article directories, blogs, microblogs, podcasts, webinars, and discussion boards.

    c.    Assignments

    In order to execute platform-specific tactics and generate content, specific roles and responsibilities must be assigned based on expertise and availability of staff. The most successful social media marketing efforts result from having nontraditional roles lead the conversation. 

    Most of you are creating a plan for a small business, so budget considerations are crucial. If you suggest outsourcing SM content development or management tasks, please provide a cost estimate and make sure it is feasible, given the company’s resources.

    Think outside the box here, companies with smaller budget can leverage free resources available to them, usually local Chambers of Commerce offer some free training, see if your local chamber offers SM training the business can take advantage of, recruiting student interns from local colleges and universities is another option, etc.  


    MGT 425 Saudi Electronic University Spreadsheet Decision Modeling Report Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management question and need support to help me learn.


    • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
    • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
    • the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
    • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


    Week Five: SMM Plan Part II

    To develop effective relationship marketing, a company must first understand its targeted consumers’ buying influences and behaviors, integrating a biblical worldview. In Week Five, write at least 1400 words, creating the Target Market section, which includes performing the demographics and psychographics analysis. Include the Goals, Strategies, and implementation sections. 

    Your research must also include at least 5 additional academic (e.g., journal articles) resources in addition to your textbook to support your conclusions). Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    I.                    Goals

    Chapter 2 introduced a set of general social media goals, which provide a good starting point for crafting organization-specific goals. They include brand building, increasing customer satisfaction, driving word-of-mouth recommendations, producing new product ideas, generating leads, crisis reputation management, integrating social media with PR and advertising, and search engine optimization (SEO). You can determine your objectives with the S-M-A-R-T approach: Make your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 

    II.                  Strategies

    Once the social media goals have been set, the next step is to identify the strategies best suited for helping the organization reach them. Chapter 2 also introduced the Eight C’s of Strategy Development, which are guidelines for constructing social media marketing strategies for a particular organization.

    III.                Target Market

    A variety of characteristics can be used to segment the population and to identify target audience, through creating personas. We discussed 4 segmentation strategies:

    • demographic (such as age range, gender, income range, occupations, and education);
    • psychographic (such as personal values, beliefs, interests, hobbies, etc.);
    • geographic (physical location of the customer, rural/urban areas, state, country, etc.);
    • behavioral (consumer behavior such as spending habits, brand loyalty, usage rate, shopping preferences).

    IV.                 Platforms

    Once the 4 segmentation strategies have been used to define a company’s target market, the social media platforms with the highest concentration of the target audience should be chosen. You will need to research user statistics for social media platforms and, based on your findings, suggest which platform(s) will be most effective for reaching the target market you have identified in Section III.  

    V.                   Implementation

    a.    Platform-Specific Tactics and Tools

    Implementation is the process whereby the goals, strategies, target market, and tools are taken into consideration in creating actionable social media platform-specific tactics.

    Each social media platform requires unique and customized tactics to successfully execute the company’s overall strategies for reaching it marketing goals. (The text contains detailed tactics for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Swarm, a part of Foursquare).

    b.    Content Development

    Developing or Acquiring Content – A thorough analysis of the content needs for each social media platform should be conducted, identifying the specific needs of each community, finding the gaps in content, and either creating or acquiring the content.

    Managing Content – Regardless of whether platform content is prepared in-house or outsourced, it will still require editing.

    Cross-utilizing Content – A great way to leverage content across platforms is to restructure it for cross-platform utilization.

    Breaking Apart Content – Making content into smaller chunks and reformatting it will stretch the utilization of the material, allowing it to appear in various forms on multiple platforms, such as article directories, blogs, microblogs, podcasts, webinars, and discussion boards.

    c.    Assignments

    In order to execute platform-specific tactics and generate content, specific roles and responsibilities must be assigned based on expertise and availability of staff. The most successful social media marketing efforts result from having nontraditional roles lead the conversation. 

    Most of you are creating a plan for a small business, so budget considerations are crucial. If you suggest outsourcing SM content development or management tasks, please provide a cost estimate and make sure it is feasible, given the company’s resources.

    Think outside the box here, companies with smaller budget can leverage free resources available to them, usually local Chambers of Commerce offer some free training, see if your local chamber offers SM training the business can take advantage of, recruiting student interns from local colleges and universities is another option, etc.  


    MGT 425 Saudi Electronic University Spreadsheet Decision Modeling Report Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management question and need support to help me learn.


    • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
    • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
    • the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
    • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


    University of London Role of Nurses in Improving Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    University of London Role of Nurses in Improving Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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