University of Maine at Augusta Chinatown Film Analysis Writing Assignment Help. University of Maine at Augusta Chinatown Film Analysis Writing Assignment Help.
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I need a 5 paragraph essay about analyzing a movie called “China Town”.
See attached word document for topics first (let me know which one you are going to choose)?
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2, 3, and 4 (body) for each paragraph select a character of the movie and write about them but keep in mind the subject needs to be related to the chosen topic (see attached file) so 3 charecters in total, one for each paragrphs within the paper’s body.
Paragraph 5: Conclusion
APA format
In-text citations according to references used
List all references used
Note: see attached file first to choose a topic (make sure you indicate which topic you chose here in the notes so I’ll know which one)?
University of Maine at Augusta Chinatown Film Analysis Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Milwaukee Technical WK6 Inferential Statistics & Manufacturing Database HW Business Finance Assignment Help
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is for students to synthesize the concepts learned throughout the course. This assignment will provide students an opportunity to build critical thinking skills, develop businesses and organizations, and solve problems requiring data by compiling all pertinent information into one report.
Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Signature Assignment Databases (attached), Signature Assignment Options (attached), Part 3: Inferential Statistics (attached)
Scenario: Upon successful completion of the MBA program, imagine you work in the analytics department for a consulting company. Your assignment is to analyze one of the following databases:
- Manufacturing
- Hospital
- Consumer Food
- Financial
Select one of the databases based on the information in the Signature Assignment Options.
Write a 1,000- to 1,600-word detailed, statistical paper including the following:
- Explain the context of the case
- Provide a research foundation for the topic
- Present graphs
- Explain outliers
- Prepare calculations
- Conduct hypotheses tests
- Discuss inferences you have made from the results
This assignment is broken down into four parts:
- Part 1 – Preliminary Analysis
- Part 2 – Examination of Descriptive Statistics
- Part 3 – Examination of Inferential Statistics
- Part 4 – Conclusion/Recommendations
Part 1 – Preliminary Analysis
Generally, as a statistics consultant, you will be given a problem and data. At times, you may have to gather additional data. For this assignment, assume all the data is already gathered for you.
State the objective:
- What are the questions you are trying to address?
Describe the population in the study clearly and in sufficient detail:
- What is the sample?
Discuss the types of data and variables:
- Are the data quantitative or qualitative?
- What are levels of measurement for the data?
Part 2 – Descriptive Statistics
Examine the given data.
Present the descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, variance, CV, and five-number summary).
Identify any outliers in the data.
Present any graphs or charts you think are appropriate for the data.
Note: Ideally, we want to assess the conditions of normality too. However, for the purpose of this exercise, assume data is drawn from normal populations.
Part 3 – Inferential Statistics
Use the Part 3: Inferential Statistics document.
- Create (formulate) hypotheses
- Run formal hypothesis tests
- Make decisions. Your decisions should be stated in non-technical terms.
- The decision should be either to reject the null hypothesis or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Hint: A final conclusion saying “reject the null hypothesis” by itself without explanation is basically worthless to those who hired you. Similarly, stating the conclusion is false or rejected is not sufficient. You must emphatically state whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Part 4 – Conclusion and Recommendations
This conclusion is not the conclusion to the paper. This is the conclusion to the study based on the case scenario. The conclusion should tie back to the problem that was to be solved.
Include the following:
- What are your conclusions and recommendations?
- What do you infer from the statistical analysis?
- State the interpretations in non-technical terms. What information might lead to a different conclusion?
- Are there any variables missing?
- What additional information would be valuable to help draw a more certain conclusion?
Use the Excel Spreadsheet to show your work.
Format your assignment consistent with APA format with at least one (1) scholarly, peer-reviewed reference and one reference from the assigned readings (textbook).
Please Include:
- An Introduction paragraph (Do Not Write the word Introduction to begin the body of the paper – Use the title of the paper instead). There should be a thesis statement in the introduction paragraph.
- At least three (3) Level One Headings
- Conclusion Heading.
Submit the Excel Spreadsheet and the Paper. You must submit the spreadsheet to show your work.
Jawaharlal Nehru Applications of Big Data Analytics & Related Technologies in Maintenance Summary Computer Science Assignment Help
For this task, you will select a current research paper (published since 2016) to review. You may select any research paper that is related to Data Science or Big Data Analytics. I strongly recommend that you start your search at Google Scholar ( Once you enter your search term(s), select the “Since 2016” link on the left. Feel free to choose ANY relevant paper. (I would recommend that you select one that you can read and summarize in a reasonable amount of time. Don’t select a 100 page paper!)
1) Your review should be 1/2 to 1-1/2 pages, single spaced. (DO NOT exceed the page length! Really. I’m not kidding.)
2) Please upload a Microsoft Word document to submit your review.
3) You should briefly summarize the content of the article or paper and explain how it relates to Data Science and/or Big Data Analytics.
4) IMPORTANT – Provide your own assessment of the article. (Did it make sense? Did you learn anything from it? Do you agree or disagree with the content?)
5) Use the APA style for the paper and any references. You MUST use APA in-text references AND provide a list of any resources you used in the references list at the end of your paper. (PLEASE do NOT overuse references. More than a couple for such a short paper is overkill.)
Kaplan University Professional and Non Professional Selling Reflection Business Finance Assignment Help
The idea for critical reflection is to encourage you to dig a bit more on a single topic and give it that personal reflection.
People are often asked to write about a topic; they then proceed to regurgitate from books or articles about the topic without really learning anything unless it actually relates to their own world.
For example, consider the topic of cultural communications. While you could write books on the differences between cultures and how they communicate, it would mean more to you personally if you were to write about a situation where you may need to communicate with someone, who due to their culture, gets very animated when they talk. This might come off to you as being loud and bossy. On the other hand, you might have a communication situation where someone simply agrees with you because they do not like to get into personal disagreements.
The following course outcome is assessed in this Assignment:
GEL 1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
Instructions: Access the rubric and then write a minimum 500-word critical reflection paper in APA format with an additional title and references pages in response to the checklist items. Submit your response to the Dropbox.
- Describe in your own words the difference between professional sales and non-professional selling.
- Reflect on how you might use what you learned in this course regarding professional selling whether you enter a sales career or other career path.
- Use all six parts of the critical reflection as outlined in the critical reflection document below.
- Your reflection should be a minimum of 500 words and you are to include a minimum of this course to add value to your reflection. Include an additional title page and references page, double-spaced, and in APA format.
Lee College Sony Corporation Business Analytics Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
This unit allows you to expand your knowledge of the OME model. Business Analytics is an important aspect of the OME process and follows the VSM step.
Using the SONY CORPORATION, prepare a KPI “tree” that cascades down from the higher levels in the organization to operational levels with a specific emphasis on the Operational cockpit dashboard as illustrated in your readings. Please use your future state VSM to identify certain vital KPI’s. Make sure you use the SMART criteria. Please provide an example (graph) for 2 or 3 of your KPI’s. You can populate the graph with fictitious data for illustration purposes.
Previous week’s assignments are uploaded as reference
HSA4640 St Petersburg College Medical Records Paper Writing Assignment Help
part one
Health care records have become an integral part of the effective treatment of patients in all areas of health care. As many health care facilities rush to convert to digital electronic medical records, many have asked the question “What is or should be in a medical record?” An added consideration to this discussion is who actually owns an electronic medical record: the records company that hosts the record in the ‘cloud’, the physician, the patient, the hospital, etc.
Additionally, patient confidentiality is extremely important to all health care workers, regardless of whether they are clinical or administrative workers. This confidentiality is so important that federal policy has been created to help ensure that patient privacy is upheld. This federal policy is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, commonly known as HIPAA. Many of you have experience with HIPAA from a provider standpoint as well as your own individual experiences in health care practices.
In an original post of 200 words by Midnight Thursday EST identify:
- What elements should be contained in a medical record and who owns this record.
- Two changes you would make to current HIPAA policies and why you would make these changes
Please complete two peer replies by Midnight Sunday EST of 75 words each.
Remember that responses to instructor comments do not count toward the minimum post requirements. Failure to meet the assignment instructions, submit posts in a timely manner, respond to an instructor comment, or provide citations and references for all source material will result in loss of points. Do not use quoted or copied material for discussion posts.
Part two
Using the case that you reviewed for your final assignment, what steps could have been taken to reduce the risk to the individuals involved in the case? How could the case have been avoided? Remember, stick to the facts of the case – this is not opinion based.
Complete an original posting of 200 words and two peer replies of 75 words by Module closing. Please see the course snapshot for Module closing dates.
Remember that responses to instructor comments do not count toward the minimum post requirements. Failure to meet the assignment instructions, submit posts in a timely manner, respond to an instructor comment, or provide citations and references for all source material will result in loss of points. Do not use quoted or copied material for discussion posts.
HSA4640 St Petersburg College Medical Records Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Abraham Lincoln University Email Response to a Conflict Paper Writing Assignment Help
You have just received two emails, one from your boss or supervisor and one from a coworker. The two emails address the same situation. A minor problem has occurred that you may be responsible for creating. Your boss/supervisor has asked you for a resolution to the problem. Your coworker, who has been affected by this problem, is angry with you and has written an inflammatory email accusing you of creating this problem on purpose.
- Using word, write an email as a reply to both of the emails that you have received. You should attempt to resolve the problem as efficiently as possible.
- Since your email will be received both by a supervisor and a coworker, consider all aspects of your communication including the formality of the language you use, grammar, and all aspects of formal communication. Your goal is to solve the problem and maintain your professionalism at the same time.
- On the same document, analyze the conflict that has happened. What was the cause of the conflict? How did you attempt to resolve the conflict? What did you need to address in terms of your supervisor’s concerns, and how were these different from your coworker’s concerns? Do you think your supervisor and coworker handled the conflict well in their emails to you? How effective are these emails?
Grading Rubric
Email effectively reaches a solution for all aspects of the problem and addresses all concerns in both emails. Solution reached is complete, effective, and does not create any additional potential problems.
Email is professional throughout. Tone, language, spelling, syntax and other aspects of communication are accurate and effective.
Analysis offers a clear definition of the conflict and explanation of the solution offered with significant detail. Comparison of received emails is accurate and thorough and indicates a high level of knowledge regarding these differences.
Analysis of the effectiveness of the two received emails is clear and complete and demonstrates a deep knowledge of concepts regarding the effectiveness of written communication.
HLT362V050 Grand Canyon Wk 5 Enhancing Psychoeducation to Reduce Maternal Fear During Birth Paper Mathematics Assignment Help
Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics |
Search the GCU Library and find one new health care article that uses quantitative research. Do not use an article from a previous assignment, or that appears in the Topic Materials or textbook.
Complete an article analysis and ethics evaluation of the research using the “Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics” template. See Chapter 5 of your textbook as needed, for assistance.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
Week 5 Biology and Physiology Regarding Sensation & Perception Annotated Bibliography Science Assignment Help
annotated bibliography on a set of topics. For this assignment you use that information as a literature review. You will then develop a paper based on the information you collected as well as what you learned from your course and text readings. Here is the list of topic areas that was used.
- The major theories associated with perception
- Critical features of biology and physiology regarding sensation and perception
- Articulate the connection between biology, physiology, and the environment
- Processes associated with the perception of color, brightness, and contrast
The paper should adhere to the following guidelines:
- For the main sections it should have a:
- Title page
- Introduction
- Literature review
- Conclusion
- Reference page(s)
SEU Organizational Leadership versus Management Essay Writing Assignment Help
- These assignments are an individual assignment.
- All students are encouraged to use their own words.
- Be three to five pages in length (800-1000 words), which does not include the title page, abstract or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use proper referencing (APA style) to reference, other style will not be accepted.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.
- It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the safe assignment Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading.
- Write a three-part essay (i.e., an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph) that address the questions using a question and answer format.
University of Maine at Augusta Chinatown Film Analysis Writing Assignment Help
University of Maine at Augusta Chinatown Film Analysis Writing Assignment Help