University of Louisiana at Lafayette Samsung Incorporation Research Paper Writing Assignment Help. University of Louisiana at Lafayette Samsung Incorporation Research Paper Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a writing report and need an explanation to help me understand better.
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APA format research paper is required. This is a History research paper, therefore, information in the paper should include a history of the organization chosen and include who, what, when, where, and how. Such as who founded it, what the organization does, when (history), where the organization is managed and where they do their work, and who they help. Their fundraising efforts should also be included. Official Web sites can be used but must be cited correctly and include all required information. Articles, books, and other resources should also be used.
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Samsung Incorporation Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Walden University Health Equity Evidence Based Practices CAARE Inc Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
o Prepare: Meet with your Field Instructor. During the meeting, you are expected to assess the population(s) served by the agency. After meeting with the Field Instructor, conduct extensive research regarding the agency’s client population. You will be expected to use at least 5 peer-reviewed resources. The purpose of the research is to discover “evidenced based practices” that are most effective while working with clients served within the population. If the agency serves more than one population, select one sub-population within the agency to conduct the review.********* THE AGENCY NAME IS CAARE INC*********** Location is Durham
explain the following:
- Population researched
- Best evidenced based practices modalities used to engage the population
- Current modalities used in the agency
- Briefly discuss and suggest to methods of implementing evidence-based practices in the agency
- Analyze the findings from the articles you researched
University of Phoenix Nuclear Waste Disposal Briefing Report Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a environmental science question and need support to help me understand better.
Assignment Content
St Thomas University Vaginal Bleeding after Sexual Intercourse Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help
For this Discussion, your instructor will assign you a case number.
Case 1Case 2Case 3 Cases
O.P. is a 43-year-old female patient who is seeing at the office because she is complaining of vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse for about two months now.
She stated she has been married for 4 years now but has multiple sexual partners in the past. As positive history in her last cervical cancer screen (two years ago) she was positive for HPV type 16.
L.T. is a 62-year-old female patient who consulted to the clinic for abdominal discomfort, vague abdominal pain in lower abdomen, constipation and low to moderated pain with sexual intercourse. She is post-menopausal and her last visit to her OB/GYN doctor was two years ago.
She was at the local Urgent care clinic last month and was discharge with OTC medications for constipation and follow up with PCP. During your physical exam you notice discomfort at deep abdominal palpation in left lower quadrant. On bi-manual pelvic examination you notice a mass of about 4 cm x 3 cm, nodular and with limited mobility on the left lower abdomen.
You work in a women’s health clinic. Many come lower abdominal discomfort. with Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP).
Questions for the case
- Discuss the appropriate diagnostic testing for the patient.
- Develop the management plan (pharmacological and nonpharmacological).
- Why is HPV the most important of the cervical cancer screening in patients that have tested HPV positive.
- According to the United States Preventive Service Taskforce (USPSTF) guidelines, what would be the cervical cancer screening recommendation for average risk women in the age range for O.P. and until what age women should be screened.
- Develop the management plan (pharmacological and nonpharmacological).
- Discuss the appropriate diagnostic testing for the patient
- Discuss differential diagnoses with ICD 10 numbers for each.
- Base on the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) give treatment examples for a patient with a Stage IIB Ovarian Cancer.
- Discuss and described the pathophysiology and symptomology/clinical manifestations.
- Give three examples with definition of Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) of:
I. Gynecologic origin with ICD 10 numbers.
II. Non-gynecologic origin with ICD 10 numbers.
- Discuss patient education.
- Develop the management plan (pharmacological and nonpharmacological).
Once you received your case number; answer the specific question on the table above. Then, continue to discuss the 3 topics listed below for your case:
- An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.
- Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.
- Describe family structure and function and the relationship with health care.
Abraham Lincoln University The Value of Childrens Literature Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me understand better.
Article Excerpt 1: This excerpt is from Peter Hunt’s “The expanding world of Children’s Literature Studies “Understanding Children’s Literature’” Routledge Press, 1998. Write an essay that agrees or disagrees with Hunt’s assessment about children’s literature. In your essay, use three different literary texts from the syllabus to make your argument. Be sure to have a clear thesis statement and include quotes from Hunt’s article in your essay.
‘Children’s literature’ sounds like an enticing field of study; because children’s books have been largely beneath the notice of intellectual and cultural gurus, they are (apparently) blissfully free of the ‘oughts’: what we ought to think and say about them. More than that, to many readers, children’s books are a matter of private delight, which means, perhaps, that they are real literature – if ‘literature’ consists of texts which engage, change, and provoke intense responses in readers.
But if private delight seems a somewhat indefensible justification for a study, then we can reflect on the direct or indirect influence that children’s books have, and have had, socially, culturally, and historically. They are overtly important educationally and commercially – with consequences across the culture, from language to politics: most adults, and almost certainly the vast majority of those in positions of power and influence, read children’s books as children, and it is inconceivable that the ideologies permeating those books had no influence on their development.
The books have, none the less, been marginalised. Childhood is, after all, a state we grow away from, while children’s books – from writing to publication to interaction with children – are the province of that culturally marginalised group, females. But this marginalisation has had certain advantages; because it has been culturally low-profile, ‘children’s literature’ has not become the ‘property’ of any group or discipline: it does not ‘belong’ to the Department of Literature or the Library School, or the local parents’ organisation. It is attractive and interesting to students (official or unofficial) of literature, education, library studies, history, psychology, art, popular culture, media, the caring professions, and so on, and it can be approached from any specialist viewpoint. Its nature, both as a group of texts and as a subject for study, has been to break down barriers between disciplines, and between types of readers. And as a group of texts it is at once one of the liveliest and most original of the arts, and the site of the crudest commercial exploitation. This means that, just as children’s books do not exist in a vacuum (they have real, 1argumentative readers and visible, practical, consequential uses), so the theory of children’s literature constantly blends into the practice of bringing books and readers together.
The slightly uncomfortable (or very inspiring) corollary of this is that we have to accept that children’s books are complex, and the study of them infinitely varied. Many students around the world who have been enticed onto children’s literature courses at all ‘levels’ rapidly find that things are more complicated than they had assumed. There cannot be many teachers of children’s literature who have not been greeted with a querulous ‘But it’s only a children’s book’, ‘Children won’t see that in it’, or ‘You’re making it more difficult than it should be’. But the complexities are not mere problematising by academics eager to secure their meal tickets; the most apparently straightforward act of communication is amazingly intricate – and we are dealing here with fundamental questions of communication and understanding between adults and children, or, more exactly, between individuals.
Children’s literature is more complex than it seems, even more complex, perhaps, is the position it finds itself in, between adult writers, readers, critics and practitioners, and child readers. Children’s literature is an obvious point at which theory encounters real life, where we are forced to ask: what can we say about a book, why should we say it, how can we say it, and what effect will what we say have? We are also forced to confront our preconceptions. Many people will deny that they were influenced by their childhood reading (‘I read xyz when I was a child, and it didn’t do me any harm’), and yet these may be the same people who accept that childhood is an important phase in our lives (as is almost universally acknowledged), and that children are vulnerable, susceptible, and must be protected from manipulation. Children’s literature is important – and yet it is not.
Consequently, before setting off to explore the somewhat tangled jungle that is ‘children’s literature’, we need to establish some basic concepts, ideas, and methods: to work through fundamental arguments, to look at which techniques of criticism, which discourses, and which strategies are appropriate to – or even unique to – our subject. It can be argued that we can (and should) harness the considerable theoretical and analytical apparatus of every discipline from philosophy to psychotherapy; or that we should evolve a critical theory and practice tailored to the precise needs of ‘children’s literature’.
Use MLA style.
Around 200-300 words
Bay Path College Behavioral Management Techniques Classroom Environment Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
Go to YouTube and pick a grade level or environment that aligns with your career path. Choose a minimum of 3 videos and be sure to include the links in your submitted assignment. Videos are below for each video (minimum of 3) answer the following:
- Briefly describe the classroom environment.
- Explain the behavioral management techniques used to keep the class focused and engaged.
- What connections did you draw between what you observed and our class topics/discussions/readings?
- How did the teacher spark the student’s interest before the lesson began?
- Were the lesson learning objectives made clear?
- Did the teacher use any type of grouping or pairing of students? If so, what kinds of groups were used?
- Did the children seem to understand the lesson? Were any students having trouble with the lesson? If so, what do you think would help them?
- What kinds of multicultural elements/curriculum did you observe?
- From what you observed, what modifications were used in the lesson for students with special needs?
- Was this observation experience valuable to you as a learner? Why or why not?
Bay Path College Behavioral Management Techniques Classroom Environment Analysis Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Herzing University Online Evolution of Various Forms of Communication Infographic Health Medical Assignment Help
As media grows and changes, we incorporate the new forms of communications into popular culture. However, the previous communication methods continue to be used as well.
Your assignment this week has two parts: First, you will create a timeline or infographic to address the following questions:
- Research and provide examples or comparisons that demonstrate these changes over time from each of the categories: Print, Radio/Music, Cinema, Television, and the Internet. Include images of each artifact.
- How have these various forms of communication have evolved since they were first introduced? (Give a “before” and “after”)
Second, you will write a mini-statement answering the following question.
- In 300-500 words, give your opinion: Will pop culture ever stop using a form of media? Why or why not?
You will submit an Infographic or timeline in response to part 1 with an accompanying mini-statement to address part 2.
Helpful tips:
- Here are a couple of perfect tools to use to create your infographic for this assignment! You can open a free account at https://venngag (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) or (Links to an external site.) to make your infographic.
- Prezi (Links to an external site.)would be a good tool to use for your infographic as well. Here’s a great example of a Prezi timeline template:
SUNY College at Geneseo MindBridge Study Builder Inc Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting case study and need an explanation to help me learn.
The Fraud Case
Builder Inc. is a small construction company located in Western Canada. It employs staff of 150 and
is relatively successful. Even though the company experiences steady growth in recent years,
competition is fierce and margins are shrinking. The company has an aggressive remuneration policy
with a significant part of the CEO’s pay (Mike Smith) being tied to profits. Revenue based bonuses
were fully utilized in the recent financial year despite the difficult economic situation.
During the risk-assessment process the audit team flagged the bonus scheme as a risk item.
Appropriate tests are to be designed to address this risk.
The General Journal
The company provided you with a partial General Journal (GJ_Case_Study_B.csv). The total balance
of the Journal is just above $ 4.4 million. The FY start date is 1 January. Download the data file to your
computer. Please note that the materiality for this audit engagement is $50,000. It is also important
to note that bookkeeping is regularly done on weekends.
Single Spaced Size 12 Times New Roman font
Explain your findings based on the Excel file
MBA FPX 5014 Capella University High Performing Financial Analyst Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
An 8-10 slide presentation to your staff describing your analysis, linking what tools you utilized and why you chose those tools. You will use data to support your evidence base financial decisions. You will also explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff.
This assessment builds on your prior work in Assessments 1 and 2. It is a presentation to your staff describing you analysis, linking what tools you utilized and why you chose those tools. You will use data to support your evidence-base financial decisions. You will also explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff.
- Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization.
- Analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.
- Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.
- Use data to support evidence-based financial decisions.
The senior leadership has approved your recommendations to move forward. You are now tasked with operationalizing your recommendations. Meeting with your staff, you will translate recommendations to strategies and corresponding tactical objectives. You will explain how you used financial analysis to develop these recommendations, discussing the financial tools you will use to monitor implementation progress.
Your Role
You are one of the high-performing financial analyst managers at ABC Healthcare Corporation and are under consideration for a promotion to Director of Operations.
Follow these steps to complete this presentation:
- You are presenting to your staff a summary of the reports presented to senior leadership (Assessments 1 and 2).
- Start by presenting the overall current financial condition of the company as presented to senior leadership (one to two slides).
- Provide an overview of your analysis, linking what tools (financial statements, ratios, industry trends, capital structure) you utilized and why you chose these tools (two slides).
- Link the data used to support your evidence-based financial decisions, providing justification for the recommendations (two slides).
- State the recommendations focused on maximizing stakeholder value into strategies newly adopted by the company, i.e., expansion to a new geographical market, the development of a new dividend policy, changes in capital expenditures, reduction of workforce (one slide).
- Translate those strategies to tactical objectives to be implemented by your staff, noting evidenced-based academic citations (one to two slides).
- Discuss what financial tools you will use to monitor the progress of these tactics (one slide).
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 1: Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization.
- Demonstrate an understanding of key financial tools (financial statements, ratios, industry trends, capital structure, competitive analysis) by providing an overview of the analysis used supporting recommendations made in Assessments 1 and 2. Provide a rationale for why tools were utilized.
- Competency 2: Analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.
- Link the data used to support evidence-based recommendations, translating the recommendations to strategies focused on maximizing stakeholder value.
- Competency 3: Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.
- Translate strategies to tactical objectives to be implemented by staff, noting evidenced-based academic citations.
- Competency 4: Use data to support evidence-based financial decisions.
- Evaluate and recommend financial tools to be used to monitor the progress of these tactics.
BUS 419 Strayer University Project Estimating and Budgeting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
- You have a choice to manage one of three projects.
- You are familiar with the first project’s sponsor, but the project customer has been known to be difficult to work with.
- The second project is a complex, high-profile project that has a strong, active project customer who doubles as the project sponsor.
- The third project is one that is not as complex as the second project, but you have a good working relationship with the customer. You do not, however, have any insight about the project sponsor.
- Which of the projects would you choose to manage and why? Suppose your manager asks you to manage a project in which you are not interested. How will you handle the situation?
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Samsung Incorporation Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Samsung Incorporation Research Paper Writing Assignment Help